MCQ General Surgery

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1. Acute hemorrhage leads to all the following except:

a- bradycardia b- hypothermia c- oliguria d- tachypnea
2. Arterial blood is characterized by: a- dark red and pulsatile
b- dark and steady flow c- bright red and pulsatile d- diffuse
ooze of bright red blood
3. Reactionary hemorrhage occurs:
a- at time of trauma b- within 24 hours of trauma = (1st day of operation)
c- one or two weeks after trauma d- not related to trauma
4. Physiological response to hemorrhage include all the following except:
a- vasoconstriction b- platelet plug formation
c- vasodilatation d- blood clotting
5. Incised Wounds are:
a-longer than deeper with clean cut b-associated with little hemorrhage c-
have irregular edges d- deep with risk of injury to deep structures
6. Bad wound healing is suspected in:
a- young age b- good oral intake c- females d- debilitating diseases
7. Regarding operative consent, one of the following is true:
a- can be obtained pre or postoperatively b- verbal consent is enough c-
signed consent is mandatory
d- includes illustration of operative technique only
8. Complications of thyroid gland surgery include all the following except:
a- Diabetes mellitus b- hemorrhage c-
hoarseness of voice d- respiratory obstruction
9. The following factors can affect wound healing except:

a- sex b- vascularity c- tension of the wound

d- foreign bodies and necrotic tissues
10. The following should be done preoperatively except: a- history of
medication b- bank account c- psychological assessment d- informed
11. The following is a common cause of postoperative fever:
a- wound infection b- early ambulation c- lifting heavy objects d-
intravenous fluids
12. Healing by secondary intention: a- leads to a nice scar b- occur in clean
wounds when closed immediately c- occur when the wound is left open
until become clean d- occur when the edges are gapped due to infection or
13. The following are types of open wounds except:
a- lacerated wounds b- contusions c- abrasions d- missile wounds
14. In class II hemorrhage:
a- 750-1500 ml is lost b-skin is cold and pale c- pulse is 100-120 d-
all the previous
15. First aid treatment of hemorrhage include:
a- packing b- pressure c- elevation of the limb d- all the previous
16. Which of the following is not of the four major events of hemostasis:
a- fibrinolysis b- vasodilatation c-platelet plug formation d-
fibrin production
17. Which of the following factors require vitamin K in its formation except: a-
Factor VIII b- Factor X c- Factor IX d- Factor VII

18. Which of the following if present is a specific feature of neurogenic shock:

a- Hypotension b- Bradycardia c- Vasodilatation d- Vasoconstriction
19. Which of the following is the most commonly acquired infection in
hospitalized surgical patient:
a- Lower gastrointestinal infection b-Lower respiratory tract infection c-
Nasopharyngeal infection d- Surgical wound infection 20. Which of
the following increase the risk of breast cancer in women is:
a) 3% b) 8% c) 12%

21. The most common site of volvulus is )‫(االجابتين صح‬

a) Caecum b) Proximal jejunum c) Sigmoid colon d)
22. Which of the following is the usual location for the tip of appendix:
a) Retrocaecal, Pelvic, Subcaecal b) Preileal, Right pericolic, Subovarian
c)Retrocaecal,Subcaecal,Supracaecal d)Right pericolic,Subovarian, Pelvic
23. In which decade of life would a patient be most likely to get appendicitis:
a) First b) Second c) Sixth
d) Seventh
24. Steps in synthesis of thyroid hormone include the following except:
a) Coupling of iodotyrosines b) Ingestion potassium
c) Linkage of iodine to tyrosine amino acid d) Oxidation of iodide into iodine
25. In patient with simple goiter which of the following is true:
a. Increased TSH,T3 and T4 b. Increased TSH, decreased T3 and
c. Decreased TSH, increased T3 and T4 d. None of the
26. The tensile strength of wound reach normal (preinjury) level after:
a. 10 days after injury b. 3 months after injury c. 6 months after
injury d. Never
27. Proliferative phase of wound healing occurs how long after injury:
a. 1-day b. 2 days c. 7 days
d. 14 days
28. All of the following symptoms and signs suggestive of acute unruptured
appendicitis except:
a. Anorexia b. Patient writhing in discomfort c.
d. Paraumbilical pain shifting to the right lower quadrant
29. What of following is not a pathological event in fibroadenosis:
a. Epithelosis b. Adenosis c. Lymphocytic
d. Microcyst formation e. Fibrosis
30. In patient with duodenal ulcer which of the following is not true:
a. Common in blood group o b. Association with gastronome
c. Vomiting is not common
d. May predispose to cancer stomach in 7% of cases
e. It need vagotomy and drainage operation
31. A painful fluctuant collection of blood is:
a. Ecchymosis b. Abrasion c. Hematoma d. Seroma e.
32. The most common type of collagen responsible for proliferation phase of
wound healing:
a. Collagen type I b. Collagen type II c. Collagen type III
d. Collagen type IV e. Collagen type X
33. Corticosteroid treatment in patient undergo surgical operation can be taken
a. 1st day of operation b. 2nd day of operation c.5th day of operation
d. After one-week e. None of the above
34. Which type of shock has bradycardia:
a. Vasovagal shock b. Hypovolemic shock c. Anaphylactic shock
d. Endocrine shock c. Septic shock
35. The most common hospital acquired infection is:
a. Respiratory tract infection b. Postoperative wound
c. Urinary tract infection d. Gastrointestinal tract infection e. Septicemia
36. In patient with thyrotoxicosis which of the following is true:
a. Elevated TSH, Elevated T3 & T4 b. Elevated TSH, decreased T3& T4
c. Decreased TSH, decreased T3& T4 c. Decreased TSH, increased T3&T4
e. None of the above
37. The most common cause of fever at 4th day of operation:
a. pyrogenic infection b. Pulmonary embolism c. Deep venous thrombosis
d. Pulmonary collapse e. wound infection
38. Which of the following is not indication of nasogastric tube nutrition:
a. Coma patient b. Severely ill patient c. Sever
d. Short bowel syndrome e. Low output fecal fistula
39. Which of the following is not in the intrinsic pathway of coagulation:
a) Factor II b) Factor IX c) Factor XII d)
Factor XI
40.The most common cause of impaired wound healing:
a) Anemia b) Diabetes mellitus c) Local tissue
infection d) Malnutrition e) All of the above
41. Which of the following increase the risk of breast cancer:
a) Multiple pregnancies b) Early menarche
c) Early menopause d) Prolonged multiple
42. One of the following symptoms and signs are suggesting acute unruptured
a) Anorexia b) Paraumbilical pain shifting to right lower
c) Abdominal distention d) Vomiting
43. Which of the following clotting factor is common in both extrinsic and
intrinsic pathway:
a) Factor I b) Factor IX c) Factor X d)
Factor XI
44. Which type of shock is associated with vasodilatation of large arterioles:
a) Septic shock b) Hemorrhagic c) Cardiogenic d) None of the
45. If during appendectomy, spillage of large bowel content in the abdomen
occurred, the type of wound is:
a) Clean b) Clean contaminated c) Contaminated d)
46. Risk factors for development of breast cancer including all except:
a) Early menarche b) Nullipara c) Late menopause d) Long lactation
47. The most common cause of small bowel obstruction is:
a) Obstructed hernia b) Crohn’s disease c) Malignancy
d)Postoperative adhesion
48. The solubility of cholesterol in bile determined by:
a) Cholesterol, Ca+2 b) Cholesterol, bilirubin
c) Cholesterol, bile salts d) Bile salts, Ca+2
49.Speglian hernia usually occurs in:
a) Linea alba b) lateral border of
rectus muscle
c)Medial wall of inguinal canal d) Femoral canal

50. In patient with postoperative hypothyroidism which of the following is true:

a. Elevated TSH, Elevated T3 & T4 b. Elevated TSH, Decreased T3&
c. Decreased TSH, Decreased T3& T4 c. Decreased TSH, Increased T3&T4

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