Theory-Review Pack (Answer Key)

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Final Term


Department of ICT/CS

Y8-Computing 2023-24 Final year Review (Theory) Page 1 of 11

Q1. List three roles of the operating system on a digital device.

• Manages the hardware in the digital system, including the processor.

• Runs applications.
• Provides an interface for the user to interact with the device.
• Manages the storage and retrieval of files.
Q2. List three types of utility programs used on a computing device.

Some examples of important utility programs (sometimes known as tools)

• device drivers
• security programs
• defragmentation programs
Q3. Match each utility/security tool with the correct purpose

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Q4. Explain each of the following keywords.
a. Device driver
A software program that operates hardware devices attached to a digital

device; device drivers are essential for a computer to work properly.

b. Security software
Any software that can secure and protect a digital device, e.g. password

protection, biometric security or anti-malware.

c. Defragmentation
The process of reorganizing files stored on a computing device to ensure

that all parts of the same file are located beside one another on the

surface of the device.

d. MAC address:
number programmed into a network interface card that identifies each

device on a network.

e. cyber-attack?

Attempt to gain unauthorized access to a network to damage or destroy

a computer system

Q5. Use the rhyme or poem you created in class to learn the names and values of each of the
following storage units.
• petabyte

• terabyte

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• gigabyte

• megabyte

• kilobyte

• byte

• nibble

• bit

By Now Bright Kings Made Gummy Toys Plastic

Q6. What do the letters LLL stand for?

Low-level language
Q7. What do the letters HLL stand for?

High-level language
Q8. Provide two examples of an HLL.

Python and JavaScript

Q9. What does the term instruction set mean?

It refers to the set of all instructions in machine code that a CPU can execute
Q10. What does the term machine code mean?

It refers to the combination of 1s and 0s that represent each instruction in the

instruction set of a digital device
Q11. What is a program translator?

Something used to convert a computer program into an LLL so that the CPU can
carry out the instructions.
Q12. Use the terms listed below to complete the sentences about the fetch– decode–execute

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When a computer is running a program, the control unit issues instructions to all the hardware

components inside the computer, telling them what to do. Instructions are fetched from main

memory and executed one at a time. The PC always stores the address of the next instruction
waiting to be executed. The instruction being carried out is held in the CIR. When instructions and data

are being passed in and out of main memory, they must go through the MDR. Before a location in

memory can be accessed, its address must be placed in the MAR.

Q13. Create logic circuits to express the following Boolean expressions.



3. X = (A AND B) OR (NOT C)

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Q14. Describe two examples of devices used in homes that make use of machine learning.

Mobile phones use machine learning to allow access to devices using image
recognition. Home-heating systems connected to the internet in smart homes
can use details about the times family members enter and leave the house, the
outside temperature and the time of day (among many other data items) to
determine whether to switch heating/air conditioning on or off.
Q15. How is machine learning used to support electronic security online?

Internet use and emails are automatically filtered to reduce spam

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Q16. Complete the table below with definitions of the keywords.

Software that acts as an interface between computer

hardware components and the user and provides a
Operating system platform where applications can run

Software that helps to maintain the smooth functioning

of a digital device by helping the operating system to
Utilities program manage tasks and resources

High-level language; a programming language more easily

HLL understood by humans, e.g. Python or JavaScript

Used to convert a high-level language into a low-level


Memory address register; stores the address of a location

in memory to be accessed

Memory data register; any data passing into or out of

main memory must pass through the MDR

A branch of computer science that helps digital devices to

access and use data that can help them learn for
Machine learning themselves

Q17. Identify three applications of machine learning in industry or manufacturing in today’s


Computer-aided manufacturing of new products, using computing technology to

monitor and control the manufacturing process, means that products are
produced to a high and consistent standard. Monitoring of stock levels; using
special technology known as RFID tags, manufacturers are able to track the

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location and stock levels of parts needed to produce the products they are
manufacturing – this technology is now even used in some stores where staff are
no longer employed at service desks; instead, the digital systems track the
products that shoppers purchase and automatically charge for them. Computing
technology is used to manage communications between clients and businesses,
for example, using chatbots. Computing technology also automatically carries
out product advertising online; by collecting data about users using small
programs called cookies, AI applications can send targeted advertisements to
potential customers.
Q18. List two advantages and two disadvantages of computerization in industry.

 Products are of a better and more consistent quality.

• Computers can work 24/7.

• There is less chance of injury at work as fewer humans are involved in the



• Technology can be expensive to purchase.

• There are unknown costs – computers need to be repaired if they break down.

• Some staff may lose their jobs

Q20. Complete the following abbreviations:

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PINs: Personal Identification numbers

ADC: Analogue to digital converter

DAC: Digital to analogue converter

CPU: Central processing unit

ACC: Accumulator

PC: Program counter

CIR: Current instruction registers

MDR: memory data register

MAR: memory address register

AI: Artificial Intelligence

LAN: Local Area Network

WAN: Wide area Network

WPAN: Wireless Personal Area Network

ROM: _Read only memory_

NIC: _Network interface card_

HTTPS: Hypertext transfer protocol secure

NOS: Network operating system

Q21: Calculate in bytes the size of each of the following programs:

a. 3TB in to bytes

3tb *1000=3000 GB

3000 GB*1000=3,000,000MB

3,000,000MB*1000= 3,000,000,000KB

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3,000,000,000KB*1000=3,000,000,000,000 BYTES

b. 5MB in to bytes

5MB*1000= 5000 KB

5,000KB*1000=5,000,000 BYTES

c. Convert an audio file of 3000,000 bytes in to GB:

3,000,000/1000 =3000 KB

3,000 KB /1000=3 MB

3/1000 =0.003 GB

Q22. Name four types of servers?

1. __File server
2. __print server
3. ___mail server
4. ____web server

Q23. How can the organizations keep their data safe? List down five methods to secure the

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2. user access controls
3. password policies
4. biometric security
5. encryption

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