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This chapter will include the background of the study, the scope, the limitations, and
some theories that will be the basis of the study. It provides general explanations of what
researchers will discuss in this study.


Physical fitness is the ability to our body systems to work effectively, allowing
individuals to be healthy and perform activities of daily living. It involves the performance of
the heart, lungs, and the muscles of the body. In other words, physical fitness is a state of
health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports,
occupations, and daily activities.

On one hand, academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or

institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals. In other words, academic
performance is the outcome of a student’s effort in examinations, and the educational goals to
be achieved by a student, teacher or institution. In short academic performance involves
continuously assessment and examination across all subjects.

Physical activity plays an important role in academic performance. Physically active

individuals tend to have better grades, school attendances, cognitive performance (e.g.,
memory), and classroom behaviors such as task behavior. Higher levels of physical fitness
are associated with improved cognitive performance such as concentration and memory
among students.

The relationship between physical fitness and academic performance has been
extensively studied in the literature, with a growing body of research suggesting that regular
physical activity and fitness can have a positive impact on academic outcomes. Studies have
shown that physical fitness associated with improved cognitive function, attention, and
memory, which are all important for academic success (El Ansari and stock, 2010: Bass et al.,
2013). For example, a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics found that children who
participated in regular physical activity had better academic achievement than their less
active peers. Additionally, physical activity has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety,
which can also benefit academic performance.


This study intended to understand does a high level of physical fitness significantly
influence the academic performance of Senior High School student, and if so, what are the
underlying factors contributing to this relationships. The result of the study proposed to
understand the relationship between physical fitness and academic performance of Senior
High student.

1. How may the students profile be described in terms of their gender, and physical
2. How may the academic performance of SHS be described?
3. Is there a significant difference in the physical activity of the students when group
according to gender?
4. To what extent does physical activity relate to the academic performance of the SHS


To analyze the interrelationship between physical fitness and academic performance

among senior high school students.

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Describe the students profile in terms of gender, and physical activity.

2. Describe the academic performance of the SHS students.
3. Ascertain the difference in the physical activity of the students when grouped to
4. Find out the relationship between physical activity and academic performance.


1. There is no significant difference in the physical activity of the students when

grouped according to gender.
2. There is no significant relationship between the student’s physical activity and
academic performance.


According to Chomitz et al. (2009) students with higher physical fitness levels scored
better on standardized academic tests. Similarly, Trudeau and Shephard (2008) reviewed
multiple studies and concluded that physical activity positively influences cognitive
performance and academic achievement. These findings underscore the practical implications
of fostering physical fitness within the school curriculum.

Physical activity has been shown to enhance brain health by improving

neuroplasticity, increasing blood flow to the brain, and stimulating the release of neurotrophic
factors. These physiological changes can lead to improved cognitive functions such as
memory, attention, and executive functioning, all of which are critical for academic
achievement. The theory of neurogenesis supports this notion, suggesting that physical
exercise can lead to the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the brain
associated with learning and memory.

According to HBM, individuals are more likely to engage in health-promoting

behaviors if they perceive a high level of threat from health problems and believe that a
specific action will reduce this threat. In the context of senior high school students,
understanding the long-term benefits of physical fitness on overall health and academic
performance can motivate them to participate in regular physical activities. Educating
students about these benefits can shift their perceptions and encourage a more active lifestyle,
subsequently enhancing their academic outcomes.

Physical fitness can enhance self-efficacy, which is a person’s belief in their ability to
succeed in specific situations. Increased self-efficacy can lead to better academic
performance as students feel more confident and capable in their academic pursuits.
Furthermore, regular physical activity promotes self-regulation skills such as discipline and
time management, which are crucial for academic success.


Maintaining good physical fitness levels can potentially have a positive impact on the
academic performance of senior high school students at Pilpila High School. Engaging in
regular physical activity and maintaining good physical fitness levels can have several
benefits on academic performance. These benefits may include improved cognitive function,
enhanced concentration and focus, increased attention span, and better memory retention.
However, it is essential to consider the individual and contextual factors that may influence
this interrelationship.

Figure 1: This figure shows that maintaining good physical fitness levels can potentially have
a positive impact on the academic performance of the students. So that they can enhance
there concentration and focus on studying to pass their grades.
Independent Variables: Dependent Variables:

 Profile
 Gender
 Physical Fitness Academic Performance


This research aimed to determine the study relationship between physical fitness and
academic performance among senior high school students. This would encompass analyzing
various physical fitness metrics such as cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility and
body composition and their potential impact on academic achievement. This research was
conducted during the School Year 2023-2024 at Pilpila High School. The participants of the
study were selected through convenience sampling which is a non probability sampling
method where units are selected for inclusion in the sample because they are easiest for the
researchers access.

The main cornerstone why this research has been pursued and conducted is to
accumulate understanding regarding the impact of physical activity in student’s academic
Describing the students in terms of their gender, SES, physical activity, and academic
performance will provide basis and sense of familiarity not just for the participants of the
study but also to the parents, teachers, and other researchers.
This study will give them knowledge about the importance of physical fitness and
academic performance.
This research will raise awareness and provide them with valuable insight into their
children’s educational experiences. It will offer a deeper understanding of how physical
fitness influences academic performance.
This will offer invaluable information to teachers, shedding night on the connection
between students physical well-being and their academic achievements. Through this,
teachers can tailor their instructional strategies both academic success and overall health
among students.
This will provide essential insights about the complex relationship between physical
activity and academic performance. This will offer a nuanced understanding of the
mechanism through which physical fitness influences cognitive functioning and learning
outcomes. In addition, this will inspire further inquiry and exploration of this dynamic
relationship and its implications for educational practice and policy.

Physical Fitness- relating to achieved through regular exercise and a health lifestyle.
Athletic- someone who regularly engages in sports or physical activities.
Obesity- a medical condition characterized by an excessive amount of body fat.
Academic- relating to or associated with an academy or school especially of higher learning.
Student- a person who is enrolled classes at school, college, or university.

Gender- social and cultural roles, behaviors and expectations associated with being male,
female, or non-binary.
BMI- a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.



This chapter provides an overview of studies exploring the relationship between
physical fitness and academic performance, drawing primarily from existing literature. It
encompasses a brief description of studies investigating physical fitness and academic
performance, along with approaches to measurement techniques and strategies employed
among Senior High School students during the academic year 2023-2024.

The literature indicates a concerning trend of declining physical fitness among
students, contributing to a rise in obesity rates. Hannaford (2005) emphasizes the importance
of movement in how individuals embody and express their learning, understanding, and sense
of self. Addressing this issue in every student becomes crucial in managing factors that could
potentially impact both their physical well-being and academic performance.
Furthermore, literature suggests that introducing students to exercise and relaxation
techniques could positively influence physiological stress indicators. Armstrong et al. (1997)
observed short-term reductions in stress through relaxation techniques. Additionally, Jensen
(2005) highlights the positive correlation between physical activity and student achievement,
with physical fitness emerging as a potentially more accurate predictor of health outcomes in
children than mere physical activity (Haga, 2009).

Studies consistently demonstrate that regular physical activity during childhood yields
various health benefits, such as improved bone and muscle strength , metabolic health, weight
management, and mental well-being. However, despite these benefits, may students fail meet
physical activity guidelines. Pressures to excel academically often lead to reduced physical
education and recess time. Yet, there’s no evidence indicating adverse effects on academic or
cognitive performance due to physical education time reduction. Emphasizing the positive
association between academic achievement and physical activity alongside well-established
health benefits may encourage policymakers to prioritize physical activity promotion in

Research on the long-term effects of physical activity on academic outcomes presents
mixed findings. While some studies report small positive relationships between sustained
physical activity and academic achievement, others fail to establish conclusive evidence.
Hence, further exploration is warranted to elucidate the precise relationship between physical
activity and academic performance.
Globally, the physical fitness levels of school-aged children and their potential impact
on academic achievement have garnered significant attention. Researchers utilize
questionnaires/fitness tests to measure physical activity and fitness, alongside academic
performance assessments. Dwyer et al. (2001) found significant correlations between
physical activity measures, physical fitness, and academic ratings across age and sex groups.
These findings underscore the importance of maintaining or enhancing physical activity
programs in schools to support academic success.

This chapter presents the research design, sources of data/respondents, data collection
and data analysis utilized in this study.
This research employed descriptive, comparative and correlational design to analyzed
the relationship between physical fitness and academic performance. It allows to the
researchers might use descriptive design to describe participants characteristics, comparative
design to compare the effectiveness of two treatments and correlational design examine the
relationship between physical fitness and academic performance.
This discusses the place of setting of the study. It provides a brief description
of the place where the study is conducted. Only important details that are necessary for the
current study are included this indicated the intended audience as well. This study will be
conducted at Pilpila High School and the respondents are the Senior High School Student
who were studying at Pilpila High School this place was selected by the researchers.

The respondents of the study are in Senior High students of Pilpila High School.
Twenty (20) students either grade 11 or 12.The sampling procedure that the researchers used
is convenience sampling since researchers reached out to certain acquaintances who are
eligible to answer and participate in the conducted research which will happen as the
researchers will need to find participants who involved themselves to academic performance
using the strategy to physically fit while studying which is the variables in this study.
To determine the needed data on the study between physical fitness and academic
performance of Senior High students. To determine their academic and physical engagement,
the researcher administered a research questionnaire. This study was conducted through a
survey questionnaire answered by the participants.
They are required to sign a consent form if they choose to participate in this study in
that way, the participants will not be forced to answer the survey. Confidentiality was
observed and will not violate any rules to also ensure the safety of the respondents. The
researchers will collect the answers of the respondents to this study.

This chapter presents the results and discussion of the study. There are a total of 51
students from grade 11 and 12 who study at Pilpila High School, but 20 selected students
have choosing to be respondents to answer the survey questionnaire that we have prepared
about the interrelationship between physical fitness and academic performance among senior
high student of Pilpila High School. The section of discussion studied the differences and
similarities between the previous studies mentioned in the literature review chapter and
current data collected.
This study sought to determine the relationship of physical fitness and academic
performance among Senior High students at Pilpila High School. The findings obtained from
the respondents are presented as follow:
Profile be described in terms of their gender
Almost of the respondents of this research will be a female I randomly select all the
senior high student of Pilpila High School. The table 1 show the result for gender of the
Gender Female 13 65%
Male 7 35%
This question relates to the respondents what they gender. According to the analysis,
the majority of the respondents 13 or 65% is female and 7 or 35% is male. The researchers
concluded that participants is almost female.
Profile be described in terms of their Body Mass Index
This table showed the response of the selected students of Senior High of Pilpila High
School that determined their body mass index.
BMI 16-20 14 70%
21-25 3 15%
26-30 2 10%
31-35 1 5%

Question 2 shows that 14 or 70% of the students BMI 16-20, 3 or 15% of the students
BMI 21-25, next is 2 or 10% of them 26-30 and lastly 1 or 5% of them 31-35 of her/him
BMI. Therefore, concluded that the majority of respondents in normal status that even the
three of them is overweight.
Academic performance of students
This table showed the academic performance of selected students of Senior High of Pilpila
High School to determined who excel to academic achievement.


Average 85-90 17 85%

91-100 3 15%
Last question 17 or 85% of the respondents has average of 85 -90 and 3 or 15% of the
respondents has an average of 91-100. It observed that the most of the respondents has been
in passing grade. The researchers concluded the students opinion that physical fitness has
impact on academic performance.

This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and
recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter.
The study aims to know the relationship of physical fitness and academic
performances of Senior High School students. The data showed that most of the participants
have a connection to physical fitness and academic performance. It can also help to control
and divert their well-being and help their physical body.
In terms of performing academic performances for physical fitness most of the
respondents agreed that it can boost their academic performances while doing a physical
fitness, in that way then can achieve a good and better grade when the quarterly grading
The study showed that a higher percentages of students found out in physical fitness
that helpful on academic performances. Both genders had high grades because of physical
fitness. It is based on the types of physical fitness.
The study found out that the need of students regarding in body composition had been
fulfilled through physical fitness. Few participants has not physically fit but good on their
academic performances.
This study determined the relationship between physical fitness and academic
performance among senior high school of Pilpila High School. The majority of the students
always reflect their academic performances.

After conducting a study about Interrelationship between Physical Fitness and
Academic Performance among Senior High School Students of Pilpila High School, the
researchers created recommendation after many assessments. The following recommendation
are not faultless so they will need to be verified from experts.

1. Implement Regular Physical Activity Programs. These programs can include sports,
exercise routines, and active breaks during the school day.

2. Integrate Physical Education into Curriculum. Ensure that physical education is an integral
part of the curriculum.

3. Provide Health and Wellness Education. Offer workshops or seminars on the importance of
physical fitness and its impact on academic success.

4. Monitor and Assess Physical Fitness Levels. Conduct regular assessments of students'
physical fitness levels to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

5. Collaborate with Health Professionals. Partner with health professionals, such as physical
therapists or nutritionists, to provide comprehensive support for students' physical well-being.

6. Conduct Further Research. Consider conducting additional studies or surveys to delve

deeper into the relationship between physical fitness and academic performance among
senior high school students at Pilpila High School.



Armstrong, M., et al. Adolescent Dissociative Experience Survey. 1997

Bass, J., et al. Title of the Work. 2013

Dwyer, J., et al. Title of the Work. 2001

El Ansari, W., Stock, C. Is the health and well-being of university students associated with
their academic performance? 2010

Grissom, A. Effect sizes for research: A broad practical approach.2005

Hannaford, J. Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All in Your Head. 2005

Haga, P. Emotion Regulation: Antecedents and Well-being Outcomes of Cognitive

Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression in Cross-cultural Samples. 2009

Jensen, K. Towards a Broader Scope of Biomechanics in Developmental Studies. 2005

Pica, R. A Review of Recent Assessment and Treatment Procedures. 2004


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