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Solution Manual for Human Resource

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Test Bank for Human Resource Management 16th Edition


Solution Manual for Human Resource Management 16th

Edition Gary Dessler

Solution Manual for Human Resource Management, 14th

Edition, Robert L. Mathis, John H. Jackson Sean

Test Bank for Human Resource Management, 16th Edition

Gary Dessler
Solution Manual for Strategic Human Resource Management
5th Edition by Mello

Solution Manual for Fundamentals of Human Resource

Management 8th by Noe

Solution Manual for Human Resource Management, 14th


Solution Manual for Human Resource Management 15th

Edition Martocchio •

Solution Manual for Human Resource Management 14th

Edition Mondy 9
Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

HR Headline: Cool Commitment at Igloo

Igloo brand achieves its competitive advantage through the contribution of its employees.
The CEO, Mark Parrish, adopted a servant leadership approach that focuses on building
trust, withholding judgment, creating a dialogue, empowering employees, and instituting a
culture of collective success. The company measures that collective success in four areas
(in this order): people, quality, service, and cost. Igloo commits to its employees, who
return that commitment through their personal dedication to the company’s success.

1-1. What Is Human Resource Management?

 Human resource management is designing formal systems in an organization to manage

human talent for accomplishing organizational goals.

1-1a. Why Organizations Need HR Management

 Despite the obvious differences between large and small organizations, the same HR
activities must take place in every firm.
 Larger organizations frequently have people who specialize in managing employees,
and these professionals are organized into an HR function or department.
 HR departments have been viewed both positively and negatively by managers and

Discussion Starter: Ask students how an HR department can foster a positive image.

 The need for HR increases as an organization grows until it evolves into a distinct function
with specialists assigned to specific duties.

HR Perspective: Transforming HR at Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen

The HR department at Popeyes has grown and changed over time to meet the company’s needs
and focus on corporate strategy. Today, the department handles more issues than it ever has.
Servant leadership requires leaders to believe that the needs of the company and the employees
outweigh their own concerns. Although the HR personnel face challenges, corporate
expectations are high.

1. Given the issues at Popeyes, how would you redesign an HR department in any
organization to better tackle a company’s needs?

Students’ answers will vary. They should determine the company’s needs before
changing the HR department’s organization.

2. How might HR processes be redesigned to become more efficient? What technologies

might be used to improve HR processes and provide better service to managers and

Students’ answers will vary. They should consider technology that automates applicant
tracking, facilitates reporting, and analyzes HR data. Tools such as online surveys that
can provide details on the effectiveness of the HR processes can also be included. Care
should be taken to balance technology and more personal ways to work with employees
in multinational operations.

1-2. Managing Human Resources in Organizations

 Human resource management and employees can be core competencies.

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

 Managing HR activities is a major priority for all managers.

1-2a. Human Resource Management as a Core Competency

 A core competency is a unique capability that creates high value for a company.
 Many organizations have identified that their HR practices differentiate them from their
competitors and that HR is a key determinant of competitive advantage.

1-2b. Employees as a Core Competency

 Organizations must manage the following four types of assets to be successful:

o Physical assets
o Financial assets
o Intellectual property assets
o Human assets
 Human capital is the collective value of the capabilities, knowledge, skills, life
experiences, and motivation of an organization’s workforce.
o Sometimes human capital is called intellectual capital to reflect the thinking,
knowledge, creativity, and decision making that people in organizations
 A useful framework to understand how HR practices serve as the foundation for human
capital is called the ability-motivation-opportunity (AMO) model.

Teaching Tip: Figure 1-2 provides details on the ability-motivation-opportunity model.

 Productivity is a measure of the quantity and quality of work done, considering the cost
of the resources used.
 A useful way to measure the productivity of human resources is to consider unit labor
cost, which is computed by dividing the average cost of workers by their average levels
of output.

Teaching Tip: Figure 1-3 identifies four ways to increase organizational productivity and
reduce unit labor costs: organizational restructuring, redesigning work, aligning HR activities,
and outsourcing analysis.

 In addition to productivity, both customer service and quality efforts can significantly
affect organizational effectiveness, making them key areas that HR can emphasize when
developing employees as core competencies.
 Innovation is the process whereby new ideas are generated that create value for an
 Organizational culture consists of the shared values and beliefs that give members of
an organization meaning and provide them with rules for behavior.
o Culture often requires considerable time to develop, but once it is established, it is
relatively constant and enduring over time.

Discussion Starter: Ask students to describe the culture at different local or national
companies. For example, some companies have reputations for being fun places to work.

1-3. HR Management Functions

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

HR Competencies & Applications: Building Healthy Organizations

Key Competencies: Leadership & Navigation (Behavioral Competency) and

Organization (Technical Competency)

The HR department can help the company create positive organizational health to
motivate employees and inspire customer loyalty. HR professionals function as
leaders by developing policies, such as management development, performance
feedback, and fair rewards.

1. How would you determine the current state of the organization’s health?

Students’ answers will vary. They should consider the characteristics of a healthy
organization and the different factors that affect an organization’s health.

2. What are some of the talking points you might use to encourage top leaders to invest
in HR efforts that would improve the health of the organization? What evidence
would you point out to show the value of having a healthy organization?

Students’ answers will vary. Some talking points could be the issues that deserve the
most attention—increased profit for a for-profit company or meeting an
organization’s mission goals for a nonprofit organization. Increased employee
motivation and customer loyalty could be evidence that can be used to show the value
of having a healthy organization.

 HR management involves designing the formal systems that are used to manage people in
an organization.
 The HR function is typically categorized into the following seven interlocking
o Strategy and planning
o Equal employment opportunity
o Talent acquisition
o Talent management
o Total rewards
o Risk management and worker protection
o Employee and labor relations.
 In each organization, the seven subfunctions are carried out in that firm’s unique format
that is influenced by internal and external forces.
o The external forces are as follows: global, environmental, cultural or geographic,
political, social, legal, economic, and technological.

Teaching Tip: Use Figure 1-4 to help students visualize the relationship between HR functions
and the external factors that affect them. Explain to students that each of the seven HR functions
is covered in the forthcoming chapters.

1-4. Roles for Human Resource Departments

 If an organization has a formal HR department or group, there are typically the following
three different roles these individuals might play in the organization.

1-4a. Administrative Role for Human Resources

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

 The administrative role of HR management involves processing information and

 Two major shifts driving the transformation of the administrative role are greater use of
technology and outsourcing.

1-4b. Operational and Employee Advocate Role for Human Resources

 HR personnel are often viewed as employee advocates because they must effectively
balance the needs of employees with the needs of organizations.
 The operational role requires the HR function to cooperate with various managers and
identify and implement needed programs and policies in the organization.

1-4c. Strategic Role for Human Resources

 HR is involved in devising and implementing strategy.

 To serve in the role of strategic partner, HR staff should have a broad business focus to
help companies reach their strategic goals.

Teaching Tip: Use Figure 1-5 to explain that the strategic role has been growing over time
and will continue to become more important in HR departments of the future.

1-5. Human Resources Management Challenges

 As the field of HR management evolves, a challenging employment environment creates

pressure for greater and faster change.
 Jobs are seldom static; rather, they change and evolve as the organization changes.

1-5a. Competition, Cost Pressures, and Restructuring

 An overriding theme facing managers and organizations is the need to operate in a

“cost-less” mode, which means continually looking for ways to reduce costs of all
types, including financial, operational, equipment, and labor expenses.
 The growth in some jobs and decline in others illustrate that shifts are indeed occurring.
 Participation in the gig economy, an economy where most work is performed by
freelance workers rather than full-time employees, has been growing dramatically.
 Figure 1-6 lists some of the fastest growing occupations by 2026.

Discussion Starter: Survey the students in the class to determine the most popular industries
for work. Compare the results to the industries represented by the occupations in Figure 1-6.

 Various regions of the United States and different industries face significant workforce
shortages because of an inadequate supply of workers with the skills needed to perform
emerging jobs.

1-5b. Globalization

 The globalization of business has shifted from trade and investment to the integration of
global operations, management, and strategic alliances, which has significantly affected
how human resources are managed.
 Although individual companies do not respond to all HR challenges in exactly the same
way, research suggests that all must face and overcome a common set of difficulties
when an organization has a global presence.
o The areas of difficulties are as follows: strategy, people, complexity, and risk.

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

1-5c. A Changing Workforce

 The U.S. workforce is more diverse racially and ethnically, has more women in it than
ever before, and has older workers.

1-5d. Human Resources and Technology

 Many organizations are replacing some of their aging HR software with new technology
that automates applicant tracking, facilitates reporting, and analyzes HR data.
 The growth of the Internet has led to the creation of numerous platforms in which
individuals can interact.
o Social media, online communities where users create and share content and
participate in networking, has grown exponentially in the past decade.
o Figure 1-7 provides data on the number of users for different popular social media
websites for the year 2017.

Discussion Starter: Discuss how information released to the public can affect a company’s
actions. For example, an employee’s comment to a group of friends is released on social
media and results in the termination of the employee.

1-6. Organizational Ethics and Human Resource Management

 Closely linked with the strategic role of HR is the way managers and HR staff influence
the ethics of employees, as well as the ethical practices of organizations as a whole.
 Violating HR protocols can lead to negative organizational and individual consequences,
while institutionalizing ethical practices can prompt many positive outcomes, as shown in
Figure 1-8.

1-6a. Ethical Culture and Practices

 When the following programs exist, an ethical culture often develops, and ethical
behavior is encouraged:
o Written code of ethics and standards of conduct
o Training on ethical behavior
o Advice to employees on ethical situations they face
o Systems for confidential reporting of ethical misconduct or questionable behavior
o Public recognition and commendation when employees behave ethically

2. What would you recommend to an HR professional whose superior has asked him or her
to comply with a request to act unethically?

Students’ answers will vary. The question can be used to have a discussion or a debate
in the class.

1-6b. Ethics and Global Differences

 Variations in legal, political, and cultural values and practices in different countries
often raise ethical issues for global employers that must comply with both their home-
country laws and the laws of other countries.

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

HR Ethics: HR Keeps Organization on Straight and Narrow

While most HR professionals are not trained as attorneys, there is a greater expectation that
HR will serve a role as corporate conscience, helping the organization to avoid legal and
ethical problems. Ensuring that compliance programs go beyond mandated requirements and
reflect corporate values makes these programs more meaningful to employees and more
sustainable. Unlike black-and-white legal compliance questions, ethical dilemmas are often
more complex and rely on a philosophical approach rather than a compliance mindset.
Having a code of conduct and ethics policy in place and consistently enforcing them are keys
to setting a tone within the organization where employees are clear on how they should
behave when working on the company’s behalf.

1. How can HR staff ensure that top leaders are held to the same standards of behavior as
line employees? What would you recommend HR staff do to demonstrate consistent
enforcement and application of these standards?

Students’ answers will vary. They should consider the enforcement of a thorough code
of conduct and ethics policy that will be applicable to all the individuals that are a
part of the organization, irrespective of the hierarchy. HR staff can conduct frequent
sessions on issues such as bribery, sexual indiscretions, insider trading, negligence, and
misbehavior. This will create an awareness among employees on what is happening
around them. HR staff can also incorporate ethics training.

1-6c. Role of Human Resources in Organizational Ethics

 HR management plays a key role as the keeper and voice of organizational ethics.
o Figure 1-9 identifies some of the most frequently encountered ethical misconduct
that involve HR activities.
 To help HR staff members deal with ethical issues, the Society for Human Resource
Management (SHRM) has developed a code of ethics for its members and provides
information on handling ethical issues and policies.

1-7. Human Resources Management Competencies and Careers

 A career in HR requires the understanding of necessary competencies and certifications.

1-7a. Human Resources Competencies

 HR professionals at all levels certainly need to have a basic understanding of strategic

management; legal, administrative, and operational issues; and how technology is
 SHRM, the leading professional association for HR, developed a list of competencies
that are arranged in a comprehensive model.
o Figure 1-10 provides a summary of the SHRM competency framework.

1-7b. Human Resource Management as a Career Field

 As an organization grows large enough to need someone to focus primarily on HR

activities, the role of the HR generalist is needed—that is, a person who has
responsibility for performing a variety of HR activities.
o Further growth leads to the addition of HR specialists, or people who have in-
depth knowledge and expertise in specific areas of HR.

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

1-7c. Human Resource Professionalism and Certification

 HR organizations include SHRM, the International Personnel Management Association

for Human Resources (IPMA-HR), World Federation of People Management
Associations (WFPMA), the WorldatWork Association, the Association for Talent
Development (ATD), and the International Association for Human Resource
Information Management (IHRIM).
 The most widely known HR certifications are the Professional in Human Resources
(PHR) and the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), both sponsored by the
Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).

Critical Thinking Challenges

1. Discuss several areas in which HR can affect organizational culture positively or


Culture can facilitate high employee job performance. Excellent ideas can be enhanced by
a culture that is compatible with the needs of the business. This is how culture can be used
to create a competitive advantage.

Culture affects service and quality, organizational productivity, and financial results.
From a critical perspective, it is the culture of a company that affects the attraction and
retention of competent employees. Aligning the culture with what management is trying to
accomplish also determines the health of an organization by creating an environment that
capitalizes on human capital strengths.

2. Give some examples of ethical issues that you have experienced in jobs and explain how
HR did or did not help resolve them.

Students’ answers will vary. They might give examples that include illegal activities, such
as employee theft, or other activities, such as favoritism or dishonesty. Whether HR helped
to resolve such activities will vary based on the examples and the organizations.

3. Why is it important for HR management to transform from being primarily administrative

and operational to a more strategic contributor?

In for-profit companies, the HR group can develop policies that place the right people in
the right jobs at the right times to ensure that goals are being met. In not-for-profit
organizations, such as governmental and social service entities, HR leaders can manage
employees in a business-like manner to accomplish other functional goals. Overall, instead
of just understanding HR issues and concerns, HR staff should have a broad business focus
to help companies reach their strategic goals.

4. Assume you are an HR Director with a staff of seven people. A departmental objective is
for all staff members to become professionally certified within a year. Using the Internet
resources of HR associations, such as and, develop
a table that identifies four to six certifications that could be obtained by your staff members
and show the important details for each certification.

Students’ answers will vary depending on the certifications selected. Details of the
certification can include the name of the organization, the name of the certificate, the
requirements, the certification process, and the relevant web address for more information.

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

5. Your company, a growing firm in the financial services industry, is extremely sensitive to
the issues surrounding business ethics. The company wants to be proactive in developing a
business ethics training program for all employees, both to ensure the company’s
reputation as an ethical organization in the community and to help maintain the industry’s
high standards. As the HR Director and someone who values the importance of having all
employees trained in the area of business ethics, you are in charge of developing the ethics
training program. It needs to be a basic program that can be presented to all employees in
the company. Resources for business ethics information can be found at

A. What legislative act prompted many U.S. companies to develop internal ethical
policies and procedures?

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was passed in 2002 by Congress to make certain that
publicly traded companies follow accounting controls that could reduce the
likelihood of illegal and unethical behaviors.

B. What are key concepts related to business ethics that should be considered in the
development of the ethics training program?

When the following programs exist, an ethical culture often develops, and ethical
behavior is encouraged:
 A written code of ethics and standards of conduct
 Training on ethical behavior for all executives, managers, and employees
 Advice to employees on ethical situations they face, often given by HR
 Systems for confidential reporting of ethical misconduct or questionable

Case: Organizational Culture Gone Wrong

Wells Fargo Bank pressured employees to cross-sell products to customers by setting unrealistic
sales targets for each employee, which resulted in an outbreak of rampant fraudulent activities in
the organization in an attempt to meet those targets.

1. How did the culture at Wells Fargo become so focused on growing sales through cross-
selling? What might be done in the future to reduce the reliance on single outcomes for
rewarding employees?

Students’ answers will vary. Students might say that it was primarily the "win at all costs"
attitude endorsed by the organization, cutthroat competition, and the hunger for financial
rewards that oriented the organizational culture to focus singularly on cross-selling.
Students may further suggest that the HR department recognize other employee
contributions apart from sales, revise incentive plans, and also incorporate intrinsic
rewards, such as professional growth, that would be longer-lasting and more fulfilling for
employees than extrinsic monetary rewards.

2. What steps should an employee take when faced with coworkers who are acting
unethically in order to meet performance objectives? How could HR be informed and
asked to help remedy such situations?

Students’ answers will vary. Some students may suggest that the employee first assess the
situation and try to find out if the unethical behavior violates any laws or government
codes. The employee should also evaluate if the unethical behavior violates organizational
and professional standards of conduct. The employee should also analyze if the unethical

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

behavior stems from a fault in management's planning or from the inherent nature of
coworkers to engage in malpractice. Students may also ask the employee to speak to the
appropriate people in the organization, especially HR personnel, about their ethics
concerns. Students may also say that, in such situations, HR should be cooperative and, as
a preventive measure, set up a strong code of conduct and ethics policy and enforce them
at all levels of the organization without bias.

Supplemental Cases

Water Quality Association: Building Competencies with Technology

This case describes a company that uses strategic training initiatives such as experiential and
informal learning to ensure that its employees master important competencies and skills. The
company’s use of apprenticeships and technology approaches deliver content in user-friendly
ways to engage employees. (For the case, visit MindTap® at

1. How did the Water Quality Association’s use of technology help enhance how employees
acquired important work competencies? Can you think of any other mobile technology
applications that might be used to enhance WQA’s learning activities?

Students’ answers will vary. They should consider the value of reinforcing skills, tracking
progress, rewarding activity completion, and the use of mobile technology in training.

Suggestions for additional mobile technology applications will vary. One example could be
a “help desk” that is available via mobile technology that suggests troubleshooting
techniques for employees who go to customer sites.

2. What is your opinion of Apprenticeship 3.0? Is it an approach that you would consider
using as an HR manager, or does it need further development?

Students’ answers will vary. A drawback could be the lack of interaction with another
person, which could hamper an employee who learns best through interaction with other
people rather than technology.

Rio Tinto: Redesigning HR

This case describes a company that must reduce its workforce due to the 2008 global recession.
The approach used was global in nature, and downsizing efforts were highly coordinated and
consistent across all areas of the business. (For the case, visit MindTap® at

1. How did Rio Tinto’s revamping of HR help with minimizing the potential problems with
the reduction in force? What role would an HRIS (also called a Human Resource
Information System) have to play in managing an RIF?

By following a common approach using regional severance policies, a comprehensive

database, and measurement tools to track the impact of the redirections, Rio Tinto
managed to implement the RIF in an efficient, ethical, and sensitive manner. Having
moved the HR professionals across product groups, locations, and assignments, the
company fostered a more consistent culture, which helped the HR managers to recognize
and follow consistent policies and standards for the whole company. Bringing together
disparate HR departments across multiple business units increased speed and lowered

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

HRIS would play a very important role in the event of downsizing. The presence of HRIS
improves the efficiency with which the data on employees and HR activities are compiled.
It would help the HR department to administrate efficiently and communicate quickly to the
employees. Also, while planning an RIF, strategic HR planning is required to carry out the
downsizing ethically and to avoid facing any legal challenges later, for example,
discrimination. Having accessible data enables HR planning and managerial decision
making to be based to a greater degree on information rather than relying on managerial
perceptions and intuition, making it more effective.

2. Without a consistent philosophy, policies, and approaches to reduction in force (or any
other disruptions in the future) what would the likely reactions from employees be?

When a company is downsized without proper plans, philosophy, and policies in place, it
might lead to increased workloads and loss of loyalty, morale, and motivation among the
remaining employees. Employees who have been terminated may deem their termination
unfair and unethical and may form a bad opinion about the company.

Phillips Furniture

This case describes a small company that has grown large enough to need a full-time HR person.
You have been selected to be the HR Manager, and you have to decide what HR activities are
needed and the role HR is to play. (For the case, visit MindTap® at

1. On what activities would you tell Mr. Phillips you intend to focus? Why?

Answers may vary. The issue that needs the most attention is the human capital of the
organization. Not having enough quality workers is one of the major problems facing small
US businesses. Employees must be fit into the right job, trained, and given feedback if they
are to do well. Because there are multiple Philip Furniture stores, care must be taken to
see that inventory matters are properly taken care of, and good customer service should be
provided to earn future customers and retain current customers. The main tasks are
recruiting and training workers to drive up the sales and maintain proper inventory
control to keep the business running smoothly.

2. What would be your first actions, and why?

Answers may vary. Because Mr. Phillips has also gained control of Martin Furniture, it is
imperative to see that the transition of the employees from Martin Furniture to Phillips
Furniture is a smooth one. Proper and adequate training should be provided to help them
transition easily and adapt the culture at Phillips Furniture.


This case is quite useful in illustrating that personnel management is important in both small
organizations and large corporations. A student should recognize that the interface concept
emphasizes the need for the newly appointed personnel manager and the more experienced
operating managers to cooperate. A younger and newer person would have to identify the
appropriate “division” of personnel responsibilities that would be consistent with maintaining the
cooperation and support of the other managers in the firm.

Identification of the correct state of personnel activities in each of the seven interfaces would be
mandatory before definite actions and changes could be initiated. Winning acceptance as a
valuable aide, not an adversary, would be critical if future problems are to be minimized.

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations


Large food services and distribution firm Sysco had to revise its HR management. Review this
case and identify how the changes at Sysco modified HR’s importance. (For the case, visit
MindTap® at

1. How does the market-driven approach illustrate that HR has strategic, operational, and
administrative roles at Sysco?

The administrative role is heavily oriented to processing and record keeping. When
Sysco’s HR staff enters data into the Virtual Resource Center (VRC) and when they use
technology to calculate cost/benefit analyses, they are performing the administrative role.

The operational role emphasizes support for executives, managers, and employees when
addressing and resolving HR problems and issues. When Sysco’s corporate HR identified
ways it could assist regional operations, and then developed programs and services that
met regional needs, they were performing the operational role. Sysco’s HR was also
performing the operational role when they worked with the operational managers of the
warehouse workers and the truck and delivery drivers to reduce turnover in those
operational areas.

The strategic role focuses on the long-term implications of HR issues and is closely linked
to the strategic plans of the organization. When Sysco’s corporate HR conducts workplace
climate surveys of employees, they are involved in scanning the internal environment to
provide data to help upper-level managers make strategic decisions.

2. Discuss what types of HR changes could have affected reductions in workers’

compensation expenses, employee turnover, and increases in customer satisfaction.

The types of HR changes that could have affected reductions in workers’ compensation
expenses, employee turnover, and increases in customer satisfaction include:
 Collection of better data to track workers’ compensation claims
 Improvement in safety training to reduce workers’ compensation claims
 Better recruitment and selection to match the job to the worker
 Better training and development efforts
 Better employee relations that makes the employee feel valued by the organization
 More competitive base pay and incentive programs
 More effective orientation programs for new employees

HR, Culture, and Success at Google, Scripps, and UPS

This case describes HR’s role in the culture of three different companies. HR’s contribution to
organizational success in each case can be identified and further researched. (For the case, visit
MindTap® at

1. How does the integration of HR with the organizational culture contribute to the success of
Google, Scripps, and UPS? To find ideas, go to the appropriate corporate website for each
of them and then search for additional insights.

Overall, HR departments at all three of these companies have integrated HR operations

that are in sync with their culture and HR is considered a strategic partner that will help
the organization meet organizational strategic objectives.

Google—the overriding key of HR at Google is its emphasis on organizational culture and

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Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

business objectives. Google HR focuses on giving its employees flexibility to produce

results, not just following core job requirements. HR at Google has established innovative
efforts for its people and made the administrative part of HR efficient. Minimizing forms,
data, and reports by using technology have occurred, which would be expected in a
technology firm.

Scripps Network (a prominent TV and communications corporation)—HR at Scripps plays

a core role in establishing strategic goals. HR has played a major role in getting multiple
cultures to integrate when the organization has merged separate media firms. A pay-for-
performance system that provides incentives is used to support the culture and core values.
HR at Scripps also emphasizes leadership development and the firm has widely used work
variability efforts such as work-life balance and telecommuting.

UPS—HR at UPS is linked with business objectives and uses communication and intranet
programs to ensure employees are kept constantly informed on business objectives and
workforce challenges. HR also plays a major role in promoting corporate integrity.
Established codes of conduct are consistently reviewed with all employees and include
specific examples of actual potential situations employees may face.

2. Discuss how some of the culture facets mentioned compare to ones in employers you have
worked for and explain the difference in the views of those employers.

Students’ answers will vary but most students probably have not had a chance to work for
companies with the reputation of Google, Scripps, and UPS.

Extra Teaching Video

On the Job Video: Jet Blue—Intro to HR

This short video will help reinforce key points and may prompt additional discussion from the

Suggested Discussion Questions

1. What are the three roles typically assumed by Human Resource departments? Give an
example of how each of those roles is played out at Jet Blue.

Human Resource departments take on three roles: administrative, operational, and

strategic. The administrative role involves processing information and recordkeeping, and
it is often outsourced in today's organizations. The operational role involves acting as an
employee advocate with the organization, helping to ensure that employees are treated
fairly by managers and that managers can handle problem employees. Finally, the
strategic role occurs when HR managers interact with other senior managers to devise and
implement strategies for the organization.

At Jet Blue, HR plays an administrative role in the recruiting and selection process, by
keeping track of job applicants and their skills, knowledge, and abilities. This kind of
record keeping is crucial so that they can pick the correct people to hire as they are needed
to fill specific jobs. HR plays an operational role in handling performance management
and diversity. Employees and managers will often encounter issues in these areas that HR
can help to resolve. HR plays a strategic role in thinking about what kinds of employees
are needed to meet the needs of their customers. As LaToya Ingram points out, they try to
create an inclusive culture so that employees can perform really well and meet the needs of
customers effectively.

© 2020 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Chapter 1: Human Resource Management in Organizations

2. Employees are a core competency for many companies. How does Jet Blue manage their
human capital to become successful?

Lisa Borromeo, the Director of Brand Advertising and Market Planning at Jet Blue, says
that "Our business is such a commoditized business that the only way to really differentiate
us from our competitors is our people." Jet Blue manages their human capital by creating a
culture in which employees can thrive and customers will be happy. They hire diverse
employees to serve their diverse customers. They allow their employees to be individuals
and to use their specific strengths to perform their jobs at an optimal level instead of
requiring everyone to act in exactly the same way. Jet Blue helps their employees grow and
develop in several ways, including performance management reviews and a mentoring

3. What challenge is Jet Blue facing with regard to Human Resources?

As Jet Blue becomes larger, it is harder to maintain their original culture. Captain Eric
Scott says, "I believe we are now at almost 16,000 crew members, you know, it takes more
effort to keep hold of who you are and, you know, what you stand for, because you have
that many more people who are responsible for keeping your branding culture alive, and as
it becomes more and more diverse, you know, you also have to help to kind of cultivate that
even more and more, so I do think it gets harder." Growth is an interesting challenge for
JetBlue because of their focus on diversity. On the one hand, the company is becoming
more diverse as it grows, but on the other hand, that diversity means more different
opinions about what the company should be. It is important to identify the key elements of
the culture that must be maintained and to know which elements can change as the
company grows.

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Another random document with
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Así pasaba Mendino su
congojosa vida, huyendo de los
lugares donde de Elisa se trataba,
honrándola ó llorándola, porque
para ella y para él era este recato
de grande importancia, y así se
entretenía en sus cabañas con el
vaquero Coridón ó con Castalio
su primo lo más del tiempo, y esto
porque en amor no falte su
costumbre, que es haber siempre
quien de nuevo llore; Cardenio,
enamorado de Clori, perdió el
respeto á Castalio, que más que á
sí la quería, y la pidió en
casamiento, y el generoso padre
de ella, viendo la igualdad de los
dos ricos pastores en edad y
suerte, y que ambos le pedían y
ambos eran dignos, y á Castalio
heredero y á Cardenio heredado,
dió la palabra á Cardenio y dejó á
Castalio, de manera que estuvo
mil veces por darse la muerte. En
estos trances tan dolorosos se
pasó lo restante del invierno. No
os he dicho nada de Galafrón,
siendo mucho lo que hay que
decir; mas presto celebraremos el
sepulcro de Elisa, donde serán
sus lágrimas las mejores, porque
allí faltarán las de Mendino; y
ahora veréis que llega á la ribera
un galán cortesano en hábito de
pastor; Alfeo se llama, y con dolor
viene: tratemos dél, en tanto que
de Mendino y Castalio sus
recientes daños no nos dan lugar:
que tal vendrá, que los hallemos
más tratables, pues

El mal que el tiempo hace,

el tiempo le suele curar.

En tanto que el generoso Alfeo

siguió las pomposas Cortes tan
satisfecho de su habitación, que
le parecía tiempo perdido el que
en otra parte se gastaba,
mayormente el de aquellos que
de las ciudades y villas, retirados
á las humildes aldeas, vivían
entre aquella soledad
acompañada de murmuración, y
aquella compañía desierta de
consejo, no es de maravillar que
así amasse el trato cortesano:
porque criado en él y aficionado á
las artes, hallaba allí del mundo lo
mejor; ayudábale á gozarlo ser
rico y liberal, gentil, cortés,
discreto y bien nacido, amado de
todos, y sobre todo, señor de su
voluntad. Pero después que vió la
hermosura de Andria, que era sin
igual, y probó su condición, tan
fácil al mal y al bien, que en
breves días, enamorado y creído,
sintió el favor de su parte, medida
de su deseo, y en más breves la
ponzoña secreta de su dulzor,
juzgó enemigos al cielo y á la
tierra, llamó la muerte, aborreció
la vida, estragó su pecho hasta
quedar tan trocado de sí, que á sí
mismo no se conocía, y tan
enemigo del lugar, que á otra
cosa que infierno no le
comparaba. Huyó dél, corrido de
sus amigos, desesperado de su
contento y atónito de su perdición;
buscó la ausencia, con deseo de
que en ella le viniese la muerte
sin que la despiadada Andria
supiese de su muerte ni de su
vida. Así como iba trocada su
fortuna, así lo iba su traje: camisa
cruda llevaba y sayo pardo
vaquero, caperuza de faldas y
calzón de lienzo, polaina tosca y
zapato gruesso, é intencionado
de encubrir su suerte y guardar
cabras y ovejas en la ribera del
Tajo, donde al silencio de la
noche enderezó sus pasos, sin
más compañía que su dolor y
cuidado, que casi con alas del
viento apresuraban su jornada,
llegó á su verde ribera al punto
que el sol con la primera lumbre
ahuyentaba las postreras
sombras de la noche. Era el
tiempo que la deleitosa
primavera, desechando las flores
de sus plantas, casi apenas el
deseado fruto entre las tiernas
hojas descubría. Y á las aves de
la noche por las cavernas
encerrándose, las del día
(desamparados los nidos)
dulcíssimos cantares acordaban.
Ya el rústico Arsindo, desde un
alto peñasco que sobre el Tajo
pendía, tocaba una sonora
bocina, á que de todas partes de
la ribera le comenzaron á
responder con flautas, chapas,
adufres y otros instrumentos
pastorales, donde Alfeo entendió
ser día entre ellos de gran
solemnidad y fiesta, y
acrecentando su pena, se entró
por la espesura de unos tarayes,
y recostado en la tierra junto á un
pequeño arroyo que del Tajo
salía, los ojos en él y el
pensamiento en Andria, al son del
agua y al compás de sus suspiros
comenzó á decir:

Apartado de la vida
pago, viniendo á morir,
con la pena del partir
la culpa de la partida;
culpa que (si bien se apura)
procede en tal ocasión,
no por falta de razón,
mas por mengua de ventura.
Húyome de vos agora,
aunque decirlo es afrenta,
mas si vos quedáis contenta,
iré pagado, señora;
sin derramar más querellas,
que en su mayor fundamento
las ha de llevar el viento
y á mí la vida tras ellas.
Partíme de vos sin veros,
porque no puedan decirme
que fué possible partirme
y no lo fué enterneceros;
excusaré, mal mi grado,
el juzgar en la partida
á vos por desconocida
y á mí por desesperado.
No hay fortuna que
aquel que de vos se parte,
ni tiempo, razón ni arte
que por su salud procure;
y así á tan amarga suerte
no buscaré resistencia,
pues vos disteis la sentencia,
yo ejecutaré mi muerte.
No crece en esta jornada
la pena como el quereros,
que no es mayor mal no veros
que veros contino airada;
y pues iguala á la ausencia
lo que padezco presente,
no podrá llamarme ausente
quien no me lloró en
Yo me huyo, y no me quejo,
porque no vengo conmigo,
perdonadme que os lo digo
por galardón de que os dejo;
y si os mostráredes servida
en partirme desta suerte,
podré decir que la muerte
me valió más que la vida.
Coged el fruto que ofrece
mi partida en mis enojos,
pues quita de vuestros ojos
lo que vuestra alma aborrece;
quedad satisfecha así,
que aunque soy el agraviado,
triunfaré como vengado
si sé vengaros de mí.
De este bien desconfiando,
mis males agradeciendo,
vuestro desdén conociendo,
de la vida no curando,
tal me voy á tierra extraña
á volverme en tierra poca
con vuestro nombre en la boca
y en el alma vuestra saña.

Bien pensó Alfeo que se quexaba

á solas, ignorando que á su
siniestro lado, á la caída del río, al
fin de la espesura, estaba la
cabaña de la pastora Finea,
discreta y bella serrana, la cual,
recordando á la bocina de
Arsindo, fué herida de las
palabras del afligido amante;
mientras las cuales duraron, dejó
el humilde lecho, calzó abarcas
de limpio cuero con cordones de
fina lana, vistió su cuerpo gentil
de saya parda oscura con saino
baxo y camisa blanca gayada,
cogió sus cabellos, y cubriéndolos
con un ancho y alto tocado á fuer
de la serranía, salió al lugar
donde Alfeo estaba con más
semejanza de muerto que de
vivo. Y aunque la graciosa Finea
había bien entendido de sus
palabras la causa de su dolor,
dissimulando le dijo: ¿Duermes,
pastor? No duermo, dixo Alfeo.
¿Pues por qué, dixo Finea, dejas
passar el río tu manada, que
cuando della no cures, del daño
que puede hacer deberías tener
cuidado? No tengo cosa, dixo
Alfeo, que á nadie pueda dañar,
sin haberla en el mundo que á mí
no me dañe. Según esso, dixo
Finea, tú eres el más desdichado
de los hombres, pues ninguno lo
es tanto que no halle quien dél se
duela. Y sin duda ya yo lo hago
de ti, porque me pareces
enamorado y forastero. En lo uno
y lo otro, dixo Alfeo, has acertado;
sólo yerras en tener compassión
de mí, y así te ruego no la tengas
si no eres amiga de tiempo muy
perdido. ¿Qué sabes, dixo Finea,
si puedes pagarme en mi
moneda? ¿Eres acaso, dixo
Alfeo, enamorada y forastera?
Esso, dixo Finea, puedes tú ver,
sin preguntarlo, en mi traje por
una parte y en mi piedad por otra.
Pero dime, pastor, así triunfes de
tus enojos, ¿quién eres, de dónde
y á qué eres venido, que tu hábito
me dice uno y tu persona me
descubre otro? No creas nada,
dixo Alfeo, que aquí estoy yo que
te desengañaré de todo, pues no
puedo ser ingrato al cargo que en
tan breves razones me has
echado: suplícote primero me
digas qué es la causa del ruido
que esta mañana (al parecer del
sol) sonó en la ribera. La causa,
dixo Finea, de las voces é
instrumentos que has oído es una
junta casi general de los pastores
desta ribera que hoy se hace en
lugar señalado, por recordación
de la difunta Elisa, hija del
caudaloso rabadán Sileno, cuyas
cenizas serán cada año en este
mismo día celebradas. Por esto
subió el rústico Arsindo á avisar
con su ronca bocina desde las
altas peñas, y toda la pastoral
compañía desde sus moradas le
respondieron, á cuyo son recordé
yo y oí tus quexas, y estimo en lo
que es razón la voluntad con que
te ofreces á darme cuenta de ti;
pero el detenimiento en este lugar
podría ser peligroso, porque el
sitio de Elisa es más de una milla
distante de donde estamos, y la
obligación de entrar yo á tiempo,
forzosa, y sin duda no hay pastor
ni pastora que no vaya
caminando, así que en el camino
podré saber lo que tanto deseo, y
tú mandar lo que ya quisieres de
tu gusto, que responderé á él con
toda la obligación que me has
hecho. Pastora, dixo Alfeo, yo no
debo hacer essa jornada si no es
porque tú lo quieras, y así te
acompañaré hasta donde fueres
contenta, que para mí no tiene
más un lugar que otro, salvo los
de la soledad á que mi mala
fortuna me tiene tan obligado.
Sígueme, pastor, dixo Finea, y
saliendo de entre los tarayes se
entraron por una senda estrecha
y deleitosa, entre olmos y salces,
y á poco espacio, antes que nada
pudiessen tratar, sobrevino á la
parte del río una banda de
apuestos pastores y hermosas
pastoras, y entre ellos Licio,
pastor de mucha estima,
desfavorecido y celoso de Silvia,
una de las pastoras que allí iban.
Fuéles forzoso á los dos, Alfeo y
Finea, seguir su compañía, que
sin esquivarse del nuevo pastor,
iban en dulces pláticas
entreteniéndose, y á la mitad del
camino Finea pidió á Ergasto que
tañese y á Licio que cantasse, á
cuyo ruego Ergasto sacó la flauta,
y á su son Licio comenzó á cantar
de aquesta suerte:

¿De qué sirve, ojos serenos,
que no me miréis jamás?
De que yo padezca más,
mas no de que os quiera
Si el que con gusto moría,
queréis que rabiando muera,
aunque mudéis la manera,
firme está la fantasía:
de ira y gracia llenos
dais por un mismo compás
el mal de menos á más
y el favor de más á menos.
Si imagináis que dexarme
tan sin ley y sin razón
en mí ha de ser ocasión
para desaficionarme;
pues no bastan ser ajenos,
industrias son por demás,
antes el deseo es más
cuando la esperanza es
Podéis con desabrimiento
quitarme el verme y el veros,
mas no que por conoceros
no me agrade mi tormento;
ser tan hermosos y buenos
que lo dexáis todo atrás,
esto en mí siempre fué más
y lo demás todo menos.
Si por matar al amigo
no podéis ser alabados,
y os queréis ver disculpados
con todo el mundo y conmigo;
cuando huya de sus senos
el alma triste además,
miradme, y no pido más,
mas tampoco pido menos.

Todos, sino Silvia, oyeron

atentamente la tierna canción del
angustiado Licio; pero ella, que de
costumbre tenía esquivarse con él
en todo, mientras duró se
entretuvo con Dinarda en plática
de poca importancia, según
pareció por lo que Dinarda hizo,
que pidiendo á Ergasto que no
cessase y á Licio que le
respondiesse, Ergasto empezó á
tañer, y ella á cantar, y Licio á
responder desta manera:

—¿Si Silvia se te desvía,
más la sigues?—Hago bien.
—Morirás por ello.—Amén;
quizá la contentaría.
—Pon más consideración
en tan confusa aspereza,
que te lleva tu firmeza
carrera de perdición;
¿cuando más males te envía
más te humillas?—Hago bien.
—Tú te destruyes.—Amén;
que esso es lo que yo querría.
—No abras con tal error
tu mal soldada herida,
que si es mala la caída,
la recaída es peor;
mira que es gran niñería,
no escarmentar.—Hago bien.
—¿Y si te pierdes?—Amén;
que poco se perdería.
—De tantos males y enojos
¿qué nuevas esperas buenas,
si tu afición y tus penas
son culpas ante sus ojos?
¿A la que te desafía
te avassallas?—Hago bien.
—Veráse vengada.—Amén;
que entonces yo triunfaría.
—Eres juez tan cruel
en sentenciar tu processo
que, ó se te ha enjugado el
ó no naciste con él;
lo que en tu frente se cría,
¿es locura?—Hago bien.
—¿Y si te atassen?—Amén;
que por cuerdo quedaría.

O por oir Silvia á Dinarda, ó

porque el cantar la movió á más
atención que el primero, mientras
duró estuvo puestos los ojos en
los pastores que cantaban. Mas
ya que vió que era acabado, con
rostro grave y hermoso, vuelta á
la pastora le dixo: Volvamos,
Dinarda, á nuestro cuento, que
aunque el día es largo, para esso
faltará lugar y para essotro no,
que llegados al valle todos
cantaremos. Esso creo yo, dixo
Uranio (pastor de pocas palabras,
pero de mucho aviso), mas será
la diferencia que cantaréis en la
rama y Licio en la red. Si yo la
hice, dixo Silvia, en ella muera.
¿Pues quién la hizo? dixo Licio.
Tú, pastor, dixo Silvia; si alguna
hay, aunque tu desassossiego no
es prisión, sin duda, sino temor de
venganza de las más conocidas
sinrazones que jamás contra
mujer se han hecho. ¿Quién las
hizo? dixo Licio. Tú, dixo Silvia,
que en medio de una tierníssima
voluntad mía, donde eras solo
señor, moviste en pago tus pies y
tu lengua contra mí. Si tú primero,
dixo Licio, me quitaste el seso, no
fué mucho que yo hiciesse
locuras. ¿Pues tengo yo culpa,
dixo Silvia, á tus desvariadas
sospechas? Desso, dixo Licio, tú
eres testigo, pero sey juez, que yo
huelgo de ser el condenado. Sola
una cosa, dixo Silvia, quiero
preguntarte: ¿Qué te movió á
desterrar á Celio de la ribera?
Esso, dixo el pastor, fué concierto
de nuestra contienda que el que
quedasse vencido no pudiesse,
por término de un año, apacentar
en la ribera del Tajo: condición fué
sacada por su boca y desafío
hecho por su mano, y pena por
que yo passara (aunque á mi
pesar) si él me venciera. Y oxalá
Licio fuera el vencido, con que el
cielo me ayudara con la más
mínima parte del sentimiento que
por Celio tienes. Mira, pastor, dixo
Silvia con rostro más altivo y
tierno; vuelve á Celio á su
cabaña, y de mí y de la mía no te
acuerdes jamás, y agradece
mucho que me humillo á
enseñarte cómo podrás tenerme
menos agraviada. Sí, agradezco á
ti y al cielo, dixo Licio; y llamando
á Ergasto, á passo largo se
entraron por una senda que á
mano derecha estaba, quedando
los demás pastores muy
agradecidos del noble respeto del
pastor y del buen proceder de la
pastora. Pero viéndola casi
forzada á llorar, no quisieron
enternecerla; antes, vuelto Uranio
al nuevo pastor Alfeo, con gran
cortesía le preguntó su nombre y
su venida. Mi nombre, dixo el
pastor, es Alfeo; mi venida, de
passo, y serlo ha más si os soy
inconveniente. Esso estuviera á
mi cargo, dixo la serrana Finea. Y
volviendo á los demás les
asseguró que Alfeo era muy digno
de su compañía y trato. Y en
estos agradables razonamientos
llegaron á una hermosa y gran
floresta que á la entrada del valle
de Elisa estaba, y donde había
orden de irse aguardando los
pastores hasta que juntos
entrassen al sagrado valle. Y assí
agora hallaron muchos, divididos
por los arroyos y fuentes, tejiendo
guirnaldas, juntando ramos de
diversas flores y algunos tañendo
y cantando con gran harmonía y
arte, que allí estaban Sasio,
Filardo y Arsiano, y la pastora
Belisa, hija del doctíssimo
lusitanio Coelio, los cuatro más
aventajados en música y canto
que en las españolas riberas se
hallaban. Ayudábales el mucho
estudio, suaves voces v
discreción y donaire, aunque en
suavidad y harmonía Belisa los
dejaba atrás. Cantando estaba
Arsiano cuando nuestros pastores
llegaron; pero á poco rato, Belisa,
ayudada de Sasio, al son de la
lira con gran dulzura comenzó á
cantar aquestos versos:

Entre hierbas fresquíssimas
un cendal por los ojos
juntos los pies, las alas
Suelta la aljava, el arco floxo
al lado,
durmiendo estaba con
descuido y gana
el pequeñuelo dios de Amor
Llevaba en el frescor de la
Filida sus ovejas, que las
iban barriendo con la blanca
No sonaban zampoñas de
iba cantando (cuando vió
al mismo Amor) qué cosa es
mal de amores.
No conoció quién era,
aunque le vido,
porque nunca sintió su pena
mas llegó á conocerle sin
Miróle y dixo con su voz
¿Hombre y ciego y con alas?
No eres hombre.
¿Ave con solas alas? No eres
Si te pusiste aquí porque me
con tu nueva facción, por no
quiero saber de ti cuál es tu
Una trenza texió de su
y atóle, y recordando el Amor
se vió cautiva della y preso en
Filida dixo: Dime, alado
cómo te llamas. Respondió
Furor causado de tu gran
Filida le responde: No te
Y dice Amor: Mi nombre es tu
con cuya luz la misma nieve
Yo soy Amor, si quieres más
ves allí el arco, ves allí la
tiéntalos y verás su fortaleza.
Filida dice: El tiempo que
me amaba
el que solo obligada me tenía
al yugo que atajó la muerte
Cuatro coronas el Amor
no era arquero, no era amor
ni ciego como tú, que bien
Tú vienes con dos jaras
una ligera y otra muy pesada,
y el efeto por dicha más
Dícele humilde Amor: Essa
de sólo bien querer está
y essa de plomo, en desamor
Sin quebrar la pesada te
puedes, pues para el hombre
que te viere
es imposible que su fuerza
Mas cuanto tu beldad acá
por fuerza essotra vivirá
que cuando de mi aljaba se
la hallaré en tu gracia y

La mucha arte, la gran harmonía

del vario son que la pastora
Belisa á sus versos iba dando, fué
de manera que no quedó pastor
ni pastora que por una y otra
parte no la rodeassen. Y al fin de
su cantar, como maravillados de
oirla y no menos satisfechos de
mirarla, no se movían de aquel
lugar, deseosos que tornasse á su
agradable canto. Pero á esta hora
ya la floresta estaba llena de la
más noble y lucida gente que
jamás se ha visto entre pastores.
Y el viejo Sileno, con largo sayo y
retorcido bastón, la barba al cinto,
cana como la limpia nieve, y
sobre su arrugada frente una
corona de funeral ciprés, salió del
valle acompañado de los cuatro
escogidos y gallardos pastores
Mireno y Liardo, Galafrón y
Barcino, en discreción y gentileza
iguales, y en caudal y estimación
lo mismo. Traían de varios
pellicos sus vestiduras, con
dardos gruessos de fresno de
puntas de luciente acero en sus
manos, sus cabellos limpios y
peinados, cubiertos con
guirnaldas de verde yedra, á cuya
entrada todo el pastoral concurso
prestó un atento silencio. Y
después que Sileno con sus
cuatro pastores hubo pasado y
visto por todas partes la floresta,
vuelto al encerrado valle mandó
que Arsindo tocasse en él su
bocina, cuyo son apenas fué oído
cuando por una sola entrada que
el valle tenía se trasladó en él
toda la gente que en la floresta
estaba. Dispuesto era el lugar
para la gran fiesta que se
ordenaba. Tenía de ancho media
milla y una en largo. Guardábale
de ambos lados un espesso y alto
monte de gruessos robles y viejas
encinas, por entre los cuales
baxaban muchos arroyos de agua
clara, que unos hacían estanques
en el fresco valle y otros por las
cavernas sumiéndose,
acrecentaban su deleite y
hermosura. No faltaban en el
llano fuentes puríssimas que,
como de cristal, bañaban los
troncos á las diversas y hermosas
plantas. Estaba entre ellas una
alta pirámide de rico mármol, casi
toda cubierta de nativa yedra y de

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