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1. The capacity of a parallel plate capacitor formed by the plates of same are A is 0.02F with air as
dielectric. Now one plate is replaced by a plate of area 2A and dielectric k  2 is introduced between the
plates, the capacity is
A) 0.04F B) 0.08F C) 0.01F D) 2F
2. The capacities of three capacitors are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. Their equivalent capacity when connected in
parallel is 60 /11F more than that when they are connected in series. The individual capacitors are of
capacities in F .
A) 4, 6, 7 B) 1, 2, 3 C) 2, 3, 4 D) 1, 3, 6
3. Three condensers of capacity 4 mF, 2 mF and 3 mF are connected such that 2 mF and 3 mF are in series
and 4 mF is parallel to them. The equivalent capacity of the combination is
A) 9 mF B) 5.2 mF C) 2.6 mF D) 10 mF
4. The effective capacitance in F in between A and B will be 2F 12F
A) 28/9
B) 4 A 2F B
C) 5
D) 18

5. A parallel plate condenser has plates of area 200 cm 2 and separation 0.05 m. The space between plates
having been filled with a dielectric having k = 8 and then charged to 30 volts. The stored energy :
A) 1.6105 J B) 2106 J C) 12.4105J D) 1.6 64105 J
6. A capacitor connected to a 10V battery collects a charge 40C with air as dielectric and 100 C with oil
as dielectric. The dielectric constant of oil is
A) 2 B) 2.5 C) 4 D) 10
7. When a dielectric slab of thickness 6 cm is introduced between the plates of parallel plate condenser, it is
found that the distance between the plates has to be increased by 4 cm to restore to capacity to original
value. The dielectric constant of the slab is
A) 1.5 B) 2/3 C) 3 D) 4
8. A parallel plate capacitor with air as medium between the plates has a capacitance 10 mF. The area of the
capacitor is divided into two equal halves and filled with two media having dielectric constant K1  2 and
K2  4 . The capacitance of the system will be
A) 10 mF B) 20 mF C) 30 mF D) 40 mF
9. Two identical parallel plate capacitors are joined in series to 100V battery. Now a dielectric with K = 4 is
introduced between the plates of second capacitor. The potential difference on capacitors are
A) 60 V, 40 V B) 70 V, 30 V C) 75V, 25 V D) 80 V, 20 V
10. A condenser of capacity 16 mF charged to a potential of 20V is connected to a C1
condenser of capacity C charged to a potential of 10 V as shown in the figure. If the
common potential is 14V, the capacity C is equal to
A) 18 mF B) 24 mF
C) 8 mF D) 4 mF C2

11. A 4 F capacitor is charged by a 200 V battery. It is then disconnected from the supply and is connected
to another uncharged 2 F capacitor. During the process loss of energy (in J) is
A) Zero B) 5.33102 C) 4102 D) 2.67102
12. Three condensers of capacitors of 3 mF, 6mF, 12 mF are connected in series with a battery. If the charge
on 12 mF condenser is 24 mC, the P.D. across the battery is
A) 2V B) 4V C) 8V D) 14 V
13. The charge on a capacitor is 30 C . It is connected to another capacitor of half of its capacity in parallel
then the charge on the first capacitor is
A) 30 C B) 9 C C) 10 C D) 20 C
14. A charged sphere is connected to a similar uncharged sphere. Then the percentage loss of energy is
A) 50% B) 25 % C) 20 % D) 10 %
15. Three condensers of same capacity connected in series has effective capacity 2mF. If they are connected in
parallel and charged using a battery of emf 12V, the total energy stored in the combination is
A) 1296 mJ B) 648 mJ C) 162 mJ D) 48 mJ
16. The work done in increasing the P.D. across the plates of a capacitor from 4V to 6V is W. The further
work done in increasing the P.D. from 6V to 8 V is
A) 4W B) 3W C) 7W D) 5W
3 4 5 7
17. Between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor of capacity C, two parallel plates, of the same material and
area same as the plate of the original capacitor, are plated. If the thickness of these plates is equal to 1/5 th
of the distance between the plates of the original capacitor, then the capacity of the new capacitor is
5 3 1
A) C B) C D)
3 5 0
C) C
10 C
18. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor are charged upto 200 volts. A dielectric slab of thickness 4 mm is
inserted between its plates. Then to maintain the same potential difference between the plates of the
capacitor, the distance between the plates is increased by 3.2 mm. The dielectric constant of the dielectric
slab is
A) 1 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6
19. A 20 F capacitor is charged to 5V and isolated. It is then connected in parallel with an uncharged 30 F
capacitor. The decrease in the energy of the system will be:
A) 25 J B) 100 J C) 125 J D) 150 J



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 4
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
4 4 4 1 1 3 1 3 4

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