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Marketing Ingles – Consumer

Gabriela Villa Vega
Valerdi Cadena Susana Lizbeth
Consumer Behavior.
Stages of Consumer Behavior.

Recognition of the need. - Initiating role.
It is the initial stage in which a person or company identifies that
a need exists,

Information Search Stage. – Influencer role.
The client shows an active interest in collecting specific data about
their situation.

Decision Evaluation Stage. – Decision-making role.
An informed customer has better tools to reach the end of their
purchasing decision process.

Decision and purchase action. – Decision- maker and
buyer roles.
If closing a sale is important, keeping the customer is crucial for
the company.

Consumption stage and post. Purchase evaluation-
User or consumer role.
The customer experience can be transformed into a recommendation,
a recurring purchase or a regular consumption cycle.

Consumer Behavior.
Stages of Consumer.
The purchasing process consists of 5 stages.
1. Recognition of the need.
It is the initial stage in which a person or company identifies that a need exists.
2. Search for information.
The duration of this stage and the sources consulted may vary, depending on the value of
the purchase and how specialized the product is, in general, it is about looking for
information that contributes to making the decision.
This information can be obtained from internal sources such as previous experiences or
from external sources, such as recommendations from friends, social networks, comments
from other clients, blogs, validators or experts, among others.
3. Information evaluation.
It refers to the analysis and comparison of the information obtained in the previous stage,
based on different criteria. Some of these criteria may be price, quality, brand reputation,
useful life of the product, location of the establishment, seed of shipping or service
provision, warranty, to name a few.
To know the criteria that the client applies to your product and the weight they give to
each of them, marketing research must be carried out.
4. Decision and purchase action.
It is the moment in which the customer decides to buy the product and performs the
action of purchasing it.
5. Consumption and post-purchase evaluation.
After purchasing the product, its use or consumption is presented. At that moment, the
customer will evaluate how satisfied they are with their purchase, if it really covers the
need they had, if it respects consumer rights, if it meets their expectations, among other
It is important to consider that the purchasing process is not always carried out in detail,
through each stage. Depending on the complexity of the purchase, it can be done in a
very agile way. Even in some cases, such as impulse purchases, the process can be done
in reverse, first making the decision and then justifying it with some need.

Consumer Behavior.


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