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How To Run Python Script In Adf

If you’ve spent any time at all reading and researching how to run Python in Azure, you’ve probably
realized that it’s not exactly easy. And this is especially true when you’re running large scripts with
thousands of lines of code. The good news is, there are a few simple steps you can take to make
running Python scripts in Azure Data Factory something you can trust.

What is a Python script and why use it in Azure Data

A Python script is a set of instructions written in the Python programming language that can be
executed by a Python interpreter. Python is a popular choice for data processing, manipulation,
and analysis due to its simplicity and extensive libraries. Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a cloud-
based data integration service that allows you to create, schedule, and orchestrate data workflows.
By combining the power of Python scripts with ADF, you can automate complex data processing
tasks and create reliable data pipelines.

Running Python scripts in Azure Data Factory offers several advantages. First, it allows you to
leverage the scalability and flexibility of the cloud. With ADF, you can easily scale your data
processing workflows to handle large volumes of data without worrying about infrastructure
management. Second, Python provides a wide range of libraries and tools for data manipulation
and analysis, making it an excellent choice for data-driven organizations. Lastly, by running Python
scripts in ADF, you can integrate your data workflows with other Azure services, such as Azure
Machine Learning, Azure Databricks, or Azure SQL Database, to create end-to-end data solutions.
Setting up an Azure Data Factory environment
Before you can start running Python scripts in Azure Data Factory, you need to set up an ADF
environment. Here are the steps to get you started:

1. **Create an Azure Data Factory instance**: In the Azure portal, navigate to the Data Factory
service and click on “Create”. Choose a unique name for your ADF instance, select the
subscription, resource group, and region, and configure the other settings as needed. Once the
deployment is complete, you will have a fully functional ADF instance.

2. **Create an Azure Data Factory pipeline**: A pipeline is a logical grouping of activities that
together perform a specific data processing task. To create a pipeline, open your ADF instance in
the Azure portal, navigate to the “Author & Monitor” section, and click on “Author”. Then, click on
the “+” button to create a new pipeline.

3. **Add activities to the pipeline**: Activities represent the individual steps of your data processing
workflow. In the pipeline canvas, click on the “+” button inside the pipeline and choose the desired
activity type. For running Python scripts, you will use the “PythonScript” activity type.

Adding a Python script activity to the pipeline

To add a Python script activity to your Azure Data Factory pipeline, follow these steps:

1. **Drag and drop the PythonScript activity onto the pipeline canvas**: In the pipeline canvas, click
on the “+” button inside the pipeline and choose the “PythonScript” activity type. Then, drag and
drop the activity onto the canvas.
2. **Configure the Python script activity**: Double-click on the PythonScript activity to open the
activity settings. In the settings pane, you can specify the input and output datasets, the Python
script file, the script arguments, and other properties.

3. **Upload the Python script file**: In the Python script activity settings, click on the “Browse”
button next to the “Script file” field. This will open a file browser where you can select the Python
script file from your local machine. Make sure to upload the script file to an accessible location,
such as Azure Blob Storage or GitHub.

Configuring the Python script activity

Once you have added the Python script activity to your pipeline, you need to configure the activity
settings. Here are the key settings you need to consider:

1. **Input and output datasets**: The input dataset defines the data source for your Python script,
while the output dataset defines the destination for the script output. You can configure these
datasets to read from and write to various data sources, such as Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL
Database, or Azure Data Lake Storage.

2. **Script file**: Specify the path to the Python script file that you want to execute. This can be a
local file path or a URL to a file hosted in a remote location.

3. **Script arguments**: If your Python script requires any command-line arguments, you can
specify them in the “Script arguments” field. These arguments will be passed to the Python
interpreter when executing the script.

4. **Python environment**: By default, Azure Data Factory uses the built-in Python environment to
execute your scripts. However, if you have specific Python dependencies or packages that are not
available in the default environment, you can create a custom environment and specify it in the
“Python environment” field.

Running the Python script in Azure Data Factory

Once you have configured the Python script activity, you can run the script in Azure Data Factory.
Here’s how:

1. **Publish the changes**: Before you can run the pipeline, you need to publish the changes you
made to the pipeline. Click on the “Publish all” button in the pipeline canvas to publish the changes.
2. **Trigger the pipeline**: To run the Python script, you need to trigger the pipeline manually or
schedule it to run at a specific time. In the pipeline canvas, click on the “Trigger” button to start the
pipeline execution.

3. **Monitor the pipeline execution**: After triggering the pipeline, you can monitor the execution
progress and view the execution logs in the ADF portal. If any errors occur during the script
execution, you can troubleshoot them using the execution logs and error messages.

Monitoring and troubleshooting Python script executions

Monitoring and troubleshooting Python script executions in Azure Data Factory is crucial to ensure
the reliability and efficiency of your data workflows. Here are some best practices to follow:

1. **Monitor pipeline execution**: Regularly monitor the execution status and performance of your
pipelines using the ADF portal or Azure Monitor. This will help you identify any issues or
bottlenecks in your Python script executions.

2. **Enable logging and diagnostics**: Configure logging and diagnostics settings for your ADF
instance to capture detailed execution logs and metrics. This will provide valuable insights into the
script execution behavior and help you identify and resolve any issues.

3. **Handle errors and exceptions**: Python scripts can encounter errors or exceptions during
execution. Make sure to handle these errors gracefully by implementing error handling
mechanisms, such as try-except blocks or logging frameworks. This will help you identify and
resolve any issues in your scripts.

Best practices for running Python scripts in Azure Data

To ensure the smooth and efficient execution of Python scripts in Azure Data Factory, consider the
following best practices:

1. **Optimize script performance**: Optimize the performance of your Python scripts by following
best practices, such as using efficient algorithms, minimizing data transfers, and leveraging parallel
processing techniques. This will help reduce the execution time and resource consumption of your

2. **Use parameterization**: Parameterize your Python scripts to make them more flexible and
reusable. By using parameters, you can easily change the script behavior without modifying the
script code. This is particularly useful when dealing with different data sources, file paths, or
configuration settings.

3. **Version control your scripts**: Implement version control for your Python scripts to track
changes, collaborate with team members, and ensure reproducibility. Use a version control system,
such as Git, to manage your script code and keep a history of changes.

Running Python scripts in Azure Data Factory can be a powerful way to automate data processing
tasks and create scalable data workflows. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this
article, you can set up an Azure Data Factory environment, create pipelines, add Python script
activities, and run Python scripts with ease. Remember to monitor and troubleshoot your script
executions, follow best practices, and continuously optimize your scripts for performance. With the
right approach, you can unlock the full potential of Python and Azure Data Factory to create reliable
and efficient data solutions.


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