Stqa Experiment 10

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Experiment No :- 10

Aim :- Mini Project – Test your final year projected using automatic test tool.
& prepare it’s document.

Introduction :-
This project demonstrates the design and implementation of a various
sensors for greenhouse environment monitoring and controlling. This
greenhouse control system is powered by micro-controller it consists of
temperature sensor, light sensor, soil moisture sensor, LDR sensor, LCD display
module, DC fan, Bulb and pump.
Temperature sensor, senses the level of temperature., If it goes high DC fans
gets on and when the temperature goes low the fan gets off. Soil moisture
sensor, senses the water level as the level decreases the pumps gets on.
In the absence of light, the LDR sensor senses and the bulb starts glowing.
By this way it will become easy to monitor and control the system.

Test Cases : -

Test case Pre-requisite Task Expected Actual Status

Output Output
DHT 11 sensor When the When the When the
scence. temperature Temperature is Temperature is
01 scene 35 up to 35 then up to 35 then Pass
degrees automatically automatically
Celcius turn On the turn On the
Fan. Fan.
DHT 11 sensor When the When the When the
scence. temperature Temperature is Temperature is
02 scene 35 up to 35 then up to 35 but Fail
degrees automatically not started a
Celcius turn On the Fan.
upload the code Uploading Show the Show the error
03 on Arduino uno in code in output of Fail
Arduino IDE. Arduino IDE without any
Test case Pre-requisite Task Expected Actual Status
Output Output
upload the code Uploading code Show the Show the
04 on Arduino uno in in Arduino IDE output of output of Pass
Arduino IDE. without any without any
error. error.

upload the code Uploading code Show the Show the error
05 on ESP 8266 in Arduino IDE output of Fail
NodeMCU in without any
Arduino IDE. error.

upload the code Uploading code Show the Show the

06 on ESP 8266 in Arduino IDE. output of output of Pass
NodeMCU in without any without any
Arduino IDE. error. error.

Serial Arduino uno Establish Serial Not Established

communication TX, RX port communication Serial
07 between Arduino connect to ESP between communication Fail
and Esp 8266 8266 NodeMCU Arduino uno between
NodeMCU. RX, TX port and ESP 8266 Arduino uno
using jumper NodeMCU. and ESP 8266
wires. NodeMCU.

Serial Arduino uno Establish Serial Established

communication TX, RX port communication Serial
08 between Arduino connect to ESP between communication Pass
and Esp 8266 8266 NodeMCU Arduino uno between
NodeMCU. RX, TX port and ESP 8266 Arduino uno
using jumper NodeMCU. and ESP 8266
wires. NodeMCU.

Transfer data Transfer data Successfully Successfully

through serial from ESP 8266 transfer data transfer data
09 communication. NodeMCU to through serial through serial Pass
Arduino uno communication. communication.
through serial

Connect LCD Connect LCD Display the Text Cannot display

10 16x2 16x2 To ESP on LCD 16x2 any text on LCD Fail
8266 16x2, and IDE
NodeMCU. showing
Package not

Connect LCD Connect LCD Diplay the Text Diplay the Text
11 16x2 16x2 To ESP on LCD 16x2. on LCD 16x2.
8266 Pass

LDR sensor sence Connect LDR Successfully successfully

12 sensor to ESP connected LDR connected LDR Pass
8266 NodeMCU sensor to ESP sensor to ESP
and sense the 8266 NodeMCU 8266 NodeMCU

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