TRENDS Supplementary 1

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Lesson 1- Trends and Fad


1.Define a trend and a fad; and

2.Distinguishes a trend from fad.

What is Trend?
Trend is an emerging phenomenon that last for a long period of time and transmit existing
ventures to the future generations.

Trend Analysis
Is an examination of these phenomenon and speculations on the likely impact they will have in
the future? Any given phenomenon and prediction which likely to happen or any craze/fad or
trend that would likely emerge needs to be examined.
a. Trends are composed of wide variety of information from an existing fields of complex
b. Trends use overwhelming recognition and pattern identification to create presages in
knowing the future.
c. Trends evolution are being evaluated and observed by the use of timeframes.

Trend is something that covers almost all of human activities such as but not limited to
politics, beliefs, economics, lifestyle, social life and the like whether the individuals or groups of
people are aware of it or not. It is defined in various ways depending on the orientation of these
individuals or groups. In the fields of arts, fashion and music for example, it is a prevailing style
or preference such as realism movement in art, emergence of the miniskirt, and popularity of
certain genre of music like jazz, classical and rock. Many of you must have had an experience
of listening or watching Video-Karaoke singers during festivities or celebrations. You would
notice that song selections are dependent of the singers. Older singers tend to opt for older
songs while younger singers opt for newer songs. Why do you think so? Well, it is because their
song selection was dependent on the most prevailing genre of songs during their respective era
or generation. The trend toward portable music players, is another example which started with
the invention of big, heavy, portable “boom boxes” and transformed into personal CD players–
continuing to grow and change into the MP3 portable music player phenomenon that we see
In the sphere of economics, trends may come as a general movement registering
statistical changes for a long period such as the increasing cost of living and rate of
unemployment. A typical example of this is the long prevailing capitalistic mentality of people all
throughout the world which in one way or another dictates their economic movement. Why do
you still pursue your studies despite the difficulties brought about by the current pandemic?
Well, most of you if not all would say, “because I have a dream to fulfill. I want a good life, a
good and stable job, a career, etc.” In politics, trends refer to a tendency, drift, or bend toward a
certain stance, thought, or policy as when democratic Southeast Asian countries favored
authoritarian governments at a certain point in their histories. Well, this will also remind us of our
own history when there was a point in our time when people felt that their freedom and liberty
were disregarded which brought them to a struggle to regain it – the 1986 Edsa People Power
Revolution, which eventually became a kindling reminder of how the true spirit of democracy
works. Other areas also exhibit prevailing preference such as in sports (wearable devices that
monitor training performance), food (rise of oatmeal products, inclusion of moringa or
malunggay in food products), medicine (stem cell treatment), cosmetics (whitening
supplements), travel (paperless tickets and online check-in), manufacturing (3-D printing),
environmental management (home solar electric system). To sum up, a trend is a pattern of
behavior demonstrated by a big number of people within a particular period.


Is a phenomenal scenario that is currently popular to the eyes and taste of the many. It allows
preemptive judgments and reactions up to future events. It is something that people follows
either in social media or in fashion. Trends are considered as “complex fusion” of yesterday,
today, and tomorrow.

What is Fad?

Is a very popular form of interest or fashion that only exist for a short span of time.
Fad is an exquisite societal pattern but did not last longer. It spreads widely and effectively to
the demands of every individual. Moreover, it is a temporary form of fashion, interest, or any
crazing activity that people become enthusiastic.


Trends and fads are actually existing in their respective phenomena that will last depending
on the performance of the people who follows the trends and fads. During this scenario a trend
will become a fad and this make a difference
between the two.

Trends are:
a. Long life span
b. A style for longer years
c. Rising slow in popularity

Fads are:
a. Short life span
b. Emerge and go quickly
c. Rising quickly in popularity
Activity 1.2: COLLAGE MAKING
Make a collage showing the concept of trends and fads. Use your creativity to do this task.
a. Manila Paper
b. Glue/paste
c. Pictures from magazines, newspapers, old books, etc



a. Apply critical thinking in spotting a trend; and

b. Specify trend by finding the latest emerging trend

Direction: Read the question carefully and explain it by your own idea. Use separate sheet of
paper for your answer.
a. Fads and Trends are normally existing anytime and anywhere. How do they exist? And how
do they differ from each other?
b. Give examples of trends. (at least 5)
c. Give examples of fads. (at least 5)
d. What entails when a thing becomes a trend?


Trendspotting is seeking to overlook or foresee the situation of the future in the present.
Trend is a continuous event that gives impact to the people and leaves a particular effect. The
following statements spot what trend is.
A gradual change or development that produces a particular result that is known as a trend is:
a. trend towards/to: “Devices are trending toward touch screen mobiles and laptops.
b. trend in: “The latest trends in social media is....”
c. an upward/downward trend: “Wars, famines, epidemics and so could cause reversals
on the downward trend in morality.”
d. follow a trend: “Everyone seems to be following the trend for planting indoor plants.”
e. buck the/a trend (not to be affected by a general trend): “Although industry profits were
down, MFG is expected to buck the trend and increase profits.


1.To elaborate how a trend becomes a trend; and
2.To illustrate the elements of a trend.


Whether it’s memes, viral videos, catchphrases, or the latest design trends, why do certain
ideas or activities capture the public imagination? What define a trend as opposed to a short-
lived fad? It is often difficult to spot the start of trends because they boil down to social
forces among which styles or tastes change. Once the changes have been shared and adopted
by a critical mass, they gain a footing, become firmly embedded in the public psyche, and may
even find themselves returning as part of a cyclical process.There’s no magic involved.
According to Henrik Vejlgaard, the author of Anatomy of a Trend: “There is nothing
mysterious about it and it n
ever just happens out of the blue; though it may sometimes appear to be so. That it is a social
means it’s created by human beings. A trend becomes a trend through a constant cycle of
innovation and
emulation. It’s the way people embrace one another and interact with one another. People are
obsessed with trends because joining a trend means your part of a group; you are in, you

a. Duration of Time
The lifespan of products or ideas that become trends do not disappear quickly. Trends have
long staying power and enjoy a long period of time.
b. Acceptability
Trends are popularly accepted by many industries and people.
c. Cultural Basis
A trend is rooted on the people’s cultural traditions, beliefs, and values. A trend persists and
continues because people have seen it as part of a society’s culture.
d. Transitory Increase or Decrease
A trend shows a transitory increase or decrease of a particular idea, event or
e.Driver, Enabler, Blocker
Agents in trend.
What is a characteristic?
It is a special quality or trait that makes a person, thing, or group different from others. Its shows
special qualities or traits of a person, thing or group.
A trend should introduce changes and something absolutely new to a community. It is the cat or
process of introducing so mething new like ideas, devices, or methods.
One thing after the other, people can still recognize that this style or trend or culture or language
is a trademark or a mark of a country or a place. Identity has become a part of it.
a trend always appreciated by people despite the difference in culture, place and race. It is the
quality or a state of being versatile (able to do many things).

Prepared by:
Maenard Grace L. Billena
Trends Teacher

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