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At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

1. Identify the principle of cooking shellfish dishes,

2. Create and present shellfish dishes.


Topic: Preparing shellfish dishes

Reference: Home Economics Literacy Books

Author: Dr. Florida C. Leuteria

Materials: Manila paper and printed pictures

Time frame: 1 Hour


Teacher’s Task Students’ Task

1. Greetings
Good morning class. May I request
everyone to stand for the opening prayer.
Mrs. Mary Jean Vargas can you please
lead the prayer.
Let us pray. Praise be thy name of our Lord
Jesus Christ, Now and Forever. Amen
Thank you Mrs. Mary Jean Vargas. Good
morning, class!
Good Morning, Ma’am!
2. Checking of Classroom
Please arrange your chairs and pick the
pieces of paper.
(Class will arrange the chairs and pick up
3. Checking of Attendance the pieces of papers.)
Class, beadle, Are there absentees?

Very good. None Ma’am

4. Checking of Assignment
Class, Did I give you an assignment?

Do you have your preparation? Yes Ma’am

Very good. Yes Ma’am

Class, What was our discussion last

Yes, Ms. Donna. (Students raise their hand.)

Ma’am , last meeting we have discussed all

about The competencies of home
Very good, Ms. Donna. economics.

So class what are the competencies of

Home Economics?

Yes, Ms.Rea. (Students raise their hand.)

Ma’am the competencies of home

economics are:
a) Cooking
b) Child Rearing
c) Community Awareness and
d) Design and Home management
e) Textile and sewing

Ok very good I’m glad that you’ve still f) Economics and Budgeting

remember our previous lesson. So now g) Hygiene and health

let’s proceed.
“Guessing game”
Before we proceed with our topic let’s play
a guessing game. Here is the mechanics.
You will identify what is being shown in the
picture and you will use the jumbled letters
below as a clue.







Excellent class.
Our activity has something to do with our
topic for today.

6. Presentation of the Topic

Our topic for today is all about the kitchen
tools and equipment.

7.Presentation of the Objectives

Before we start with our lesson. Here are
the objectives that we have to attain at the
end of the discussion.
Kindly read Ms. Anthonette At the end of the lesson the students are
expected to:
1. Identify the use of different kitchen
tools and equipment.
2. Value the uses and importance of the
kitchen tools and equipment.
3. Demonstrate the proper use of
kitchen tools and equipment.

8. Developmental activities
Let’s play another game, We call this game
Cooking Action Verb+Tools. Here is the
mechanics. Class, I have here set of
pictures which contain the kitchen tools and
a cooking action and verb . Your task is to
connect the Kitchen tools pictures and verb
to the cooking action . Understand? So I
need 7 volunteers, please come in front
and answer it on the board.

Cooking action verbs + tools

1.Pot + no.3 picture+ Boil

2.Peeler+no.1 picture+Peel

3.Dough Ruler+no.4 picture+Roll out

4.Hand + No.5 picture+ Break

5.Whisk +no.6 picture+Whisk

6.Knife+no.2 picture+ Slice

7.Mixer+ no.7 picture+ Mix

Based on the activity a while ago, what can
you say about our topic today?
Anyone from the class?
Yes, Mr.Sape.
Ma’am , it is all about Kitchen tools and
equipment .
Very good Mr.Sape.
Are you familiar with the different kitchen
tools and equipment that are commonly
found in the kitchen?
(The teacher will show pictures to the
students) Yes, Ma’am

What can you say about the pictures?

Yes, Mr. Rebato.

Very good! Any other answer.

Ma’am the pictures are kitchen tools and
Yes, Ms. Angeline
equipment that you can see in the kitchen.”

Ma’am those tools are made up of different

Ok very good! I’m going to show you again
kitchen materials.”
some pictures and identify it.
(The teacher will show again a pictures to
the students)
Identify the pictures of the different kitchen





Let’s discuss it one by one.

Let’s start with this question.
What comes into your mind when you hear
the word kitchen tools and equipment?
Yes, Ms. Kyla

Ma’am kitchen tools is small hand-held tool

used for food preparation. While equipment
that includes, but is not limited to exhaust
systems, stoves, ovens, broilers, woks,
fryers and the surfaces in the vicinity of the
Very good Ms. Kyla.
kitchen equipment.
First Let us know the definition of Kitchen?

Yes,Mr. Llarena, What comes into your

mind when you hear the word kitchen?

Ma’am it’s a room or area where food is

prepared and cooked

Okay Very good!

Kitchen is considered the center of the
house, a place where the meal of the family
is prepared.
It is the main area for cooking which is
expected to be the cleanest and most
sanitary place in the entire house. It is
typically equipped with different kitchen
appliance and fixtures.

Next, Let us know the definition of home


Yes,Mr. Melgar, What comes into your

mind when you hear the word home

It is referred to as a domestic appliance, an

electric appliance or a household appliance,
is a machine which assists in household
functions such as cooking, cleaning and

Okay, Very Good! food preservation.

Home Appliance used in preparing foods

such stove, microwave oven, refrigerators,
blenders and the like are some of common
we can observed. Many households have
all of.
These electric and non-electric appliance
and fixtures to perform daily cooking

Ms.Sastre can you identify the different

classifications and specific lists of appliance
and fixture found in the kitchen? What are
Ma’am these are Aluminum, Stainless steel,
Glass, Cast Iron, Ceramic and heat-proof
glass, Teflon and Plastic and Hard Rubber
Okay, Very Good Ms.Sastre.
The classifications and specific lists of
appliance and fixture found in the kitchen
are: aluminum, Stainless steel, Glass, Cast
Iron, Ceramic and heat-proof glass, Teflon
and Plastic and Hard Rubber

In your own word, what is aluminum

Ma’am, aluminum is used to make utensils
such as spoons, spatulas, and knives.

Okay, Very Good!

Aluminum is the best for all- around use. It

is the most popular, lightweight, attractive,
and less expensive. It gives even heat
distribution no matter what heat
temperature you have.

Next is stainless steel can you give me the

definitions of these tool? Yes,Mr.Hufancia?
Stainless steel can be used for all sorts of
kitchen utensils. You can use stainless steel
cookware like pots and pans as well as
stainless steel serve ware like plates,
glasses, bowls and cutlery.

Very good!
Stainless Steel is the most popular material
used for tools and equipment, but it is more
expensive. It is easier to clean and shine
and will not wear out as soon as aluminum.

How about the glass? Yes,Ms. Monoy

Ma’am, glass is used for storing food, can
be used to cook, bake, heat, and freeze
foods safely.

Very good Ms. Monoy

-“Glass is good for baking but not practical

on top or surface cooking.

Another tool in your own opinion what is

cast iron, Yes,Mr. Laguerta?
Ma’am, cast iron works best for browning,
sautéing, baking, and frying but should be
avoiding when boiling and simmering.

Very good!
Cast Iron is sturdy but most kept seasoned
to avoid rust.

Ok next tools is ceramic,Yes,Ms.Lamar,For

your own word what is ceramic?

Ma’am, ceramic cookware is easy to clean

and non reactive to pretty well every food, a
bonus with acidic foods like tomato base
Very Good!

Ceramic and heat-proof glass is used

specially for baking dishes, casseroles and
measuring cups. They conduct the heat
slowly and evenly.

How about the Teflon and the plastic and

hand rubber? Yes, Ms. Lavezares
Ma’am, Teflon is Nonstick coatings easily
release foods and clean up. While plastic
and hand rubber used for cutting.
Very Good!
Teflon is a special coating applied to the
inside of some aluminum or steel pots and
pans. It helps food from not sticking to the
pan. While the plastic and hard rubber are
used for cutting and chopping boards, table
tops, bowls, trays, garbage pails and

Now we are done in identifying the different

classifications and specific lists of appliance
and fixture found in the kitchen lets now
proceed to the different kinds of kitchen
tools commonly found in the kitchen.

So, what are the different kinds of kitchen

tools commonly found in your kitchen? Who
has an idea?
Maam, The kitchen tools that are commonly
Yes,Mr. Victor
found in the kitchen is, measuring
spoon,cups,spatula,wire whisk and etc…

Okay, Very Good!

First, Let us defined what is measuring
Ma’am, measuring spoon Is a spoon used to
Yes,Ms. Rodriguez.
measure an amount of an ingredient, either
liquid or dry, when cooking.

Very Good!
The smallest sets of spoons measure a
smidgen, a pinch, and a dash
Measuring Spoon is a spoon-shaped
kitchen utensil, varying in size from a dash
to 1 tablespoon or 15 milliliter measures
that are used to hold specific amount of
both dry and liquid ingredients.

How about measuring cups what are their Ma’am, measuring cup is used primarily to
uses? Yes,Ms. Rachel? measure the volume of liquid or bulk solid
cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar

Very Good!

Measuring Cup or measuring jug is a

kitchen utensil used primarily to measure
the volume of liquid or bulk solid cooking
ingredients such as flour and sugar,
especially for volumes from about 50 mL (2
fl oz) upwards.

Next, what are the uses of wire

Ma’am ,It is commonly used for mixing
egg’s, and making icing.
Yes, Ms. Nava?
Very good!

Wire Whips/ Whisk is a cooking utensil

used in food preparation to blend
ingredients smooth or to incorporate air into
a mixture, in a process known as Whisking
or whipping.
Ma’am ,it used for blending foods or
removing them from cooking utensils,
Next, Tools what is spatula in your own
mixing drugs, spreading plasters and paints,
words? Yes, Mr. Mercado?

Very good!

Spatula is used to refer to various small

implements with a broad, flat, flexible blade
used to mix, spread and lift foods.
-it is used to turn or lift foods on broilers,
griddles and grills.
Ma’am, peelers remove the outer layer of

Other hand, what is peelers? Yes, Dhilan. some vegetables for example potatoes.

Very good!
Peelers is a metal blade attached to a
wooden, metal or plastic handle that is
used to remove the outer skin or peel thus
peeling certain vegetables, frequently
potatoes, and fruits such as apples, pears,
et cetera.

what is Cans, bottles, cartoons, in your

Ma’am it used to open a food container
own word? Yes, Mrs. Venice.
easily, and comfortably grip and turn knob.

Very good!

Cans, bottles, cartoons is use to open a

food tin, preferably with a smooth
operation, and comfortable grip and turning

Ma’am ,it remove fat from liquids and food,

Next, tools is baster ?what is baster in your
make fun shapes with pancake batter or
own word?
infuse flavoring into fruits and other foods.
Yes,Ms. Donna?

Very good!
-“A baster is handy for returning some of
the meat or poultry juices from pan, back to
Ma’am, forks are used for spearing and
the food.
holding food, such as meats and
vegetables, while cutting them with a knife.
How about the kitchen fork and knife? What
Knives are used for cutting and slicing
do you think are the uses of these tools?
foods, like meats and breads.
Yes, Mr. Salas?

Very good!

Kitchen Fork is used to taste doneness of

braised meats and vegetables, steady item
being carved and to lift food for carving.

Knife is a cutting tool with an exposed

cutting edge or blade, hand-held or
Ma’am, it used to crush garlic cloves
otherwise, with or without a handle.
efficiently by forcing them through a grid of
small holes.

How about the garlic press? Are you

familiar to that tool? Yes,Ms. Teresa.
Very good!

Garlic Press is a kitchen tool which is

specifically designed for the purpose of
pulping garlic for cooking. Ma’am, it used to serve food that requires
two implements, such as a tossed salad or
How about the Spoon, Serving Spoon and pasta.
Tongs? Are you familiar to that tool?
Yes,Ms. Kadosali.

Very good!

Spoon, Serving Spoon and Tongs is

spoon are used to scoop food for and for

Tongs enables you to more easily grab and

transfer larger food items, poultry or meat
Ma’am,ladles are used to dish soups of all
portions to a serving platter, to a hot skillet
kinds from the pot to the soup bowl.
or deep fryer, or to a plate.

How about the soup ladle? Are you familiar

to that tool? Yes,Mr. Vengie

Okay Very Good!

Soup Ladle is used for serving soup or

stews, but can also used for gravy, dessert
sauces or other foods. A soup ladle also
works well to remove or skim off fat from
Ma’am Chopping board is used to place
soups and stews
material for cutting.

How about the cutting/chopping board ?

Are you familiar to that tool? Yes,Mr.

Okay Very Good!

-Cutting /Chopping Boards is a durable

board on which to place material for cutting.
-Kitchen cutting board is commonly used in
preparing food; other types exist for cutting Ma’am, It is used to strain liquids or sift dry
raw materials such as leather or plastic. ingredients

How about the drum sieves ? Are you

familiar to that tool? Yes,Ms. Mendez
Okay very good!

-Drum Sieves is a nylon, tinned or stainless

steel screen stretched in wood or aluminum Ma’am it used to strain foods such as pasta
frame used for sifting or pureeing. or to rinse vegetables.

How about the colander? Are you familiar

to that tool? Yes,Mr.Tarrobago

Okay very good!

-“Colanders also called a vegetable strainer

are essential for various tasks from
cleaning vegetables to straining pasta or tin

Stockpot is a tall and semi-wide pot with

straight sides used for cooking and storing
soup stocks. A stock pot is traditionally
used to make stock (cooking) or broth, Ma’am ,it is similar to but smaller that a
which can be the basis for cooking more stockpot.
complex recipes.

How about the Staucepots? What are their

uses? Anyone? Yes Mr. Mago.

Okay very good!

-Staucepots is similar to but smaller that a
stockpot with two loop handles Ma’am , saucepan is used in cooking
anything that is mostly liquid.

How about the saucepan? What are their

uses? Anyone? Yes,Ms.Merca

Very good!

-Saucepan is a pan with a slightly flared

sides and a single long handle. It has
vertical sides about the same height as
their diameter, used for simmering or (one students raised their hand)
boiling. Ma’am ,to make crepes and pancakes.

How about the omelet or crepe pan? What

are their uses? Anyone?

Very good!

(one students raised their hand)

Ma’am ,it is used to cook or prepare various
foods with steam heat by means of holding
-Omelets or crepe pan is a very shallow the food in a closed vessel reducing steam
skillet with very short sloping sides escape.

How about the steamer? What are their

uses? Anyone?

Okay very good!

-Steamer is a set of stacked pots within a
perforated bottom in the upper pot over a
large pot over a large pot filled with boiling (one students raised their hand)
and simmering water that allows steam to Ma’am, it is used to bake cakes, cookies,
rise to cook food on top. and casseroles in an oven.

Next, How about the Baking and Roasting

Pan? What are their uses? Anyone?

Okay very good!

(one students raised their hand)

-Baking and Roasting Pan is a rectangular Ma’am , is a flat, rectangular metal pan
pan used for baking and roasting. placed in an oven and used for baking
pastries such as bread rolls, cookies, sheet

How about the sheet pan? What are their cakes

uses? Anyone?

Okay very good!

-Sheet pan is a shallow rectangular pan

also used for baking. Sheet pans baking
trays or baking sheets are flat, rectangular
metal pans used in an oven. They are often
used for baking bread rolls, pastries and flat
products such as cookies, sheet cakes, and
swiss rolls.

Now we are done in identifying the different

kitchen tools found in the kitchen lets now
proceed to the different kinds of kitchen
equipment commonly found in the kitchen.
Ma’am ,most of the kitchen equipment that I
So, what are the different kinds of kitchen seen in the kitchen are oven,
equipment commonly found in your refrigerator,blender,rice cooker.
Yes,Mr. Melgar?

Very Good!
Let us know the definition of

Refrigerator /Freezer are necessary in

preventing bacterial infections from foods.
-Most refrigerators have special
compartment for meat, fruits And
vegetables to keep the moisture content of
Ma’am oven is commonly used in heating,
each type of food.
baking and drying foods.

How about the oven? What are their uses?


Very good!

-Oven is a thermally insulated chamber

used for the heating, baking or drying of a
substance. It is most commonly used for
cooking. Kilns and furnaces are special-
purpose ovens. Ma’am ,it used to mix,heat,and grills food

How about the auxiliary equipment? What

are their uses? Yes, Mr. Rebato.

Very good!

-Auxiliary Equipment is like griddles, tilting

skillets, broilers/grills, steamers, coffee
makers, deep-fat fryers, wok, crockery,
cutting equipment (meat Slicer, food
choppers, grinders) mixers and bowls, pots
and pans are utilized most commonly in big
food establishments, some with specialized
uses and some are optional.
Ma’am , it is used to prepare food ahead of
How about the last one microwave oven? time.
What are their uses?
Yes,Ms. Lamar.

Very good!
Sir, it contains a guide to travel and directs
tourists to a scenic vacation spots and gives
information on the activities in these places.

-Microwave Oven have greatly increased

their use in the food industry. Foods can be
prepared ahead of time, frozen or
refrigerated during the slack periods, and
cooked or heated quickly in microwave

Did you understand now what is kitchen

Yes Ma’am
tools and equipment and their uses ?


What have you learned?

Ma’am ,I learned that the kitchen utensils
and tools are made up different materials –
aluminum, stainless steel, glass, cast iron,
ceramic and heat-proof glass, Teflon and
plastic and hard rubber.

For you as a student how is it important to

know the Different materials of kitchen tools
Ma’am ,as a student it is very important to
and equipment in your daily life?
know the different materials of kitchen tools
in our daily life because we know that time
will come that each and every one of us will
be experience on how to cook in a kitchen
and in cooking it requires specific tools,
utensils and equipment for proper and
efficient preparation of food.”

Ma’am It is very important because if we

know and we are familiar with the tools and
equipment’s we can easily move to the

If you were given a chance to create a new

tools and equipment what would it be? How
will people use it?

Ma’am, If I were given a chance to create

another tool I’m going to create a complete
measuring equipment so that it is very easy
to convert the other measurements.

Ma’am, If I were given a chance I’m going to

create a electric peeler for the vegetable
and fruits so that if you want to strip the
fruits and vegetable you can do it

Very Good Class, it seems that you really
understand the topic. Now, I am pleased
with your participation. We will have an
activity named Hop and guess the print
game . I will divide the class into two
groups. Each team will line up behind their
designated starting zone .The first player in
each team will run to their designated zone.
The player will hop their right foot and left
foot in their team’s assigned print color.
And after they hop they will go to the
blackboard to answer the guessing photos.
The team with the most points at the end

Is my instruction clear?

You will be given 10 minutes to do the task.

Understand class?
Yes Ma’am
You may start now.
(After 10 minutes)
Are you done class?
Yes Ma’am
I think you have many take aways in our
topic for today and you’ve learn a lot from it.
Did you understand class?
(The students will present their task in front).
Yes Ma’am
Thank you class for your participation.
Let’s give a round of applause to everyone.

Yes Ma’am
Any questions? Clarification?
None Ma’am

Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the best answer.

1. What is the most popular material used for kitchen tools and equipment, although it
can be more expensive?

a) Plastic

b) Stainless Steel

c) Wood

2. What is a great advantage of plastic utensils, but also a limitation?

a) Durability and heat resistance

b) Affordability and short lifespan

c) Versatility and ease of cleaning

3. Which utensil is a workhorse in the kitchen, useful for rinsing vegetables, draining
pasta, and more?

a) Whisk

b) Colander

c) Spatula

4. What material is commonly used for measuring cups because it allows you to see the
contents clearly?
a) Stainless Steel

b) Heatproof Glass

c) Silicone

5. Which tool is ideal for safely grabbing and transferring larger food items like meat or

a) Slotted Spoon

b) Tongs

c) Knife

Answer Key:

1. b) Stainless Steel

2. b) Affordability and short lifespan

3. b) Colander

4. b) Heatproof Glass

5. b) Tongs


1. Research additional kitchen tools that commonly found in the kitchen.

2. Bring at least 10 pictures of different equipment found in the kitchen.

Prepared by:

Nerine Joy F.Oriño

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