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International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-2019)

Development of a system to compare and analyze the yield of drip and

without drip irrigation plots of plants

Monika Patilᵃ, S. S. Patilᵇ.

Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar, 415409, India.


Article history: By giving single command to the system having drip irrigation plan the design technic is used in an
Received 25 January 19 agriculture field as well as in small gardens. The use of sensors like moisture sensor, ultrasonic sensor,
Received in revised form 05 February 19 moisture sensor and solenoid valve combinable form a smart type of drip irrigation. The drip irrigation
Accepted 24 February 19 minimizes sugar content up-to 50%. The drip irrigation ensures profitable high yield with high efficiency
to improve marigold production, saving amount of water, reduces number of manpower. It delivers upper
Keywords: crop yields as compare with the surface irrigation system. The drip irrigation system helps to provide
Yield advanced and sustainable performance than the surface irrigation system.

© 2019SUSCOM. Hosting by Elsevier SSRN. All rights reserved.

Peer review under responsibility of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management.

1. Introduction

Drip irrigation is one type of irrigation system having prospective to mineral nutrient also reduce water wastage. Water get reduced by providing water
slowly to the roots of plants. The irrigation system provides water via network of valves, pipes, tubing and emitters. The belongings of method of
composting in sandy soil by use of surface and subsurface drip irrigation system on the growth, quality and chemical composition of calendula officinal is
plants and soil fertility after harvesting. Composting needs the use of agricultural scums, natural bacteriological vegetation, and inorganic mineral, like
nitrogen and phosphorous, and the presentation of proper monitoring to produce a final product with improved ability to recover soils and boost the plant
growth. The research study aim to estimate the tactic to drip and ordinary irrigation of crop that were of cultivated plants vertically and relationship of
water usage of both systems to yield per planted area.

2. Literature Review

Koushik Anand presents wireless sensors and fuzzy logic drip irrigation system which minimize the fertilizers for crops and the use of water which
is important natural resource. The WSN contains sensor nodes, control units and hubs.
The real-time data is gathered by the sensors the data is regarding soil humidity, moisture and temperature. By using wireless technology, the
exact data is sent to the hub. The hub processes the data using fuzzy logic which helps to decide the time duration useful for keeping the valves open. The
drip irrigation system is implemented for a particular amount of time. The photovoltaic cells are used to power the whole system and communication link
which allows the system to be, controlled, monitored and scheduled through cellular text message. [KoushikAnand, Dr. C. Jayakumar, Mohana Muthu,
Sridhar Amirneni,2015]
Bennis, H. Fouchal, proposed pressure sensor, soil moisture and temperature to monitor the irrigation operations, when the pipes burst or the
emitters block. It also, differentiate between the two main traffic levels by the WSAN for the information transmitted. The high QoS performance is
achieved by the use of adequate priority-based routing protocol. The Simulations Results are obtained from NS-2 simulator which show promising results
in the terms of PDR i.e. packet delivery ratio and delay, which is mainly used` for the priority traffic. The agricultural regions which are monitored are
generally scattered and it suffer from a variable environmental condition, which is needed for accurate and real-time collected information. [Bennis H.
Fouchal, H. Fouchal, O.Zytoune, D. Aboutajdine,2015]
Nikhil Agrawal discussed about design of home automation system which is cost effective, energy efficient devices like Raspberry pi, Arduino,
microcontrollers, zigbee module. The Raspberry pi is acts as a central coordinator. The commands from the users are processes at Raspberry pi. The

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International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-2019)

energy efficient and cheap in cost drip irrigation is a proof of concept. In big agriculture fields and small gardens, the design of drip irrigation system is
used by just sending an email to the water plant. The author explains hardware and software installation of system. [Nikhil Agrawal, SmitaSinghal,2015]
Shashikant discussed when rainfall is insufficient or less distributed then drip irrigation is used to replenishment water demands of plants. In a
field of drip irrigation, all plants need water distribute uniformly. Drip irrigation is also used to improve the efficiency of production like fertilizers,
improve agrochemicals and seeds. To increase the yield and improve the quality of crop, mulching with drip irrigation system is an effective method for
soil temperature, conserving soil moisture, reduce soil erosion, enhancing organic matter content and weed control etc. The response of mulch is to reduce
insect, disease problem and gives more yields, early production. [Shashikant, KrishiKosh,2016]

3. Design and Implementation:

In this hardware temperature, humidity, moisture, LDR and ultrasonic sensors are used to calculate temperature and humidity in air, moisture in soil, light
intensity and water level in tank respectively. Fig. 1 shows interfacing of above sensors with raspberry pi.

Fig. 1 Raspberry pi interfacing with sensors

Fig. 1 Design and implementation of the system

1) DHT11 interfacing with raspberry pi:

 DHT11 sensor use to provide and measure temperature and humidity values.
 DHT11 sensor measure temperature in a degree Celsius in the range of 0 to 50 degree Celsius and humidity in percentage.
 DHT11 has 4 pins, one for data communication and second for ground.
2) Moisture sensor interfacing with raspberry pi:
 Moisture sensor provide and measures moisture content in the soil. This sensor sends a digital signal immediately, but it is not exactly
 The MCP3008 IC is an analog-to-digital converter. The raspberry Pi cannot detect analog signals, so need a converter like MCP3008.
 To the 3.3 V of raspberry pi VCC of the sensor is connected.
3) Ultrasonic sensor interfacing with raspberry pi:
There are 4 pins on the ultrasound module that are connected to the Raspberry Pi,
 VCC to Pin 2
 GND to pin 6
 Trig to Pin 12 (GPIO 18)
 Connect 330 Ohm resistor to Echo.
4) LDR sensor interfacing with raspberry pi:
The light dependent resistor sensor is able to detect whether it is light or dark. In the dark, it has a resistance of several mega ohms and in the light, this
sensor have resistance of only a few hundred ohms.

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4. Block Diagram:

Fig2: Block Diagram of proposed system

The main objective of the block diagram is to develop a system to increase the yield of plant. The drip irrigation system saves water up to 90% in
irrigation. In this system the evaporation amount of water is very low. The small diameter plastic pipes fitted with outlets are used to directly supply of
water to the roots of plant. The system uses sensors like temperature, humidity, moisture etc. From this sensor parameters the farmer can control system
by using internet facility between server and client, farmers controls drip components from anywhere.
There is a water pumping unit used to supply for irrigation drip system. A solenoid valve is an electronic as well as mechanical device. The
solenoid valve uses for generation of magnetic field by electric current. Opening of fluid flow contain in valve regulated by mechanism. In this era, the
importance of water is large. The block diagram is shown in the above fig. 3. Continuous monitoring of soil gives its status. So, by the monitoring control
of water can be possible. Hence wastage get decrease. Wastage of water reduced by sending actions from mobile through Wi-Fi with the use of moisture
and temperature sensors.
The yield of crops depends on both the number and the weight of individual crop. Humidity is a climate factor that can modified final yield and
quality of crops. The method of fixing water and carbon dioxide leads to growth and energy.

5. Results

5.1 Experimental setup of the system:

Fig. 3 Experimental set up of the system

Fig. 3 shows the hardware setup of system. System was developed by using interfacing of various sensors like temperature, humidity, moisture, LDR,
ultrasonic sensor with Raspberry pi. The language is used for this system is Python. The sensing values of the sensors are displays on computer shown in
the figure.

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5.2 Setup of the system:

a) Set up I: With drip irrigation

Fig. 4 shows the plantation of drip irrigation. There are three tracks of pipelines having small drip holes through which penetrates drops of water
continuously when motor is on. Plants are planted by keeping two-inch distance between them for better yield.

Fig. 4 Drip Irrigation Setup

Table 1: Measured height of plants with drip irrigation

Date of
watering Measured height(cm)

3/01/2019 T1 11 11 12 12 11

T2 10 10 11 11 11

T3 10 10 11 10 09

6/01/2019 T1 11 11 12 12 11

T2 10 10 11 11 11

T3 10 10 11 10 09

9/01/2019 T1 10 11 12 12 11

T2 11 10 12 12 11

T3 11 11 12 11 10

Table 1 shows measured height of plant with drip irrigation. From table water has given to plant by 3 days gap. Height is measured on 3rd, 6th and 10th Jan.
Height measured on 3rd and 6th Jan same but on 9th Jan height gradually increased by 1-2 cm. From the above observations we can see that there is good
growth of plant with drip irrigation as compare to without drip.
The fig. 5 shows the graph of the measured height of plants with watering of drip irrigation. The graph is drawn by using the observations in table 1. In a
period of 3rd Jan to 9th Jan the observed improvement in growth of plant is good.

b) Set up II: Without drip irrigation

Fig. 7 shows the plantation of without drip irrigation. There are three tracks of direct water supply continuously when motor is on. Marigold plants are
planted by keeping four-inch distance between them.

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10 height(cm)
5 height(cm)

Fig. 5 Graph of measured height of plants with watering of drip irrigation

Fig. 6 without Drip Irrigation Setup

Table 2: Measured height of plants without drip irrigation

Date of watering
Measured height(cm)
3/01/2019 T4 8 11 11 10 11

T5 11 10 10 09 07

T6 12 10 09 10 08

6/01/2019 T4 8 11 11 10 11

T5 11 10 10 09 07

T6 12 10 09 10 08

10/01/2019 T4 09 12 12 10 11

T5 12 10 10 10 07

T6 12 10 10 10 09

Table 2 shows measured height of plant with drip irrigation. From table water has given to plant by 3 days gap. Height is measured on 3rd, 6th and 10th Jan.
Height measured on 3rd and 6th Jan same but on 9th Jan height gradually increased by 1-2 cm. From the above observations we can see that there is better
growth of plant with drip irrigation as compare to with drip.

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5 height(cm)

Fig. 7 Graph of measured height of plants without watering of drip irrigation

The fig. 7 shows the graph of the measured height of plants without watering of drip irrigation. The graph is drawn by using the observations in table 2. In
a period of 3rd Jan to 9th Jan the observed improvement in growth of plant is better.

5.3 Output window:

Fig. 8 Raspberry pi terminal window

Fig. 8 shows the output on terminal screen of the system. System developed by using interfacing of various sensors like temperature, humidity, moisture,
LDR, ultrasonic sensor with Raspberry pi. Their sensing values are displays on above screen.

6. Conclusion:

It is evident from this project work, the sensors like temperature, humidity, moisture are easily made at low cost which used to monitor and controls the
temperature, humidity and moisture at the data centre. According to the moisture content in the soil the system valve is automatically turn ON or OFF.
This monitoring of field not only permits user to reduce the human efforts and time, but it also permits user to analyse accurate changes in the atmosphere
and for taking possible action.
The developed system can transfer fertilizers and chemicals to the field with adding valve and sensors. The smart drip irrigation system will be
used in agricultural as well as commercial use.


KoushikAnand, Dr. C. Jayakumar, Mohana Muthu, Sridhar Amirneni, (2015). “Automatic Drip Irrigation System Using Fuzzy Logic and Mobile Technology”,
IEEE International Conference on Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development, pp. 1-5.
Bennis H. Fouchal, H. Fouchal, O. Zytoune_, D. Aboutajdine, (2015). “Drip Irrigation System using Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Proceedings of the Federated
Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, DOI: 10.15439/2015F299, Vol. 5, pp. 1297–1302.

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International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-2019)

Nikhil Agrawal, SmitaSinghal, (2015). “Smart Drip Irrigation System using Raspberry pi and Arduino”, International Conference on Computing, Communication
and AutomationNoida, pp. 1-5.
Shashikant, KrishiKosh, (2016). “Studies on Level of Drip Irrigation and Suitability of Used Plastic Material as Mulch for Growing Rabi Marigold (tageteserecta)”,,
An international Repository of Indian National Agricultural Research System, RAIPUR (Chhattisgarh), pp.-1-149.
Rajalakshmi.P, Mrs.S.DeviMahalakshmi, (2016). “IOT Based Crop-Field Monitoring and Irrigation Automation” International Conference on Intelligent Systems
and Control (ISCO), Tamil Nadu, India, pp.1-6.

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