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1jbi, week 34 - 2021 / KU

A balanced diet (CB p. 73-77)

1. Maybe it´s a stupid question: Why should you eat and drink?
We should eat and drink to get what we need to be healthy and to have the necessary
energy to be active, to get aminoacids, energy for respirations (ATP), building blocks,
homeostasis, growth, pregnancy. To make that possible, we should maintain a balance
diet, A diet where the main nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, Minerals,
Water, Fibre. Are consumed in the correct amounts and proportions.

Nutrition: Is taking in of nutrients which are organic substances and mineral ions, containing raw
materials or energy for growth and tissue repair, absorbing and assimilating them.

2. Calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). It is the total energy that a person
uses in a day. You can use the website: or

3. Dietary composition: Carbohydrates, proteins and fats provide the body with energy and
building materials. How should the diet be composed for the following persons and what
are the arguments:
a. A man or woman who practices triathlon?
The diet would be rich in protein, carbohydrates, to obtain the energy and some fats. Also
some water and some fibre.
b. A man or woman who practices wrestling and weightlifting?
It would need protein, carbohydrates and fats
1jbi, week 34 - 2021 / KU

c. A person with weakened immune systems and high weight loss in terms of illness.
lean meat, fish, eggs, or pasteurized tofu, all well cooked, pasteurized low-fat
milk, low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat pasteurized yogurt, a multivitamin. In
summary carbohydrates, fats and proteins

d. A child suffering from malnutrition and kwashiorkor (p. 77)?

Hight protein diet, they will normally growth again. And some fats and carbohydrates.

4. Protein is important! How can you explain the results shown in the diagram below?
1jbi, week 34 - 2021 / KU

Figure 1: The average daily requirement of protein for girls and boys during growth. Source unknown.
- Protein is an essential component of every diet since it provides energy to your cells,
allowing you to stay active.

5. Calculate with data from table 7.1, based on your daily energy needs from question no.
2., how many grams of cabbage or how many grams of roasted peanuts you should eat
within a day. Explain the differences?

Grams of Cabbage: 848x100 /24: 3533,33 grams. On would it be 3,5kg. On 100g of cabbage, they
are 24 calories.
Roasted peanuts: There are 585 calories in 100 grams of Dry Roasted Salted Peanuts. 848x100/585:
144,95 grams. With the total of 145 grams of roasted peanuts.

The differences are that the roasted peanuts have more calories with 100grams, on which means that you
don’t need to take a several amount of them to full fill your necessity of calories.

Energy :
- Resting Metabolic rate (RMR)
The energy requirement to maintains the body s vital processing in the resting state.
Accounts for about the 60%-70% of the total daily energy requirement.
- Thermic effect of food(TEF)
The energy required to digest, absorb, and store food.
Accounts for about 5%-10% of the total daily requirement.
- Physical activity (PA)
Accounts for the 15%-30% of the total daily requirement

Energy from macronutrients ( daily demands)

- Carbohydrates E%x 50-65 (17kj/g)

- Proteins E%x 10-20 (17kj/g)
- Fats (Triglycerols) E%x 20-40 (38kj/g)
1jbi, week 34 - 2021 / KU

- Alcohol E%x 0-5 (max) (30-34kj/g)

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