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Ferdonictus as Geppetto Yanti as Fox

Alvarez as Pinocchio Cessa Narrator and Arabella
Katrina as Fairy

A long time ago, in a small town there lived an old toymaker named Geppetto. He used to
make wooden toys and sell them. All the kids were fond of his attractive and colorful toys.
Geppetto always wanted to have his own child.

Geppetto : Today i will create the beautiful puppet boy whom I will treat like my child.

Geppetto searched for a fine log in the forest and soon found a small pine log.

Geppetto : Ahaa, this is just the perfect log i was looking for.

Geppetto took the log on his back like a baby and carried it to his house. He put the log in his
table and started to carve it. With his artful hand, the log started to shape into a figure.

After a while, Geppetto finally finished the nice beautiful puppet boy.

Geppetto : Ohh, what a nice handsome boy I've made! I will never sold you to anyone else. I
shall call you Pinocchio!

At the night, Geppetto went to sleep with Pinocchio close to him. Geppetto fell into a deep
sleep, as he was tired of the hardwork he had done all day. Suddenly, there appeared a fairy!

Fairy : Geppetto, you have given happiness to many kids with your creative toys. I reward
you with a special gift for your noble work.

The fairy waved her magic wand to Pinocchio, and what a surprise! The puppet started to
move on his own. He jumped out of the bed, and bowed to the fairy respectfully.
Pinocchio : Thank you, Fairy! You have given me a life. Now i can walk, i can dance!

Fairy : Yes, Pinocchio. Now you are alive, you have to be a good child. Don't trouble your
father and always listen to him. If you prove yourself to be a good child, I will give you a
special gift.

Pinocchio : Oh, really? I will always listen to my father then!

Fairy : Shh... Your father is sleeping, do not disturb him. Surprise him in the morning.

Next morning, as Geppetto woke up he saw Pinocchio sitting next to him, staring at him and
blinking his eyes.

Geppetto : Oh my... my puppet is alive! My Pinocchio is alive!

Pinocchio : Yes father, I am alive.

Geppetto hugged Pinocchio.

Geppetto and Pinocchio started to have happy times together. until it was time for Pinocchio
to go to School.

Pinocchio : Father, now I am old enough to go to school like all the other kids! Please get me
some books and pencils.

Geppetto : Of course, I will get it for you soon.

Geppetto didn't have enough money to buy school stationary. Therefore he sold his only coat
and gave the money to Pinocchio.

Pinocchio : But father, where is your coat?

Geppetto : Oh I didn't were it today, I don't like to wear it anymore. Now go and learn at
school, Son.

Pinocchio : Thank you father, bye... see you.

He walked along the path to school, humming as he went. Coming up to them on the path was
a greedy Fox.

Fox : Where are you going on this fine day?

Pinocchio : I am going to school!

Fox : It is too nice to be stuck inside school! You should come with me, to the fair. We can
have fun there.

Pinocchio : Really?

Fox : Of course

Pinocchio : Okay! Let's go to the fair!

Fox : But before that, you must have tickets!

Pinocchio : I do not have any tickets.

Fox : You can buy it with the money your father gave you.

Pinocchio : You're right!

Fox : Here, give me your money

Pinocchio gave Fox the money he have, He then entered the fair. The fair was so bright and
colorful and exciting. But then, everyone's eyes is on Pinocchio, as he is a walking puppet.

Person 1 : Look at that new puppet!

Person 2 : It has no strings!

Everyone laughed and laughed. They threw coins on the stage. The man who ran the fair saw
coins fly onto the stage. He then comes up with an evil plan to make so much money using

The next thing Pinocchio knew, he was picked up and thrown in a birdcage. In the next
moment, the door was locked shut.

Pinocchio : Hey, get me out! Huhu... what have i done? I didn't listen to my father so the fox
fooled me. I deserve this.

All of the sudden, the fairy appeared.

Fairy : What happened Pinocchio? How did you get into this cage?

Pinocchio : I was going to buy school books and the fox caught me and threw me into this
cage. Then they stole my money!

As soon as he says that, his nose grew longer and longer.

Pinocchio : Ah... what's happening to my nose? Why is it growing long?

Fairy : It's because you lied, your nose will grow longer each time you tell a lie.

Pinocchio was ashamed and spoke the whole truth to the fairy. As he started to tell the truth,
his nose started to become normal.
Fairy : Now that you're speaking the truth, I will set you free and let you get back to your

The fairy waved her magic wand on Pinocchio and he flew out of it.

Pinocchio : Thank you, dear fairy

Fairy : God bless you, go and be a good boy, don't ever lie again.

Pinocchio started walking home, on his way he met his friend, Arabella.

Arabella : Wait, Pinocchio! Where are you going in such a hurry? Come along with me, I'm
going to the pleasure Island.

Pinocchio : Pleasure Island? What is that, and why should i go there?

Arabella : It's a land full of toys, sweets and chocolates! No one to interrupt while playing
and no studies!

Pinocchio : That sounds awesome, let's go there!

Pinocchio joined his friend and went to the Pleasure Island. Pinocchio and Arabella started to
eat sweets, play and having fun there. They stayed in Pleasure Island for many days.

One day, Pinocchio felt there were some strange transformation happening in his body. He
had a tail and big ears like a donkey.

Pinocchio : Ah... what's happening to me? There's something strange with this place.

Pinocchio realized that this place was a trick. The Toyland wad actually controlled by an evil
donkey trader. He lured kids with sweets, and toys. And then transformed them into donkeys
and sold them in the market. Pinocchio run away from the place as fast as he can. He heard
some gossips as he reached the market in the village.

Villager 1 : Did you hear about geppetto? He searched for his son in the entire village but he
couldn't find him. So he went out to the sea to look for him!

Villager 2 : Yes, and i heard his boat sank in the storm!

Villager 1 : How sad...

Hearing that, Pinocchio felt sad and guilty. So he ran and jumped right to the sea without fear
being drowned. As soon as Pinocchio repelled his selfishness, he transformed back into his
normal self. No more tail and long ears!

As he was made out of woods, he was floating. He swam and swam without knowing where
to go. As he reached to the middle of the sea a big mouth came out of the water and swallowed
him, it was a big whale!

Pinocchio : Where am i? It's dark in here... Oh father, what have i done? I wish i could meet
you once more...

Geppetto : Of course my son, I'm here for you.

Pinocchio : Father!

Geppetto : Pinocchio!

Geppetto and Pinocchio hugged each other.

Pinocchio : I'm sorry father, i lied to you, spent your money to go to the fair.

Pinocchio told Geppetto everything honestly.

Geppetto : It's fine my son, I forgive you. Now we have to escape from here, but how?

Pinocchio : Father, you have a matchbox, right? Let's light a fire with all the shipwreck until
the smoke reach the whale's throat and nose.

Geppetto : Great idea Pinocchio!

They collected a big heap of wood and lighted it. Huge flames and black smokes came out of
the fire. The whale started to feel a burning sensation in it's stomach. He coughed and threw
out Geppetto and Pinocchio. They both swam to the seashore.

Gepetto : Pinocchio, you saved us!

Pinocchio : I'm your son, it's my duty to protect you!

Gepetto : I'm very proud of you, my son.

At that moment, the fairy appeared.

Fairy : Pinocchio, finally you have proved yourself to be a good son. You saved your father.
As i have told you, i have special gift for you.

The fairy waved her magic wand on Pinocchio

Pinocchio : I feel something is beating... I have became a human! My heart is beating!

Gepetto : Oh fairy! You gave me a son. Thank you for your kindness!

Fairy : It's for your good work, Gepetto. If you do good deeds, the universe will always show
it's blessing upon you.

Thereafter, Pinocchio and Gepetto lived happily and made more beautiful toys for children.

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