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concept and need

of inclusion in
physical education
Implementation of
inclusion for special
needs in physical
Inclusive physical education for special needs students is vital for creating
equitable learning environments. By addressing challenges like accessibility can be
implemented effectively. This involves providing tailored accommodations, such
as Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), and employing inclusive teaching
strategies. Ultimately, inclusive physical education not only benefits special
students well-being but also fosters a culture of diversity and inclusion within
Implementation of
Builds Self Esteem – Inclusive classrooms are filled with diverse learners.
This lets kids observe and talk about diverse learning patterns and the
manner in which everyone learns in their own way. CWSN may find that
they have more in common with other students and this goes a long way in
building self-esteem. It also helps reduce stigma faced by those who have
learning and attention issues. Differently-abled individuals show marked
improvement in self- confidence if they have studied in a regular school. It
can also help students build and maintain friendships

Enhances Sensitivity – It has been noted that students without disabilities

become more sensitive if they study in a classroom where they have
students with special needs. They understand and appreciate their emotions
and feelings and become more sensitive and caring towards them. They
learn how to be more patient and to empathise with others. When children
are involved in helping their peers, they not only derive immense
satisfaction out of it, but often strike life long friendships with them.
Improves Performance – Since the expectations of all the children are higher in
a mixed abilities classroom, inclusion attempts to develop an individual’s
strengths and gifts by stretching each individual to optimal performance.

Enhances Academic Performance – Inclusive education leads to better academic

performance than in exclusive education. It provides better opportunities for
learning as children with varying abilities are often better motivated when they
learn in classes surrounded by other children
Implementation of
Inclusive Education in
1. Ensuring effective implementation of the Right to Education in all states so
that no child is left out of the ambit of education so that we are able to take care
of the needs of CWSN.
2. Encouraging a flexible approach towards curriculum transaction whereby
teachers and students are able to diagnose and resolve the problems that they
face during the teaching learning process.
3. Looking at all children at what they can do rather than what they cannot do.
It is important for the student’s self-esteem that a child with special needs is not
looked at with sympathy, but is recognised for her/his talents, capabilities and
4. Designing schools and classes in ways that help children learn and achieve to
their fullest potential. Enrolling of CWSN in regular schools requires a lot of
adjustments in terms of classrooms, transport facilities and educational
materials and assistive devices such as audio textbooks or Braille text books, etc.

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