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Forming Questions

The use of question words and how to ask questions in English

We use question words to ask certain types of questions

(question word questions).

We often refer to these words as WH words because they

include the letters WH (for example WHy, HoW).

Question Function Example Sentence


What asking for information What is your name?

about something

asking for repetition or What? I can't hear

confirmation you.
You did what?

What...for asking for a reason, What did you do that

asking why for?

When asking about time When did he leave?

Where asking in or at what Where do they live?

place or position
Which asking about choice Which colour do you
want: blue or red?

Who asking what or which Who opened the

person or people door?

Whom asking what or which Whom did you see?

person or people (object)

Whose asking about ownership Whose are these

Whose turn is it?

Why asking for reason, asking Why do you say

what...for that?

Why don't making a suggestion Why don't I help


How asking about manner How does this


asking about condition or How was your

quality exam?
How + asking about extent or see examples below
adj/adv degree

How far distance How far is Pattaya

from Bangkok?

How long length (time or space) How long will it


How many quantity (countable) How many cars are


How much quantity (uncountable) How much money

do you have?

How old age How old are you?

How come asking for reason, asking How come I can't

(informal) why see her?

How often asking for frequency How often do they

play tennis?

How to Form 5 Essential Types of Questions in English Gramm

1. Asking Yes/No Questions
You can use them to ask for a simple yes or no answer.

How to Form a Yes/No Question

To change this sentence into a question, simply move the verb to the beginning.
If the sentence has an auxiliary or modal verb, that’s the one you’ll need to move.

It is windy today.
Is it windy today?
Let’s look at a few more inversions to form yes/no questions:
Questions for the verb “To be”
She is sad. → Is she sad?
They are happy. – Are they happy?
I am beautiful. – Are you beautiful?/ Am I beautiful?

Questions for Present Simple

He drives a red car. - Does he drive a red car?
They go shopping at the mall. – Do they go shopping at the mall?

Questions for Present Continuous

The boat is sinking. → Is the boat sinking?
The children are playing. – Are the children playing?
I am dreaming.-Am I dreaming?

Questions for Past Simple

He went to school. – Did he go to school?
They brought food. – Did they bring food?

Questions for Past Continuous

She was sleeping. – was she sleeping?
We were drinking milk.- Were you drinking milk?

Questions for Present Perfect Simple

I have seen an elephant. – Have you seen an elephant?
She has visited Thailand.- Has she visited Thailand?

Questions for Present Perfect Continuous

You have been dancing all night. – Have you been dancing all night?
She has been eating for five minutes. – Has she been eating for five minutes?

Questions for Past Perfect Simple

He had visited France. – Had he visited France?
They had brought milk. – Had they brought milk?
Questions for Past Perfect Continuous
She had been driving for three hours. – Had she been driving for three hours?
We had been cutting vegetables for ten minutes. – Had we been cutting vegetables for ten

Questions for Future Simple

She will marry him. – Will she marry him?
You will say “Yes”. – Will you say “Yes”?

Questions for Future Continuous

She will be washing the car. – Will she be washing the car?
They will be collecting stamps. – Will they be collecting stamps?

Questions for Future Perfect Simple

I will have finished my essay by 5 p.m. – Will you have finished your essay by 5p.m.?
You will have done your homework by Saturday. – Will you have done your homework by

Questions for Present Conditional

I would buy this car. – Would you buy this car?
She would run 10 km. – Would she run ten km?

Questions for Past/Perfect Conditional

We would have visited Bucharest. – Would you have visited Bucharest?
She would have watched this movie. – Would she have watched this movie?

Questions for Modal verbs

He can bake. → Can he bake?
He could run. – Could he run?
He may go. – May he go?
He might play.- Might he play?
He must sleep. – Must he sleep?
He has to sleep- Does he have to sleep?

2. Asking “Five W” Questions

The “five Ws” are the question words who, what, when, where and why. However, just to make
things trickier, there are actually other question words in this category too, like “how” and
phrases that start with “how.”

How to Form a Five W Question

Present Simple

She drinks tea in the kitchen at five o’clock in the morning because she is depressed.
Who+drinks tea……..? She
What does she do…..? Drinks
What does she drink? Tea
Where does she drink….? In the kitchen.
When does she drink….? At five o’clock in the morning.
Why does she drink? Because she is depressed.

*** He has a yacht.

Who has a yacht?

What does he have?

Present Continuous

Nathan is playing basketball in the park.

Who+ is playing basketball in the park? Nathan.

What + is Nathan doing in the park? *Is playing.
What is Nathan playing in the park? Basketball.
Where is Nathan playing basketball? In the park.

Past Simple

Jane drew 3 cats on the paper for her little sister.

Who + Drew ….? Jane.

What did Jane do? Drew.
How many cats did Jane draw? 3.
What did Jane draw? Cats.
Where did jane draw …. ? On the paper.

Whom did Jane draw …..? For her little sister.

Who did Jane draw 3 cats for?

Past Continuous

She was sleeping in the living room yesterday at 4 p.m.

Who+ was sleeping ….? She.

What was she doing…..? Was sleeping.
Where was she sleeping? In the living room.
When was she sleeping? Yesterday at 4 p.m.

Present Perfect Simple

These shoes have been Mike’s because they are brand new.

Whose have these shoes been? Mike’s.

Why have these shoes been Mike’s? Because they are brand new.

Present Perfect Continuous

She has been drinking milk for six minutes because she is thirsty.

Who has been drinking milk…? She

What has she been doing? Has been drinking

What has she been drinking? Milk

How long has she been drinking milk? For six minutes
Why has she been drinking milk? Because she is thirsty

Past Perfect Simple

She had drunk a bottle of wine.

Who had drunk …? She

What had she done? Had drunk.
How much wine had she drunk? A Bottle.
What had she drunk? Wine.

Past Perfect Continuous

Sylvia had been driving for one hour because she was very upset.

Who had been driving …? Sylvia.

What had Sylvia been doing? Had been driving
How long had Sylvia been driving? For an hour.
Why had Sylvia been driving? Because she was upset.

Future Simple

I will buy a blue car.

Who will buy a new car? I
What will I do? Will buy.
What colour will the car you buy be? Blue
What will you buy? A car.

Future Continuous

She will be sleeping this time tomorrow.

Who will be sleeping this time tomorrow? She.

What will she be doing? Sleeping.
When will she be sleeping? This time tomorrow.

Future Perfect Simple

Future Perfect Simple

She will have finished her dinner by 6p.m.

Who will have finished ….? She.

What will she have done? Will have finished.
What will she have finished? Her dinner.
When will she have finished her dinner? By 6 p. m.

Present Conditional

He would draw a black cat on the wall.

Who would draw ….? He

What would he do? Would draw.
What would he draw? A black cat
Where would he draw? On the wall.

Past Conditional

Her brother would have told us the story.

Whose brother would have told us the story? * Her(s)
Who would have told us the story? The brother.
What would her brother do? Would have told.
Whom would her brother have told …? (To) us.
What would her brother have told? The story.

Modal Verbs

He can cook a delicious tripe soup.

Who can cook ….? He

What can he do? Cook.

What can he cook? Tripe soup.
How is the tripe soup he can cook? Delicious.

Other Situations

The tractor is red.

What is red? The tractor.

He is tall and slim. What does he look like?

She is kind and honest. What is she like?

She cooks daily. How often does she cook?

John opened the door. Who opened the door?

The table is broken. What is broken?

It’s sunny. What’s the weather like?

It’s 6 o’clock. What’s the time? /What time is it?

It’s 12 dollars. How much is it?

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