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1. Ginger Chai Element 3: Toasted Milk Pannacotta

Ingredients Quantity Cost
Element 1: French Macaron Milk powder 87.5 g
Ingredients Quantity Cost Heavy cream 187.5 g
Egg Whites 37.5 g Sugar 30 g
Icing Sugar 56 g Gelatin sheet 3.2 g
Almond Powder 37.5 g Total
Sugar 37.5 g Per gram cost
Total 170 g
Per gram cost • Toast the milk powder on a tray at
160ºC for 7-10 minutes, mixing in
• Make a french meringue; add dry between until evenly toasted. Let cool.
ingredients to make a macaronnage. • Combine the toasted milk powder,
• Pipe as a finger, spread slightly and cream and sugar and bring to a boil.
bake at 140ºC for 12 minutes. • Use an emulsifier to ensure the milk
solids are incorporated.
Element 2: Ginger Chai Mousse • Stir in the bloomed gelatin.
Ingredients Quantity Cost • Pour into moulds and freeze.
Gelatin sheets 1g
Milk 15 g Element 4: Ginger bubbles
Cream 15 g (*Proespuma)
Egg yolks 6g Ingredients Quantity Cost
Caster Sugar 3.5 g Cream 60 g
Ginger 5g Milk 30 g
Masala Chai 1 bag Water 30 g
Caramelised milk 53.5 g Sugar 10 g
chocolate Ginger, grated 5g
Whipped cream 53.5 g Proespuma 1g
Total 148 g Total
Per portion cost
Per gram cost
• Soak gelatin in ice water until
• Infuse the ginger in the cream and milk.
softened; squeeze out excess water
• Bring all the ingredients to a boil.
and set aside.
• Emulsify and strain through a fine
• In a medium sized pot, boil the milk.
• Whisk egg yolks and sugar in a small
• While warm, foam for a minute with a
bowl to combine. Transfer mixture into
hand blender.
a medium size pot, and slowly add hot
milk to temper. Cook mixture to 82°C. • Freeze in a small ring moulds.
Stir in gelatin to dissolve.
Element 5: Crispy Milk
• Place chocolate in a medium size
bowl. Strain hot mixture over Ingredients Quantity Cost
chocolate. Whisk to emulsify. Milk 250 g
• When mixture is cool 30°C fold in Glucose 50 g
whipped cream. Total 300 g
Per gram cost

• Warm the milk and glucose over

medium heat.
• Whip the mixture as it is warming up.
May take up to 15-20 minutes.
• Boil and remove from the heat.
• Spoon the foam into trays lined with
parchment paper (grease the tray
before lining with parchment).
• Dry out completely.
Element 6: Chai Ice Cream
Ingredients Quantity Costing
Milk 626 ml
Cream 438 ml
Glucose 31 g
Stabilizer 52 g
Caster Sugar 146 g
Masala Chai 3-5 bags
Vanilla pods 2 no’s
Yolks 125 g
Caster Sugar 73 g
Total 1500 g
Per Gram Cost

• Infuse the milk, cream with the

masala chai.
• Heat the milk, cream, glucose,
stabilizer mixed with sugar and
vanilla essence in a heavy bottom
• Mix the yolks with caster sugar
and temper it using the hot milk
mix. Strain and put it back on
flame. Scrape the vanilla pods and
add the beans and pods.
• Cook till the custard reaches 82-
85 C. Strain to remove the tea
bags and vanilla pods.
• Cool this mix quickly to 4 C over
an ice bath.
• Transfer to an ice cream machine
and churn till it reaches desired
2. Mango Lassi
Element 3: Labneh spheres (*Alginate
Element 1: Saffron Fro-yo bath)
Ingredients Quantity Cost Ingredients Quantity Costing
Greek Yoghurt 875 g Greek yoghurt 250 g
Saffron 10 strands Salt 15 g
Caster sugar 175 g Simple syrup 50 g
Salt 1g
Lemon juice 2 pieces Gluco 4.5 g
Total 1075 g
Per gram cost Water 1500 ml
Alginate 10 g
• Whisk together the yoghurt, sugar, Total
salt and saffron. Per Gram Cost
• Stir in the lemon juice.
• Cover and refrigerate to mature. • Prepare the alginate bath mixing the
• Transfer to an ice cream machine water and alginate with a hand
and churn. blender, let it rest in the refrigerator
for 24 hours.
Element 2: Mango Sorbet • Mix the labneh and the gluco with a
Ingredients Quantity Costing hand blender, and emulsify to remove
Water 315 g the air bubbles.
Corn syrup 105 g • Pour the above mixture into sphere
moulds and freeze.
Caster Sugar 157 g
• Dip the spheres in algin bath for 1
Pectin 5.2 g minute.
Mango puree 892 g • Then wash in a water bath. Reserve.
Lemon juice 26 g
Total 1500 g Element 4: Mango Gel (*Gelcrem Cold)
Per Gram Cost Ingredients Quantity Cost
Mango puree 122.5 g
Method: Lime puree 5g
1. Heat water and corn syrup. Gelcrem (cold) 4g
2. Once it reaches 65 C add the Total
caster sugar and pectin. Per Gram Cost
3. Bring it to a rolling boil and let it
boil for 1 min. • Blend all together with an
4. Cool this mix till it reaches 4 C emulsifier.
5. Add the mango juice and lemon • Reserve in chiller.
juice and transfer it in ice cream
churner. Element 5: Buttermilk Cake
6. Churn till desired consistency. Ingredients Quantity Costing
Butter 15 g
Brown sugar 40 g
Egg 10 g
Buttermilk 45 g
Vanilla 1g
Baking soda 1.2 g
Salt 0.4 g
Flour 42 g
Per Gram Cost

• Make cake with creaming method,

bake at 160ºC.
Element 6: Buckwheat crumble
Ingredients Quantity Costing
T-55 80 g
Buckwheat flour 20 g
Yellow corn 44 g
Corn starch 14 g
Maldon salt 2g
Butter, cold 113 g
Sucrose 67 g
Per Gram Cost

• Mix all the ingredients in the food processor, add cold butter.
• Combine to make a streusel. Rest in the chiller for two hours.
• Bake at 160°C until golden.

Element 7: Mango Paper (*Isomalt, Xantham)

Ingredients Quantity Costing
Mango puree 150 g
Xantham 0.5 g
Agar agar 1.8 g
Isomalt 41.65 g
Salt 0.3 g

For the Paper

Mango gel 200 g
Per Gram Cost

• Combine the ingredients and bring to a boil.

• Reserve in the chiller for 2 hours.
• Process with a blender until creamy.
• Spread the mango gel using a mango shaped stencil, and dehydrate at 70ºC.
3. Vietnamese Coffee
Element 4: Coffee Dragées
Element 1: Tres Leches Cake Ingredients Quantity Cost
Ingredients Quantity Cost Water 15 g
Flour 187.5 g Sugar 50 g
B.Powder 6.5 g Coffee beans 50 g
Salt 1g Dark Chocolate 50-100 g
Eggs 100 g Total
Sugar 200 g Per gram cost
Vanilla 7.5 g
Oil 82 g • Candy the coffee beans and place in
Milk 153.5 g the chiller/freezer.
Total • Temper chocolate.
Per gram cost • Transfer the coffee beans to the
kitchen bowl with paddle
• Foam eggs and sugar. attachment.
• Continue with alternating the wet and • Start mixing at a low speed and add
dry ingredients. Bake at 140ºC. the tempered chocolate slowly.
• Soak with the syrup while still warm. • Allow it to get coated, use heat gun if
needed to smoothen the coating.
Element 2: Tres Leches Soaking Liquid • Reserve a cold kitchenaid bowl if
Ingredients Quantity Cost needed to help smoothen the
Evaporated milk 100 g coating further.
Condensed milk 100 g • Apply a second coating if needed.
Milk 50 g
Total Element 5: Opaline
Per gram cost Ingredients Quantity Cost
Pouring Fondant 112.5 g
• Warm to 70ºC and pour over the Glucose 75 g
baked cake. Gel colour
Element 3: Coffee Cremeux Per gram cost
Heavy cream 125 g
Whole milk 125 g • Heat the fondant and glucose to
Egg yolks 50 g 155-160ºC, remove from heat and
Caster sugar 25 g add colour if required once it has
stopped bubbling.
Coffee beans 25 g
• Mix well and pour on a silicon mat.
Dark Chocolate 125 g Once it is cold and solid, crush to
Gelatine 2.5 g a fine powder.
• Sprinkle the desired shape on a
• Heat heavy cream and milk, make silicon mat and bake at 140-150ºC
an infusion with coffee beans. until it has melted.
• Pour infusion over yolks and • Remove when cold.
sugar, stir and cook to 82C, add
gelatin, remove from heat and
strain over the chocolate, with the
help of a hand blender make an
• Let thicken slightly.
• Pipe with a grass nozzle.
Element 6: Espresso Semifreddo
Ingredients Quantity Cost
Coffee beans 13 g
Heavy cream 254 g
Yolks 60 g
Caster sugar #1 40 g
Water #1 8g
Egg whites 50 g
Caster sugar #2 99.75 g
Water #2 20 g
Per gram cost

• Infuse the coffee beans in a portion of
the heavy cream. Steep and strain.
• Make the pâte à bombe with the egg
yolks, sugar and water.
• Make an Italian meringue with the
whites, sugar and water.
• Whip the infused heavy cream.
• Fold the meringue and pâte à bombe
• Fold in the whipped cream.
• Set in moulds and freeze.
4. Mulled Wine
Element 2: Mulled Wine sphere
Element 1: Light Cheesecake (*Vegetable Gelatin)
Ingredients Quantity Cost Ingredients Quantity Cost
Cream cheese 62.5 g Mulled Wine
Caster sugar #1 18.75 g Red Wine 300 g
Egg whites 45 g Orange zest ½ no.
Caster sugar #2 18.75 g Cinnamon 1 stick
Egg yolks 30 g Star Anise 1 piece
Milk 25 g Candied ginger 1 piece
Butter 15 g Clove 1 piece
Lemon juice 7.5 g
T45 Flour 13.75 g Vegetable Gelatin
Corn flour 7.5 g Bath
Salt 0.5 g Water 120 g
Total 244.25 g Vegetable Gelatin 6.25 g
Per gram cost Total 430 g
Per gram cost
• Cream the cream cheese and caster
sugar #1 till smooth. • Warm the wine with the orange zest,
• Add yolks. candied ginger and spices till aromatic
• Simmer milk and butter, then add and slightly reduced.
lemon juice. Add to the cream • Pour into dome moulds and freeze.
cheese and yolk mixture and • Prepare the vegetable gelatin bath,
blend. continue mixing water and vegetable
• Add the sifted dry ingredients. gelatin powder with a whisk. Boil and
• Whip egg whites with the caster remove from the heat.
sugar #2. • When the mixture reaches 65ºC, dip the
• Fold in the cream cheese mixture. frozen spheres inside the bath and
• Bake at 150ºC in a water bath. refrigerate.

Element 3: Baked Brie in Filo

Ingredient Quantity Cost
Filo sheets 3 sheets
Butter, melted 50 g

Brie, cubed 50 g
Honey As
Per gram cost

• Layer two or three filo sheets with

melted butter.
• Cut squares / discs and bake in the
small pavoni formasil / mini muffin
• Once golden brown, place a cube of
Brie followed by a drizzle of
• Bake again for 6-7 minutes or until
• Serve warm.
Element 4: Pickled Apples
Ingredient Quantity Cost
Apples, brunoise 75 g
Caster sugar 37.5 g
Salt 5g
Vinegar 50 g
Water 25 g
Ginger, sliced? 10 g
Total 202.5
Per gram cost

• Mix all the ingredients together

and allow to macerate for a few
hours minimum.
• Remove the ginger slices, drain
and use the apple cubes.

Element 5: Apple Granita

Ingredients Quantity Cost
Apple 200 g
Lime juice 20 g
Sugar syrup 35 g
Per gram cost

• Juice the apples with lime juice, and

chill to prevent discolouration.
• Add the simple syrup and reserve in
the freezer for a few hours.
• Scrape to have rough chunks on the

Element 6: Charred Grapes

Ingredients Quantity Cost
Black Grapes 100 g
Olive oil 5 – 10 g
Rock salt, crushed
Total 110 g
Per gram cost

• Coat the grapes with oil and rock

• Blowtorch till charred in appearance.
• Continue to roast in the oven at
180ºC for 5-6 minutes or until
blistered / caramelized.

Element 7: Candied Pecans

Ingredients Quantity Cost
Water 15 g
Sugar 50 g
Pecans 50 g
Per gram cost
5. Hot Chocolate Element 3: Toasted Marshmallow
Ingredients Quantity Cost
Element 1: Graham Cracker Crust Caster sugar 150 g
Ingredients Quantity Cost Invert sugar #1 16 g
Whole Wheat flour 100 g Water 50 g
Flour 60 g Gelatin sheet 11 g
Brown sugar 70 g Water, cold 68 g
Baking powder 1g Invert sugar #2 50 g
Baking soda 1.5 g Vanilla ½ bean
Sea salt, crushed 2g
Cinnamon powder 1.5 g
Vanilla powder A pinch
Per gram cost
Butter, cold, cubed 100 g
Milk 30 g • Hydrate the gelatine in the cold water.
Honey 20 g • Cook the sugar, water and invert
Total 301 g sugar #1 to 115ºC.
Per gram cost • Meanwhile melt the gelatin mass and
pour into a kitchenaid bowl along with
• Blend cold butter with the dry the invert sugar #2.
ingredients till breadcrumb • Pour the cooked sugar mixture into
consistency. the kitchen aid bowl.
• Warm the milk and honey and add to • Whip on high speed for 8 minutes, or
the mixture. until well aerated. Add the vanilla
• Knead to form a dough. It will be bean.
sticky. • Pour onto a tray lined with a well-oiled
• Sheet to 6-8 mm, check the parchment paper.
thickness. Rest the dough. • Allow to set overnight. Cut into large
• Bake at 170ºC. cubes.
• Dust with a blend of icing sugar and
Element 2: Warm Chocolate Chantilly cornstarch, making sure to remove
(*Iota, Kappa) the excess.
Ingredients Quantity Cost • Place the marshmallow on a skewer
Heavy cream 100 g and blowtorch to toast.
Milk 100 g
Iota Element 4: Vanilla parfait (*Liquid
0.75 g
Kappa 0.2 g
Ingredients Quantity Cost
Dark Chocolate 100 g Caster sugar 70 g
Total 301 g Liquid glucose 20 g
Per gram cost Water 20 g
Egg yolks 50 g
• Boil the milk and cream. Whisk in Vanilla pod 1/4 bean
the iota and kappa, then blend Whipped 330 g
with an emulsifier for 3 minutes. cream
• Strain over the chocolate, blend Total
well and strain again. Reserve in Per gram cost
the chiller.
• When ready, gently whip and fill a • Heat sugar, water without stirring till
piping bag. it reaches 118ºC.
• Pipe over a cake/tart base on the • Add the sugar syrup to the yolks
plate, place in an oven set to and vanilla while whipping at a low
100ºC for 5 minutes to bake. speed, continue whipping at a
higher speed till light and fluffy.
• Fold in the lightly whipped cream.
• Pour into Siphon gun and charge
with N2O cylinders.
• Foam out the parfait and pour liquid
nitrogen in order to set it.
Element 5: Chocolate Veil
Ingredients Quantity Cost
Cocoa Nib
Water 150 g
Cocoa nibs 75 g

Liquid Cocoa
Cocoa nib 125 g
Cocoa powder 12.5 g
Sugar 22.5 g

Liquid Cocoa 112.5 g
Gellan 2g
Per gram cost

Cocoa Nib Stock

• Boil the water and add the cocoa
nibs, steep for 20 minutes. Strain
and cool.

Liquid Cocoa Base

• Combine the cocoa nib stock,
cocoa powder and sugar and
blend with a hand blender. Pass
through a fine mesh to strain.

Chocolate Veil
• Keep the tray / frame to pour the
veil warm (this helps to spread the
veil easily).
• Combine the cocoa base and
• Bring to a boil and let it boil for 5
• Pour into the tray / frame, and tilt
to spread a thin layer.
• Allow to set at room temperature,
then transfer to the chiller.
• Cut the desired shape.
About the Ingredients potassium that is free to bind with the
kappa carrageenan.
Proespuma (Hot) – SOSA Kappa carrageenan is best dispersed in
Proespuma is Powdered Egg white protein cool liquids. In order for kappa
which is used as a foaming agent. It gives carrageenan to hydrate properly it has to
25% more volume compared to egg be brought above 70°C. Kappa
whites. Ideal for hot creations. It also has carrageenan does not hydrate well with
an emulsifying effect on the liquid. sugar and so sugar should be added after
Proespuma can be used in an Espuma the hydration process is completed.
gun with nitrogen to create a foam and
is also used to make macaroons, Iota Carrageenan - Texturas
marshmallows, meringues, souffles and Iota Carragenan is extracted from red
mousse. Can be used by dissolving seaweed. Iota carrageenan can be used to
into the desired liquid. create elastic gels and is especially
effective at gelling dairy-based liquids. To
Gelcrem (Cold) – SOSA gel, the liquid must contain calcium that is
Gelcrem is modified potato starch. It is free to bind with the iota
used as a thickening agent and imparts a carrageenan. Iota carrageenan can be
creamy texture to the product. It used to thicken liquids and stabilize
withstands freezing and is used to make emulsions or foams. It's also very adept at
cold creams and raw pastry creams. It is creating gels. Iota carrageenan works best
also used as a substitute for corn starch, with dairy products.sosa
for any kind of liquid.
Vegetable Gelatin – SOSA
Gluco – Texturas Powder gelling agent derived from
Gluco consists of calcium gluconolactate, seaweed and locust bean gum. This
a mixture of two calcium salts, calcium product produces a gel with great
gluconate and calcium lactate. It produces transparency and elasticity. It helps in
a product rich in calcium ions. It is perfect creating spheres containing liquids, jelly,
for the technique of Reverse Spherification etc. Simply stir into cold liquids, then bring
where a liquid containing calcium is to a boil and allow to cool to 60ºC to
dropped into an Alginate bath which activate the gelling nature.
causes spherification. It does not impart
any flavour to the product. Sorbet Stabiliser
Sorbet stabiliser contains a mixture of
Algin - Texturas Gelatin, locust bean gum, cellulose gum,
Algin is Sodium alginate which is extracted guar gum, milk whey protein concentrate
from seaweed. Used as a gelling agent and dextrose. It improves the texture,
and a spherification agent. It is a gelling making the product creamier and denser.
agent in presence of calcium or acid. It is This sorbet stabilizer also prevents ice
used in Basic Spherification which crystallization, making the texture
involves submerging a liquid that contains smoother.
Algin in a bath of Calcic.
Ice cream stabiliser
Xantana - Texturas Ice cream stabiliser contains a mixture of
Xantana is a natural food stabiliser and mono & diglycerides, sodium alginate,
thickner obtained from the fermentation of locust bean gum, carrageenan, guar gum
corn starch with a bacteria & sodium dioxide added to prevent
(Xanthomonas campestris). It is soluble in caking.It is used in the production of ice
cold and hot liquids and can also thicken cream and makes the texture denser,
alcohol. It is highly resistant to freezing- creamier and smoother and prevents the
unfreezing processes. formation of ice crystals.

Kappa Carrageenan - Texturas

Kappa Carragenan is extracted from red
seaweed. Kappa carrageenan can be
used to create firm, brittle gels and is
especially effective at gelling dairy-based
liquids. To gel, the liquid must contain

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