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Good morning Madam Celina and friends.

I am Rattanak and today I am excited to tell you a story.

The title of the story is three little pigs.
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who were
told by the mother that they had to be independent and
had to build their own houses and live on their own.
The three little pigs set off on their own and started to
build their houses.
The first little pig was lazy and decided to build the
house using haystack as this is the fastest and easiest
way to build the house, but the house will not be strong.
The second little pig was less lazy than the first little
pig and decided to build the house using sticks as this
method is also faster and easier to build but the house
will not be strong.
The third little pig is smarter and is more hardworking
and decided to build the house using bricks and
although the effort to build the house is tiring but the
house will be strong and able to withstand strong wind.
After the 3 little pigs had built their houses, the big bad
wolf came and paid a visit to the first little pig’s house
which was built using haystack.
The big bad wolf knocked on the door and said “Little
pig, little pig, could you please let me into your house?
The first little pig replied that Not by my hair on my
chinny chin chin. So the big bad wolf huffed and puffed
and blew the house apart.
The first little pig then ran over to the second little pig’s
stick house to seek for shelter.
The next day, the big bad wolf came upon the second
little pig’s house and knocked on the door and said,
Little pig, little pig, could you please let me into your
house? The second little pig replied that Not by my hair
on my chinny chin chin. So the big bad wolf huffed and
puffed and blew the house apart.
The first and second little pig then ran over to the third
little pig’s brick house to seek for shelter.
The next day, the big bad wolf came upon the third little
pig’s house and knocked on the door and said, Little
pig, little pig, could you please let me into your house?
The third little pig replied that Not by my hair on my
chinny chin chin. The big bad wolf huffed and puffed
and he huffed and puffed again, and he huffed and
puffed again but he could not blow down the brick
The big bad wolf then saw the chimney and climbed up
on the roof to try and get in. The little pigs quickly lit a
fire in the fireplace and put a kettle of water to boil. The
wolf climbed down the chimney and splash, and the
wolf fell into the kettle! The wolf sprang out of the hot
water and ran away as fast as he could!
The next day, the three little pigs invited their mother
over for dinner and the 3 little pigs shared their
Then mother pig said, “You see, it is just as I told you.
The way to get along in the world is to do things as well
as you can.”
The moral of this story is that hard work, perseverance
and planning ahead pay off in the end.

This is the end of my story, thank you.

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