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Writing: Eleanor Hingley
Additional Writing: Emmet Byrne
Editing: Emmet Byrne, Elaine Lithgow
Gamemaster’s Screen Illustration: Álvaro Jiménez Hernández
Interior Illustration: Runesael Flynn, Andrew Lowry, Sam Manley, Clara-Marie Morin, JG O’Donoghue
Graphic Design: Diana Grigorescu, Laura Jane Phelan
Layout: Emmet Byrne
Cubicle 7 Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, Alex Cahill, David F Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski,
Christopher Colston, Elaine Connolly, Josh Corcoran, Jennifer Crispin, Matthew Freeman, Paula Graham,
Diana Grigorescu, Gemma Harper, TS Luikart, Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley, Pádraig Murphy,
Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue, Yvonne Perry, Laura Jane Phelan, Sam Taylor, and Taryn Wray
Producers: Emmet Byrne, Elaine Lithgow, Josh Corcoran
Creative Director: Emmet Byrne
Publisher: Dominic McDowall


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Last Updated: 5th March, 2024.

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The Titan’s March is an adventure for Broken Weave

in which a Titan, a colossal monster on the scale of
a natural disaster, threatens to annihilate the party’s
Haven. The Survivors must act quickly to uncover the
Titan’s secrets and discover a way to stop it before it’s
too late. In their journey, they will experience first-
hand the devastation the Titan leaves in its wake and
may discover the tragedy of its origins.

‘The light… the beautiful blinding light…

it’s coming…’
— Sersa of Lantern Deep

Adventure Summary
A lone refugee called Sersa arrives in the Survivor’s
Haven. She has fled her home of Lantern Deep and
brings desperate warnings of a Titan on the horizon.
This Titan, known as the Suncursed Knight, walks
inexorably across the land, spreading Decay in its wake
and destroying any Havens in its path. Now, the Titan
has set its sights on the Survivor’s Haven, drawn to the
light and hope of the people there. The Survivors have
only four weeks to halt the Titan’s march before their
home is crushed underfoot.

The Survivors must gather the leadership of their

Haven and decide how to halt the Titan’s march. They
can investigate the devastation caused by the Titan in
Lantern Deep and search for the survivors, seek the
wisdom of strange Monsters that may know how to
defeat the Titan, or face the Titan head-on. Whatever
path they choose, they must act quickly.

Their investigations lead the party to a ruined temple

to a dead god that holds the key to the Titan’s history.
While navigating the Decay-ridden temple, the party
encounters twisted Monsters, learns that the Titan
was once a paladin of a sun god, and can retrieve the
broken fragments of the paladin’s once-blessed sword.

When they return to their Haven, they must rally the SERSA’S WARNING
community and formulate a plan to stop the Titan.
Do they work together to trap the Titan, reforge the As the adventure begins, read aloud or paraphrase the
paladin’s sword into a weapon capable of slaying it, or following to your group:
evacuate their homes and forge a new path deep into
the dangerous wilds? ‘The people of your Haven are on edge. The
wilderness has been dangerous recently: tremors
YOUR HAVEN have split the earth, Monsters prowl at the edge
This adventure assumes you are using the sample of the light, and you can hear a storm-like rumble
Haven of Guardian’s Lament (see the Haven Sheet on every sunrise that seems to grow louder with every
page 26, and Broken Weave page 187). It references passing day.
certain NPCs and key locations and uses the Journey
Distance and Difficulty shown in the Beyond the Regardless, life in your Haven goes on. Night is
Walls table on page 193 of Broken Weave. closing in, and you’re on your way to fetch a hearty
meal with your loved ones when you spot the
If your group built your own Haven using the Haven stooped outline of something shuffling through the
Creation rules (see Broken Weave, page 10), feel free to shadows towards your Haven, accompanied by a
substitute names, characters, or locations as required. long, gurgling moan.’
Even if you use Guardian’s Lament, we recommend
adding or replacing some of the named NPCs As soon as any party members get close or make a
throughout the adventure with meaningful NPCs successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) Test, they can
from your party’s Lifepath, such as family members, tell that it is a Halfling woman in an advanced stage of
allies, or enemies. This will help to connect your Decay. Her skin has turned transparent and gelatinous,
party’s Survivors to the Haven, add additional roleplay and most of her body has sloughed away into a viscous
opportunities, and ensure they are invested in saving sludge that marks the trail behind her. As the party
the Haven from annihilation. approaches, or if anyone attacks the Halfling from a
distance, she gasps out a plea for help and collapses
Regardless of whether you use your own Haven or into unconsciousness. She is clearly injured and in dire
Guardian’s Lament, give your Survivors some moments need of a healer.
of safety, comfort, or emotional intimacy within their
Haven before they leave on their journey to remind At this point, two influential NPCs from the party’s
them what they’re fighting for. Haven arrive on this scene, such as a political leader,
religious figure, skilled maker, or healer. In Guardian’s
Lament, the NPCs that arrive are Eldest Harrin and
BALANCE AND Hunter Misha (Broken Weave, page 190). Eldest
DIFFICULTY Harrin warns the party about aiding the Halfling: ‘Her
The Titan’s March is balanced to take a party Decay could spread inside the Haven. I am sorry, but
of four Broken Weave characters from Levels it is too much of a risk.’ Meanwhile, Hunter Misha
1 to 3. The party should increase their Class demands the party help the woman: ‘Any of us could
Level by 1 when they complete Lantern Deep end up like her one day. We can’t turn her away!’
(see page 9) and again when they complete the
Sun Temple (see page 14). If your adventure Whatever the Survivors choose, Harrin and Misha will
takes a different path, just remember that remember, shaping how they interact with them in the
the party should ideally be Level 3 before future. Whoever the party sides with may offer extra
they finally face the Titan at the adventure’s equipment or advice before their journey and openly
climax. With some changes in the difficulty support the party during the Council Meeting (see
of Tests and the number or type of creatures page 6). The opposite is true for whichever NPC they
faced, you can scale the adventure to suit a deny, who may refuse to provide aid and will publicly
higher Level party. call the party’s intentions or ability into question.


Survivors have several options in dealing with the • If a Survivor uses a method of directly recovering
Halfling woman: Sersa’s Hit Points, such as a Healing Poultice
(Broken Weave, page 116), she survives and
• If they leave her outside the Haven, all Tests to recovers well enough to speak and share her story
care for her or investigate her remains have by the morning.
Disadvantage, due to the darkness and lack of
proper facilities. • If Sersa lives and the Survivors manage to reduce
her Decay by using Moonstone (Broken Weave
• If they bring her inside the Haven, the party page 116), a Class Feature, or some other method,
must tread carefully to prevent her Decay from she is eternally grateful for reclaiming part of
spreading. This is a Group Test with a Goal of 10. herself. The Haven’s Hope increases by 1. This can
Over the course of one hour, each contributing be done during the night as part of her treatment
party member makes a single DC 10 Test using or later in your adventures.
either Intelligence (Local Lore) to find a safe
place to treat her, Charisma (Persuasion) to Sersa carries a tattered satchel made of Strongback
find help, or Charisma (Intimidation) or keep hide, containing only her belongings. If she is alive
curious people away from the danger. If they and awake, she can share their significance. Otherwise,
succeed, they manage to safely bring Sersa into they can be investigated as follows:
the Haven without spreading her Decay. If they
fail, the Haven’s Decay increases by 1. • A set of well-maintained Smith’s Tools. Any
Survivor Proficient in Smith’s Tools can tell
• If they put her out of her misery or abandon her they are well cared for and perfectly sized for a
overnight, she passes away. Only the physical Halfling.
clues left on her remains can be investigated.
• A scrunched-up handful of green leaves with blue
stems. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival)
Sersa Greenleaf Test identifies these as common trail ration
The Decayed woman is Sersa Greenleaf, a Halfling from wrappers from the surrounding area, indicating
the settlement of Lantern Deep and a blacksmith by that Sersa travelled from a nearby Haven.
trade. She uses the Survivor statblock (Broken Weave,
page 236) and has Proficiency in Smith’s Tools. When • A pouch of 13 small nuggets of glimmering gold.
the party finds her, she has 8 Decay, 1 Hit Point, and A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Local Lore)
five Levels of Exhaustion — teetering on the verge of Test identifies them as a metal commonly mined
death due to numerous injuries and exposure suffered and used in the nearby Haven of Lantern Deep.
in the wilds.
• A Memoria in the shape of a moth, etched with
Survivors have the following options to save the Sersa’s loving detail. A successful DC 12 Intelligence
life. If they succeed, the Haven gains 1 Hope: (Natural Lore) Test confirms that it does not
resemble any moths known in the area. A
• Saving her life with medicine alone is an successful DC 15 Intelligence (Local Lore) Test
Extended Test with a Goal of 10. Over the course brings to mind an old folktale about a beneficent
of the night a Survivors must make three DC 10 moth who led the founders of Lantern Deep to a
Intelligence (Medicine) Tests. If they fail, Sersa resource-rich cave.
dies the next morning. If they succeed, Sersa
survives but remains unconscious for 1d4 days. • A silver keepsake locket with no obvious way to
If they succeed by 5 or more, this time is halved. open it. A successful DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight
Regardless of whether they succeed or fail, any of Hand) Test reveals a hidden clasp to open it.
Survivor who spends the night tending to Sersa Inside is a sketch of a Halfling holding a smith’s
gains a Level of Exhaustion. hammer that resembles a non-Decayed Sersa
and a half-Elf woman in chitin armour holding
a spear. The fixing bears the engraving ‘Sersa &
Esri, sisters in hope’.

If Sersa survives and regains consciousness, she Council Meeting

talks about the fall of her Haven. If she dies before The following morning, not long after the sun rises
the Survivors can question her, they instead find her and a thunderous bellow echoes beyond the horizon,
tattered journal among her belongings, which recounts the Haven’s leadership calls an emergency meeting to
the events. discuss what they party have learned from Sersa and
what to do about it.
• Sersa says she is from Lantern Deep (see page
9, and Broken Weave page 202), and was sent to The council meeting is an opportunity for the Survivors
find help. to seek expert advice, devise a plan, and convince
influential members of their Haven to support them.
• A few months ago, they began to hear distant They are resisted in these efforts by other influential
rumbling noises every morning. A few weeks people within the community who believe they
later, Decay began to spread through Lantern should take different approaches. As mentioned in
Deep. Nothing could hold it off: they tried to Your Haven (see page 4), we have included council
shore up their Haven, but every day, the sky members from Guardian’s Lament, but you should
dimmed a little more until their Haven was in an take the opportunity to replace them with NPCs from
area of eternal dusk. your own Haven.

• For weeks, the bellows in the distance grew louder, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
crazed animals attacked the Haven as they fled, Once the council is gathered and everyone has shared
the earth shook, and Decay continued to spread. what they have learned, the Survivors can offer
Finally, the cause of the troubles appeared on the additional information to help the council make an
horizon: a Titan. informed decision. This information is tied to various
Classes and showcases the Survivors areas of expertise.
• The Titan was a nightmarish mix of human and If your players lack any of the Classes, have a relevant
insect. It wore gargantuan plates of burnished NPC offer the information instead.
armour that starkly contrasted its insectoid plates
of impossibly dark chitin that seemed to absorb • Harrowed characters know that Titans are an
light. It Decayed all in its wake. incredibly potent source of Decay. If it reaches
the Haven, even if it is slain, the resulting Decay
• The rest of her people retreated into the mine would forever damn the Haven and its people.
network to try to survive, while a few brave souls,
including Sersa, were sent to find help. Sersa left • Makers know that the metals mined in Lantern
Lantern Deep around eight days ago with a few Deep are crucial to constructing many tools,
of the hardier Haven-dwellers, but she’s the only weapons, and arms used in the area. If the Lantern
survivor. Deep has truly fallen, it could mean disruption
for all the Havens they traded with. Of course,
• Esri Greenleaf is her sworn sister and a powerful claiming the mines for your own Haven could be
Harrowed. The leadership of Lantern Deep a great boon.
collapsed under the crisis, so Esri stepped forward
to lead the people until help could arrive. Sersa • Sages know various records of Havens finding
begs the Survivors to search for her. ways to fend off or slay Titans. Most of these have
hinged on exploiting a Titan’s specific weakness.
Alas, as each Titan is unique, a closer study
of this particular Titan or its origins would be
needed before the Survivors could identify any

• Seekers can make an educated guess from the

timeline of Sersa’s events, the distance to Lantern
Deep, and the speed at which the Titan moves.
With all this in mind, the Haven has four weeks

at most before the Titan reaches your Haven. Of

course, this could change, given the time-twisting
nature of such a Decayed creature.

• Speakers have heard tales of ‘Esri the Harrowed’

before and her stoicism in the face of Decayed
Monsters. From these, they can conclude that if
anyone could survive a Titan’s assault, she could.
If so, she may be the only person who has stood
before the Titan and lived to tell the tale, making
her story invaluable.

• Wardens can quickly assess the defences of the

Haven and come to the grim conclusion that if
a Titan were to assault the Haven directly, there
is little the people could do to stop it. There is no the meantime, they suggest that the community
time to build a wall or dig a trench great enough gather as many resources as they can and reopen the
to halt a Titan. underground ruins to hide within until the threat
passes. Not a complete evacuation, but a head start
CONVINCING THE COUNCIL if things go wrong. If convinced to support the party,
Each council member has their own idea on how best Dolore provides additional provisions from their own
to deal with the Titan. It’s up to the party whether they personal stock. The party counts as succeeding at the
adopt one of the council member’s plans or develop Procure Supplies Preparation (Broken Weave, page
their own. Once they’ve decided on their action plan, 140) before their next Journey.
they can convince the council members to support it.
You can find more details on the Guardian’s Lament Newblood Gelrith sides with Dolore and agrees they
council members on page 190 of Broken Weave. should reopen the ruins. She doesn’t have her own plan
but asks the Survivors to bring back any supplies they
Each council member provides their own form of can from Lantern Deep. If they agree, the party counts
support, but only if they are convinced that the as succeeding at the Brew Tonics Preparation (Broken
party’s plan is the right one or at least serves their best Weave, page 139) before their next Journey.
interests. Convincing a council member to support
the party’s plan requires a successful DC 15 Charisma Gardener Vig believes that the only course of action
(Persuasion) Test. If the council member is an ally of a is to fully evacuate the Haven and seek a new home.
party member, this Test is made with Advantage, but if Vig acknowledges that this route is dangerous and will
they are an enemy or rival of a party member, this Test likely result in deaths, but he believes that it’s ‘better
is made with Disadvantage. than gambling on some last-minute saving grace’. If
convinced to support the party, Vig offers the use of the
Eldest Harrin believes that the Haven must prepare Haven’s best mounts. The party counts as succeeding at
to fight. He knows this is practically a suicide mission the Procure Mounts Preparation (Broken Weave, page
but refuses to leave the only home he has ever known. 140) before their next Journey.
Harrin is past his prime but willing to don his old
armour and lead the charge if he must. If convinced to Hunter Misha recommends the Survivors speak with
support the party, Harrin offers his sage wisdom and the pair of Speakthieves at Thief ’s Roost (Broken
the party counts as succeeding at the Consult the Elders Weave, page 213). They are incredibly knowledgeable
Preparation (Broken Weave, page 139) before their creatures who have shared lifesaving lore in the past.
next Journey. However, their guidance comes at a cost — notoriously,
the sacrifice of an eye or voice from a living person.
Youngest Dolore is hopeful that the Titan can be If convinced to support the party, Misha assigns one
forced to change course or stopped entirely, but ‘only of her best hunters to aid them. The party counts as
if we can learn its secrets’. Dolore suggests investigating succeeding at the Recruit Help Preparation (Broken
Lantern Deep or the Titan itself to learn more. In Weave, page 139) before their next Journey.

THE NEXT STEPS Journeys in

The next part of the adventure depends on the outcome The Titan’s March
of the council meeting and the party’s plans. The party The Journey Distance when travelling from Guardian’s
is free to take whatever action they like, regardless of Lament to any other location in this adventure is
the outcome, but going against the council’s decision Medium, and takes 2d6 + 2 days. The Distance when
may cause members of the council to become their travelling between any other location, such as from
enemies in the long run. Lantern Deep to the Speakthief Nest, is Short and takes
1d6 + 1 days. The Journey Difficulty is 1d10 + 10, or is
• If the party chooses to investigate Lantern Deep or determined by you based on the weather and terrain
fails to convince three or more council members the Survivors are travelling through.
to support their plan, Youngest Dolore’s plan is
implemented. The council requests that the party As the situations within the locations the party can
investigate Lantern Deep to look for survivors journey to are pre-determined by this adventure, you
and gather information on the Titan. Proceed to can skip the Arrival step of the Journey rules (Broken
Lantern Deep (page 9). Weave, page 148).

• If the party decides to visit the Speakthieves,

proceed to Speakthief Nest (page 13). Decay and Hazards
Each location in this adventure lists its Decay and any
• If the party decides to investigate or fight the Titan Hazards it has (Broken Weave, page 150). Remind
directly, proceed to Edge of the March (page 17). your players that if their Survivors finish a Long Rest
in a location with a Decay rating greater than their
• If the party decides to evacuate the Haven, own, they must make a Decay Saving Throw with a
proceed to Exodus (page 21). DC equal to 10 + the location’s Decay. On failure, their
Survivor increases their Decay by 1.
Once the party decides, they only have a few hours
to prepare for the Journey ahead. See Travel and
Hazards starting on page 133 of Broken Weave for The March Of Time
details on running a Journey. The Haven is in the midst From the moment Sersa arrives, the Haven is in Crisis
of chaotic upheaval, with people frantically packing (Broken Weave, page 131). As the Titan draws closer,
their belongings, readying weapons, and otherwise the amount of Crisis Damage and Decay it causes to
bracing for the worst. Make sure your Survivors know the Haven at the end of each week increases as shown
that this may be the last time they see their home and in The Titan’s March Crisis table. The Crisis Damage
their loved ones. Ask each Survivor what they do in is caused by dangerous animals fleeing the Titan,
this situation beyond preparing for their Journey, and increasingly deadly earthquakes, and eventually the
give them a chance to roleplay a brief scene. Titan’s assault. Appropriate defences such as walls,
moats, or a healer’s tent can grant some Resistance
to this Crisis Damage (Broken Weave, page 132).
Unfortunately, the Decay suffered at the end of each
week comes from the Titan’s aura itself and cannot be
CLOSER THAN IT APPEARS avoided until the Crisis is resolved.
Time is of the essence in this adventure, and
the party must journey to multiple locations THE TITAN’S MARCH CRISIS
to have the best chance of surviving. If you
feel the party are running out of time, you can Week Crisis Damage Decay Suffered
use the Broken World to your advantage — 1 1d6 –
time and distance are fluid. The Warped Path
Journey Encounter (Broken Weave, page 2 2d6 1
147) can be the perfect opportunity for the 3 3d6 2
party to regain lost time.
4+ 4d6 3


Whenever you need to generate a random Monster
Lantern Deep (Broken Weave, page 202) is a largely within Lantern Deep, roll 1d4 on the Decayed Survivor
subterranean Haven founded in a cave network rich table to determine which one the party encounters.
with veins of sturdy ore and glittering gemstones.
Over generations, the inhabitants forged a community DECAYED SURVIVOR
around the shared hardships of mining, an appreciation
of durable crafting, and a practical outlook on trading 1d4 Monster
for everything the mines could not provide. They 1 Crucible (Broken Weave, page 258)
revered a legendary protective moth spirit called the
Lantern Moth, which legends claim would protect and 2 Drainer (Broken Weave, page 262)
unite their community during times of hardship. 3 Husk (Broken Weave, page 266)
4 Scythe (Broken Weave, page 272)
When the party arrives at Lantern Deep, it has already
been ravaged by the Titan. Read aloud or paraphrase
the following: As the Survivors move through Lantern Deep, add in
brief moments where they encounter faded signs of
An unnatural, pervasive gloom has smothered the life from those who lived there. Play on the tragedy of
once-proud Haven of Lantern Deep. As you peer these sights and look for ways to tie them back to the
through the darkness, you can only just make out Survivor’s Haven. If one of your Survivors is a Maker,
the jagged shapes of ruined shacks and countless show a workshop covered with unfinished projects,
unnatural shadows moving between them. and so on. A few examples are listed below:
Desiccated Husks and ember-lit Crucibles shuffle
through the streets, groaning in pain; Drainers slip • A small shrine featuring a lovingly carved statue
through cracked walls, probing for signs of life; and of a Moth. Frantic disks of thin golden metal are
the glittering blades of lurking Scythes glint in the scattered around it; each one features a desperate
dark. At the far side of the Haven, a yawning mine prayer scratched into its surface.
entrance is carved into the mountainside, its half-
raised portcullis resembling iron teeth. • A boarded-up home where someone or something
broke out from the inside.

Exploring • Trail glyphs painted on the walls indicating

Lantern Deep ‘Danger’, ‘Decay’, and ‘Help’.

When the Survivors arrive at Lantern Deep, they must • A wall of glyphs that depict family names and
succeed a DC 18 Decay Saving Throw or increase seemingly random directions pointing into the
their Decay by 1. They must make another Decay wild — the final messages of those who evacuated,
Saving Throw any time they take a Long Rest within left in the hope that their loved ones could follow
Lantern Deep. them.

Aside from the destruction and Decay, there is little the • A towering dead Warden, his defiant corpse still
Survivors can tell from outside Lantern Deep through on its knees and blocking the entrance to a home,
the perpetual gloom. If they want more answers, they a trio of Husk corpses lie before him. There are
must explore the area and seek out The Hearth (see signs that people fled out into the wild.
page 10) at the centre of the mines.
• A small child’s toy of a Moth, made from gold
wire, miraculously unharmed by Decay.

• A memorial mural showing the faces and names

from past generations of Lantern Deep, the paint
discoloured and flaking from Decay.



Decay: 8; Hazards: Oppressive Gloom Decay: 6; Hazards: Labyrinthine, Oppressive Gloom

What’s left of the surface of Lantern Deep is a jumbled Once upon a time, markings and murals on mine
collection of ruined buildings shrouded in unnatural tunnel walls safely led the inhabitants of Lantern
gloom and populated by the Decayed Monsters that Deep to the Hearth and back to the surface. Now, the
once called it home. The entrance to the mines is Titan’s Decay has seeped into the earth, twisting the
highlighted by the guttering lanterns hung from its meticulously planned and hand-cut passageways into
entrance. All roads lead to the mines and the answers mind-bending knots that double back on themselves
hidden within, but reaching them is no easy task. in impossible ways.

Moving through Lantern Deep unnoticed is a Group Navigating the mining tunnels is a Group Test with a
Test with a Goal of 10. Over the course of one hour, Goal of 10. Over the course of one hour, each Survivor
each Survivor can make one DC 12 Test using either can make a DC 10 Test using Wisdom (Survival) to
Strength (Athletics) to navigate across the crumbling keep their sense of direction, Intelligence (Local Lore)
rooftops out of the Monster’s reach, Dexterity (Stealth) to read the faded signs, or Strength (Athletics) to clear
to sneak, or Charisma (Deception) to lure packs away rubble or break through hastily erected barriers. If the
to clear a path for the others. If the party succeeds, party succeeds, they reach The Hearth unharmed. If
they make it to the mine entrance without drawing they fail, they still reach The Hearth but stumble into
attention from the Monsters and can proceed inside. two random Decayed Survivors in the dark first.

If they fail, they are attacked at the entrance. Roll twice As the party explores the mines, they hear the soft
on the Decayed Survivor table to determine what flutter of large wings or feel the brush of moving air
ambushes them, then roll one more time at the end of as something passes, but they can never quite spot
each round as another Monster is drawn to the noise. whatever is causing the sounds.
This continues until the survivors can Hide from all
the Monsters or close the iron portcullis. Finding the THE HEARTH
mechanism to lock it requires a successful DC Decay: 4; Hazards: Oppressive Gloom, Shattered Earth
12 Wisdom (Perception) Test. Makers
have Advantage on this test due The main residential area where the community lived
to their understanding of is known as the Hearth — a series of chambers deep
complex mechanisms. in the centre of a spiderweb of mines. The Hearth is a
large circular room that was once a naturally-formed
cave, now mined of its resources and smoothed into a
coommunal hub. Notable features include:

• The stone walls have been carved into beautiful

murals depicting the lives of the people of Lantern
Deep, mining, forging, trading, and celebrating.

• A large forge shaped like a stylised lantern sits

cold in the centre of the room, clearly more for
ceremonial purposes than everyday use. The
names of the past inhabitants of the Haven are
etched into its iron casing in tiny but beautifully-
formed letters.

• Against one wall, the furniture has been cleared

away, and a large map of the nearby wilds has
been painted onto the stone, with pieces of paper
pinned across it. It is clearly a central research
hub deemed vitally important to the Haven.

• A towering stack of meticulously organised AFTERMATH

golden plates occupies a place of honour beside If the Survivors defeat Esri, they can complete their
the forge. Each one depicts instructions for investigation. If they manage to save any trapped
forging metal into tools, weapons, and armour. survivors, they provide a first-hand account of the
information below. If all the trapped survivors die, or
• A series of large, crumbling cracks crisscross the you simply want an additionally tragic swansong, Esri
cavern, likely caused by the Titan’s earthquakes. instead briefly regains lucidity as she dies. She realises
to her horror what she has done to the people she tried
• A stockpile of supplies, hastily gathered and so hard to protect and spends the last moments of her
packaged in preparation for an exodus. The life trying to ensure something similar never happens
stockpile is the equivalent of 18 Resources. again. She gives her account and asks the characters
Unfortunately, there is far too much for the to take the matching keepsake locket she has back to
Survivors to carry. However, if they take a Short Sersa. Inside the locket is a small chunk of Moonstone
Rest, each Survivor can gather 1d4 Resources. (Broken Weave, page 116), a rare mineral which can
Alternatively, a Survivor can search for one reduce a person’s Decay. Esri was saving it for Sersa.
piece of equipment using the Availability by If Sersa is dead, Esri asks that the keepsake be buried
Population table on page 103 of Broken Weave along with her sister’s, and the Moonstone used to save
and treating Lantern Deep as a Haven with a someone in need.
population of 200.
Either way, the Lantern Deep survivors or Esri give the
• Numerous crystal statues depicting survivors following information:
kneeling in prayer are scattered around the area.
Only three remain intact. A successful DC 10 • They explain that the combination of Decay and
Intelligence (Natural Lore) Test reveals that these their desperate prayers to the Lantern Moth must
are not statues but Paralyzed former residents have twisted Esri into the creature she became.
bound by a layer of gossamer crystalline thread.
Survivors with Proficiency in any Crafter’s Tools • The Titan is active during the day and dormant
have Advantage on this Test. Breaking them free at night. Its aura of Decay is noticeably less
is possible, but it would take a Short Rest to do so. dangerous when it is dormant.

Give the Survivors some time to investigate the Hearth, • The Titan wears golden armour which has a
just enough for a Short Rest. After the Short Rest, each symbol depicting a sun with a face. The Sages
Survivor must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) believe the symbol was connected to a nearby
Test, or be Surprised by a winged crystalline Monster ruined temple they call ‘The Sun Temple’ (page
that enters through one of the cracks in the ceiling and 14). They planned to send an expedition to the
drops into the Hearth. . temple to seek answers, but the Decay destroyed
the community before they could set out.

The Lantern Moth

Not even Esri Greenleaf, Sersa’s sworn sister and the
Harrowed who swore to protect the people, could THE LESSER EVIL
hold off the Titan’s Decay indefinitely. As Decay ran
rampant through the Haven, and the barriers between Each trapped survivor has 14 Hit Points,
thought and reality crumbled, the people prayed for meaning the Lantern Moth can use her
their moth spirit to emerge and save them — forcing Syphon Action up to 6 times. The party
a terrible change upon their final guardian. Esri has must decide if they are willing to destroy the
been twisted into a horrifying mix of Scythe and moth, cocoons, killing the people trapped within
with broad crystalline wings and razor-sharp claws. In and preventing the Lantern Moth from
this Decayed state, she seeks to ‘protect’ the people of regenerating her Hit Points and wings, or
Lantern Deep by encasing them in crystal and feeding fight all the harder to defeat them before she
off their life force. Stats for the Lantern Moth can be sucks the life from them.
found on page 12.

‘I must… protect them! Armour... armour of

crystals to turn away the light!’
— The Lantern Moth


Medium Monster
Armour Class: 18 (natural armour)
Hit Points: 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed: 30 feet, Fly 60 feet
Decay: 10
15 (+2) 9 (−1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
Skills: Survival +4, Perception +4
Damage Vulnerabilities: Bludgeoning
Damage Resistances: Piercing, Slashing
Senses: Passive Perception 14
Languages: Gift
Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +3

Extra Action: The Lantern Moth can take two Actions each

Crystalline Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10
feet, one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 2) Slashing Damage.
Projectile Shards: Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
15/45 feet, one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 − 1) Piercing Damage.
Flensing Frenzy (Recharge 4–6): The Lantern Moth leaps
impossibly far and drags its prey to the ground to skin them
alive. The Lantern Moth targets a creature within 30 feet and
leaps towards them. The target must make a DC 15 Dexterity
Saving Throw. On failure, the Lantern Moth lands atop them,
knocking them Prone. The Lantern Moth immediately makes
two attacks with its Crystalline Claws. If any of these attacks
deal Damage, the target must succeed a DC 15 Decay Saving
Throw or gain 1 Decay.
Crystalline Wings: If the Lantern Moth suffers 10 Damage
from a single source or is knocked Prone, her wings shatter,
and she loses her Fly Speed. All creatures within 15 feet
must make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw, suffering 5
(2d4) Slashing Damage on a failed save or half as much on a
successful save.



The Speakthieves are missing three organs between
Decay: 2; Hazards: Clutching them: two eyes for Sonnet and one tongue for Aria.
Sonnet promises to exchange one secret for each
As the party arrive at the Speakthief nest, read aloud or organ. The organs must be freshly harvested from a
paraphrase the following: living creature within one day at most. They must also
be of an appropriate humanoid scale ‘Rat eyes fall right
Your journey terminates as you carefully pick your out! Plop, plop!’
way into a narrow canyon choked with a bramble of
tree-sized thorns. Shortly after, you spot the shocking The three secrets the Speakthieves know are revealed
blue plumage of the Speakthieves. A matching pair, in the following order:
each six foot tall, perched amid a shield of sharp
brambles above. One pecks at the other, who turns 1. They know where a sword lies which can kill the
to face you. Hollow, empty eye sockets gape at you. Suncursed Knight: ‘A holy blade, a cursed blade,
The Speakthief trills in a sing-song voice ‘What’s that the blade that caused him pain. A holy blade, a
Aria? Ooooh! Precious mortals? Precious mortals! cursed blade, the blade to end his reign.’
Have you come to trade? Precious organs? Precious
organs! Quick before you fade!’ 2. The sun’s light powers the Suncursed Knight: ‘He
slumbers, he slumbers, when the shadows drown
Speakthieves (Broken Weave, page 280) are strange his face. He slumbers; he slumbers when the sun
Monsters that offer twisted bargains to mortals, has lost its grace.’
exchanging wisdom gained from their long lives for
the eyes or tongues of living creatures — which seem 3. The Suncursed Knight was ‘born’ in a temple to
to rot and fall from their bodies regularly. The pair the south, where the party can find the sword
of Speakthieves featured in this adventure are Aria which can slay the Titan: ‘The temple, yes the
and Sonnet. Aria lacks a tongue and cannot speak, temple, to the south it lies in wait. The temple, yes,
while Sonnet lacks eyes and cannot see. They would the temple! Claim the blade and seal his fate!’
understandably like to rectify this. Roleplay them as
coy tricksters who like to repeat phrases and bob their If the Survivors attempt to negotiate or demand
avian heads as if they are singing. They know the secrets proof that the Speakthieves really know what they’re
the Survivors need to defeat the Titan and know they talking about, they can attempt a DC 15 Charisma
can leverage that to get what they want — fresh organs. (Persuasion) Test. The Speakthieves are especially
interested in the tongues of any Speakers and the
Sonnet refers to the Titan as ‘The Suncursed Knight’ eyes of any Seekers, so this Test has Advantage if they
and speaks about ‘him’ as if he were a bothersome promise their organs in return. If successful, Sonnet
neighbour, barely worth concerning themselves over. reveals the first secret in advance but refuses to go into
Sonnet claims to know three secrets that will ‘let you more detail until they receive their precious organs.
set his sun for good’ but refuses to elaborate unless the
party agrees to a deal. The Speakthieves would ideally like the Survivor’s
organs, as they are likely relatively non-Decayed and
‘precious’. The organs don’t need to come from the
LET’S TALK same individual. If a Survivor agrees, Aria happily
Finding and reaching the Speakthief Nest descends from her perch and plucks the organs from
can be challenging, as detailed on page 213 the offering individual with shocking speed and
of Broken Weave. If you want to keep the horrifying care. Each time this happens, a Survivor
pacing tight, you can skip the Tests required suffers 2d6 Piercing Damage. If they sacrifice their
and narrate the party reaching the roost. tongue, they can no longer speak. If they offer one eye,
Alternatively, the Speakthieves could fly down the Survivor permanently has Disadvantage on sight-
to meet the party, perhaps seeking to make a based Perception Tests. If a Survivor sacrifices both
deal for their soon-to-be hatched young, as in eyes, they are permanently Blinded.
the Apple of My Eyes hook on page 213 of
Broken Weave.

Plantlife runs riot throughout the ruin like a sacred

greenhouse, bleached of all colour by impossibly
bright light. The temple’s wide steps are packed
with desiccated corpses lying prostrate, their arms
and heads lifted to the sky in a death rigour that
feels painful just to look at. They reach towards the
spiralling glass column with scorched expressions
of pure rapture. Across the steps and pillars of the
temple entrance are trail glyphs warning of great
danger: Decay, fire, and darkness.

The temperature is unnaturally high, and the walls

are hot to the touch. In some places, the stone has
melted and hardened into glass that reflects an
unfamiliar, darkened sky. Soft, eerie singing sounds
echo through the maze of blasted stone. You spot a
harrowing sight: white-robed humanoids made of
ash drift through the ruins. Their skin and clothing
are scorched and their toes trail over the broken
stone but never touch it.


If the Survivors staunchly refuse to sacrifice their SUNCURSED KNIGHT
organs, the Speakthieves begrudgingly offer an Titans are mysterious entities that are only partially
alternative: hunt a nearby Weeper (Broken Weave, understood by the Survivors of the Broken World. It is
page 282) and harvest the organs from it instead. The tempting to give a definite story behind the Suncursed
Weeper has been haunting the thorny canyon nearby Knight, but it is better to let the party come to their
and has an abundance of eyes and tongues. If the party own conclusions. Nothing is more terrifying than the
agrees, they can track down and hunt the Weeper and unknown and the inexplicable. For your reference, we
harvest its eyes and tongues using the rules on page envision the Suncursed Knight’s origin as so:
106 of Broken Weave.
The Sun Temple was once home to an order of sun
If the Survivors attempt to attack the Speakthieves, worshippers. They had a sacred ritual by which they
they take flight and attempt to flee. They haven’t lived imbued their most devout paladin with their god’s
as long as they have by getting into foolish bloodshed power in times of great need. The paladin would stand
with mortals who can’t accept a ‘fair deal’. in the central grove as an array of ancient ritual lenses
focused the sun god’s divine light onto their sword,
empowering them to demi-god-like status. When the
THE SUN TEMPLE Breaking came, the Sun Temple attempted this ritual,
but rather than channel divine power into their chosen
Decay: 8; Hazards: Oppressive Gloom, Shifting Weight saviour, it saturated them in a wave of Decay produced
from their sun god’s death throes.
When the party arrive at the Sun Temple, read aloud or
paraphrase the following: The paladin twisted and grew so massive they shattered
the temple around them. Searing light and Decay turned
The Sun Temple may have been beautiful once. A the priests to ash and left the Sun Temple in ruin. Now
reverent building made of marble, glass, and gold. the Titan is a mindless Monster, forever seeking the
Now, it is a shattered and darkened ruin, seemingly blessing of light but denied due to its reflective armour
frozen amid a cataclysmic explosion. Glittering and light-drinking insectoid carapace. In place of the
panes of glass and chunks of marble slowly rotate sun’s grace, the Suncursed Knight is drawn to the last
in a spiral through and around the broken building, remaining source of pure light in the Broken World:
defying gravity. the light of Hope that burns in the hearts of Survivors.

Exploring The • A heavily scorched mural depicting some form

Sun Temple of ascension ritual in which one of the gold-
armoured knights stands in a grove of trees
The Sun Temple should feel eerie and otherworldly: beneath an interlocking series of glass lenses in
gravity doesn’t work as it should, an invisible choir the roof, directing rays of sunlight down through
sings in a dead language, and the ashen figures their upheld sword.
throughout crumble to dust at the slightest touch. Let
the party explore the Sun Temple at their own pace and • Small golden icons depict a sombre-faced sun,
uncover the following clues or encounters as they work the same symbol on the Titan’s armour and mask.
towards its centre.
• The ashen priests frequently drift unnervingly
• An almost complete mural depicting gold- close to the Survivors but never seem to react
armoured knights and white-robed priests to their presence. They quietly whisper prayers
tending to the temple. under their breath: ‘Light, protect us. Light, guide
us. Light, deliver us. Light, purify us.’


THE HEART OF THE TEMPLE • DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation): The lenses

In the centre of the temple is a shattered and scorched imply this ritual was designed to focus or harness
room of spiralling glass lenses which rotate around a light and direct it onto the blade.
colossal sword, broken in three places and searing hot
as if it has just been removed from a forge. The three Each piece of the broken sword is two and five feet
glowing pieces of metal are fragments of the paladin’s long. Touching a fragment of the blade without
sword, which has grown grotesquely oversized due to protection deals 1d6 Radiant and 1d6 Fire Damage.
the ritual. Wearing protective gloves or wrapping your hands in
thick fabric negates this effect. The fragments can be
To learn more about what happened here, a Survivor used in several different ways when Facing the Titan
can make one of the following Tests: (page 18). If the Survivors attempt to remove any of the
sword fragments, 1d6 + 1 Ashen Priests turn hostile
• DC 10 Wisdom (Insight): The direction and and attack the party.
momentum that the floating pieces of the building
retain imply that something colossal burst out of
this chamber.
• DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine): The people here were
scorched by something superheated that burst Medium Monster
out explosively from this ritual. They probably Armour Class: 11
did not suffer, but they also had no chance to run. Hit Points: 27 (6d8)
Speed: 0 feet, Fly 30 feet (hover)
Decay: 10
• DC 15 Intelligence (Forgotten Lore): This looks
like a large-scale divine ritual. It likely went STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
wrong because of the Decay, suggesting it might 7 (−2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
even have been performed as part of trying to Damage Resistances: Acid, Cold, Lightning, Thunder;
fight the Decay. Piercing and Slashing from nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities: Fire, Necrotic
Damage Vulnerabilities: Bludgeoning, Force
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened,
Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained
Senses: Blindsight 30 feet, Passive Perception 12
Languages: Understands all languages it knew in life but can’t
Challenge: 1 (200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Horrifying: If a creature starts their turn within 30 feet of
the Ashen Priest, they must make a DC 15 Wisdom Saving
Throw or become Frightened. The target can repeat this Saving
Throw at the end of each of their turns. On a success, they are
immune to this effect for one day.
Searing Ash: If the Ashen Priest suffers 8 or more Damage
from a single attack, every creature within 15 feet must make
a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw. The target suffers 10 (3d6)
Fire Damage on a failed save or half as much Damage on a
successful one.

Searing Touch: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 feet,
one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) Fire Damage


EDGE OF Shadowed: The creature or plant absorbs light

like a hungry void. A creature or plant with this
THE MARCH transformation emits a 15-foot sphere of magical
Darkness, which snuffs all natural light that enters
The March is the vast wilderness of horror and Decay its radius. Components harvested from a Shadowed
that spreads around the Suncursed Knight. It moves as creature can be used to grant a crafted object this light-
the Titan does, twisting the wilderness in its wake. The consuming effect permanently.
March is rich with Decayed life, filled with monstrous
plants, creatures and environmental hazards, all
bleached white by the Titan’s unnatural radiance as it Investigating the Titan
walks or cast into unnatural gloom as it sleeps. When the party enters The March, read aloud or
paraphrase the following. Keep in mind the time of day
and adjust this based on whether the Titan is upright
The March and moving during the day or curled into a tight ball
Environment in slumber at night:

During the day, the Titan’s golden armour reflects the The Titan is a colossal creature of uncanny scale
sun’s rays in searing blades of light that slice through your mind can barely comprehend. The deep
rock and bone and spread Decay. During the night, rumbling quakes caused by its footsteps shake you
the Titan slumbers and absorbs every ounce of light it to your core. It looks like a twisted mix of human
can, casting the world into a soul-sucking darkness. To and insect, with too many twisted limbs and a long
reflect this, Decay and Environmental Hazards in The segmented tail tipped in a wicked stinger. It wears
March change depending on whether the Suncursed gleaming golden armour that may once have been
Knight is awake or asleep, as shown in The March beautiful but only highlights the twisted black
Environment table. carapace of the Monster that now wears it. Only a
fool would think to stand before such a creature.
Survivors can learn the following information from
Time Decay Hazards inspecting the Titan from a distance:
Day 9 Razorshine (DC 12)
• Harrowed can feel the Decay radiating from the
Night 5 Oppressive Gloom
Titan’s armour. It feels like it is drinking in the
sun and reflecting it back into the world as potent
Additionally, all the flora and fauna of The March Decay. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Insight)
have been changed by the Titan’s presence, bleached Test tells them that without the sun to reflect, the
white by Decay and its unnatural light, or suffused radiant Decay would be much lessened.
with a sucking darkness. This has resulted in two new
Decayed Transformations (Broken Weave, page • Makers can recognise the distinct golden metal
253). Each creature and fauna suffer from one of these used in the Titan’s armour, the same metal mined
transformations. in Lantern Deep, but much older, given the
signs of wear. A successful DC 12 Intelligence
Radiant: The creature or plant emits potent rays of (Natural Lore or Smith’s Tools) Test tells them
light that can pierce the darkness. The affected creature that no mortal blade or arrow could pierce such
or plant emits Bright Light in a 5 feet radius and Dim thick armour.
Light for a further 10 feet and has Disadvantage on
Stealth Tests. Components harvested from a Radiant • Sages observe something of twisted divinity
creature can be used to grant a crafted object this light- about this creature and its armour. A successful
emitting effect permanently. DC 12 Intelligence (Local Lore) Test recognises
the sombre-faced sun as a symbol found on
certain holy relics and texts said to originate from
a temple to the south of Lantern Deep.


• Seekers know that, despite its size, it is still After investigating the Titan, the Survivors can choose
possible to trap a Titan. A successful DC 12 what to do next. They may follow another lead to
Wisdom (Survival) Test lets them mentally plot Lantern Deep (page 9), the Speakthief Nest (page 13),
the Titan’s course and realise it will pass through the Sun Temple (page 14), or they may return to their
a narrow ravine before it reaches the Haven. This Haven to discuss their findings. Alternatively, if the
could prove an opportunity to trap it if the ravine party feels prepared to take on the Titan, proceed to
can be rigged to collapse. Facing the Titan.

• Speakers recall hearing horror stories about an

order of ghostly, sun-worshipping cultists who FACING THE TITAN
protected a broken sword that radiated light, not
unlike the Titan. A successful DC 12 Intelligence Defeating the Suncursed Knight is a monumental task
(Performance) Test reminds them that the that calls for sacrifice, no matter the course. Be sure
cultists allegedly lived in a temple southeast of that your players know this and have a plan in place
Lantern Deep. before they proceed. By the time they reach this point
in the adventure, they should have uncovered enough
• Wardens can see that great shards of glass pierce about the Titan to formulate a plan to deal with it. Feel
the Titan’s armoured torso. If there were any free to remind them of the facts gathered or even have
hope of harming the Titan, that would be the NPCs propose plans if they are stuck.
best place to strike. A successful DC 12 Wisdom
(Athletics) Test tell them that scaling the creature • The Titan awakens when the sun hits its armour
to reach such a height isn’t impossible but would and slumbers when cast into shadow.
be much easier if the Titan were brought low or
caught sleeping. • It produces much less Decay when it sleeps.

• Its golden armour and chitin hide are almost

RUNNING THE FINALE impenetrable, its only weak spot is on its upper
Facing the Titan focuses on the party’s ability torso, where it was pierced by giant shards of
to lead their community in an epic, large-scale glass.
endeavour against the clock. This is achieved
through a series of Group Tests. Remember, • The Titan is drawn to light and life, but its golden
the goal of Group Tests is reduced based on armour and light-absorbing chitin deny it the
the Haven’s Population (see Broken Weave, sun’s touch.
page 155). The text includes a variety of Tests
the party can make, but be sure to allow • The Titan originated in the Sun Temple, where
players to offer their own suggestions. a broken sword that radiates light can be found.
Executing the plan should feel as epic in This sword is supposedly capable of defeating the
scale as the Titan the Haven is facing. As the Titan.
players make their rolls, give each of them
their own brief scene featuring their Survivor From this information, the Survivors will likely choose
and the people or important NPCs they one of two options: Trapping the Titan (see below)
are inspiring. Celebrate the successes and or Returning the Suncursed Blade (see page 20). The
foreboding setbacks as the days tick by and Survivors may also attempt to combine the two plans,
the Titan draws ever closer. trapping the Titan so that killing it with the Suncursed
Blade is easier. Alternatively, they could decide the
If you have players who like a good fight, you
threat is insurmountable and choose to flee (see
can use the Suncursed Knight’s Call to Arms
Exodus, page 21).
Legendary Action to summon Ashen Priests
(see page 16) that try to hinder the party’s
We have included read aloud text throughout the
preparations. Every Ashen Priest defeated
following sections to help you narrate the epic
counts as 1 Progress towards the Goal of the
conclusion to the adventure.
current Group Test.


Trapping the Titan should be an Allied NPC. Recovering from the accident
If the Survivors can permanently cast the Titan into and resetting the trap takes an additional 1d4 days.
shadow, it should slumber indefinitely. Doing so
requires three key steps: rallying support, laying You gather a group of the most stalwart and resilient
the trap, and springing the trap. The Survivors must people of the Haven and venture into the wilds. You
complete these steps before the Titan reaches the find a likely spot to lay the trap and set about your
Haven at the start of the fourth week. work. Together, you spend days preparing for what
is to come, sweating and straining as you place
You have made your decision. You can not hope support beams, fighting through the pain of cuts
to defeat the Titan, but you may be able to stop its and injuries to check and recheck your work until
march. You know what you must do, but you will eventually the trap is set. And just in time as, upon
need the support of the entire Haven if you hope to the horizon, you can see the silhouette of the great,
succeed. grotesque Titan as it marches ceaselessly towards
your home…
Rallying support from your Haven is a Group Test
with a Goal of 8. The Goal increases to 10 if any of Springing the trap is a Group Test with a Goal of
the council or the party’s rivals actively work against 30. Over the course of one fateful day, each Survivor
them. Over the course of three days, each Survivor can can make three DC 10 Tests using either Wisdom
make one DC 10 Test using either Wisdom (Insight), (Survival), Dexterity (Stealth), Strength (Athletics),
Strength (Intimidation), or Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence (Forgotten Lore) to lure the Titan into
to convince members of the Haven to help them. If the trap and spring it at the right time. If the Test is
the Test is successful, the Haven rises to the challenge successful, the Titan is successfully trapped, blocked
quickly. If the Test is failed, an Allied NPC loses faith off from the sun, and falls dormant. If the Test fails,
in them, and it takes an additional 1d4 days to gather the trap is only partially sprung, and someone must
enough support for the next stage of the plan. sacrifice themselves to trigger the rest manually. Give
the Survivors the choice of who makes this sacrifice.
You spend your mornings offering words of hope If none of the Survivors are willing to do so, an Allied
to the people, convincing the wary that this is your NPC offers to do it instead.
only chance at survival; you spend the afternoon
meticulously planning with your allies and devising The Titan approaches. Its bizarre chitinous armour
how you will restrain such a creature; and you argue seems to drink in all light around it, and its twisted,
late into the night with those who dismiss your plan sneering face twitches to and fro, seeing everything
as a fool’s hope. In the end, after days of negotiations and nothing. Those of the Haven who stayed to
and discussion, you rally the people of the Haven to help begin to falter as doubts creep in, but your
your cause. Now, you must lay the trap. conviction lends them the strength to face the
terrifying monstrosity before them.
Laying the trap is a Group Test with a Goal of 10.
Over the course of three days, each Survivor can make You and your allies leap into action when the
one DC 10 Test using either Wisdom (Survival) or creature comes within range. You spring the trap,
Intelligence (Local Lore) to find a suitable place to sending an avalanche of stone and dirt crashing
trap the Titan — most likely a deep ravine that can down upon the colossal nightmare threatening your
be collapsed atop it — or Strength (Athletics) or home. The Titan stumbles and falters, realising too
Dexterity (any Crafter’s Tools) to build the trap itself late what is happening. A massive, twisted hand
by weakening the canyon’s walls, piling soil, or crafting lashes out in fury but only causes more stone to
other ways of covering the Titan to block out the sun. If tumble down on itself. The light from its armour
the Test is successful, the community successfully lays begins to fade, and its twitching and convulsing
the trap in preparation for the Titan. If the Test is failed, slowly cease. You look down to see the monstrous
a terrible mishap occurs in the trap’s construction, such Titan completely buried in countless tonnes of stone
as being set off early, or part of the canyon collapsing. and earth.
In this case, the Haven loses 1 Hope and its Population
is reduced by 1d6 + 3, as unfortunate people are lost in It does not move. You’ve done it. You have stopped
the accident. One of the characters lost in this accident the Titan’s march.

Returning the Over the searing flames of a roaring forge, the

Suncursed Blade Haven’s greatest Makers come together to reforge
the shattered remnants of a once great blade into
If the Survivors can retrieve the shards of the Titan’s a weapon capable of defeating a Titan. The clatter
sword and plunge it into its weak spot, it will finally of hammer and tongs echoes ceaselessly throughout
grant the Titan the radiant light it so desperately seeks the Haven. After days of exhausting work, a group
and halt its march. Doing so requires reforging the of sweaty and dirt-stained Makers emerge from the
sword, traversing the March, and scaling the Titan. forge — the Suncursed Blade has been reforged.

You have reclaimed the shards of the shattered Traversing the March requires that the party
blade, and with them comes a glimmer of hope that undertake a Journey through the Decayed aura
you may be able to defeat the monstrous Titan that surrounding the Titan known as the March. This
threatens your Haven. But reforging the blade is no counts as a Short Journey with a Difficulty of 20.
small task… The Decay of this Journey depends on whether the
Survivors can correctly navigate the warping effect of
Reforging the sword is a Group Test with a Goal of time and distance around the Titan to approach while
8. The Goal increases to 10 if any of the council or the it is sleeping (see Edge of the March, page 17). This is
party’s rivals are actively working against them. Over represented during the Group Travel Test step of the
the course of three days, each Survivor can make one Journey (Broken Weave, page 142). If half or more of
DC 10 Test using either Dexterity (Smiths Tools) or the party succeeds, they manage to approach the Titan
Intelligence (Forgotten Lore) to work the shards into at night as it slumbers. Otherwise, they arrive during
a new weapon, or Charisma (Persuasion) or Strength the day when the Titan is awake.
(Intimidation) to convince one of the Haven’s Makers
to help. If the Test is a success, the fragments can be With the Suncursed Blade safely secured, you say
reforged into the Suncursed Blade. If the Test is failed, what may be your final goodbyes and leave the
the weapon is still reforged, but each Survivor who Haven to hunt a Titan. The creature is not hard
took part suffers 1 Decay from exposure to the magic to find, as its grotesque silhouette dominates the
within the broken blade. horizon, but reaching it proves far more difficult.
The lands seem to warp and shift as you draw near,
twisting and writhing beneath you. Plants grow and
die in an instant, birds explode in an eruption of
THE SUNCURSED BLADE blinding light, and animals call out in voices that
are not their own.
The Suncursed Blade is a Reforged Greatblade
(Broken Weave, page 110). In addition,
After what feels like days, you suddenly find yourself
whenever the wielder makes a successful
beneath the Titan and must scramble not to be
attack with the Suncursed Blade, it deals an
crushed underfoot. You have reached your goal but
additional 1d6 Radiant and 1d6 Fire Damage,
must now scale this gargantuan creature and hope
and the wielder must make an immediate DC
that one of you has the strength left to plunge the
10 Decay Saving Throw or suffer 1 Decay.
blade into its Decay-wracked body.

Scaling the Titan is a Group Test with a Goal of 30.

Over the course of one harrowing day, each Survivor
must make three DC 10 Tests using Wisdom
(Survival), Dexterity (Stealth), Strength (Athletics)
or Intelligence (Forgotten Lore) to climb the Titan. If
the Test is successful, the Survivors scale the Titan, and
one Survivor can plunge the Suncursed Blade into the
weak spot in the Suncursed Knight’s torso.


If the Test is failed, the party still succeeds in scaling You flee as fast as your exhausted legs can carry you
the Titan, but the Suncursed Knight recognises the and get as far away as possible. The heat on your
threat they represent. The Titan immediately makes back is searing, and the world is filled with blazing
two Smite Attacks against two random Survivors. white light. When you reach what you hope is a safe
If this reduces a Survivor to 0 Hit Points, they are distance, you turn to see the monstrous creature
Critically Injured (Broken Weave, page 125) and fall frozen in place, the Suncursed Blade embedded in
to the ground below. The impact from the fall causes its back.
them to immediately fail a Death Saving Throw. If a
party member dies from the attack or the fall, the party It does not move. You’ve done it. You have stopped
loses 1d4 Hope. They must now try to embed the blade the Titan’s march.
in the weak spot while the Titan tries to destroy them.

With the Suncursed Blade plunged into the Titan, EXODUS

it is reunited with the rest of its parts, and its true
power is unleashed. The Titan is filled with blinding If the Survivors decide that fleeing is the best option,
divine light, which beams through the cracks in its or their attempts to stop the Titan fail, the leaders of
armour and chitin. Over the course of 1 minute, the Guardian’s Lament proclaim the beginning of a great
Titan halts in place and casts its uncanny eyes down exodus — the final resort to protecting the people.
at the light within itself. All Survivors within 100 feet
of the Titan when the Titan stops moving suffer 1d4 An exodus is a great and tragic undertaking. A Haven
Decay. Content at finally finding the light it sought, the is a home, where people have lived and died, loved and
Suncursed Knight’s march is halted. It stands in place grieved, but now they must abandon it all to survive.
unmoving, forever enraptured by the light inside itself There is no time to say goodbye as they would want.
until the end of time. They must make the difficult choices of what they can
save and what they must leave behind.
With all the strength you have left, you drive the
Suncursed Blade through the cracks in the Titan’s Yet Havens are more than the land they are built on.
armour and into its back. It stiffens, lets out a They are communities and people, but even so, the
monstrous pain-filled scream and goes still. After a survival of any Haven is a victory and moving on from
moment, it twitches, and light begins to flood out a place of safety into the unknown is hard.
from the cracks in its armour.

Time To Go With heavy hearts, you leave your home behind.

Completing the exodus requires three key steps: In a few short weeks, nothing will remain of it but
evacuating the Haven, journeying to a new home, and dust and ruin. But everyone is looking to you for
building a new Haven. strength, so you must stand tall and forge ahead.

After taking stock of all you have learned, it is clear You can still see the Titan on the horizon, but it
that you have no hope of stopping the Titan’s march. grows smaller by the day. You traverse twisted
All you can do is try to survive, which means lands filled with pitfalls and sneak past hungry
leaving the only home you have ever known. But predators, all in search of a new home. The journey
people are still looking to you for answers, so you takes weeks. Supplies begin to run low, and you fear
must be strong in this tragic time and try to save as many of your people will die to simple exhaustion
many people as possible. or starvation rather than any monster. Just when
all seems lost, you see it. It isn’t much, but there is
Evacuating the Haven is a Group Test with a Goal of something about this place that speaks to you. This
25. The Goal increases to 30 if any of the council or is where you will found your new Haven.
the party’s rivals are actively working against them.
Over the course of one week, each Survivor can make Building a new Haven uses the Haven creation rules
three DC 10 Tests using Charisma (Persuasion (Broken Weave, page 10) upon the completion of the
or Intimidation) to organise the community, party’s Journey. Generate a new Biome, Abundances,
Intelligence (Natural Lore or Forgotten Lore) or Scarcities, Landmarks, and Crises for this new Haven,
Wisdom (Survival) to chart a course to a suitable and carry over the remaining details and key NPCs
destination, or Strength (Athletics) to help packing from Guardian’s Lament.
and moving goods. If the Test is successful, the Haven
breaks down the Haven and leaves, generating 1d4 After weeks of work filled with hard work and
Resources per party member who took part. If the difficult choices, the foundations of your new home
Test fails, the Haven leaves before the Titan arrives but are in place. Smiles have begun returning to people’s
panic and terror overtake the refugees causing some to faces, and you can feel a sense of hope rising again.
flee wildly. Most return after a few days, but some are Now, all your new home needs is a name.
never seen again. The Haven’s Population is reduced
by 2d10.
Delaying the Inevitable
A week is not enough time to pack up dozens of An exodus is an imperfect solution. By failing to halt
lives, but you do what you can. Some of you spend the Titan’s march, the Survivors are only postponing
your days calming the people of the Haven, trying its arrival. The Titan continues to wander the Broken
to get them organised and ensuring everyone has World, drawn to the light of Hope within communities
a task to keep them busy. Others consult with the until it eventually finds the new Haven. This occurs
Haven’s hunters and Sages to plan the safest route one Season after the Haven is established (Broken
around the Titan and try to decide where best to Weave, page 164), at which point the Survivors must
make camp on the journey. The most physically decide what to do about its arrival all over again —
capable spend their days packing up belongings and though now even further removed from the potential
vital supplies and preparing the people to depart. solutions to be found at Lantern Deep and the temple.
You have everything you need to survive but are
leaving your whole life behind.
Journeying to a new home requires the party to
undertake a Journey to scout ahead of the community Against all odds, you have done it: you stopped the
and lead the way to a place suitable for their new Titan’s march. You return to the Haven and are
Haven. This counts as a Long Journey with a Difficulty greeted by worried faces and endless questions. As
of 15. Additionally, any time the entire party fails an word spreads of your success, cheers erupt from the
Encounter during their journey, the Haven’s Population crowd as people hug and cry tears of joy. You are the
is reduced by 1d4. heroes and saviours of your Haven, and what you
have done will be spoken of for years to come.

To round off the adventure, describe the impact on • If the party saves Sersa’s life, she chooses to stay
the Haven and the important NPCs featured in the in the party’s Haven, becoming a staunch ally and
adventure. Broken Weave is a story about Hope in the asset to the community as a skilled Maker.
face of desolation. Even if the Haven has faced dangers
and lost people along the way, they pulled together • Lantern Deep remains a decayed ruin. However,
to face a challenge. That bolsters the community its resources remain a tempting prize. The
with hope as they live to fight another day. The community may send out groups to salvage what
community gains 1d4 Hope regardless of the outcome. they can despite the risks.
Additionally, consider the following when roleplaying
your epilogue: • If the Survivors trapped the Titan or returned the
sword to it, the community is aware that it still
• If the party succeeded in trapping or defeating lies on the horizon, locked in place. One day, it
the Titan, the Haven declares a festival in their may even break free — or be awoken by someone.
honour, and the community comes together to
feast, play games, and share stories and songs. • If the characters slay or trap the Titan, others
The Survivors are celebrated as heroes, and the might come from miles around to learn more
Haven can enjoy a short respite from the dangers about how they did so. The characters quickly
of the Broken World. discover that Titans are unique, but even so, their
experiences can help others seek out the cause
• Depict the community coming together to treat of the Titans plaguing their Havens. In time,
wounds and rebuild in the wake of the crisis. the Haven may become a hub for research and
People survive and rebuild. information on Titans and a place where people
come with their stories and plead for help with
• If notable NPCs or Survivors died during the their own Titan menaces.
adventure, consider roleplaying funeral rites,
where those who remain can thank them for their


Gargantuan Monster (Titan)
Armour Class: 21 (natural armour) Actions
Hit Points: 770 (44d20 + 308)
Speed: 60 feet, Climb 60 feet. Smite: Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 feet, one target.
Hit: 17 (5d6) Bludgeoning Damage and 35 (10d6) Radiant
Decay: 10 Damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Pillar of the Dawn (Recharge 5–6): The Suncursed Knight
28 (+9) 24 (+7) 25 (+7) 26 (+8) 18 (+4) 30 (+10) summons a pillar of golden light, targeting a point it can see
within 120 feet. All creatures within 20 feet of that point must
Saving Throws: Wisdom +13, Charisma +19 make a DC 23 Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save, the
Skills: Athletics +18, Intimidation +19 target suffers 66 (12d10) Radiant Damage and increases their
Decay by 1. On a successful save, they take half Damage and can
Damage Resistances: Necrotic, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and make a DC 23 Decay Saving Throw to resist gaining Decay.
Damage Immunities: Fire, Radiant (excluding attacks by the Sunburst (Recharge 4–6): The Suncursed Knight releases a wave
Suncursed Blade) of searing heat. All creatures within 30 feet must make a DC 23
Condition Immunities: Blinded, Charmed, Exhaustion, Dexterity Saving Throw. The target suffers 38 (8d6 + 10) Fire
Frightened, Stunned Damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful save.
Senses: Passive Perception 14 Tail Swipe: The Suncursed Knight swipes its tail against all
Challenge: 30 (155,000 XP) creatures within a 30-foot cone. All creatures in the area must
Proficiency Bonus: +9 make a DC 23 Strength Saving Throw. On a failure, the target
takes 19 (2d12+6) Bludgeoning Damage and is knocked Prone.
Traits On a success, they take half Damage and are not knocked Prone.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If the Suncursed Knight fails a Reactions

Saving Throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Relentless Pursuit: When a creature within 15 feet moves away
Night Time Inactivity: At dusk, the Suncursed Knight lies down, from the Suncursed Knight, the Suncursed Knight can move up
curls up and falls asleep Unconscious. It awakens if it is damaged to its Speed towards the target and make a Smite attack.
or at dawn. When the Suncursed Knight awakens, it releases an
ear-splitting shriek, and its unholy visage is reflected in the first Legendary Actions
rays of the sun to all creatures within 100 miles.
Vulnerable to the Suncursed Blade: If the Suncursed Knight The Suncursed Knight can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing
is damaged by the Suncursed Blade, it takes an additional 80 from the options listed below. Only one Legendary Action option
(10d10+25) Force Damage, and reduces the number of actions it can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
can take in one round by 1, to a minimum of 1. turn. The Suncursed Knight regains spent Legendary Actions at
the start of its turn.
Vessel of the Sun: While the Suncrused Knight has less than 250
hit points, unrelenting light pours from its wounds. All creatures Thrash (costs 1 Action): The Suncursed Knight writhes and
that start their turn within 15 feet of the Suncursed Knight must lashes out at nearby enemies. All creatures within 15 feet must
make a DC 23 Wisdom Saving Throw or be Blinded until the make a DC 23 Dexterity Saving Throw. Any creature that fails
start of their next turn. their save takes 28 (4d8+10) Bludgeoning Damage, and is pushed
15 feet away and knocked Prone.
Death Throes: When Suncrused Knight dies, it releases all its
stored sunlight in one blast. Killing all creatures within 30 feet Skittering Shuffle (costs 1 Action): The Suncursed Knight ripples
and permanently burning the land in a radiant explosion. with movement and skitters away from danger. It moves up to its
Speed. This does not provoke Opportunity Attacks.
Extra Actions: The Suncursed Knight can take two Actions each
turn in addition to moving and using its Legendary Actions. Call to Arms (costs 2 Actions): The Suncursed Knight screams
into the air, summoning reinforcements by bending the spaces
between it and other sun worshippers. 2d6 Cultists of the Living
Light (Ashen Priests, page 16) appear within 100 feet.



Desert 170
Guardian's Lament Location Population
Haven Name
Fairness, justice, equality A council of five key citizens
Values Leadership

12 1 The elder Greentongue, the corrupted Blackthumb, and stay away from the ruins after dark
Traditions and Superstitions

Brightly coloured light and airy clothes that are breathable but protect from the sun.
Hope Decay Clothing and Appearance

In the Haven Beyond the Haven Resources Current

Important People Other Havens and Survivors Components 9

Eldest Harrin
Youngest Dolore
Newblood Gelrith
Gardener Vig
Hunter Misha

Buildings and Locations Ruins and Forgotten Places Scarcity

The oasis and the gardens Ruins dedicated to a Guardian Meat
The Speaking House God lie beneath the Haven

Clean water

The Survivors Crisis

Landmarks and Waymarkers Current Crises
A great God-corpse lies at the Mysterious voices from the ruins
heart of the Haven lure people below.
A Titan is marching towards the
Haven and will crush it underfoot.
Retired and Fallen Survivors Past Crises

Survived a violent coup from within

An ancient artefact caused
citizens to become raving cannibals

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