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Unit1:Digital Documentation(Advanced)

Chapter1: Create and apply Styles in a document

1. Which of the following features in LibreOffice Writer is/are used to create the
given document?
(a) Page borders
( b) Envelope
(c) Picture from File
( d) Indexes and Tables

2. Styles menu (from sidebar) in Writer provide options to work on

(a) Paragraph Styles
( b) Frame Styles
(c) Page Styles
( d) All of the above

3. What is style template in LibreOffice Writer?

(a) Pre-determined form and mode of document file
(b) One kind of model style
(c) One type of document
(d) Cluster of documents in Writer

4. Which of the following gives the status of your document like page numbers,
number of pages?
(a) Status bar
(b) Standard toolbar
(c) Formatting
(d) Title bar

5. Which of the following can be used to access a style menu?

(a) F11 function key
(b) Sidebar Menu
(c) Formatting toolbar
(d) All of these

B. Fill in the blanks

1. A Styles is a collection of different formats
2. Styles are especially handy in Libreoffice.
3. Proper use of styles improves consistency in a document
4. The first five buttons at the top of the Styles window select the category of styles.
5. Using predefined Heading style creates Bookmark in the document.
6. On opening a new file default Style is used for formatting the document.
7. In page layout documents, you can arrange objects like text boxes and graphics.
8. Character styles are often integrated in paragraph Style.
9. fill format mode allows to apply style at different places in the document.
10. Predefined Style cannot be updated by Drag and Drop method

C. Short answer questions

1. What do you understand by styles in LibreOffice writer document?
Ans- A style is a collection of all formatting information, which you want to save and
then apply on the document.

2. Write advantages of using Style over manual formatting, for designing a

What are Styles? What are the advantages of using styles?
Ans. A style is a set of formats that you can apply to selected pages, text, frames, and
other elements in your document to quickly change their appearance.
Advantages of using styles are:
Styles help us to apply consistent formatting to the documents.
Using styles we can easily change the existing format.
Styles makes major formatting changes simple.

3. What are the different categories of style in LibreOffice writer document?

Ans-Page style
Paragraph style
Frame style
Character style
List style
Table style

4. Write down the steps to update a style.

Ans- Step 1. Select the page/paragraph to be modified.
Step 2. Format the selected portion as per the requirement.
Step 3. Go to Style menu, and click on the button to update.
Step 4. Using Style Action button, click on Updated Selected Style.

5. What do you understand by custom styles in LibreOffice writer?

Ans- a collection of all formatting information, which you want to save and then
apply on the document.

7. Give two examples, where instead of Style, using manual formatting will be
Ans-only a small part of document needs to format.
-We are using character styles which allows to change the appearance of a part of
paragraph without affecting the other parts

8. Give one situation, in which you will prefer to use Fill Format for styling your
Ans- I will use to prefer Fill format mode when I want to apply the same formatting
to different texts scattered in the document.

9. Write steps to load style(s) from a template.

Step 1. Select Load Style from dropdown menu in style and formatting window
Step 2. From categories choose the desired category and select the template
Step OK

Chapter2: Working with Images

1. The text or image which appears faintly in the background of a page is called
(a) Water mark
(b) Trade mark
(c) Copyright
(d) Embossing

2. JPG or JPEG in image format stands for _________________.

(a) Joint Photographic Experts Group
(b) Joint Picture Experts Group
(c) Joint Photographic Experts Graph
(d) Joint Photographic Experts General
3. In Drawing Object Properties toolbar, Grouping options provided are
(a) Exit Group
(b) Ungroup
(c) Enter Group
(d) All of these

4. Which of the following is not the correct file extension for an image file?
(a) GIF
(b) JPEG
(c) Odt
(d) PNG

5. Image toolbar does not provide a tool for _________________.

(a) filtering
(b) cropping
(c) copying
(d) flipping

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Crop tool cuts off non-desirable part of the image.
2. To change both brightness and contrast of the image _Invert, Smooth and
Sharpen tool can be used.
3. To simulate the effect of time on picture Aging tool is used.
4.Send to back place image at the bottom of all objects.
5. An image can be deleted by selecting it and pressing DELETE key.
6. In drawing tools, basic shapes list provide 24 shapes.
7. Anchor act as reference point for a drawing.
8. There are three options for aligning an image horizontally.
9. The rotate handles of image are used for rotating it.
10. Changing properties of an object before creation, retain them throughout the

C. Short answer type questions

1. What is a digital image? How can you create one?
Ans-A picture is a digital image or a representation of image in finite set of digital
values 0 or 1, known as pixels. These are stored in various types of graphics files with
the file extension, such as GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, etc.
Digital images can be created using a digital camera, scanner etc. For example, you
can take a photo with a digital camera, and transfer it in a computer to use as an

2. Write steps to insert an image from the gallery using Drag and Drop method.
Ans-Step 1. Open the document to insert an image in LibreOffice Writer.
Step 2. Open a file browser window (Win+E) and select the image file to be inserted.
Step 3. Drag the image into the document
Step 4. Drop it, where you want it to appear in the document

3. How is resizing of image different from cropping it?

Ans- Resizing is the process of reducing or enlarging the size of the image. Cropping
is cuts off non-desirable part of the image.

4. What are the tools available in drawing toolbar? Describe any five tools.
Ans-There are many tools available in drawing toolbar some of them are explained
1. Basic shapes: This tool help us to draw the square, rectangle, triangle etc.
2. Symbol shapes: this tool help us to draw cloud, moon, smiley face etc.
3. Stars and banners: This tool help us to draw various types of stars like four
point star, five point star etc.
4. Line and arrows: This tool help us to draw line ends with arrow, line with
arrow/circle, line with arrow/square etc.
5. Insert line: This tool help us to draw a straight line by holding shift key and

5.How is linking of an image different from embedding? Give a situation in which you
would prefer to link an image.
6. Write steps to change properties for drawing objects.

7. What are the benefits and drawbacks of grouping drawing objects?

Ans- Benifits of grouping drawing objects-
Grouping allows multiple shapes to be treated as a single entity and making it easier
to move, resize, or apply changes simultaneously.

Drawbacks of grouping drawing objects are:

Making changes to a single part of a grouped object can be time-consuming as they
may require ungrouping, modifying, and then regrouping.

8. Describe any two tools from Drawing Object Properties toolbar.

Ans-Two tools from Drawing Object Properties toolbar
1. Line color: This tool allows us to select the color of the line of selected
drawing object.
2. Line Thickness: This tool allows us to select the thickness for the line of a
selected drawing object.

9. Write steps to insert an image in a basic drawing shape.

Ans-Steps to insert an image ina a basic drawing shape are:
1. Place the cursor in the document where you want the drawing to be placed.
2. Select any basic shape from the drawing toolbar
3. Click-and –drag to create the drawing object in the document.
4. Release the mouse button to finish drawing.

10. Write factors controlling positioning of an image in a document.

Ans- Positioning of an image is controlled by four settings.
(i) Arrangement
(ii) Anchoring
(iii) Alignment
(iv) Text Wrapping
Arrangement -
In Overlapping objects arrangement determines the position of the current
drawing with respect to other drawings or text.
It acts as a reference point for image or drawing. Anchoring allows an image to
retain its position to a page, paragraph, character or frame
Alignment –
It allows the vertical or horizontal placement of the image with respect to its
Text Wrapping –
It allows the placement of image in relation to text.

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