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Topic: Jobs

Level: Pre - Intermediate

Age: Teenagers (13-15 years old

Length: 45 mins

Language Skills: Reading/ Pronunciation/Listening (Task-based)

Lesson objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

+ Review vocabularies about jobs: lawyers, pilot, waiter, …

+ Understand an inforgraphic about jobs

+ Notice facts and opinion

+ Practice the sounds /tʃ/ and /dʒ/

Stage Activit Description Timing

Warm up Bang Produce: 5 mins

- Ask students to stand in a circle with teacher being in the
center of the circle.
- Teacher explains games rules in a simple language:
teacher gives the short defination of a job to the whole
class. When teacher point to a student and say “Bang
bang”, that student steps back and 2 next – to neighboors
answer teacher’s questions in 3 seconds. The person who
answers more slowly gets no points and goes back to his
- Teacher continues the games until there is one student

Pre-task Questio Teacher lets students guess the topic of the lesson after <1 min
n warm-up activities

Teaching 1 Reading Target: 15 mins

- Students will be able to:
+ Think about the topic before reading
+ Understand an inforgraphic about jobs
+ Notice facts and opinion
Before reading
- Students take a look at the Reading Text and just forcus
on Large and Bold Words/Numbers/Title
- Then students guess the topic and what they are going to
learn after teacher’s questions

- Teacher explains the kind of image “Inforgraphic”

1st time of reading
- Students read the inforgraphic quickly and number the
topics (a-d) in the order they appear. Teacher can
encourage students to read out loud (a student reads a

- Teacher gives the short defination of some new words (if

it is necessary)
2nd time of reading
- Teacher explains about fact and opinion, gives
examples, then check students’ understanding by asking
them to make 2-3 simple sentences
- Students read the text again, note down 3-5 fact/opinion
sentences in a piece of paper, then teacher collects them
for Task 1 (Activity)

Task 1 Answer Produce: 7 mins

- Teacher divides students into 2 lines standing in line in
front of the board. Teacher holds the papers that students
wrote down before.
- Teacher explains rules in simple language: When
teacher reads out loud a sentence, the head line students
slap teacher’s hand and answer if that sentence is a fact
or opinion, then go back to the end of the line. The next
member will join the game.
- Teacher does demo game; then starts the real game.

Teaching 2 Pronuci Target: 5 mins

- Practice the sounds /tʃ/ and /dʒ/
and /dʒ/
1.Teacher writes the sounds on the board
2. Teacher explains how to pronounce, ask students to
listen, and not to repeat. Teacher reads aloud 5 times.
3. Choral drill 5 times for each sound.
4. Individual repetition: Teacher calls each student by their
name at a time to read aloud those words. Teacher
praises students. In case students make mistakes, teacher
will call them again to fix their pronounciation.

Task 2 Tongue Target: 5 mins

To enable students to actively use the sounds in the
sentences with different speeds
- Teacher writes 2 sentences on the board, and asks
students to identify /tʃ/ and /dʒ/ in each sentence
“Cheerful children chant charming tunes”
“It was a joy for Jack and George, the German boys, to
cross the large bridge before entering the village”
Then students practice the sentences from slow to fast

Follow up Pair - Teacher gives each student small pieces of paper with 3 5 mins
works questions about job and sample structures to answer

- 2 students sitting next to each other will practice asking

and answering with the sentence pattern
- After each 1 minute, teacher rings the bell/claps hands
and asks students to stand up and change their partner.
- Meanwhile, the teacher checks students’ speaking and
gives them support if necessary.
- After 3 rounds, students sit back and answer the
questions when teacher calls name

Homework Teacher passes out the worksheet and assigns to 1 min

students. Teacher gives instructions for students to do

Back up (if

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