Reason For Travelling

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The Embassy,

Canadian Visa Office

Accra - Ghana

Dear Visa Officer,


I'm writing to submit my request for a dependent visa so that I may go to Canada
with my husband Odame Samuel Kelly, so that he can continue his education at
Toronto Economic and Management College, an 18 months programme on Nurses
Review Programme for International Educated Nurses. I want to go with him and
help assist him through his academic journey because I am her dependent.
I would like to accompany my husband Odame Samuel Kelly to Canada due to the
following reasons,
1. Traveling with Spouse: My husband is studying in Canada, thus my main
reason for going there is to be with her. Throughout her stay in Canada, I
pledge to offer emotional support, help with domestic duties, and watch out
for his general wellbeing and further bring him back safely to continue our
life. As we leaving behind our child and the most important aspect our
lovely family.

2. Shared Living Arrangements: We intend to live together in Canada

throughout his study period. We have made appropriate arrangements for
accommodation, and I will work and contribute to the financial obligations
associated with our living arrangements.

3. Reunification of the family: We have been married for 2 years and have
created our lives as a unit. My presence as his wife is critical for our mental
stability and for our capacity to stay together as a family.
4. Personal Development: While my primary intention is to support my Odame
Samuel Kelly academic journey, I also plan to engage in personal
development activities during our time in Canada. This could include
pursuing educational opportunities, taking language courses, or seeking
employment, should my visa allow for it. However, my primary focus will
always be on supporting my spouse in all aspects.

I understand the regulations and requirements associated with obtaining a

dependent visa, and I am fully committed to adhering to Canadian laws and
regulations throughout my stay. I have enclosed all the necessary supporting
documents including proof of our marital relationship, my husband’s
acceptance letter from the educational institution, information about our
accommodation arrangements, and our financial resources to demonstrate
our ability to cover our expenses during our stay and also exhibit good
behaviour so as to retain and the good image of Canada.
I kindly request you to consider my application and grant me the necessary
dependent visa to accompany my spouse to Canada. I am excited about the
opportunity to support my husband's educational journey and contribute positively
to the Canadian society.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I look forward to a favorable response to my application.

Gyamerah Helina

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