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Test Bank for Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

8th by Noe

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 7th Edition

Noe Solutions Manual

Test Bank for Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

5th Edition by Noe

Human Resource Management Noe 8th Edition Solutions

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 7th Edition
Noe Test Bank

Human Resource Management Noe 8th Edition Test Bank

Solution Manual for Fundamentals of Human Resource

Management, 7th Edition, Raymond Noe, John Hollenbeck,
Barry Gerhart Patrick Wright

Test Bank for Human Resource Management 11th Edition by


Human Resource Management Noe 9th Edition Test Bank
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

• Non-HR managers, such as supervisors, typically have responsibilities related to all HR

functions such as analyzing work, interviewing, training, and writing performance

Ethics in Human Resource Management

• Make consistently ethical decisions.
• Understand and enforce employee rights.

Careers in Human Resource Management

• Careers in HRM may involve specialized work in fields such as recruiting, training, or

Learning Objectives
LO 1-1: Define human resource management, and explain how HRM contributes to
organization’s performance.

LO 1-2: Identify the responsibilities of human resource departments.

LO 1-3: Summarize the types of competencies needed for human resource management.

LO 1-4: Explain the role of supervisors in human resource management.

LO 1-5: Discuss ethical issues in human resource management.

LO 1-6: Describe typical careers in human resource management.

Society for Human Resource Management Body of Competency &

This chapter contains content, which may be identified within the following content areas:

• Talent Acquisition & Retention

• Learning & Development
• Total Rewards
• Structure of HR Function
• Business & HR Strategy
• Organizational Effectiveness & Development
• Workforce Management
• Risk Management

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

Human Resource Certification Institute’s A Guide to the HR Body

of Knowledge
This chapter contains content, which may be identified within the following content areas:

• Business Management & Strategy

• Workforce Planning and Employment
• Human Resource Development
• Compensation and Benefits
• Employee and Labor Relations
• Risk Management

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

Question Guidance to Vignettes and Discussion Questions

Best Practices
HRM Helps Abbott Laboratories Thrive

1. How could a company such as Abbott benefit from sending an employee to school to
study finance or another business subject?

Answer: Students should identify the reduction in training costs while further developing
the employee. Students may also identify the outside knowledge and skill gained, while
potentially improving employee morale and, thus increasing retention.

2. How do you think hiring and training could work hand-in-hand to help a company such
as Abbott meet its business objectives?

Answer: Discussion should consider how training initiatives may be viewed favorably by
potential candidates, and thus lead to both the acceptance of a job offer and retention.

HRM Social
Social Media Tools for HR Professionals

1. Of the social-media applications described here, which, if any, have you already used?
On which, if any, have you observed messages from employers or co-workers?

Answer: Expect many student answers to center around the largest and most popular
social media sites/apps. This is both true for the first and second parts of Question 1.
Consider moving the conversation to tools such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or other
sharing tools that are used for both personal and work projects.

2. Based on the descriptions here and your experiences with social media, briefly describe
one way the use of social media might help you stat or advance your career.

Answer: Students will probably focus on their network and how job postings can be
made and spread very easily. Instructors will want to guide the conversation to targeted
strategies, where students can research a company the same way a company can research
potential applicants.

HR How To
Applying HR Data to Solve Business Problems

1. Review the categories of HR responsibilities (see Table 1.1). For any of the categories
write a question that analytics might be able to answer.

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

Answer: Responses will vary, but instructors should be sure to help students first
understand HR responsibilities, and then discuss how analytics can help improve those

2. In light of the tips listed here, how should an HR professional use data to address the
business issue you identified in question 1?

Answer: Students should be able to identify how both statistical and communication
skills are necessary in human resources management.

HR Oops!
Zenefits Runs into Its Own HR Issues

1. What do you think of the description of HR being “essentially pretty boring”? How well
does that statement take into account the competencies Zenefits has defined for HR

Answer: Students will respond with their own experiences of being hired, trained,
appraised, or terminated. Instructors should consider flipping this model and have the
students re-do those problem situations with their own answers.

2. Review the competencies in Figure 1.3 and the example behaviors listed in the
accompanying text discussion. Which ones are the areas you would advise Zenefits to
strengthen so it can better meet its internal needs or serve its customers?

Answer: Students should be able to rationalize any or all of the competencies within the
figure. Group work could be a recommended method of instruction or activity.

Did You Know?

Employers’ Reputations Have Value

1. If you were an HR manager, how could you use the survey results to make a business
case for rewarding ethical conduct?

Answer: Students should identify how businesses with a bad reputation could lead to
higher compensation costs to attract and retain employees. Active learning strategies are
strongly recommended here based on personal experience and improving the response of
HR in ethical dilemmas.

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

End of Chapter Questions and Cases

Thinking Ethically
Whom Does the HR Professional Represent?

1. Consider a situation where a new sales associate complains that a top-earning sales
manager has been harassing her. Who would be affected by (a) a decision to fire the sales
manager; and (b) a decision to tell the employee the manager is valuable, and she should
figure out how to handle the situation herself?

Answer: Responses should indicate a consideration as to how both sides’ rights may be
impacted, while also considering the legal and publicity ramifications of either action.

2. What duties does the HR department receiving this complaint have to (a) the sales
associate; (b) the sales manager; (c) the company that employs them?

Answer: In today’s age, instructors should anticipate this to be a hotly debated topic in
the classroom. Students answers should be respectful in considering both parties and how
the process should play itself out. In addition, decisions must incorporate the business
decisions of maintaining profitability. Refer back to the section on reputation of the
business in creating a positive culture.

Review and Discussion Questions

1. How can human resource management contribute to a company’s success? (LO 1-1)

Answer: Human resource management consists of an organization’s “people practices”

such as the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’ behavior, attitudes,
and performance. HRM influences who works for the organization and how those people
work. These human resources, if well managed, have the potential to be a source of
sustainable competitive advantage, contributing to basic objectives like quality, profits,
and customer satisfaction.

2. Imagine that a small manufacturing company decides to invest in a materials resource

planning (MRP) system. This is a computerized information system that improves
efficiency by automating such work as planning needs for resources, ordering materials,
and scheduling work on the shop floor. The company hopes that with the new MRP
system, it can grow by quickly and efficiently processing small orders for a variety of
products. Which of the human resource functions are likely to be affected by this change?
How can human resource management help the organization carry out this change
successfully? (LO 1-2)

Answer: The sort of change described in the question above would most likely affect, to
some degree, all nine of the functions of human resource management. The analysis and
design of work would need to be considered in a decidedly different manner than it was
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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

before the newly implemented automated process, as the “job” itself would be changed
under the new system. Recruitment and selection as well as training and development
would require adjustment to secure those individuals with the necessary skills,
knowledge, and abilities to perform at expected levels under the new system.
Performance management, the process of ensuring employees’ activities and outputs
match the organization’s goals, would need reevaluation due to the changes created by
the new process. Compensation would require adjustment because of the changes caused
by the automation. Employee relations and human resource planning to support the
organizational strategy would require adjustment to bring harmony and balance back into
the workplace as individuals are noted to fear and resist new changes.

Human resource management can help the organization successfully carry out this
change by combining its knowledge of human behavior with performance management
tools in order to assist the organization in constructively managing the change process.

3. What competencies are important for success in human resource management? Which of
these competencies are already strengths of yours? Which would you like to develop?
(LO 1-3)

Answer: Human resource management requires substantial human relations skills,

including skill in communicating, negotiating, and promoting team development. Human
resource professionals also need decision-making skills based on knowledge of the HR
field as well as the organization’s line of business. Leadership skills are necessary,
especially for managing conflict and change. Technical skills of human resource
professionals include knowledge of current techniques, applicable laws, and computer

The student responses will vary as to which skills are their current strengths and which
skills they would like to develop further.

4. Traditionally, human resource management practices were developed and administered

by the company’s human resource department. Line managers now play a major role in
developing and implementing HRM practices. Why do you think non-HR managers are
becoming more involved? (LO 1-4)

Answer: As the relationship between various HRM practices and the productivity and
performance of employees has been recognized, line managers have strong reasons to
become involved in the development and implementation of HRM practices. The
information from line managers is critical to determine needed and appropriate policies
and practices that will reinforce the strategic and operational needs of the organization.
For instance, if quality needs improvement, then it is critical that incentive/compensation
practices be developed to reward quality improvement rather than volume production.

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

5. If you were to start a business, what aspects of human resource management would you
want to entrust to specialists? Why? (LO 1-3)

Answer: Human resource specialists most often possess certain areas of expertise, such
as recruitment, training, and labor relations. Human resource generalists usually perform
the full range of HRM activities, such as recruitment, training, compensation, and
employee relations. The cost difference associated with hiring a specialist or a generalist
would need to be considered, as this is a newly established company. A full picture of
organizational size, objectives, financial standing, as well as organizational need would
need to be examined prior to selecting either a specialist or a generalist to guide the HR

The responses provided by the students will vary depending upon their personal
viewpoints. However, each response provided should discuss rationales for why such a
decision was made.

6. Why do all managers and supervisors need knowledge and skills related to human
resource management? (LO 1-4)

Answer: Although many organizations have human resource departments, non-HR

managers must be familiar with the basics of HRM and their own role regarding
managing human resources. Supervisors typically have responsibilities related to all HR
functions. Supervisors help analyze work, interview job candidates, participate in
selection decisions, provide training, conduct performance appraisals, and recommend
pay increases. On a day-by-day basis, supervisors represent the company to their
employees, so they also play an important role in employee relations.

7. Federal law requires that employers not discriminate based on a person’s race, sex,
national origin, or age over 40. Is this also an ethical requirement? A competitive
requirement? Explain. (LO 1-5)

Answer: Ethics refers to the fundamental principles of right and wrong. Ethical behavior
is behavior that is consistent with those principles. It is imperative for organizations to
adhere to current laws and regulations. This is indicative of ethical organizational
behavior. The way an organization conducts its business can affect the way in which
others such as customers, government agencies, and vendors perceive that organization.
While operating ethically is not a competitive requirement, remember that individuals
most often prefer to deal with organizations they feel they can trust. So in essence,
operating in an ethical/unethical manner may greatly impact an organization’s

8. When a restaurant employee slipped on spilled soup and fell, requiring the evening off to
recover, the owner realized that workplace safety was an issue to which she had not
devoted much time. A friend warned the owner that if she started creating a lot of safety
rules and procedures, she would lose her focus on customers and might jeopardize the
future of the restaurant. The safety problem is beginning to feel like an ethical dilemma.

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

Suggest some ways the restaurant owner might address this dilemma. What aspects of
human resource management are involved? (LO 1-5)

Answer: Safety for workers as well as for customers is vital for every organization
regardless of its size. Accidents can prove to be an exorbitant cost for businesses. The
restaurant owner may address this dilemma by gaining knowledge on the value of safety
training. By viewing implementation of safety training as an enhancement, the owner
may conquer any of her fears.

In actuality, all nine areas of human resource management functions could potentially be
involved in or affected by the creation of a safety-training program. Of course, the
training and development function would sustain an immediate and more recognized

9. A friend hears you are taking this course and mentions an interest in an HRM career.
Based on this chapter’s description, what advice would you give your friend? (LO 1-6)

Answer: Individual students will provide a wide variety of responses to this topic.
Answers should represent an understanding of each content area in this chapter.

Taking Responsibility
Why Good Things Happen at Costco

1. In what ways does Costco meet the criteria for a "sustainable" organization?

Answer: The company clearly cares about a workforce that is engaged and retained. This
adds to their sustainability because they do not have to spend as much on recruitment
costs. They have employees who feel valued and that translates into productivity and
customer satisfaction.

2. What would you describe as Costco’s basic strategy as a retailer? How do its human
resource practices support that strategy?

Answer: Their basic strategy is to be a low-cost provider. They keep their HR costs low
by having less turnover and lower residual training costs, which is tied to the low
turnover, even though their pay rates are competitive. They also have higher productivity
so they are getting a great ROI for their higher hourly wage and benefits.

Managing Talent
Old Navy’s Talent Strategy Fills in Some Gaps

1. In your own words, briefly summarize the business problem facing The Gap and the
effectiveness of This Way Ahead as a solution to the problem.

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

Answer: Students answers should focus on the skill deficits facing many of the workers
that would typically find jobs or start careers in the retail industry. TWA is meant to
provide incentives on a number of fronts. Not only is Old Navy creating a demand to
work at their stores, but they are also investing in workers who are more enthusiastic and
have the potential to grow inside of Old Navy.

2. Suggest one or two ways Old Navy’s HR department could use data to measure the
success of This Way Ahead in providing a source of talent. That is, what measure would
indicate success?

Answer: Data could be analyzed to investigate any potential reductions in employee

turnover as well as new workers to the Old Navy brand. Focusing on store-by-store, or
regional results on entry-level employees is the key metric.

HR in Small Business
Network Is the Key to HRM at 1Collision

1. Give examples of 1Collision’s HRM professionals providing the competencies of (a) HR

expertise and (b) critical evaluation.

Answer: Students may identify the HR expertise as the recruitment support, and the
evaluation regarding training requirements.

2. How might HRM support from the 1Collision Network make an auto body shop more
competitive than if it relied on the shop manager to handle human resource management?
In other words, how might this support contribute to business success?

Answer: Responses may vary, but should identify the ability to gain HRM expertise at a
relatively lower time and money cost than if the shop manager just handled all the HRM

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

Recommended Connect Activities

HRM Matters to Everyone
Learning Objective: 01-03 Summarize the types of competencies needed for human resource
Activity Summary: This case analysis involves the changing role of the HR department over
time and the addition of increased responsibility and decision making.
Follow-Up Activity: Active and collaborative learning exercises are recommended for this
application exercise. One example would be for small groups to diagram the different
organizational structures for HR as time has progressed. In addition, students can then delegate
the different HR responsibilities of each employee as the company has evolved.

Ethical Concerns in Human Resources

Learning Objective: 01-05 Discuss ethical issues in human resource management.
Activity Summary: This worksheet includes matching of real-world issues to the ethical
concerns highlighted in the text.
Follow-Up Activity: Activities for this application exercise could include any number of topics.
Use the multiple-choice questions as a pre- and post-assessment so that students understand each
of the ethical dilemmas outlined in the text. After the pre-assessment is complete, have
individuals or groups document previous examples in their own careers when an ethical concern
arose. Students could then categorize those examples as one of the main ethical concern areas as
outlined in the activity.

Supervising Employees Who Work from Home

Learning Objective: 01-04 Explain the role of supervisors in human resource management.
Activity Summary: Technological improvements can influence policies and practices in human
resource management, as well as in the overall organization. Although there are many benefits of
using technology in the workplace, there are also challenges. This video case presents some of
those for telecommuters.
Follow-Up Activity: Have students "flip" the classroom and present on the processes
organizations use for considering, implementing, and supervising telecommuting employees. The
answers do not need to include great depth but should focus on recognition and examples of the
necessary steps.

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

HRM Practices
Learning Objective: 01-03 Summarize the types of competencies needed for human resource
Activity Summary: Today is it not enough for an HR professional to know only how to perform
tasks specific to human resources management. HR professionals must be proficient in the nine
categories of HR success competencies clustered into four areas: technical, interpersonal,
business, and leadership.
Follow-Up Activity: This matching exercise plays a more foundational role in a student’s ability
to understand the role of HR in the current landscape. Ask students to complete this worksheet
when class begins and then have them retake it at the end of the class meeting (the same could be
done in an online environment). Use the results to guide your teaching to the needs/weaknesses
of your students on a real-time basis, which will increase the chances of retention.

CHRO Conversations: Tracy Keogh, HP, Inc.

Learning Objective: 01-02 Identify the responsibilities of human resource departments.
Activity Summary: The video case and multiple-choice questions that follow will push students
to apply previously learned information to corporate-level strategy.
Follow-Up Activity: Students should understand the role that HR takes in managing an
environment that has the necessary tools and structure to lead an organization to a highly
competitive market position. Active learning strategies could include having students research
their own employers or find "best HR practices" and then apply course content to these

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8e Instructor’s Manual

Classroom Exercises
Students may benefit from exercises that illustrate the concepts of the chapter. Use these along
with CONNECT activities.

1. Understanding of HRM and the textbook

Instructors may engage students in a general discussion meant to support the

understanding of HRM. Instructors may have students review Figures 1.1 and 1.2, and
then discuss Review and Discussion question #1. Instructors may then direct students to
Table 1.3 to see the outline of the book and answer any questions they may have
concerning the content.

2. The Role of HRM

Students may be asked to discuss and identify HRM’s role within organizations. Review
and Discussion questions #5 may be used to begin the discussion. Then instructors may
ask students to respond to the Taking Responsibility question #2. While responding to
question #2, the instructor may ask students to reflect on their responses to the Review
and Discussion question and ask whether their initial responses have now changed.

3. Competencies for Careers

Instructors may facilitate a discussion for students to discuss the competencies necessary
for strong managers. Review and Discussion questions #3 and #4 may be asked to begin
the discussion. Then, Review and Discussion question #6 may be asked as a follow-up,
with students then reflecting on their responses to questions #3 and #4.

4. HRM Career Considerations

Instructors may wish to have students identify components in Chapter 1 within both the
Society for Human Resource Management Body of Competency & Knowledge and the
Human Resource Certification Institute’s A Guide to the HR Body of Knowledge.
Discussion could be focused on how these chapter concepts are important to the
development of their careers and potential certification.

5. Vignette Discussions

Any of the vignettes (see above) may be employed for classroom discussion. Students
could be asked to respond as individuals or placed into groups for discussion. Individuals
and/or groups may then be asked to defend their responses and rationale when comparing
and contrasting other responses.

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
To Mr. S――.

New-York, July 27, 1754.

My very dear and steady Friend,

H ERE will I set up my Ebenezer—for hitherto the Lord hath helped

me. Through his divine goodness, I left Georgia and Bethesda in
growing circumstances, and am come once more to pay a short visit to
the northward. O that the Redeemer may make it a sweet one! Some
time next month, perhaps I may have the pleasure of seeing you and
yours, and my other dear Boston friends. As I am entirely unprovided
with travelling furniture, I have thoughts of coming as far as Rhode-
island by water. God willing, you shall have timely notice, or it may be,
I may come upon you unawares. Strange! that I should be in this dying
world till now. What changes have I seen! What changes must I expect
to see before my final departure, if the Redeemer is pleased to
lengthen out this span of life. Welcome, welcome, my Lord and my
God, whatever cup thou shalt see meet to put into my hands! Only
sweeten it with thy love, and then, though bitter in itself, it cannot but
be salutary. Alas! how little do we know of ourselves, till we are tried,
and how hard doth the old man die! Well! blessed be God, die he
shall. Jesus hath given him his deadly blow, and at the best he only
lives a dying life. Thanks be to God for such a Saviour! O for a
thousand tongues to shew forth his praise! Lord Jesus, cloath me
with humility, that I may every day know more and more the honour
conferred upon me in being made a poor pilgrim for thee! Keep me
travelling, keep me working, or at least beginning to begin to work for
thee till I die! But whither am I going? Excuse me, my dear Sir.—I am
writing to a beloved Gaius. God bless you and yours.—My most
cordial respects await all enquiring friends.—Methinks they are dearer
than ever to, my very dear Sir,

Yours, &c. in our glorious Head,

G. W.
To Mr. P――.

New-York, July 28, 1754.

Reverend and very dear Sir,

O NCE more, the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus hath brought me

hither, and last night gave me an opportunity of recommending
his dying love. When I ascended the pulpit, and found your place
empty, I was somewhat affected; but I have met with so many changes
in the church as well as the world, that it is time for me to begin to
learn to be surprized at nothing. Some time next month, I hope to
come as far as Boston. I know, my dear Sir, that you will pray, it may
be in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. What is to
befall me I know not; Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit! Fain
would I be as clay in thy hands. Lord Jesus, when shall it once be?
But I am a stubborn, ill and hell-deserving creature. Less than the
least of all, shall be my motto still. Amazing,—that the Redeemer
should suffer such a wretch to speak or travel for him. Surely his name
and nature is Love. O that I could but begin to begin to love him! My
obligations increase daily. In England the word of the Lord runs and is
glorified indeed. Georgia and Bethesda I left in growing
circumstances. The orphan-family now consists of one hundred and
six, black and white. A young man that hath been a student there,
succeeds Mr. S―― of Charles-Town. O that the Redeemer may
provide for the dear New-York people! The residue of the spirit is in his
hands. Lord Jesus, make their extremity thy opportunity to help and
relieve them! But I shall weary you, and detain you too long from more
important work. May the great head of divine influence bless you and
yours, and all your present flock! Some of them I know. If you should
see dear Mr. P―― or F――, be so good as to remember me to them,
in the most respectful manner.—I intreat their prayers for a poor but
willing pilgrim, and am, reverend and very dear Sir,
Your most affectionate, obliged, though unworthy brother and
servant in our common Lord,

G. W.

To Mr. S.――.

New-York, July 28, 1754.

My very dear Sir,

H ERE our Lord brought me two days ago, and last night I had an
opportunity of preaching on his dying, living, ascending, and
interceding love, to a large and attentive auditory. Next week I purpose
going to Philadelphia, and then shall come back again here in my way
to Boston. Whether I shall then return to Bethesda, or embark for
England, is uncertain.—I fear matters will not be settled at the orphan-
house, unless I go once more; I have put some upon their trial, and
shall want to see how they behave. During my passage from Charles-
Town, I left a few lines for you; I thought to have written an account of
Bethesda for the press, but could by no means get freedom. God’s
time is the best. I owe for three of the negroes who were lately bought,
but hope to be enabled to pay for them at my return from the
northward. My God can, and will supply all my wants, according to his
riches in Jesus. Glory be to his great name, he hath now taught me a
little to be alone. His presence keeps me company, and I find it sweet
to run about for him. I find the door all along the continent is as open
as ever, and the way seems clearing up for the neighbouring islands.
What a pity is it, that we can only be at one place at once, for the ever-
loving, ever-lovely Jesus. Had I a good private hand, I could send you
the account of my family, &c. but perhaps I may deliver it to you
myself. Lord Jesus, direct my goings in thy way! I owe you much, yea
very much love; but a pepper-corn of acknowledgment, and my poor
prayers, is all the payment that I fear will be made by, my very dear

Your worthless, though most obliged, affectionate, and ready

servant for Christ’s sake,

G. W.

To Mr. G――.

New-York, July 30, 1754.

My very dear Friend,

S HALL we once more see each other in the flesh? I hope so.—To-
morrow, God willing, I preach at Newark; on Wednesday, two in
the afternoon, at New-Brunswick; and hope to reach Trent-Town that
night. Could you not meet me there quietly, that we might spend one
evening together? You must bring a chair;—I have no horse, and will
then once more venture your throwing me down. Mr. V―― passes me
from hence to Brunswick, and Mr. S―― to Trent-Town. If you cannot
come, I will get Mr. S―― to carry me on till we meet you. O that the
Lord Jesus may smile on my feeble labours. Here I trust he hath
given us a blessing. Yesterday I preached thrice: this morning I feel it.
Welcome weariness for Jesus! O how little can I do for him! I blush
and am confounded. Pray heartily for me; and if business will permit,
come away to, my very dear friend,

Yours most affectionately in our common Lord,

G. W.
To Mr. R――.

Philadelphia, August 7, 1754.

My dear Mr. R――,

I ONCE thought to write you a long letter, but it pleased God to cut off
my strength in my journey. Yesterday I was taken with a violent
cholera morbus, and hoped ere now to have been where the
inhabitants shall no more say, “I am sick.” But I am brought back
again. May it be in order to bring some more precious souls to the
ever-blessed Jesus! This is all my desire. O that God should ever
make use of such a worthless creature as I am! But his grace is free,
he yet blesses me, and rather more than ever. My poor labours, seem
to be owned here, as well as at New-York. I received the sacrament at
church on Sunday, and have preached in the academy; but I find Mr.
Tennent’s house abundantly more commodious. I fear it will be
impossible for me to come your way. This is the believer’s comfort, all
God’s people shall meet in heaven. There I hope to see you and
yours. Accept hearty love, and fail not to pray for, my dear Mr. R――,

Yours most affectionately,

G. W.

To Mr. V――.

Philadelphia, August 15, 1754.

My very dear Mr. V――,

NCE more, after having my cables out ready (as I thought) to cast

O anchor within the port, I am constrained to put out to sea again.

My late sickness, though violent, hath not been unto death. O
that it may be to the glory of God! With some difficulty I can preach
once a-day. Congregations rather increase than decrease; and many,
O strange! are desirous of my making a longer stay. But the time is
fixed for next Tuesday, and all the following days till Sunday, are to be
employed between this and New-Brunswick. There I am informed
some execution was done. Whilst I live, Lord Jesus, grant I may not
live in vain. I could enlarge, but really am so faint, that I have been
obliged to stop, and can now with difficulty subscribe myself, my very
dear friend,

Yours most affectionately in our common Lord,

G. W.

To Mr. E――.

Philadelphia, August 17, 1754.

My dear Mr. E――,

I HOPE this will find you fairly thrust out into the highways and
hedges, and under a divine commission to compel many poor
sinners to come in. Fear not. Jesus will take care of body and soul.

Fix on his work thy stedfast eye,

So shall thy work be done.

Was you on this side the water, you would find work enough. Here’s a
glorious range in the American woods. It is pleasant hunting for
sinners. Thousands flock daily to hear the word preached. Let us pray
for each other. When we meet, we may talk more together. In the
mean while, I recommend you to the unerring guidance and protection
of the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls, as being, for his great
name’s sake, my dear friend,

Yours affectionately in our common Lord,

G. W.

To Mrs. S――.

New-York, Sept. 2, 1754.

Dear Mrs. S――,

I AM much, yea very much indebted to you for your works of faith, and
the labours which, I believe, have proceeded from unfeigned love
to the ever-loving and ever-lovely Jesus. Put all to his account. You
shall be rewarded at the resurrection of the just: then shall the
righteous shine forth like the sun, O happy, happy time! Lord Jesus,
hasten it! May the blessed Spirit prepare us to meet him! Methinks I
hear you say, “I will not lose a moment.” The Lord strengthen you in
this and every holy resolution! You must pray that I may not flag in the
latter stages of my road. Blessed be God, we had good seasons
between Philadelphia and New-York. In the New-Jerusalem more
glorious seasons await us yet. At present I can no more. Be pleased to
remember me in the kindest manner to all, and believe me to be, dear
Mr. S――,

Your assured friend, and ready servant for Christ’s sake,

G. W.
New-York, September 2, 1754.

My dear Doctor,

M AY this find you rejoicing in the holy comforts of that infinitely

great and gracious physician, to whose all-powerful blood and
righteousness, you and I are so much beholden! Surely he hath been
loving unto us. O that we may recover our first love, and return and do
our first work! Jesus is able and willing to do this for us. The return of
backsliders, and forgiving those who cannot forgive themselves, is his
heart’s delight. He spares when we deserve punishment, and in his
wrath thinketh upon mercy. Fly then, my dear friend, to his loving arms
and heart; he waits to be gracious. Let us wait on him in the way of
duty, and we shall find that his arm is not shortened, but that he is still
able and willing to save to the uttermost all that come to the Father
through him. Lord Jesus, who can tell how far thy uttermost
extendeth! None but thy own eternal Self: surely it must extend to the
vilest of sinners, or it never could have reached ill and hell-deserving
me! Help me, my dear Sir, to cry Grace! grace! We had pleasant
seasons in our way hither, and here people attend gladly. Some time
this week I expect to sail for Rhode-Island. Remember a poor but
willing pilgrim, and accept this as a token, that neither you nor yours
are forgotten by, my dear friend,

Yours, &c.

G. W.
To Mr. S――.

Newark, September 27, 1754.

My very dear Sir,

T HE searcher of hearts only knows what struggles and tossings

your last letter, as well as that of dear Mr. W――, hath
occasioned in my breast. Affection, intense affection cries aloud,
“Away to New-England, to dear New-England directly.” Providence,
and the circumstances of the Southern provinces, point directly
towards Virginia and the Orphan-house. In the former, I am told, the
door is opening in earnest; and the business of the latter requires my
presence this Winter. These being dispatched, my mind will be
disburdened, and my heart free for a large range in New-England.
For this, I hereby give you and my dear never to be forgotten friends,
a promissory note of hand. Deo volente, I will perform it, before I
leave America. I think I can take shipping from Boston for England. It
will not do to go thence to the West-Indies, because I cannot go
without a companion, and that companion (if possible) is to be
Captain G――. These are my present thoughts. Have a little
patience, and by delaying for a short time, I shall enjoy more of my
dear friends company: this is what I want to be filled with. In the
mean while, my enemies may be preparing their artillery. I have
nothing but a sling and a stone. I trust that my determination is
agreeable to the mind of Jesus. Many of his true ministers have
been consulted, earnest prayers have been made, and I humbly
hope the event will be glorious. What a pity is it that we can have but
one body and one soul to glorify the blessed Redeemer with! Lord,
accept my two worthless mites, and help me at length to begin to
begin to do something for thy great name’s sake! The worthy
President, who was to be my companion to Boston, will let you know
how affairs go. Blessed be God, the shout of a king hath been
amongst us. I am extremely well pleased with the synod and
commencement. O that I had wings! then would I fly, if it was only
just to have a sight of you and yours, and my dear and worthy
friends.—But—I must say no more. Pray, pray earnestly, my dear
friend, for him, who is less than the least of all, indeed and indeed,

Yours most affectionately, &c.

G. W.

To Lady H――n.

Elizabeth-Town (New-Jersey),
September 30, 1754.

Ever-honoured Madam,

A LITTLE before I had the favour of your Ladyship’s kind letter, I

had written from New-York. Since which time, I trust, through
the efficacy of divine grace, many new creatures have been formed
for God. Every where a divine power accompanies the word,
prejudices have been removed, and a more effectual door opened
than ever for preaching the everlasting gospel. I am now at Governor
B――’s, who sends your Ladyship the most cordial respects. His
outward man decays, but his inward man seems to be renewed day
by day. I think he ripens for heaven apace. This last week was the
New-Jersey commencement, at which the President and Trustees
were pleased to present me with the degree of A.M. The synod
succeeded.—But such a number of simple hearted, united ministers,
I never saw before. I preached to them several times, and the great
Master of assemblies was in the midst of us. To-morrow, God willing,
I shall set out with the worthy President for New-England, and expect
to return back to the Orphan house through Virginia, where the
gospel I trust will have free course and be glorified. This will be about
a two thousand mile circuit; but the Redeemer’s strength will be
more than sufficient. Once this Summer, I thought my discharge was
come; but it seems the shattered bark must put out to sea again.
Father, thy will be done! I hope this will find your Ladyship safe at
your beloved Clifton, where you may enjoy yourself and God,
without the interruptions of a noisy town. This is indeed heaven upon
earth. That you and yours may enjoy it more and more every day, is
and shall be the earnest prayer of, ever-honoured Madam,

Your Ladyship’s most obliged, dutiful, and ready servant for

Christ’s sake,

G. W.

To Mr. Z――.

Elizabeth-Town (New-Jersey),
September 30, 1754.

Very dear and honoured Sir,

J UST two months ago, I arrived at New-York from South-Carolina,

and ever since have been endeavouring to labour in my poor
way for the ever-loving, ever-lovely Jesus. Many things have
concurred, to prove that my coming at this time was of God. Sinners
have been awakened, and saints quickened, and enemies made to
be at peace with me. Grace! grace! In general, I have been enabled
to travel and preach twice a day. Every where the door hath been
opened wider than ever. At Philadelphia, I had a most comfortable
evening with Mr. B―― and his collegues; and at the New-Jersey
commencement I was much refreshed with the company of a whole
synod of ministers, that, I believe, do indeed love the Redeemer in
sincerity. I write this from Governor B――’s, who is indeed singularly
good, and whose latter end greatly increases as to spirituals. O that
this may be my happy lot! About a month ago, I thought my great
change was coming, but I soon was sent back to sea again. To-
morrow I steer for New-England, and from thence purpose returning
to the Orphan-house through Virginia, where the door for preaching I
hear is opening wide. Sometimes I have thoughts of going to the
West-Indies, but fear it will not be practicable, before I see England.
Lord Jesus, direct and strengthen, and then send me where thou
pleasest! I beg, most earnestly beg the continuance of your prayers,
and am, very dear, honoured Sir,

Your most dutiful, &c.

G. W.

To Mr. H――.

Boston, October 13, 1754.

My very dear Friend,

I T hath given me concern, that I have not been able to write one
letter to Georgia, since my arrival at New-York. But it was
impracticable. Sickness, travelling, and preaching prevented me.
However, I must snatch a few minutes now. They leave me at
Boston, where as well as in other places, the word hath run and
been glorified, and people rather more eager to hear than ever.
Lord, what am I? O that I could sink into nothing before thee! After
staying a short time, I purpose, God willing, to go through
Connecticut to New-York, and so on by land to Georgia. Blessed be
God, that a Governor is at length nominated. I wish you joy of your
new honour, which I find, by this week’s post, is conferred upon you.
May the King of kings enable you to discharge your trust, as
becomes a good patriot, subject, and christian! The Lord help us to
look to the rock whence we have been hewn. I wish I knew when the
Governor intends being at Georgia, I would willingly be there to pay
my respects to him. But this must be left to divine Providence. If we
acknowledge God in all our ways, he hath promised to direct our
paths. O my dear old friend and first fellow-traveller, my heart is
engaged for your temporal and eternal welfare. You have now, I
think, a call to retire from business, and to give up your time to the
public. May the Lord of all lords direct, assist, and bless you and
yours more and more. I hope Mrs. H―― is well: I have much to say
when we meet. God deals most bountifully with me. Enemies are
made to be at peace, and friends are every where hearty.
Remember me in the kindest manner to all with you, and continue to
pray for

Yours most affectionately in our common Lord,

G. W.

To Mr. V――.

Boston, October 14, 1754.

My very dear Friend,

S URELY my coming here was of God. At Rhode-Island I

preached five times. People convened immediately, and
flocked to hear more eagerly than ever. The same scene opens at
Boston. Thousands waited for, and thousands attended on the word
preached. At the Old North, at seven in the morning, we generally
have three thousand hearers, and many cannot come in. Convictions
I hear do fasten, and many souls are comforted. Doctor S―― hath
engaged me once to preach his lecture. The polite, I hear, are taken,
and opposition falls. What art thou, O mountain? before our great
Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain. I preach at the Old and the
New North. Mr. P―― and Dr. S―― continue to pray for me. A
Governor for Georgia being nominated, determines my way thither.
O that I may always follow God, even a God in Christ! This week I
set out for Mr. S――’s. The door opens wider and wider. Pray tell Mr.
H――, that I left his horse a little lame at Long-Island, with one who
is called in contempt Saint Dick. All hail such reproach! I could
enlarge, but must away. Adieu. My hearty love awaits your whole
self, and all who are so kind as to enquire after the chief of sinners,
but for Christ’s sake, my very dear friend,

Yours, &c. in our glorious Head,

G. W.

To Dr. S――.

Boston, October 14, 1754.

My very dear Doctor,

S HALL I promise and not perform? God forbid.—Accept,

therefore, a few lines of grateful love. They bring you good
news. At Rhode-Island and this place, souls fly to the gospel like
doves to the windows. A divine power hath hitherto accompanied the
word, and opposition seems to fall daily. Next week I purpose to go
Eastward, and then I intend making as much haste as can be back
to you. A Governor, I find, is appointed for Georgia, and my friend
H―― made Secretary. Those that honour God, he will honour. I
have preached in four large meeting-houses, and the prospect of
doing good is very promising. I was received with an excess of joy.
Lord, what am I? Give me humility, for thy mercy’s sake! Adieu.
Remember me to all enquiring friends, and believe me to be, my
dear Sir,

Yours, &c.

G. W.

To Mr. S――.

Portsmouth (New-Hampshire), October 24, 1754.

My very dear Sir,

A BOUT a month ago I wrote you a few lines from the New-
Jersies. Since that I am advanced about three hundred miles
further northward. But what have I seen? Dagon falling every where
before the ark; enemies silenced, or made to own the finger of God;
and the friends of Jesus triumphing in his glorious conquest. At
Boston a most lovely scene hath opened. In the morning before
seven o’clock, though the meeting-houses will hold about four
thousand, yet many were obliged to go away, and I was helped in
through the window. The prospect is most promising indeed. In the
country a like scene opens; I am enabled to preach always twice,
and sometimes thrice a day. Thousands flock to hear, and Jesus
manifests forth his glory. I know you will rejoice, and join in crying
Grace! grace! I am now come to the end of my northward line, and in
a day or two purpose to turn back, in order to preach all the way to
Georgia. It is about a sixteen hundred miles journey. Jesus is able to
carry me through. Into his almighty and all-gracious hands I
commend my spirit. I hope to write to you in the way. Gladly would I
embark now for England, but I shall leave my American business but
half done, if I come over now. Lord, help me! How little can I do for
thee! And the little I can do, alas! with what a mixture of corruption
and infirmities is it attended. Behold I am vile. Increase my
obligations, my very dear Sir, by continuing to pray for

Yours most affectionately in our common Lord,

G. W.

To Mr. S――.

Portsmouth, October 25, 1754.

My very dear Friend,

Y OUR letter, as well as another from Rhode-Island, helped to lay

me low before him, who delights to work by the meanest
instrument. Still the Lord of all lords stoops to accompany my feeble
labours with his divine presence. At Salem we were favoured with a
sweet and divine influence. Sunday was a high day at Ipswich; twice
I preached for Mr. R――, and once for Mr. W――. Hundreds were
without the doors. On Monday at Newbury the like scene opened
twice. Here Mr. S―― met me, and on Tuesday morning we had a
blessed season. Too many came to meet and bring me into
Portsmouth, where I preached on Tuesday evening, also twice the
next day, and just now I have taken my leave. The blessed Spirit
vouchsafed to be with us each time. Yesterday I preached at York
and Kittery: at both places the Redeemer manifested forth his glory.
In the evening I waited on general P――, who, with his Lady, were
very glad to see me. I am now going to Greenland and Durham, and
to-morrow shall preach at Exeter. The sabbath is to be kept at
Newbury. Monday I am to preach thrice,—at Rowley, Byfield, and
Ipswich; Tuesday, at Cape Ann, and Wednesday night or Thursday
morning at Boston, if the prisoner is to die, though I want another
week in these parts. Excuse great haste; I must away. Pray write a
line by next ship to London. Salute all friends, and continue to pray
for, very dear Sir,

Yours in our glorious Head,

G. W.

To Mr. S――.

Rhode-Island, November 22, 1754.

My very dear Friend,

Y ESTERDAY as I was riding along, I felt a love for you, which only
friends experience, and was determined to write to you
immediately. In the evening my faithful Gaius Mr. S―― brought your
kind letter, which I now take the first opportunity of answering. But
what shall I say? What you have heard is more than true. A more
effectual door I never saw opened, than lately at Boston, and indeed
in every place where I have been in New-England; not a hundredth
part can well be told you. With great difficulty I am got to this place,
where people, as I am informed, are athirst to hear the word of God.
I shall therefore stay, God willing, till Monday, and then set forward
to Connecticut in my way to New-York, which I hope to reach in
about a fortnight. O that you may see me grown in grace, and
humbled under a sense of those amazing mercies which I have
received during this expedition! It seems to me to be the most
important one I was ever employed in. Much, yea very much have I
to tell you when we meet. I wish for the season, and entreat you in
the mean while not to forget me at his throne, who alone can uphold
me with his right hand. O what a friend is Jesus! A friend that sticks
closer than a brother. He is indeed the pilgrim’s stay and staff; few
choose to try him in such a station. This be my happy lot! I write this
at Mr. C――’s who hath lately buried his wife. What a changing
world! Thanks be to God for an unchangeable Christ! To his most
tender and never-failing mercy, do I most earnestly commend both
you and yours, and hoping ere long to see you, and rejoice together
in our common Lord, I subscribe myself, very dear Mr. S――,

Yours, &c.

G. W.

To the Reverend Mr. G――.

Rhode-Island, November 25, 1754.

Reverend and very dear Sir,

I S it true that your father-in-law and your dear yoke-fellow are

dead? I sympathize with you from my inmost soul. At the same
time as I rejoice on their account, who are happily arrived,

Where pain and sin and sorrow cease,

And all is calm and joy and peace.

Surely your turn and mine will come ere long. In the mean while,
may I be doing something for my God! This shews you where I am
at present, going towards Georgia from Boston, where my reception
hath been far superior to that fourteen years ago. In that and other
places in New-England, I have been enabled to preach near a
hundred times since the beginning of October, and thanks be to
God, we scarce had so much as one dry meeting. Not a hundredth
part can be told you. In Philadelphia, New-Jersies, and at New-York
also, the great Redeemer caused his word to run and be glorified. I
am now returning through those and the other Southward provinces
again, in my way to Georgia, where I expect to see our new
Governor. Blessed be God, Bethesda is in growing circumstances,
and, I trust, will more and more answer the end of its institution. I
was exceedingly delighted at New-Jersey commencement. Surely
that college is of God. The worthy president (Mr. Burr) intends to
correspond with you. O that I could do it oftener: but it is
impracticable. Travelling, and preaching always twice, and frequently
thrice, engrosseth almost all my time. However, neither you nor any
of my dear Glasgow friends, are forgotten by me. No, no: they are
engraven upon the very tables of my heart. O that the Lord of all
lords, whose mercy endureth for ever, may give you hearts to
remember poor sinful, ill, and hell-deserving me! Fain would I
continue a pilgrim for life.

Christ’s presence doth my pains beguile,

And make each wilderness to smile.

I have a fourteen hundred miles ride before me; but nil

desperandum, Christo duce, auspice Christo. When I have seen
Governor D――, I hope to write to dear Mr. M――. How is my dear
Gaius, S――, &c.? But I must not begin to mention names. Affection
rises, and I shall be too eager to see them. Lord Jesus, hasten that
blessed time, when we shall together see and enjoy thee for ever in
glory! To this comforting and never-failing Jesus, do I most heartily
commit you, as being, reverend and very dear Sir,

Yours most affectionately in our glorious Head,

G. W.
To Mrs. C――.

Bohemia (Maryland). December 27, 1754.

Dear Madam,

I HAVE just now taken leave of the northern provinces, where I have
been travelling and preaching for near these five months. I
suppose in all, I may have rode near two thousand miles, and
preached about two hundred and thirty times; but to how many
thousand souls cannot well be told. O what days of the Son of man
have I seen! God be merciful to me an ungrateful sinner! I am now
forty years of age, and would business permit, would gladly spend
the day in retirement and deep humiliation before that Jesus for
whom I have done so little, notwithstanding he hath done and
suffered so much for me. Well! to-morrow, O blessed Jesus, through
thy divine assistance, will I begin, and travel for thee again! Lord, is
the call to Virginia? Who knows but an infinitely condescending God
may improve me there! About February I hope to reach Georgia, and
at Spring to embark for England. There, dear Madam, I expect to see
you once more in this land of the dying. If not, ere long I shall meet
you in the land of the living indeed, and thank you before men and
angels, for all favours conferred on, Madam,

Your most obliged and ready servant for Christ’s sake,

G. W.


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