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Solution Manual for Hillcrest Medical

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Transcription, 7th Edition
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Preface. Prerequisites. New to this Edition with Featured Items. Course
Description. Objectives. Student Text-Workbook. Instructor's Manual. About
the Authors. Supplements at a Glance. How to Use StudyWARE�.
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION. Welcome to Hillcrest Medical Center.
Confidentiality Policy. Legal Issues. Objectives. Length of Course.
Certification. Transcribing Medical Reports. Evaluations. Expand Your
Knowledge: Word Games and Exercises. Listing of Appendix. Association for
Healthcare Documentation Integrity. Medical Transcriptionist Job
Descriptions. AHDI Code of Ethics. Certification Possibilities�RMT and
CMT. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act: MT checklist.
Understanding Medical Records. History and Physical Examination (H&P).
Diagnostic Imaging or Radiology Report Operative Report (OP). Pathology
Report (Path). Consultation (Consult). Discharge Summary. Death Summary.
Autopsy Report. Outpatient Model Reports. SECTION 2 MODEL REPORT
FORMS. SECTION 3 REFERENCES. Transcription Rules for Hillcrest
Medical Center and Quali-Care Clinic. Style Variations. Capitalization.
Numbers. Punctuation. Abbreviations and Symbols. List of Metric
Measurements. The Grammar of Microbiology. Vital Signs. CMTips�.
Difficult Singular and Plural Words and Phrases. Temperature versus Fever. A
Tongue Twister. Dermatology Terms. Pulmonary Terms. Race/Age. Zero
Safety. The Digits. Time. Abduction versus Adduction. Class and Stage.
Connective Tissues. Subjective versus Objective. Surgical Terms. Obstetric
Terms. Cardiology Terms. The ABO Blood Group. Jr, Sr, II, and III. Report
Formatting Guidelines. The Future of Medical Transcription. Skill-Building
Report Log. Doctors' and Other Professional Names Used. Understanding
Medical Terminology. Principles. Prefixes/Pronunciation. Combining Forms.
Suffixes. SECTION 4 CASE STUDIES. Case 1 The Reproductive System.
Glossary. Case 2 The Gastrointestinal System. Glossary. Case 3 The
Cardiopulmonary System. Glossary. Case 4 The Integumentary System.
Glossary. Case 5 The Psychology Neurology System. Glossary. Case 6 The
Nervous System. Glossary. Case 7 The Orthopedics/Endocrinology System.
Glossary. Case 8 The Vascular/Renal System. Glossary. Case 9 The
Musculoskeletal System. Glossary. Case 10 The Respiratory System.
Glossary. SECTION 5 QUALI-CARE CLINIC. Welcome to Quali-Care Clinic.
Quali-Care Clinic Outpatient Report Log. Outpatient Reports. Report 1a&b
Consult & Echocardiogram (Cardiology). Report 2 Operative Procedure
(Genitourinary). Report 3 Operative Report (Orthopedics). Report 4 Surgical
Pathology Report (Breast). Report 5 Emergency Dept Treatment Record
(Pediatrics). Report 6 Interventional Radiology (Vascular). Report 7 Spine
Clinic HPIP Note (Orthopedics). Report 8 Radiology Report (Orthopedics).
Report 9 Clinic SOAP Note (Vascular). Report 10 Surgical Procedure
(Orthopedics). Report 11 Operative Report (Plastic Surgery). Report 12
Colonoscopy Procedure (Gastroenterology). Report 13 Clinic HPIP Note
(Internal Medicine). Report 14 Operative Report (Neurosurgery). Report 15
Operative Report (Urology). Report 16 Radiology Report
(Orthopedic/Neurology). Report 17 Clinic Followup Note (Pediatric
Neurology). Report 18 Operative Report (Obstetrics). Report 19 Operative
Report (Orthopedics). Report 20 Clinic Followup Note (Vascular). Report 21
Operative Report (Dentistry). Report 22 Operative Report (Orthopedics).
Report 23 Consult (Orthopedics). Report 24 Psychological Evaluation
(Psychology). Report 25a&b Letter & Consult (Cardiology). SECTION 6
EXPAND YOUR KNOWLEDGE. Crossword Puzzles 1 through

17. Proofreading Exercises 1 through

12. Common Dictation Errors. Appendix. Proofreader's Marks. Challenging

Medical Words, Phrases, Prefixes. Sample Patient History Form. The Lund
Browder Chart. Laboratory Test Information. Sample Forms for Ordering
Laboratory Tests, Scheduling Radiology Tests. Physical Therapy Consults,
Sleep Studies. Building a Reference Library. Web Sites for Transcriptionist'
Professional Association. "A Healthcare Controlled Vocabulary" by Dr. Neil
Davis. Official "Do Not Use" List from The Joint Commission. Bibliography.
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Before noon it was taken down, and Charlie Jones was the fortunate
boy. Errands, plenty of them; he was kept busy until within an hour of
closing. Then, behold he was sent to the attic to put the long box in
order. He was not afraid of a mouse, nor of the cold, but he grumbled
much over that box; nothing in it worth his attention. However, he
tumbled over the things, growling all the time, picked out a few
straight nails, a key or two, and finally appeared down-stairs with this
message: "Here's all there is worth keeping in that old box; the rest
of the nails are rusty, and the hooks are bent, or something."

"Very well," said Mr. Peters, and sent him to the post-office. What do
you think? by the close of the next day, Charlie had been paid and
discharged, and the old sign hung in the window.

"I've no kind of a notion why I was discharged," grumbled Charlie to

his mother. "He said he had no fault to find, only he saw that I
wouldn't suit. It's my opinion he doesn't want a boy at all, and takes
that way to cheat. Mean old fellow!"

It was Crawford Mills who was hired next. He knew neither of the
other boys, and so did his errands in blissful ignorance of the "long
box," until the second morning of his stay, when in a leisure hour he
was sent to put it in order. The morning passed, dinner time came,
and still Crawford had not appeared from the attic. At last Mr. Peters
called him. "Got through?"

"No, sir; there is ever so much more to do."

"All right; it is dinner time now; you may go back to it after dinner."
After dinner back he went; all the short afternoon he was not heard
from, but just as Mr. Peters was deciding to call him again, he

"I've done my best, sir," he said, "and down at the very bottom of the
box I found this." "This" was a five dollar gold piece.

"That's a queer place for gold," said Mr. Peters. "It's good you found
it; well, sir, I suppose you will be on hand to-morrow morning?" This
he said as he was putting the gold piece in his pocket-book.

After Crawford had said good-night and gone, Mr. Peters took the
lantern and went slowly up the attic stairs. There was the long deep
box in which the rubbish of twenty-five years had gathered. Crawford
had evidently been to the bottom of it; he had fitted in pieces of
shingle to make compartments, and in these different rooms he had
placed the articles, with bits of shingle laid on top and labeled thus:
"Good screws." "Pretty good nails." "Picture nails." "Small keys,
somewhat bent." "Picture hooks." "Pieces of iron whose use I don't
know." So on through the long box. In perfect order it was at last,
and very little that could really be called useful, was to be found
within it. But Mr. Peters as he bent over and read the labels, laughed
gleefully and murmured to the mice: "If we are not both mistaken, I
have found a boy, and he has found a fortune."

Sure enough; the sign disappeared from the window and was seen
no more. Crawford became the well-known errand boy of the firm of
Peters & Co. He had a little room neatly fitted up, next to the attic,
where he spent his evenings, and at the foot of the bed hung a motto
which Mr. Peters gave him.

"It tells your fortune for you, don't forget it," he said when he handed
it to Crawford.

And the boy laughed and read it curiously: "He that is faithful in that
which is least, is faithful also in much."

"I'll try to be, sir," he said; and he never once thought of the long box
over which he had been faithful.

All this happened years ago. Crawford Mills is errand boy no more,
but the firm is Peters, Mills, Co. A young man and a rich man. "He
found his fortune in a long box full of rubbish," Mr. Peters said once,
laughing. "Never was a five dollar gold piece so successful in
business as that one of his has been; it is good he found it." Then
after a moment of silence he said gravely: "No, he didn't; he found it
in his mother's Bible. 'He that is faithful in that which is least, is
faithful also in much.' It is true; Mills the boy was faithful, and Mills
the man we trust."

DO you know, if I were in Paris one of the sights I should want to see
would be the great telescope in the Observatory. Did you ever look
through a great large one?

"How did we come to have telescopes, auntie?" I heard a little boy

ask the other day as he passed the large one in the Park.

The auntie had not studied very carefully, for she said she supposed
somebody found out how to make them; but she didn't know who he
was, nor where he lived, nor when, nor how he happened to think of
it. All these questions the boy asked, and had no answers save that
tiresome one, "I don't know."

Perhaps other bright little boys are asking and getting no good
answers. Let us see if we cannot find a little bit to tell them. In the
first place, I think a man named Galileo had perhaps the most to do
with inventing telescopes. Other people were studying into the
matter, and trying to invent a machine that would be useful, but he is
the first one who accomplished much.

He was born in Pisa, a little more than three hundred and fifty years
ago. A smart boy was Galileo. He intended to be a doctor, and
studied medicine when very young; but you never heard of such
queer ideas as the doctors had in those days, and the more Galileo
studied, the surer he felt that a great many of their teachings were
nonsense. One evening when he was about eighteen years old, he
stood in the great cathedral at Pisa and watched a hanging lamp that
something had set in motion, and discovered that it swung back and
forth with regular beats, very much as the little machine inside of him
whose beats he could feel when he put his fingers on his wrist.
"Why!" said he to himself. "There seems to be some law regulating
that motion; it keeps time with my pulse! Why couldn't there be a
machine made that would beat so regularly it would measure time for
us?" And that is the beginning of the story of all our clocks and

It was the beginning too, of Galileo's study about the moon and the
stars, and planning ways for finding out more about them. There is a
long, long story about that which you will find it very interesting to
read. I could not begin to tell you of the many difficulties in the way,
nor what long hard work it took to learn to make a telescope like this
one in the Observatory at Paris, for instance. A great many scholars
helped to study it out. One man would find out one thing, and
perhaps all the others would be sure it wasn't true. Then they would
argue and experiment, and quarrel a little, and call one another hard
names, and perhaps discover years afterwards that they were all
mistaken. So the years went by, until now we have at great expense
very wonderful telescopes indeed. But oh, how carefully they have to
be made! There is hardly any other instrument which requires such
careful handling as these. Why, the metal of which some of the parts
are made has to be ground away so that at the edges it shall not be
more than one hundredth part as thick as the paper on which our
books are printed.

Just think what great pains people take, and how much money they
spend to find out something about those worlds which twinkle all
about us at night. The first chance you have to look through a good
telescope, be sure to do it. Do you know I never look through one
and see the wonders flashed before me, but I am reminded of the
eye of God. How many things he sees that we cannot see at all.
Things going on all about us, of which we know nothing. Think of a
telescope that would show other people the thoughts of our hearts.
Would you like to have such an instrument pointed at you, and
people looking in to see what you thought about them? Yet the
wonderful God can look all the time right into your heart and mine,
and see every thought.

"Thou God seest me." Remember that.

Ah, but it is a blessed thing to remember. What if he could not see

the dangers all about us that we know nothing of, and so could not
take care of us, and keep our feet from falling?

What if He could not see our hearts, and so did not know whether we
were really sorry for sin, and really meant to serve him?

Oh, I am glad that there is a telescope so powerful that it can see me

in the darkness as well as in the light.

THIRTY hundred years ago—isn't that a l-o-n-g time?—two great

armies stood up to fight each other. And they had a good many
battles. And one day a g-r-e-a-t big man came from one of the
armies and stood on the hillside. He was larger than the largest man
you ever saw.

"As big as my father?"

"Twice as big as your father."

"My father is five feet eight, he says."

"And this big man was eleven feet four. Your father's head would
have just about reached to his pockets."

"Did he have big pockets?"

"A-w-f-u-l big."

"What did he have in them?"

"Nobody could tell, as he wore a brass coat, and he was brass all
over him, from his head to his toes."


"Yes, cap and coat and pants all shining with bright bits of brass, and
these bits of brass were all lapped together like the scales of a fish."

"W-h-e-w! And what was that for?"

"So nothing could hit him and hurt him."

"Wouldn't a bullet hurt him?"

"They didn't have pistols in those days."

"Nor cannon balls?"

"Nor cannon balls."

"What, then?"

"Swords and spears."

"His must have been dreadful big."

"I guess so; as big as—as—as—"

"As big as a railroad rail?"

"Shouldn't wonder. But we'll say half, or a quarter."

"He would have been splendid to build bridges and ships."

"He chose rather to cut off good people's heads. That was about all
he cared to do. That's what he wanted to do when he stood there on
the hillside and for forty days kept calling for some one on the other
side to come over and fight with him. He knew he was so strong and
had such a strong dress on—made of brass, as I said—that he could
easily cut off any one's head that dared come out against him. For
there was no such giant anywhere."

"Did he just step over and cut off all the heads of the other army?"

"I'll tell you how it was, if you'll listen and not ask too many

"I'll be very still."

"The other army were all afraid of this awful man, and many of them
hid away behind the rocks and in the holes of the earth, and their

"General Grant?"

"No, no, child; it was thirty hundred years ago."


"Their general became pale with fear."

"Did he cut off the general's head?"

"I'll tell you in a minute. Be patient, and you'll know all about it."

"O yes! but do hurry; whose head?"

"One day there came a beautiful youth to the army to see his
brothers and bring them something nice."

"Did he cut off his head?"

"Wait, now."

"I will."'

"And he—"

"Which 'he'?"

"This youth. He offered to go and fight the giant and—"

"How big was he? And was he covered all over with those brass
pieces lapped tight like the fish scales?"

"They wanted him to wear a good many things to cover his head and
arms and breast and legs, so the giant couldn't hit him and draw
blood, and so he put them on; but they were so large and heavy he
could hardly walk or lift his hands to his head—"

"To keep the giant from cutting it off?"

"Yes. He could not do any thing with his head off."

"Only just hop about, I s'pose, like a hen."

"So he took them all off and started—"

"His coat and jacket and cap?"

"No, no; only the things—the other things—and started to meet the


"All alone. And the big army and the general stood back looking and
trembling and expecting the giant would cut him all to pieces with his
awful sword."

"Did he?"

"You'll see."

"Didn't he have anything in his hand, a club, or a hammer, or a long

sharp iron? I would have taken our big watch dog Prince. Tell you,
you ought t' 'ave seen him shake a tramp one day."

"But your Prince couldn't have hurt this giant, because of his brass

"He could have Barked. Did you ever hear our Prince bark and

"But this youth didn't have your Prince to go with him, and so he had
to take what he could and go out to meet the giant."
"I guess he didn't go very fast. I'd a jest crept slyly along on my
hands and knees, still as a mouse, and when I got close up behind
him I'd a jest sprung upon him like a cat, right into his hair and face,
and pulled his eyes and hair all out before he could a-said 'Jack

"But there was a man with the giant watching; and how could you
jump eleven feet and tear his eyes and hair out, when he was
covered all over with brass!"


"But this youth was not afraid of the giant. He had killed two big
giants before this."

"Tell me their names."

"Well, one was a Mr. Bear and the other was a Mr. Lion. But I can't
stop to tell you about them now. So he was not afraid. He trusted in
God and no one, not everybody altogether, is as great and strong as
God. He was good at slinging stones. He could hit a mark almost
every time. So he pulled his sling out of his pocket and picked up a
few stones and put one in and ran right toward the old giant, and as
he ran he swung the sling round and round as fast as he could, and
the Lord helped him, and he aimed right at the giant's head."

"Did he hit him?"

"Hit him right in the forehead."

"Good! GOOD! GOOD!"

"And the stone sank deep into his head—"

"How the bits of brass must a-flew, though."

"No, the great big man had uncovered his face and eyes so he could
see his little foe better, maybe, and the good Lord helped the youth
to sling the stone right here."
"Wasn't that splendid?"

"And down he went flat on the ground with his great sword and spear
and his shiny brass hat and dress, and the man that was with him,
he was so scared, he screamed at the top of his voice and ran back
as fast as his feet could carry him, and all the giant's big army ran,
and the other general—"

"General Sherman?"

"No, NO, child; it was years and years ago."


"They all ran after the giant's army, and—"

"What did the youth and the giant do?"

"He cut off his head."

"Which 'he'?"

"You see the giant was flat on the ground, and Da—I mean the
youth, ran upon him as he lay there and cut his big head clear off,
and that was the end of him."

"He didn't do it with that sling, did he?"

"He picked up the giant's own sword and cut it off with that."

"He must have been very strong, and took both hands, or he couldn't
a-lifted that sword most as big as a railroad rail. Did you say his
name was Da—?"



"What was the giant's name?"



"Yes. David and Goliath. I guess you have heard about them before."

"It's a B-i-b-l-e story, I do declare. Tell another."

"Will you promise to keep very still and not interrupt me so?"

"If I can."

"Well, there was once a little boy about your size, hair and eyes and
skin very much like yours."

"What was his name?"

"You promised to keep still."

"Well, I'll try."

"One day there came a big, dreadful giant after him."

"To cut off his head?"

"Not quite that, but—"

"I'm so glad."

"But to take him home with him and adopt him."

"What's that?"

"To make him his child."


"And stay with him always and do just what he told him."
"Cut off heads? And what else does he have 'em do?"

"Every thing bad—lie, and steal, and drink, and gamble, chew
tobacco and do ever so many wicked things."

"What did the boy do? Did he have any sling and stones? And was
the giant covered all over with bits of brass, all lapped together like
fish scales?"

"Yes, he was pretty well covered up; but there was one bare spot as
big as a dollar—"

"A gold dollar?"

"About. But the boy had a good sling which his good mother gave
him one Fourth of July day instead of fire crackers."

"Can't I have some crackers?"

"Never mind now. His mother showed him how to use it, too."

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Just to think of my mother a-slingin'! Ha! Ha!"

"And his Sunday-school teacher, she also knew well how to use this
sling. She had been practising with one just like it for a whole year.
She told him ever so much how to put the stones in and just what
kind of a stone to use every time."

"Were there different stones?"

"Oh my, yes! Ever so many; a hundred or thousand. I don't know

how many."

"How can you tell 'em apart?"

"They are all marked."

"Who marked them all?"

"God. He takes a great deal of trouble for everybody, but always for
children. When Jesus was on the earth he took little ones in his arms
and blessed them, and said suffer them to come unto me.'"

"He is very wonderful. How did he mark the stones?"

"He put plain words upon them. Upon some the little word no; upon
others yes, or faith, or prayer, or hope, or Bible, or love, or peace, or
heaven, or forgive, or Jesus, and a great many more names that I
can't think of now."

"Which stone did he take of 'em all? Or maybe he put in two or three,
so if one wouldn't hit the other would, just as uncle Jason does when
he loads the gun for squirrels."

"He didn't need but one stone, and it so happened he knew which it
was, for his mother had told him before about this old giant and what
stone to sling into his wicked face. So he reached his hand into the
bag where they are kept, and felt about till he got one with the little
word no on it, and this he soon clapped into his sling, and with a
sharp twirl or two about his head he let fly, and away went the giant
howling and running at hot speed."

"Has he never come back?"

"Oh, yes! Every little while he turns up, but almost always in a
different dress, so no one will think him the same wicked old creature
that he is. But it is easy to know him every time, whatever clothes he
has on, for he always wants one to do some mischief."

"And must you always sling the same stone at him?"

"Always the same; never the one marked yes, but the one marked

"Are there a good many such? I should think they would soon be
used up, if the giant comes back very often."
"That's one of the strangest things about these stones, the more you
sling the more you have to sling. I guess God is so pleased when
one of his children throws one at this wicked giant, he puts two more
in its place."

"What are the other stones for?"

"They are for all the other giants."

"Other giants! Are there more?"

"Ever so many; ever so many."

"Oh, dear! it's just too bad. I wish they were all dead. Did that boy kill
them all that he slung at?"

"No, no; they keep coming at him every day. There were two about
him to-day."

"Two? ugh! Who were they?"

"Well, old giant Hate. He's a horrid creature. He goes about trying to
set people against each other. He is so delighted if he can get a
brother and sister out with each other that he laughs all night long."

"Did he get very near the boy?"

"Well, he did; but just as he was going to lay his big ugly hands upon
him, he thought of his stone and in a moment he had his hand in the
bag and out came a stone that is marked love; and when the giant
saw it, he fled with all his might and main. But he'd scarcely gone
when in came another. His name is giant Satan. He is a very mighty
giant, the prince of them all, and he carries hundreds and hundreds
of darts, and they are all different, and some are very sharp; some
burn like fire when they strike; some fly swifter than lightning."

"Oh, don't! It's awful! What DID he do when giant Satan came with all
those fiery darts? Ugh!"
"He just flung stone after stone till he had to gather up all his darts
and hurry off into darkness somewhere. He's as 'fraid as death of
some stones. He'll dodge a thousand ways rather than be hit with
one of them."

"What are they? I want to know; he may come at me?"

"Here they are, my dear child. You'll need them every moment of
your life just as much as this boy I've been telling you about, who
has learned how to use so many of them."

"Oh! May I have them all?"

"Just as many as you will sling; and I want you to promise me that
you will never, NEVER, NEVER hang up your sling or throw it away,
but just keep it busy all the days of your life, driving away the giants
that come at you and that come at others."

"I will. How beautiful these stones are. But see! This is the most
beautiful of all."

"And what is the name of it?"

"J-e-s-u-s, Jesus."

"Yes, you need not fear a thousand giants all at once, so long as you
have that stone to sling. That is the living stone. It will grind them to

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