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Registration Form

New ABO Number : 8752605

Applicant Name : ramani k
Applicant ID Card :
Applicant DOB : 17/11/1972
Co.Applicant Name :
Co.Applicant ID Card :
Co.Applicant DOB :
Address Line1 : 54,lasaar koil street, thiprayapet
Address Line2 :
Land Mark :
City/Town/Village : pondy
Post OIIice : pondy main
District : pondicherry
Pincode : 605001
State : Pondicherry
Home Phone :
OIIice Phone :
Mobile : 9940933175
Primary E-Mail :
Secondary E-Mail :
Sponsor ABO Number : 8277017
Applicant Status : Resident
Co.Applicant Status :
PAN Card Number :
I/We have read the Contract oI Distributorship speciIied & agree to be bound by the terms &
conditions mentioned therein. I/We certiIy that the inIormation provided herein is correct to the
best oI my/our knowledge.
Applicant's Name : ................................. Co-Applicant's Name : .................................
Applicant's Signature : ................................. Co-Applicant's Signature : .................................
Disclaimers : Please, note that Signature oI Applicant and Co-Applicant on both the pages are

Contract of Distributorship
This document including the Distributor Application overleaI, iI Iully completed, signed by the applicant(s) when duly accepted by Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
("Amway India"), constitutes the Distributor Agreement (Agreement) between Amway India, and the applicant(s) whose signature and other identiIication data
appear overleaI.
Amway India appoints the overleaI - identiIied applicant(s) as a distributor oI AMWAY products and the applicant(s) (herein aIter
individually and collectively reIerred to as the 'Distributor) accept(s) such appointment. Distributor may, on a non-exclusive basis,
purchase AMWAY products Irom Amway India, to resell, distribute and market in the territory oI India.
Distributor hereby conIirms that he/she has entered into this Agreement as an independent contractor. Nothing in this Agreement shall establish an employment
relationship, or any other labour relationship between the Distributor and Amway India, and nothing shall establish the Distributor's position as procurer,
broker, commercial agent, contracting representative or other representative oI Amway India. When purchasing and selling AMWAY products, the Distributor
shall act as an independent vendor, acting in his/her own name, at his/her own responsibility and Ior his/her own account.
Distributor shall not sell any AMWAY product Ior a price exceeding the Maximum Retail Price. Distributor may charge, at his discretion, any price that is
lower than the Maximum Retail Price indicated on the label oI any product or in any, then applicable, price list issued by Amway India.
Relation between Amway India and the Distributor and all his/her activities hereunder shall be governed, in addition to this Agreement, by the rules contained
in the Amway Business Starter Guide which includes the a) Amway India Sales and Marketing Plan and b) Code oI Ethics and Rules oI Conduct (hereinaIter
collectively reIerred to as 'OIIicial Documents. The Distributor conIirms that he/she has received a copy oI OIIicial Documents and has read the terms and
conditions thereoI and agrees to be bound by them in addition to this Agreement. Amway India may amend Irom time to time, any oI the terms and conditions
oI the OIIicial Documents through notice on its website II any Distributor does not agree to be bound by such amendment he/she may
terminate this Agreement within 45 days oI such publication by giving a written notice to Amway India. Distributor's continued relationship with Amway India
would constitute an aIIirmative a) acknowledgment by the Distributor oI the amendment and b) Agreement by the Distributor to abide and be bound by this
Agreement, OIIicial Documents and its modiIications.
This Agreement becomes eIIective Irom the date oI acceptance by Amway India oI the Applicant's contractual oIIer in the Iorm oI this Iully completed
Distributor Application Iorm. Such acceptance shall be communicated by sending to the Distributor, a Distributor IdentiIication Card or upon entering the
particulars oI the Distributor in Amway`s Distributor Database, whichever is earlier. The Distributor IdentiIication Card is and shall remain the property oI
Amway India and Distributor shall return it to Amway India without any delay upon termination or expiration oI this Agreement.
The Co-Applicant/Second Authorized Representative acknowledges that Amway India will deal exclusively with the Primary Applicant/ First Authorized
Representative in respect oI all business matters, and also pay commission and / or any other incentives to and in the name oI the Primary Applicant/Entity.
Amway India will make all payments on account oI returns or reIunds through Bank transIers /account payee cheques drawn in Iavour oI Primary
Applicant/Entity only
The Distributor hereby expressly authorizes Amway India to make available, release and disseminate all or part oI the inIormation set Iorth herein to other
Amway Distributors & Customers within or outside oI India. The Distributors agrees that he/she has read and understand Amway India`s Privacy Policy as
published on in respect oI the inIormation set Iorth herein or any other inIormation provided by the distributor to Amway India.
The Distributor needs to activate the distributorship within 60 days oI joining by doing 50 personal PV by purchase oI products Irom Amway India. Failure to
activate the distributorship will result in automatic termination oI this agreement.
The distributor will be allow to sponsor another distributor into the Amway business only aIter activating the distributorship.
This Agreement is eIIective Ior an initial deIinitive period oI one (1) year, Irom the date oI acceptance hereoI by Amway India. However, incase oI acceptance
by Amway India oI the Applicant`s contractual oIIer on or aIter September 1, this Agreement will be eIIective till December 31 oI the Iollowing year.
All Distributors are required to renew their distributorships Ior the Iollowing year on or beIore December 31 oI each year. Amway India reserves the right, at its
complete discretion, to reject any application Ior renewal.
The Distributor may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving a written notice to Amway India. Amway India may terminate this agreement by giving a
written notice (a) pursuant to the provisions oI the Rules oI Conduct; (b) Ior reasons oI non-perIormance and (c) Ior the breach oI any terms and conditions oI
this Agreement.
Amway India may reject this application Ior any reason, at its discretion, including iI the application contains incomplete, inaccurate, Ialse or misleading
inIormation. Any alteration or modiIication will be subject to veriIication.
This Agreement is entered into on a personal basis and neither this Agreement nor any oI the rights or obligations oI Distributor arising under this Agreement
may be assigned or transIerred without the prior written consent oI Amway India.
Amway India`s liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise arising out oI or in connection with this agreement and/or relationship arising thereIrom shall not
exceed the lesser oI a) actual damages or loss assessed by the arbitrator or any other dispute resolution mechanism adopted by the parties or; b) the total
commission earned by the distributor during the preceding six months oI the date oI dispute.
Any dispute, diIIerences or claim arising out oI as in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to binding arbitration and shall be reIerred to the sole
Arbitrator appointed in accordance with the rules and regulation oI International Center Ior Alternate Dispute Resolution as a Iast track arbitration. The venue oI
such arbitration shall be at New Delhi and the award oI the Arbitrator shall be Iinal and binding on all parties. The courts at New Delhi shall alone have
jurisdiction in relation to this Arbitration Agreement and any award arising thereIrom.
%he Distributor agrees to comply with Amway India`s Customer Product Refund Policy as
laid down in the Code of Ethics & Rules of Conduct for Amway Distributors which are
part of the Amway Business Starter Guide. Contract of Distributorship
I/We have read the Contract oI Distributorship speciIied & agree to be bound by the terms &
conditions mentioned therein. I/We certiIy that the inIormation provided herein is correct to the
best oI my/our knowledge.
Applicant's Name : ................................. Co-Applicant's Name : .................................
Applicant's Signature : ................................. Co-Applicant's Signature : .................................

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