Soal B. Inggris Kelas 10

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AKTA NOTARIS MUNTAFI’AH, SH,M.Kn. Nomor 06 Tahun 2023
Nomor Keputusan KEMENKUMHAM RI: AHU-0006994.AH.01.04. Tahun 2023
Alamat: Dsn. Pesantren Gang III, Desa. Dasin, Kec. Tambakboyo, Kab. Tuban 62353
Hotline: 0822 2928 1174 / 0896 3784 4017

A. Pilihan Ganda
1. **The synonym of the word "diligent" is:**
a. Lazy
b. Hardworking
c. Stupid
d. Slow

2. **She _____ to the market every Sunday.**

a. go
b. goes
c. going
d. went

3. **The opposite of "expensive" is:**

a. Cheap
b. Costly
c. Pricey
d. Valuable

4. **My father _____ a new car last week.**

a. buys
b. buying
c. bought
d. buy

5. **If I _____ a bird, I would fly high.**

a. am
b. is
c. were
d. was

6. **Which of the following sentences is correct?**

a. She don't like apples.
b. She doesn't likes apples.
c. She doesn't like apples.
d. She do not like apples.

7. **He has been working here _____ 2015.**

a. for
b. since
c. from
d. in

8. **The capital city of Japan is:**

a. Seoul
b. Beijing
c. Tokyo
d. Bangkok
9. **Choose the correct passive form: "The cake _____ by my mother."**
a. baked
b. bakes
c. was baked
d. is baking

10. **Which sentence is in the past continuous tense?**

a. She was cooking dinner.
b. She cooks dinner.
c. She has cooked dinner.
d. She will cook dinner.

11. **"He will have finished his work by tomorrow." What tense is this sentence?**
a. Present perfect
b. Past perfect
c. Future perfect
d. Future continuous

12. **The correct form of the verb in "She enjoys _____ (read) books" is:**
a. read
b. reading
c. to read
d. reads

13. **Which of the following is a question tag for "You are coming, _____?"**
a. do you
b. aren't you
c. are you
d. don't you

14. **Identify the adverb in the sentence: "She sings beautifully."**

a. sings
b. she
c. beautifully
d. song

15. **The correct comparative form of "good" is:**

a. gooder
b. more good
c. best
d. better

16. **Choose the correct conjunction: "I like tea _____ I don't like coffee."**
a. and
b. or
c. but
d. so

17. **The plural form of "child" is:**

a. childs
b. children
c. childs
d. childrens

18. **The correct preposition in "She is interested _____ music" is:**

a. at
b. on
c. in
d. to

19. **Which sentence is correct?**

a. There is many books on the table.
b. There are much books on the table.
c. There is much book on the table.
d. There are many books on the table.

20. **The synonym of "happy" is:**

a. sad
b. joyful
c. angry
d. tired

21. **Complete the sentence: "If it rains, we _____ indoors."**

a. will stay
b. stayed
c. stays
d. staying

22. **Choose the correct form: "He _____ tennis every Saturday."**
a. play
b. plays
c. played
d. playing

23. **What is the past form of "write"?**

a. writed
b. written
c. wrote
d. writes

24. **The antonym of "difficult" is:**

a. hard
b. easy
c. challenging
d. tough

25. **Fill in the blank: "She is the _____ student in the class."**
a. intelligent
b. more intelligent
c. most intelligent
d. intelligently

26. **The correct spelling is:**

a. recieve
b. receive
c. recive
d. reciev

27. **Which sentence uses the correct article?**

a. She is an honest person.
b. She is a honest person.
c. She is the honest person.
d. She is honest person.
28. **The past participle of "see" is:**
a. saw
b. seen
c. see
d. seeing

29. **Choose the correct form: "They _____ to the cinema last night."**
a. goes
b. went
c. gone
d. going

30. **Fill in the blank: "She _____ already finished her homework."**
a. have
b. has
c. had
d. having

B. Uraian

1. **Describe your last holiday experience in at least 150 words.**

2. **Explain the importance of learning English in today's globalized world.**
3. **Write a short biography of a famous person you admire (minimum 200 words).**
4. **Compare and contrast two different cities or places you have visited.**
5. **What are the benefits and challenges of using technology in education?**
6. **Describe a memorable event in your life and explain why it was significant.**
7. **Discuss the impact of social media on youth today.**
8. **Write a letter to a friend describing your new school and what you like about it.**
9. **Explain the process of preparing your favorite meal.**
10. **Discuss how you manage your time between school, homework, and extracurricular

### Kunci Jawaban

#### Pilihan Ganda

1. b. Hardworking
2. b. goes
3. a. Cheap
4. c. bought
5. c. were
6. c. She doesn't like apples.
7. b. since
8. c. Tokyo
9. c. was baked
10. a. She was cooking dinner.
11. c. Future perfect
12. b. reading
13. b. aren't you
14. c. beautifully
15. d. better
16. c. but
17. b. children
18. c. in
19. d. There are many books on the table.
20. b. joyful
21. a. will stay
22. b. plays
23. c. wrote
24. b. easy
25. c. most intelligent
26. b. receive
27. a. She is an honest person.
28. b. seen
29. b. went
30. b. has

#### Uraian

1. **Deskripsi liburan terakhir Anda harus mencakup tempat yang Anda kunjungi, aktivitas yang Anda
lakukan, dan pengalaman menarik atau berkesan yang Anda alami.**
2. **Belajar bahasa Inggris penting di dunia global saat ini karena merupakan bahasa internasional
yang digunakan dalam bisnis, pendidikan, dan komunikasi global. Menguasai bahasa Inggris membuka
peluang karir dan mempermudah akses informasi.**
3. **Biografi singkat harus mencakup latar belakang hidup, pencapaian, dan kontribusi tokoh yang
Anda kagumi, serta alasan mengapa Anda mengaguminya.**
4. **Bandingkan dua kota atau tempat yang pernah Anda kunjungi, termasuk perbedaan dalam
budaya, lingkungan, dan kesan Anda tentang keduanya.**
5. **Manfaat penggunaan teknologi dalam pendidikan termasuk akses informasi yang luas dan
metode pembelajaran yang lebih interaktif. Tantangannya meliputi ketergantungan pada teknologi
dan potensi gangguan dari aktivitas belajar.**
6. **Deskripsikan suatu peristiwa yang berkesan dalam hidup Anda, alasan mengapa peristiwa
tersebut penting, dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap diri Anda.**
7. **Dampak media sosial terhadap remaja termasuk pengaruh positif seperti kemudahan komunikasi
dan akses informasi, serta dampak negatif seperti kecanduan dan cyberbullying.**
8. **Tulislah surat kepada teman yang menggambarkan sekolah baru Anda, fasilitas yang ada, guru-
guru, dan hal-hal yang Anda sukai di sana.**
9. **Jelaskan langkah-langkah dalam menyiapkan makanan favorit Anda, termasuk bahan-bahan yang
dibutuhkan dan proses memasaknya.**
10. **Diskusikan bagaimana Anda mengatur waktu antara sekolah, pekerjaan rumah, dan kegiatan
ekstrakurikuler, serta strategi untuk menjaga keseimbangan.**

Semoga soal dan kunci jawaban ini membantu! Apakah ada yang perlu ditambahkan atau dikoreksi?

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