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Read the following instructions carefully; FOR EXAMINERS’ USE ONLY
1. This paper has two sections: A and B.
Section A has 40 questions and section B has 15 QN. NO. MARK
1 - 10
2. All the working for both sections A and B must be
shown in the spaces provided. 11 - 20

3. All working must be done using a blue or black 21 - 30

ball-point pen or fountain pen. Any work done in
pencil other than graphs, pictures and diagrams
31 – 40
will not be marked.
41 – 43
4. Unnecessary changes of work and any
handwriting that cannot easily be read may lead
44 – 46
to loss of marks.

5. Do not fill anything in the boxes indicated: 47 – 49

“For Examiners’ Use Only” and boxes inside the
question paper. 50 – 52

53 - 55


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Prepared by;*OSEB*Educational Consult –Kampala

“We Give Quality Assessments For All Levels Like Learners Work Books, Holiday Packages
Text Books, Lesson Notes/Schemes, Daily Home Work And P.7 Special Weekly Exams.”
SECTION A (40 marks)
Questions 1 to 40 carry one mark each
1. Name one accident caused by heat.
2. How do tapeworms enter our bodies?
3. State any one advantage of bee keeping to a crop farmer.
4. How can a P.7 child make water safe for drinking at home?
5. Name the component of air used in respiration.
6. Give any one importance of food in the body.
7. Give any one reason why a first aider should wear the items below when giving first

8. State one advantage of scavenger mammals in the environment.
9. How is tobacco smoking dangerous to a pregnant woman?
10. Name one food stuff rich in animal proteins.
11. Where in the female reproductive system does conception occur?
12. Name the non-diarrhoeal disease spread by a housefly.
13. State any one role of parents in promoting immunization in a family.
14. How can a farmer who rears local breeds of cattle improve on their quality?
15. Name the sense organ that helps us to know that there is enough salt in food.
16. How can you care for rabbits?
Prepared by;*OSEB*Educational Consult –Kampala
“We Give Quality Assessments For All Levels Like Learners Work Books, Holiday Packages
Text Books, Lesson Notes/Schemes, Daily Home Work And P.7 Special Weekly Exams.”
17. Why are drugs kept out of reach of children?
Study the diagram below and answer questions about it

18. What does the above diagram prove about water?

19. Name the types of soil with moderate capillarity.
20. In which one way are biological changes similar to chemical changes?
21. How can you increase the volume of blood in your body?
22. State one danger of poor disposal of human faeces.
23. Why isn’t it necessary to smoke the pit of a VIP latrine?
24. How are prop roots in a maize plant similar to buttress roots in trees?
25. Mention any one breed of sheep kept for wool.
26. Write any one method used to make alcohol.
27. State any one way man can prevent the effect of strong wind.
28. Write any one thing that happens to food in the mouth.
29. State any one danger of using firewood for cooking.
30. Which component of blood helps in transporting digested food in the body?
31. State one way people care for their skin.
32. Mention any one plant process that takes place in leaves.
Prepared by;*OSEB*Educational Consult –Kampala
“We Give Quality Assessments For All Levels Like Learners Work Books, Holiday Packages
Text Books, Lesson Notes/Schemes, Daily Home Work And P.7 Special Weekly Exams.”
33. Why should a doctor clean the injection site with spirit before injection?
34. Give a reason why human beings are grouped under mammals.
35. How can you measure the volume of a pawpaw fruit?
36. State any one danger of bacteria to people.
37. Name the region of the tooth that is sensitive to heat and cold.
38. Name the method of grazing cattle shown in the diagram below.

39. State the main cause of soil leaching.
40. How is a compact disc useful to a musician?
Questions 41 to 55 carry four marks each
41(a) .Name two solutes used when making ORS?
(b) Why should one stir the mixture when making ORS?
(c) Name the solvent that dissolves the solutes named in (a) above.
42. (a). Identify any one class of food that provides energy to the body.
(b) State two ways of promoting food hygiene.
(i) ………………………………………………………………….………………..……………………
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(c) Mention any one vector that commonly contaminates food.

Prepared by;*OSEB*Educational Consult –Kampala

“We Give Quality Assessments For All Levels Like Learners Work Books, Holiday Packages
Text Books, Lesson Notes/Schemes, Daily Home Work And P.7 Special Weekly Exams.”
43.(a) State any one use of alcohol to people.
(b) Mention any two reasons why people drink alcohol.
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………....
(ii) ………………………………………………..…………………………………..…………………….
(c) Cite out one life skill needed by a child to avoid alcoholism.
44(a) Give the meaning of soil exhaustion.
(b) State any one cause of soil exhaustion.
(c) Mention any two ways a crop farmer can improve on soil fertility.
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
45. The diagram below shows a method of obtaining clean water from dirty water. Use it to
answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the method of obtaining clean water shown above.

b) What scientific name is given to the water obtained at Q?
c) Why is the water collected at Q not safe for drinking?
d) State any one way the water collected at Q can be made safe for drinking.
46. (a). What is PHC?
(b) Write any one principle of PHC.
(b) Name the element of PHC promoted through;
(i) feeding on a balanced diet……………………………………………………...……………….
(ii) giving BCG vaccine to children …………………………………………………….……………
Prepared by;*OSEB*Educational Consult –Kampala
“We Give Quality Assessments For All Levels Like Learners Work Books, Holiday Packages
Text Books, Lesson Notes/Schemes, Daily Home Work And P.7 Special Weekly Exams.”
47. (a) How is a black jack adopted to animal dispersal?
(b) State any two advantages of seed dispersal in the environment.
(i) ………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(c) In which way can seed dispersal be dangerous in the environment?
48. (a) Name any two examples of root tubers.
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………….…………………………
(b) Give any two ways of harvesting root tuber crops.
49.(a)Name the group of cold blood vertebrates that undergoes internal fertilization.
(b) Mention any two examples of vertebrates in the group named in (a) above.
(i) ………………………………………………………..…………..……………………………………
(c) Give a reason why the animals you have named above are said to be cold
50. The diagram below shows an experiment carried out about heat transfer. Use it to
answer the questions that follow.

a) What wax tube will meet;

i) first……………………………………………..………………………………………………………..
ii) last……………………………………………….……………………………………………………..
(b) How does heat of the candle reach the wax A?
(c) State one use of heat transfer by conduction in our daily life.

Prepared by;*OSEB*Educational Consult –Kampala

“We Give Quality Assessments For All Levels Like Learners Work Books, Holiday Packages
Text Books, Lesson Notes/Schemes, Daily Home Work And P.7 Special Weekly Exams.”
51. Matching correctly.
Diseases deficiency diseases
Kwashiorkor lack of vitamin C
Marasmus lack of vitamin D
Scurvy lack of proteins
Rickets lack of carbohydrates

(i) Kwashiorkor ……………………………………………………………………….………..

(ii) Marasmus …………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) Scurvy …………………………………………………………………….……………
(iv) Rickets …………………………………………………………………………………
52. (a) Give the meaning of the term echo.
(b) State two ways echoes can be minimized in video halls.
(i) ………………………………………………………………….………………………………………
(c) Name the part of the ear that does not contribute to the hearing process.
53.(a) State any one way people can prevent very dirty clothes from staining others.
(b) Why should clothes be soaked before washing them?
(c) How can a primary six pupil kill germs in his or her school uniform?
(d) Mention one danger of wearing dirty clothes.
54.(a) Name the vaccine given to babies at the age of 9 months.
(b) State one importance of a child health card to a mother.
(c) How is immunization important to infants?
(d) Write any one method of administering vaccines to infants.

Prepared by;*OSEB*Educational Consult –Kampala

“We Give Quality Assessments For All Levels Like Learners Work Books, Holiday Packages
Text Books, Lesson Notes/Schemes, Daily Home Work And P.7 Special Weekly Exams.”
55. The diagram below shows one of the systems in the human body. Use it to answer
questions that follow.

(a) Which body system does the organs drawn above belong?
(b) Name part marked T.
(c) How is part marked R useful in the system?
(d) State any one way part marked R is adapted to its function.


Prepared by;*OSEB*Educational Consult –Kampala

“We Give Quality Assessments For All Levels Like Learners Work Books, Holiday Packages
Text Books, Lesson Notes/Schemes, Daily Home Work And P.7 Special Weekly Exams.”

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