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Rudrakshas at a Glance

Name Benefit
1 Faced Good for rulers, administrators, kings, immense
power, wealth and confidence
2 Faced Marital happiness, mental peace, contentment
3 Faced Victory over enemies
4 Faced Education, concentration, creativity
5 Faced Knowledge, spiritual enrichment, health
6 Faced Love life, sexual power, attractiveness
7 Faced Removes malefic effects of Saturn
8 Faced Eliminates diseases, obstacles and '
malefic effects of Rahu.
9 Faced Removes malefic effects of Ketu
10 Faced Success, up-gradation of career
11 Faced Gains, increase in income, property
12 Faced Foreign travel, power, position, pleasure
13 Faced Attraction, pleasure, love, beauty
14 Faced Power, authority, glory, name and fame
15 Faced Power, prosperity, knowledge
Ganesh Eliminates,obstacles, best for Success,
prosperity and Intelligence
Gauri Shankar Married life, pleasure, happiness, attraction.
Gauri Ganesh Forprogeny

The Rudraksha represents the yoga (union) of Shiva/Rudra (Sun) and GourVDurga (Moon) which resu~s
in the creation of all beings. Thus, the ideal prescription should be on the basis of Janma Tithi, like Ek-
Mukhi for Pratipada (Birth in 1st Tithi). or five faced Rudraksha for Panchami (Birth in Fifth Tit hi).
However for birth in Poomlma and Amavasya fifteen faced Rudraksha is not used and instead fiVe faced
can be used.

Spiritual Products 25
ONE FACED RUDRAKSHA (Deity, Param Shiva):
~: ffici: ~<>4tili!fd II
It represents Lord Shiva and its possessor is blessed with all Siddhis and divine powers of Lord Shiva.
All sins get destroyed.
The ruling planet of one faced Rudraksha is Sun. It controls the malefic effects of Sun and cures
diseases of the right eye, head, ear, bowel and bones. Psychologically the confidence, charisma,
leadership qualities and prosperity of the person increases as the wearer starts getting the favor of
Sun. It brings you immense power, wealth, luxuries, fame, massive confidence boost and spiritual
This is the best among all other Rudraksha seeds. This gives all the worldly pleasures and helps one
to attain perfection in the life. This is the symbol of Lord Rudra. It bestows prosperity on the devotees.
It promises wealth, fortune, a good life and final emancipation like that of Raja Janak (Father of Sita).
Excellent for doctors, kings etc. It has the power to eradicate your sins. Wearer of it would not face
financial troubles. Wearer should recite the following Mantra 108 times daily.
~ lf ~:1
Om Hreeng Namah
Om Namah Shivay.
~if "t ~ -Q-,
Om Yeng Hang Shroung Ye
TWO FACED RUDRAKSHA (Deity: Ardhanareeshwar):

Two faced Rudraksha represents goddess Parvati and lord Shiva, means it is Ardhnarishwara. It eradicates
sins and diseases and blesses the wearer with salvation and wealth. The ruling planet of two Mukhi
Rudraksha is Moon. It effectively protects you from the malefic effects of Moon and diseases of the left
eye, kidney and intestines etc.
Emotionally, it generates an urge within to strengthen the harmony in relationship. This bead helps in
developing cordial relationship. Its influence can greatly help in controlling negative traits like anger,
frustration and lack of concentration.
The wearer of this Rudraksha gets all his aspirations fulfilled and he also attains peace of mind. This
helps in meditation and attainment of spiritual heights. The wearer should recite the following Mantra
108 times daily.
:~ ~:1
~ ";flf: ~·
·Om Namah Shivay.
~ ~ lf efi ?Jfl
Om Shreeng Hreeng Kshoung Vreeng

26 Spiritual Products

It represents Agnideva and eradicates the sin of assassination of woman. The ruling planet is Mars
which in its malefic effects causes diseases of blood, blood pressure, weakness, disturbed menstrual
cycle, kidney problems etc. Depression, negative and guilty feelings, inferiority complexes can be
lessened by wearing this Rudraksha. The Three Faced Rudraksha is worn to boost up self confidence
and to counter depression. It also provides physical strength and cures several diseases. It also wards
of ill luck, tensions, sins and bestows health, wealth and knowledge too.

It is very effective for the cure of jaundice. Its wearer always remains healthy and wealthy. It removes
dangers from fire, fevers and cleanses the sins. Can be used during pregnancy.

;f.. ~ ":fit:l
Om Kleeng Namah
;f.. ":fit: ftrcrrq I
.Om Namah Shivay.
3"}. T "( "{I' "(I
Om Reng Hung HreengHung ..


~imlqJT~~ II
It confers creativity and long life. The ruling planet is Mercury representing Goddess Saraswati and
Brahma. It is the symbol of four Vedas. This Rudraksha nullifies the malefic effects of mercury and
pleases Goddess Saraswati. It governs logical and structural thinking.

This bead helps to achieve healthy mind and body. It helps to increase mental power, intelligence,
knowledge and concentration. It can also increase sexual power and attractiveness. It is used for
making oneself more sought after by the Opposite sex. The person should recite the following Mantra
108 times daily.


3iJ 3"}. "{I' ":fit: I

Or Om Hreeng Namah OUR FACED
Or Or
~ 3"}. ":fit: ftrcrrq I
Or Om Namah Shivay.
Or Or
35b ~ ci q:i ei l'l
Or Om Vang Ka_ng Thang hang

Spiritual Products 27

~ ·tidqt~fti· qQqif>f4 ll1lUml.. II

This confesses health and peace and frees you from sins. The ruling planet is Jupiter. It helps to attain
success in all walks of life and to gain knowledge, wealth, power and fame. It is used in the treatment of
several diseases. It is also most sought after bead which can actually help you to achieve happiness arid
eternal bliss. It represents Kalagni Rudra and is very effective in the elimination of your adversaries. It
destroys diseases pertaining to lungs, heart and blood. Wearer of it should recite the following Mantra
108 times daily.
:to lf ·';fll': I .
Om l'ireeng Namah
Or < I

:to ~·
qm Namah S~ivaay.
';fll': '

SIX FACED RUDRAKSHA (Deity: Kartikeya):

It represents Kartikeya and is also known as Shatrunjaya Rudraksha because it destroys your enemies.
It confers executive and managerial abilities, competence and success in all walks of life. It is excellent
for all sciences, technical education, surgery and cures hysteria, fainting fits and blood related diseases
or diseases of the private parts.
Its ruling planet is Venus which governs, genital organs, throat, valour, sexual pleasure, love music etc.
This bead enriches the career path and helps to achieve immense professional and academic success.
It helps you to fulfill your dreams a,nd wishes to lead a luxurious life. It is auspicious for marital
happiness and enhancement of sexual powers.
Men should wear this Rudraksha in right and women in the left hand. This confers the knowledge of
highe$l kind and helps women in diseases like hysteria and mental illness. Those interested in Tantras
also benefitfrom it. It helps students and businessmen. It is beneficial in the cure of epilepsy and all
women related problems. Wearer should chant one of the following Mantra 108 times daily.

:to "(f 't ';fll'; '

otn Hreeng Hroong Namah
:to ';fll': ~·
Om Namah Shivay.
;p. ff "'·~·~I
Om Hreeng Shreeng Kleeng Soung

28 Spiritual Products
SEVEN FACED RUDRAKSHA (Deity: Saptarishi and Mahalaxmi):
~ TO*n*TT 1J'itn TO? TOW:, dliHOi'".iilQi\ it' \C!Ufta<il~ 'l'ffil<t: II
It is considered the symbol of Kamdeva, Anant, Saptarishi, Mahalaxmi and Saturn and 7 Nagas (7
famous snakes in Hindu mythology). It confers plenty of money. People keep this Rudraksha in their
cash box. It IS used to eradicate poverty. The ruling planet is Saturn, the all powerful Shani Bhagwan.
It eradicates the malefic effects and diseases like impotency, cold, obstructions, hopelessness, delay,
chronic diseases, scarcity and worry etc. caused by Saturn. It helps one to get rid of ego problem.
The Seven Faced bead helps in building finances and amassing wealth. It helps to attain prosperity
and peace of rnind. It is considered very auspicious because it helps to ward off fatal diseases, death
and achieve longevity. The wearer should recite the following Mantra 550 times daily.
~ \ -;pf:l
O.m Hroong Narnah
~ lf ln'llf WI
Om Hraang Kreeng hreeng Soung


~ ~: m~l<(~ ~:.~WI¥~·~·
~l;qft<i<ilml *'iM'ii4 1~i'fa<l'lt l{qtti4\'1 ~ lfflr~ QRUm[ II
fag-nww ~ ll"1"ftr ~ ~ ~ ~~ri&JoeCIIf!H<i.QR111Tif 1
It represents lord Ganesha and removes all obstacles and confers success in ail undertakings (Riddhi
and Siddhi). It is also the symbol of Lord Bhairawa and prevents sudden death.. The ruling planet is
Rahu hence it is helpful in removing its malefic influence. The malefic influence of Rahu is considered
like that of Shani. This Rudraksha bead increases the strength of character and mind and helps in
achieving happiness, fame good health and heightened confidence. The wearer of this Rudrakslia gets:
protected by eight goddesses.
By wearing it all the pleasures increase and all the difficulties diminish. This is especially used in
worship and rituals. Wearers of this get long life and they become truthfu I Such a person is wise and
Knowledgeable and remains free from diseases. Such persons will have special ability and talent in
studies. They shall remain away from sins of any kind. The person should recite the following Mantra
108 times daily.

~ \ ""'ll":l
Om Hroong Namah
~ lilff"1 ~.·· '
Om Hraang Greeng Loong Shreeng
Or .
~ ""'ll": ~·
Om Namah Shivay .- i

Spiritual Products 29
TO*reft fore a •ma,tililt(<fi, ffirofegt "'I<{: R 'll1l. \\E'<Iii<.'i!Gail•

The narne of this Rudraksha is Bhairawa. It represents Navdurga, Lord Yama, Navgraha (nine planets),
Navnatha (Pashupati, Muktinath, Kedamath, Badrinath, Jagannath, Somnath, Vaidyanath, Parasnath
& Dwarkanath) and Navadhabhakti (Nine types of salvation). Wearer of this Rudraksha gets qualities
like bravery, patience, courage, power, tolerance, dedication etc. It is generally worn during Navratras
(Nine nights for worshipping Goddess Durga) and confers energy/powerthat lead to wealth, social
success etc.
This Rudraksha saves you from malefic influence of Ketu. The malefic influence causes mental fatigue,
lack of energy, failures etc; This Rudraksha helps in getting wealth, property, assets and to lead a
luxurious life with fulfilled dreams and ambitions. It makes you more energetic and more action oriented.
Those who wear it also obtain grace of Bhairawa. The wearer would be free from the fear of death. The
possessor is blessed with all kinds of fame, respect, spiritual success & progress. The wearer should
recite the following Mantra 108 times daily.
~ 'if .l_ "PI: I
Om Hreeng Hroong Narnah· NINE FACED
Or . r ·

Om NamahShivay
;A lf vi '{ ~··
Om Hreeng Vyang Reng lang


i(itiCWOI~ ~: \11$1<(~\~, ~ fqitii'<4iitit ~ Ql;lti,i$\11:1 Vl¥111ii4l4itllw:ifa <iti<(lfUJQ ~II
The deity IS Das-Avtar Vishnu where each of ten faces represents one ofthe. Vishnu Avtar. It is believed
that the power of all ten incarnations of lord Vishnu are there in this Rudraksha. When energised the
user and his family are protected and nourished for generations. All evil effects of planets/lagna are
All wishes are fulfilled by wearing it. The wearer gets a sense of security. The ten faced Rudraksha is
very powerful which can overcome fears and develops a sound mind. It can help a person to enjoy the
benefits Of life, attain happiness and success. It also safeguards you from the evil influences around
you and gives a secure and protective feeling. The wearer of this Rudraksha remains free from all evil
effects of inauspicious planets and evil spirits. This Rudraksha cures all types of respiratory diseases.
This is very helpful in chromic cough and asthma. Its wearer gets protected from weapons. The wearer
should recite the following Mantra 108 times everyday.
~ 'tf '( ~:·1 TEN FACED
om· Hreeng Hroong Namah ·
Or .
OmNamah Shivaay
~ Iff 'if:'81ft't .
Om Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Greeng
30 Spiritual Products
ELEVEN FACED RUDRAKSHA (Deity: Ekadash Rudra):

El~<fil«'l'l ~ :sa<fil«'l'l~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ !£U~q;('1 3R I

~ ~ EINN~'I'IiH4 -q, TJ<n' 'I'IMIIH<H4 ~141C(iH4 ~II
<f'iQiM ('l1f(f vftV q..a<fili('I'IOIHOIIi( II
The deity are the eleven Rudras or Sri Hanuman (Rudra Avatar). It confers wisdom, power, public
speaking abilities and success in battles besides protection from accidents and all evils. It brings

This is the symbol of lndra, the lord of Gods. It has combined powers of 11 Gods stored infrt. This
should be kept in a safe place of worship, or with the jewellery box or in safe box. This ~lfuances
wealth and prosperity and grants long life to the spouse of the wearer. This helps in getting a desired
offspring and also the love and affection from the desired person. Wearer of this Rudraksha should
recite the following Mantra 108times everyday.

if 't ';flf:l
Om Hreeng Hung Namah
Or ·
~ ';flf: ~·
Om Namah Shivay

iili('I'IIW+tl :sa:tllli~EI q;Vf~ ~. ~ i<ll~filnl ~ iii<{'I'U{'il oqqfE¥.1nl: 1

~ ~ T.l ~Nil'trii(EIIGJ:<U\(, "iflron tnllaoti <rcr CQIUtft-ti 'if ~ I
or v ~ TO ~ ~:. or 'ifaTM<*(4 m:qororuftf ~~
&dtiil/ill 4J'llt'li¥il ~ oi~J'~Oil'lfQ, ~ ~~Ciif.iliili('l'l ~ I
The deity are the Dwadash Adityas (Twelve sun signs) represented by Surya the Sun God. It confers
political power, ministership, headship of institution and favour from governments besides intelligence,
wealth and a good healthy life. It protects from diseases. It is also the symbol of Mahavishnu. Protects
from wild animals, thieves and diseases.
All twelve Adityas are said to be having their abodes in the twelve faces of this Rudraksha bead. The
wearer obtains the virtues of donating many cows. Sun God is always kind to the wearer of this
Rudraksha. Such a person always enjoys wealth, prosperity and worldly pleasures.
Jt helps to realize dreams and achieve goals. It should be worn by people who wish to attain influential
and powerful positions. It is an extremely blesseqbead and provides protection against many evils and
perils. The bead is said to increase your charisma and charm. Wearer should chant the following
Mantra 108times everyday.
~stt ~ u;m:t
·Om Kroung Shroung Roung Namah
Om Namah Shivaay ·
Spiritual Products 31

Cl<t:iii<il~'l'h ~ ~ ~ ~. ctiil'lt<fi<i ~: dctii4ief ~: l

W 'mi'lR ~ ~ l1ci llfl:l4<ifll, ~ ~<h(l•41Pi t t 'CfiT4t l'ti"'H"tl I
'lfRI'(' fim' ~ 'iJm' CIT~:,~ l1cf ~ QI{UiirifQ ~ l
Effects are similar to that of six faced. It represents Lord lndra the Lord of Go~. Wearer is able to
enjoy all the earthly pleasures and comforts. This Rudraksha is also rare and difficult to get, but has
immense power. It helps in attainingMoksha (Salvation), it is often used to increase attractiveness and
has hypnotic influences on those who are smitten with your charm. It also helps to attain a sound mind
and body and enjoy the various luxuries of life. It fulfills all the desires of the wearer and brings good
luck to him. Such a person remains away from sinful deeds and thoughts'. All his worldly wishes are
fulfilled. Only lucky persons are able to get it. All your wishes can be fulfilled by mere possessing it.
The possessor is blessed with complete manhood and his physical weakness is cured by drinking the
milk in which this has been boiled.

It confers wealth, artistic talents and rulership/headship of organizations. Perhaps the greatest gift for
long term power and position.

It is also considered the symbol of Kamdeva (Lord of desires). The wearer should chant the following
Mantra 432 times before wearing it.
;to l'f ";f1f: I
Om Hreeng Namah
:to ";Jlf: ~I
Om Namah Shivaay


T.4q~i\'ii(<l'l ~ ~ ~. ~ rnr ~ (llll fire ftra*u<i 1

The deities are the Jyotirlinga of Lord Shiva. This is considered the most favorite Rudraksha of Lord
Shiva. If you get it fortunately it is very powerful and brings the complete favour of Lord Shiva. You get
all the 'Siddhis' by wearing it. It symbolises Shiva and also Lord Hanuman. It is helpful in many
diseases. It enhances all the pleasures of life and if worn on the arms, or on the top of the head, such
a wearer is honoured even by God. It overcomes the malefic impact of Saturn and Mars.

It helps combat the obstacles in life and emerge victorious in most difficult situations. It can help you
achieve positions of power and authority and develop a strong sixth sense. But it demands utmost
care and attention. It can actually help you to achieve more than you could have ever conceived for
yourself. Avery powerful bead, but very few good quality beads are available. The wearer should recite
the following Mantra 108times everyday.

:to ";Jlf:l
:to ";Jlf: ~·
Om Namah Sh!vaay

32 Spiritual Products
RFTEEN FACED RUDRAKSHA (Deity- Pashupatinath):
It represents lord Pashupatinath. It destroys all sorts of sins. It brings financial and spiritual success.
It is considered auspicious for pleasure, prosperity, reputation and mental peace. It should be worn by
pregnant women to avoid miscarriage. It causes smooth and painfree delivery. It should be kept at
Pooja altar. Following Mantra should be chanted regularly.
~-;pf: ~I
Om Namah Shivay

It symbolizes Ganesha the Gpd of intelligence and knowledge. He is also the Lord of obstacles.
Wearing of this Rudraksha takes away all the hurdles and obstacles from the life of a person, giving all
round success and happiness for students. It is a boon for their success in competitive examinations.
Although 21 types are listed, the Shastras give Mantra for only 14 types from Ek-Mukhi (one face)
onwards. On the other hand, fifteen to twenty-one faced Rudraksha are kept at Pooja alter. Mantra to
be recited with this Rudraksha is mentioned below-
~"If~ -;pf:l
Om Gang Ganpataye Namah


An extremely influential Rudraksha. It is made of two beads joined together. It represents Lord Shiva
and Goddess Parvati. It helps to improve marital relationship and brings joy and harmony. Possession
of this Rudraksha enhances attraction and attention from the opposite sex. It is considered very
sacred. Chant the below mentioned Mantra 10Btimes everyday.

~ 'Q; l'f ~ lif l<fm"l

OmAing Hreeng Kleeng Khoung Swaha...


It represents goddess Parvati and lord Ganesha. This should be worn by a woman who aspires to get
able children. By wearing this Rudraksha one gets progeny comfort and affection and sympathy
towards children gets enhanced. Chant the below mentioned Mantra 108 times everyday.
~ llm lft
"Om Hreeng Greeng Hreeng"
GAURI GANESH (Garbh Gauri)

Spiritual Products 33
Rudraksha Kavach
Rudraksha Kavach also known as rudraksha pendants, rudraksha lockets or rudraksha bracelets are
very popular and they are made with the combined use of various rudrakshas or with the combined use
of rudrakshas and gems.
Rudraksha Kavach is considered as a more powerful remedial tool because it is made to enhance the
positive qualities and to eradicate the negativities that are there in the life of a person.
Rudraksha Kavach in itself is a complete remedial measure to eradicate the problems that are there in
the life of. a person. Because of its effectiveness it is becoming a very popular remedial measure
especially in modem context. It proves beneficial to everybody and it is easy to use it.
"Kavach" means shield. Therefore, it is believed that 'Rudraksha Kavach'works as a shield to protect
you from adversities, difficulties, problems, obstacles, hindrances, set backs and diseases because
of its protective powers.
It brings good luck, fortune and prosperity. It not only amputates the ill effects of planets but also
harmonizes the relationship of the individuals with those around them.
These are designed as per specific purpose and are energized by reciting the VedidShabar Mantra of
the particular Goddess or God along with the "Homa" done.

34 Spiritual Products

Name Benefit
1. Wisdom Pendant For intelligence
2. Glory Pendant For glory, success and health
3. Balance Wheel For the blessings of Saturn
4. Kaalsarp Kavach - For overcoming obstacles, set backs a
5. Health Pendant - Bestows health
6. Cupid Pendant - For improving love Iife
7. Badha Mukti Rudraksha For overcoming obstacles
8. Kaalsarp Dash Nivaran - For overcoming the evil impact of KaiS<
Rudraksha Kavach Dosha in horoscope
9. Parivarik Rudraksha Kavach - For peace and happiness in family life
10. Sampooma Vaibhav - For wealth
Prapti Rudraksha Kavach
11. Santan Prapti Kavach For getting desired offspring
12. Saubhagya Dayak Kavach - For good luck
13. Shani Dash Nivaran Kavach For blessings of Saturn
14. Swasthya Vardhak Kavach For health
15. Vidya Pradayak Kavach For education
16. VyaparVriddhi For business
Rudraksha Kavach
17. Cupid Pendant (Double Power) Love life, attraction, beauty and pleasure.

Spiritual Products 35

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