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Monthly Internship Report


College / University – Amity Law School , Amity University , Kolkata

Course /Batch - BBA LL.B (H) [ 5th Year , 10th Semester , Batch: 2019-2024]

Place - S. Majumdar & Co { 5, Harish Mukherjee Rd, Bhowanipore, Kolkata, West Bengal
700025 , Martin Burn Business Park Suite No. 901, 9th Floor, BP Block, Sector - 5, Salt Lake
Kolkata - 700091 }.

Duration - 04/03/2024 – 30/03/2024 [ 4 weeks ]

Research Activity / Tasks / Assignment

In this month , I performed activities described below

Internship Report

Date Work Performed

4/03/24 - 5/03/24 o Gained a comprehensive basic understanding of core Trade
Marks Law provisions (Sections 2, 9, 11, 17,18,29,30, 47 &
o Prepared concise notes on landmark trademark decisions for
future reference.

6/03/24 – 8/03/24 o Conducted in-depth research on the process for applying for
a company name change with the Registrar of Companies
o Identified necessary due diligence procedures required
before submitting the application.
o Analyzed grounds and timeframes for objections to a name
change application from the ROC and third parties.
o Analyzed grounds and timeframes for objections to a name
change application from the ROC and third parties

9/03/24 -11/03/24 o Located relevant judgments establishing that a registered

trademark operates "in rem" (against the world), not "in
personam" (against specific individuals).

12/03/24 – o Compiled a list of judicial decisions interpreting Section 17,

15/03/24 with key takeaways on its application
16/03/24 – o Researched the proposition that the appeal period for
18/03/24 intellectual property decisions should begin from the date of
service, not the order upload date on a website.
o Analyzed relevant case law (e.g., Section 117A(4) of the
Patents Act, 1970) to support this position.

19/03/24 o Conducted research to determine whether uploading an

order on a website constitutes constructive or actual
knowledge for triggering appeal deadlines.
20/03/24 – o Prepared a list of relevant dates, case notes, and case law for
21/03/24 the applicant's case.
22/03/24 – o Drafted a Cease & Desist Notice on behalf of Radix Arc
23/03/24 Private Limited demanding R. J. Electrodes to withdraw
specific trademark applications and cease further use.
o Performed a trademark search for the client to assess
potential infringement
26/03/24 – o Prepared a Note of Arguments for the applicant's trademark
28/03/24 "SOMECO" facing opposition from "SEMCO". This
document will be used during the upcoming hearing on
April 2nd, 2024.
o Compiled a List of Dates and List of Annexures for the

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