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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 8 Issue 04, April-2019

An Experimental Study on Partial Replacement f

Cement by Aluminium Dross in Concrete
Amar Gote1, Aakash Gavhane2, Dattatray Shinge3, Suraj Babar4, Prof. Mayur Tanpure5
Under Graduation Student, Department of Civil Engineering DYPSOET Pune,Maharashtra india1
Professor, Division of Civil Engineering, DYPSOET Pune, Maharashtra, India5

Abstract: The objective of this project is to study the

replacement of aluminium dross in cement concrete. As all we
know aluminium is one of the widely used construction
material in the world,and during the aluminium
production,the huge amount of waste is produced. The main
advantage of using the aluminium dross in the concrete over
the conventional concrete is the reduction in the quantity of
raw materials. The result of this study indicates that
aluminium deoss can be used as an ingredient in the range of Fig.1:
White dross in lumps form with high aluminium content
certain limits to improve the corrosion resistivity of concrete.
Aluminium dross have been used to replace cement by
5%,10%and 15%by its weight. Then using this concrete,
concrete cubes are casted. The casted cubes are tested for
compressive strength for 7days ,15days and 28days.

Keywords: Aluminium dross,Cement concrete,Waste

management, etc.

Fig.2: Black dross
Aluminium is one of the widely used construction material
in the world, and during the aluminium production, the huge
amount of waste is produced. For instance,in Qatar, Fig.3 Chemical composition of aluminium dross `
Qatalum 635.000 millions tons aluminium ingots and billets, Mg Al Si Mn Fe Cu Zn
annually and this production causes approximately 350illion
tons of dross which is sent to the neighbouring countries for 0,00 90,28 5,93 0,34 1,10 1,82 0,53
Re-extraction and recycling of the remaining aluminium.
Aluminium dross mainly consists of metal, salts oxides, and It is is envisaged that the process of recovery of useful
other non metallic substance. Normally aluminium dross is metallic and non metallic residue will add to the cost of
divided into two parts are black and white whil;e the black operation and will demand the application of a new
aluminium dross contents low metal with high amount of technology of an existing one which may not be without a
oxides, salts and granular-like in form similar to stand.The cost.However the conversion of the dross to refactory
white aluminium deoss has very high amount of oxides and material will add value to the dross and convert waste to
salts nd forms large blocks.Aluminium deoss is mainly usable form.
produced from the meling of aluminium scrap such as used
beverage containers, aluminium sliding, casting and the PEOPERTIES OF MATERIALS
treating of the melt with salt flux. Cement
This aluminium dross is toxic and hazardous waste for OPC 53 Grade cement is required to conform to
the environment and so the safe disposal of the aluminium BIS specification IS:12269-1987 with a designed strength
dross as a waste is a burden to aluminium manufacturing for 28 days being a minimum of 53 MPa or 530 kg/sqcm.53
companies because its improper and careless disposal Grade OPC provides high strength and durability to
affects the eco- system, surface and the ground water. structures because of its optimum particle size distribution
When these dross particles are allowed to escape into the and superior crystallized structure. Being a high strength
atmosphere, inhalation can cause health such as cement, it provides numerous advantages wherever concrete
1) Alzeheimers Disease for special high strength application is required, such as in
2) Silicosis the construction of skyscrapers, bridges, flyovers, chimneys,
3) Bronchitis runways, concrete roads and other heavy load bearing
structures. Not only is this grade of cement stronger than
other grades / types, it is also more durable. Further, by
substituting lower grade cement with OPC 53, overall

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 8 Issue 04, April-2019

savings can be obtained through reduced quantity of cement Percentage passing as per IS -383 : 2016
that would be required to be used.
5.1.2 Aggregates Seive Percent 20
Sr. 10 mm 12.5 mm 20 mm Coarse Aggregates no
Size passing mm
Aggregates which are greater than 4.75 mm and mm %
retained in 4.75 mm I.S. sieve is considered as coarse Single Single Single
size size size
aggregates. In the present study locally available crushed
stone aggregate of size 20 mm and 10 mm has been used. 1 40 - - - 100 100
The aggregates have been tested as per IS: 2386-1963(Part -
1&3) IS: 383-2016. Physical properties of coarse aggregate 2 25 - - - - -
are tabulated below in Table. 90-
Physical properties of coarse aggregate of 10mm are 3 20 - - - 85-100
tabulated below in Table 1 - (A & B)
4 16 - - 100 - -
Table 1 (A) - Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregate 5 12.5 - 100 85-100 - -
Requi 6 10 - 85-80 0-45 0-20 25-55
Sr. Resu
Name of the test Unit rmen Test method
no lt 7 4.75 - 0-20 0-10 0-5 0-10

1 Specific gravity 1.99 - - IS 2386 P: 3 -1963 8 2.36 - 0-5 - - -

Table 1 (B) - Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate (10mm)
2 Water absorption 1.00 % - IS 2386 P: 3 -1963

Dry loose Bulk Kg/l

3 1.68 - IS 2386 P: 3 -1963
density it Physical properties of coarse aggregate of 20mm are
Max tabulated below in Table 2 - (A&B)
45%- Table 2 (A) - Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregate
Non- (20mm)
ng Sr
surfac . Name Of The Resu Test
Aggregate Unit Requirements
4 - % e IS 2386 P: 4 -1963 N Test lt Method
Impact Value o
IS2386 P: 3
Weari 1 Specific gravity 2.02 - -
Water IS2386 P: 3
e 2 0.43 % -
Absorption -1963
Dry Loose Bulk
45%- Kg/li IS2386 P: 3
3 Density 1.66 -
Non- t -1963
ng Max 45%-Non-
surfac Aggregate wearing surface IS2386 P: 4
Aggregate 4 - %
5 - % e IS 2386 P: 4 -1963 Impact Value Max 30%-wearing -1963
Crushing value
Max surface
Weari Max 45%-Non-
ng Aggregate wearing surface IS2386 P: 4
surfac 5 - %
crushing value Max 30%-wearing -1963
e surface
Flakiness Index Max IS2386 P: 1
6 - % IS 2386 P: 1 -1963 6 Flakiness index - %
(FI) 40% Max 40% (Combine -1963
(Com Flakiness &
bine Elongation Elongation ) IS2386 P: 1
Flakin 7 - %
Elongation index index -1963
7 - % ess & IS 2386 P: 1 -1963
ation )

IJERTV8IS040479 686

(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 8 Issue 04, April-2019

Table 2 (B) - Sieve Analysis Of Coarse Aggregate (20mm)

Percentage Passing as per IS – 383 Table 3 (B) - Sieve Analysis Of Crushed Sand
Sieve t
: 2016 Siev Perce Percentage Passing as per IS – 383 : 2016 e nt
Size Passin Sr.
12.5m Size Passin Gradin Gradin
g 10mm 20mm 20mm no Grading Grading
m (m g g zone g zone
zone II zone IV
m) (%) I III
Single Single Single
mm % es 1 10 - 100 100 100 100
Size Size Size
2 4.75 - 90-100 90-100 90-100 95-100
1 40 - - - 100 100
3 2.36 - 60-95 75-100 85-100 95-100
2 25 - - - - -
4 1.18 - 30-70 55-90 75-100 90-100
3 20 - - - 85-100 90-100
4 16 - - 100 - - 5 - 15-34 35-59 60-79 80-100
85- 300
5 12.5 - 100 - - 6 - 5-20 8-30 12-40 15-50
100 u
6 10 - 85-100 0-45 0-20 25-55 150
7 - 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-15
7 4.75 - 0-20 0-10 0-5 0-10

8 2.36 - 0-5 - - - Aluminium Dross

Aluminium dross is a by-product of aluminium
Fine Aggregates production. It represents a residue from primary and
A) Crushed Sand secondary aluminium production. Today much energy is
Aggregate most of which passes through 4.75 mm consumed to recover the aluminium from dross, energy
IS sieve is known as fine aggregate. Fine aggregate shall could be saved if the dross was diverted and utilized as an
consist of natural sand, crushed stone sand. It shall be hard, engineering material. There are two forms of aluminium –
durable, chemically inert, cleaned free from adherent white dross and black dross. White dross is formed during
coatings, organic matter etc. and shall not contain any the primary aluminium process while black dross is formed
appreciable amount of clay balls or pellets and harmful during the secondary refining process, which uses relatively
impurities e.g. iron pyrites, alkalies, salts, coal, similar large amounts of chloride salt fixes. Subsequently the dross
laminated materials in such form or in such quantities as to is processed in rotary to recover the aluminium and the
cause corrosion of metal or affect adversely the hardening, resultant salt cake is sent to landfill.
the strength, the durability or the appearance of mortar, There is much merit if the aluminium dross that is
plaster or concrete. The sum of the percentages of all formed could be used as an engineering product for specific
deleterious material shall not exceed 5%. Fine aggregate applications. The driving force to use an industrial waste
must be checked for organic impurities such as decayed such as aluminium dross and to use it as an engineering
vegetation humps, coal dust etc. material is not only an issue environmental, but also an
economic one.
Table 3 (A) - Physical Properties Of Crushed Sand
Sr Table 4 - Chemical Properties Of Aluminium Dross
. Name of test Result Unit Requirements Test Method Element Composition n%
SiO2 7.1
IS 2386 P:3 -
1 Specific gravity 2.64 - -
CaO 20.94
Water IS 2386 P:3 -
2 3.12 % - Na2O 0.36
Absorption 1963

Dry Loose Bulk IS 2386 P:3 - Al2O3 63.84

3 1.91 Kg/lit -
Density 1963
Fe2O3 0.32
4 Bulking - % IS 2386 P:3-1963 MgO 0.45

- -
IS 2386 P:1 - MnO 0.73
Modulus 1963

Max 3%-
Matreial finer IS 2386 P:1 -
7 - % (Natural)
than 75 1963
Max 15%-

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 8 Issue 04, April-2019


Cement = 350 kg.

Fine aggregate = 896 kg.
Chemical admixture = 7 kg.
Water cement ratio = 0.4
C : FA : CA = 1 : 2.56 : 3.26


Diverse modern waste materials are utilized as fractional

substitution of cement at various levels delivered concrete
with high quality and satisfactory supporting review
concrete. Curing conditions accepted in this examination
delivered critical changes in the properties of cements
particularly those containing diverse substitution levels.
The compressive test of concrete reductions with
expanding aluminum dross content when differ with the
conventional cement. High volume aluminum dross
substitution isn't proper on account of its high water
absorption limit. Curing impact on the quality pick up of
aluminum dross included cement concern to be additionally


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