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Operating instructions Bran finisher

MKLA (-Ex)

Original operating instructions

Table of contents

1 Important information 5
1.1 Availability of the instructions ....................................................................... 5
1.2 Scope of validity ............................................................................................ 5
1.3 Applicable documents ................................................................................... 5
1.4 Contact .......................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Personnel qualification .................................................................................. 5
1.5.1 Mechanics ...................................................................................... 5
1.5.2 Electricians .................................................................................... 5
1.5.3 Welders .......................................................................................... 6
1.6 Presentation conventions .............................................................................. 6
1.6.1 Explanation of warning messages ................................................ 6

2 Safety 7
2.1 Intended use ................................................................................................. 7
2.1.1 ATEX marking (Ex II 3D) .............................................................. 7
2.2 Technical condition ........................................................................................ 7
2.3 Personnel qualification .................................................................................. 8
2.4 Securing against unexpected startup ........................................................... 8
2.5 Protective devices ......................................................................................... 8
2.6 Safety signs ................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Safe work environment ................................................................................. 8
2.7.1 Slipping and tripping hazards ....................................................... 8
2.7.2 Aspiration ....................................................................................... 8

3 Technical data 9
3.1 Ambient conditions ........................................................................................ 9
3.2 Features ........................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 Product throughput ........................................................................ 9
3.2.2 V-belt pulleys ................................................................................. 9
3.2.3 Rotor speed ................................................................................... 9
3.3 Consumption data ......................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Aspiration ....................................................................................... 10
3.4 Acoustic emission ......................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Measured values ........................................................................... 10
3.5 Weights and volumes ................................................................................... 10
3.5.1 MKLA-30/80 ................................................................................... 10
3.5.2 MKLA-30/80 D ............................................................................... 10
3.5.3 MKLA-45/110 ................................................................................. 11
3.5.4 MKLA-45/110 D ............................................................................. 11
3.6 Dimensions .................................................................................................... 12
3.6.1 MKLA-30/80 left and right ............................................................. 12
3.6.2 MKLA-30/80 D ............................................................................... 13
3.6.3 MKLA-45/110 left and right ........................................................... 14
3.6.4 MKLA-45/110 D ............................................................................. 15
3.7 Electrical specifications ................................................................................. 15
3.7.1 Drive .............................................................................................. 15

Bühler AG
2 Table of contents
4 Description 16
4.1 Identification .................................................................................................. 16
4.1.1 Nameplate ..................................................................................... 16
4.1.2 Type code ...................................................................................... 17
4.1.3 Explanation of ATEX marking ....................................................... 17
4.2 General arrangement drawing ...................................................................... 17
4.3 Operating principle ........................................................................................ 18
4.4 EMERGENCY STOP .................................................................................... 18
4.5 Protective devices ......................................................................................... 19
4.6 Safety signs ................................................................................................... 19

5 Transportation 20
5.1 Packaging symbols ....................................................................................... 20
5.2 Checking delivery .......................................................................................... 20
5.3 Intermediate storage ..................................................................................... 20
5.4 Lifting instructions ......................................................................................... 20

6 Assembly 22
6.1 Preparing installation site .............................................................................. 22
6.2 Mounting ........................................................................................................ 22
6.3 Installing product connections ...................................................................... 22
6.3.1 Product inlet .................................................................................. 22
6.4 Connecting supply units ................................................................................ 22
6.4.1 Electrical systems .......................................................................... 22
6.4.2 Aspiration ....................................................................................... 24

7 Commissioning 26
7.1 Checking the drive ........................................................................................ 26
7.2 Checking the rotor ........................................................................................ 26
7.3 Checking the commissioning ........................................................................ 26
7.4 Conformity ..................................................................................................... 27
7.4.1 Checking EC conformity ............................................................... 27

8 Operation 28
8.1 Preparing for production ............................................................................... 28
8.2 Starting and stopping .................................................................................... 28
8.2.1 Starting machine after EMERGENCY STOP ............................... 28
8.3 Improving sieve effectiveness ....................................................................... 28

9 Fault elimination 29
9.1 Faults ............................................................................................................. 29

10 Maintenance 30
10.1 Cleaning ........................................................................................................ 30
10.1.1 Cleaning schedule ......................................................................... 30
10.2 Lubrication ..................................................................................................... 30
10.2.1 Lubrication schedule ..................................................................... 30
10.3 Maintenance .................................................................................................. 30
10.3.1 Maintenance schedule .................................................................. 30
10.3.2 Adjusting the beater bars .............................................................. 31
10.3.3 Tensioning the V-belt ..................................................................... 32

11 Repair 33
11.1 Replacing the rotor ....................................................................................... 33

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Table of contents 3
11.1.1 Removing the rotor ....................................................................... 33
11.1.2 Fitting the rotor .............................................................................. 34
11.1.3 Balancing the rotor dynamically .................................................... 35
11.2 Replacing the beater bar .............................................................................. 35
11.3 Replacing the sieve plate ............................................................................. 36
11.4 Replacing wooden sieve frame .................................................................... 36

12 Decommissioning 37
12.1 Disassembly .................................................................................................. 37
12.2 Disposing of the machine ............................................................................. 37

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4 Table of contents
1 Important information

1.1 Availability of the instructions

These instructions constitute part of the product.

► Retain the instructions and other applicable documents over the entire life-
time of the product and keep them at hand for reference.
► Pass on the instructions and other applicable documents to the next owner
or operator of the product.

1.2 Scope of validity

MKLA-30/80 MKLA-30/80 -Ex
MKLA-30/80 D MKLA-30/80 D -Ex
MKLA-45/110 MKLA-45/110 -Ex
MKLA-45/110 D MKLA-45/110 D -Ex

1.3 Applicable documents

The following documents are part of these instructions:

Designation Identification number

Motor Refer to the documentation supplied by the manufacturer.
Spare parts catalog MKLA-7424

1.4 Contact
► If you have any questions, please contact the nearest branch of the Bühler
Group. See
► Keep the instructions handy.
► Keep the machine number handy.

1.5 Personnel qualification

1.5.1 Mechanics

Personnel who work on mechanical devices must be technically qualified or

have completed the training by the Bühler Group.

1.5.2 Electricians

Personnel who work on electrical devices must be technically qualified or have

completed the training by the Bühler Group.

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Chapter 1 Important information 5
1.5.3 Welders

Personnel who weld on the equipment must have specialized training.

1.6 Presentation conventions

1.6.1 Explanation of warning messages

Nature and source of the danger.
The danger will result in death or severe injuries.
► Measures to protect against the danger.

Nature and source of the danger.
The danger may result in death or severe injury.
► Measures to protect against the danger.

Nature and source of the danger.
The danger may result in injuries.
► Measures to protect against the danger.

Nature and source of the danger.
The danger may result in property damage.
► Measures to protect against property damage.

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6 Chapter 1 Important information
2 Safety

2.1 Intended use

The MKLA bran finisher is designed only for separating the last remnants of
meal from the bran.

► Always use the machine in compliance with its intended use.

► Operate the machine only in accordance with these operating instructions.

2.1.1 ATEX marking (Ex II 3D)

When used as intended, the machine interior does not have any inherent poten-
tial ignition sources, even in the event of faults, which could cause an explosion.

The interior can be connected to any hazardous area.

No ignition sources may be fed into the machine.

An ATEX marking with a device category for the interior is therefore not re-

If the machine is identified on the nameplate as a 3D device, then it is approved

for operation in Zone 22.

► Connect the machine only to devices that have no ignition sources or to de-
vices in device categories 3, 2 or 1.
► Do not introduce any ignition sources into the machine.
► Refer to the nameplate.

2.2 Technical condition

If the machine is operated in poor technical condition, its safety, function and
availability are compromised.

► Operate the machine only when it is in perfect technical condition.

► Comply with the maintenance schedule.
► Only use original spare parts listed in the spare parts catalog.
► If the operating behavior of the machine changes, check the machine for
► Eliminate any faults immediately.
► The machine must not be modified or converted without approval from the

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Chapter 2 Safety 7
2.3 Personnel qualification
Unqualified personnel cannot recognize risks and are thus exposed to greater

► Allow only technically qualified personnel to perform the activities described

in these operating instructions.
► Ensure that personnel comply with the local laws and regulations for safe
and hazard-conscious work.
► Define and communicate work responsibilities. Provide keys and passwords
to assigned staff only.

2.4 Securing against unexpected startup

If the machine starts up unexpectedly, individuals working on the machine could
be severely injured.

► Set the safety switch to <0> and lock it.

► Pull out the key and keep it with you.

2.5 Protective devices

People are at risk when protective devices are not functioning effectively.

► Before operating the machine, ensure that all protective devices are function-
ing effectively.

2.6 Safety signs

If safety signs are not noticeable, people are at risk.

► Replace safety signs which are not noticeable.

► Do not remove or cover safety signs.

2.7 Safe work environment

2.7.1 Slipping and tripping hazards

Slippery surfaces and tripping hazards may result in serious accidents.

► Keep aisles, handles, steps, ladders, platforms and guard rails free of
grease, oil and other contamination.
► Do not use the machine as a climbing aid or storage area. Use only the
steps and platforms provided.
► Wear non-slip safety footwear.

2.7.2 Aspiration

Gases and dusts are harmful to health and can result in dangerous situations
during operation of the machine.

► Leave aspiration equipment activated during operation of the machine and

do not remove.

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8 Chapter 2 Safety
3 Technical data

3.1 Ambient conditions

Designation Value Unit
Temperature during operation 0 … +50 °C
Temperature during standstill –10 … +60 °C

3.2 Features
The product throughput depends on product-specific and process-specific fac-

3.2.1 Product throughput

Designation Value Unit

MKLA-30/80 … 900 kg/h
MKLA-30/80 D 2 × … 900 kg/h
MKLA-45/110 900 … 1,800 kg/h
MKLA-45/110 D 2 × 900 … 1,800 kg/h

3.2.2 V-belt pulleys


Designation Value Unit

Pitch diameter, rotor 150 mm
Pitch diameter, motor at 50 Hz 148 mm
Pitch diameter, motor at 60 Hz 120 mm


Designation Value Unit

Pitch diameter, rotor 200 mm
Pitch diameter, motor at 50 Hz 148 mm
Pitch diameter, motor at 60 Hz 120 mm

3.2.3 Rotor speed

Designation Value Unit

MKLA-30/80 1,300 … 1,600 rpm
MKLA-30/80 D 1,300 … 1,600 rpm

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Chapter 3 Technical data 9
Designation Value Unit
MKLA-45/110 1,000 … 1,100 rpm
MKLA-45/110 D 1,000 … 1,100 rpm

3.3 Consumption data

3.3.1 Aspiration

Designation Value Unit

Airflow MKLA-30/80 5 m3/min
Airflow MKLA-30/80 D 10 m3/min
Airflow MKLA-45/110 7 m3/min
Airflow MKLA-45/110 D 14 m3/min

3.4 Acoustic emission

3.4.1 Measured values

The measured values do not take ambient effects into account.

Designation Value Unit

Sound power level of the machine Lw 84.8 dB (A)
Equivalent measuring surface-related emission 69.1 dB (A)
value Leq
Measuring surface value Ls 15.7 dB

3.5 Weights and volumes

3.5.1 MKLA-30/80

Designation Value Unit

Empty without optional equipment 220 kg
Operating weight 230 kg
Packed normally 300 kg
Seaworthy packaging 340 kg
Volume packed for ocean-going freight 1.4 m3

3.5.2 MKLA-30/80 D

Designation Value Unit

Empty without optional equipment 430 kg
Operating weight 450 kg
Packed normally 510 kg
Seaworthy packaging 580 kg
Volume packed for ocean-going freight 2.3 m3

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10 Chapter 3 Technical data
3.5.3 MKLA-45/110

Designation Value Unit

Empty without optional equipment 320 kg
Operating weight 330 kg
Packed normally 450 kg
Seaworthy packaging 500 kg
Volume packed for ocean-going freight 2.5 m3

3.5.4 MKLA-45/110 D

Designation Value Unit

Empty without optional equipment 620 kg
Operating weight 640 kg
Packed normally 730 kg
Seaworthy packaging 840 kg
Volume packed for ocean-going freight 4.4 m3

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Chapter 3 Technical data 11
3.6 Dimensions
All dimensions in [mm].

3.6.1 MKLA-30/80 left and right

Fig. 3.1

A Design version, left

B Design version, right

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12 Chapter 3 Technical data
3.6.2 MKLA-30/80 D

Fig. 3.2

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Chapter 3 Technical data 13
3.6.3 MKLA-45/110 left and right

Fig. 3.3

A Design version, left

B Design version, right

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14 Chapter 3 Technical data
3.6.4 MKLA-45/110 D

Fig. 3.4

3.7 Electrical specifications

3.7.1 Drive

Designation Value Unit

MKLA-30/80 2.2 kW
MKLA-30/80 D 2 × 2.2 kW
MKLA-45/110 5.5 kW
MKLA-45/110 D 2 × 5.5 kW

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Chapter 3 Technical data 15
4 Description

4.1 Identification
4.1.1 Nameplate

* (2)
Model: (3)
Serial No.: Manufactured: (4)

(6) (5)

Fig. 4.1 Nameplate

(1) Manufacturer (4) Year of manufacture
(2) Address of the manufacturer (5) Machine number
(3) Machine type (6) ATEX marking


Fig. 4.2

Bühler AG
16 Chapter 4 Description
4.1.2 Type code

MKLA-30/80 D -Ex
MKLA Machine code
30 Sieve jacket diameter [cm]
80 Sieve jacket length [cm]
D Doubled design version
Ex Approval for potentially explosive atmosphere

4.1.3 Explanation of ATEX marking

II 3D T125°C
Marking Meaning
ATEX symbol

II Equipment group
…/3 External category 3
D Dust atmosphere
T Maximum surface temperature in °C to be expected in nor-
mal operation at full load and at a maximum ambient tem-
perature of +40 °C

4.2 General arrangement drawing

■ The housing is reproduced on the rear side as an impact wall. A door is lo-
cated on the sieve side. Thanks to this arrangement, it is possible to set up
two machines back-to-back without an intermediate space between them.
■ A fixed guide sheet is fitted a the product inlet which guides the product
stream onto the rotor.
■ In the product outlet, a maintenance lid is fitted for monitoring the bran.

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Chapter 4 Description 17
Fig. 4.3
(1) Belt guard (8) Inspection lid
(2) Product inlet (9) Sieve jacket and sieve frame
(3) Door (10) Product outlet
(4) Beater bars (11) Housing
(5) Rotor (12) Hopper
(6) Bearing (13) Motor
(7) Impact wall (14) V-belt

4.3 Operating principle

The rotating beater bars (4) of the rotor (5) pick up the bran flow that enters at
a tangent and catapults it against the impact wall (7) and the sieve jacket (9).
Each beater bar processes the bran until it has passed through the machine.
This separates the flour from the husk and the flour falls through the sieve into
the hopper (12) below. The form of the sieve jacket prevents the stream of
husks from “rotating” continuously along with it. A slight vibration of the sieve
jacket keeps the perforation open. The machine operates with underpressure. If
the jacket throughs are not conveyed pneumatically, then the machine must be
connected to an aspiration.


The EMERGENCY STOP stops the machine in dangerous situations.

The EMERGENCY STOP button is integrated in the system control unit.

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18 Chapter 4 Description
4.5 Protective devices

Fig. 4.4
(1) Belt guard

4.6 Safety signs

Fig. 4.5 Belt guard

Fig. 4.6 Product outlet

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Chapter 4 Description 19
5 Transportation

5.1 Packaging symbols

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Fig. 5.1 Packaging symbols

(1) Top (4) Fragile
(2) Protect against moisture (5) Attach here
(3) Center of gravity

► Observe the packaging symbols.

5.2 Checking delivery

► Check the completeness of the delivery according to the shipping note.
► Report any missing parts or transportation damage. See page 5,
chapter “Contact”.

5.3 Intermediate storage

► Observe the packaging symbols.
► Leave the machine and machine parts in the original packaging until assem-
bly work begins.
► Do not store the machine outdoors.
► Protect the machine from the effects of weather.
► Avoid temperature fluctuations.

5.4 Lifting instructions

■ Lift the machine only at the specified suspension points.
■ Set up conveyor belts in such a way that no damage occurs.

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20 Chapter 5 Transportation
Fig. 5.2

Suspended load.
Serious injuries or death.
► Use only undamaged hoisting devices with a sufficient rating.
► Do not step or stand under suspended loads.
► Ensure that there is no one in the danger zone.

No. Check
1 Loose parts are removed or secured to prevent them from falling
2 Cable length is selected to allow the machine to be suspended
horizontally from the crane.

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Chapter 5 Transportation 21
6 Assembly

6.1 Preparing installation site

► Ensure space requirements, floor openings, bearing surfaces and floor loads
in accordance with separate Engineering Document.
► Block the assembly area against unauthorized access.
► Secure the working environment, e.g. remove any tripping hazards.
► Keep sufficient space free for assembly and adjustment work.

6.2 Mounting
1. Place the machine on a solid foundation to prevent vibrations.
2. Doubled version:
► Assemble the machines “back to back”. As a result, the inputs and out-
puts are staggered against one another diagonally. Ensure that the two
machines do not come into contact with one another.
► Seal off the small gap between the machines with a wooden plate, rub-
ber or similar material so that sanitation is ensured.

3. Screw machine down to floor with 4 screws.

6.3 Installing product connections

6.3.1 Product inlet

The product inlet is prepared for the connection of the glass cylinder by the
MUR pipe construction.

6.4 Connecting supply units

6.4.1 Electrical systems


Fig. 6.1

Bühler AG
22 Chapter 6 Assembly
Fig. 6.2 Grounding
(1) M8 Bolt (5) Machine
(2) Spring lock washer (6) Contact washer (only for pow-
der-coated design version)
(3) Grounding strand with cable (7) Locknut
lug (yellow-green)
(4) Machine grounding sign


■ The contact washer must penetrate the paint coat to ensure electrical con-
■ Check the bolted joints.
■ Resistance across joints must not exceed 10 ohms. Restore electrical con-
ductivity if the resistance exceeds 10 ohm.

Safety switch

Near the machine, install a lockable safety switch which can be used to fully dis-
connect the drive motor from the electrical supply (provided by customer).

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Chapter 6 Assembly 23
6.4.2 Aspiration

Downward aspiration

The hot air is sucked to the bottom and aspirates the inside. Fresh air enters at
the wire cloth (4) and at the slots (1).

Fig. 6.3
1. Instead of the suction socket, clamp a wire cloth (4) under the flange (3).
2. Connect the aspiration line at the hopper (2) or at the conveyor screw with
raised trough.

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24 Chapter 6 Assembly
Upward aspiration

The upward aspiration is then applied only when a downward aspiration is not
possible. The hot air is sucked to the top and aspirates the inside.

Fig. 6.4
1. Use the flange (2) to screw the suction socket (1) (option) on the housing.
2. The suction socket must be detachable. Therefore, fit a coupling in the aspi-
ration line.

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Chapter 6 Assembly 25
7 Commissioning

7.1 Checking the drive

No. Check
1 Direction of rotation of the rotor is correct. Clockwise when viewed
from the drive side.
2 The V-belt tension is correct.

7.2 Checking the rotor

No. Check
1 The rotor can be turned easily by hand.
2 Beater bars are not permitted to graze against the sieve plate.

7.3 Checking the commissioning

No. Check
1 All transportation aids and assembly fasteners have been re-
2 The electrical installation has been carried out and checked by au-
thorized, qualified personnel.
3 All terminal boxes are closed.
4 The machine is grounded.
5 The direction of rotation of the motors is correct.
6 All operating elements, safety equipment and warning systems are
functioning correctly.
7 A lockable safety switch is present, and personnel have the
matching key.
8 All bolted joints are securely tightened.
9 There are no foreign objects in the machine.
10 All gearmotors and bearings are filled with lubricant.
11 The filling levels for lubricants are correct.
12 The belt tension is correct.
13 All supply line connections are leak-tight.

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26 Chapter 7 Commissioning
7.4 Conformity
7.4.1 Checking EC conformity

Operate the machine in the European Union only if EC conformity has been
checked and confirmed using the following checklist.


No. Check
1 The operating company has been informed that the operating in-
structions must be accessible to personnel at all times.
2 The operating company is responsible for instructing the person-
3 Assembly and installation have been carried out in accordance
with the operating instructions.
4 A lockable safety switch has been fitted. The personnel are in
possession of the padlock for this.
5 The feeder device is continuous.
6 Warning messages and signs are attached so they are clearly visi-
7 The machine is grounded. The paint coating has been removed in
the area around the ground connection.

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Chapter 7 Commissioning 27
8 Operation

8.1 Preparing for production

■ The sieve plate must be permeable for the fines.
■ The supply of product at the inlet must be consistent and must not exceed
the maximum rate [t/h].

8.2 Starting and stopping

Precondition: machine is not loaded.

■ The machine is started and stopped using a superordinate system control

■ The EMERGENCY STOP button is integrated in the system control unit.
■ The machine is stopped as soon as the EMERGENCY STOP button is trig-

8.2.1 Starting machine after EMERGENCY STOP

1. Eliminate the cause of the fault.

2. Reset EMERGENCY STOP button.
3. Start the machine.

8.3 Improving sieve effectiveness

■ Use sieve plate with larger-sized perforations.
■ Increase the aspiration amount, e.g. with strong increase of airlock false air
with subsequent pneumatic pressure conveying.
■ Adjust the beater bars or replace them if necessary.

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28 Chapter 8 Operation
9 Fault elimination

9.1 Faults
Insufficient sieve capacity
Cause Correction
Sieve plate blocked. ► Clean the sieve jacket.
Product quantity too high. ► Reduce the power.
► Check the sieve perforations. If nec-
essary, fit another sieve plate.
Product feed is abrupt or irregular. ► Check the product feed.
Beater bars are worn. ► Replace the beater bars.

Loud, clear sound

Cause Correction
Foreign objects between beater ► Switch off the sieving machine.
bar, brush strip and sieve cylinder. ► Remove foreign objects and replace
sieve cylinder.

Rotor speed dropped

Cause Correction
Tension of V-belts has lessened. ► Tension the V-belt.

Work effect too low

Cause Correction
Beater bars are incorrectly adjust- ► Set the correct distance between
ed. beater bar and sieve jacket.

Bran present in throughs

Cause Correction
Sieve plate is defective. ► Replace the sieve plate.

Rotor bearings heat up a great deal

Cause Correction
Bearings are defective and noisy. ► Replace the bearing.

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Chapter 9 Fault elimination 29
10 Maintenance

10.1 Cleaning

► Perform cleaning of the product contact area and sieve jacket depending
on the product and the operating conditions.
► Always remove deposits of dust, dirt and product.

10.1.1 Cleaning schedule

Interval Machine part Dura- Measure

500 h / Product contact __:__ ► Cleaning
once a area and sieve
month jacket

10.2 Lubrication
10.2.1 Lubrication schedule

Interval Machine part Dura- Measure

Drive motor __:__ ► Refer to the documentation
supplied by the manufacturer.

10.3 Maintenance
10.3.1 Maintenance schedule

Interval Machine part Dura- Measure

One month after ini- __:__ ► Check the tension of the
tial start-up V-belt, adjust if necessary.
500 h / Sieve jacket __:__ ► Check sieve jacket, replace if
once a necessary.
Beater bars __:__ ► Check beater bars for wear, re-
placing them if necessary.
3000 h / V-belt __:__ ► Check the tension, adjust if
6 months necessary.
► Check the state, replace if nec-

Bühler AG
30 Chapter 10 Maintenance
Interval Machine part Dura- Measure
18,000 h / V-belt __:__ ► Replace the V-belt.
3 years
Round rubber seal __:__ ► Check round rubber seal, re-
place if necessary.
Beater bars __:__ ► Replace the beater bars.
30,000 h / Bearing __:__ ► Replace the bearing.
5 years

10.3.2 Adjusting the beater bars

Fig. 10.1
1. Set the safety switch to “0” and lock it. Remove the key and keep it with
2. Remove the door (1).
3. Take out sieve frame (3):
► Metal sieve frame: See page 36, chapter “Replacing the sieve plate”.
► Wooden sieve frame: See page 36, chapter “Replacing wooden sieve

4. Loosen the bolts (4).

Bühler AG
Chapter 10 Maintenance 31
5. Adjust the beater bar (2) with the caliper.
► MKLA-30/80: a = 7.5 mm
► MKLA-45/110: a = 19 mm

6. Tighten screws (3) to torque of 86 Nm.

7. Fit the sieve frame.
8. Insert the door.

10.3.3 Tensioning the V-belt

Fig. 10.2

The correct V-belt tension is important to safe operation.
► V-belts which are too slack slide and heat up. Too much heating is imper-
missible in Ex zones.
► V-belts which are too taut put excessive load on the bearings and result
in bearing damage.

1. Set safety switch to “0” and lock it. Remove the key and keep it with you.
2. Determine V-belt tension. The test load (1) depends on the V-belt profile and
the diameter of the small pulley. Refer to table below for test load.
► Load V-belt and use ruler to read V-belt tension.
► Use spring balance and ruler to determine V-belt tension.

3. Tension V-belt until deflection (2) is 1/60 of center distance A.

Test load

Belt profile D1 [mm] Test load [N]

SPB 160 … 224 35 … 50
236 … 315 50 … 65

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32 Chapter 10 Maintenance
11 Repair

11.1 Replacing the rotor

11.1.1 Removing the rotor

Fig. 11.1
1. Set the safety switch to “0” and lock it. Remove the key and keep it with
2. Remove the door.
3. Remove the sieve (10).
4. Remove the belt guard (2).
5. Remove the V-belt (1), the V-belt pulley (7) and the feather key (6).
6. Remove the bearing covers (5) and (13).
7. Remove bearing clamping sleeves (12) from both bearings.
► Unlock the tab washer.
► Loosen the adapter sleeve nuts.

8. Remove the screws (8) and the spacer bolts (3).

9. Remove the guard plate (4) with the bearing housing.
10. Pull out the rotor (9) at the inlet side.

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Chapter 11 Repair 33
11.1.2 Fitting the rotor

Fig. 11.2
1. Set the safety switch to “0” and lock it. Remove the key and keep it with
2. Slide the rotor (9) in at the inlet side.
3. Check the bearing clearance on the floating bearing (11). The bearing clear-
ance must be 7.5 mm from the outer edge of the bearing housing up to the
self-aligning ball bearing.
4. Fit the guard plate (4) with the bearing housing.
5. Tighten screws (8) and install spacer bolts (3).
6. Fit bearing clamping sleeves (12) on both bearings.
► Tighten the adapter sleeve nuts.
► Secure the tab washer.

7. Fit the bearing covers (5) and (12).

8. Fit the V-belt (1), the V-belt pulley (7) and the feather key (6).
9. Tension the V-belt (1).
10. Attach the belt guard (2).
11. Fit the sieve (10).
12. Insert the door.

Bühler AG
34 Chapter 11 Repair
11.1.3 Balancing the rotor dynamically

Fit the balancing weights on the rear side (2) of the beater bars (1) from the
point of view of the direction of rotation.

Fig. 11.3
► Rotor speed 1,200 rpm.
► Approved residual imbalance: 50 gmm per kg rotor weight.
► Rotor weight 42.5 kg.
► Total permissible residual unbalance 2,125 gmm.

11.2 Replacing the beater bar

Fig. 11.4
1. Remove the rotor. See page 33, chapter “Removing the rotor”.
2. Loosen the bolts (1).
3. Remove beater bar (2) and replace with new one.
4. Tighten the bolts (1).
5. Balance the rotor dynamically. See page 35, chapter “Balancing the rotor
6. Fit the rotor. See page 34, chapter “Fitting the rotor”.
7. Adjust the beater bars. See page 31, chapter “Adjusting the beater bars”.

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Chapter 11 Repair 35
11.3 Replacing the sieve plate

Fig. 11.5
1. Set the safety switch to “0” and lock it. Remove the key and keep it with
2. Remove the door.
3. Loosen the bolts (1).
4. Remove the clamping sheets (2) with screws.
5. Remove the sieve plate.
6. Insert new sieve plate.
7. Fit the clamping sheets.
8. Tighten screws to torque of 11 Nm.
9. Insert the door.

11.4 Replacing wooden sieve frame

Fig. 11.6
1. Set the safety switch to “0” and lock it. Remove the key and keep it with
2. Remove the door.
3. Loosen the locknuts (2).
4. Turn latch (1) by 180°.
5. Pull out wooden sieve frame (3).
6. Fit new wooden sieve frame.
7. Turn latch by 180° and tighten the locknuts.
8. Insert the door.

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36 Chapter 11 Repair
12 Decommissioning

12.1 Disassembly
Once work with the machine is complete (reconditioning, removal or disposal),
the machine is disassembled in reverse order to the assembly process.

► The machine may only be disassembled in accordance with all accident-pre-

vention measures and only by instructed personnel. This personnel must be
familiar with the safety precautions.

12.2 Disposing of the machine

1. Disassemble machine into its components.
2. Sort components according to basic materials and dispose of them in com-
pliance with local applicable laws and regulations.

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Chapter 12 Decommissioning 37
Bühler AG
CH-9240 Uzwil, Schweiz
T +41 71 955 11 11
F +41 71 955 33 79

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