Renolit CXI 2

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Calcium Complex Grease for Severe Conditions

RENOLIT CXI 2 was developed to work under severe RENOLIT CXI 2 is optimized Calcium – Complex
conditions in roller and plain bearings in steel mills, thickened grease based on selected base oils.
paper industry, mining, concrete, quarries, and
construction equipment. RENOLIT CXI 2 show very good characteristics
concerning water resistance even concerning acids and
RENOLIT CXI 2 should be used for all lubricating alkaline solutions, working stability, corrosion
points requiring a high performance concerning protection and oil bleeding.
water resistance, working stability, EP and AW

RENOLIT CXI 2 is easily pumpable even in long tubes,

feed by centralized lubricating systems.

Characteristics :

Properties Unit Value Test Method

Thickener Calcium-complex-soap
Temperature range C -20 to 160
Dropping point C > 270 ISO 2176/ASTM D 566
NLGI- class 2
Worked penetration 0.1 mm 265 – 295 ISO 2137/ASTM D 217
Worked stability, difference after 0.1 mm < 15 ISO 2137/ASTM D 217
100.000 strokes
Water-spray-off % 5 ASTM D 4049
Water-wash-out-at 40 C % 0,5 IP 215
Rust inhibiting properties
SKF-Emcor with 3 % Nacl degree of corrosion 0 and 1 DIN 51 802 / IP 220
O 2
Base oil viscosity at 40 C mm /s app.300 ISO 3104/ASTM D 445
Oil Separation at 40 C/18h % Wt. < 0,1 K DIN 51 817 / IP 121
at 120 C / 7d % Wt. <1K DIN 51 817 / IP 121
Four ball EP-test, weld load N > 5000 ASTM D 2596
Timken OK Load Lbs. 55 ASTM D 2509
DIN classification KP 2 P - 20 DIN 51 825
ISO Classification L-XBEIB 2 ISO 6743-9
While the information and figures given here are typical of current production and
confirm to specification, minor variations may occur. No warranty expressed or implied is
given concerning the accuracy of the information or the suitability of the products.

FUCHS PETROLUB AG • D-68145 Mannheim PI-R-CXI-2-G

While the information and figures given here are typical of current production and
confirm to specification, minor variations may occur. No warranty expressed or implied is
given concerning the accuracy of the information or the suitability of the products.

FUCHS PETROLUB AG • D-68145 Mannheim PI-R-CXI-2-G

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