AQQV MAA 32T32R 192AE n77 320W Datasheet

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Osprey 32


32T32R 192AE n77 320W

Technical datasheet

1 © 2023 Nokia Confidential
AQQV Massive MIMO 32T32R 192AE n77 320W Osprey Massive MIMO
Technical data – preliminary benefits
Product Specifications
Standard 3GPP/Vietnam FSS TDD
• Full band Instantaneous bandwidth
Supported RAT* 5G/LTE
Band / Frequency range 3600 – 3980 MHz
• Easy to deploy due to low mass and compact
Max. supported modulation* 256 QAM
Number of TRX paths 32 • Offers a blend of excellent performance and
MIMO streams* 16 total cost of ownership
Instantaneous bandwidth (IBW) 380 MHz • Coverage optimized
Occupied bandwidth (OBW) 200 MHz
Total average EIRP 79.05 dBm
Max. output power per TRX and total 10 W / TRX (320 W total), SW settable up to 13 dB down
Dimensions (H×W×D) 707 mm x 395 mm x 106mm/146 mm (H x W x D)
Volume 33L
Weight (excluding mounting bracket) <20 kg
Wind load, Front/Rear/Side 389/389/113 N ,EN1991-1-4, wind velocity 42m/s (150 km/h)
Supply voltage / Connector type DC -36 V… -60V / Nokia 2 pole connector
Optical ports 4 x SFP28 / AOPC
Other interfaces / Connector type AISG / RS-485, External Alarms / MDR26, 6 status LEDs
Operational temperature range -40 ℃ … +55 ℃
Cooling Forced cooling
Installation options Pole, wall, IPAA+
Ingress / Surge protection IP65 / Class II 20 kA AQQV 476354A

2 © 2023 Nokia Confidential *HW specifications, capabilities are subject to relevant feature support
AQQV AirScale MAA 32T32R 192AE n77 320W Beam pattern examples
Technical data – preliminary
• Horizontal (boresight beam example)
Antenna specifications (BASTA based)
Antenna configuration 12, 8, 2 (±45° X-polarized), Logical (2,8,2)
Typical antenna gain* 24dBi ± 1dB
Minimum azimuth beamwidth (°), HPBW 13° ±2° (boresight)
Azimuth scanning range ±45° (3dB), ±50° (4dB)
Envelope azimuthal beamwidth (°) ±60° (7dB)
Minimum elevation beamwidth (°), HPBW 6.5° ±1°
Envelope elevation beamwidth (°), HPBW +12°…+2° (upper SLS > 6dB)
Dynamic elevation scanning range ±2° (upper SLS > 6dB)
Vertical electrical boresight angle +7° • Vertical (boresight beam example)
Front to back ratio > 25 dB
Cross-Polar discrimination (boresight) > 18 dB

* Typical Antenna gain measured over the pass band

HPBW = Half power beamwidth, SLS = Sidelobe suppression

3 © 2023 Nokia Confidential

Massive MIMO radios – Angle definitions
Based on BASTA
X = 3dB Azimuth Scanning X = 7dB (A= -60°, B= 60°)
Range Pan = Boresight, 0°



• Elevation Envelope BW or range (°), @HPBW, (CD) • Azimuth Envelope BW or range (°), @HPBW, (AB)
• Elevation Scanning range (°), (EF) • Azimuth scanning range (°), (GH)

• C&D can be set by SW for Customized GoB • A&B can be set by SW for customized GoB

Scanning Range defines the range of angles in azimuth and elevation in which the AAS is optimized and intended to
be operated.

The minimum azimuth and elevation beamwidth can be achieved when all the radiators in the AAS are active and fed
with uniform phase and amplitude.

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