Week 4 Lesson For Adlink Kids

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives:

 Define and identify what is verb

 Identify the be- verbs and its correct usage
 Complete sentences using the correct form of be-verb
 Appreciate the use of be- verb in a situation

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Understand the verb

Using Be Verbs Correctly

Materials: Pictures, Visual Aids

Values Infused: Respect and love animals

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Preparatory Activity
1. Daily Routine
“Good morning class” Good morning, Ma’am.

Lesson Proper

I need three groups with four members; we are going to

have a simple game.
“I have here a set of words for each group. I need each
member to arrange the words and form a sentence.
I will give each group 3 minutes to arrange the words and
paste it on the board.” No ma’am.

Do you have any questions? (Pick the words arrange it to form three different
Okay let’s start the game.

1. My dog jumped over the fence.
2. Eric reads a book.
3. Hannah is pretty.
“Now you're done arranging the words in a sentence. in a
sentence. Let us read it.

Okay, our topic this morning is all about verb and Be-
verb, but we will tackle first the verb.

What is verb?
A verb is a word that shows action and being.
Using the sentence, we are going to identify the Verb.
1. My dog jumped over the fence. The dog jumped.
What action did the dog perform? Jumped!
So, what is the action word is?

2. Eric reads a book Eric reads

What does Eric do? Reads!
The action word is?

3. Hannah is pretty.
Now, look at our last sentence. No teacher.
Is there a verb?

I have here a sentence, I want you to identify which is the

Ken wants a house
It was a tiny plant
The car moves so fast
Karen plays the guitar
And Ann loves to sing

Now what are verbs in the sentence? Moves, plays, sing.

And who can give me more verbs/words that shows an Eat, Run, Walk

Okay you better know what it is verb already.

So, let's move on to our next topic.

Pre- activity
Direction: In a bond paper. Draw and imagine what your
favorite animal is and write at least 3 sentences of your

Activity- proper
All your works are very nice. What have noticed the
words that underline?

Is the word (is) a verb?

What do we call that kind of verb? Answer may vary.

It is called Be-Verbs or helping verb.

Class, Let have first know what a Be-Verb is.
The Verb “to be” are verbs that are used together with
the main verb of the sentence to express the action or
state of being.

Read the following sentences:

1. Friends are sad.
2. Home is the safest place for learning.
3. I am hiding and praying.
4. He was studying last night.
5. They were teaching their younger brother.
The underlined words are called be-verbs. These are, am,
is, was, and are. The word “be” indicating the state of
Use is or was if the subject is singular
Subject Be-verb
School Is Waiting

He was Studying last


Use are or were if the subject is plural.

Subject Bew-Verb
Friends Are Sad

They were Teaching their

young brother

Use be verb are if the subject is you and use the be-verb
am if the subject is I.
1. You are performing well in the class.
2. I am reading.
Use the be-verb were if the subject is you and use the be-
verb was if the subject is I.

Ok class let’s try first if you really understand our


Choose the correct be-verb in the box and complete each

am is are was were

1.I_____ready to start my day. I am ready to start my day.

2.She _____ waiting for me at the lobby last friday. She was waiting for me at the lobby last friday.
3.Sir Ramon____ teaching an English lesson today. Sir Ramon is teaching an English lesson today.
4.The children ____ happy when they got high The children were happy when they got high scores in the
scores in the test. test.
5. My parents ____ going to the market this My parents are going to the market this weekend.
Now, Class as I have said earlier that we are going to
read a poem and let’s read it altogether and determine
the be- verbs used.

Let’s read.

Home School
Christine Joy W. Layto Students will read altogether
Books are closing
And school is waiting.
Friends are sad,
I miss the learnings that we had!
No more playing with friends,
No more knees to bend,
No more sitting beside like brothers,
And no more teachers like mothers.
Home is the safest place for learning
Where I listen to my parents when they are teaching
They teach me to read and count numbers
Modules, television, and radio are the answers.
I am hiding and praying
To enjoy the world that we are living
Virus that spreads anywhere
Well, I need to take good care.
This problem will end soon
, I just pray to God and look at the moon.
Everything would be back to normal
Just like a calendar My dreams will go beyond this far

Do you understand the poem?

Very good!
Now, Let’s identify the be verbs use in every line and
stanza of the poem.

Directions: Encircled the be- verbs used in the poem

that you read:
Group 1: Poem Title: Miguel’s Birthday Party”
Very Good! Group 1, You identify the be- verbs used in
the poem.

Let’s come to Group 2

Group 2: Poem Title: “Animal Lover”
Very Good! Group 2, you also identify the be- verbs
used in the poem.

Good Job, Class!

Let’s Have 5 claps for all!

Directions: Read the sentences. If the sentence is correct,
draw on the yes column. If the
sentence is wrong, draw a on the no column.
Sentences YES NO
1. Dancing is my
2. Our school is
near our house
3. I am happy
when I am with
my friends
4. When I was in
grade 2, I had
many friends
5. I am eight
years old

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