GST 107

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GST 107

Philosophy,Logic and Human existence


Philosophy is derive from two greek words, Philo (love of) and Sophia
(wisdom), it means the love of wisdom.

Egypt was the cradle of civilization and the Egyptian were the cultural
forebears of modern Europe. The Egyptian development in writing, science,
technology, education,art,mysticism and philosophy remain the conerstone
of European development in this area, however the first world philosopher
is an Egyptian stateman and a senior adviser to pharaoh, his name is ptah -
Hotep or imhotep.

Two sense of philosophy

1) common philosophy or popular sense of philosophy..:- it's ones attitude

or view toward life as a results of person assumption or belief, attitude and
prejudice, like and dislike etc...

2) professional or technical sense of philosophy;- it's is seen as an

academics discipline in which scholars devote their time and energy in
investigating, analyzing and evaluating issues and problems. Philosopher
under the technical and professional employ all philosophical tools in
invest, reflecting and analyzing problems and challenges or issue
confronting man. In this regard philosophy is seen asaction, content and
- As a activity or action, philosophy involves analyzing, speculating,
synthesizing,prescribing or even criticizing issues.

- As a content, it involves course of study

- As an attitude, it deal with disposition toward philosophy..

Modes of philosophy

1) Speculative mode;- this type of philosophy speculate about and upon all
things. It deals with the real as well as the abstract aspects of human life,
this mode is interested in the search for order, wholeness and linkages of
the realms of experience.. this mode is sub divided into two, metaphysics
and epistemology.

2) prescriptive mode of Philosophy; it's seek to set standards, grounds or

criteria for the judgement of values, conduct and art, it seek to establish the
objectivity or subjectivity of concept such as good and bad, right and

3) Analytical mode ;- this philosophy is concern with the meaning of words.

It's saddle with analyzing word such as intelligence, freedom,determinism,
morality etc...

Characteristics of philosophy

1) reliance of logical reasoning which is 'philosophizing'

2) tentative nature of conclusion;- No conclusion is seen as final, it's is

always open to further investigation.

Nature of philosophy

1) philosophy as a world view ;- it's deal with belief or general notion on life
existence,origin,nature of the universe,

2) Philosophy as a critical reflective and rational inquiry;- it's beyond the

world view or an out look, philosophy tends to think, reflect,criticise,
understand the universe,it origin and purpose, it's tend to understand the
fundamental law of being and nature

3) Philosophy as a critical and analytical study of fundamental concept and

synthesis theories.

4) Philosophy by it's Dynamic nature is revolutionary.

Evolution of philosophy

Note that this is just a brief evolution of philosophy

The earliest Greek philosopher...

The milesian traditional thinkers.

1) Thales of miletus (585 BC)

He is a product of mix race, greek carian and phoenicain blood flows in his
vein, A politicains, First ionia protagonist,first to venture into speculative
search for ultimate substance of reality, Aristotleadjudged him as the
father of physical scienc e, He believes that WATER was the primary
substance where all things emanates. 'Rarefied water'

2) Anaximander of miletus (610-547 BC).

Some of praxiades, For Anaximander he believes the primary substance of

all things is therefore not specify thing but an indeterminate, boundless

3) Anaximenes of miletus (585-528BC)

Ionians philosopher, pupil of Anaximander, he believes that the notion of

BREATH OF LIFE OR AIR is the primary substance of all things..

The tree miletians philosopher are speculative in their philosophy.

Other pre Socratic philosopher.

4) Heraclitus of Ephesus

He believes thatall things are forever in the state of flux and that you
cannot step in the same river twice,for new water are ever flowing in upon
you.. that mean Heraclitus believe in change that the only permanent thing

5) Empedocles of Acragas.

He is a religion personality being a poet influential,stateman, scientist,

miracle worker and in his perception a good(Blackburn 114). He believes on
this form of matter (Air,water,air and fire) for him object come into being
not as a result of the transformation of any of these basic material but
simply by mixture...

6) Pythagoras

He believes in number

7) The Atomist - leucippus of miletus and Democritus..

This duo posit that the nature of things consist of an infinite number of
particles calledatoms.

Golden age philosopher

Socrates (470 - 399) BC

Father of Greek moral and humanist philosophy, the main method of his
teaching is 'dialectic' question and answer.


The first to us the word philosophy, 'love of wisdom'.

Aristotle (384-322)BC

son of physician, he study at Plato academy, Aristotle emphasis

"observation and experience"..


The sophist

The sophist are the wise men, pre Socratic philosopher who teach to earn
and live, Pythagoras is a chief priest of the sophists.


The philosopher in this group are Plato,Hegel and Karl. They believe that
the ultimate reality is spiritual rather than physical.


Philosopher In this group include Aristotle,Thomas Acqinas,John Locke,

David Hume. They believe that the ultimate reality of things is not spiritual,
everything depends on material things and concrete things...


Philosopher in this group include Blaise,Pascal,Soren Kierkegaard,Friedrich

Nietzsche and matin Heidegger. They believe human being are free and
responsible for their actions..


Philosopher in this group include charles, sanders Pierce and William james,
John Dewey, Ferdinand canning, Scott Schiller and Henry bergson. This
school of thought believe thatknowledge is meaningful If our sense can
experience it. It' believe in practical ideas and experimentation.

Founded by karl Marx, it's the theory of the class struggle.


It aim at a better understanding of older empericism and sensational

methodology of emperical science

Branch of philosophy


It's concern with that 'nature and essense of reality' its taken from a Greek
word 'meta' and 'physika', META means AFTER while PHYSIKA means
nature, the word metaphysics mean after nature, it's investigate reality as
distinct from that which is illusionary. In essence metaphysics has it
purview on that which does not appear to the sense but rather an abstract
concept such as essence, existence and goodness.

Components of metaphysics

a) cosmogony - the study of the origin of universe

b) cosmology - it's the search for the structure of reality of the universe and
all related theories, it tries to unveil the mysteries behind universe.

c) ontology - this is the search for and theories of essence of being e.g
matter and mind or consciousness.


From Greek word epistome meaning KNOWLEDGE. It deal with the study of

Type of knowledge

a) emperical knowledge

b) Rational knowledge

c) Revealed knowledge

d) initiative or insight knowledge.

Criteria for knowledge

- existence

- certainty

- Validity

- veracity

- Utility

3) Axiology
Axiology is the study of value, it comprises of ethics, morality and aesthetic.

-. Aesthetic :- it deal with the study of beauty, artistic value in general.


Logic deals with reasoning, it's from a Greek word logos means 'logical

Logic is concern with justifying ascertion which includes

- statement

- proposition

- hypothetical position

- categorical proposition

- sentence



Note by Timileyin Abel

Director.of academics nuesa

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