Symbaroum - PPM - Solo Symbaroum (2020!07!27)

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Solo Role-playing rules

Introduction. Solo Role-play is a different way of enjoying our

hobby. In many ways it is unlike any other form of the hobby. It is
a form of the game where nothing gets between your characters
view of the world and that of the Game Master, because you are
one and the same.

by Peter Rudin-Burgess
This product was created under license. Symbaroum and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB.

This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the
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Agreement for Free League Workshop.
Symbaroum Solo

Solo Play? The tools in this supplement are a little more struc-
If you have never played a role-playing game solo, it can tured than the Magic 8 Ball.
be a difficult idea to get your imagination around. For Open Questions are those that cannot be answered
many people they have bonded the idea of the group of with a yes-no. What does the message say? What are they
players around a table, with that of the game itself. talking about? These are all open questions.
As many games move to virtual tabletop apps [VTT], These rules have a tool for you to roll and build a
that group bond is being broken. prompt for you imagination.
I find the online, VTT experience to be stilted and Random Elements
slightly awkward. It is the random elements that will take your games from
Solo play is another alternative. There are things it just an imaginary story and into a full adventure. The rules
excels at, and those are what you need to focus on. It is not are designed to throw up unexpected results.
a replacement for meeting with friends for a social game.1 These random elements should take your story into
places you had not expected. NPCs you had thought were
How Does this Work? your friends may betray you, what you expected to be the
In a traditional game the Game Master [GM] would goal of a quest may be just the start of something much
describe a scene, you describe your actions, the GM arbi- bigger.
trates any conflicts and then describes how the scene
evolves. A Gentle Introduction
More often than not, before you can describe your These rules will give you a gentle introduction to solo
actions you will need to ask the GM some questions to play and help you get the most out of this. possibly, new
clarify specific details that can change what you want to style of gaming.
do. No GM can describe everything in infinite detail, they I will use lots of examples to help you get started.
can give the broad strokes and you ask for finer detail of Old Hands at Soloing
just the parts that are important to you. IF you have been playing solo for a while you will be able
These rules provide a way to answer the questions to use these rules with little problem. These are a rules
that you would ask the GM. light set of tools and most of what you need can be found
The process in solo play is that you imagine the scene, on a single page.
when there is a possible conflict or question you would
want to ask the GM, you ask the rules.
The rules give you an answer and you move the story
There is a random element to the question and answer
rules. If you are confronted with a barbarian in Dakovar, Oracles
are they likely to be friendly or hostile? That is the sort In solo gaming circles, the tables you use to
of question you ask and the rules will give you answers to. generate answers are called Oracles. At first the
Once you have your answer it is up to you to inter- answers may appear cryptic and meaningless,
pret it into your game. The answers are prompts to your but over time you will get used to how they are
improvisation skills. worded and how to interpret them.
There are two types of question. The first is a closed The style of oracle I use is intentionally mini-
question. It gives you a yes-no answer or something simi- malist. The solo rules are never intended to be
lar. Think of it as being very similar to the children’s toy the star of the show. Your character is the star,
Magic 8 Ball. You ask a question, shake the ball and it Symbaroum is the stage and these rules are
gives you an answer. nothing more than the conductors baton or a
director tool.
This is being written during the Covid-19 lock-
down, meeting with friends is not actually an option for
most people right now!

Symbaroum Solo

Closed Questions
Closed questions are typically answered with a yes-no KK World Corruption, if it sometimes feels like the
style answer. If those were the only options, your game world is out to get you, it is because it is. Corruption
would soon get rather boring. The closed question Oracle is a modifier to the oracle roll that accumulates over
can give a number of results. time. Corruption makes Yes results more likely and
First, I am going to cover a few words of jargon. as a consequence can propel a story onwards at a
KK Yes, When you get a Yes result, whatever question higher pace.
you asked is true. KK Complications, a complication is a plot twist or
KK No, The answer to the question you asked is false. unexpected event. When a question results in a
KK Yes, and..., this is the most extreme form of positive. complication the result should make the question
It is what you expected and more. you asked irrelevant.
KK No, because..., the answer is negative but there is an Asking a Question
associated reason why the answer is negative. Pos- To ask a closed question, you ask the question that is
sibly something your character can do something best for the game. Not the question that is best for your
about. character. They are not necessarily the same thing. If you
KK Likely, not all questions are a simple toss of a coin. can phrase the question as a yes-no question then it is a
If the answer is more likely to be yes or or no, you closed question.
treat it as if the roll is Advantaged adding or sub- Decide whether the answer is most likely to be a yes or no.
tracting ±2 to shift the result towards the most If the odds are definitely in favour or one or the other the
likely result

Symbaroum Solo

roll is Advantaged. Modify the roll by plus or minus 2. If World Corruption

the answer is likely to be a yes the roll is at -2. When you start your adventure, World Corruption is zero
If your World Corruption is greater than Zero, its starting (0). Whenever you roll a natural 20 for a question that is
value, deduct that number from your roll. Advantaged towards No, World Corruption goes up by 1.
Once you have rolled, consult this table. Whenever you roll a closed question you always
Roll Answer deduct your World Corruption from the roll.
1 or Less Yes, and... What this does is it makes the rules slowly become

2 to 9 Yes more biased towards Yes results and also towards Yes,
and... results.
10-11 Complication
The rational for World Corruption is that it makes
12-19 No your adventures more exciting as the longer your adven-
20 or more No, because... ture carries on, the more the story starts to build momen-
tum. It is commonly accepted that a good GM tries to say
yes to their players as much as possible. World Corruption
Any result of 21 or 22 increases the World Corruption by 1. does that, but of course, you are asking the questions that
are best for the game, not the ones that are best for your
Example: Karlio, an Ambrian Rogue, is attempting to character. World Corruption brings on more challenges,
infiltrate a Ranger barracks. He peers around a cor- more foes and greater dangers.
ner looking to see if there are any guards. The chances World Corruption also prevents dead end situations.
of there being guards in a barracks has to be likely. This If you are trapped in a situation where every question you
roll is Advantaged towards Yes. Rolling the dice I get a ask comes up as a No answer, it can block you from mov-
19. Minus 2 for the Advantage gives a result of 17. The ing your story forward. World Corruption would slowly
answer is No, there are no guards around the corner. accumulate in this situation and for the answers towards
a yes, thus giving you a way out.
World Corruption is reset to zero every time you
Example: Further on, Karlio has reached the stables and is spend experience points on advances, either gaining a
looking for a horse to steal. Again, the chances of finding a new skill or advancing an existing skill.
horse in a stable is high, so the roll is Advantaged towards Yes.
The roll is a 13 which becomes an 11 after deducting 2. This is Example: Karlio’s current World Corruption is now 2. He is
a Complication. What would make the question about a horse trapped in a pit and having examined the walls and floor
irrelevant? I decide that in the first stable that Karlio looks into looking for some way out, we ask the question does anyone
is the horrifically mutilated body of one of the stable hands. If hear Karlio’s frantic searching? The chance is 50/50. We roll
Karlio is discovered here he is going to have a lot to explain! a 13, which is reduced to an 11 by his World Corruption of 2.
This means the result is a Complication. All of Karlio’s probing
Example: Karlio slips out of the back of the stables. Looking and searching has caused part of the pit to collapse, trapping
about he wants some cover near the outer wall of the barracks Karlio, by the legs. Had Karlio rolled an 11 it would have been
compound. Is there any cover? The Rangers are disciplined reduced to a 9 and the result would have been a yes.
and organised. It is unlikely they have left things lying around.
Deciding the answer is unlikely the roll is Advantaged towards
a No, +2 to the roll. The roll is a 6 which is a 8 in total. Yes,
there is a cart left near the rear curtain wall.

At any point when you would instinctively ask the

GM a question, you are going to ask the rules and roll a
d20. The last piece of the puzzle for closed questions is
World Corruption.

Symbaroum Solo

Open Questions
Open questions are much harder to answer. By their very These short three or four word sentences can be
nature they can apply to anything and everything. treated as a whole, if they make sense or they can be used
To get an answer we are going to use a simple lookup as discrete words. Working Silver could be a silversmith,
table. You will roll 1d20 three times and read off of the for example.
first three columns. These are intended to prompt your improvisation
There is no order of precidence in this table. Rolling a skills to produce an answer that fits into your game.
1 is no better than rolling a 20. When you have your three Three Parts
results we are going to try and structure them into a very For any question and answer in solo play, there are
simple sentence. three parts.
1. The story so far
Example: Karlio has found a packet of orders belonging to 2. The kind of adventure you want to have
a Ranger just leaving the compound. Opening the packet 3. the answer you just rolled.
the orders say... rolling a d20 three times and using the first Every time you ask a question and roll an answer you
three columns of the Open Question Oracle we get 9-20-16 need to think in terms of what has already happened and
which reads as “Guiding working silver” I interpret this as the the sort of adventure you want to have. These are far more
Ranger has orders to guide a working party to a silver mine important than any dice roll.
deep in Davokar. In a different circumstance the Silver could What this means in practice is that if you are deep
easily have referred to the Rangers Shadow, or the Shadow in the forest and infiltrating territory held by Summer
of a person they are having to work with. Elves, you are highly likely to meet more elves and cryptic
answers need to be looked at in the context of the for-
est and the elves that live there. If the same answer was
rolled but you are enjoying an adventure centered on the

Symbaroum Solo

intrigues of the Ambrian court the answer would almost NPCs

certainly mean something completely different. When you meet an NPC you have to decide whether they
The Open Question table has six columns of descrip- are likely to be friendly or hostile. The context of the
tive words. The first three are for answering questions but meeting is going to be the most important factor. You
the remaining three you can dip into as needed. are then going to make a standard Closed Question roll
The Shadow column is for anything relating to colour. based upon if you think they are going to be friendly or
It could be a person’s or creature’s shadow, but it could hostile, making sure you account for likelihood and World
just as easily be a dress or a warrior’s shield. Whenever Corruption in the test.
you need a colour and a prompt for your imagination, roll That tells you their immediate obvious attitude to
a random colour and see what happens. you. You can then roll an Open Question roll, Part II + Part
The Ambrian and Dark Davokar columns could be III + Shadow works quite well.
random encounters but they could also be rumours, or
tracks on the ground. Example: Karlio has rescued an injured Ranger from an evil
One option is to roll your d20 on Part 1 and see what cult. There is no background between the Ranger and Karlio
it says to you, then roll on Part 2, and see what that says, so I assume that the ranger will be friendly towards his sav-
then decide which column to use next. There is no right iour. I roll a 7 which becomes a 5 with Advantage. The Ranger
or wrong way to use this table. is friendly. Rolling on the table I get Concluding Wealth and an
Orange Shadow. The Orange shadow is like a cross between
nature and civilised, so the Ranger is likely an Ambrian, Con-
cluding can be an ending and Wealth is probably obvious. I

Roll Part I Part II Part III Shadow AmbriaN Dark DavoKar

1 Addressing avoiding a core belief Red Clan Warrior Cryptwalker

2 Assuring concluding a decision Orange Cultist Necromage,

3 Commending confronting a desire Yellow Brigand Dragoul,

4 Deceiving connecting a dislike Green Treasure Hunter Primal Blight Beast

5 Demanding detailing a fear Blue Witchhunter Blight Born

6 Digressing discussing a like Purple Mare cat Violing,

7 Endorsing divulging a love Brown Kanaran Dragonfly

8 Examining enjoying a possession Magenta Violing Lindworm

9 Guiding excluding a skill Tan Blight Born Kanaran,

10 Imparting exposing allies flecked Frost Light Aboar

11 Inspiring improving an ability Olive Dragouls Baiagorn,

12 Interjecting lying an annoyance Maroon Black Cloak Mare cat

13 Negotiating negating an attribute Navy Self-taught Witchhunter Tricklesting

14 Pondering obsessing enemies Ashen Fortune-hunter, Etterherd,

15 Proclaiming preparing friends or family Sickly Plunderer Arch Troll

16 Protesting repairing home or hearth Silver Robber Chief Liege Troll

17 Reminiscing training you Corroded Robber Rage Troll

18 Resolving understanding personal qualities Copper Village Warrior Autumn Elf

19 Scrutinizing weakening wealth Gold Cultist Follower Late Summer Elf

20 Speculating working your nature Metallic Cult Leader Early Summer Elf

Symbaroum Solo

decide that the ranger has lost or given away the last of his Published adventures
wealth -maybe it was paid in ransom- before coming into the If you want to put your character through a published
forest. He was prepared to die and is generally a bit morose adventure you are going to need to take a couple of things
and downcast. This gives me enough detail to role play the into account.
NPC while he is part of my story. Most published adventures expect there to be a party of

Social Challenges characters with a complimentary skill set. No character

can do it all. When you are on your own, you don’t have
The NPC oracle rolls are not a replacement for social that backup.
challenges or for social skills. They can be used to set up Know the Adventure
social challenges. Once you know what a person is like, It is important that you read the adventure cover to cover.
what they may value or need, you can play out a better You should divide the adventure into a series of scenes
social interaction. In the example above, trying to bribe that you are going to play though. In reading and dividing
someone who has given away all their worldly wealth is up the adventure you should identify anything that must
unlikely to succeed. On the other hand they may be more happen for the adventure to be completed. There are prob-
than willing to help someone who has a strong purpose ably not many of them but you must know what they are.
and is passionate about it. Once you have identified the scenes, I normally
It is also important not to overload yourself if infor- write a note of them on post-it style sticky notes. You
mation. If you roll the first die and think oh yes, that can arrange them into a flow diagram of the adventure.
makes perfect sense, stop right there and play on. This diagram will enable you to role play your way

Three Strikes through the adventure and as long as you hit the few
MUST DO scenes you can avoid being railroaded. You just
It should be a rule of thumb that you don’t need to ask rearrange scenes so they fall into the order you would
more than three questions in any scene. All role-playing is naturally play them.
about improvisation. When you are the player you have no The number of scenes in an adventure has a direct
idea what the GM is going to throw at you. When you are impact on the amount of experience earned. You may not
the GM you don’t know which way the players are going play every scene in an adventure but the ones that you
to go, even if you know where you would like them to go. do play and survive you can make a note of on the sticky
You have to be able to improvise. notes.
Limiting yourself to no more than three questions Scale the Encounters
stops these rules turning into a game of 20 Questions. Most encounters will be with either named individuals or
Frequently a single answer can be enough to let you move with stock monsters. Stock monsters are often listed as
your story on. “as many as there are PCs”. This kind of notation works
One quality of solo playing is that you have no one to well with solo play. You can scale the encounter to fit you
please except yourself. If you have an idea for an NPC that and any NPCs with you.
you would love to play, don’t roll for their personality, use As part of your read through you should check for any
the character you want to have in your story. impossible challenges. If a skill is absolutely required or a

General Solo Advice beast is simply too tough, an impossible to beat creature,
for a lone hero, you may have to edit the content.
Skills Not Questions Knowing the ending should not spoil your enjoyment
It is important that you remember you are playing Sym- of the adventure. It is a credit to your role playing if you
baroum. By that I mean Oracle rolls should not supercede can play through an adventure when you know you are
Traits and Abilities. If you don’t have Sixth Sense, don’t going to be betrayed and yet still put your trust in the NPC.
ask the Oracle if you can feel where the enemy is. Playing classic published adventures is part of the
The Oracle is for running the world, you still need camaraderie of being a role player.
to manage your own character, using the rules provided.

Symbaroum Solo

If an adventure is too tough, you can always play character normally has the choice of one skill at Adept
some additional scenes or side adventures to earn some and two at novice or five at novice. I would suggest that
additional EXP. This can then be used to buy essential you combine these and start with four skills as novice and
skills. You buy the skills you need to complete the adven- a fifth skill at Adept. In effect you are starting the game
ture rather than changing the adventure to fit the skills with 20 Experience points that have been spent on two
you have. novice skills (10 EXP each).
Interludes You will find that as you are the star of the adventure
You can insert additional scenes into a published adven- you always have the limelight. The focus will always be
ture. These additional scenes can give you a chance to on your and this has an interesting impact on the game.
interact with the world offered by the published adventure Experience is awarded for each challenge encoun-
as well as opportunities to heal or re-equip yourself. tered, if that challenge is important. You do not need to
They also give you a chance to run small side quests. succeed. Even failure will move your story on, failure can
I find that these can present themselves though NPC often create new challenges once the obvious way is no
interactions. If you rolled a Complication and it fired your longer an option.
imagination, you can loop out of the published adventure A published adventure will normally have enough
and explore this new avenue. This is what a skilled GM challenges to reward an entire party of adventurers. In
would do. solo play, you are likely to meet every challenge and in
Part of the joy of solo play is that there is no reason doing so, pick up experience faster than you would in a
not to ‘split the party’ to go off and do your own thing. group game.
You are not hogging anyone else’s limelight. You are the You should be aware of this and try not to be overly
star of this show. generous with your own experience. A challenge should be
Creating Interludes and side quests increase the important to the story before you give yourself an experi-
number of scenes in your adventures. ence point.
Big Yourself Up
As mentioned above, you are one hero, you cannot do
everything and you don’t have all the skills. A starting

Symbaroum Solo

Running A Campaign
Solo play absolutely excels at open ended sandbox cam- to decieve them? Who stands to gain from this? How does
paigns. Running a sandbox takes very little work but is it fit into your adventures? It is all down to you from this
immensely satisfying. point. If in your role playing this is revealed to your char-
At the back of this book are three record sheets. Each acter or sufficiently hinted at, will your character follow
one is very simple to use but they will help you a lot. up on it? Will you have time or are you on a more pressing
NPC List mission? Have you just created a loose thread or a plot?
The NPC list is exactly what you would expect. It is a list I think you have. Jot down on the record sheet what
of all the NPCs you have created during your adventure. details you know of the loose thread. You are doing this
When you are playing you may not want to stop the game because you may come across this NPC again or the plot
to create a full NPC as soon as you meet them. What I may build on its own.
suggest is that you just record the few key facts you know Plots often progress without you ever having played a
about them as you learn them. After your game session part. What can happen is that you talk to two NPCs, com-
you can revisit this list and create complete sheets for the pletely unrelated and days or weeks apart, but as it hap-
NPCs that you think will be important. pens they share something in common, maybe they were
Scene List both in the same lowlife inn, or they were both Rangers in
The Scene List doubles up as a list of completed scenes light Davokar areas. When you roll for their motivations
for experience purposes but also as a summary of your you come up with similar or possibly related subjects. At
adventure so far. that point you make a connection in your mind and you
I consider a scene to have ended when I “handwave” can see that these could be linked.
away a block of time. It could just be seconds, when my Rather than creating a new loose thread, what you do
character runs from battlements to ground floor, if you is elaborate on the one you have already.
see it mentally as the director shouting “Cut!” and the It is this making of connections that enables sandbox
action resuming with the character rushing out of the play. At the start of your game, write your Personal Goal
tower, then that was a change of scene. and I also recommend having a Group Goal even though
The Scene List also treats scenes as if they are loca- you are on your own, at the top of the Thread List. As you
tions. As such it attempts to try and tie NPCs to locations. start your game, one or both of these are what you intend
This is useful when you need to find a particular contact, on doing. As you adventure you will generate these loose
if you know that they always hang around the docks. threads, connect them together and add more to them.
When the Symbaroum rules tell you to recapitu- You could end up with as many as ten seperate threads
late, I would suggest that this list becomes a part of that each of which is advancing. At some point one or more of
recapitulation. these threads will sweep up your character.
Thread List In between solo sessions, or if you don’t have time to
The thread list is special and takes some explaining. I will play but want to do something, look at your loose thread
start with What is a thread? list and try and spot patterns in it. Is there something
As your adventure progresses you will produce loose going on that your character should be opposing, or is
ends or unfinished business. Often these will be the result there something opposing your character?
of an unexpected answer from the Oracle, or it may come This list works both ways. Once you have a thread
from a Complication. about an unknown enemy, when that subject comes up
When we talk to an NPC we just assume that they again, you don’t have to invent another enemy, you can
existed before the moment we chose to focus on them use the one you already have. The list becomes a source
and that they had been doing something. of inspiration to put more context on the Open and Closed
As you get to freewheel through your solo campaign Oracle answers.
you will create hints of other things going on in the This list is a ‘must’ on the recapitulation list before
world. You may talk to someone and their inner desire each session!
is to deceive an ally. Who is this ally? Why do they want

Symbaroum Solo

Your Journal Personal Goals

If you were running a game for friends, you would have Your character has a personal goal. I also recommend
a set of campaign notes. The lists at the back of this book choosing a group goal, despite being a group of one.
will hold a lot of information but they are not a campaign. These goals are your starting point for Open Question
The magic document is your journal. relationships.
What a journal looks like is a very personal choice. Open Question relationships are the references to
Mine normally look like a bullet list with little more than other forces, allies, enemies, friends, family and even you.
the questions I asked, the answers I rolled and what Your goals will tie your character into the world, it gives
they meant to me. I use one line descriptions of what is your character a reason to go adventuring. Relating the
happening. Open Question answers directly to your character creates
My journal is intended for my eyes only. It only makes a world that entirely revolves around you. This will force
sense to me and I have my own shorthand. I often write you to create opposing forces and allies to your goals.
something like: As your loose threads list builds you can relate these
KK Approach the tree line to your goals and it all comes together to create a coher-
KK SE? CQ+ 7 ü ent, if wide ranging campaign.
To me that says are there any Summer Elves [SE] Who is trying to stop your character from reaching
here? It was a Closed Question [CQ] and Advantaged [+] their goals? What does the enemy want from your char-
towards Yes, I rolled a total of 7 and that was a Yes [ü]. acter, or want to stop them from doing? How far are these
I am not suggesting you write a cryptic journal in enemies prepared to go in order to achieve their goals?
code! At the other extreme I know solo players who pic- What restrains these enemies? What external forces must
ture the scene, make a few oracle rolls and then write up an enemy take into consideration such as other forces or
the scene as if it were the chapter of a book, complete with authorities in the area? What are the enemy’s local forces
dialogue and dramatic scene setting. around your character doing right now?
I even know people in the solo scene who publish fan You do not need to be able to answer all those ques-
fiction and novels from their solo games. tions before you start playing. Use them as useful prompts
Regardless of the format, something purely personal before or after your session, when you review your various
or highly polished and professional, you should definitely lists and your journal.
keep a journal that you can read back over and get back Goals are not just about what you want to achieve.
into character. The lists are hard facts, your journal is They are also about how you achieve it. You may have
your story. an NPC that initially is hostile to you, but if your goals

Symbaroum Solo

align with theirs, they are more likely to be be on your The Inevitable Battle
side, moving from hostile to tolerant to possibly being At some point someone is going to get hit with something
supportive. This goes both ways and applies to everyone sharp or pointy. I seriously suggest that you adopt a fixed
touched by your actions from simple folk working the Initiative approach.
fields to the royal court. Fixed initiative assumes that your character auto-
The same rule holds true about your manner and matically wins the initiative every round unless they are
behaviour. This is still a role playing game and if you are surprised or cannot act for some reason.
abrupt or obnoxious, people will either treat your with This is not cheating. It offers you two advantages.
disdain, or avoid you or be scared of you. The first is that it speeds up combat just a little, in that
Play the world it removes one roll from every turn. With a party of one,
Symbaroum is described as a world that is perilous and or at most very few, initiative comes around often and
often unjust. If you do not play Symbaroum, the world, takes up a disproportionate amount of time for such a
Ambria, the Davokar and the barbarian nations as they simple game rule.
are described, the setting can become just another fan- The second advantage you gain is that you always win
tasy setting. the initiative, thus giving you the edge in combat. It really
Refresh your mind of the best parts of the setting, is just that little bit more heroic. You are not invulnerable
those that most reflect the sort of game you want to play. but you do have a chance to strike down weaker opponents
Jot them down on sticky notes as short lists, NPCs names, before they get their blow in.
places, interesting facts, and so on. Then put these into Taking out Initiative gives you one less thing to worry
the mouths of NPCs, or try and work each one successively about when running both sides of a combat.
into each new scene.

Symbaroum Solo


Name Location Race, Archetype, Traits & Abilities Notes

Symbaroum Solo

Scene List Game:

Location Action NPCs Entrance/Exit

Symbaroum Solo

Thread List Game:

Who? What? Where? Connections?

Symbaroum Solo

You Want More?

These rules are intentionally minimal, but they are not of one player, but this is a supported product. There will
finished. They never will be. I am still improving and be updates and improvements.
revising solo rules I wrote seven years ago. When you use If you are a fan of solo play or want to know more, I
these rules you will make changes and refinements that suggest visiting and if you like what you
fit the game you want to play. see, joining my mailing list so I can keep you informed of
If you have feedback, comments or suggestions I new releases, discounts and the most interesting bit, I like
always watch the discussion section for this booklet. If to ask people their opinions on this. That is my attempt
you leave a comment I will respond. at market research. So if you don’t mind me asking your
I love getting feedback. opinion on new things, you will get to see some pre-
One of the weaknesses with solo rules is that this release stuff.
booklet, before its release has been play tested by a total


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