Chaityanya Nagar

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Civil Engineering I Material Testing

CI LTECH INDIA PVT,LTD Soil Investigation I Non Destructive Test

CIN: Structural Audit I PMC I Survey
PAN: MML.........." .. OI
ress: Plot No.43, Chikalthana M,I.D,C., Near 5BI Bank Chh.Sarnbhaiinagar - 431210,

Report No. - CT/AUB/R/03423/24 Date :- 23/03/2024

Test Report
Client Name* :- Executive engineer MJPSub Division - 1 Chhatrapati Sambhajlnagar,

Address* :- Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.

:- 35 VillageWater Supply Grid Project at Chaitanyanagar ESRCapacity:
Name of work*
307000 Ltr, Tq. Dist. Chh.Sambhajinagar.

:- M/s Vijay Construction V.U.B.EnggPvt. Ltd.( JV) Mumbai, Ghatkopar

:- YIS/35VilIagesgrid/422/2024 Dated: 19/03/2024

:- Yellowish Soil MixSoft Murum

Job No. :- 031903

Method Used :- Direct Shear Test by direct shear apparatus, IS:2720(P 13) - 1986
:- 20/03/2024 to
:-19/03/2024 Date of performance of test
:- NA Humidity at time of test :- N.A.

Cohesion Angle of Safe Bearing Capacity

Sr. No, Soil Depth (m)
on (kg/cm2) Friction e) (T/m2)

1 3.40 0.094 18.20 26.73

* Sample for SBCbased on Shear result is shown in subsequent sheet.


For CivilTech


only to the particular sample submitted to laboratory.

2.5 is assumed by considering the variation in the nature of soil. However if the
. to adopt a own factor of safety, considering nature of project he is at liberty to do so,

of soil is worked out from Shear Criteria in the present report.

verify the S. B. C. Oil the basis of Settlement Criteria for important structures.
it swelling and consolidation, we neglected in SBCcalculation.

Registered Office: Plot No.B-4S

NICEArea, Satpur MIDC, Nashik
Pin 422007

Capacity Calculation

3.4 meter

1.5 meter

1.5 meter

0.94 Tjsq. m

18.2 degree

1.45 Tjcub m
8 Depth Factor 9 Shape Factor
a. Nc= 13.4 Dc= 1.6 Sc= 1.3
b. Nq= 5.5 Dq= 1.3 Sq= 1.2
c, Ny= 4.4 Dy= 1.3 Sy= 0.8
d Ic= 1.0
e. Iq= 1.0
f. Iy= 1.0
4.93 Tjsq.m
It_n = C*Nc*Sc*Dc*Ic + q*(Nq-1)*Sq*Dq*Iq + 0.5*B*W*Ng*Sg*Dg*Ig*W'
Qultimate= 66.82 Tjsq.m
Qallowable= 26.73 Tjsq.m

Sc Sq Sy Dc Dy Quit
1.3 1.2 0.8 1.5 1.2 1.2 63.4 25.4
2 1.3 1.2 0.8 1.4 1.2 1.2 61.9 24.8
3 1.3 1.2 0.8 1.3 1.2 1.2 61.3 24.5
4 1.3 1.2 0.8 1.3 1.1 1.1 61.3 24.5
5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 61.5 24.6

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