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Singapore Methodology with

100% alignment to the Indonesian

syllabus (Kurikulum 2013)

Dr Fong Ho Kheong • Chelvi Ramakrishnan • Michelle Choo

© 2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited
© 2014 Marshall Cavendish Education Pte Ltd.
This English edition is licensed to Mentari Books.

Exclusively distributed in Indonesia by:

MENTARI BOOKS is specially designed to meet the requirements of Kurikulum 2013 for Primary 1 to
Rukan Sentra Niaga Puri Indah
Block T1 – 14, Puri Indah Primary 6 in Indonesia. The topic coverage in each level is arranged to address all the basic
West Jakarta 11610 competencies (Kompetensi Dasar) of the level prescribed in the syllabus. This series uses
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: 0855 888 1948
the Singapore approach to teaching mathematics, which is internationally recognised as one
Fax: (021) 5890 0818 of the best in the world.
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First published 2011

uses Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach, which is proven to be a very
Second edition 2018
First reprinted 2019 effective method. The content development of each topic matches the child’s developmental
age and is carefully designed in spiral progression. Extra contents marked with (*) are
All rights reserved.
added to maintain this spiral progression.
© 2018, Marshall Cavendish Education Pte Ltd. This English edition licensed to
Mentari Books. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
The Workbook complements the Textbook and uses a variety of questions and word
transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any
nature without the prior written permission of Marshall Cavendish Education Pte Ltd. problems for reinforcement, testing and consolidation of concepts.

New Maths Champion Workbook 3

Aligned with Indonesian syllabus (Kurikulum 2013)
commits to nurture young Indonesians to be efficient problem solvers who are
competent to face the changing world in the future.

Be a maths champion!
Using This Book Kompetensi Dasar Contents
3.2 Menjelaskan bilangan
cacah dan pecahan Chapt r 1 Numbers To 10 000
sederhana (seperti 1/2, 1/3,
This book has some special features. Find out what they are for and use them to help you dan 1/4) yang disajikan Practice 1 Counting 9
pada garis bilangan
learn as you use this book. Practice 2 Place Value 13
4.2 Menggunakan bilangan
cacah dan pecahan Practice 3 Comparing, Order And Pattern 17
sederhana (seperti 1/2, 1/3,

Practice 5 Division With Regrouping In Hundreds,
Tens And Ones
dan 1/4 ) yang disajikan
The well-structured 1 Lisa cannot remember the steps to division. pada garis bilangan

Help her complete the steps.

questions in each Practice a

3 
4 6 8 3 
4 6 8 3 
4 6 8 3 
4 6 8
2 Divide and complete the number puzzle.
serve to reinforce the Down
6 6

a 2 
7 9 8 b 3 
8 4 9 c 4 
6 9 6

concepts, skills and 8

Kompetensi Dasar
problem-solving strategies Across b
3.3 Menyatakan suatu bilangan Chapt r 2 Addition Within 10 000
and help to test students’ d 5 
6 9 5 e 2 
7 5 4 f 4 
3 7 2 4 
9 3 6 4 
9 3 6 4 
9 3 6 4 
9 3 6 sebagai jumlah, selisih,
3 3
hasil kali, atau hasil bagi Practice 1 Meaning Of Sum 22
understanding. dua bilangan cacah
Practice 2 Simple Addition Within 10 000 24
4.3 Menilai apakah suatu
b a
bilangan dapat dinyatakan Practice 3 Addition With Regrouping 28
c sebagai jumlah, selisih,
90 Chapter 6 Division
hasil kali, atau hasil bagi Practice 4 Word Problems 34
dua bilangan cacah
Chapt r 3 Subtraction Within 10 000
Chapter 6 Division 91
Practice 1 Meaning Of Difference 38
Practice 2 Simple Subtraction Within 10 000 40
Practice 3 Subtraction With Regrouping 42
Section C
For each of the following questions, show your working clearly.
Then write your answer in the space provided.
Practice 4 Subtraction With Numbers That Have Zeros 47
31 Romi’s mass is 46 kg.
If he gains 16 kg, his mass will be twice that of his brother’s.
What is his brother’s mass?
Practice 5 Word Problems 49

Chapt r 4 Multiplication Tables Of 6, 7, 8, And 9

Practice 1 Multiplying 6: Skip-counting 55
Each Revision integrates
32 Wendi took part in a 2000 m race.
He tripped and fell after running 815 m. topics and concepts Practice 2 Multiplying 7: Skip-counting 57
He continued running for another 250 m before giving up.
a What was the distance he ran?
b How far away was he from the finishing point? to provide complete Practice 3 Multiplying 8: Skip-counting 59
consolidation of the contents Practice 4A Multiplying 9 61
covered. Practice 4B Word Problems 63
Practice 5 Division: Finding The Number Of Items In
270 Revision 2

Each Group 65
Practice 6 Division: Making Equal Groups 67

Chapt r 5 Multiplication
Practice 1 Multiplication Without Regrouping 69
Practice 2 Multiplication With Regrouping In Ones And
Tens 72
Practice 3 Multiplication With Regrouping In Ones, Tens
And Hundreds 76
Chapt r 6 Division
Chapter Kompetensi Dasar
Practice 1 Quotient And Remainder 79 3.6 Menjelaskan dan
Practice 2 Odd And Even Numbers 81 menentukan lama
Chapt r 10 Time
waktu suatu kejadian
Practice 3 Division Without Remainder And Regrouping 83 berlangsung
Practice 1 Telling Time 155
3.7 Mendeskripsikan dan
Practice 4 Division With Regrouping In Tens And Ones 85 menentukan hubungan Practice 2 Conversion Of Hours And Minutes 157
Practice 5 Division With Regrouping In Hundreds, Tens antar satuan baku untuk
Practice 3 Addition 159
panjang, berat, dan waktu
And Ones 87 yang umumnya digunakan
Practice 4 Subtraction 161
dalam kehidupan sehari-
Chapt r 7 Solving Word Problems: Multiplication
Chapter hari
4.6 Menyelesaikan masalah
Practice 5 Duration In Hours And Minutes 163
And Division yang berkaitan lama Practice 6 Word Problems 167
waktu suatu kejadian
Practice 1 Multiplication: One-step Word Problems 91 berlangsung Practice 7 Other Units Of Time 170
Practice 2 Multiplication: Two-step Word Problems 93 4.7 Menyelesaikan masalah
yang berkaitan dengan Chapt r 11 Length, Mass And Quantity
Practice 3 Division: One-step Word Problems 98 hubungan antarsatuan
baku untuk panjang, Practice 1 Multiplying By 10, 100 Or 1000 176
Practice 4 Division: Two-step Word Problems 102 berat, dan waktu yang
umumnya digunakan dalam Practice 2 Dividing By 10, 100 Or 1000 177
Kompetensi Dasar kehidupan sehari-hari
Practice 3 Metres And Centimetres 178
3.1 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat
operasi hitung pada Chapt r 8 Properties Of Mathematical Operations
Chapter Practice 4 Kilometres And Metres 180
bilangan cacah
Practice 5 Other Units Of Length 184
4.1 Menyelesaikan masalah Practice 1 The Commutative Property 108
yang melibatkan Practice 6 Kilograms And Grams 187
penggunaan sifat-sifat Practice 2 The Associative Property 112
operasi hitung pada Practice 7 Other Units Of Mass 191
bilangan cacah
Practice 3 The Distributive Property 115
Practice 8 Units Of Quantity 195

Chapt r 12 Volume Of Liquid*

Kompetensi Dasar Practice 1 Getting To Know Volume 198
Practice 2 Measuring In Litres 201
3.2 Menjelaskan bilangan
cacah dan pecahan Chapt r 9 Fractions
Practice 3 Litres And Mililitres 203
sederhana (seperti 1/2,1/3,
dan 1/4) yang disajikan Practice 1 Understanding Fractions 119
pada garis bilangan
3.4 Menggeneralisasi
Practice 2 More Fractions 126 Chapt r 13 Solving Word Problems: Length,
ide pecahan sebagai Practice 3 Comparing And Ordering Fractions 130 Mass And Volume
bagian dari keseluruhan
menggunakan benda- Practice 4 Adding And Subtracting Like Fractions 135 Practice 1 One-step Word Problems 206
benda konkret
3.5 Menjelaskan dan
Practice 5 Solving Word Problems 139 Practice 2 Two-step Word Problems 210
melakukan penjumlahan Practice 6 Fraction Of A Set 141
dan pengurangan pecahan
berpenyebut sama
4.2 Menggunakan bilangan Kompetensi Dasar
cacah dan pecahan
sederhana (seperti 1/2, 1/3,
Revision 1 145
dan 1/4 ) yang disajikan 3.11 Menjelaskan sudut, jenis
sudut (sudut siku-siku,
Chapt r 14 Angles
pada garis bilangan
sudut lancip, dan sudut
4.4 Menyajikan pecahan tumpul), dan satuan
Practice 1 Understanding Angles 214
sebagai bagian dari
keseluruhan menggunakan
pengukuran tidak baku Practice 2 Identifying Angles 218
benda-benda konkret 4.11 Mengidentifikasi jenis
sudut, (sudut siku-siku, Practice 3 Right Angles 221
4.5 Menyelesaikan masalah sudut lancip, dan sudut
penjumlahan dan tumpul), dan satuan Practice 4 Turns And Right Angles 223
pengurangan pecahan pengukuran tidak baku
berpenyebut sama
Kompetensi Dasar
3.12 Menganalisis berbagai Chapt r 15 Squares, Rectangles And Triangles
Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000
bangun datar berdasarkan
sifat-sifat yang dimiliki Practice 1 Properties Of Squares And Rectangles 224
4.12 Mengelompokkan
berbagai bangun datar
Practice 2 Properties Of Triangles 227
berdasarkan sifat-sifat
yang dimiliki
Practice 1 Counting

Kompetensi Dasar 1 How many are there?

3.9 Menjelaskan simetri
Chapt r 16 Symmetry
lipat dan simetri putar
pada bangun datar
menggunakan benda Practice 1 Identifying Symmetric Figures 229
Practice 2 Identifying Lines Of Symmetry 231
4.9 Mengidentifikasi simetri
lipat dan simetri putar Practice 3 Making Symmetric Figures And Patterns 233
pada bangun datar
menggunakan benda Practice 4 Identifying Rotational Symmetry 236

Kompetensi Dasar b
3.8 Menjelaskan dan
menentukan luas dan Chapt r 17 Area, Perimeter And Volume
volume dalam satuan
tidak baku dengan Practice 1 Area 239
menggunakan benda
konkret Practice 2 Perimeter 243
3.10 Menjelaskan dan Practice 3 Volume 250
menentukan keliling
bangun datar
4.8 Menyelesaikan masalah
luas dan volume dalam c
satuan tidak baku dengan
menggunakan benda
4.10 Menyajikan dan
menyelesaikan masalah
yang berkaitan dengan
keliling bangun datar

Kompetensi Dasar
3.13 Menjelaskan data
berkaitan dengan diri
Chapt r 18 Picture Graphs
Chapter d
peserta didik yang Practice 1 Simple Picture Graphs 252
disajikan dalam diagram
gambar Practice 2 Making Picture Graphs 255
4.13 Menyajikan data berkaitan Practice 3 Reading Picture Graph With Scales 257
dengan diri peserta didik
yang disajikan dalam
diagram gambar
Revision 2 261
Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 9
2 Write the given numbers in words. 3 What animal ate the fruit?
Write the following in numbers and match them with the letters to
find out!
3728 o
a one thousand and four hundred
b nine thousand
c six thousand, eight hundred and thirty-five

b y
d three thousand, two hundred and sixty
e five thousand and nine a

f five thousand and sixty-eight e

g two thousand and seventy k

h three thousand, two hundred and six t

5014 Now write the letters that match the numbers.

The ate the fruit.

9000 1400 6835 2070 5068 3260


10 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 11

4 Count by ones, tens, hundreds or thousands. Practice 2 Place Value
a 2065, 2066, , 2068, , 2070
1 Fill in the blanks.
b 6418, 6417, , 6415, 6414,
c , , 7543, 7553, 7563,
2 7 1 5
d 1674, , 1654, , 1634, 1624
2 thousands hundreds ten ones
e 3307, 3407, 3507, , ,
or 2000 or or or
f , , , 8226, 8126, 8026

g 3654, 4654, , , 7654, 8654

h 7062, 6062, , , 3062, 2062

3 0 6 4
5 Count by hundreds.
Colour the stones Putri lands on. thousands hundreds tens ones

or or or or

8216 8416 8526

8116 8316 8516 c
8226 8616
8026 8236
6 5 0 0
8336 8816

6 5 tens ones

or or or or

12 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 13

2 What does each digit stand for?
(2) 4 Find the values.

Example 6 3 2 1 a 3 4 6 7 Example
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
b 6 0 5 4 c 14 8 0
6000 + 200 + 30 + 1 = 6231
6000, 200, 30 and 1 make 6231 .

a Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

3 Fill in the blanks.

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
2 5 3 7 2000 + 50 + 4 =

a In 2537, the digit 3 is in the place. 2000, 50 and 4 make .

The value of the digit is .

b In 2537, the digit is in the ones place. b Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

The value of the digit is .

c In 2537, the value of the digit 2 is .

3000 + 100 =
It is in the place.
3000 and 100 make .
d In 2537, the value of the digit is 500.

It is in the place.

14 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 15

5 Fill in the boxes. Practice 3 Comparing, Order And Pattern

a 3564 = 3000 + + 60 + 4 = 1 Fill in the blanks.

a Set A

b 4827 = 4000 + 800 + 20 + + Set B






Which number is greater? .

c 6139 = 6000 + 100 + +9
So, Set is greater than Set .

+ b Set A Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

d 6102 = 6000 + 100 + 4 5 6 1

e 9804 = + 800 + 4
+ Set B Thousands

Which number is smaller? .

Set is smaller than Set .

(f)f 5039 = + 30 + 9
= 2 Which is greater? Which is smaller?
Use greater than or smaller than.

= a
3170 is 8620

4521 is 4500

16 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 17

3 Write > or <. 7 Arrange the numbers in order, beginning with the smallest.

999 is 1000

a 2340, 989, 4001

2391 2099
b 2478, 1470, 6478

4 Circle the greater number.

a b c 6359, 6059, 6759
4324 4687 1251 1231

5 Circle the smaller number.

8 Arrange the numbers in order, beginning with the greatest.
a b
2012 200 7400 7402

a 5317, 5137, 5731, 5713

6 Underline the smallest number and circle the greatest number.

a 6963 6639 6696 6993 b 3761, 3671, 3617, 3716

b 5248 5582 5842 5284

c 7052, 7507, 7050, 7075
c 8019 8119 8109 8901

18 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 19

9 Fill in the blanks. d

a 1 more than 5263 is 5264 . 3515 4515 7515 9515

b 1000 more than 3217 is .

c 100 less than 6748 is . e

d 10 less than 2000 is . 6903 6703 6303 5703

e 1000 less than 9106 is .

10 Fill in the missing numbers. f

7036 7056 7096 7136


2415 2445 2455 2475

11 Complete the number patterns.

a 9325, 9225, 9125, , ,
3259 4259 5259 7259
b , , , 5145, 5135, 5125

c c 4537, 4637, , , 4937, 5037

d 809, 909, , 1109, 1209,

3361 3261 3161 2761

20 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 Chapter 1 Numbers To 10 000 21

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