Q-Connect User Guide

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Q-Connect User Guide

Welcome to Q-Connect!
Q-Connect, was built from the ground up with distributed healthcare providers in mind. Its purpose is to simplify
equipment owners’ processes by streamlining their equipment workflows spanning from repair/maintenance to
warehousing and deployments.

Improved staff efficiency at each step

From the time to create an RMA, package the equipment for shipment, track down and approve estimates, and so
on, the time needed to support the service process can be significant.

With Q-Connect, all RMAs are created within seconds. Estimates are all available online with complete details of
the service performed. Pickups are scheduled and tracked virtually, all on the web.

This user guide will walk you through the steps of using Q-Connect. If you have any further questions, please email
them to [email protected].

1. Logging into Q-Connect

Link: www.qualitymedicalsouth.com/q-connect/

• If you have a login already, use that to log in here.

• If you do not have a login, click the Register button and register your Email Address.
Please note that registration may take up to 48 hours. Contact
[email protected] if you have any questions about registration.

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

2. Accessing My Account personal information

• On the main screen, following logging in, there is a “My Account” button on the top.

• Within the My Account page you can update your Password.

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

Main Page Navigation

• From the Main Page you can navigate all the major sections of Q-Connect. Different
users may have different sections available. The image below is our core Service User’s
available sections.


• Within the Dashboard section you can see your RMA trends by category.

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

Asset Manager


5 6 7

1. Sort by column by clicking on the Header

2. Create multiple RMAs at once by selecting the assets and hitting Bulk RMA

3. To create a new Asset, start by clicking Add New Equipment

4. To create one RMA for an Asset, click the Request RMA icon

5. To see the service history on an Asset, click the Serial Number

6. Preventative Maintenance status is past due when text turns red

7. To edit an Asset, click the Pencil icon. To delete an Asset, click the X icon

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

Reviewing Service History and Service Reports for an asset

1. Within the Asset Manager, you can click on any Serial Number to review the Service
History and previous Service Reports

2. The Service History will show each service performed at a Quality Biomedical Service

3. To view the Service Report, click on View Report within the Service History popup

1. First select the Serial Number

2. From the Service History popup, you can click

on View Report of any previous service

3. After clicking on View

Report, a PDF of the
Service Report will appear

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide
Adding New Equipment to Asset Manager

• When you click on “Add Equipment” in the Asset Manager section, a pop up will appear
that will help you add your equipment

• When you click on “Import File” in the Asset Manager section, a pop up will appear that
will allow you to download a template to complete. Once you complete the template,
save it to your computer. Once the file is saved, click on “Choose File” and select the file
to upload. Then click Upload. This will submit a request to our IT team who will review
and upload the data.

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

Initiating an RMA from Asset Manager

1. To create RMAs for multiple devices, select the devices on the left

2. After you select the devices, click Bulk RMA and enter the information into the pop up

3. To create an RMA for an individual device, you can click the icon on the right side of the

2. After selecting
the units, click on
Bulk RMA

1. Create RMAs
for multiple
devices by clicking
on the assets

3. Initiate an
individual device
RMA by clicking

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

Completing the RMA submission

• Once you have clicked Bulk RMA, the pop up shown below will need to be completed.
Please input all applicable data for each asset and click submit.

• If you clicked on the Request RMA button next to a single asset you will see the pop up



1. Input PO number

2. Select Ship to Quality Medical or Use QM Pickup Service

3. Select location the Asset is coming from, and where it

will be returned

4. Enter notes associated with service request (e.g. shipping

details, special requests, additional service notes)

5. Enter the reported problem with each asset

6. Select facility to send device – will auto populate service

centers capable of servicing the asset

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

Monitoring all RMAs in Progress

• Within the My Active RMAs section you can see RMAs at different stages of the process
i. View all RMAs with Estimates Waiting on Approval
ii. View all RMAs that are at a Quality Biomedical service center
iii. View all RMAs that have been created but have not yet been received at a
Quality Biomedical Service Center

Select this icon to contact

Quality Biomedical regarding
estimate questions

This section shows all

RMAs that have an
estimate waiting to be

This section shows all

RMAs Quality Biomedical
has received and are now
in progress

This section shows all

RMAs that have been
created but have not
yet been received by a
Quality Biomedical
Service Center

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

2. Reviewing Estimate Details

• If you click on the Estimate amount within My Active RMAs, a pop up will display the Estimate
Details. From here you can see the Service Performed and any Service Notes.

• From here you can Accept or Decline the Estimate. If you Decline, we will ask if you want us to
scrap the unit or return it to your facility.

Select this icon to Contact Quality Biomedical regarding estimate questions

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

3. Printing a Pickup Ticket for devices being picked up

• Within the My Active RMAs section, the 3rd group down is “RMAs for Q” and are RMAs that have
been created but not yet received by a Quality Biomedical Service Center

• In this section you can see when the driver will pick up the devices and print a Pickup Slip so you
can confirm that the right devices are sent in for service

2. Once assets
are selected,
click on Print
Pickup Slip

1. Select the assets

that are being 3. After clicking
prepped for pickup Print Pickup Slip,
a Packing Slip in
PDF format will
be displayed

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

Q-Connect User Guide

4. Monitoring Shipments

• The Shipments section will show you all devices being shipped back from a Quality Biomedical
service center. If using UPS/FedEx, the tracking numbers will be displayed. Selecting this number
will take you to the corresponding UPS/Fed Ex site for further tracking information.

5. Monitoring Lemon Devices

• The Lemon Alerts section will show you devices that have been in a Quality Biomedical Service
Center 3 times in the last 12 months

Q-Connect User Guide – version 4 – February 8th, 2019

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