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AuthorsjDesigners: John David Ruemmler,

Susan Tyler Hitchcock, Peter C. Fenlon, Jr.
Revision Editor: Seth Wood

First Edition Editors: Heike Kubasch, Pete Fenlon

Coordinating Revision Editor: Jessica Ney-Grimm

Cover Art: Angus McBride
Color Maps: Pete Fenlon
Interior Illustration: Glen Michael Angus, Solvey Balent, Richard H. Britton, Stom Cook,
Liz Danforth, Rick DeMarco, Pete Fenlon, Friedrich A. Haas, Charles Peale, John Snyder
Interior Illustration: on pages 45,64, and 109 by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien*
Maps & Floorplans: Daniel Cruger, Pete Fenlon, Ellisa Mitchell, David Martin,
Terry K. Amthor, Bruce Hlavin

Project Specific Contributions: ICE Staff-

Jessica Ney-Grimm;
Series Editor: Sales Manager: Deane Begiebing;
Content Editor: Pete Fenlon;
Managing Editor: Coleman Charlton;
Pagemaking: Suzanne Young. Wendy Frazer;
President: Peter Fenlon;
Table Pagemaking: Name;
Pagemaking Corrections: Wendy Frazer; CEO: Bruce Neidlinger;
Art Direction: Jessica Ney-Grimm; John Curtis.
Editing, Development, & Production Stqff:
Cover Trade-dress: Terry Amthor; Bruce Harlick. Nick Morawitz.
Cover Graphics: Don Dennis; Michael Reynolds. Wendy Frazer.
First Edition Editorial Contributions: Jcssica Ncy-Grimm;
Terry K. Amthor; Sales, Customer Service, & Operations Staff:
Revision Editorial Contributions: Suzanne Young. Olivia H. Johnston. Dave Platnick.
Monica L. Wilson;
Shipping Staff: Dave Morris. Daniel Williams.

Special Contributions: Howard Huggins. Betsy Carwile. Tom Williams. Don Knight. Captain "Ned" Fenlon. Olivia Johnston.
Jessica Ruemmler. James Blevins. Christian Gehman. Kurt Fischer. Marcia Sterrett. Becky Pope. Paula Peters. Eileen Smith. Bill Downs.
Carl Willner. Jeff McKeage. David Watkins. and the Foul Ones: Mirk Strovi;)k. Grace Paylor. Sam Irvin.
Bruce Neidlinger. Heike Kubasch. S. Coleman Charlton. Brian Bouton. Stephen Bouton. Terry Amthor.
Leonard Cook and the crippled "Shot Blockee."

An Author's Dedication: to Patty Ruemmler.

Note: ICE's "Mirkwood" is a revision oj a previously published work entitled "Mirkwood, the Wilds oj Rhovanion " While ICE has added some new
material and reorganized the data, most oj the prose here was already in print when we began our revsion.
© 1995 T olkien Enterprises. a division of The Saul Zaentz C ompany. Berkeley. California. USA. Realms if Middle-earth. Mirkwood, The Hobbit, and The Lord if
the Rings. and all characters and places therein. are trademark properties of Tolkien Enterprises. All characters and places derived from the works of
J.R.R. Tolkien are common law trademarks used under license from Grafton Books (Harper Collins). publishing successors to Unwin Hyman. Ltd. and
George Allen & Unwin. Ltd.• London. England. All rights reserved.
* Use of Professor Tolkien's art is courtesy of Unwin Hyman. Ltd.. publishing successors to George Allen & Unwin. Ltd .• London. UK. No unauthorized
use permitted.

Produced and distributed by IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES. Inc..

P.O. Box 1 605. Charlottesville. VA 22902.

Second U.S. Edition 1 995 Stock #20 1 9 ISBN 1 -55806-246-7

1.0 Introduction . . .
.............................. ................................................. 4 1 3.5 Beijabar Sites .
.................... ....................................... . . ....... ... 65
2.0 Rhovanion . .
................................... ................................................ 5 1 3.6 Buhr Ailgra . .
........................... .. ..................................... ...... . 67
2. I A Varied Land . .
............ ... ......................................................... 5 1 3.7 Buhr Widu .
....................................................... ................. . . 69
2.2 A Land Besieged . .. .................................................... .. .............. 5 1 3.8 Thorontir . .
................ ............................. .............................. 70
3.0 History. .
. ................................. ........................................................ 6 1 3.9 Ursh Lanna .......................................................................... 71
3 . I Rhovanion in the Third Age .
............... .................................. 7 1 4.0 Elven Sites . .............................................................................. 71
3.2 The Tale o f Years . ................ .............................. .................. . 12 1 4. 1 The Elven-king's Halls ...................................................... 71
4.0 The Land . . . .
..................... ... .................................................... ... . 14 1 4.2 Celebannon .......................................................................... 72
4. I Northern Rhovanion . .
........................... ... ............................ 14 1 4.3 Caras Amarth ....................................................................... 75
4.2 Mirkwood ............................................................................... 16 1 5.0 Dwarven Sites . ........................................................................ 78
4.3 Dol Guldur (Amon Lane) ................................................... 16 1 5.1 Azanulinbar-dum .
............................ .......................... ..
....... 78
4.4 The Anduin Vale ................................................................... 17 1 5.2 The Lonely Mountain . .
............................. ........................ 80
4.5 The Plains ............................................................................... 17 1 6.0 Rhosgobel. .
.................. ............................................................ 83
5.0 CliInate . ........................................................................................ 18 1 6. I Legend of Rhosgobel . . ... . ................................................... 83
6.0 Ecology .
. ............................... ..................................................... .. . 19 1 6.2 Rhosgobel's Structure ........................................................ 83
7.0 Plants . ............................................................................................ 20 1 7.0 Dol Guldur .
. .................................... ................................. ...... . 85
7. 1 Flora of the Forest . ................................................................ 20 1 7. 1 The Nan Lanc and Emyn Guldur ................................... 85
7.2 Flora of the Plains ................................................................. 22 1 7.2 History .................................................................................. 86
7.3 Anduin Valley Flora . ... .......................................................... 23 1 7.3 The Citadel . . . .
.................... ........ ................ ....... ................... 89
Herb Effect Chart ........................................................................ 23 1 8.0 Other Dark Sites . . ..
. ........... ........... ... . .
....... .......... ................. 90
8.0 AniInals . ........................................................................... ........... . 24 1 8. I Sarn Goriwing . .
......................... ... ....................................... 90
8. I Fauna in Mirkwood . ............... .............................. ... ........ .. . . . 24 1 8.2 Nahald Kudan . . . ..
.................... ... ...... ................................. . . 93
8.2 Fauna on the Plains ........................................................... ... . 25 1 8.3 Ceber Fanuin . .......... ............................................................. 94
8.3 Fauna of the North .............................................................. . 27 1 9.0 People of Note . ...................................................... ... ........ . . . . . 98
8.4 Creatures of Note . ................ ................................................. 27 1 9. I The Necromancer . .
................................. ........... ................. 98
8.5 Birds of Rhosgobel ................................................................ 28 1 9.2 Khamul the Easterling ........................................................ 99
8.6 Animals and the Beijabar ..................................................... 28 1 9.3 Vagaig . .... ............................................................................. 1 02
9.0 Dark Creatures .
. ................................... .................................... 29 1 9.4 Princes of the Plains ............................ .. .......................... 1 03
9.1 Dragons . . .
................ ........... .......................... ........................... 29 1 9.5 Beijabar And Woodmen ........................................ ...
...... 1 05
9.2 Fell Beasts . .... ........................................................................... 30 1 9.6 Lords of Dale ..................................................................... 1 07
9.3 Spiders ................................................................................... . . 30 1 9.7 Huinen the Seer ............................................................... . 1 08
9.4 Giant races .
......................................................... .................... 3I 1 9.8 Elf-lords . .
..................... .. .................................... ..... .. ....... . . . 1 08
9.5 Other Evil Creatures . .
...... ... .................................. ............... . 32 1 9.9 Dwarf-lords . .
.................. ........................... ......................... 1II
10.0 Avenues of Travel. .
................ ............................................... 33 20.0 Adventures . ..
. ............................ ... . ......................................... 1 12
1 0. 1 The Roads .
.................... ....................................................... 33 20. I Grey Mountain Adventures ......................................... . . I 12
1 0.2 The Waterways .......................................................... . ....... .. 36 20.2 Adventures i n Mirkwood ............................................... I16
1 1.0 Peoples and Cultures . . ......... ................................ . ........... . .. . 37 20.3 Adventures in the Open Country ................................. I 17
1 1 . 1 The Wood-elves .................................................................. 37 20.4 PC Possibilities .................................................................. I 18
I 1 .2 The Dwarves ........................................................................ 37 20.5 Suggested Storylines ........................................................ I 19
I 1 .3 The Northmen .................................................................... 39 2 1 .0 GM Guidelines .
. ................ ........................................... ...... . 1 20
I 1 .4 The Dunedain . .
.............. ............................ ......................... 47 2 I . I Economic Tables .
........................ ...................................... 1 20
I 1 .5 The Easterlings . ..... .............................................................. 47 2 1 .2 Enchanted Items ................................................................ 121
1 1 .6 Orcs o f Dol Guldur ........................................................... 50 2 1 .3 Northmen Glossary . ................ ........................................ . 1 22
1 2.0 Politics and Power . .
. .. ......................... ................................... 5. 1 2 1 .4 Eorling Glossary . . . .
............ ......... .................. ... .................. 1 23
1 2. I Politics in the North ..
.................................... . ................ ... 52 22.0 Appendices . . .
. ........ ....... ... ....................................................... 125
1 2.2 Politics in the South ........................................................... 52 22. I Abbreviations . ... . . .
.. .. ... . . ..................................................... 125
The Great Plague in Wilderland ............................... ............... . 53 22.2 Citations . . . . . .
....... ....... .......... ......... ............ .. ........................ 1 25
1 2.3 The Woodland Realm . .
.............. ....... ................................ 53 22.3 Glossary . .
................... ........................... .............................. 1 26
1 2.4 The Iron Hill Dwarves . . ....... .... ......................................... 54 23.0 Tables . ...................................................................................... 1 29
1 2.5 Northman Politics . .
............. ......................... ...... ............... . 54 23. 1 MERP/RM NPC Table ............................................... 1 29
1 2.6 The Gondorian Presence ................................................... 54 23.2 MERP /RM Military Table . . ........................................ 1 33
1 2.7 Easterling Politics .
.................................... .......................... 54 23.3 MERP/RM Beast Table ................................................ 138
1 2.8 The Necromancer . . .
... ............................. ... ......................... 55 23.4 Dragons o f Wilderland . ..
.................. ... . .......................... 1 39
1 3.0 Sites of Men . . . . .
........................... ... ................... ..................... 59 23.5 LoR NPC Table ................................................................ 1 40
1 3. 1 Plains Northman . .. . .
....... ..... . ........................ ... ................... 59 23.6 LoR General Beast Table ................................................ 1 43
1 3.2 Dale ....................................................................................... 59 23.7 LoR Military Table .
......................... ................................ 144
1 3.3 Lake-Town ........................................................ .................. . 62 23.8 LoR Military Beast Table ............................................... 1 48
1 3.4 Woodmen-town .
................................. ................................ 64 23.9 LoR Conversion Notes .
.......................... ........................ 1 49
Mirkwood begins with an overview of Rhovan ion (Sec­
"By the afternoon they had reached the eaves oj Mirkwood, and tion 2.0), sketching the conflicts that arose with the arrival
were resting almost beneath the great overhanging boughs oj its Easterling invaders, a pestilence of surpassing virulence,
outer trees. Their trunks were huge and gnarled, their branches and the advent of the mysterious Necromancer in Dol
twisted, their leaves were dark and long. Ivy grew on them and Guldur. It is followed by a history (Section 3.0) that
trailed along the ground. focuses on the events of the Third Age. Sections 4.0, 5.0,
"(Well, here is Mirkwood" said Candaif, "Thegreatest oj the and 6.0 discuss the geological, climatic, and ecological
forests oj the Northern world. I hope you like the look oj it. Now character of the land, while Sections 7.0 and 8.0 relate
you 11Iust send back these excellent ponies you have borrowed.))) pertinent particulars of the plants and animals native to
The Hobbit, pp. 134-l35 the area. Section 9.0 presents the dark creatures that haunt
Like Bilbo and the Dwarves on the quest of Erebor, Mirkwood. Section 1 0.0 covers the roads and waterways
other bold adventurers might discover in their hearts a that traverse Rhovanion's board leagues. We then exam­
reluctance to enter the shadows ofMirkwood. They have ine the diverse peoples dwelling in the wilderland (Section
reason for their caution! Giant spiders, enchanted streams, I 1 .0) and delve into the complex politics of the region
and the chance of losing one's way are the least ofthe perils (Section 1 2.0). Sections 1 3 .0, 1 4.0, and 1 5.0 place the
of the forest. The Necromancer's minions comb the sites of Men, Elves, and Dwarves in their proper context,
treelands in the south for victims, while Thranduil's Elves along with detailed descriptions. Section 1 6.0 deals with
loose a beguiling, confusing magic in the north when the unique home of the Wizard Radagast the Brown.
feasting abroad under leafy arches. No path is safe; no trail Section 1 7.0 gives an overview of Dol Guldur, while
is certain. Let the traveller beware! Section 1 8.0 discusses other dark sites. People of note­
the Necromancer, the princes of the plains, and the Lords
of Dale, among others-appear in Section 1 9.0, followed
Mirkwood is the fourth title in ICE's Realms oj Middle­ by adventures likely to strike wayfarers in Mirkwood. We
earth® adventure game series. Each work in this collection finish with an array of appendices, tables, and charts
documents a specific geographic region or political entity pertaining to ICE's Middle-earth Role Playing,™ Rolemaster,™
in T olkien' s Middle-earth. Other volumes include Arnor,'M and Lord oj the Rings Adventure Came™ systems.
The Shire)'M Angmar),'" Southern Condor,'M etc. Each is a
comprehensive compendium describing notable events, THE SOURCES
sites, and characters from a host of Endor's most storied This is an authorized secondary work. It is specifically
locales. This realm module details Rhovanion, the wild based on The Hobbit and The Lord ojtheRings, and it has been
lands of which Mirkwood is the heart. In addition, developed so that no conflict exists with any of the other
Mirkwood provides you with summaries and charts de­ primary publications. Of course, always remember that
scribing the region's inhabitants, sites, and challenges in a the ultimate sources of information are the works of
fantasy gaming context. These works are, after all, adven­ Professor J .R.R. Tolkien. Posthumous publications ed­
ture game supplements. ited by his son Christopher shed additional light on the
As you may already know, adventure games include world of Middle-earth.
fantasy role playing and simpler story telling games. These Mirkwood is based on extensive research. We uphold the
games are akin to plays or interactive novels. The referee, high standards associated with legacy ofJ.R.R. Tolkien.
or gamemaster, serves as a sort of actor/ director, while the By blending material from primary and secondary sources
players portray the main characters. Everyone combines with rational linguistic, cultural, and geolOgical data, we
their imaginative talents to conceive a spontaneous story insure that any interpretive material fits into Professor
which is never short of action, intrigue, and adventure. Tolkien's defined patterns and schemes. Keep in mind,
Over the years, gamemasters have chosen Endor, Middle­ however, that this is by no means the "sole official view."
earth, as the setting for adventure games. No fantasy Since we derive the material in Mirkwood from autho­
world exceeds Tolkien' s creation in terms of depth, flavor, rized sources, we provide citations to pertinent sections in
and consistency-or as an adventure gaming locale. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and other major works
Mirkwood serves as a helpful tool for gamemasters and by J.R.R. Tolkien. Where we have extrapolated informa­
players seeking knowledge about Hobbits and that por­ tion, we either omit citations or we refer to publications
tion ofEriador in which they come to dwell. It is an ideal in ICE's Middle-earth adventure game series.
reference work for anyone using any major fantasy role
playing game guidelines, in particular ICE's Middle-earth®
series. Those wishing to explore Endor in the context of
an adventure game will find this work invaluable.
2.0 RHOVANION the wide plains of Rhovanion to the east and south of the
forest, to farm and hunt and to a small extent, trade. These
NOTE: Mirkwoodjorms the heart ojRhovanion. This work men maintain bonds, however loosely, with their kinsmen
covers all oj this dramatic domain. Where necessary, the material
in Gondor. Bound to the soil and woods of the region,
in this work is set in TA. 1640; however, we have taken carethese proud and independent descendants of the Edain
to delete time-specific references wherever possible. lead a clannish existence, answering to no one but them­
Rhovanion, or Wilderland, is home to ThranduiI's selves.
Wood-elves, the Dwarves of the Iron Hills, and various
Northmen groups of the mountains, woods and plains. It 2.2 A LAND BESIEGED
is a rugged region untamed by any dominant civilization. Never a center of government or a cultural magnet,
Encompassing the ancient forest of Mirkwood, once Mirkwood is recovering from the recent Dark Plague, a
called Greenwood the Great, this wild country is also the pestilence which struck down half of the men and beasts
abode of Giants and Dragons and other powerful beasts, of the area and led to famine and great suffering in the
creatures who inhabit the mysterious Mountains of winter that followed. To add to the region's ills, Smaug
Mirkwood and the cold but serene Grey Mountains. the Destroyer and his winged cousins make their homes in
Rhovanion is vast, varied, and strategically located. the frozen wastes north of the Grey Mountains and breed
The rich Anduin Valley comprises its western flanks, a in the Withered Heath of Desolation, a forsaken zone
border fronted by the sheer cliffs of the mighty Misty that testifies to the Dragon's powers of ruination. Far to
Mountains. To the north, the Grey Mountains stand the south, below Rhosgobel and the Narrows of the
along the frontier, separating the area's cool, wooded Forest, juts Dol Guldur. This gloomy, mist-enshrouded
highlands from the bleak Northern Waste. Wilderland's fortress stands as Sauron's outpost in Mirkwood, his
vast plains border the great Kingdom of Gondor to the stepping-stone between Mordor and Angmar. From
south and the wide, unfriendly country of Rhun to the there, the awful Necromancer has cast his sickening and
east. strangling Shadow across the game and primeval greenery
of what was once Greenwood the Great.
Northwestern Endor
The Northmen of Rho van ion r-------�����--_,
reside amongst others who ordi­
narily shun the Secondborn.
Wood-elves live throughout
northern Mirkwood, particularly
in the eastern eaves where the
Forest River feeds the Long
Marsh. Immortal minstrels, lin­
guists, lovers of the good life,
these Silvan Folk cast their spells
as they have for centuries-al­
beit in an ever-shrinking domain.
Meanwhile, to the east, a small
group of Durin's Folk mine the
Iron Hills. These Dwarves, rela­
tives of the masters of Moria (K.
Khazad-dum) and Dwarf-smiths
ofthe Blue Mountains, also covet
the riches of the Ered Mithrin.
The Northmen, too, reside in
Rhovanion. Wild men live here,
not many, but a few genuine wild
men of the woods, men of little
learning and culture who live
closer to beasts than to other
men. (Some seem more bearlike
than human.) Other bands of
more-sociable Northmen have HARAD

settled in larger numbers along

the vales of the Anduin and on
No one travels or lives in the region without falling 3.0 HISTORY
under the shadow of Dol Guldur. While only the wise
have any notion of why this mountain sheds �uch a ghastly In the Elder Days, Rhovanion was the domain of Elves.
spell, all can sense the the foul stench of evil and death that The Vanyar, the Noldor, and the T eleri all passed
surrounds Amon Lane (S. "Naked Hill"). Most hard­ through its wide lands on their Great Journey into the
ships that befall one in Rhovanion can be traced back in West. Of the Teleri, one branch turned away from their
one way or other to the influence of the accursed craggy kin to dwell in the vales of Anduin. These were the
peak. Nandor, and they spread through the forests dominating
Yet conflicts have arisen that apparently have nothing the region at the time. The Nandor, although technically
to do with the Evil of that mountain. Rhovanion, the among the Eldar due to their Teler heritage, never came
to the Undying Lands, nor witnessed the light of the Two
pastoral gateway between the West and the rest ofMiddle­
earth, has become the warring ground of forces beyond its !rees. Thu�, they are considered to be Moriquendi (S.
bounds. The great Kings of Gondor, in their quest for Dark Elves ) and are grouped among the Silvan peoples.
empire and the subjugation of the Easterling tribes, have The Nandor survived on roots and berries gathered in
brought constant conflict and bloodshed to a land which the woodland, along with game hunted as part of their
was once little more than a corridor for wandering folk. son�-laden festivals. They were a primitive folk who yet
While few great wars originate in Wilderland, many retamed the exquisite grace and finesse of their Elda
battles scar the hills and plains of the region, forcing heritage. Their roving lifestyle carried them on regular
Rhovanion's inhabitants to take up arms to protect and pilgrimmages from the eastern slopes of the Misty Moun­
defend their homes and fragile resources. This is a tains to the edge of the immense grasslands surrounding
country under siege, a beautiful and bountiful domain the Sea of Rhun. They regarded the trees, the glens, and
gripped by the omnipresent threat of war and pestilence, the streams by which they passed as under their guardian­
drought and deluge, and insidious Evil. ship, but did not feel a sense of ownership. Dwarves, fairy
Great Plague bemgs, and later Men and Hobbits might come and go
without inviting significant Nando attention.
After the rising of the sun, when Men awoke, the Edain
who would eventually meet with the Elves in Beleriand
passed through Rhovanion on their journey westward.
They did not stay. Only their strange burial mounds and
their monuments to the mysteries of the natural world
remain to mark their slow, centuries-long passage. The
Daen peoples who came to rest in the valleys hemming the
White Mountains also migrated from east to west, but
their route took them south of the Nando realms. They
passed through the prairies spreading between the flanks
ofthe Ash Mountains and the lower edges of Rhovan ion' s
forest, crossing Anduin at the South Undeeps. The
Wilderland continued as a primarily Elven domain.
In the Second Age, the silver mists, the golden dawns,
and the contemplative quietude ofRhovan ion gave way to
a more energetic milieu in which diverse peoples mingled
and interacted. Descendants of the Edain who had passed
through millenia before and halted in the lands between
the Blue Mountains and the Misty Mountains now
returned, this time to settle and build homesteads. Named
Eriedain by the Sinda Elves, these mannish newcomers
began carving meadows and fields out of the ancient
forests, chopping trees at a dismaying rate.
In the mid-Second Age, Galadriel came to Lind6rinand
(later L6rien), where she was hailed as Queen. Her rule
spanned the Anduin and encompassed much of what was
then named Greenwood the Great. At the end of the Age,
Oropher ofthe Sindar left Lindon for northern Rhovanion
and there founded his Woodland Realm. With both these
great monarchs came the concept of sovereignty over the
land as well as over its peoples. Oropher, and later his son
Thranduil, claimed the forests of the north as his and held
them against the encroachments ofMan on into the Third
Age, while Galadriel did the same in the south. The
Eriedain stabilized in the Anduin Vales and the prairies
between Greenwood's eastern eaves and the shores of the
Sea of Rhun. The shifting political scene steadied, and
peace reigned between these dissimilar neighbors.


For the men ofRho van ion, life during the firstmillenium
of the Third Age was prosperous and happy. Predictably
good weather and copious harvests marked those happy
times. The (now-abandoned) terraced fields below the
Undeeps date back to this placid era, when the Elves and
Men of the region enjoyed comfortable lives and traded
their bounty for a wealth of other goods from Gondor,
Eriador, and Dorwinion. Many came to settle in Arrows depict thrust ofWainrider invasion, T.A. 1 854. I = Arthedain;
Rhovanion, hoping to share the modest wealth born of its 2= Angmar; 3=No Man's Land (Rhudaur); 4=Cardolan; 5=Core Ter­
fertile landscape. From Eriador there came rugged ritory of Gondor; 6= West Gondor, including the Westfo l d;
Northmen, friends of the Dunedain of Gondor. Out of 7=Calenardhon or North Gondor; 8= Gondor's Eastlands, weakly ruled
after Great Plague of 1 6 35-37, relinquished in 1854-55; 9 = Harondor,
Gondor flowed a steady stream of farmers who crossed
contested by Gondor and the C orsairs of Umbar; IO= Wainrider King­
the Anduin in search of free, open land. These folk dom in Rhovanion 1 854-99; II= Umbar.
overwhelmed the indigenous folk (who were largely " com­
mon men") and blended to form the core of the Plainsman
civilization of T alath Harroch (southern Rhovanion)' THE COMING OF THE SHADOW
Differences in their lifeways, language, and outlook intially While the fertile hills by the Undeeps became known
kept the two groups apart, but trade and the common as the Brown Lands during the Second Age, the changes
setting of their new homes eventually eroded most of the that transformed Rhovanion into Wilderland began tak­
cultural barriers. ing place around T.A. 1000. The great Lady Galadriel,
Some Northmen, however, remained apart. The insu­ whose influence spread outward like a halo from L6rien,
lar Woodmen who entered Rhovanion soon after the end even into and over Greenwood the Great, saw the first
of the Second Age travelled south of the Old Forest Road clouds from the East. In time, those clouds begat great
and settled in relative isolation in the deep woods near the rumblings, and new enemies came forth.
Gladden Fields. Their eccentric Beijabar brethren, scat­ Galadriel could not explain what she felt, but she slowly
tered families tied to the mystical Bear Cult, helped guide realized that another force entered the forest. Soon, King
the Woodmen clans across the Great River. Like the Thranduil sensed the intruder as well. As the songs of the
Woodmen, the Beijabar kept to themselves and clung to Woodland-folk inexplicably took on a quieter key and
their ancient tradtions. Residing in manors scattered at the crops mysteriously dwindled, the Elves could do
the edge of the woods or along the flanks of the Misty nothing to stay the tide of Darkness. By the year T.A.
Mountains, these stalwart Northmen insured that the new 1 1 00, ThranduiI's people had removed themselves to the
roads remained safe, but they rarely mixed with others. northern reaches of Greenwood, and Galadriel found
All the while, the Silvan Elves, or Tawarwaith (S. herself without power beyond the western edges of the
"Forest-folk"), lived happily in Greenwood the Great. forest. Many Elves moved back across the river to L6rien,
Angalaladh, their "Elven Ring," dominated the depths of while others fled north to refuges near the Aradhrynd (S.
the Forest and served as the heart of their Woodland "Halls ofthe Elven-king")' Little did they know that they
Realm. They remained fast, albeit competitive, allies of were easing the way for the spread of their worst night­
their Elven neighbors: the Galadhrim (S. "Tree-people") mare: the Evil that had come to Dol Guldur was the Lord
of L6rien. (L6rien was, after all, once home to King of the Rings.
Thranduil and his Sinda retainers.) They also tolerated The Elves date Sauron's entry into that mountain at
the Northmen. Despite incursions of Plainsmen into the about T.A. 1050. No one knew it then, though. The
Forest for lumber, the mostly Avar Forest-folk coexisted Dwarves who had lived within Amon Lanc and mined its
with the newcomers. volcanic depths at the leave ofThranduil's father Oropher
Nonetheless, Thranduil felt compelled to reduce the had long since departed in search ofgreater riches. No one
size of his kingdom as the influence of Men waxed. The lived near the Naked Hill. No one noticed the dark-robed
retreat of the Wood-elves left the southernmost part of figures lurking in the caverns' corners, preparing the
the forest open. Into this void came the Shadow. mountain for the coming of their resurrected master.
THE RISE OF RHOVANION'S NORTHMEN Sadly, Vidugavia's Kingdom proved short-lived, and
The years surrounding the beginning of the second the pact that afforded safety and momentary peace to
millenium of the Third Age mark the height of the thousands soon resulted in bloodshed. The union of
Northmen's civilization on the Plains. Gondor's empire Rhovanion dissolved in the wake of the inter-tribal
(after 750) stretched across the Talath Harroch to the disputes following Vidugavia's death. Meanwhile,
western shores ofthe Sea ofRh0.n (the area corresponding Vidumavi, the Northman King's daughter, married Valacar
to the Gondorian province of Dor Rhunen) and the and became Queen ofGondor. Her marriage served as the
varied Northman groups resided throughout Rhovanion. unfortunate catalyst for the tragic Kin-strife.
Although their loyalties were divided between their own
chieftains and the kingdom ofGondor (which held titular
Valacar, blonde-headed son of R6mendacil, was sent
control as far north as the forest edge), no conflicts arose
with glad tidings into Rhovanion soon after the EasterIings
that were serious enough to threaten the bond between
had been rebuffed. Indeed, his move into Rhovanion
Northman and Dunadan.
marked a minor migration of men and women from
The Northmen who lived in Dor Rhunen prided
Gondor into the pastoral lands to the east. He fell in love
themselves on being able to combine the best of both
with the beautiful dark-eyed daughter of Vidugavia.
worlds; they had security, and learned much from the
They married, and the alliance between the two lands
Dunedain; they were independent. They traded with the
seemed safe forever.
Northmen outside the borders of the Gondorian empire:
Eldacar, son of Valacar and grandson of both
the Woodmen of Mirkwood, the tribes of the East Bight
R6mendacil and Vidugavia, took over the rule of this
and the Celduin Valley, and the entrepenurial folk of
greatly extended realm of Gondor in T.A. 1 432. His
Lake-town and Dale. Thus, Dunadan knowledge passed
ascension sparked rebellion. Many of his subjects, par­
northward and sowed the seeds ofthe fledgling Northman
ticularly those in the southern or "seaward" provinces,
chafed in the face of another monarch whom they per­
Numerous individual homesteads dotted the eastern
ceived to favor northern interests. The powerful Sea­
eaves and the plains to the east of the great forest. Most
lords of Lebennin, Harithilien, Harondor, and Anfalas
sprang up along the great highways, notably the East Way
had long assailed Eldacar's "impure" lineage. Citing that
(S. Men Romen), the Horse Road (S. Rathon Roch), and
their families were pure in Dunadan blood-unmingled
the Way of Araw (Men-in-Araw)' The greatest concen­
with the blood of the Northerners-the southerners
tration of North men, though, was in the hills and breaks
voiced concern that Eldacar was unworthy of the crown.
of the East Bight. There, a budding but crude urban
When King Valacar died, the Sea-lords and their follow­
subculture grew up in towns like Buhr Ailgra, Buhr
ers offered their own candidate for the throne: Castamir
Waldlaes (Strayhold), and Buhr Widu. The Waildung
of Pelargir The unrest that tarnished the last part of
tribe dominated this area, and their Prince, while not
Valacar's reign erupted into bitter civil warfare.
recognized as King of the Northmen, became an increas­
Too weak to resist the rebel army, Eldacar fled to
ingly important figure in trade and politics. After Gondor's
Rhovanion in T.A. 1 437. His rival ruled the South
overlords established an embassy in the Waildung court
Kingdom for the next ten years. These were dark years in
at Buhr Widu, other Northmen began to see the Prince of
Rhovanion, for the Gondorians stopped trading with the
the Bight as a symbol ofthe land's prosperity and progress.
Northmen and persecuted the non-Dunadan residents of
More importantly, they found themselves forced to reckon
northern Gondor and those of Dor Rhunen under
with the more settled Waildung.
Castamir's yoke. All the while, the rightful King mustered
Finally, around T.A. 1248, Prince Vidugavia, the
his allies in the North and laid the foundation for the
Huithyn of the Waildungs, proclaimed himself King of
reconquest of his Kingdom. In T.A. 1 447, Eldacar
Rhovanion. His self-styled Kingdom included all of the
returned to Gondor at the head of a largely Northman
lands north of the line stretching eastward from the
army and crushed the Usurper's forces at the Battle of the
southern boundary of Mirkwood and roughly corre­
Crossings ofErui. From this point onward, the Northmen
sponding to the territory above the East Way. Vidugavia
and Dunedain grew closer, and relations between Gondor
respected the borders ofDor Rhunen, which remained the
and Rhovanion were never quite the same.
province of his friend and supporter, King R6mendacil II
Although resisted by many Northmen, Vidugavia's rise Nearly two centuries passed before the next great
proved fortuitous for the Gondorian King. His united tragedy struck the peoples ofWilderIand. In T.A. 1 635,
Northman allies provided the strength necessary for during the second year ofthe reign ofTelemnar, a terrible
Romendacil to defeat a great Sagath Easterling invasion. wave of darkness came out of the East in the form of the
Were it not for the aid, all of eastern Gondor might have Great Plague. Rhovanion was devastated by a wide variety
been lost to the barbarians. The Northman alliance of unprecedented and unspeakably terrible ills. No
insured the survival of a free Wilderland. plague before or since rivals the scale and horror of this
awful holocaust.
The following year the Evil spread across the Anduin The carnage ended in T.A. 1 899, when the Northman
and northward beyond the Celduin. There, the symptoms Princes and their men arose in revolt and toppled the
took fewer forms, but the effect was almost as great. brutal Wainrider Kingdom. However, for the next 600
Gondor and her allies reeled, and the King perished with years the Wainriders, the Asdriags (aka "Balchoth"), and
all of his heirs. The White Tree, symbol of Gondor's the Orcs of the Grey Mountains terrorized Rhovanion
might, withered and died. Osgiliath suffered the most, and insured that Gondor would never again lay claim to
prompting the new monarch, Telemnar's nephew the lands once called Dor Rhunen.
Tarondor, to lay plans to move the government from the
half-deserted city to Minas Anor. Four years later the But not all bad luck befell the Men of Rho van ion alone.
court transferred to the fortified summer capital at the In T.A. 1 980, Dwarves mining for mithril in Moria
foot of the White Mountains. The Watch on Mordor accidentally released a Balrog, an awesome and abhorrent
was abandoned that same year. Nonetheless, the young "Demon of Might" who had been entrapped in the
King vigorously restored order. T arondor replaced the Underdeeps since the end of the Elder Days. Fleeing the
White Tree with a seedling planted in the citadel ofMinas beauty and protection of their subterranean city, the
Anor and gathered the shards of a shattered society Dwarves wandered for years before Thdin I, King of
together, insuring the recovery of the South Kingdom. Durin's Folk, led his people to Erebor (S. "Lonely
After the Plague, however, the Gondorian King could Mountain") in northern Rhovanion. There, at the head­
no longer rely on duties and taxes to fill the treasury. The waters ofthe Celduin (S. "River Running"), they founded
old imperial tax programs waned in the face of massive the Kingdom under the Mountain in T.A. 1 999. Soon
depopulation, displacement, and financial depression. after, Thdin discovered the priceless jewel called the
This change affected Rhovanion, for the Kings ofGondor Arkenstone in the heart of the solitary peak. Thdin's
stopped taxing their subjects east of the Anduin. Incen­ prize became the House of Durin's most-revered heir­
tives were needed to keep the population of the strategic loom.
province of Dor Rhunen stable. Many of the Northmen The discovery of gold and gems in the Grey Moun­
resettled on the plains of southern Rhovanion at this time, tains, however, spurred Thorin I to lead his folk out of the
providing the South Kingdom with added military assis­ Lonely Mountain to found another colony and tap this
tance in return for grazing and farming lands. immense lode to the north. The new Dwarf-hold pros­
THE WAINRIDERS pered for nearly six hundred years but the success of its
Although trade in and through Rhovanion recovered industrious inhabitants eventually proved to be its undo­
during the two centuries after the Plague, many of the ing. In the course ofmining, the Dwarves stirred the long­
region's towns remained in ruin. The population, particu­ dormant Dragons residing in the heights near the With­
larly in the Celduin Valley and on the eastern plains, never ered Heath. Cold-drakes assailed Durin's Folk. The
again reached its pre-Plague level. Towns like Londaroth greatest of these beasts, Ando-anca, slew King Dain I in
Below the Long Lake were forever abandoned. The T.A. 2589 and captured the Dwarven treasury. Dain's
numbers of Northmen climbed, to be sure, but the area son, Thr6r, rallied his people, but the Naugrim lost any
was still sparsely settled when another devastating blow hope of reclaiming their stronghold. King Thr6r led the
struck. majority of the Dwarves back to the Lonely Mountain,
Summoned out of the East, the next ill wind struck while his youngest brother Gr6r took a smaller party
Rhovanion in T.A. 1 854. It came in the form of hordes further east. Gr6r founded a realm in the Iron Hills,
of migrating Easterlings, the so-called "Wagon-folk" or which, albeit poorer, proved safer than the refound King­
"Wainriders." These fierce, swarthy nomads were actu­ dom Under the Mountain.
ally ofthe Sagath confederation, the western branch ofthe
Logath peoples of Rhun. Pressured by their relentlessly Smaug the Golden, the greatest winged fire-breather to
bloodthirsty neighbors, the Asdriags, the Wainriders reside in the Grey Mountains, flew southward out of the
poured out of western Rhun in countless numbers. They Withered Heath in T.A. 2770. Smelling the newly­
overwhelmed the Gondorians and the Eothraim Northmen mined wealth of Erebor, the covetous drake sacked the
ofDor Rhunen at the Battle of the Plains and swept across Mountain, roasted or drove off the Dwarves, and settled
the Talath Harroch like an unbroken storm.
into the Great Hall of Thr6r. There, he nested upon an
Once more, the Dwarves and Elves retreated into their inestimable bounty of gold, silver, mithriI. and gems­
well-guarded bastions while the Northmen fled or suf­ not to mention jewelry and arms defying description. For
fered the ravages of war. The Wainriders crushed the the better part of two centuries Smaug ruled his roost in
relatively disunified Northmen in months and, for the Erebor as the Dwarves licked their wounds at Gr6r's court
next forty-three years, the Wainriders alternately brutal­ in the Iron Hills, or in the Blue Mountains beyond
ized and slaughtered most of Rhovanion's inhabitants. Eriador (where they worked disheartedly as smiths and
Many of the Northmen escaped into the Vales of the iron-mongers ).
Anduin with Marhwini and the remnants ofthe Eothraim
tribes, but many more perished.
That same year, the Grey Wizard persuaded Thrain's
heir, Thorin II (Oakenshield), to join him on an expedi­
tion back into the Lonely Mountain. Gathering other
Dwarves-Balin, Bifur, Bombur, Dori, Eli, Gl6in, Klli,
Nori, Oin, and Ori-and the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins,
Gandalf and Thorin set out on the seemingly hopeless
task of retaking the Lonely Mountain from Smaug.
As recounted in Bilbo's narrative, There and Back
Again (also known as The Hobbit), the unlikely adven­
turers achieved remarkable success. Bilbo secretly en­
tered Erebor and, after stirring Smaug, indirectly led to
the Dragon's demise. When the golden Fire-drake
subsequently attacked Lake-town, Bard slew him with a
bowshot. Thus, the Lonely Mountain was open to
Thorin's claim and the Dwarves refound Thr6r's realm.
Their celebration, though, was exceptionally brief, and it
took a great victory at the Battle of Five Armies before the
Kingdom Under the Mountain could be reestablished.
This fateful clash transpired at the base ofErebor, and
the fighting raged across the waste between the Mountain
and the ruins of Dale to the south. Thorin and his
Dwarves, many of whom marched to his aid from the
Iron Hills, counted Wood-elves of Mirkwood and the
Men of Esgaroth and Dale as their allies. The Elf-king
Thranduil and Bard the Dragon-slayer led their forces
against the dreaded Orcs of Bolg and a horde of blood­
thirsty Wargs, while Thorin held the gate into the Lonely
Mountain. The Free Peoples prevailed and, aided by the
Entwife Smaug also laid waste to the entire upper Celduin Great Eagles and the mighty Beijaba Beorn, routed and
Valley, including the Northman town of Dale. The slaughtered the Goblin-host and cut down the foul Wargs
Dragon left a barren, blackened wasteland where there by the score.
was once a pleasant, profitable (and unprotected) town on In the aftermath of the battle the Dwarves' new King,
the banks of the River Running. The few surviving Dale­ Dain Ironfoot (King of the Iron Hills) wisely granted the
men fled south to Esgaroth on the Long Lake, where most Wood-elves and the men ofEsgaroth and Dale generous
became fishermen. None sought to resettle Dale for the compensations for their efforts in retaking Erebor. Then
next 1 70 years. Dain buried his slain predecessor with the honors he so
richly deserved. The fallen Dwarf-king Thorin
Oakenshield was laid to rest with the Arkenstone on his
In the middle of the twenty-eighth century, the Istar breast and the magic Elf-sword Orcist at his side.
Gandalf reentered Rhovanion's history. The Grey Wiz­ Meanwhile, Thranduil returned to Aradhrynd and
ard penetrated the Necromancer's dungeons in Dol Guldur Bilbo went home to the Shire in Eriador. Bard the
and discovered the dying and tormented Dwarf-king Bowman, slayer ofSmaug, resolved to rebuild his ancestor's
Thrain II. While he failed to save Thriin II, Gandalf home in the shadow of the Mountain. Bard ruled as King
secured the Dwarfs magic key to Erebor and a long-secret of Dale and restored the once-thriving trade of the upper
map of the Lonely Mountain. More importantly, he Celduin Valley.
discovered what he suspected and feared: that the Necro­
mancer of Mirkwood was in fact Sauron. THE SPREADING SHADOW
Gandalfs discovery prompted the White Council to With each passing year the strength of the Dark Lord
act in unison. Sauron fled in T.A. 2941 and reentered grew and his enemies became fewer. By the end of the
Mordor, leaving Dol Guldur temporarily unoccupied. third millenium the Shadow of Mordor extended over
For only the second time in nearly nineteen hundred years, most of Middle-earth. Arnor, the North Kingdom, had
the Evil One left Mirkwood. fallen and Eriador became largely deserted as a result of
the constant fighting between the Dunedain and the
Witch-king of Angmar. Even Saruman, the Master of the
White Council, had fallen prey to the Evil woven by the
Lord of the Rings. The White Istar began to embark on
his own dark course, vainly seeking the lost Ruling Ring.
There once was a time when birds sang sweetly and flowers their plentiful gardens. Bnts favored greater trees. the tillest of the:
bloomed throughou� this realm. One must remember that South­ olvar; their Wives looked to all the other plants. Just as tile Ents
ern Rhov�ion was Rnce the hap,BX home of the.;,Entwives, the saw t me healthful growing of plants upward to 'the sun and sky,
keepers of small grQwin� things and the teachet"\ .f.f agriCulture. the Eiltwives performea a complementary task b� seeing to things
Ouring the First Ag�o one is qWte sure e Ents and closer to the soil, and to the underground necessities of the olvar.
Entwives left their �c�tral home of $eleriancl and moved east­ They created intricate underground networks of chinks and hoi
ward into Eriador. They roamed these reaches for centuries, tunnels and waterways. d their needs were lovingly serve<:l
slowly moving to the south and east until they passed through the earthwonns, moles, millipedes and grubs.
mountain gap below Isengard and came near the shores of the Once the Ents had abandoned their Wives, they began to dwell
Andu4t. Strangdy, they separated. and the Ents remained to tend on their own passions and slowly took root in the Great Western
the Ancient Forest (where they cared for the Tree-spirits. the Forest (whicli once stretChed from Fangorn and the Field of
Huoms) while the Entwivts chose to cross the Anduin River. Celebrant to the readies of the Old Forest in Eaador). In their
There they planted gar� more sumptuous than any known absence, the Entwives gradUally forsook the bond �ey shared with
before or since. LuScious 'flitits hung on the vines. The sweet scent the Ents. No one knows quite what became ofthem, not even their
ofnectar wafted through i:lie air. Harmonies between the earth, the husbands. Many speak of the "moving trees" penodicaUy seen in
water, and the air coUld aJinost be heard, and coUld always be seen, Eriador; others say they fled to the East when Sauron of Mordor
thanks to the special touch of the Entwives. Those few Men who laid waste to their home. Some conjecture that they migrated
lived in this region learned the art of agriCulture ftom the Entwives. under the earth. to mingle with their own elements. Indeed. one
These Men revered the mothers of the soil. might ddve beneath Brown Lands today and still find evidence of
The Entwives dwelt in the region now called the Brown Lands, the Entwives, although the traces of their gardens are now lost in
but those lands were far from brown in those years gone by. When the parched hills along the Anduin south ofMirkwood and east of
Ents and Entwives (5. Enyd or Onodrim) lived together. a the Limlight and the Wold, a region made "brown" in the last days
harmony was fonned much like the partnership of Heaven and of the Second Age. Only the eroded hill-folds that were once
Earth, and their parting was sorrowful. Nonetheless, each gave his terraces give one a hint ofthe green plots that once graced this land.
own gift to the olvar. The Ents secured a link. with the elements Without the deft touch and gentle love of the Entwives, growth
of air and fire. and spoke to the winds and the birds in the skies. could no longer prosper. Some say that if only the Ents would
The Entwives provided a link with the elements ofearth and water. return with their songs to the sky and the wind, the Entwives would
and it was their way to si ng to the rivers and the stones, and order also resurface, and the Brown Lands would grow green again.

Gondor remained the chief obstacle in the path of stronger until the Hobbit Frodo took the Ring to the
Sauron's plan to become King of Men. However, the Crack of Doom and (with the "help" of Gollum) sealed
South Kingdom was greatly weakened: its line of Kings the fate of Sauron.
ended, its Dunadan armies driven out of the East and During this apocalyptic struggle, the Elves of L6rien
South. Gondor's sparse allies in Rhovanion were forced and the Woodland Realm crushed repeated attacks from
to rely on their own resources to survive the depredations the Armies of Dol Guldur. Bard II of Dale and the
of Orcs and Easterlings. The Woodmen retreated deep Dwarves of Erebor also beat back savage assaults, with­
into Mirkwood, and the Beijabar rarely strayed from their standing a fierce host of Easterlings and the Orc-hordes
scattered homesteads. Only the Celduin Valley stayed of Mount Gundabad in the three-day Battle of Dale.
clear of the Shadow. With the aid of their Elven When the forces ofDarkness took to flight, Celeborn and
neighbors in northern Mirkwood, the Men of Esgaroth King Thranduil marched to take the citadel of Dol
and Dale retained their freedom and fostered trade in the Guldur. The vast complex fell after a brief fight and
North. Galadriel cleansed its halls of Sauron's legacy. At last,
Much of the rest of the story has already been told: the Rhovanion was once again free of the great Evil.
young Stoor from the Gladden Fields who rescued the
One Ring from the depths of the Anduin and died at the With the Ring destroyed and the Evil One forever cast
hands of his jealous cousin; Sauron's fear that another into the Void, the Fourth Age dawned. Good feelings
great lord would employ his precious Ring against him; stirred throughout Wilderland as the Age of Men began.
the long search, and the coming of the Nazgul to the Shire The forest for so long called "Mirkwood" now rang with
ofEriador. Then came unleashing of the forces of Evil­ the songs of the birds who had lived through all the
as Saruman's servants assailed Rohan and Gondor from sadness with the unwavering help ofthe Wizard Radagast
his hold at Isengard, and Sauron of Mordor sent armies the Brown. Many Elves returned across the Anduin from
into the unconquered lands east of the Misty Mountains. L6rien and reclaimed their ancient homes. They renamed
Hordes of Orcs and Easterlings, Trolls and Haradrim, Mirkwood, recalling its old name: Eryn Lasgalen-Green­
wolves and Mumakil assailed Gondor and Rhovanion as wood the Great. Reopening its leafy shades, the Elves
the War of the Ring reached its climax. The Shadow grew brought light into the primeval forest.
The Northmen of the Plains prospered as they moved tain passes, while Woodmen forge a new life beside
their herds into lands long threatened by the spectre of Thranduil's Elves in the southwestern part of
Easterling barbarism. Farmers began enjoying plentiful Greenwood the Great. Later, the Northmen
harvests. The Woodmen and the Beijabar rejoiced, no entering southern Rhovanion through the Gap of
longer in fear of Orcs attacking out of their myriad lairs Rohan settle the open lands of Talath Harroch.
in the Misty Mountains. Most become Gramuz or Plainsmen, but the six
The hold in the Hill of Sorcery had been ruined, the semi-nomadic tribes of herders evolve into the
walls cast down by Galadriel, although it took the Elves E othraim-the Horse-lords. Others push north­
and Men long months to cleanse the mountain. Indeed, ward, building towns along the roads and riverways
legends say that the minions of Darkness have reclaimed of central and northern Rhovanion. These groups
the caves underground. But servants of Evil have (at least become known as the urban Northmen, and include
for now) greatly dwindled, and the harm they can inflict, the Lakemen and Dalemen of the Celduin Valley.
now that Sauron has been overwhelmed, will amount to ca. 1 - 1 000 Loosed from Sauron's grip, Easterlings
very little compared to the past horrors. stage erratic attacks on southern Rhovanion.
Galadriel extends her influence beyond the borders
of L6rien into the southern eaves of Greenwood,
3.2 THE TALE OF YEARS settling many of her people in the area near
Thranduil's Wood-elves.
ca. I The Entwives cross the Anduin and settle in 2 Isildur, the King of the Realms in Exile, leaves
eastern vales around the fords known as the Gondor and heads northward up the Anduin Valley
Undeeps. They teach Men of agriculture. toward Arnor. His party is attacked by Orcs near
the Gladden Fields (S. Loeg Ninglor). During
? The Entwives mysteriously desert their gardens,
Isildur's flight across the Gladden River (S. Sir
which fall into ruin. Their farmland eventually Ninglor), the One Ring drops from his finger. The
becomes known as the "Brown Lands" (S. Dor Orcs slay 1sildur but the Ruling Ring is lost in the
Firnen)' depths of the marshy river delta. From this resting
ca. 225 1 After a dispute with the Noldor, Oropher place the Ring begins to exert an eerie influence on
leaves L6rien and enters Greenwood the Great. A the nearby lands.
small group of Sinda exiles, including his son 379-89 King Anardil of Gondor sends his son to
Thranduil, accompanies him across the Anduin. claim great tracts of land east of the Anduin. The
Uniting the Silvan Elves (Avari), he founds the Gondorians call this region Dor Rhunen (S.
Woodland Realm. "Eastern Land").
ca. 2500 Disturbed by the rising power in Mordor, 4 I I Death of Anardil. His son is crowned Ostoher,
and the closeness of Celeborn and Galadriel in "Commander of the East."
L6rien and the Dwarves of Khazad-dum, Oropher
moves his people away from their settlements 420 Ostoher rebuilds Minas Anor.
around Arnon Lanc (S. "Naked Hill"). The ca. 500 Easterlings invade Gondor.
Dwarves abandon their mines in the great, extinct 492 Death of Ostoher. His son Tarostar immediately
volcano. drives the Easterlings back, and with the aid of the
3434 Oropher is slain in the War of the Last Alliance. Northmen, crushes them. T arostar takes the name
Leading a large contingent of his Forest-folk ._turing R6mendacil (I), the "East-victor."
the first assault on the Black Land, he prematurely 54 I Tarostar is slain in a skirmish while trying to drive
rushes the Mordorean defenses and dies in the a new Easterling horde out of Dor Rhunen. His
fighting before Gil-galad's forces arrive to stave off son, Turambar, ascends the throne and quickly
disaster. Thranduil succeeds Oropher as King of avenges his father's death.
the Wood-elves. 748 Atanatar I dies after subduing the invaders. His son
344 I The forces of the Last Alliance enter Barad-dur. Siriondil takes the Gondorian throne. He officially
Elendil the Tall and Gil-galad die fighting the Evil exacts a tribute from the Northmen and absorbs Dor
One, but the Dark Lord is overthrown when Rhunen as a Royal Territory of Gondor.
Elendil's 30n 1sildur cuts the Ruling Ring from ca. 1 050 Sauron secretly enters Arnon Lanc, renaming
Sauron's finger. Sauron and the Ringwraiths pass it Dol Guldur (5. "Hill of Sorcery") and making it
into the Shadows as the Second Age e�ds. his refuge.
THE THIRD AGE 1 050- 1 1 00 Thranduil builds the Halls of the Elven­
ca. 1-500 Migrating in waves out of Eriador to the king (5. Aradhrynd) in a hill overlooking the
west, the Northmen arrive in Rhovanion. The northern bank of the Forest River (5. T aurduin) in
Beijabar occupy the area around the Misty Moun- northeastern Mirkwood.
1050-2063 The Shadow grows over Greenwood the 1 490 Death of King Eldacar of Gondor.
Great. The forest eventually becomes known as 1 635-36 The Great Plague strikes Rhovanion.
Taur-e-Ndaedelos, or "Mirkwood." The power in 1 854 The Wainriders, a confederation of Sagath
Dol Guldur is siIJ1ply called the "Necromancer," for Easterlings, sweep into southern Rhovanion. They
no one save the Ulairi (Nazgul) know that the Lord defeat a combined army of Northmen and
of the Rings resides in the solitary volcano. Gondorians in the Battle of the Plains.
1 149 Death of Hyarmendacil 1. Peace settles upon the 1 854-1 855 Gondor relinquishes its dominion over
Talath Harroch. Dor Rhunen and abandons Rhovanion.
1248 Vidugavia, the Prince of the Waildung tribe of 1 854- 1 899 Wainrider Kingdom in Rhovanion.
the East Bight, proclaims himself King of
Rhovanion. He helps the Gondorian Crown-prince, 1 856-1 944 Recurrent battles between the Wainriders
Minalcar, defeat the Easterlings of Rhun. This of the East and Gondor.
valiant stand cements the ties between the Dunedain 1 857-99 The Eothraim and other refugee Northman
and the Northmen of Rhovanion. Minalcar takes groups leave the open country of Rhovanion and
the name "R6mendacil II" and builds the Argonath. settle in the middle vales of the Anduin: the area
between the Athrad laur (S. "Old Ford") and the
1253 Valacar, son of R6mendacil II and emissary to
Gladden Fields. .
Rhovanion, marries Vidugavia's daughter Vidumavi.
Soon after, their son Vinitharya (Eldacar) is born. 1 899 The Northmen revolt and overthrow the
Wainrider Kingdom in Rhovanion. Nenedan
1253-1432 The Sea-lords of Gondor grow discon­
Northmen found the hill-town of Maethelburg on
tented with the King's apparent favoritism toward
the North. Disturbed that King Valacar's heir has the banks of the river Sirros.
mixed blood, they begin challenging the Crown. 1 977 Two years after the departure of the Witch-king
Led by R6mendaciI's grand-nephew, Castamir, the from Angmar, the Eothraim are led northward by
Sea-lords question Eldacar's loyalty. They fear that the Althayn Frumgar. The Horse-lords, who are
he will serve two masters: both Gondor and the now called the Eotheod, settle near the sources of
Northmen of Rhovanion. the Anduin. Their new domain is northwest of
Mirkwood and south of the Ered Mithrin (S. "Grey
1276 The Witch-king founds his realm in Angmar, in
the northern Misty Mountains. Members of the Mountains").
last Hobbit tribe to leave Rhovanion, the Stoors, 1 999 Leading refugees from Khazad-dum (Moria),
begin departing from the Anduin Valley. Many Thriin I founds a new Dwarf-hold in Erebor (S.
Stoors enter Eriador and resettle in the Angle of "Lonely Mountain")' The Dwarven King discovers
Rhudaur. Thus, they join the Harfoots and the priceless Arkenstone in the heart of the solitary
Fallohides west of the Misty Mountains. peak.
1300-1 975 The Witch-king wars on the Arnorian ca. 1 999-2200 Dwarves settle in the Grey Mountains.
successor states: Arthedain, Rhudaur, a�d Cardolan. ca. 2000 The Althayn Fram, son of Frumgar, slays
1432 Death of Valacar. Civil war b�eaks out in Scatha the Cold-drake. He claims Scatha's hoard in
Gondor. the face of Dwarven protests. When Fram is
1432-37 The Kin-strife rages. The King's allies in the murdered in T.A. 200S, the Northmen of the
Eotheod accuse the Dwarves of the dark deed.
sparsely-settled northern provinces struggle against
the Sea-lords' forces from the densely-settled 2001 -05 Fram rebuilds the hillfort of Wraecaburg
southern regions. Castamir of Pelargir leads the above t�e river Langwell. He creates a new capital
rebels, who besiege Eldacar in the capital of for the Eotheod and names it Framsburg.
Osgiliath. 2050 The Witch-king slays Earnur. This is the end of
1437 Osgiliath falls. Eldacar is forced to flee to the line of Kings of Gondor, and the beginning of
Rhovanion. OrnendiI, his eldest son, is captured the era of Ruling Stewards.
and put to death. 2063 Attempting to discover the nature of the
1447 After ten years in exile, Eldacar returns to Necromancer, Gandalf enters Dol Guldur. Sauron
Gondor at the head of a largely Northman army. eludes him by fleeing into the East.
The rightful King slays Castamir and defeats the 2460 The Dark Lord returns to Dol Guldur.
rebels in the Battle of the Crossings of Erui. The ca. 2460 The Balchoth (aka Asdriags), another
rebel surivivors flee to Pelargir, where they seize the Easterling confederation, invade Rhovanion. They
Royal Fleet. sweep across the Talath Harroch and raid the
1448 The Gondorian rebels land at Umbar and take Northmen of the Vales of Anduin. The Easterlings
the great port. There they found the Corsair state. threaten Gondor's border outposts.
2463 DeagoI. a Stoor living near the Gladden Fields, 4.0 THE LAND
discovers the One Ring in the murky river waters.
SmeagoI. his cousin (later known as Gollum). slays Rhovanion is called Wilderland in the common tongue
Deagol and takes the Ring. for good reason. No race has ever tamed or claimed
dominion over the entire region, and no place in Endor
25 1 0 The Asdriags cross the Anduin and invade more completely recalls the Elder Days. Rhovanion is a
Calenardhon. With aid from Eorl and his Eotheod, geographical and racial microcosm ofMiddle-earth. Here
Cirion of Gondor annihilates the Easterlings and live creatures that many Men consider merely -legendary:
their Ore allies at the Field of Celebrant (S. Parth Giants, Snow Trolls, Dragons, Great Eagles, giant spi­
Celebrant). Cirion grants to Eorl all of ders, and others. From the depths of the ancient forest of
Calenardhon, which is known thereafter as Rohan. Mirkwood to the heights of the Grey Mountains, from
The Eotheod, or Eorlingas, migrate south and settle the golden steppes of the Talath Harroch to the steaming
in what is later Rohan. fens of the Withered Heath, the terrain is immensely
2589 Ando-anca the Cold-drake slays the Dwarf-king varied. Few lands offer such excitement to the traveler.
Dain I and captures the Dwarven treasury in the
Grey Mountains. 4. 1 NORTHERN RHOVANION
2590 Dragons drive the Dwarves out of their holds in Northern Wilderland traditionally comprises all the
the Grey Mountains. Many of the Naugrim return lands north ofthe Men-i-Naugrim (S. "Way ofDwarves;/I
to the Lonely Mountain with Dain's son Thror. aka "Old Forest Road/l) and the lower Celduin Valley.
Thr6r's youngest brother, Gror, leads others into
the Iron Hills, where they found a new realm. THE NORTHERN WASTE
The Northern Waste (Forodwaith) stretches north of
2770 Smaug the Golden flies out of the Grey Moun­
the Grey Mountains. Full of rocky hills and barren
tains and lays waste to the upper Celduin Valley.
tundra, it is seldom visited by Men or Orcs, being oflittle
He destroys Dale and drives the Dwarves out of the
value to either race. It is also one of the most dangerous
Lonely Mountain. The terrible Fire-drake occupies
places in Middle-earth, since it is inhabited by huge bears,
Erebor, using the Hall of Thror as his lair.
Snow Trolls, and drakes. Morgoth's ancient legacy still
284 1 Sauron captures Thrain II and imprisons him at touches this region and its weather.
Dol Guldur. The last of the Seven Rings is taken Snow-covered for most of the year, the Northern
from the doomed Dwarf-king. Waste is exceedingly cold. Worse, it is windy, for it offers
2850 Gandalf again enters Dol Guldur, this time no barrier to stop the icy gales screaming southward from
discovering Sauron in its depths. The Wizard the Ekkaia (S. "Encircling Sea/l) in the Utter North.
speaks with Thrain, the dying Dwarf. and is given a While some silvery pines nestle behind the cliffs and hills
map and a magic key. to survive these blasts, most of the vast Waste is home to
294 1 The White Council drives Sauron from Dol little more than lichens, scrub evergreens, mosses, and
Guldur. Sauron reenters Mordor, leaving Dol hardy grasses.
Guldur temporarily unoccupied. Later, the Grey However, there are trails here, some made long ago in
Wizard persuades Thrain's heir, Thorin II the First Age, but most are paths used by wandering Snow
(Oakenshield), to join him on an expedition back Trolls and rare bands of Ice orcs. Even the Lossoth
into the Lonely Mountain. En route, Bilbo takes (Snowmen) avoid travelling near the northern edge of the
the One Ring from Gollum. The Hobbit later Ered Mithrin.
enters Erebor. Stirred, Smaug the Golden attacks
Lake-town. There the Dragon is slain by Bard the
Bowman. The Battle of Five Armies follows, and
the combined forces of the Men, Elves, and
Dwarves defeat the Orcs and Wargs led by the
Uruk Bolg of Gundabad. Thorin II is slain but his
heir Dain II (Ironfoot) reestablishes the Kingdom
Under the Mountain. Bard begins rebuilding Dale.
295 1 The Dark Lord sends three of his Nazgul back
to Dol Guldur. Khamul the Easterling becomes
Lord of the Naked Hill.
301 9 After the War of the Rings, Celeborn and
Galadriel lead an army out of L6rien and attack Dol
Guldur. Their Elven forces destroy the remnant of
the Ore population. Galadriel lays waste to the
myriad halls of the cursed volcano, cleansing it of
Rhovanion Sauron's Evil.

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While hardly the mightiest of Middle-earth's moun­ Dominating Rhovanion is the forest of Mirkwood
tain ranges, the Grey Mountains (S. Ered Mithrin) are itself. Once called Greenwood the Great, it is all that
nonetheless a daunting wall. By the local standards they remains east of the Misty Mountains (S. Hithaeglir) of a
rise like jagged peaked Giants, some reaching over 6000 vast, largely-coniferous forest that covered much ofnorth­
feet in elevation. All are snow-capped in winter, and some ern Middle-earth in ancient times. Now it is dense with
retain their white crowns throughout the year. The oak and beech as well as innumerable varieties of ever­
southern face of the chain is virtually sheer, making entry greens.
difficult for the traveler. Virtually untouched (except by The forest of Mirkwood is over 400 miles long and
Dwarven miners) the region abounds with wildlife. 200 miles across at its widest point, where the old Forest
On the northern side, the Ered Mithrin rises relatively Road cuts west to east from the Anduin to the River
gradually from the rolling plains and broken hills of the Running (S. Celduin). The trees provide shelter to man
Waste. Unlike the southern face of the range, this side and beast and stand as a natural barrier to sweeping
presents no sheer mountain wall. Instead, glaciers cascade invasions from the East. After all, in the heart of
down narrow U-shaped valleys and spawn tumults ofcold Mirkwood, the hollows and wide valleys are lined with tall
water which find their way north to the Encircling Sea. oaks standing almost trunk to trunk.
Stands of fir line the middle slopes of the more sheltered The Emyn-nu-Fuin (S. "Mountains of Mirkwood")
valleys. Deep glacial lakes dot the countryside, while loose provide an ideal locale for adventure. Girdled by stands
scree-the crushed rock churned up by the seasonal of tall conifers, these giant, bald, rugged hills rise 3-4,000
movements of iceflows-impedes travel in many areas. feet out of the sea of trees. They are covered by various
THE IRON HILLS grasses, scrub trees, and bushes in the higher reaches,
The Iron Hills (S. Emyn Engrin) may once have been where high winds, shallow soil, and tortuous inclines have
an extension of the Grey Mountains. Both chains share a prevented more extensive growth. Here lie the sources of
similar appearance, each having a precipitous face looking the Gulduin and Emynen, substantial springs fed by
south, and both align readily, suggesting that the Valars' generous rains and considerable groundwater. Despite
destruction of the great parent chain was incomplete. the Necromancer's dehydrating enchantments that sap
They simply scattered the foothills of the bygone Iron strength from the forest, these streams make this one of
Mountains like links tossed from a broken chain. the wettest parts of Rhovanion.
The Iron Hills have an apt name, for the ridges appear These mountains dominate much of Mirkwood and
barren and inhospitable, offering little of obvious interest command the north-central section of the forest. The
to the prospective settler. They are poor in precious once bustling Men-i-Naugrim lies like a ribbon in their
minerals but contains a wealth of fine iron. Thus, the southern shadow. The uplift's strategic value, together
Dwarves have mined the hills for centuries. with a generous offering of mineral deposits, make it an
important target for forces seeking to control Wilderland.
As the name implies, the great basin tucked in the
eastern side of the Ered Mithrin is hardly hospitable. Dry
lakebeds, dehydrated or steaming swamps, and scorched Dol Guldur stands a day's walk into the forest; yet its
moors mark the Withered Heath (Q. Sarch nia Linguelie), harsh, black, jagged fingers of rock threaten the heavens
a notorious breeding ground for Dragons. For thousands from such heights that the mountain can be seen for scores
of years, the Great Worms have claimed this valley as a of miles. To the far-sighted Elves, there is no place along
vast abode for their nests. Some, particularly the lordly the Anduin River valley-not until they pass beyond the
Fire-drakes, inhabit the many caverns and hollow hills South Undeeps, not until they cross the Great River along
found in the Heath. The more prevalent Cold-drakes, on the Silverlode into L6rien-where their view ofthe bright
the other hand, prefer nearby mountain homes. blue southern Rhovanion sky isn't punctuated by the
Spider needle-sharp crags and crevices of the Hill of Sorcery.
Once called Amon Lanc, the "N aked Hill," Dol Guldur
was at one point an active volcano. All that remains today
is a frightful empty cone, a circle ofsharp edges jutting up
into the sky. Iron-clad fortress walls weave in and out
around the heights halfway up the mountain, making the
threatening summit seem even more insurmountable than
in its natural state. This bastion is shrouded in foul
clouds, as if a perpetual storm engulfed the hill. Behind
this omnipresent facade is the lair of the Necromancer.
To travellers unschooled in the secrets of this awful THORL6RIEN
abode, the dense gloom of Mirkwood appears almost Thorl6rien, also named Lorrena (S. "Golden Hem"),
cheerful compared to the imposing, impenetrable heights ranges westward to where the river Silverlode (S. Cel­
of this cruel peak. Magic is thick in the air here, defYing ebrant) joins the Anduin. The Rid Angalaladh (see
all explanation. For those foolish enough to embark on Section I O. I ) runs through this area to L6rien, and was
(and lucky enough to survive) a visit to the Naked Hill, it once a well-used Elven way that brought a lighter load
is a place of mystery. To someone peering down into its with every westward step. With the closing ofthe Golden
depths, it appears abandoned, but rumors suggest that a Wood, however, few journey beyond the Great River.
ruthless band of Orcs led by an evil Mage called the NOTE: After F.A. 1, Tborl6rien comprises the western
Necromancer make the rotting fortress their home. Cracks portion oja new Elven realmfounded by Celeborn. Called East
in the fortress walls and rotting timbers in the scaffolding L6rien (5. RhUl6rien), the region includes Thorl6rien and all oj
visible from the outer rim make the ancient mountain­ Greenwood below the Narrows.
citadel appear vulnerable, although this outer appearance
of decay is merely a deception, a ruse created by the Dark THE UNDEEPS
Lord from deep within the cinder-cone. South of Thorl6rien range two pockets that have
The thick, sometimes choking clouds and occasional crucial strategic value: the North and South Undeeps.
rumblings from deep within the earth under Dol Guldur These regions are an extension of the porous, down-like
have made Elves and Men steer clear of the stern peak. folds of the Wold, and are laced with long exposed ribs of
Even those who believe it is deserted stay away from the sedimentary rock. The great fords of the Undeeps are
hill and the open ground nearby. Now, few dare sing of located where the Anduin crosses shelves of such rock. In
the primeval spirit that fashioned those jagged mountain both places, the river widens and rushes forth in the form
peaks in times long past. While a source of ballads in the of a vast, shallow tumult before sweeping into the narrows
past, songs about Dol Guldur are so frightening that they downstream.
scar the dreams of children. This music came to be sung The North Undeeps lie justsouth of the confluence of
less and less during the last century, and today has been all the Limlaith and the Anduin and north of the junction
but forgotten. point of the arid Brown Lands and the Wold. The South
Undeeps, where the Men Romen crosses the Great River,
4.4 THE ANDUIN VALE are just beyond the Brown Lands and above the rugged
Not all corners of Rhovanion loom as evil as Dol Emyn MuiI. Both points enable travellers to cross Endor's
Guldur. Indeed, even within the shadow of that dread mightiest waterway.
peak, friendly, fertile valleys stretch outward to the west. Accordingly, many folk have passed over the Undeeps.
Wherever the river Anduin curves around, embracing The fords serve as the traditional communication and
some arm of land between the water and Mirkwood's invasion route into Calenardhron and Gondor proper. It
edge, there is a lush, green pocket ofland. In the northern was for this reason that R6mendacil II fortified the
Nan Anduin (S. "Anduin Valley"), these areas are prime heights above the crossings. His engineers erected Tir
pastureland, especially in the cooler months. The scat­ Lirnlaith (S. "Watch on the Limlight;" aka Tir Limlight)
tered residents to the south employ the bottomlands and west of the North Undeeps and Tir Anduin east of the
the adjacent open ground for farming. South Undeeps in order to protect his two principal
routes into the East.
NOTE: See ICE's supplement entitled The Robirrim and
otber Nortbmen for more i"!formation regarding tbe nortbern NOTE: R6mendacil erected the Argonath (5. "Royal
part oj the Nan Anduin. stones)))-the regal pillars which preserve the images oj Isildur
and Anarion-above Nen Hithoel in the Emyn Mud to mark
Four areas of the middle part of the Anduin Valley
the northern boundaries oj the Kingdom oj Gondor proper.
deserve particular note: the Carrock Vale, Thorl6rien,
Calenardhon and Dor Rhunen both extended beyond his mark.
and the two Undeeps.
The Carrock Vale extends from the confluence of the
The eastern slopes of the hills in Mirkwood descend
Sirros and the Anduin in the north to the Old Ford (S.
rather gently when compared to the drop on the western
Athrad laur, or Iach Iaur) in the south. Nearly eighty
side of the forest. In the north they fan out to form the
miles in length, it is a particularly rocky area containing
flat plains and widely separated ridges that characterize
very little arable land, at least down by the river. Here the
the land around the rivers Celduin and Carnen. In the
Anduin contains thousands of small rock outcroppings,
south, they eventually give way to the grassy prairie of the
the largest of which form the ten-mile long Isle of Bears
Talath Harroch. Other than a few little streams and
and the huge stone at Carrock Ford (S. Athrad Gynd, or
patches of rolling hills, very few discernible topographical
Iach Gynd). Travel on this part of the Great River can be
features interrupt this prairie, hundreds ofsquare miles of
exceedingly hazardous.
gently rolling hills and wide, grassy steppelands.
5 .0 CLIMATE NOTE: The Nan Anduin traditionally enjoys temperatures
between a minimum oj 75°E and a maximum oj 225°E.
The seasons turn in Nan Anduin, yet for the most part These readings correspond to 30°F and 90°F, and - l °C and
not with the extremes of winter and summer that inflict 32°C, respectively, jor the Northmen use the ancient Ehibor
other parts of Middle-earth. Particularly in the past, reckoning when calculating weather. Degrees "E" are equal to
weather in the river valley has been pleasant and reliable. 2.5 times the same Fahrenheit reading.
Recently, h�wever, it seems to have been getting much
colder in the wintertime. The same change seems to be occurring in Mirkwood.
There, the density of shadows keeps summer tempera­
tures from rising much above 1 75° or 200° E; but in
RHOYANION'S WEATHER CALENDAR winter, when the deciduous trees have lost their leaves, the
Months Mirkwood Lowlands Highlands N. Waste increase of sunlight filtering down to the forest floor is
more than offset by the increasingly icy winds blowing
-Yestare (intercalary day: Yule)
down from the mountains to the west and north. While
I ) Narwain 1 0-45° 1 0-40° - 1 0-30° -25-25°
the region's prevailing winds have always corne out of the
(Winter) Moderate Moderate Moderate Dry
southwest, weather patterns are no longer predictable.
2) Ninui 1 0-40° 5-35° - 1 5-25° -25-20°
As far back as living memory reaches, the Talath
(Winter) Dry Dry Moderate Very Dry
Harroch has always suffered through snow-blown, freez­
3) Gwaeron 20-50° 1 5-45° -5-30° - 1 0-25°
ing cold winters, since no great mountains or stands of
(Winter) Moderate Dry Moderate Dry
wood bar the winds and snows from whipping across the
4) Gwirith 30-60° 25-55° 5-40° 0-30°
land. Snow drifts pile up over the four months of hard
(Spring) Heavy Moderate Heavy Moderate
winter. Soon after the thaw, the spring rains corne.
5) Lothron 40-65° 30-60° 1 5-50° 5-40°
Natives of the Plains call these springtime downpours
(Spring) Moderate Moderate Moderate Dry
Fonwindar (Rh. "Fang-winds"), for the winds that regu­
6) N6rui 50-70° 45-65° 25-60° 1 0-45°
larly sweep the fields in mid-Gwirith (April) or early
(Spring) Heavy Heavy Heavy Moderate
-Loende (intercalary day: Midyears)
Lothron (May) bring torrents of nonstop precipitation
for days on end. Some storms last as long as two or three
7) Cerveth 50-75° 50-80° 25-65° 1 0-50° weeks. In order to protect their homes and croplands
(Summer) Very Heavy Very Heavy Heavy Heavy from the water surges and to collect some of the water for
8) Urui 55-85° 55-90° 25-75° 10-60° their cisterns, the Gramuz Northmen build extensive
(Summer) Very Heavy Heavy Heavy Moderate ditches and construct water-troughs on their homesteads.
9) Ivanneth 55-80° 55-85° 20-65° 5-45° As devastating as these Fonwindar might seem, they are in
(Summer) Moderate Moderate Moderate Dry their own way a merciful gift, for they are the Northmen's
1 0) Narbeleth45-65° 30-65° 15-55° 0-35° only reliable source ofwater in the Talath Harroch during
(Fall) Heavy Moderate Moderate Moderate the hot summer.
I I ) Hithui 35-60° 25-60° 1 0-50° -5-30° Until recently the Talath Harroch was the only area in
(Fall) Moderate Moderate Dry Dry southern Rhovanion that was consistently smothered in
1 2) Girithron 20-45° 1 5-45° 0-40° - 1 0-25° snow during wintertime. Now, though, frequent snows
(Fall) Moderate Moderate Dry Very Dry fall upon the forest. Dol Guldur started receiving heavy
-Mettare (intercalary day: Yearsend) snowfalls in the late eleventh century of the Third Age,
and with each passing century since silent, changes have
Climate Note: The mean annual temperate south of the Grey Moun­ gripped the woods to the north.
tains is 40-50°; there the annual precipitation mean is 20-40 inches. This phenomenon magnified the devastation of the
In the Grey Mountains the mean annual temperature is 25-35°, and Plague Years (T.A. 1 635-36). For the first time in the
the mean annual precipitation is 20-40 inches. North of the recorded history of southern Wilderland, snows fell and
mountain barrier the annual temperature mean is 1 5-25°; the mean stayed on the ground :;lnd in the branches of the ancient
for precipitation there is 1 0-20 inches. trees of Mirkwood-not just for days or weeks but for
Precipitation Codes: Very Dry = less than one inch; Dry = one to two months, and well into the spring. Biting winds and
inches; Moderate = two to three inches; Heavy = four to five inches; shifting snows besieged the Brown-lands as well; and there
Very Heavy = over five inches.Climate Note: The mean annual only those who had discovered the region's numerous
temperature on the Dagorlad Plain is 50-60°; there the annual underground caverns survived the winter of the Plague
precipitation mean is 1 5-35 inches. On the southern Rhovanion Plain Year.
the mean annual temperature is 45-55°, and the mean annual Meteorological predictions have never been of much
precipitation is 20-40 inches. Within Mirkwood itself the annual use before in Rhovanion, but now Seers find themselves
temperature mean is 45-55°; the mean for precipitation there is 20- in great demand. Today rumors proclaim that if the
40 inches. In the Nan Anduin, the average temperature is 45-55°, and winter was so wretched, the corning summer could only be
the mean annual precipitation is 25-45 inches. worse.
The soil of the plains of Rhovanion is rich, and once
again with normal rainfall and kind temperatures, vegeta­
tion thrives. In turn, the vegetation-grasses to support
sheep and cattle, crops-holds the topsoil, thus prevent­
ing erosion. However, Sauron's influence, or a drake's,
can reverse in little time growth that has thrived for
hundreds of years, and reduce to cinders and smoke a
living green ecosystem that appears indestructible. The
Desolation of the Dragons provides gross proof of the
delicate nature of plant growth and survival in Middle­
6.0 ECOLOGY In the mountains nuts, blackberries, and hawthorn
berries grow and prosper, but not so abundantly as before,
Wilderland is blessed by a temperate climate, plenty of while in the bushy grasslands thyme, sage and marjoram
fresh running water, and the protection of the Grey sprout. In oak-lined dales patches of purple and white
Mountains to the north and the Misty Mountains to the clover permeate the air with their scent while bees bigger
west. Here, the dense woods and grassy plains normally than hornets continue their sweet labors in the upper vales
abound with a great variety of plant and animal life. of the Anduin, near the Carrock. Deep in the forest grow
Unfortunately, the Great Plague, while mostly a memory, fungi-some of it edible-and pale medicinal herbs with
has left its mark. The forest is a quieter place; the grass is unpleasant odors. In the Woodland Realm, near solid
higher, the thickets wilder. stands of mighty oak and beech trees, the sweet, pungent
NORTHERN RHOVANION aroma of the healing athelas ( kingsfoil) plant is in the air.
Along the Long Lake, three distinct types of vegetation
illustrate the interaction of water and land upon the
growth and distribution of plants: the aquatic community
of the Lake; the shoreline community of grasses; and the Climate
mixed, sub-boreal
forest, largely an
extension of the
cathedral-like COLD
woods nearby.
This balanced,
sound ecosystem,
provides rainfall,
normal tempera­
tures and pos­ COOL
sesses the stamina
to continue flour­
ishing indefi­

. . ....

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. . .
The clans of Northmen who dwell in the northwestern
regions of Angalaladh in the south of Mirkwood -the As its name suggests, Wilderland is a relatively un­
Woodmen and the Bei jabar-now worry not about Drag­ touched setting. It is the home to countless forms ofplant
ons, but about the effects of an unusually long, hard freeze life, many of which can be found no where else.
upon the forest's timber. Fully a third of southern
Rhovanion is densely wooded, and for most of the 7. 1 FLORA OF THE FOREST
peoples living there, the trees are essential to life. The The dark and dingy atmosphere ofMirkwood began t�
northern reaches of Angalaladh, up to (and even beyond) develop when the trees that now predominate the forest
the Old Forest Road, grow predomi­ claimed that domain. Once feather­
nantly in deciduous hardwoods and leafed locusts and low-spreading chest­
broad-leaf evergreens, but along the nuts grew here, gracefully spaced so that
edges of the forest and particularly in the sunlight sifted down through their
its southern end, tangled thickets of shifting leaves, giving the forest its name,
deciduous shrubs and needle-bearing "Greenwood the Great." When the
conifers grow. shadow fell upon these lands, gnawing
insects invaded the locusts and the thou­
THE SHADOW ON THE FOREST sand-year blight struck down the chest­
Only around Dol Guldur does the nuts. The furry oak, conifers, and the
vegetation deviate from this natural chap-beech remained unscathed, grow­
pattern. Although the forest edge once ing in dense, overpopulated thickets,
crept up the mountain slopes, trees are trunks often standing not three feet apart.
now all but absent from both the hill The trees grow tall and branchless, with
and the surrounding waste. The re­ skinny trunks and a parasol ofleaves and
mains of these tall, majestic pines now branches forty feet above ground level,
stand like bare and ragged driftwood, creating the dim, dark, moist, and foggy
and beneath them gnarled scrub-trees wood traversed by Bilbo and the Dwarves.
encircle this dire spot. Elves who ven­
ture into the forest tell of times within FURRY OAK
their memory when yellow rose bushes, Despite the dampening effect it has on
not nasty scrub, ringed the peak of Dol a forest, the furry oak is a benign and
Guldur. valuable tree. Related to the white oak,
Amon Lanc rises from a circle of its round lobed leaves, deep red through­
barren hills, never offering the rich, out the summer, have a quarter-inch of
fertile ash that spews from other volca­ soft fuzz on their undersides. A bed of
noes. Instead, the Naked Hill stands these leaves is comforting and warm.
silent. Yet the Hill affects the forest in Furry oaks grow very large acorns, fat
insidious ways, as if some foul potion and round and big as plums, their caps
leaches through the earth beneath this growing fuzz like the leaves do. They
part ofWilderland. The Necromancer's ripen in late autumn and often all fall on
poison permeates all of southern the very same day. Squirrels and the
Mirkwood and threatens to strangle Woodman-wives scramble to gather the
life on nearby plains. harvest each year. The Elves of L6rien
At first glance all appears normal. frequently send sorties across the river to
But the trunks of the oaks are tortur­ gather acorns sweet enough to eat, even
Deadly milk-white ously gnarled, their branches twisted in raw. Baked into bread or dumplings,
trumpet they taste even better. Ifharvested quickly,
pain, as if arthritic. Leaves darken and
lengthen in their struggle. Ivy strangles they can be stored for excellent food
the trees and trails to the ground like a serpent. Mirkwood value lasting indefinitely. Occasionally hollows and
has survived the pestilence, true. It is a deeper, darker burrows of furry acorns can be found throughout south­
place than before; no one goes to the woods for a picnic ern Mirkwood, and as long as they stayed dry, they offer
anymore. They are afraid, afraid of what has happened­ sustenance equal to a fresh harvest.
and what is yet to come, for the shadow of Dol Guldur is
ever-lengthening and as unrelenting as death.
CHAP-BEECH Legend has it that an ancient Elf-maiden once collected
The chap-beech, though at first glance beautiful, is the nectar of these beautiful trees, and that whosoever
considered by many to be a haunted tree. Its bark gleams succeeds in extracting a vial of their nectar, called "Mir­
an unearthly white color, particularly under the phase of melellen," has a potion of great value in enchantment.
the new moon. Its papery leaves grow so close together Such tales have merit, for the rose trees were planted by
that the slightest ruffle of wind causes a chain reaction of Elves long ago in an effort to mark the boundaries of their
endless hissing, produced by leaves rubbing against nearby realms; even today, the healers of L6rien use the trees'
leaves. In midsummer, chap-beechnuts tumble down. precious gift to cleanse the body of any foul poison. The
Numerous and nutritious, they mature in spiky seed pods, highest concentration ofrose trees still can be found in the
and when touched by bare skin, they produce a stinging deeps of Angalaladh, near the Great Elven Circle (Cor
venom which can immobilize the victim. "Walls" of these Angalaladh), but chance hedges can be found throughout
trees guard the paths to Dol Guldur. If one finds a way the wood.
to remove the stinging husks he can enjoy the pleasant
flavor of chap-beechnuts, but only the Beijabar (and No plant grows more perniciously in Southern
Radagast) make use of this harvest, sending out their Mirkwood than the milk-white trumpet, or "datura." A
raccoons, creatures whose leathery paws are immune to shrub that reaches up to twelve feet tall, its every growing
the chap-beech venom. The raccoons bring home sacks
part exudes a sickening odor when bruised. Huge, pale
full of nuts, which the Beijabar roast by the side of their trumpet-shaped flowers, some a foot in length, bloom in
great fires. Fire cracks open the stinging husks, and the late summer. Ifone happens by during pollination season,
toasted kernels inside are easy to pick out without danger. one risks being overwhelmed by this odor, multiplied
GRAPE-LEAF MAGNOLIA many times over, for the flowers eject their silky white
The most abundant of the broad-leaf evergreens grow­ pollen forcefully. Contact with milk-white trumpet
ing in Mirkwood is called the grape-leaf magnolia. Its pollen has been known to produce blindness and nausea
bark is soft and pitted, its growing shape slender but not lasting a week and, in extreme cases, madness. Cruel
as tall as the oak and beech. It does not compete with the Northman assassins have employed a paste derivative as a
larger trees, but forms its own pockets in the forest. Its means of securing information, since the delirium acts to
foliage grows dark green and leathery, resembling huge release one's innermost thoughts.
holly leaves. Its flowers open up in summertime with But the flowers are not the worst of the milk-white
blood-red petals, blooms hanging downwards. At the trumpet. By mid-autumn it produces a prickly seed pod
peak of their blooming-through the month of July­ as big as a Hobbit hand. Inside grow black and bitter seeds
groves of grape-leaf magnolia are unapproachable, so the size of a raisin. One seed, when dried over three days
swarming are they with the bees raised by the Beijabar. and pulverized, gives a sense of euphoria and false firm­
Honey made from grape-leaf magnolia nectar is col­ ness in battle. More than one seed will kill a man or
ored dark red. Not only is it sweet and nutritious; it can Hobbit swiftly; three seeds will kill a Dwarf. It takes ten
also have an intoxicating effect if eaten to excess. The seeds to kill an Ore. Only Elves are immune to the deadly
Beijabar make magnolia mead from this honey and drink datura poison.
it only at the most solemn or most festive of their feasts. No one knows how the milk-white trumpet made its
ROSE TREES way into Mirkwood, but it is known to be a relative late­
Mirkwood is known for two characteristic shrubs, one comer. Some surmise that seeds came into Mirkwood via
very beautiful and one very deadly. The famous rose trees the exodus from the South during the Plague. Whereas
of southern Mirkwood grow dense and taIl like a hedge of this same datura plant grows to be only ten inches tall on
lilacs. Rose, burgundy, and pure white blossoms cluster the banks of the river, in the shadows of Dol Guldur it
together over almost every inch of these trees as they seems to find its element, growing to its full twelve-foot
bloom. As beautiful as the flowers are, blooming from height.
Lothron to Ivanneth (May to September), the hedges DIN FUINEN, THE DEADLY Moss
themselves puncture any skin with needle-sharp thorns, Many rocks and forest slopes of Mirkwood seem
making a rose tree hedgerow impervious to all intruders carpeted by a thick and temptingly restful moss called din
except the wild goats, which eat right through them, fuinen (S. "Night's Silences"). Any passerby would gladly
thorns and all. take a moment's rest on such a cool and comfortable bed.
But travelers should be wary: when this moss is at its ripest,
the pressure of a human body causes it to exude a volatile
oil known to cause amnesia which lasts anywhere from
overnight to a week, depending on the victim's intellectual
SARAH-POKES-HER-HEAD For example, the touch-grass shrivels to nothing when
The most common flower now found in Mirkwood is touched by an Ore. It flattens to the ground when touched
the so-called "Sarah-pokes-her-head," distantly related to by humans. It stands straight as a tree when touched by
the "Jack-in-the-pulpit." Dramatic in its bloom, this Dwarves. It tangles into curlicues when touched by a
foot-tall plant holds a purple-colored sheath around its Wizard. Only when touched by Elves does it regain its
bright red flower. It can bloom even in the darkest of naturally graceful, simple draping shape.
places; its usefulness as a food occurs only outside its At a certain harvest time each year, Elves make a trek out
blooming, however. When it blooms, its egg-shaped root of the deepest forest to gather the nutritious grain of the
would prickle and burn on the tongue. If gathered and touch-grass. At that certain time of the year, the touch of
carried with one for the cycle of one moon, the root an Elf makes the plant gather all its seeds at the end of a
becomes sweet and tender. A single root can sustain three tall cluster, allowing for quick and easy harvest. At the
people for one week. same time ofyear, however, ifan Orc or Man comes along,
LICHEN GLORIOSA (LOTH-NU-FuIN) the touch-grass falls and its seeds rapidly burrow into the
One cannot forget to mention, when discussing the earth, seen only by those with the quickest vision.
plants of Mirkwood, the lichens for which this forest is BRIGHT BLUE EYES
famous: the lichen gloriosa. (The Elves call them loth-nu­ Early springtime is beautiful in the plains of T alath
fuin, or "flowers-under-the-night.") Growing out of Harroch, thanks to the little wildflower called bright blue
rocks and stumps like underwater coral, these finger-like eyes. This tiny flower sprouts and blooms before the
clusters of bright orange and green not only have a grasses, sometimes emerging out of the last of the snow.
delicately pleasant taste, but literally glow with life and are It tranforms the steppes into a sea of blue under the first
used to illuminate dark places. In the moonlight, they full moon of spring. For those who have the patience,
often move and sway. They are becoming more and more great good can come of gathering bright blue eyes. If
rare, since invaders from the South have discovered their twenty-five of these flowers are collected under the full
fine flavor. moon and brewed into a cup of tea, they will ensure
But the hidden value of the lichen gloriosa is not in its enhanced vision, as sharp as that of the most observant
edibility. Despite their full-bodied taste, they do not Hobbit or far-sighted Elf, for a period of three hours.
provide enough sustenance for someone with a difficult Unfortunately, like the lichen gloriosa, the blossom can­
path to follow. They do contain secret magical constitu­ not be stored without losing its potency.
ents, however, which serve to sharpen any blade, enabling
it even to cut through stout rock without need of subse­
One pernicious weed has recently begun to invade the
quent sharpening. For this purpose, the lichen gloriosa
plains. This bog-land grass originates in the swamp-like
must be used immediately upon gathering. It cannot be
bowls set between the ridges of the Wold and Brown
picked and stored for later use as a blade-sharpener.
Lands, along Anduin within the area of the Undeeps.
Since T.A. 1 000 these marshy plants have migrated
7.2 FLORA OF THE PLAINS eastward, bringing with them miring bogs and their
Sparsely treed, and watered by generous rains, a variety accompanying ills; thus, the label "bog-land grass."
of grasses and flowers flourish upon the plains. The soil This species seems to need less standing water than
is fertile, and farmers have been very successful in growing other marshy Undeep plants, so already it has overtaken
plants imported from the south and trees about their the Anduin Valley pools in and around the Brown Lands
homesteads. and threatens to blot out all diversity remaining in the
TOUCH-GRASS plains as well. It grows thick and matted, creating a
Although its numerous growing patterns make it seem groundcover easy to walk and sleep on but useless for food
to the uninitiated many different plants, one single grass or sustenance. Even the wispy leaves of touch-grass or
dominates the prairies of southern Rhovanion. It is called bright blue eyes can be chewed on for a thirst-quenching
"touch-grass," because a touch from any passing creature nibble, but the bog-land grass grows dry and hollow. Its
makes it change its shape. Curiously enough, this plant only value has been discovered by the Northmen of the
has the uncanny ability to distinguish races and breeds, so Plains, who have passed on this knowledge to other
that the shape it takes can be used by an informed scout neighboring tribes and races. After a considerable struggle
to discover what sorts of travelers have come before him. necessary to pull the bog-land up by its roots, the tough
Since the touch-grass retains its shape for one hour after fibers can be woven together to make waterproof ropes
being touched, it offers quite up-to-date information. and baskets.
Willows and alders dominate the banks of the FOt'ffUIt: Lxalion; Name; FJ/rtIs -' �
River Anduin to the north, across the river from
Loratio,. AltJrm.ticnu: F- FOftS� v- Y.Its, p- � R- �
the region called "Stoorharbor." (This, the home
of the Hobbit tribe called Stoors, is located on Eli'U PIOfi
Anduin's west bank just south of the Gladden
Fields.) Neither tree grows edible nuts. But
moving eastward, toward the edge of the forest
which houses the Tree-town of the Woodman
tribes, smooth oak and curly-bark hickory grow
more and more abundantly. Each grows edible
nuts, although the smooth oak acorns take one
full day of laborious processing before they can
be eaten. (The nuts are boiled, crushed, and then
soaked.) Furthermore, both oak and hickory
provide excellent firewood for Bei jabar and sturdy
lumber for the buildings central to the Woodmen's
society. Some disputes of territory and owner­
ship have arisen between these two groups over
the use of forest trees now dwindling along the
western edge of southern Mirkwood. summer.
- V; Wild persimmons; Ripens at New Y ca.
WILD PERSIMMONS Tasty. but not nutritious. 100 fruitF. ' 1��·
One other tree of note mingles in among the
Anduin Valley region running westward from
the forest, and that is the wild persimmon tree. In
-F; Mir-melellen. nectar ofMirkwood rose: Ripens in micHummet. OiBicult
Middle-earth the persimmons grow as large as
to collect and store. Useful in enchantmant (+25 to spells onobject SO
tomatoes. They stay green until the first of the covered).
new year, when ripeness comes upon them and
-F, V; Milk-white trumpet seeds; Poison. Ripen in mid-autumn. One seed
they glow a coral red. Those persimmons that gives euphoria and false finnness (-25) in battle. 2+ seeds kill Men and
grow at the edge of the riverside have always been Hobbits. 3 + seeds kill Dwarves. 1 0+ seeds kill Orcs. Elves inunWle to
counted by the Hobbits of Stoorharbor to be a poIson.
special feast. The trees bend down over the river, -V, F. R; Athlcas; Legendary healing herb whosc efFect.s are kcyed to the user.
so the nuts must be harvested either from a boat A knowledgeable. "rightful" King em employ it to CUR the weat of
on the river, or by someone skilled at climbing still lives (for it :wiD not keep or give life).
maladies. so long as the patient
trees. Man will find more modest uses.
while a "lesser"

CAREFREE MUSTARD -F; Dinen fuinen; VoLtrile oil causes amnesia for I - I 00 �ys (rarely perma­
nently). Usually contacted by sleeping on mo.u covered banks.
Since the fields of Gladden, Thorl6rien, and
the Undeeps once were cultivated, many plants -P; Bright blue eyes; Essence of flower enhance. vision. Gather 25 flowers
under full moon to brew to brew 1 cup of tea. Enhances viaion wts J hours.
still thriving there are offshoots from vegetable
May not be stored.
crops of years gone by. Perhaps most prominent
-V; Carefree mustard; Soothing poultice made from seeds. ripe for harvest in
is the carefree mustard. Its blue-green leaves
autumn. Heals superficial wOWlds. soothr.s more serious wounds in 1 0-60
branch from a stalk standing two feet tall, and
minutes. Mix 1 cup seeds + water and pound with pestle. Mustard must be
they have a sweet taste like broccoli until they used immediately upon preparation, but seeds may be stored.
flower in late summer. They produce purple
-V; Splayfoot good wort; Seeds, ripe by mid-autumn. mashed together and
seeds the size of pinheads, small and difficult to mixed with water to drink. Instills confidence in good Men. causes dizziness
collect, but valuable as a mustard plaster. If a cup and confusion (-SO) in evil Men. Effects wt I to 4 hours.
full of carefree mustard seeds is placed in a mortar
with a few drops of water, and pounded with a Useful PlAnts
pestle, the resulting paste used as a poultice will
-V. P; Touch-grass; Inedible reed, but shape represents race passing by plant
heal superficial wounds within an hour's time and
in Ltst hour.
soothe, if not heal, more serious wounds. The
-F; Lichen gloriosa; Use upon gathering to sharpen metal bLtdes. Glows
seeds can be harvested and stored for later use, but
suffiently for one ounce to illuminate 30 cu. fto area. May not be stored for
the plaster must be used immediately upon prepa­ future use.
-V. P: Bog-land grass; Waterproofmaterial used for ropes. mats, and baskets.
Wild reeds and irises crowd into the marshy Anduin
riverbanks, not only at Gladden Fields but also in the rare The fauna of Rho van ion are di verse. Here, Dragons are
bogs nestled within the arid Undeeps. If one can discover no longer "comfortably far off, and therefore legendary,"
the abandoned causeways of earlier days, or can maneuver but a very real danger. Grotesque spiders spin their webs
a river boat through the reeds, one may also discover the in the forest in hopes of capturing the unwary traveler.
beneficent marsh plant called splayfoot goodwort, one of Indeed, the region abounds with enchanted creatures,
the only possible blessings for the development of many of them distinctly unfriendly. Even the " ordinary"
wetlands where farmlands once held sway. animals are unusual and noteworthy; among others,
The splayfoot goodwort is a tall, water-dwelling plant. Rhovanion is home to the Wild Kine, hunted by the Vala
Its slender upright stalks are anchored in the water by Orome (Rh. Bema; S. Araw, aka "The Hunter") in the
roots that emerge as high as one foot above water level. First Age.
The plant itself can stand five to seven feet tall, branching
into delicate stalks with 8.1 FAUNA IN MIRKWOOD
paper-th in, scalloped Although the insidious influence of the Necromancer
leaves and dangling, deli­ has been ever increasing upon Mirkwood over the past
cate lavender-colored five hundred years or more, many of the animals that live
flowers. When the seed in the forest here are still gentle and benign creatures,
pods ripen in mid-au­ frightened of human intruders. Charcoal-grey squirrels
tumn, they take the shape jump from branch to branch well above the heads of men,
of curved pea pods, like trying to get to ripening nuts before they fall to the
little green crescent ground. bears, wild cats, wolves and giant spiders abound.
moons dangling over the Cuckoos seem to enjoy the growing shadows ofMirkwood,
marshes. Each pod car­ for their numbers have increased noticeably in the past ten
ries three or four shiny years. Their songs echo back and forth through the woods
black seeds. When at dawn and sunset.
mashed and mingled into BEARS
any drink, these seeds in­ The great bears and their lesser brethren the black bears
still co nfidence and are the mighty monarchs of the woods. Unlike the
singleness ofpurpose into covetous Dragon or the wily great spider, the great bear
the hearts of the good feeds himself on a diet consisting largely of nuts, fruits,
and honest. Iffed to Men berries, roots and insects, although like Man and the rat,
or creatures of evil, the he is omnivorous and will eat anything to survive. A bear's
seeds bring on dizziness only "crime�' is raiding the Northmen's precious honey
and confusion, lasting one bees' hives/at every opportunity. Bears enjoy fishing and
to four hours. eating fish; the great bear's six-inch claws and steel­
ATHELAS trapped jaws more than compensate for any disregard of
Clumps of athelas, or poles and bait. With such a varied diet, he has adapted
"kingsfoil," nestle in dry varied teeth for survival: strong, conical canines up front,
and fertile regions of the grinders for cheek teeth, and molars in the rear for
eastern Anduin vales, crushing nuts and berries.
marking spots where long The great bear's senses-hearing, smell, taste and
ago Numen6rean travel­ vision-are extraordinarily sensitive. An adaptive oppor­
ers camped for a season. tunist in diet and prey, he can hunt and enjoy mice, beetles,
Radagast's herb garden, ground squirrels, boar, elk, deer, and carrion, all of which
Splayfoot goodwort which circles round Rhosgobel, also contains a patch of flourished in Mirkwood before the Plague and most of
athelas, (as well as samples of just about every other which survived in substantial numbers the disease that so
medicinal and magical herb found in Middle-earth. weakened the Northmen. And unlike Man, the bear
Radagast has long been keeper ofthe original rootstock of passes the winter alone, hibernating, thus resisting the
magical herbs, although he rarely harvests them and never spread of the Plague by the very nature of his more solitary
gives permission to anyone, friend or foe, to pick his herbs, existence.
unless picking them would mean saving life or limb. He
takes very seriously his task of conserving samples of every
herb, many of which are becoming rare in gardens and in
the wild.)
With a galloping stride of seventeen feet and a common
walking speed of six miles an hour, the great bear is
difficult to elude in his home, the thickets of the wilder­
ness. When encountered, the bear will most likely rise to
his hind feet-a bear's feet are flat and have non-retract­
able claws-sniff the air, and scurry off. However, in
mating season the male bear will chase his chosen mate for
miles: through, over and around any obstacle. It is wise to
avoid the bear at this time, as he is even more short­
tempered than usual.
Black or lesser bears mature at five or six years ofage and
can grow to be seven feet tall and weigh over 400 pounds.
(Those thinking of eluding one by climbing a tree should
consider that the black bear can scurry up a tree faster than
a squirrel.) Lesser bears have been known to live over forty
years, but they can suffer from dehydration in the heat and
often require a good deal of fresh water in the summer
It is no accident and no insult that Men living in the
wilds of northern Mirkwood are rumored to be bear-like;
in fact, when flayed, the body of a bear-but for its size­
looks very much like a Man's. And like Man, the bear is
a survivor, a generalist in a world of specialists.
A friend and ally of the Elves and the Beijabar, the black
squirrel is often a source of uneasiness for visitors. New­
comers assume that the squirrels are evil on account of
their color, an assumption which is patently false. Centu­
Beijabar and a
ries ago the squirrels were like any other; however, as the clusters of culcarnix, a wild though docile beast found friend
forest darkened, their coats gradually grew darker. nowhere but in these plains; (4) occasional herds of the
Mirkwood squirrels often act as eyes and ears for the wild kine (white oxen), which are native to the lands by the
Wood-elves. Sea of Rhun and wander the eastern grasslands of the
Talath Harroch; (5) the heinous Egil's viper; and (6) the
MOUNTAIN BATS foul uindarlaif, packs of jackals which appeared at the
The Mirkwood or mountain bat is another animal time of the Plague's coming (winter ofT.A. 1 635-6) and
whose nasty reputation is undeserved. Living in the still haunt the hills; and (7) packs of wolves.
Mountains of Mirkwood, these small bats roost in caves
and emerge in the evening to feast on such delicacies as WILD HORSES
The Northmen of the prairie, particularly the E othrain
insects and acorns. Though they are completely harmless,
and even beneficial, the haunted reputation of the ancient or "Horse-lords," have always been accomplished breed­
mountains has rubbed off on this small creature. ers of fast and beautiful horses, animals they ride at top
speed without sacrificing maneuverability. Many of their
herds, however, have escaped over the years. Domesti­
8.2 FAUNA ON THE PLAINS cated horses regularly join their wild forebearers, who
In addition to the animals under harness among the have always roamed these plains. (Fate and a careful eye
remaining Northmen of the Plains, wild beasts still see to it that some of the stronger steeds stay behind to
wander over the Talath Harroch. These animals maintain provide ready stock for the future.)
themselves on the rolling plains, surviving on wild grains The horses of the Talath Harroch are large and heavy,
and grasses, taking refuge either in the forest or under­ colored either white or grey or a mottled combination of
ground during snows. Seven dominate the scene: ( I ) wild both. They are skittish when approached by strangers;
horses, the very herds from which the Northmen of the but if one feeds them raw furry oak acorns, they quickly
Plains have been selecting the finest and fiercest for their become docile, for the nuts hold strange sway over these
own; (2) wild goats, carefree herds that roam between swift animals.
plains and forest, undoubtedly the vestiges of herds raised
for meat and milk by Northmen of years gone by; (3)
WILD GOATS they are unparalleled. and the Easterling tribes use them to
The horses' sometime companions are the wild goats. pull their chieftains' Great Wains (wagons). Their long
also left behind by Northmen. The goats are not as docile grey horns are prized as instruments by the Dunedain. and
as the horses. Their horns grow to be two feet long and are used by both the Easterlings and Northmen for
they have learned to use them not only to butt. but also to making superb (+ I 0) composite bows and (after being
stab a threatening foe. Only the Elves seem to quickly ground) healing potions. Only Dragon-horn is more
befriend them; all other peoples evoke an unfriendly valuable. The Kings and Regents of Gondor have hunted
response. the wild kine since the time of Ostoher.
Goats eat anything and are impervious to poisons EGIL'S VIPER
except those concocted by an evil Animist or Mage. Their
Before the coming of the uindarlaif. the huge EgiI's
one vulnerability comes from an unquenchable desire to
viper stood as the Plainsmen's greatest nemesis. During
be scratched on the head between the horns. If a person
the early days of the Third Age one of these serpents slew
manages to sneak up on a wild goat from behind and
the first Rhovanion Northman Prince-Egil Eohari-by
gently scratch between its horns. that goat will be ever
striking him from the high grass of the East Bight.
loyal-as long as it gets plenty of leaves and bark to eat.
Following EgiI's death the Northmen drove the snakes
and suffers no abuse.
eastward into the Talath Harroch. The men used dogs.
bows. and boar-spears to hunt their formidable foe.
The EgiI's viper is a quick. grass-dwelling predator that
feeds on rodents. eggs. small cattle. and occasional man­
nish fools. Stalking in the late afternoon or early evening.
these yellow-brown snakes quietly follow the scent of the
chosen meal; they then strike in one of two ways: ( I ) by
immobilizing the prey with a precisely aimed spray of
venom which can be directed into the target's eyes from
a distance of up to 30 feet; or (2) by biting the unwary
victim and injecting the deadly poison into the wound.
Their 3" fangs have been known to penetrate rigid leather
and chain mail. and their speed and size (up to 20 feet)
allow them to reach horsemen. Fortunately. however.
they hunt alone or in pairs. and are rarely sighted west of
the eastern Talath Harroch.
During the early days of the Great Plague a new danger
came to the Talath Harroch from out of the East. Packs
Bird ojprty of black jackals now inhabit most of the hill countty not
CULCARNIX regularly patrolled by Gondorian troops or Eothraim
The most curious beast of the Talath Harroch. the outriders. There are actually several different types. but
culcarnix burrows into the grassy plains just like a giant the most prevalent group is the uindarlaif (Rh. "Under­
rodent. In elder days these magnificently furty animals leavings"). These dog-like predators are the largest of
were raised in great fenced colonies by furriers among the their kind (often as long as five feet and weighing as much
Northmen. who favored their thick. silky. chestnut-brown as I 20 pounds). and are quite capable of eating right
fur above all others. Reddish-brown and often growing through the body of a substantial "kill;" hence their name.
as large as three feet tall. the animals are harmless and Uindarlaif hunt mostly at night-in groups of 4-20-
rather cute. It seems a shame to hunt them. so easily are traveling quietly and virtually unseen. Their black color­
these trusting beasts taken down with bow and arrow. But ing is ideal for nocturnal prowling; only their bright blue
trade in culcarnix pelts is rare indeed these days. and eyes and scarlet ear flaps act to break the darkness. With
among the settlements of Northmen throughout tremendous night-vision and a keen sense of smell. they
Rhovanion. an extremely high price (as much as Sgp) will kill two-thirds of the animals they stalk. This is largely
be paid to anyone offering to sell culcarnix fur. due to the manner in which they strike: first they circle in
WILD KINE (KINE OF ARAw) small groups; then decoys draw off the strongest defend­
The white oxen of the eastern Talath Harroch. ers; finally. pairs or trios attack choice targets. When food
Dorwinion. and Rhunnish coasts are considered by both is scarce they scavenge (even in daylight hours); when
the Northmen and Dunedain to be a gift of Bema or Araw there is famine (as now). uindarlaif have been known to
(respectively). the "Huntsman of the Valar." They are approach settlements. These jackals are exceedingly swift
huge beasts. often standing six feet at the shoulder and and. as of late. a number of weak and unwary folk
weighing as much as one and a half tons. As work animals (particularly children) have disappeared.
While the bear is the loner in the societies of the The undisputed ruler of the Northern Waste, the white
wilderness, the wolfis the most communal ofRhovan ion's bear rivals the great bear of Mirkwood in size and
beasts. (These opposite lifestyles are especially interesting strength. While the bears of Mirkwood are primarily
because the bear and the wolf apparently share a common omnivorous, the white bears are almost pure carnivores
ancestor). Wolves travel, hunt, feed and rest within a well­ with tempers to match. One swipe of a paw can effort­
developed social system. . Order is established and main­ lessly bring down a full grown losrandir. Their appetites
tained by dominance; a preeminent pair rules the rest of are voracious, and these bears will attack anything that
the pack. The toughest, wisest, largest male-often looks edible, including Men or Orcs. Fortunately for the
approaching 90 pounds in weight-and the female most traveler, white bears are solitary animals who roam within
likely to produce pups exactly like the father, mate and a set territory. They will confront intruders who invade
form a ruling family. Should a rival male displace the their "turf." If the intruder leaves, then the bear will not
leader-usually by chasing him off after a fight-he will strike; however, failure to leave the bear's territory will
kill the pups of the ex-leader and mate with the dominant invite attack. A single white bear is a terrifying, relentless
female himself. Juveniles join the pack as full-fledged opponent whose fierceness is legendary. The pelt of such
members of the hunt at two years of age. The pack is not a bear can easily fetch 1 00 gpo
a true autocracy: leaders are replaced by duel SNOW LION
Some wolf packs contain as many as forty members, but The snow lion is a rare animal native to the high vales
the size of the pack-usually between two and eight­ of the Ered Mithrin. Smaller and more compact than a
depends upon the area of the territory they roam (often mountain lion, the snow lion remains white throughout
several hundred square miles) and the abundance of prey the year, and its eyes are a beautiful shade of azure. It
and other wolves in the area. Pack size is naturally limited favors small game, although it will occasionally prey upon
by mortality, disease and reproductive rates: the Plague mountain goats and deer. Snow lions mate for life, and
decimated the wolves of northern Mirkwood, but they both parents raise the single cub born each year. Occa­
certainly survive in numbers large enough to prove a threat sionally, a bold Beijabar will ascend the Ered Mithrin to
to the Men, Dwarves, and Elves of the region. befriend a snow lion. Those who succeed in such a quest
The pack communicates through smell, hearing, vision have won a faithful ally for life.
and of course, speech and howls. The larger wolves of
northern Mirkwood speak the language ofthe Wargs and
are large enough to be ridden like horses by Orcs.
Rhovanion is the home to many rare and magical
creatures of story and song. Many are the foul creations
8.3 FAUNA OF THE NORTH of Morgoth, left to trouble the world after his demise.
LOSRANDIR Since the Plague their numbers have increased, for Men
These animals are much like reindeer and spend their lack the strength of arms to hunt them effectively. Many
days foraging for food in the Northern Waste. Once of these have also grown bolder, and will now attack farms
hunted by Men in the First Age, the losrandir herds have and homesteads in search of food, something unheard of
now swelled to enormous proportions. The herds are prior to the Plague.
always on the move, searching for the best grazing. They
are hunted by snow wolves, white bears, and an occasional The Great Eagles are absolute rulers of the air in the
drake or Snow Troll. northern mountains (barring only a Dragon in full rage)'
SNOW WOLF They are thought to be of divine creation. Legends state
Named for their snow-white coats, these elusive crea­ that the Great Eagles are direct manifestations of the
tures are larger and tougher than their brethren who prowl thought of Manwe, Lord of the Valar. The mighty and
the plains. Snow wolves are truly independent and steer majestic fliers certainly seem worthy of such worship.
clear of Orcs and Men. Their thick coats are superbly Never evil, they lived in the treetops of the world until
adapted to handle the icy winters of the Northern Waste, Manwe ordered them to build their eyries in the peaks and
and their coloring makes them virtually impossible to see crags of Middle-earth's greatest mountains and keep an
in the winter months. During the brief spring and eye on the mortal lands below, reporting to him what they
summer, the coats of the wolves darken to a greyish saw and heard.
brown. The favorite prey of the snow wolf is the In the turmoil of the First Age the Eagles served the
losrandir, but they have been known to hunt even mice Eldar valiantly; after Beleriand was swallowed up by the
during lean years. Snow wolves will not attack Men unless Sea, the Eagles flew east, some to settle in the high peaks
provoked or threatened. of the Misty Mountains (then a home to the inhospitable
Orcs), and some to the Grey Mountains, where Dragons
slept and mated. In these high snowy peaks the natural
rivalry between the giant beasts grew more acute.
Thorondor, the first King of the Eagles, is said to have 8.6 ANIMALS
had a wingspan of 1 80 feet, although his smaller Third AND THE BEIJABAR
Age descendants average thirty-foot wingspans. These The other settlement that harbors animals is that of the
imperious and swift hunters show no mercy to foe or prey. Beijabar. Their relationships with the fauna ofWilderland
Clasped in the Eagle's talons, the captive may as well shut are legendary. Few animals are at odds with the Beijabar,
his eyes and prepare for eternity, be he unallied with the and most beasts count them as great friends. This is
princes of the sky. Armed with a hooked beak and vice­ largely due to their ancient cultural emphasis on the ways
like, four-toed talons to clutch and crush or impale its of nature, particularly the mystical delvings which gave
prey, an Eagle cannot be overcome by struggle or deceit. birth to the Cult of the Bear (Rh. Bairakyn), and the
They rarely intervene in the doings of Men, but despise all associated ritual called "Skuiftlaikan" ("skin-" or "shape­
the creations of Morgoth, particularly Orcs. The Great changing")'
Eagles can, and usually do, put an end to any orc-mischief Only a few handfuls of today's Beijabar practice the
that they are aware of. ancient art of skin-changing, as it is said that all their
One of the Great Eagles' most wondrous gifts is their forefathers could do-shifting from human form into an
eyesight. Soaring, they can perceive details in a landscape animal, prowling in the night as lordly bears. The two
eight times better than a man. For example, the Lord of most prominent in the region, Beoraborn (the current
the Eagles can spot a rabbit dashing for cover a mile below leader or "Waildanbair") and his youthful son Bornbeneor,
him-in the moonlight. There is, therefore, little which are both gifted with the skill; yet they use it sparingly-only
escapes the notice of the Great Eagles. in rituals or when their kinsmen's lives are at stake.
The great natural gifts of the Eagles make them valu­ The vestiges of the Beijabars' skin-changing heritage
able allies in war; however domineering and lacking in remain, however, in their kindly interaction with animals.
sentiment, the Eagles are well-spoken and rational. Un­ Because they still experience the empathy with animals
like Dragons, who have-one-on-one-greater destruc­ that arises from a racial memory of being one with them,
tive power, the Great Eagles of Middle-earth operate as a they can communicate by words, thoughts, looks and
squadron, and their wisdom and knowledge make them a gestures with the animals around them. Their rustic
match for almost any evil force Sauron can gather, except homes are shared with dogs, opossums, raccoons, bears,
the awesome Balrog. wild cats, sheep, and ponies, all of whom perform house­
hold chores. The dogs and raccoons gather, prepare, and
8.5 BIRDS OF RHOSGOBEL serve food (which is exclusively vegetarian)' Opossums
Many other birds make their homes in the trees of keep the nocturnal watch. The bears and snow lions serve
Mirkwood, but nowhere do they congregate in such great as guards and messengers, while the sheep and ponies help
numbers as in the area at the western edge of the forest in hauling lumber and tending children.
where the Wizard Radagast the Brown makes his home. In exchange for all these services, the Beijabar offer their
Called Rhosgobel, this comfortable residence is like a animals food, warmth, and shelter. Thus, the animals live
wondrous aviary. There, not only are the trees hung with among the Beijabar as if all were members of the same
every variety of bird's nest imaginable, but also the outer family. They will not hesitate to strike if an intruder
walls of Radagast's own woodland home are constructed, threatens. They also stay quite close to home, although
quite artfully, with Wizard-wrought bird houses, feeders, the Beijabar's snow lions and bears have been seen as far
roosts, perches, and baths. At sunrise and sunset the south as North Undeeps and as far east as the inner edge
sound is deafening and yet magical in its natural harmo­ of the East Bight.
nies. Many of the birds seen in the southwest reaches of
Middle-earth, even as far south as Umbar, make
a summer pilgrimage home to Rhosgobel form­
ing the great migrations that sweep the land­
millions of birds coming north during spring,
and scattering to the south, west, and east again
under the Harvest Moon.


9.0 DARK CREATURES However, Dragons do have genuine weaknesses: they
The coming of the Necromancer upset the delicate tend to grow complacent and vain if unchallenged, giving
balance of nature in Wilderland. Foul creatures began to themselves away in riddling talk; and each seems to have
invade the land, increasing in numbers and haunting the a vulnerable spot, a flaw where its armor is weak. Thus,
lives of Rhovanion's inhabitants. Packs of unusually a lucky foe can pierce the drake's h ide and damage or
aggressive wolves began to appear; huge spiders began destroy its vital organs. The dreadful shriek of a mortally
preying on travelers; Orcs and Trons haunted the edges of wounded Dragon is a sound not soon forgotten by those
nearby settled lands. Worse, the Dragons of the North who hear it.
began to stir. Dragons generally take but one mate for a lifetime, but
choose to live alone, visiting only during the rare mating
9.1 DRAGONS seasons. Legends originating with the Silvan Elves indi­
With a roar like a full-force hurricane, a flying Dragon cate that such courtships occur no more than once a Yen
can set a river steaming like hot tea and reduce to cinders (the Elven year, equal to 1 44 of mankind's). The favored
and blackened stumps a thriving settlement of Men. location for this ritual is the Withered Heath.
Dragons first appeared in the late First Age when Morgoth,
intent upon destroying the Valar, unleashed a host of
Dragons come in a variety of types. The original, and
winged, fire-breathing monsters led by Ancalagon the
generally older lineages are flightless, altogether lacking
Black, mightiest of all the drakes of Middle-earth. These
wings. These land-bound beasts are amazingly nimble
Great Worms, while unwise, are cunning and cruel crea­
and exceedingly quick when they find the effort necessary
tures who can reason, dream and even prophecy; they are
(approx. 30 mph or 48 km/hr). Usually they rely on
always ready to suspect the worst of others, since they
sheer force, fire, or frost. The majority of Cold-drakes are
themselves always intend the worst. Nothing pleases a
wingless and must make use of their considerable
Dragon more than sacking a town of its treasure, gather­
strength and whip-like tails to demolish an obstacle.
ing the booty into a golden heap, and nesting upon it for
Many Cold-drakes have no breath weapon, although a
a century or two.
few employ exhaled streams of frigid moisture-laden air, remain formidable. Their huge claws (up to 9") and
analogous to a blast of icy sleet. Their habits are much awesome jaws (which hold 6" fangs) have persuaded
akin to Fire-drakes (although few Col<;l-drakes can fly), many that death can be a swift affair. In addition, their
except that they shy away from extreme heat, such as that love for the dark sky-together with an uncanny ability to
of a lava field. Winged Dragons on the other hand, are glide quietly-allow them to strike at night with utter
often "breathers". Their mobility on the ground is surprise. During daylight hours they favor· the direct
somewhat less heralded than that of their brethren, but approach; using their considerable speed, they simply dive
nonetheless more than adequate. The ability to fly is still upon a foe with outstretched claws. The impact alone can
their greatest gift; their 20 mph land speed pales before be devastating. Perhaps worst of all, they often stalk in
the speed they achieve in the air-50 mph in level flight pairs; for unlike Dragons, they are relatively "cooperative"
and up to 1 00 mph when diving. (Some, like Smaug, can creatures.
travel considerably faster.) Large Fell Beasts can support the weight of two strong
men and are frequently used as mounts by Sauron's
The scaly armor-like skin of Dragons provides two Nazgftl. Occasionally the Olog-hai warlords employ them
principal functions: it enhances their inherent resistance as well. Their coming may have coincided with the
to spells; and it makes them nearly invulnerable to weap­ opening of Angmar, since communications with that
ons. Due to differences in skin texture, their head area remote northern realm are tenuous. Even as messenger­
remains somewhat unguarded. In addition to this weak bearers, however, they have a disquieting effect on the
point, most mature drakes have one or more areas where neighboring countryside.
their scales have fallen off or failed to develop. Whatever
the reason for this, makers of "Dragon-slaying" arms 9.3 SPIDERS
learned early that the beasts could be felled if hit in the The nastiest beasts one might run into while traveling
proper place. Young drakes, of which there are few, have through southern Mirkwood are the spiders. Two dis­
scales which are softer and less developed; thus, they are tinct varieties ofspiders spin their sticky webs in southern
accorded less protection. Armor made from the scales of Rhovanion. One variety, those moving southward from
mature Dragons is extremely rare, but affords superb northern Mirkwood across the Old Forest Road, grows
protection from the elements as well as from weapons. large (up to eight feet across, including legs) and black,
The horn found on some older beasts can also be valuable. and spins webs from tree to tree in the northeast corner of
The substance is hard enough to batter stone, makes a fine the wood, making one's passage through that region
signal horn, and can be used to construct composite bows particularly difficult.
of unparalleled quality. These spiders live and attack as a group, apparently
The Dragons of the Withered Heath and the Ered cooperating amongst themselves to a remarkable degree
Mithrin are loners and repose upon their hoards. Only on ( considering their appetites), debating in thin creaks and
rare occasions do they sally forth. When they do, they hisses how best to devour their drugged prey. Spiders can
respect each other's territories, preferring instead to feast only eat living beings; their digestive systems are too
upon simpler, more palatable prey. specialized to deal with vegetation or ordinary carrion of
any kind; they are not blood-suckers. Spiders inject a
9.2 FELL BEASTS poison into the victim, turning his or her innards to a
Large, black, flying beasts with whip-like tails and great delectable jelly which the spider then pumps out (with the
bat-like wings have been sighted in the night skies; some aid of a "sucking stomach") and consumes, leaving its
herders in the East Bight claim that these creatures have prey little more than an empty carcass. A spider possesses
claimed more than one of their strays. The reports have a pair of fanged mandibles connected to a poison gland;
given birth to a revival of the old, doom-saying tales of the another pair of clawed appendages manipulates the prey
coming of a great Darkness. Few have failed to suspect as needed. The eight primitve eyes of a spider are
Dol Guldur as the source of the unsettling events. vulnerable to attack, as is the soft underbelly.
In recent years, "Fell Beasts" (Rh. Winanbanar, or The most noticeable sign of the spider is of course its
"Friend-slayers") have made their home in the highlands web, made of fine silk proteins which emerge through
ofMirkwood, usually in high caves or on shelves beneath minute nozzles or spinnerets at the rear of the body. The
overhangs ofrock. A number ofthem are spread through­ proteins solidify in the air, forming wrapped fibers which
out the Emyn Guldur (S. "Hills of Sorcery")' These the spider shapes into a distinctively patterned web. So
creatures grow to lengths of 30 feet (with 30-3S-foot sensitive to stirrings in its web is the spider that it can
wingspans) and may be distant relatives of ancient Cold­ discriminate between the wind blowing through the web
drakes. Morgoth seduced their kind in the Days ofIre, so and a fly--or something larger-landing on it. (Vibra­
hatred and the curse of Darkness runs in their hot blood. tion receptors in its legs enable the spider to interpret the
Unlike the great Urul6ki (Q. "Hot-serpents" or "Fire­ web's movements so aptly.)
drakes"), they cannot breath fire, but they nonetheless
The other variety of spiders-concentrated in the
southwestern leg ofMirkwood and more abundant as one
approaches Dol Guldur-is native to the southern region.
These spiders are the many offspring of the white spider
Enna San Sarab, eldest offspring of Shelob. The child
now makes her home in the depths of Dol Guldur, while
her mother prefers the bizarre comforts of Mordor's
Ephel Duath (S. "Dark-shadowy Outer-fences")' Every
thirty-six days Enna San Sarab hatches a new filmy egg
case full of spiderlings, which scatter from within the
volcanic depths out into Mirkwood Forest. They rarely
grow to the size of their mother who, since she has not
moved for hundreds of years, now has attained gigantic
size: ten feet to the top of her body, thirteen feet from head
to hind, each of her six hind legs measuring at least twenty
feet long, her two forelegs measuring only 6 feet, but
equipped with stinging pincers at their tips.
Her offspring (Ennerlings) ordinarily remain small
enough to hold in a human hand-and are white colored,
with a blood-red dimple on their undersides. They spin GIANTS A spider oj
dewy webs among the trunks of southern Mirkwood, The origins of the Giant race are clouded; it is not Mirkwood
which can be seen (and then only dimly) under full known if they were created by Morgoth or merely cor­
moonlight. Otherwise, it is all too simple to walk straight rupted by him. They are, if it is possible, even stupider
into an Ennerling web. The spiders sting fiercely if than Trolls, though Giants are not always evil (just
handled or stepped on, but will not attack without cause. hungry)' Whereas a Troll can be stealthy and quiet,
Ennerling stings do not kill, unless inflicted in numbers Giants can be neither. A person can always avoid a Giant
greater than a dozen within one hour. They debilitate men simply by getting out ofthe way. Also, since their eyesight
for twelve hours, but they do not affect Elves. is poor, it is very easy to hide from a Giant.
A Giant's primary interest in life is a steady supply of
9.4 GIANT RACES food. A troublesome Giant need not be slain; simply
provide him with regular meals, and he will become your
TROLLS friend and ally for life. Due to this intense competition for
Trolls (S. T ereg; sing. T orog) are another creation of food, they are generally solitary, but will sometimes get
Morgoth, bred it is said in mockery of Ents. Trolls vary together for a rousing session of boulder-and tree-hurling.
in height between seven and ten feet, and are exceedingly Giants are naturally indolent and not inclined to mayhem
tough and strong, having been made of stone. Trolls are unless infuriated. (The destruction that accompanies a
omnivorous, but their favorite dish is Man. Fortunately, Giant is usually purely accidental.) Some particularly
for all their strength, they are very slow-witted and can be wicked or desperate individuals will eat Men, but most
tricked and outwitted. In addition, Trolls turn back to prefer beef or mutton. Though stupid, the Giant race has
stone in the sunlight. learned that preying on the Secondborn generally brings
The Stone Trolls of Rhovanion are the traditional trouble. If caught in the right mood, a Giant can even be
kind, usually 9 to 1 0 feet tall, perpetually hungry, stupid, friendly and inclined to chat with a passing stranger.
and greedy. The Snow Trolls are smaller, rarely taller than Giants come in two varieties: Greater and Lesser Gi­
8 feet. They are also more reclusive and generally content ants. Lesser Giants are usually about 10 feet in height,
with hunting game. Snow Trolls are distinguished by while the Great Giants are between I S and 20 feet in
their grayish-white hide and the fact that they hibernate height. The latter tend to look down upon the Lesser
during the warmer months. The brief nights of the Giants, pitying their comparitively puny strength and size.
northern summers make this necessary for their survival.
Snow Trolls prefer to hibernate in carefully sealed caves
or snug burrows of their own construction. They emerge
from their hibernation in the fall ravenous and prepared
to prey on the terrified Losrandir. Like their southern
cousins, Snow Trolls are indiscriminate eaters who have
even been known to feast upon Orcs.
AWAKENED TREES Wights are extremely difficult to maim or kill. A wight
The awakened trees ofMirkwood may be Huorns, but cannot bleed to death, and cutting off a limb only hinders
only an Ent could say for sure. The 5ilvan Elves will it. They can only be "killed" by impaling them through
affirm that there have always been awakened trees in the the heart, cutting off their head, or giving them over the
forest. The trees of Mirkwood are allies of the Wood­ maximum number of hits. To destroy a wight, the spell
e1ves,who tend them lovingly. An awakened tree can sense laid upon the tomb must be broken and the wight
passers-by and will report the presence of strangers in the dispelled. If the spell remains unbroken, the tomb will
forest. They can also move their branches and roots, shortly be reoccupied by another wight.
entangling and waylaying travelers who have displeased To break the spell of a wight, the treasure within the
the Elves. tomb must be left free for all finders, although the slayer
is permitted to take a few items from the hoard. Treasures
9.5 OTHER EVIL CREATURES in haunted tombs are cursed, and to take them for oneself
invites a terrible doom; the thief will gradually be trans­
formed into a minor wight. To take all of the treasure for
The giant cave bats of the Iron Hills are large, carnivo­
a purely good purpose would also break the spell.
rous predators. Ranging between 3 and 5 feet in length,
the bats emerge from their caves at twilight to hunt small WARGS
game. They are excellent hunters, paralyzing their prey Wargs are huge wolves endowed with strength and
with their venomous bite, and then carrying it off to their intelligence that far exceeds that of their brethren. An evil
lair. (Their poison is a fifth level nerve poison that will race spawned by Morgoth, they come in many sub-forms.
incapacitate a man for approximately IO minutes.) The Thus, Men have long been confused with regard to their
bats rarely attack Men, unless a passing stranger disturbs true nature. Northmen call any large wolf a Warg, but
their roosts. The poison can be fatal in large doses. they are inaccurate, for Wargs are always cursed (or
enchanted) beasts. Immortal, they are undead creatures
whose bodies disappear soon after they are slain.
Wights are undead spirits who inhabit ancient tombs.
They are drawn by treasure, greed, and violence, and they WEREWOLVES
have power only in darkness. Wights appear as dark, Werewolves (5. Gaurin; sing. Gaur) are special servants
shadowy human forms with eyes akin to faint lights. They of the Necromancer who are often confused with Wargs.
inhabit the same world as the dreaded Ringwraiths and are They are larger than Wargs, though, and they are not true
difficult to perceive as anything other than dark shapes. If wolves. Although undead (as are wights and the Nazgul),
seen with the power of the One Ring or with other special Werewolves are spirits that shape-change. They take on
magics, wights seem to take on the tattered forms of great a tangible, physical presence for short periods of time. A
lords of Men with cold, cruel eyes. Gaur can take on the shape of a Man or a wolf. When in
Those encountering a wight must resist versus the the form of a Man, they are tall and slender, their skin has
terror of the wight's presence. Ifthey fail, th ey are literally a greyish cast, and their eyes are black. When in the form
paralyzed with fear and unable to move. Only great of a wolf, the Gaurin stand 6 feet at the shoulder and have
power, luck, self discipline, or presence of mind can save black pelts.
such a victim. Flight is often the best recourse, particularly Werewolves radiate a spell of fear akin to that of
since the touch of a wight is much like that of a Nazgul: wights, though they can cloak this spell if they choose.
cold, lifeless, and deadly. It yields a deep sleep that can They can only be harmed by magic or silver weapons, and
only be magically broken; otherwise the victim will never can never be killed permanently unless slain by a blessed
awaken. When stricken, the unfortunate victim dreams of object driven through their heart. Otherwise, a "dead"
the final hours and most terrible moments of the original Gaur returns after nine days time. Occasionally, a Werewolf
inhabitant of the tomb. Wights normally carry their will take on human form for a prolonged period and act
victims into tombs or barrows, deck them with jewels, and as a spy for the Necromancer.
then perform a ritual sacrifice.
1 0.0 AVENUES OF In Dale, the Men-in-Erebor meets the Men-i-Mithrin,
the "Grey Road" of the North that sweeps around
TRAVEL northeastern Mirkwood and brings travelers within sight
Numerous roads and trails crisscross the length and of Dragon Country. The Men-i-Mithrin bisects the
breadth ofWilderland. Like the waterways, they bind this dangerous highway linking northern Rhun to the Witch­
wide and varied region. realm of Angmar. Called the Men Rhunen (S. "Eastern
Way") or the "Rhunnish Road," this fifth major north­
10.1 THE ROADS ern route is used by the Witch-king's Men and Orcs to
Since the Plague, there is relatively little travel on many carry supplies and fresh troops westward from Rhun. It
highways, particularly in northern Wilderland, but some runs north of the Iron Hills and along the southern edge
routes nevertheless deserve mention. of the Ered Mithrin before meeting the Grey Road in the
gap north ofMirkwood. Further west, it passes above the
MEN-I-NAUGRIM great forest, across the river Mithlin (Greylin), up the
The most famous of these is the Men-i-Naugrim, the Langwell Valley, and through the Misty Mountains at
"Way of Dwarves," one of the most ancient paths in all Gundalok, eventually reaching Cam Dum.
ofnorthwestern Middle-earth. Actually a combination of
a number of linked trails and highways, the Men-i­ MAJOR SOUTHERN ROUTES
Naugrim begins in the Dwarf mines of the Blue Moun­ Southern Rhovanion containsa network oflesser roads
tains, crosses Eriador and the Misty Mountains, and runs and two major East-West highways. The greatest was
through Mirkwood. There it is also called the Old Forest built by the Gondorians, who joined a number of ancient
Road. East of the great wood, it crosses the River caravan paths to make a highway capable of quickly and
Running at Iach Celduin (aka Athrad Celduin) and then efficiently moving armies and goods between the Anduin
cuts northeast toward Dain's Kingdom in the Iron Hills. Valley and Rhun. This is the Men Romen, or "East
Way," a route beginning at the South Undeeps in the west
MAJOR NORTHERN ROUTES and forking into northern and southern routes at the town Orcs on the
Aside from the Men-i-Naugrim, there are five other ofOhtalepet (Q. "Warfinger") in the midst of the Talath Necromancer's Road
major northern routes, three of them converging at Iach Harroch. Sometimes paved and always marked by cairns
Celduin. Two enter the area from the South: I )
the Men Dorwinion (S. "Wineland Way") and
2) the Men Celduin (S. "River Running Way").
The Men Dorwinion, or "Horse Road" (S.
Rathon Roch), links northern W ilderland with
the lower Celduin and Carnen valleys and the
wine country ofDorwinion. A major trade route
for both Men and Elves, it runs alongside the
region's major rivers and passes through the river
ports of Buhr Mahrling and Ilanin. The Men
Celduin joins the towns of the East Bight with
the markets ofnorthern Rhovanion. It runs from
Iach Celduin almost due south through Aur
Esgalabar to Buhr Ailgra, where it meets the
The third major route, the Men-in-Erebor,
connects Iach Celduin to the towns of the north­
ern Celduin Valley. This road's surface is fre­
quently planked, since it cuts through or beside
the myriad marshes that flank the river and the _Jliiii��
Long Lake. Passing between the lake and the
Long Marshes, it swings through Dale and ends
at the base of the Lonely Mountain.
or signposts, the Men Romen is one of the most strategic An intricate web of trails connects Thranduil's Wood­
roads in all of Endor. Its northern fork connects southern land Realm in the North to the Old Forest Road and the
Rhovanion with the Donu and Celduin valleys and marches Rad Angalaladh further south. Aside from some Elves
northeast from Warfinger to Ilanin ("Wain-town")' The and Woodmen and a handful of the Necromancer's
southern fork dissects Warfinger' s "Tent Quarter" and guides and trackers, almost no one has hope of navigating
winds across the Talath Harroch toward the southwest­ this arboreal maze. The dreary light filtering through the
ern tip of the Sea of Rhun. Since the rise of the twisted trees offers little aid, even on a clear afternoon.
Easterlings, the latter road has been devoted more to local However well-worn at times, the paths seem to lead
trade and the movement of garrisons than to major nowhere, or they disappear amidst the sandy beds of now­
commerce. dry streams or in the rocky crags and dense foilage of the
The Men-in-Araw, the region's second major highway, deep wood.
serves as the chief avenue of trade in central Wilderland. One trail in northern Mirkwood is relatively well­
Beginning at the Waildung capital of Buhr Widu (Rh. marked. Known as the Rad Annon (S. "Gate Path"), this
"Forest Hold") in the East Bight, this corduroy (wood­ long path links Thranduil's capital at the Aradhrynd with
plank) road also forkS. The northern branch continues the Carrock Vale and the Northman hill-town of
eastward out ofBuhr Waldmarh, meets the Men Celduin Maethelburg in the Anduin Valley. En route westward
outside Buhr Ailgra, and then descends through the breaks from the bridge at the Elven-king's Halls, the track crosses
and ridgelands above the river Ardruiga before merging the Gulduin, passes the Avar ruin at Caras Amarth, and
with the Horse Road at Buhr Mahrling on the river leaves Mirkwood via the Forest Gate.
Celduin. The southern fork swings southward from Buhr ROUTES IN THE NAN ANDUIN
Waldmarh, passes by Buhr Waldlaes (Rh. "Lawless Hold;" Numerous tracks parallel the banks of the Great River,
W. "Strayhold"), and skirts the edges ofMirkwood until but most of the secondary roads in the Nan Anduin stay
it runs into the Men Romen. close to the forest eaves. Even these, though, are little
An ancient road, the Men-in-Araw cuts straight through more than intermittent animal trails. The Woodman
the East Bight, up into the Mirkwood Narrows. Locals Trail, which runs from Woodmen-town south past
call it the Glorious Road, for it leads to the Hill-citadel of Rhosgobel to the Parth Celebrant, is the sole exception.
Buhr Ailgra, Vidugavia's capital. Although partially Navigation on the eastern bank of the river is difficult, for
ruined, Buhr Widu still stands strong, not five miles from the ground constantly rises and falls across countless
the Wood. The settlement remains the center ofWaildung streambeds. Generally, the only easy means of north­
culture as well as the focus of a rich lumber trade. south travel is by boat, using the Anduin itself.
Northman axemen still harvest timber in the surrounding On the other hand, east-west routes are quite prevalent,
woods, using teams of huge work-horses to drag the since ·most follow the courses of the Anduin's shrinking
ancient logs out of the forest. tributaries. Of these, the Men-i-Naugrim and the Rad
TRAILS IN MrRKWOOD Angalaladh are the most important roads. Two others­
The shadow of a roadway-still visible today, al­ the Men Rhunen in the North and the Gladden Path
though it is little traveled-leads beyond the forest edge between Rhosgobel and the Gladden Fields-are also
to the Northman ruin at Cor Angalaladh (S. "Long­ significant, although the former is quite dangerous and
laughing Light Ring"). A ring of ancient oak trees and a the latter is rarely used nowadays.
circle of stone graves, this exalted site is the burial place of
Waildung Princes. It is tucked in the forest about a mile The Ore Road is actually a crude trail that winds
and half north of the trail. southward through the Nan Lothanduin and leads to
The forest path, which is called the Rad Angalaladh (S. Morannon and the Gates of Mordor. Ostensibly an
"Long-laughing Light Path") continues southwestward animal track and hunting path, this trail holds increasing
and then splits. Continuing almost due west, the main importance, as Sauron's forces begin migrating between
trail weaves through the Narrows of Mirkwood, past Dol Guldur and the Dark Land. None of the Gondorians
Radagast's home at Rhosgobel, and then southwestward or Northmen who have discovered the nature of the route
across the Nan Anduin to L6rien. This route was once the have survived, for the Evil One and his minions have been
principal Elven highway in Mirkwood. (The lesser fork careful. Orcs, Wargs, and Trolls travelling along the rude
passes south, eventually joining a route that reaches highway move only at night and in small groups, and
Ithilien.) generally during storms. Their camps are confined to pre­
selected caves and marshlands located off the path. Since
the settlements in southwestern Rhovanion are concen­
trated along the Men Romen on in the Anduin Valley,
these foul servants of Darkness are rarely discovered.
When they are, they invariably hunt down the unfortu­
nate witnesses, slaying them before word reaches anyone
concerning the presence of the Necromancer's forces.

1 0.2 THE WATERWAYS river picks up only a little speed after virtually stopping in
Three major rivers-the Anduin, the Forest, and the the Long Marshes (5. Aelinann) between Mirkwood and
River Running-bless the region with fresh running Long Lake. The Marshes' pools of brackish water and
water and provide transportation for commerce and wetland islets seem to swallow the river after it leaves the
adventure. forest.
An eighty-foot waterfall called the Mere's End (5.
THE ANDUIN Lindal) stands south of Long Lake. The Lakemen of
Largest of all rivers in Middle-earth, the Anduin flows Esgaroth hear these tumbling waters as "a distant roar."
south for almost 1 400 miles from its origins in the Once the site of the Northman town of Londaroth,
mountains of the northern Wilderland. A major obstacle Mere's End is now only a portage point marked by two
to east-west travel, the mighty Anduin also serves as the great mills.
principal commercial avenue in western Rhovanion
THE FOREST RIvER The Celduin (5. "River Running") flows through the
The Forest River (5. Taurduin) rises in the Grey Long Lake, where it mingles with the cool, green water of
Mountains and races east and south through Mirkwood the Forest River. Originating in the bowels of the Lonely
before feeding into the Long Lake (5. Annen), a small but Mountain, it flows south past the eastern eaves of
significant body of fresh water lying beyond the eastern Mirkwood before turning east to join the River Carnen
edge of the forest. Low hills line the northern and eastern (5. "Redwater"). It then passes through Dorwinion and
shores of the Lake, obscuring everything beyond from empties into the Sea of Rhfin near the city of Riavod.
view except the peak of the Lonely Mountain. (It takes Together, the River Running and the Forest River wind
about two days to row up the Lake to the Lonely for more than 800 miles through the woods and plains of
Mountain.) Wilderland.
The Forest River empties slowly into the Lake. Al­
though it cuts through low, stone cliffs-coarse, OTHER NOTABLE WATERWAYS
waterworn, glacial gravel called "shingles"-the widening Mirkwood possesses two great waterways worthy of
mention: the Enchanted River and the Mountain
Water. Both are swift-moving runs that arise in
the Mountains ofMirkwood (5. Emyn-nu-Fuin)'
The former cuts northward and feeds the Forest
River just west of the Halls of the Elven-king,
while the latter flows eastward into the swamps
that surround the River Running above the ford
at Iach Celduin.
A magical water polluted by the Necromancer's
Evil, the Enchanted River contains spells that
confer forgetfulness and drowsiness on anyone
who samples the stream's waters.
NOTE: These waters bifuddle Bombur during the
journey recorded in Bilbo's tale There and Back Again.
Northmen refer to the creek as the Sorcerer's
Stream, while the Wood-elves call it by its Sindarin
names: the "Gfilduin," or "Gfilhir." A black,
swift stream some twelve yards wide, the En­
chanted River lies in the bowels of the forest, a
good four-day hike from the eastern edge of the
woods. Like the Mountain Water (5. Emynen),
it is rarely encountered by anyone other than the
Forest-folk or Sauron's minions, and even they
consider the waterway more of a hindrance than
an aid to travel.
1 1 .0 PEOPLES AND The Forest-folk are comprised of Grey Elves, or
"Sindar," and Silvan Elves, or Avari (Q. "Refusers")' The
CULTURES former compose the aristocracy, while the latter make up
Great changes have overcome this region during recent the bulk of the population. The Avari are smaller than
years, changes most dramatically observed in the shifting their brethren, with sandy hair, although both groups
communities of Wilderland's inhabitants. For not so share fair skin and blue eyes.
many years ago, Rhovanion was the broad and thriving The Wood-elves are wise in the ways of the forest and
homeland of Northmen, merchants, farmers, agricultur­ the n atural world. Of all who venture into Mirkwood,
alists, and breeders of horses-many of whom who only the Elves can tread the forest trails in safety, for they
proudly traced their lineage back to the great Prince know its dangers and can avoid them. For the Forest-folk,
Vidugavia. Despite its loose-knit social organization, the Mirkwood is not a perilous forest, but a friendly and fair
community of Northmen of Rhovan ion played a crucial home, with dangers that can be avoided easily enough.
role in the vast, centuries-long struggle between the Indeed, for the Elves, the perils ofthe forest are something
kingdom of Gondor and the threat of the Easterlings who of a blessing, for they discourage travel through their
lived near the Sea ofRhun and further east. No organized realm and the incursion of men. The Wood-elves spend
military scheme held the Easterlings back from attack, but most of their waking hours in the forest hunting, singing,
the very fact that Men sympathetic to Gondor inhabited speaking to the trees, feasting, or keeping the borders of
southern Rhovanion-both the impenetrable Mirkwood their realm safe.
Forest and the Plains-discouraged incursions from the While not hostile towards Men, the Elves prefer to
East. avoid their company and enjoy the forest in peace. Deal­
Since the Plague Years (T.A. 1 635-36), all that has ings with Men are limited to trade with the Northmen of
changed. The once-pastoral neighborhoods and fruitful the Celduin Valley and the Men of the Land of Maidens
farms within view of one another, lost their caretakers and (Dorwinion) through the Raft-elves of Celebannon (on
the animals they housed so swiftly and so mercilessly, that the Forest River).
many settlements are little more than ruins, ghostly NOTE: The Elves guard the borders oj their realm jealously
reminders of the communities of Men that once lived and consider all who leave theforest road trespassers. Travelers
here. Remnants of houses, barns, sheds and storehouses through Mirkwood may catch aglimpse oj the Wood-elves or hear
tumble down in the snow and wind. Food stores, fine theirfeasting through the trees, but they would do w�ll to keep their
leather work, ropes, and farming tools remain behind, distance. When approached, the Elves will simply melt into the
often in tidy order inside the wooden buildings that shadows and vanish, leaving the traveler lost and cotifused. For
crumble all around them. those who wish to deal with Thranduil's Folk, their best hope lies
In addition to the dwindling of the Northmen on the with contacting the Raft-elves oj eastern Mirkwood.
Plains, the Plague brought new dangers to the region:
incursions from the East, bandits, Orcs, Trolls, and
Dragons. Little order or political organization exists
Called Naugrim (S. "Stunted People") by the Elves, the
today, but life goes on.
Dwarves of Rhovanion dwell in the Iron Hills. Like the
Elves and Dwarves have often been called isolationists,
Elves, they avoid dealings with Men, except in trade for
with little interest in the affairs of Men. It should be
foodstuffs. Small, broad, bearded, secretive folk Dwarves
pointed out that the reverse is also true: Men have little
are cunning workmen and fierce warriors. Dwarves make
interest in the affairs of Elves and Dwarves, except when
valiant and loyal allies and terrible, unrelenting enemies.
they think they can gain by it. Such conditions do not
Generally, Dwarves are honorable, except when blinded
encourage intermingling; rather, they encourage the in­
by gold-lust. They are, however, touchy and quick to take
habitants to seek places of safety wherever possible. For
offense and always ready to espouse the cause of a fellow
the most, this safety is in a defensive isolation.
Dwarf. Though some Dwarves have turned to evil, most
are filled with an implacable hatred towards Orcs and the
11.1 THE WOOD-ELVES creations of Morgoth and Sauron.
The forest of northern Mirkwood is home to the They spend their days mining and at smith-craft,
immortal Wood-elves, who are immune to but not un­ creating objects of rare and wondrous beauty. The Elves
touched by the shadow that has fallen upon the forest. may dispute it, but the Dwarves have a keen appreciation
Reclusive, with little interest in the outside world, the of aesthetics, and constantly work to beautify their sur­
majority of the Forest-folk make their home in the roundings. The Dwarves of the Iron Hills have spent
Woodland Realm, in and around the Aradhrynd (S. centuries enhancing the natural beauty of their holds.
"Halls of the Elven-king"). These lovely caves offer them Their caverns are not dark and gloomy, but filled with the
a safe refuge in times of trouble. magical light of Dwarven lamps.
Racial Origins: A Northman group--actually a collection Military Structure: All males above the age of seven receive
of clans who share a similar sub-culture based upon training in survival and hunting skills, and all those
extensive use of the horse. The term "Eothraim" is one fourteen or older receive training in weaponry and
of convenience and is derived from the label used rudimentary tactics. The whole of the clan's able-bodied.::
during the brief period that these scattered clans broke male population serves as the primary levy (Rh. Faird),
tribal bounds and were united as one "Great Tribe" or while the remainder is schooled in the arts of statiolW;f
"People" (Rh. Uillthuid). The six "tribes" (Rh. P'tiud defense. The clan chieftain maintains a standing "house-
or Theod) of Northman Horse Lords are the descen- guard" (Rh. Kuzdrauhtan), part of which accompanies
dants of Eriadoran groups which migrated through the him on his travels; the remainder guards the village andl
Misty Mountain Passes or through the Great 1sen Gap or the lord's manor. Fighting is exclusively from ,
in six waves during the first six centuries of the Third horseback, except where the enemy has driven the clan's
Age. These folk served as infantry and (later) cavalry forces into a surrounded defensive site. Family leaders . ..
in the armies of Arnor and Gondor and were the first serve as sub-commanders of the Faird, while the overall
Northmen to make widespread use of the horse. The structure i; keyed to the seniority of the knights (Rh.
lack of Eriadoran horse herds and opportunity to Driug) of the Kuzdrauhtan.
secure vast pasture land made Gondor's offer of Currency: None. Gondor's currency is quite commonly
Rhovanion territory exceedingly attractive. used, and precious metals are readily accepted, but the
Home Region: Rolling plains of Rhovanion, with primary society is nonetheless keyed to barter.
concentrations south of the Celduin and north of Language: Variations of the Rhovanion tongue Eothrik.
central Dagorlad. Heaviest numbers east and southeast Use of Westron is widespread, particularly in commer-
of Mirk-wood's East Bight. cial circles or in areas in close proximity to Gondor.
Ecosystem: Cool regions which contain vast expanses of Appearance: Generally blond, blue-eyed folk. They are tall,
open grassland. They favor areas marked by long the men averaging 6' 1 ", the women 5'5". They h ave
grasses, scattered woodlands, rolling hills, and plentiful considerable amounts of facial hair, but are not other-
water. wise hairy. They wear linen and/or woolen shirts,
Political Structure: Basically a clan-based society led by medium-length pants, and leggings. The Driug sport
Chieftains CThynas" or "Eorlas"). The clans gener- chain or scale mail shirts and open helms. The Eothraim
ally occupy specific territories and jealously guard their usually have an average to stocky build.
boundaries. Those near the East Bight, however, often Housing: Depending on locale and social status, the
live beside one another in the same village or on joint Eothraim live in wood or stone "long-houses" (Rh.
land-holdings. The clans are grouped in six "tribes" Lainghudan). Roofs are of woven grass over a light
(Rh. Thiud or Theod) which meet thrice yearly. wood or twig frame and have a smoke-hole. The
Tribal leaders (Rh. Huithynas) are chosen from the interior is normally one room with an associated storage
strongest of the Thynas. (Gondor calls them area and/or loft(s). The few high windows can be
"Princes".) Between T.A. 1 000 and 1 500 the clans covered with shutters, and the walls are insulated with
were loosely governed by the Thyn of the Waildungs, earth and wool blanketing. Entry is via sloping earth
who was overlord of the East Bight and oversaw a ramp, for the floors are set 2-4 feet into the ground.
unified council (the Frathing) which settled inter-tribal Light wood or twig fences surround manors or the
disputes and dealt with neighboring Gondor. garden areas of the more prominent villagers.
Social Structure: Strictly patrilineal (traced through one's The nobility live in sprawling homes which may have ten
father) and patrilocal (the wife resides with the or more rooms. Their floors may be carpeted or have a
husband' s family). Marriage can occur outside of the covering of stone. Generally, however, they are nothing
clan and, particularly in the case of "royalty," outside more than an elaborate variation on the basic long-
the tribe. house.
Settlement Pattern: The fortified village, a collection of Diet: A mixed diet prevails, with heavy leavened or
long-houses surrounding the ceremonial Hall (Rh. unleavened breads providing most of the bulk. Wild or
Saicghuil) serves as the center of dan territories. Most domestic fowl, fresh-water fish, and game are in
able-bodied Men are away managing the clans' abundance, and dairy products (e.g., goat or Kine milks
resources (e.g., horses) and the borderlands during the and cheeses) are usually available. Spiced or watered
non-Winter months. These groups ride a circuit and wine, beer, and imported meads are the favored potables.
occupy semi-permanent camps. Constant contact with Worship: The structure is typically Northman. The Cult
the home village is the norm, for good horses and an of the Stag (Rh. Ailgrakyn) is central to this group's
intricate network of trails afford swift communication. rituals, although the Cult of the Earth (Rh. Uerdakyn)
Certain clans and some of the wealthier nobility maintains significant sway.
among the others live on fortified "manors" during the
winter and retreat"to the village only in cases of
outright war.
1 1.3 THE NORTHMEN emerged, groups bound by their way of life and not
The hardy folk now considered indigenous to through any sense of political unity. Common enemies
Rhovanion are collectively called the "Northmen" by the and unique Men ofgreat stature have occasionally forged
Dunadan scholars in Gondor and Arthedain. They are alliances and welded fleeting kingdoms, but the Northmen
fair and tall and strong, noble by the standards of Men. have always moved their separate ways. Even the mixed
Their fierce sense of independence, however, has led to a Northmen citizenry of the towns along the Celduin and
splintering of the ancient ways they brought with them in the East Bight have generally kept to themselves.
from Eriador during the first centuries of the Third Age. Nonetheless, they are aware of their common ancestral
Five sub-cultures-the Eothraim, the Gramuz, the bond and remain brethren in the struggle against the
Lakemen, the Beornings, and the Woodsmen-have Shadow.

Racial Origins: A Northman group whose sub-culture is informal grouping of men recognized for their noble
based on agriculture. They became a distinct unit blood or battle experience.
(tribe) during the first millennium T.A. The urban Currency: None. Gondor's coinage is accepted in most
Northmen sub-culture found in northern Rhovanion at A1anburh and precious metals are always acceptable.
Dale, Esgaroth, and Londaroth has often been associ­ Barter is still the norm, although garnet jewelry is
ated with this group, but is in reality quite distinct. often in circulation as a sort of quasi-currency.
Home Region: Rolling plains and river valleys of Language: Variations of the Rhovanion dialect Gramuik
Rhovanion, with primary concentrations north of the (from which we derive "Gramuz"), the "Tongue of
Nan Celduin. They generally prefer sheltered lowland the Open Country." Westron is prevalent along major
areas where the soil is rich and the winds subdued. trade routes.
Political Structure: Essentially a clan-based society led by Appearance: Generally blond, blue-eyed folk. They are
hereditary chieftains (Rh. "Thynas"). The twelve (Rh. taller than "common men," the men averaging 6'0",
Twa-lif) Thynas compose the traditional tribal Council the women 5'4". Their grain-oriented diet has
of Elders (Rh. Fadarthing), which meets three times a resulted in a group which is shorter than other
year or during periods of great emergency. Their sacred Northmen. Although they are not particularly hairy.
meeting site in the ruins east of the lach Celduin has men usually have beards. They wear cloths of linen or
never moved. wool: pants or (for women) short shifts with leggings,
Social Structure: Strictly patrilineal (traced through one's medium length shirts, fabric cloaks, and soft-soled
father) and patrilocal (the wife resides with the shoes. Wealthier warriors may don chain or scale mail
husband's family). Marriage can occur outside of the shirts. but the norm is leather armor-generally a rigid
clan or tribe, but unions with non-Northmen are leather breastplate. a soft leather jerkin, or a long
extremely rare. leather hauberk.
Settlement Pattern: Scattered farming units are occupied Housing: Most of the Gramuz live in rectangular
by one to three families. Generally, a number of these structures which are little more than short versions of
household groups compose a sort of loose village (Rh. the typical "long-houses" (Rh. lainghudan) of their
A1anburh) located by a protected refuge-such as a Northmen brethren. These are one-room structures
terraced hill surmounted by a modest wooden wall and (called "bida-hudan") set two to three feet into the
surrounded by a moat. These "forts" are normally used ground. They have high roofs, wooden frames
to confme domestic animals. Aside from the urban covered with layers of grass. which often have a storage
Northmen, this is the only truly non-nomadic loft. A small grain room is attached to the side of the
Northman group, for the residences are permanent sites house and is entered via a separate door; it doubles as a
which are occupied on a year round basis. pantry of sorts. One enters through a low doorway,
Military Structure: All males above the age of seven and descends into the earthen-floored main room by
receive schooling in farming skills, but training with way of a ramp or steps.
weapons does not begin until a youth has reached the Diet: Generally grain and dairy oriented, with occasional
age of fourteen. All residents of the A1anburh are small portions of flSh or poultry. Red meat is
taught to use the traditional 8' spear; certain able­ relatively rare except at festival time.
bodied males learn the use of the short or long bow, and Worship: Typical Northman holidays and clerical
most folk are skilled with a hand axe, short sword, or structure. The Cult of the Earth (Rh. Uerdakyn) is
broadsword. Essentially, the Alanburh acts as a military predominant. but the Cult of the Growing--a sub­
sub-unit o f the clan's Faird. No standing army exists cultural equivalent of the traditional Cult of Trees
among the Gramuz, and the elite warriors are an (Rh. A1anakyn) is common in certain areas.
1 1 .3.1 THE NORTHMEN Running Valley") followed later. These people had been
OF SOUTHERN WILDERLAND at the center oftrade before the migrations and left behind
One hundred years ago, southern Rhovanion was the modest towns in Eriador when the lands of Rhovanion
prosperous homeland of agricultural Northmen whose became safe for settlement. Opportunities in the "new
farms clustered along the southern eaves of Mirkwood, territory" were appealing, and pressures from the Witch­
particularly in the clearing called East Bight. But the king, migrating Dunlendings, and the omnipresent
Plague swept through, bringing illness and death, and in Dunedain made the journey even more attractive. Most
its wake bringing vagabonds as well, who combed the of the citizenry remaining followed during the next two
countryside looking for any place and any way to live hundred years.
through the difficult years. This sequence of hardships This second wave of Eriadoran townspeople migrated
cut deep into the Northmen's culture, leaving only the to Rhovanion by way of the "Great Road" or "King's
toughest families alive on the Plains. One out of three Way", through the Great Isen Gap (Gap of Rohan ) south
homesteads still houses some Northmen who trace their of the Misty Mountains and across the Undeeps. They
ancestry back to Vidugavia, but whereas these people were settled south of the Celduin, where the vast open plains
once peaceful farmers and trainers of horses, they are now were occupied by scattered clans of Horse Lords. Still,
fierce defenders of what little remains. They have devel­ their penchant for cool hills and protected town sites
oped weapons far beyond the ordinary in their ability to resulted in a remarkable degree of concentration, and
fire true to the mark, and these Men rarely speak before nearly all of the new urban groups gathered in the
shooting. They have chosen to let the outside of their highlands of the East Bight. There they built their
farmhouses fall to ruin, hoping that then invaders will pass towns-large collections of wooden long-houses, sur­
them by for abandoned. But this decision means to any rounded by palisades set atop great walls of earth.
traveler through Talath Harroch and East Bight that no The townsmen maintain close contact with the great
matter how abandoned a farmhouse may look, it might kingdom ofGondor to the immediate south, for a healthy
well harbor a Northman with weapon in hand.. portion of their trade is derived from the neighboring
Dunedain overlords. In addition, these Northmen have a
1 1 .3.2 THE URBAN NORTHMEN mercantile past; when they still called Eriador home, they
The "urban Northman" of Rhovanion occupy the were in close contact with the High Men of Arnor and
principal towns of the Nan Celduin and Nan Annen in the learned the benefits ofdealing with others, particularly the
North, and Mirkwood's East Bight in the South. The rich and powerful. Their contacts have led to Gondor's
Dalemen, Lakemen, and Wail dungs are all urban recognition of the Princes of the East Bight as the rightful
Northmen. No monolithic sub-culture exists among masters of the "Kingdom of Rhovanion," even though the
these folk; instead, they enjoy a relatively advanced, Northmen themselves recognize no one authority. None­
mercantile-flavored lifestyle which is colored by the more theless, the townsfolk are the focus of trade and act to tie
distinct ways of their rural neighbors. together the more independent groups of their brethren.
Northern Rhovanion's townfolk migrated from Eriador Their preoccupation with, and talent for, politics also give
at a relatively early date, making their way across the them the ability to organize and act as intermediaries.
"High Pass" of the Misty Mountains. The first group Such a foundation allowed Prince Vidugavia and his
settled at Dale. The founders of Londaroth, Esgaroth, immediate descendants to call themselves "Kings."
and the smaller towns of the Nan Celduin (S. "River


Racial Origins: A collection of small Northman groups, When the Northmen migrated across Misty Moun­
generally family groups, which compose a loose clan. tains during the first part of the Third Age, their
Their social structure, physical type and norms are passage was guarded by these hardy fo lk.
radically different from their Northman brethren, so Home Region: The Nan Anduin (5. "Anduin Valley")
much so that they are considered to be culturally and highland passes of the Misty Mountains. Most
distinct; they are not simply a Northman sub-unit. lowland (valley) groups reside along the western edge
Originally they were the masters of the Northman of Mirkwood, while the highland families stay close
Cult of the Bear (Rh. Bairakyn) and became increas­ to the refreshing headwaters of the Anduin's numer­
ingly isolated from the other Northman of Eriador as ous small tributaries. The highest concentrations are
the Second Age passed. By T.A. I they had retreated found in the Nan Anduin between the Gladden
into the high foothills and passes of the northern Fields (5. Loeg Ningloren) and the Carrock. These
Misty Mountains (5. Hithaeglir). During this period folk help guard the Old Ford (5. Athrad laur) and
the Bairakyn splintered and the Beijabar assumed the make the valley safe for modest traffic and com­
role of "protectors" of the east-west trade routes. merce.
Favored Ecosystem: Well-watered highland areas which on a relatively modest scale. Only the Wood-men
have cool weather and contain substantial stands of and Wood-elves have regular exchanges with Beijabar
primary forest. They favor rugged places, rushing families. A close friendship is a prerequisite.
freshwater streams, and plentiful animal populations. Language: The Beijabar employ two forms of commu­
Political Structure: Although they are widely dispersed nication. Their standard tongue is a derivation of
and seemingly apolitical, the Beijabar are a remarkably ancient Eriadoran Northman Speech and is called
unified clan. The hereditary leader-the High "Atliduk". (The word "Beijabar" is the Atliduk
Shape-changer or "Ruling Bear" (Rh. equivalent of "Bajaegahar." the latter being the
Waildanbair}-is the religious and political leader. standard label used among other Northman groups
and acts an intermediary with other folk. He is living east of the Misty Mountains.) Each of the
generally the closest eldest male in the line of the last Beijabar is also capable of communicating in
leader, but there is no firm principle of primogeniture "Waildyth." a system of signs and equivalent "nature
and further removed men of exceptional ability have signals" which can be used in the wild without
been chosen as successors on at least one occasion. betraying one's presence.
One absolute prerequisite exists: the Waildanbair Appearance: Physically, the Beijabar are the largest of
must have the power to Shape-change (Rh. the Northmen. Men average 6'4". women 5'7".
Skuiftlaik). This ability is central to both the leader's They are uniformly strong in build and bone
political and religious roles. Upon the death of his structure. Their complexions are fair; but unlike
predecessor, the new Waildanbair removes himself most Northmen. most folk have reddish hair. and
from his family manor and takes up residence at a considerable amounts of it. They wear fur tunics
traditional site near the Carrock. From this point on, and capes, woolen pants with leggings. and no armor.
he lives alone and visits his family only periodically. Warriors often fight in hardened and reinforced
His word is absolute, although he frequently consults leather helms which are covered with fur and/or the
with his hand-picked advisors. horns of fallen beasts.
Social Structure: Strictly patrilineal (traced through Housing: Beijabar live in relatively comfortable long
one' s father) and patrilocal (the wife resides with the houses which they call "Laenganhuida". These are
husband's family). Marriage is outside the family but usually one-room structures made of beautifully
within the clan. fitted wood. Unlike other Northman buildings, they
Settlement Pattern: Extended family units live on are raised above the ground on pillars. They have
isolated manors (Rh. Haiman). Each Haiman has an high ceilings with substantial rafters and occasional
associated territory of substantial size (often 400 sq. lofts. Huge cooking pits are set into the center of
miles). and the family maintains and utilizes this fief's the house floor. and smoke holes are cut into the
resources. The eldest male(s) frequently leave the roof peak in order to assist ventilation. Most
Haiman in order to maintain contact with other Laenganhuida have one or two covered porches. The
members of the clan. or participate in extended manor itself is called the "Muidwe", and is typically
hunting or fishing expeditions. the site of numerous bee hives. gardens. and feeding
Military Structure : The oldest male in the family is structures for forest beasts.
called Frathagui m (Rh. "Wise One") and is respon­ Diet: An exceptionally balanced bill of fare which
sible for training. maintaining. and leading warriors includes fish. poultry, red meat. cheeses. fruits,
who serve the clan during times of need. The whole berries. a wide variety of breads. numerous honey­
of the male population forms the Faird (levy). since based dishes. and hundreds of different edible plants
all males above the age of seven learn military and and spices. These folk enjoy a good meal.
outdoor skills. By the age of ten, Beijabar youths are Wors hip : The Cult of the Bear (Rh. Bairakyn) is the
skilled trackers. superb bowmen, and animal masters. center of Beijabar worship. The Waildanbair is
Men above the age of fourteen are eligible to serve in master of the cult; but he is assisted by lesser lords or
the main body of the Faird. Normally. this force is "Waetan". some of whom can Shape-change.
assembled at one of ten meeting places in the Misty Ceremonies occur in well-defmed. protected glens
Mountains or northwestern Rhovanion. The and involve Men costumed as beasts. The
Waildanbair traditionally initiates the call through a Waildanbair and any other Shape-changer(s) take the
network of "messenger beasts" (Rh. Haurnwinar) and form of bears and recreate ancient epics (e.g. depict­
heralds (Rh. Haurnwair). ing the origin of the Beijabar. the Creation. the
Currency: None. Trade is strictly by barter; and since Ancient Wars. etc). Other religious rituals surround
the Beijabar have an insulated culture and are essen­ the burial of the Waildanbair at the Holy Carrock
tially self- sufficient. interaction with other groups is (one of many river rocks which is normally labeled
simply "the Carrock").
1 1 .3.3 THE BEIJABAR The focus of this cult is the worship of Bema (Orome)
Along the eastern banks of the River Anduin, the in rites involving elaborate dancing accompanied by skin­
benign race of Men called the Beijabar have made their changing and costumes. These rituals commemorate the
homes for who knows how long. Their dwellings can be gift of Skuiftlaik (Rh. "Shapechanging") bestowed by
found from the point where the River Silverlode joins the Bema upon the Beijabar in the Elder Days. The Bear shape
Anduin, northward even beyond the isle later called the is said to bring the Beijabar close to their beloved Bema,
Carrock (not far from the greatest of all the Beijabar: for the great Vala is a hunter of foul beasts and master of
Beorn the Big.) One might wish to call their loose changing ways. (All Valar, of course, possess the latter
gathering a community, but to better describe it one must trait.) In the Elder Days, the Beijabar, in the shape of
borrow a term like "pack" or "den" from the world of Great Bears, accompanied Bema into battle against the
animals. For the Beijabar, Men though they are, live armies and servants of the Black Enemy. Now they gather
together in that sort of languageless, ruleless, instinctive in one of their traditional glades to dance and commune
way that a pack of beavers or a den of bears might live. with their Fathers. Then they go forth in search of the
Leadership rests with the oldest male member of each creatures of Darkness, hunting and killing with brutal
family unit. Because of their skills in skin-changing, determination. This instinctive slaughter runs deep in
Bornabeor and his son Bornbeneor were well known and their blood, and in times of war, or at the sighting of one
held in highest regard by all the Beijabar. If any crisis they call a "monster" (e.g., an Orc or Troll), the Beijabar
required leadership among the Beijabar, those two would lord might see fit to revert to the ways of his venerated
take charge. Otherwise, no ideas ofgovernment, ofpower bear-cousins.
by one Man over another, or of dominion by the Beijabar
over other races h ave ever crossed their minds. 1 1 .3.4 THE MEN OF
The Beijabar's daily concerns remain focused on the WOODMEN-TOWN
rigors of daily sustenance: gathering the fruits and nuts on Unlike other Northmen who shun Mirkwood, the
which they live exclusively, tending to their homes ofearth Woodmen are at home in the great forest. In fact, they live
and wood. Their great strength is in animal husbandry, in trees, much like the Elves of L6rien.
for they raise animals so shrewd and gentle, from Cows This community ofWoodmen-the Sairtheod-Iong
and Bees to Bears and mountain lions, that they have come ago reflected the same animal-like patterns of organiza­
to be able to depend on those animals for the care of their tion still found among the Beijabar: individual families
homes, their household tasks, and their children. A lived in their own houses in the trees, gathered and hunted
Beijabar household is a bustling menagerie of animal for themselves, and quietly subsisted. In fact, examples of
workers, none speaking in an articulate tongue, but all this sort of primitive Woodmen settling still abound in
moving together intuitively in productive harmony. northern Rhovanion, from whence this more sophisti­
The Beijabar speak a curious language, distantly related cated southern tribe ofWoodmen migrated. For whether
to other Northman tongues, but enhanced by sounds through intelligence, mutual enemies, or learning gained
learned from the animals with which they dwell. They by contact with the Elves, the Woodmen of southern
have also learned to dress themselves through lessons Rhovanion, even back before the turn of the Third Age,
from their animals, for they gather shedding fur and spin learned the benefits of an organized community.
and weave it together into dense, thick cloth. The Beijabar Today the sophistication of their woodland society is
mate for life. They raise their children together as a reflected in the network of houses that they have built at
couple, and as a couple they also tend and train their own a height of twelve to fifteen feet above ground level,
household beasts, although no Beijabar would consider among the trees. The complex of tree-buildings began
that he owned his animals. centuries back as children married children and wished for
passageways between their old homes and their new,
THE CULT OF THE BEAR without descending to ground level. Today no Sairtheod
The religion of the Beijabar is pantheistic, worshiping house stands alone, and ingenious methods of carpentry
the forces of Nature in every form that manifests its provide both solid support and artful walkways from
overwhelming powers, from lightning to sunshine, from dwelling to dwelling, all in among the leaves and branches
the full moon to the ever-running waters of the Anduin. of the woods.
Only one force is esteemed above all others, that of the The roles of the sexes are sharply divided among this
Great Bear Spirit, sacred to the pre-eminent Cult of the tribe, although without bitterness. But so important to
Bear (Rh. Bairkyn), for the very being of the Beijabar is daily life are the responsibilities of both Woodmen and
associated with the blood of these awesome beasts. their wives that marriage is essential by the age of fifteen.
From the time ofmarriage on, the Woodman must always
tend to the safety, comfort, and beauty of the home in

Dwellers in
Racial Origins: Descendents of Rhovanion NortilDlen training. The clan's military structure is informal; the
who, under pressure from NUmen6rean colonists, council can call upon the bands to provide Men for the
migrated eastward over the Misty MOWltains during defense of their territory. Accomplished warriors
the Second Age. These wandering bands adhere to a . command by virtue of their hWlting skills and previous
relatively primitive lifestyle which reflects the state of military experience. Armor consists of helms with leather
greater Northman culture as it was prior to the mid­ jerkins or hardened leather breastplates; round wooden
Second Age. Eleven relatively independent clans make shields covered with leather and reinforced with iron are
up the larger tribe. the norm. All warriors are proficient with long bows,
Home Region: Mirkwood. Most can be found in the and short swords and hand axes serve as the principal
westernmost section of the forest, just north and south hand arms.
of the Men-i-Naugrim; but many bands roam the Currency: None. Barter is the norm, and precious metals
northwestern section of the wood. are prized primarily for their value in making ornaments.
Favored Ecosystem: Dense, mixed primary forest found The use of coinage is virtually unknown outside of
in cool climates. Area must support large populations Woodmen-Town, and it is extremely rare there.
of elk and other sizable herd animals. Language: Rhovanion sub-group Nahaiduk. Westron is
Political Structure: No overall unity. The clans are spoken by few outside of Woodmen-town. The
composed of bands which gather three times a year (at Woodword is their secret tongue.
each equinox and during mid-summer) for purposes of Appearance: Generally blond, blue-eyed folk. They are
trade and religious rituals. The Starend ("summer tall-the men being 5' 1 0" to 614", the women averaging
solstice") gathering takes place in the northern part of SIS "-and have large amoWlts of facial hair. Their build
the forest and serves as a union of all the clans. It is at is average to stocky. They wear crude woolen tWlics and
this time that the annual political assembly, the short pants with leggings, and favor coats, cloaks, and
"Motadan" meets to rule on inter-clan disputes and hats of fur.
other overall tribal matters Each clan cOWlcil is Housing: Primarily long, rectangular, arched structures of
represented. Band leaders comprise the clan's council woven wood covered with hides. The single-room
(" Aldiarthing"), and elect an elder to preside over the interior is set approximately three feet into the ground
clan until the next gathering. The political center is the and is entered by a sloped opening. Smoke from the
traditional meeting place. but this focus remains interior fireplace finds its way out through a small vent i n
unoccupied during much of the year. the center of the roof. Woodmen-Town i s an unusual
Social Structure: Strictly patrilineal (family line traced setting-the houses are set up in tall, stout trees and built
through one's father) and patrilocal (the wife resides upon platforms of wood, normally elevated 1 5-20 feet.
with the husband's family). Marriage is outside of the Most have but one room, and are composed of small
band but within the clan. wooden planks or sections set over an inner frame and
Settlement Pattern: Groups of two to four families live chinked with mud. The roofs are of woven hide and are
and travel together as "bands." Each band maintains its secured to the trees' trWlks (which usually run up
own small territory and a number of campsites within through the center of the abode). Open platforms serve
that area. Their existence is essentially a semi-nomadic as meeting places, and commWlal cooking areas have
one, based mainly on hunting and supplemented by the walls but no roofs.
gathering of nuts and berries. Weaker men, women Diet: Generally meat in the form of fresh or dried and �ted
and children reside in the camp while the stronger men game. Fish is eaten on occasion. Berries and Wi1d: �
pursue the hunt for one- to three-week periods. In supplement the meals.
addition to the thrice-yearly ritual gatherings, the Worship: Each band has a member who is formally
whole band joins the rest of the clan during the winter designated as one of the "Wuitan" (Rh. "Knowing
months, when game is scarce and the commWlity Ones"). These folk are generally women, shamans who
resources must be pooled. One clan, the Sairtheod, act as healers, seers, and spiritual leaders. They uni­
lives in a settlement at "Woodmen-town" and enjoys a formly adhere to the norms according to the tribe's
sedentary, unified structure. (See Section 1 3.4.) Their ancient "Alanakyn" (Rh. "Cult of the Growing"). All of
culture is an exception which has been derived from the Wuitan belong to the Alanakyn. but the cult's
close contacr with the neighboring Elves of L6rien, leadership resides in a band of "Arivwiutan" (Rh. "Ever­
from whom the Sairtheod learned the fimdamentals of knowing Ones"). This grouping of four family units
forest agriculture. maintains its own through rigid training, and enjoYl a
Military Structure: All males above the age of seven are relatively sedentary existence. Other bands help suPB9rt
engaged in training with weaponry and possess these shamans through constant contributions, �ai­
exceptional hWlting skills. Because of this, they make larly at the times of the great tribal gatherings.
fine warriors, despite their lack of formal military
which he and his family live. The wife of the Woodman, This Woodman community is fairly self-sufficient,
benefiting from his labors, does her share by seeing that isolated as it has been from other societies. But over the
the family eats well throughout the year. Both wife and last few centuries and particularly during the last few years
husband, therefore, must sometimes sojourn outward when fugitives fleeing the pains of the Plague have been
from the community, he in search of useful lumber, she in passing through their lands, the Woodmen have found
search of food not found under forest eaves. Usually men that their facility in whittling and joining fine woods has
or women travel together in groups on these outings, and provided them with items worthy of trade with others.
usually they do so during different seasons: the men travel They are especiallyknown among Rhovanion and Gondor
out in search of wood during spring and winter, and the for their intricate boxes, called "Inerenerabia" (pronounced
women forage regularly together during summer and fall, "inner-enner-ah-bee-a" ; sing.: "Inerenerab," pronounced
meaning that at any time of the year one or the other adult "inner-enner-ab") by those who construct them. No
within a Woodman family can stay home and tend the fire wider than a foot, no deeper than eight inches, rarely taller
and the children. than six inches, from the outside these boxes look like
Religious myths and beliefs among the Woodmen simple oaken constructions, only occasionally decorated
center revolve around the seasons of the year. For them, with inlaid ornaments of other woods.
each ofthe four seasons is a goddess, bringing good as well Open an Inerenerab and inside one sees numerous
as bad. Necessary homage must be made by seasonal compartments. Even more compartments exist within the
meditations, performed together by the entire commu­ boxes, hidden to the intruder's eye. Magical powers reside
nity, reflecting upon the powers ofNature and expressing in these boxes, powers reined in by the Woodmen's skills
thanks for the world of trees. in harvesting and curing woods. Food put into an
Most Woodmen and their wives are proficient in three Inerenerab stays fresh and nourishing for one month.
languages: Naihaiduk, their principal dialect; the ancient Herbs and roots placed in an Inerenerab retain their
Woodword, which they shared with more primitive medicinal potency; needless to say, poisons maintain their
Woodmen to the north but with no others around them; powers there as well. If one obtains an Inerenerab from a
and the Common Speech of Westron, which they had Woodman with good will, then the secrets of the hidden
learned during the influx ofgroups of Men into the Vales compartments work to one's everlasting advantage, allow­
of the Anduin. Children are trained in Woodword early, ing one to hide precious items like rings or bracelets out
but upon reaching the age of fourteen they spend a year of view of robbers and thieves. But if one obtains an
learning the geography and language of Wilderland in a Inerenerab without the good will of the Woodmen who
forest school. made it, none of these exceptional qualities hold true. Lake-town

--- - - -

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,�'k ' . _ . ' . . .....
lUcial Ori�s: "Lesser DUnedain: " a varied mix of folk Military Structure: The organization of Gondors
�h� are In �art Northmen, �enve some blood from the Eastern Army is unique. Wide distances and
Indig�nous Common Men �f Sec�nd Age Gondor and tenuous communication lines make any reliance on a
are directly rela�ed to the onginal DUnadan settlers who levy-based force unfeasible; the Iiniited resources
arrived from Numenor after T.A. 1 800. have dictated that an elite, semi-mobile army serves
Home Region: The plains, rolling hills, and scattered better than the usual men-at-arms. The Targaen
woodlands east of the Andoin, north of Mordor and serve as the sub-co mmanders directly �eath the
south of Mirkwood--stretching as far as the Sea of Regent. They co mmand the standing army of over
Rhun. The highest concentrations are along the Anduin. 2,000 warriors housed in a series of outposts by the
The larger settlements further east are concentrated Anduin or along the Men Romen. This field force
along the Men Romen (S. "East Way")' the road which can be supplemented by retired Requain and Ohtari,

serves as the principal communications link with the as well as by allied Northman cavaky. Each T�
region. The largest concentrations of DUnedain are near commands a unit of SOO Men c:all ed an "Ohtatrhft�
Tir Anduin, Thorontir, and Warfmger. (S. "Wainor Host"), which is in turn divided into
Ecosystem: Largely varied. The Men of Gondor generaI1y five "Falmarndak" (& �tde- Waves"). The
prefer mild winters and warm summers, but these hardy Falmendak contains 1 00 troops commanded by a
refugees have become used to cooler temperatures. Most Thangon (pI. Thengyn) and organized into five 20
of the folk prefer well-wooded hills which overlook a man Falmarcel (S. "Running Waves"). An Ohtarin
leads this, the smallest of Gondor's battle forma-
source of freshwater.
tions. Both the elite Requain (S. "Knights") and the
Political Structure :
Gondor's eastern territory, generally
noble Ohtari (S. "Warriors") are organized accord-
called Dor Rhunen (S. "Eastern Land"), is officially a
ing to this structure, although the Men are segre-
royal holding administered by a Regent (S. Namion, or
gated according to rank. Thus, a Falmecel of
"Ordained" is the title, and the prefIX "Nm" is affixed to
Requain will be used differently from one composed
his name). He acts as military and civil commander.
of Ohtari.
Like the fltst official Regent Minalcar (R6mendacil 11),
DUnadan tactics are based on the widespread
this Lord also serves as an ambassador to neighboring
use of well-trained heavy infantry; although the
peoples, notably the Northmen and tribes of Dorwinion.
The locals call him the "Mund" (Rh. "Guardian"). Eastern Army has an unusually large proportion o f
Regents usually act through the military structure, but mounted units, for half of Gondor's cavalry is
deployed on the plains. The typical attack involves
are empowered to work with the retired "Requain" (5.
drawing part of the line into a " Dimai th" (S. "Man-
" Knights") who make up the aristocracy and are the
spearhead"), or "wedge," which is used to sever an
area's chief freeholders. Each Roquen who has settled in
enemy line or disrupt an assembling foe. A
Dar RhUnen maintains a fief of up to 1 000 acres and is
"Thangail" (S. "Shield-fence") is employed in times
responsible for all the citizenry located within its
of trouble, when defensive emphasis is crucial. The
bounds. He is also bound to provide levy troops and/or
Thangail can bend to form a circle of steel which
"Ohtari" (S. "Warriors") in time of need.
dissuades even the most d etermined charge. Out-
Social Structure: Descent is bilineal (traced through both
posts are manned by 60- 1 00 men. The command-
one's father and mother). Marriage must occur outside
ing Thangon-who may be either an infantry or
of the family and can involve "non-DUnadan" (this has
generally meant Northmen). Residency is bilocal: one
cavalry leader (depending on locale)-will have
varying proportions of foot and horse soldiers, but
may live with either the wife's or husband's family.
no more than one Falmecel of R� 12in. And, sm
-,- ' ce a
Settl Pattern: Most settlers reside in very small Roquen is allowed to live in private residence on a
towns, some of which are fortified. Outside the Nan
small fief, the Knights require mustering and are
Anduin area, settlement is sparse and long distances
used only in times of great need. The Ohtari
separate town sites. The Great Plague has compounded perform the patrol and relay duties. Gondor's
the problem, and a number of towns are entirely
banner of royal blue emblazoned with the image o f
abandoned. Few exist with mote than half their pre- the White Tree is carried into the deepest oudand
Plague population. Most of the towns are located along nooks.
the Men Romen beside military outposts and/or the
fortified manors of the Requain. In fact, the Men
Romen serves as the main or only street of the majority
of towns in the Dor RhUnen.
Gondor's troops favor the broadsword and Appearance: The DUnedain are generally dark-haired
composite "steel bow" -the latter being an effective and fair-skinned folk with grey or green eyes. They
weapon, but nonetheless a pale shadow of its are tall, the men averaging 6'2", the women 5'6".
NUmenorean ancestor. A number of the mounted Most have lime or no facial hair. They wear brighdy
Requain �d leaders prefer two hand weapons. colored, elaborately trimmed tunics of fine linen,
Lances and spears are the province of others, for the cotton or silk. �gs are preferred over pants.
Men of Gondor rely on their silvery chain or scale Housing: The common folk live in rectangular stone
mail and heavy mounts to great effect in close melees, structures with thatched roofs. Most are one story
and have no qualms about fighting in dose quarters build. widt. two rooms, one for sleeping and the
when a charge fails to break a foe. After all, Gondor's other for general use. The main floor is level with,
cavalry is in many ways "mounted heavy infantry." or slighdy raised above, the surrounding terrain.
Currency: The settlers usually barter with their neigh­ Chimneys with cooking niches are universally
bors, although coins minted at the royal treasury at utilized, and shuttered windows provide thorough
Minas Anor are in wide circulation. The silver piece ventilation.
is the standard, although most folk deal mosdy in Diet: Dor RhUnen's widely varied bill of fare includes
bronze ( 1 0 bp = I sp) or copper pieces (5 cp = I fiSh, poultry, game, a few hearty vegetables, and
bp} A sprinkling of gold (20 sp = I gp) can be numerous breads. The DUnedain are superb
found among merchants or the wealthy. Due to gardeners.
Gondor's economic impact, these exchange rates and Worship: Most worship revolves around the numerous
coins are respected in bordering areas. The images of holy days. The Dunedain have no formal organized
the White Tree and the King (later Steward) are religion per se; rather, they conduct quiet and highly
widespread. personal ceremonies which largely involve medita­
Language: Westron or the "Common Tongue" is the tion. They respect the Valar and the dead heroes of
language of the citizenry throughout Gondor, and old, but avoid dogmatic texts, discussions, or
Dor RhUnen is no exception. Labels and place names inscriptions. Much of the ritua1 life centers on
are often in Sindarin, and personal names frequendy elaborate burials.
take older AdOnaic forms.


The vast Talath Harroch has always been a land of The racial and cultural links between the Men de­
changing tides. Residents more often than not roam with scended from the Edain have forged strong bonds, and the
the seasons or move when the land has been exhausted. relationship between the Northmen and Dunedain has
Frequent visitors find the lightly- guarded expanses ideal been based on more than mere political convenience.
for travel, for few obstacles lie in the way of those seeking Scattered Northman folk in both Eriador and Rhovanion
richer lands on the other side. The grassy plains and gently have always looked to the lords of Gondor and Arnor as
rolling hills stand as a wide highway for wanderers and military, cultural, and economic partners. This link has
invading hosts. Not invaders, Men from Gondor natu­ been further strengthened oflate, particularly between the
rally settled upon the empty plains ofDor Rhunen when Men of Wilderland and the South Kingdom, for both
land became scarce in the South. The fertile plains made have experienced the turmoil and terror associated with
ideal sites for farmsteads, and Gondor peacefully annexed the Great Plague. The common experience of witnessing
the region. Over the centuries the lesser Dunadan settlers fallen brethren burning or rotting in the streets and fields
intermarried with the Northmen of the region, and has created new grounds for understanding.
customs and cultures mingled. Militarily, Gondor built On the other hand, the Northmen of Rhovan ion have
watchtowers and patrolled the region's borders to protect generally turned their backs on the East. Vast distances,
it from incursions from the east. ethnic barriers, and the lack of clear political channels
This changed dramatically during the Plague. Dor make dealing with Easterling groups difficult, dangerous,
Rhunen was devastated; more than half the population and unprofitable. Regular bartering with those of Rhun
was wiped out and many of the farmsteads abandoned. and beyond only occurs along the Celduin and Carnen
Military control lapsed, and survivors returned south, corridor-where the watery highway affords swift pas­
where there was safety and space a plenty. A few tenacious sage, and the partnership involves the relatively settled
and hearty souls have remained however, and it is encour­ inhabitants of Dorwinion. (The fact that Northmen
aging to note that Gondor is once more reasserting enjoy the stupefying effect of fine Dorwinion wines is also
control over the region. a factor.)
Easterling Nonetheless, there are substantial numbers of people Sagath tribes hail from the region by the Sea of Rhun
raiders living to the east of Rhovanion's Northmen. Semi­ and enjoy pastimes like shooting scurrying rabbits from
nomadic tribes reside in the wild reaches of the eastern horseback. On the other hand, the Men of Khand and
Talath Harroch. More sedentary groups occupy the great Nurad (Variags and Nuriags, respectively) find sport in
river valleys as far west as the lower Nan Celduin. burning villages or making decorations from the skulls of
Northmen and Dunedain alike use the collective label their vanquished foes. Their Asdriag brethren, being
"Easterlings" to describe these folk, but while their fewer in number and less warlike, quickly took the hint
communities are all located to the geographic east, they when a large Nuriag army slaughtered a half-dozen Asdriag
are often largely dissimilar. The nomadic groups share clans. New pasture land was abandoned to the Nuriags,
similar settlement and migration patterns, and collections as the Asdriags fled to the north and then westward.
of tribes are racially and culturally related. There is, Despite their inability to deal with the incursions into
however, more than one unique Easterling race. their home territory, the Asdriags remain fine warriors.
Dorwinion's residents differ as much from their neigh­ Lightly armored Asdriag horsemen ride lean, swift mounts
bors as they do from the Northmen. and carry short horse bows and long Osriev, eight foot
long weapons which look like a cross between a spear and
1 1 .5 . 1 THE ASDRIAGS a thin two-handed sword. Their open battle formations
The high grasses and rolling hills of the eastern Talath either encircle an enemy while peppering them with wide­
Harroch have been recently invaded by a nomadic race tipped arrows, or sweep along the foe's flanks, using their
migrating westward out of the plains east of Mordor. razor-sharp Osriev to cut their enemy to pieces. Asdriag
Pressure from the Variags and Nuriags (of Khand and fighters also favor brightly-colored beast motifs on their
Nurad respectively) has forced the smaller Asdriag tribes small, reinforced oval shields and adorn their layered
to journey to safer ground, and the first few tribes have leather helms with brilliant plumage which suitably comple­
sought refuge in Rhovanion. The Asdriags are related to ments their equally gaudy capes and cloth saddles. An
the dark, utterly brutal races which drove them out of Asdriag warband rarely escapes notice.
their most recent homeland, peoples who equate compas­ Although the whole of the able-bodied male popula­
sion with painless executions. Nonetheless, they are tion is trained for combat beginning at the age of six, the
relatively gentle, not unlike the other Easterlings (i.e., Asdriags enjoy more peaceful pursuits. Women dominate
Sagath) they have encountered in eastern Wilderland.
religious and domestic life because property and descent 1 1 .5.2 THE SAGATH
are traced along their line. They are the rulers of the Like the Asdriags, the Sagath are also nomadic
household, which normally consists ofthe family's women, "Easterling", but unlike the other invaders, Sagath tribes
their children, and their brothers. Men live with their migrated westward from the eastern shores of the Sea of
sisters and help raise the women's children, not their own. Rhun. These people are related to the race the Wood­
One learns from one's mother and uncle. Single-roomed elves call "Talathoth" (S. "Plains Host"), a huge tribal
homes are shrouded in one layer of heavy felt, which is nation whose culture is based on the horse and wain
sewn to an outer layer of tanned hide and stretched over ( wagon). Thus, they are considered "Wain-easterlings."
an interlocking wood frame; floors and doors are covered There are three Sagath tribes in Rhovanion: two on the
with thick blankets. The priestesses and chieftains live in northeastern Talath Harroch and one located on the
multi-roomed complexes of the same fundamental de­ northern flank of the Iron Hills (S. Emyn Engrin). Many
sign. Since the covering is tied together in sections, - a more Sagath and Logath reside on the plains just to the
whole Asdriag house (As. Arsht) can be broken down and east. Most of these tribes are small (approx. 250-500
moved in a remarkably short time. The only other members) or travel as collections of clans, joining together
structures the Asdriag depend on are equally mobile. only when a semi-permanent campsite is established.
Outdoor cooking areas-accessible through a flap open­ Great wains built of lavishly decorated but stout wood
ing in the household wall-consist of thin stone fire slabs (reinforced with iron) serve as the principal mode of
placed in pits beside the Arsht, and smaller frames of transporting goods and families, although sturdy pack
wood provide shelter in inclement weather. Sharp, iron­ horses are in good supply. Warriors own at least two
reinforced stakes of varying sizes are driven into the soil small, tough mounts.
in a staggered pattern which surrounds the camp and
slows the charge of enemy horsemen. Sagath fighters operate from horseback in five-man
When a camp is moved, the stakes, frames, wall­ units called Yunovi (sing. Yunom). A skilled tracker leads
shrouds, and fire-rocks are loaded into specially designed three moderately-armored spearmen and a lightly armed
hide saddle bags and packed by horses to the next site. horse-archer. Field formations of Yunovi are com­
Each extended family owns five to ten horses suitable for manded by the clan headmen (Sa. Lywif), who are in rurn
bearing large burdens, and maintains a number of mounts overseen by the tribal chieftain (Sa. Lyhud). The Lyhud
for riding. Normally, a group will possess two horses per also retains an elite bodyguard (Sa. Yunovas; sing.
person. There are nine small Asdriag tribes of approxi­ Yunovadi), 10-20 men selected from the veteran ranks of
mately 750 people each which form an occasionally close­ trackers. Short throwing spears (Sa. Yurgol; sing. Yurgas)
knit union under the leadership of a Hurdriak (As. "King and finely crafted short bows serve as the principal
of All the Tribes"), a man generally chosen from one of weaponry. More heavily-armored Yunovadi often em­
a few respected families in the large Kus tribe. ploy long, curved swords and colorful, elliptical shields
Asdriag religion centers on the priestesses, older women decorated with spiked bosses (center-plates). Most Sagath
who are the matriarchs of specific "exalted families." tribesmen prefer to harass an enemy before closing on the
Priestesses train the tribal healers and anoint certain foe's broken ranks, so light, accurate missile weapons
warriors who have distinguished themselves in battle. The serve them well. Few races count so many fine mounted
healers in turn act as prophets and physicians, while the bowmen, and one pursuing fleeing Sagath horse-archers
chosen fighters (Huka) form an elite class of combatants should take care to avoid arrows fired from the peculiar
exempt from usual domestic duties; instead they guard the backward riding position perfected by the warriors of
camp perimeter and act as scouts, trackers, and light Rhun. The Yunovas present an entirely different danger:
cavalry. It is they who lead the charge or cover the retreat. each carries a Yurgas which appears to be a fairly standard
Like all Asdriag fighters, the Huka believe that death in weapon, but which is actually cunningly crafted; the grey­
battle will result in glorious reincarnation. This belief is steel tips break off upon impact, exposing a well contain­
tied to the birth ritual, which is seen as a reunion with a ing a strong dose of the poison Pursrak.
returning warrior ancestor. All women who have given
birth to a child who survives puberty will also be reborn, SHELTER
while fallen Hurdria join the tribe's large pantheon of Sagath communities in Rhovanion are no more than
Guardian spirits. Most of the religious rites concern camps set atop small hillocks. In the more temporary
interaction with the dead who have not yet been, or cannot camps the wains are drawn around in a circle to protect the
be, reincarnated-since they "can see the future"-or site as sort of a mobile wall. Those settlements which are
sacrifices to the Guardians (As. Hur-hudria). Associated considered semi-permanent are usually surrounded by a
rituals involve the whole community (excepting the Huka); low, wooden stockade which is occasionally used in
dancing and drinking and song dominate ceremonies conjunction with a dry moat and earthen rampart. Like
which often last for days on end. (The best time to attack all Sagath sites, they are filled with low one-room homes
an Asdriag camp is during the week-long recovery period which are shaped like 30' long rectangles-6' wide at the
after such ceremonies.) ends and 1 2' wide in the middle-and are constructed of
layered hide "shingles" drawn over a wood and sinew tured outside the protective mantle of the firelight during
skeleton. One enters by way of a low hide-covered the night. but this has now changed. Warrior priests now
doorway at one end. Windows are exceedingly rare; when pass most of their waking hours after dark. for it is the
they are present. they consist of no more than a narrow time of the Black One. and his servants are then strongest.
opening in the wall just below the roof line. The peaked After all. the revelations spread by his servants (i.e the

roofs are completely shrouded in thick thatch. although a agents of Sauron) have shown that the powerful "quiet
"smoke hole" is often cut in the center (along the upper spirits" which abound in every rocky hollow. thrashing
spine). Residents sleep on grass and fur-covered earthen stream. and wine-swept field are his minions--captured
ledges. alongside the usual complement of fleas. mites. souls ofMen who did not serve him properly. The priests
and other vermin. Cooking fires are built inside in a respect their new-found master's needs and take great care
sunken hearth. Horses are kept outside the camp except to perform sacrifices during each night when no moon can
in times of war or social stress. be seen. Perplexed Northmen rarely understand these
ceremonies. although they comprehend the general pur­
pose of the Sagath ritual stone blades. Perhaps it is for this
reason that the sight of brightly-colored. dyed-fur and
steel Sagath war-helms strike fear into isolated Northman
villages and homesteads.

Cloaks spun from vividly-patterned linen serve to
protect against harsh winds. Most folk also wear fur hats
with ear flaps. or fur-covered. skull-cap helms.
These Easterling folk wear woolen tunics and rough­
leather pants which cover the leg to just below the knee.
Boots made of fur and wrapped with leather and sinew
help protect the lower leg from the abrasions of riding.

Sagath Lywif fight from rugged war chariots drawn by
Easterling wain KINSHIP two horses. Rare four-wheeled chariots are occasionally
The Sagath count their descent through their father's employed as mobile archery platforms; these are drawn by
line and revere the patriarch of the extended family above two or three horses. Both varieties are square or rectangu­
all but the Lyhud (who is essentially the patriarch of the lar and built of oak and ironwood. and reinforced with
whole tribe). One becomes patriarch by virtue of age and leather and steel. Painted inlays adorn the waist-high sides
competence; the oldest male who is considered sound of of chariots used by the more privileged Lywif. When not
mind holds sway and is entitled to carry the family's in use. the warriors' shields are slung over the rims of the
garnet-encrusted. gold "blood knife" (Sa. Nolusav; Rh. side walls on specially designed hooks. A warrior/driver
Domecg). This blade serves as both a symbol of the line handles the horses and carries a spear for emergencies.
and a sanctified tool of enforcement. It is frequently
employed by the patriarch. whose word is law within the 1 1.6 ORCS OF DOL GULDUR
family household. to the extent that he can order the Dol Guldur's halls. some of them once tended with care
execution of a family member with no more than a word by the very Dwarves who carved them. now house only
of "banishment." Accordingly. the Lyhud can dictate the one horrifying race: Orcs. With the arrival of the
life or death of any tribal member. It is he who decides Necromancer came the hateful Orcs. Sauron himself did
inter-danal disputes and acts as the ultimate arbiter. The not call them to the mountain. but Orcs have a way of
dans' Lywif serve as his counselors and act as the dan following Evil. They smell it through their skin. and their
patriarchs in times of disunity; but they never question his fingers tingle. They seek out stinking. overheated. airless
final decision. dwellings. and once Sauron inhabited Dol Guldur. the
mountain became just that.
No one would try to call the Orcs who hover in Dol
Sagath religion is a curious combination of animism
Guldur a society or community. They owe allegiance to
and reverence for the Black Master. Daily life centers
tribes that disdain each other's company as much as any
around the belief that certain objects are " alive" and have
other race·s. Only in battle can they agree to any form of
souls. just like plants and animals. Red stones (e.g .•

societal organization. Even then. no leaders or rules hold

garnets) are thought to be particularly strong animals
sway; just the sheer desire for blood. gore. and destruction
which move extremely slowly. During the night. however.
motivates every Orc no matter where he may be. Most
the dormant "beasts" are about. and traditional Sagath
items of medicine or trade these Orcs have gathered
priests note that the quiet spirits dominate the darkness.
within the shadowy pits of Dol Guldur are nothing more
Up until recently this meant that the Sagath rarely ven-
than booty from countless raids.
1 2.0 POLITICS AND loosely confederated by Vidugavia in the 1 3th century­
have split into splinter-groups scattered across the moun­
POWER tains, woods and plains of Rhovanion. These Men ask
Rhovanion is too wild and sparsely populated to only to be left alone to fish, hunt, tend their animals, grow
contain a viable political state like Gondor. No lasting their crops and, to some extent, trade with Thranduil's
dynasty of rulers has ever controlled the region or its Elves and the merchants of the East. Whatever drive
diverse peoples. The powerful, closely-knit society of toward union that existed before the Great Plague was
Wood-elves in ThranduiI's caverns possesses all the tools thoroughly squelched by the gruesome suffering and
of domination except desire: the clannish Northmen- death which raced from trading settlement to clan to Third Agt
family with dizzying, deadly speed. political map

'" Elven Capital � Northman Capital @ Gondorian Colony

Thus Wilderland, once and always a sprawling, sparsely­ 1 2. 1 POLITICS IN THE NORTH
settled land, remains essentially unchanged at the time of One obvious exception to the Northmen' s anti-societal
our concern: Men and Elves eye each other with suspicion sentiments is the trading community on the shores of the
and tend solely to their own needs and desires; scattered Long Lake, where Lake-town would later arise. Here,
enclaves of Dwarves hide away in the Iron Hills; while entrepreneurs founded and maintained a center for the
along the eastern and southern borders of the forest, exchange of hides and Elven-goods from the West for the
gathering forces of Darkness loom and threaten. Battle is highly-admired wines of the East. Built upon barter and
Fulla III inevitable ... and all too near. banter, the community flourished so long as all groups
stayed on amicable terms and the sleepy Dragons
of the Grey Mountains continued dozing. Ideally
located at the meeting of two rivers and upon the
shore ofa calm, wide lake, the trading center might
have quickly grown into a bustling village but for
three strokes of doom: the spread of the Plague;
the growing threat of invasion from the East; and
most importantly, the long shadow of the Necro­
mancer (which had soured and darkened the fruits
of the forest for the past six centuries).
Thus politics in northern Rhovanion are in
flux. Men are scattered about and distrustful of
each other and everyone else, the Wood-elves are
secure in their own kingdom but uninterested in
anything and anyone else, and the Dwarvish popu­
lation-however small-lives in their comfort­
able underground halls, forging swords and axes
and things of beauty, awaiting their time to rise
and act. Unfortunately, the ravage of the Plague
spawned the seeds of distrust and disunity in the
already suspicious soil of northern Wilderland.
Only Thranduil, Oropher's heir and the King
of the Woodland Realm, possesses the power and
vision to unite Wilderland's peoples; however, he
is concerned first and solely with his own Forest­
folk. The Elven-king possesses little empathy for
the Northmen and holds the Dwarves in disdain.
United, Men and Elves might discourage the
Necromancer, but the Elves are the Firstborn, the
Immortals, and Men are the Secondborn, and the
two peoples have yet to harbor the same priorities
and passions.

Over the course of the Third Age, Rhovanion
has seen numerous skirmishes and conflicts. Pow­
erful armies from Gondor and the steppes of the
vast East have used these grassy plains, broken
woodlands, and tumbling hills to play out their
own games of war .and power. The Northmen
living on the plains and in East Bight came to the
aid of their allies to the southwest when they had to,
finding themselves in closer tune with the moral and
cultural philosophy of the Dunadan Kings of Gondor
than that ofthe strange, barbaric Easterlings from beyond
the Sea ofRhun. Today, Gondor retains a weakened hold
over all the territory below the line that runs along the
southern border of Mirkwood eastward to the shores of 1 2.3 THE WOODLAND REALM
the Inland Sea. Some Northmen live as vassals of the The northern section ofMirkwood proper includes all
glorious South Kingdom, others as allies; but deep down the densely wooded territory north ofthe Men-i-Naugrim
in their hearts, the Men of southern Rhovanion would (S. "Way of Dwarves")' Within this area lies the Silvan
prefer to be left alone to tend their land and animals in Elf-kingdom of Thranduil, the Enchanted and Forest
peace. River Valleys, and the wilds of the northwest forest.
The Great Plague of 1 635-36 changed the balance of Thranduil's folk enjoy loose dominion over all the
power in the south ofWilderland. Suddenly Gondor was forested territory north and east of the Taurduin (S.
stricken helpless; suddenly the people found that they "Forest River"). This is the Woodland Realm proper.
must fight for their own land and lives, not just for others. The Elves range to the south and west as well; a consid­
Waves of fugitives from the southwest struggled across erable number spend time in the glens south of the
the wide Un deeps, avoiding the parched and tortured Taurduin and east of the Gulduin (S. "River of Sorcery;"
Brown Lands that divide Gondor from Rhovanion. They aka the "Enchanted River").
found what food and shelter they could, often bringing Within the Woodland Realm there a myriad of paths
disease with them into the Anduin Valley, an area which penetrates even the densest sections ofMirkwood, and the
suffered as badly as the lands they fled. So different from elves can relay information at an amazing rate by utilizing
the noble Dunedain were these suffering refugees that the sounds, lights, and occasional runners. Treehouses con­
long-standing Northman reputation for power and maj­ structed of living wood, and impossible for outsiders to
esty crumbled quickly. see, are located at strategic intervals. These " guard
towers" generally contain three Silvan bowmen.
THE GREAT PLAGUE Thranduil's bird-friends supplement these watchers. Thus,
IN WILDERLAND despite the fact that the bulk of the population lives along
1 635 The Great Plague (of Gondor) spreads the Taurduin in the eastern end of the wood, the W ood­
through Mirkwood, killing I man and elf territory is well-guarded. The occasional groups ofthe
beast in large numbers. Trade is Cuivetpel (S. "Awakening [Outer] Fence")- units of
disrupted. Wood-elves lay low, of­ nine warriors (one 5th, three 3rd, and five 2nd levels)­
fering no help to the suffering follow ever-changing circuits and are capable of covering
Northmen; the Dwarves hide and the bulk of the woodland.
wait. Adventurers will be hard pressed to enter, much less
1 63 6 Refugees ofthe Plague leave Mirkwood, abuse a welcome to, the Halls of the Elven-king (S.
heading west or north to the Moun­ Aradhrynd or Amon Thranduil). There Thranduil main­
tains. The bitterly-cold winter sends tains the Tirduin and an additional standing force of
man and beast indoors, spreading the regular warriors: a royal guard, a garrison, four brother­
pestilence faster (although the cold hoods of infantry (Gwador), and the Woodland Ward­
itself destroys the Plague germ)' ers. Organized in the favored nine-Elf units called Uialcu
1 637 Continued chaotic flight to avoid the (S. "Twilight Bows"), the Warders patrol the forest
Plague, which by now had killed about utilizing a network of tree-forts. Thranduil's young son
one-half of Mirkwood' s inhabitants. Legolas commands one such Uialcu, the Tauranca.
1 638 The Plague subsides, but its ghastly NOTE: See ICE's Halls of the Elven-kingjor more detail
effects continue to haunt the living. regarding Thranduil's capital.
Men slowly rebuild their abandoned
homes. One of the most noticeable features of the Elf-lands in
1639-40 To the survivors, the Plague is now a northern Mirkwood is the apparent lack of activity.
bad memory. The bodies are burned There are occasional night-time festivities in the more
or buried, the disease at rest. Men scenic glens (even those which seem quite remote), parties
return in numbers to the woods and which the Northmen of the region consider oddly frivo­
resettle the plains east of the Celduin. lous or outright silly; but most of the elf occupation is
Commerce resumes along the rivers. heavily dispersed and seems rare and random. The few
Elves around are masters of the wood, however, and are
skilled trackers.
Adventurers spotted by these Silvan folk are either
captured and taken to Aradhrynd, or trailed carefully. In
either case, word spreads quickly through the forest, and
the Elves take care to remain concealed until they wish to
"strike." One should always remember that moonlit
nights and holidays are favorite times for Elven activity.
1 2.4 THE IRON HILL DWARVES Politically, the power and influence of the various
Since T.A. 927 the Dwarves of the tribe of Balli Northman factions is limited. Militarily, however, it is
Stonehand have mined portions of the valleys which are another story. Though widely scattered, all of the clans
the source of the Carnen. (The river is so named for the are superbly trained for warfare, and all enjoy a good
reddish iron dust which colors its water.) Balli's folk are battle. Never a group to take a challenge lightly, the
part of an eastern Dwarven group. Their leader Fulla II Northmen have managed to hold down Easterling incur­
(the 1 4th level "Demon-slayer"), led them to the Iron sions to a minimum since the Plague, acting as an effective
Hills after a great journey which took over a century and barrier between the east and Dor Rhunen.
carried them across the northern part of Endor. His son,
Fulla III (the 1 8th level "Hammer of Fire"), presides over 1 2.6 THE GONDORIAN
seven hundred hearty Dwarves who now work the land. PRESENCE
The main site and capital at Azanulinbar-dum (Kh. "Red The power ofGondor has waned considerably since the
Valley Mansion"), called " Azan" by most knowledgeable Plague. Vagaig, Gondor's overseer, simply lacks the
folk in Rhovanion, houses three quarters of the popula­ forces to establish control over Dor Rhunen. The decline
tion. The rest live in Barak-shathur (Kh. "Axe Moun­ in population has also made this unnecessary. The
tain") and are led by young Azaghal, the ( I I th level) "government" of the region is primarily military; bureau­
great-grandson of Fulla's brother Zigli (Ryk). It was cracy is virtually nonexistent and taxes are collected at
Azaghal who acted as an envoy to Durin's Folk and made irregular intervals. The focus of V agaig's efforts have
the pilgrimage to Khazad-dum (Kh. "Dwarf Mansion") been to keep the peace. Since he has come to power,
in T.A. 1 580, thus establishing a trade link and bond of banditry has virtually ceased, and Easterling incursions are
friendship which was to last over a thousand years. pursued more aggressively. The peace of the region is
Dwarves have no interest in world domination, and shaky, however; the forces ofDor Rhunen, while capable
little in the affairs of Men. They do, however, hate the of dealing with raiders, could not stave off a large scale
Necromancer and his servants fiercely, as Easterling raid­ Easterling invasion.
ers in the Iron Hills have learned. The Dwarves ofthe Iron
Hills would never take sides in a war between Men, such 1 2.7 EASTERLING POLITICS
as a dispute between Northman clans; however, they will Warrior societies such as the Asdriags are frequently
intervene if the Necromancer shows his hand, and they are diverted from Rhovanion by blood feuds among them­
a force to be reckoned with. selves. Only a tremendously charismatic and powerful
force could unite these scattered tribes; in the meantime,
1 2.5 NORTHMAN POLITICS they are more interested in lightning raids that result in
The people of Rhovanion are led by a number of booty and personal glory than in massive campaigns of
different lords and princes; they owe their loyalties to conquest.
varying masters. Those who reside in the region Gondor
calls "Dor Rhunen" pay homage to the Dunadan masters 1 2.7. 1 THE SAGATH TRIBES
in Osgiliath and Minas Anor, but generally deal with the The first and largest Easterling group is the Sagath
King's Regent (Rh. Mund) V agaig. Woodmen and confederation, a tribal grouping of Easterlings associated
Beijabar look to their clans' headmen or Thynas for with the Talathoth (S. "Plains Host") ofWood-elf tales.
guidance. The "Plains Northmen," the Eothraim and The Sagath are actually from the eastern shores of the Sea
Gramuz, also follow their local lords (Eorlas or Thynas), of Rhun. They serve a number of roles in the context of
although a few "Princes" (Rh. Huithynas) have risen of local politics, including acting as guardians of Sauron's
late; they control a number of clans, and count their precious supply road running from Rhun to Angmar. Led
followers as true "tribes." Among all these independent by the fierce ( 1 2th level) Huz of Amov, these mounted
Northman groups, unions are struck only of great need: warriors patrol the lower hills along the northern flank of
war, rare charismatic lords, and brute external force (e.g., the Emyn Engrin. "Intruding" parties are either killed or
the Plague or Easterlings) act to cement usually fleeting blinded and sent home. The latter practice is used to stay
ties. All of these factors are now present in Rhovanion. further incursions, and has been most effective. Sagath
Only one prince of the Northmen, Atagavia, has the horsemen are most active during the warmer months,
ambition to unite the people of Rhovanion. If the when the wagon trains are on the road westward; but their
population were greater he might succeed, but the inhab­ vigil is constant enough to make any time dangerous.
itants of Rhovanion are too far-flung to unite under a Huz's Men operate in units oHive called Yunovi (Sa. sing.
single ruler. Nor could Atagavia muster a sufficiently Yunom)--traditionally a force of three (2nd-3rd level)
large fighting force to conquer the region. Only a large­ moderately armored spearmen, one light (2nd-4th level)
scale invasion by the Easterlings could unite the scattered horse archer, and a (3rd-5th level) tracker. They use
tribes of the Northmen; nothing less could shake them small, but rugged mounts. A total of forty Yunovi reside
from their insularity. Fortunately for the inhabitants of with a fifty-man support force at the rude citadel of Lar­
Rhovanion, the Men of the East lack effective organiza­ huz (Sa. "Place ofHuz")' Few speak Rhovanion or Elven
tion; otherwise they would have swept the area long ago. Tongues, for diplomacy is not a part of their culture.
12.7.2 THE ASDRIAG TRIBES weak, then their neighbors, then their own elders and
Even compared to the Sagath, the exceedingly brutal children, then their stronger loved ones, and finally they
Asdriags are relative latecomers in the affairs ofWilderland. themselves, experienced boiling glandular growths, cramp­
They have only recently begun migrating out of their old ing fluxes, searing fevers, disfiguring pustules, and ago­
pasturelands and into the southeastern portions of nizing weakness. Half ofWilderland was stricken sense­
Rhovanion. Scattered Asdriag groups occupy the foot­ less with the Plague. The Northmen of southern
hills of the Ered Lithui (S. "Ash Mountains") and the Rhovanion were in many ways the worst hit, for the
rolling highlands of the southern Ta1ath Harroch and disease and pestilence manifested itself in many ways.
now threaten the Sagath, Gondorians, and Northmen Parasites and water, even the very breath oflife, all carried
alike, but none of these Asdriag have reached as far north some form of death. Some passed slowly; others found a
as the Men Romen or as far west as Thorontir. quick and hideous end.
Although dominated by Sauron's machinations, the Darkness had touched the whole ofsouthern Rhovanion.
Asdriags are not allied with, or even aware of, the Necro­ By T.A. 1 636, the Lord of Dol Guldur had infiltrated
mancer. They came to Rhovanion as a result ofwar. Their every part of every life.
clans came westward under pressure from the Nuriags of Most everyone knew that some change for the worse
Nurad, who were in turn incited to attack as a result of had taken place as the first millennium of the Third Age
Variag movements. The Dark Lord controls the Variags passed, but no one knew quite how to explain it. The
ofKhand, and thus set in motion the chain of events that Beijabar sought reasons in the forces of Nature. The
brought the Asdriags to Wilderland. Woodmen looked for changing patterns in the leaves of
The Asdriags seek rich prairies, secure watersources, the trees. The Northmen, wiser in the ways of the world,
and mobile wealth (booty). These needs spur them knew that influences from the East carried some ill wind
westward and northward, but they have yet to organize with them. But no one seemed able to explain or counter
sufficiently to mount any sort of migratory offensive. the change that occurred.
Their disunity keeps them from challenging the What indeed happened was that the Prince of Evil, who
Gondorians or Northmen, while their lack of numbers had not been thrown down for good as was believed,
prevents them from assailing the Sagath. Raiding remains singled out the dormant, naked cinder cone called " Amon
their primary source of pleasure, income, and survival. Lanc" for his new abode. Although by outward appear­ Sllgatb and
Still, the numbers of Asdriag horsemen grow and, with ance it did not take on any changes for centuries after T.A. Asdrillg
each passing year, they present a greater danger to their 1 050, inside Sauron built upon the natural lava channels WIl1'riorS


Few had any knowledge of it, but all these changes
could be traced to one great event: the coming of "the
Necromancer" into Dol Guldur in the winter of T.A.
1050. As secret and invisible as this evil figure remained,
for well over a thousand years after his entry into the
Naked Hill, no one can doubt that from that cursed
moment on, all vectors of power in southern Rhovanion
could somehow be traced back to the Shadow in Dol
Guldur. After all, ."the Necromancer" was the Evil One:
Sauron of Mordor, the Lord of the Rings.


It was Sauron's influence-even in his absence, fallen as
all believed him to be-that stirred the barbarous
Easterlings in the early years of the Third Age and led
them to plot westward attacks through Rhovanion. It was
the Dark Lord's influence that cast the Shadow on the
great forest, changing it in more than name from Green­
wood to Mirkwood. What once was an enchanted forest,
full of the music of birds and Elves, became a dense and
gloomy region which evoked fear and suspicion, weariness
and travail. Some even venture to say that it was Sauton's
influence that brought forth the Great Plague upon
Rhovanion and Gondor. Thousands ofMen, beasts, and
Hobbits caught chills, and watched as first the young and
and Dwarven tunnels and halls, creating the most dreadful power with each day. Since his reawakening in the Third
edifice, an underground complex of cavernous pits and Age, Sauron has chosen the red, lidless eye to be his
crevasses in which only Evil could thrive. From these pits symbol and focus of form. He is of both this and the
he sends out constant emanations of Darkness; on and on shadow world and is therefore wholly in neither. He
these clouds of sorrow have spread, bringing suffering appears as an inexplicably elusive image, with a black and
throughout Rhovanion. His terror is omnipresent, but mottled " surface" which burns with an intense but often
since his power dwells in his secrecy, the ways and means invisible fire. The flaming eye, however, is always there,
by which he deals his blows are difficult to detect and be it in mind or one's clear, unbelieving view.
harder still to counter. The Abhorrent One is as ever a servant of the Darkness
that is the gift of his master, Morgoth. He and his
1 2.8.2 THE NECROMANCER'S followers, and those they dominate, worship the Black
NATURE Enemy in many ways, and it is this reverence of Evil
The Shadow that arose in Dol Guldur during the incarnate and the promulgation of overwhelming terror
dawning days ofthe second millennium T.A. could not be that makes Sauron so dangerous. He preys on the souls
explained; even the Istari and the noblest Elven and of Free Peoples and remolds whole societies. Like his
Dunadan masters believed it to be an insidious legacy of lord, he perverts the living creations ofEru and his Valar,
the downfallen Lord of the Rings. Their fears and breeding Orcs and other crippled denizens of Darkness.
suspicions yielded a number ofdisturbing answers, but no The Evil One feeds on misery and the unbridled anticipa­
one perceived that Sauron of Mordor had indeed arisen tions ofpain and suffering which grip each ofhis countless
from the ashes of his defeat at the hands of the Last victims. Through his minions he has strangled nations
Alliance. The Dark Lord's guise as the "Necromancer" and cultures all over Middle-earth: in the East and South
was adequate enough to hide his nature and true purpose his whip is greatest, but in the West the lands ofRhovanion
for many lifetimes, for his subtle mastery of Evil brought and Angmar are plagued as welL His agents use sheer force
destruction without tying him to it. His Eye was every­ and deceitful ploys to achieve Sauron's goals in many
where, and yet always unseen. Even now, over five ways; so, although the ends are one and the same, the
hundred years after the "regathering of his spirit," the overseer is not revealed. To the Wise, Sauron is simply
effects of his hatred manifest themselves while the "the Necromancer," a dangerous thrall of the Evil which
Necromancer's nature remains cloaked. has scarred Endor since its first days, a sore in Mirkwood
As the Necromancer, Sauron is ever-growing in power which is but an impurity to be excised when the opportu­
but must constantly restrain any obvious outbursts of nity presents itself.
irresistible horror. He acts solely through his agents, and
only those captured unfortunates who are destined for 1 2.8.3 THE NAZGUL
certain extinction in the pits of Dol Guldur gaze upon his Although the Orcs throng around and inside Dol
awesome presence. His Shadow confines itself to the Guldur, slavering and slobbering about and hoping in
depths of his temporary lair. There he continues to gather their black hearts to become more favored servants of the
the might that he lost in the last moment of the Second Dark Lord, he in his wickedness neglects and debases
Age, when the One Ring was cut from his hand by the deft them. It is the Nazgul (Ulairi) that best serve his vile ways.
blade ofIsildur. His power is such that he has been able Sauron ordered these nine wretched lords to dwell in
to take shape again, an act crucial to his involvement with and rebuild Dol Guldur. When he fell at the end of the
those of Endor-for as a Maia or "Lesser Vala" he is not Second Age, they retreated into the cinder cone, there to
truly ofMiddle-earth, not in the sense ofthe beasts or Free reside and torment the Elves who lived nearby until their
Peoples created during the Song (Q. Ainulindale). Sauron master arose in strength and form once again. Upon
has no innate structure; instead he is a spirit which assumes taking his place in the mountain, Sauron empowered the
a necessary shape according to his desire, within one greatest of the Nazgul to go further north and establish a
restriction: since his envelopment during the Downfall of realm to contest and ultimately destroy the Dunedain's
Numenor in S.A. 33 I 9, he has been unable to take fair­ North Kingdom ofArnor; this Nazgul became the Witch­
seeming form. Physical tools, including a body and all king of Angmar. Of the other eight Ringwraiths, most
that surrounds it, are prerequisites to his dominion. A went to the East or South to do his bidding. Two, Khamul
certain sturdiness of soul is required to complete this and Adunaphel, remained by the Necromancer's side in
transition, and without the Ring which embodies much of Dol Guldur as his immediate tools, messengers and
his essence, Sauron regains his strength less quickly than envoys to serve his will and spread the clouds that would
in the days before his last passing. Now he stands as the beset the great Wood. Of that pair, Sauron named
greatest of the lords in Middle-earth, but he is still but a Khamul the Easterling, the second of the Nine, to stand
part of his whole self, acquiring more and more of his lost as Keeper of Dol Guldur.
The other seven were free to make the Naked Hill their selective spawning. The Dark Lord has forever sought to
home when they were summoned to the Evil One's side, increase the wits and strength of the Orcs and Trolls who
so their quarters remained ever-ready. These chambers have comprised\ the bulk of his armies since his rise in
were constructed to reflect their vague, remaining ties to Mordor around S.A. 1 000.
their mannish source; since most were once Dunadan Like the Orcs, the Trolls or Tereg were originally bred
lords, a peculiar opulence was reserved within the black by the Black Enemy during the First Age, created as
depths of the accursed volcano. Today as seemingly hideous mockeries ofEnts. At first they were as stupid as
always, the few wanderers in the area often feel a cold chill, the stone from which they came, although later they
and hear sickening cries on winds which rush by moving became able to speak in dull, guttural ways. No subtlety
no leaf, yet which stir fear in the bravest of souls. or intelligent action could be associated with their kind.
The Nine themselves fear only their master, for it is he They were huge (up to 10' tall), broad, strong like rock,
who enslaved them with the Nine Rings of Power, and it and capable of crushing their foes with brute force.
is he who holds those rings. Their power, even before Sauron sought a better breed, however, and with his rise
their corruption, was considerable; now it is far greater. in the Second Age he resolved to forge an unstoppable
After all, they are in a sense immortal lords who have roots Troll-host. Since that time he has remolded the works of
in the Second Age of Middle -earth. Like their Dark King, his master, renewing his efforts in secrecy since his last
they are of both this world and the realm of the shadows, coming. Now he has begun fielding a small but growing
but wholly in neither. Everything they have gained is force of Mortereg (S. "Black Trolls") who are relatively
balanced by humanity lost. They speak as those who have quick, capable of independent decision-making, and able
seen death and are in a sense perpetually in their last throes to operate at any hour. Unlike the slow Hill and Stone
oflife, but their tone can cause hardy Men to cringe or flee. Trolls which are their more numerous kin, Black Trolls
They are virtually blind, but their " dark-sight" and sense can operate on their own and survive the light of day
of smell enable them to find things which would be without fear (although they despise it). Hill Trolls, on the
invisible to others. Great and terrible beasts do their other hand, become blind when exposed to sunlight, while
bidding, but they trust nothing and call no one friend. Stone Trolls return to the rock they were made from.
Armies of Men will die for them, but they cannot step A few of the finest Black Trolls in Sauron's service act
without Sauron's favor. Normal weapons or spells do not as an elite guard or (more rarely) lords of selected Orc­
effect them; yet at the same time, they are upset by what groups. These underlings are called Olog-hai (B.S. "Troll­
would seem commonplace: water, natural fires, and the people") by those who understand the Dark Lord's
name of the Vala "Elbereth" (Varda). tongue. They are kept secluded from the view ofSauron's
Wise observers have reason to believe that monstrous enemies, for the Evil One plans to unleash their might
changes are emerging from the depths of the Hill of only when he has them in sufficient numbers, and only
Sorcery. Sauron is in the midst of preparing his takeover when the appointed day has dawned.
of the vast East and South, and continues to plot against
the remnants of the Dunedain in Arnor and Gondor. 1 2.8.S THE NECROMANCER'S ORCS
While the Witch-king is crushing Cardolan and closes the Originally bred by Morgoth in the First Age, these
vice around Arthedain, the Dark Lord is sapping the creatures quickly became servants of Darkness. It is likely
strength from the peoples and plants ofWilderland. The that they were not inherently evil, but were culturally and
gloom which has been ever-growing since T.A. 1 050 is mentally predisposed toward the foul life. Legend has it
now spreading with increased vigor. Fewer travelers brave that their ancestors were Elves who were twisted in mind
the roads and trails in and by Mirkwood, and those that and body by the Black Enemy.
do must keep constant vigil or be swallowed by the Orcs are oftwo types: the lesser or common Orcs which
Shadow. Nazgul now move with less fear of discovery. average about four to five feet in height with grotesque,
The road from Dol Guldur to Morannon has been quietly fanged faces; and the greater Orcs or Uruk-hai, who reach
reopened to secretive yet dangerous traffic. Any day this heights of six feet and have more "mannish" features. All
trail may again present the vicious threat of Ringwraiths have heavy builds, long, thin arms, and thick hides.
or their minions, waiting to grab an innocent soul. Bred as laborers and warriors, Orcs respect little but
brute force, and are most potent when serving under a
1 2.8.4 THE NECROMANCER'S TROLLS focused will. They are without exception cannibalistic,
In building his kingdom of awful ire, Sauron has bloodthirsty and cruel, and care little for social organiza­
carefully selected capable instruments ofterror. Just as his tion. Generally, smaller tribal units are the norm, based on
master Morgoth once molded peoples into mockeries of a strong leader; each employs its own sub-dialect. Most
Eru's children, Sauron has sought to develop new warrior are stellar smiths, and although the appearance of their
stock from those creatures he has at hand; although he items is often poor, the performance is excellent. Orcs
cannot create life, his mastery of breeding and manipula­ rarely make items unassociated with fighting, however.
tion has enabled him to forge stronger servants through
Lesser Orcs are born, live, fight, and die in darkness; 1 2.8.7 THE CULT
they abhor light and are blinded by the unshielded sun. OF THE LONG NIGHT
Greater Orcs are a more recent phenomenon: they are The terrible Cult of the Long Night is headquartered
carefully bred to operate in daylight. Their abilities to in a secluded vale north of the Iron Hills, some twenty
speak, organize, reason, and fight are more developed miles southwest of Lar-huz. These are a secretive lot
than in their brethren. They are called "Uruk-hai" (B.S. comprised often animistic Northman shamans. Servants
"Ore-race") by the few that know them as anything more of Sauron, they preside over the teaching of the Dark
than huge lesser Orcs. Religion in eastern Rhovanion. Their adherents journey
Some claim the Uruk-hai are products o f Saruman's into the highlands on the nights of no moon to learn ways
White Hand and were first spawned from Orcs and Men. of mysticism, astrology, and sorcery at a place called Nan
It appears, however, that they first arose in Mordor, and Morsereg (S. "Vale of Black Blood"). W oedwyn of
that their lineage has nothing to do with the Secondborn. Lindal and Sulwyn of Dale have often been among these
Sauron is breeding them in hopes of eventually producing followers. The Nan Morsereg is only a place oflearning,
a great army of foul warriors with which to defeat the tall and the real hold of the Ten is located in the cliffs above;
Men of the Dunadan Kingdoms. While the lesser Orcs it is a grouping of twelve dome-shaped "Hives" of stone
favor curved scimitars and wicked axes, the Uruks bear set upon a ledge beneath an overhang of pitch-black rock.
straight swords and a wider variety of superior arms. Two of the halls are sixty feet in diameter, multi-roomed
structures for meetings, the libraries, and the stores. The
1 2.8.6 THE WITCH-KINGDOM other ten are the individual quarters for the cult.
The power ofthe Witch-king is curtailed in Rhovanion, The Ten call themselves Maeghirrim (S. "Piercing
and centered primarily upon the Rhunnish Road. Occa­ Lords") and wear long robes of white linen lined with
sionally, upon the instigation of a spy, Easterlings or Orcs black cloth made from human hair. Beneath this garb are
from the Ered Mithrin will be persuaded to raid Northman the varied clothes of a diverse group. For instance,
sites sent to attack towns and farmsteads. The Nazgul­ Orduclax the "Tar-Maeghir" and leader, is a ( 1 7th level)
lord's spies prefer to work in secret, spreading lies, sowing sorcerer and favors light clothing; small, finely worked
the seeds of distrust among Northmen, starting dark leather belt pouches and a black teak and silver staff are his
rumors, and passing information to the Necromancer and only burdens. On the other hand, Orduclax's lieutenant,
his servants. Using the chaos of the times to their Daeg-udra, is actually a 1 3th level warrior, and wears a
advantage, the Witch-king's have contributed to the carefully hidden breastplate of beautifully etched black
disunity of the Northmen and continue to work to keep steel beneath his robes. The ornate appearance of his
Ruins oj Dale the people of Rhovanion divided. reinforced leggings belie their strength. Daeg-udra also
carries an invisible broadsword. The ten Maeghirrim
are listed below:
Name LvI Profession Status
Orduclax 1 7 Sorcerer Lord of the Ten.
Daeg-udra 1 3 Fighter Orduclax's high guard
Haed 1 0 Rogue Assassin and envoy
Thraear (F) 1 1 Mystic Keeper of Nan
Broehir 1 2 Astrologer Keeper of Visions
Freahar 1 0 Magician Keeper of Fires
Edwodyn 9 Animist Master of the Living
Freowyn(F) 9 Cleric Mistress of the Dead
Breor 8 Sorcerer Master of Dusts
Brego 7 Ranger Watcher of Trails
The Maeghir rogue Haed occasionally journeys west­
ward to the hilly lands on the central Rhovanion plain.
There he deals with various raiding parties and renegade
groups and makes sure that the trouble they bring to the
land is continual. His influence dictates the course of
many a raid, and Haed will often stand by to trade for
particularly interesting booty. By this means he acquired
his beautiful Elven servant girl, Narmire of Celebannon.
Haed's capabilities as a rider, warrior, and thief are
legendary; he also serves as Orduclax's ( 1 0th level) assas­
1 3.0 SITES OF MEN Most characteristic of the lone Northman homestead
is the woven-sapling walkway that connects each of the
Besides Elves, Dwarves, and the fell servants of the buildings to another and creates a guarded courtyard and
Necromancer, Wilderland is inhabited by a wide sam­ garden within the ring. Northman wives discovered long
pling of Men. Gondorians, Northmen, and a host of ago that the young saplings ofthe chap-beech, if cut when
Easterlings reside in Rhovanion. Of these groups, the less than twelve feet tall, can be woven together to form an
Northmen are most prevalent. attractive garden wall. They then bend the walls over at
a height of six to eight feet and interweave them, creating
13.1 PLAINS NORTHMAN a covered waterproof walkway that connects each of the
Despite their dwindling numbers, the E othraim and essential buildings. These walls provide comfort from
Gramuz (Rh. "Plains Northmen") still manage their wind and rain, but little in the way of protection from ill­
farmstead homes throughout the Plains, particularly up meaning invaders. They are often exquisitely ornamental,
under the eaves of Mirkwood around East Bight. Every creating a pleasant union of the diverse farm structures
Northman brings to his homestead his own preferences and allowing space for a quiet, private yard.
for crops and animals, but certain building practices are Unfortunately, the innocent quietude afforded by these
shared a�ong all the Northmen of the Plains, be they woven-sapling walkways is enjoyed less frequently these
Gramuz, Eothraim, or "Urban" folk. days, with the incursions from the East, the onslaught of
Central to a Northman's homestead is, of course, the desperate fugitives, and the dreadful depopulation result­
family home. Most are built of wood, harvested from the ing from the Plague itself. The remaining occupied
southern eaves of Mirkwood; occasionally a stone home homesteads house cautious families who frequently erect
can be found in the region, particularly where trees are great stone walls to supplement the slender ramparts,
scarce or the exposed rock provides ample construction often making the manor more like a fortress.
material. Rarely figher than one story, Northman houses
are low, rugged affairs designed to withstand the rigorous 13.2 DALE
Rhovanion winds. The homes of the Thynas and Eorlas
often spread very wide and broad, since they may contain NOTE: Dale is nothing more than a ruin during the period
ten or twelve rooms. Thatched roofing, often of the between TA. 1 9 77 and TA. 294 1 . See Section 3 . 0jor a
plentiful Touch or Bog-land grass, usually tops the history oj the area.
Northman home and needs annual tending. Few win­ Erebor (S. "Single Mountain") is the dominant land­
dows disturb the plain exterior, and those face only to the mark between the Annen and the Ered Mithrin. Although
west and south, from whence come warm breezes and it has neighboring hills and is part of a vast series of ridges,
sunshine. Erebor stands over 2,500 feet above the surrounding
Auxiliary buildings play a large role in the Northmen's landscape; the peak reaches an elevation of 4,2 1 3 feet.
homestead. Standing directly opposite the family house, Among the ancient Edain and some Northman groups it
across the courtyard, is the horse stable, often of larger was revered as a holy place, a site where man could be close
proportions than the house itself, for every homestead to the heavens. This may account, at least in part, for the
maintains at least a dozen steeds. Gramuz mounts and the near-continuous settlement within the shadow of what
horses of the Urban Northmen are allowed to graze freely has always been called the "Lonely Mountain."
on the Plains during daylight hours of the spring and fall, Dale's origins reach back into the Elder Days The
but they are returned nightly to fenced pens for food and Edain were the first to come here, and their cultural
water. In summer, herds are often led into the cooler hills; influence remains strong, although the local speech re­
in Wi nter, the majority are confined to the stable or yards. flects the more recent Northman settlement. As in the late
The Eothraim tribes accompany their herds away from First Age, the Erebor region lies on the very frontier of the
their homesteads, manors, and villages on six- to nine­ "settled lands," and the tough lifestyle has acted to unite
month journeys which follow favored circuits. Nonethe­ these groups
less, they keep fine pastures beside their sertlements, and
their herds winter in good quarters. 1 3.2. 1 THE TOWN OF DALE
At least two other barns are commonly found on larger Dale is a town whose character reflects its rugged
Northman manors: one usually for livestock, and the location. Built within the protective vale beneath the
other for birds such as chickens and geese. Tools are southern flank of the Lonely Mountain, it has always been
usually kept in another small shed. Almost every home­ sheltered from the harsh winds of northern Rhovanion.
stead has a well, which is sometimes housed in its own The sweep of the narrow but swift headwaters of the
shelter. Sometimes a work shed, wood shed, or dog house Celduin guards the town's eastern approach, and defen­
sits alongside the main house as well. sive positions have always been maintained on top of the
two surrounding mountain spurs. Since Erebor itself
presents a formidable barrier on the north side, Dale has
rarely been in danger of falling.

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Stone construction has always been employed here. Adventurers seeking the source of the Celduin will find
The building material must be durable in the face of the their way to the "Gates ofErebor," a thirty foot waterfall
somtines cruel weather, and the nearby mountainside has pouring forth from the cave entry on the mountain's south
always ensured a reliable supply of rock. Even the roofs side. Many of the local folk claim that spirits reside in the
of some buildings are made of stone. Wood for doors, darkness within, and few have sought entry; but certain
some roofs, and interior work is brought up from the Nan brave explorers realize the truth. Extensive and elaborate
Taurduin (S. "Forest River Yalley") and Mirkwood, by natural cavern formations penetrate deep into the bowels
way of the Men-in-Erebor or upstream on the Celduin. of the Lonely Mountain. It will be some time, however
Adventurers seeking a fortune in the rich mines of the (until T.A. 1 999), before the Dwarves of Durin come to
Ered Mithrin, booty from Rhunnish supply trains, trea­ settle here, and reports of vast wealth locked in the rock
sures from the great tombs and holds of old, or wealth at beneath Erebor have been greeted with laughter.
the gaming tables in local taverns will find Dale a comfort­ A few of the Daletheod know better. At night, hand­
able base of operations. Although small, the town can picked groups make their way up the mountain's west
provide most necessities, as well as a wide variety of flank and enter through a secret cleft at the 2 1 00 foot
weaponry and specialized items for sojourns into the level. Once inside, they quietly work the vein of gold
harsh North. Groups of explorers trained in mountain­ which provides for so much ofthe clan's fortune. The foul
eering and cave exploration meet at their favorite inns and beasts which are rumored to live deep within the depths
plan trips into the wilds, where they seek to discover new of the land apparently have not bothered them.
veins of precious ore or ancient deposits of lost booty.
The Lord of Dale is actually a Northman chieftain (the JIRFELIEN
1 5th level warrior Eroder) whose bloodline can be traced Jirfelien assumed the leadership of her clan, the
to the ancient Adan house of Beor (Rh. "Yassal"). His Aldurlingas, in T.A. 1 629, after she killed the Cold-drake
position is hereditary, but an advisory body composed of which had slain her father, the clan leader. Although clan
old fighters drawn from the local clans acts as a check to leadership is generally male, her clan agreed that no
his power. These Kraethingas (Rh. "War Councilors") warrior could have been braver or bolder and unani­
actually serve as territorial representatives as well, for the mously proclaimed her their chief Her healing skills
clan holdings, or "Fyrgas," long ago became simple helped the clan and Dale remain in good stead during the
administrative districts with thoroughly mixed popula­ Plague, and she was able to mitigate its effects upon the
tions. Certain families are traditionally chosen to have a people of the region. Memories are short, however, and
seat on the "Kraething". (The warriors-both men and already many are listening to Sulwyn's rumors that Jirfelien
women-who are allowed to vote each mid-winter re­ and her clan are the " children of Darkness."
spect tradition. The council meets monthly on the night However fiery her temper, J irfelien is an unrelenting foe
of no moon, when a little " doom" is in the air. In times of evil. She has learned something of the Cult of the Long
of war, sessions are held when they are needed. Night and suspects that Sulwyn may be a member.
Eoder's position as "Thyn" has been challenged ofIate Fearing the spread of evil in Dale, she precipitously
by Jirfelien, the leader of the Aldurlingas clan, a fierce challenged Eoder's position. Unfortunately, she had no
young female mystic who is credited with the slaying of a proofofwrongdoing, and the move cost her many friends,
cold drake which threatened her family's Fyrga in T.A. for Eoder is a popular Thyn.
1 629. Eoder claims that the Aldurlingas are actually Jirfelien stands six feet tall, and has long red hair,
worshippers of some perverse "Darkness." This claim is creamy skin, and deep blue eyes. Her beauty and spirit
quite suspect, for Jirfelien's clan embraces most of the have won her many suitors, but thus far she has refused
healers found in the Dale area and is known for its " good them all. Jirfelien is still young (27) but well-versed in the
works." In actuality, Eoder has been mislead by his responsibilities of clan leadership. She is a secret friend of
beloved wife Sulwyn, who is jealous ofJirfelien. Sulwyn's Beawyn, who has taught her much.
clan, the Daletheod, also heals folk, but chooses to use a BEAWYN THE SEER
peculiar form of magic. Their claim that Aldurlingas can Beawyn the ( 1 0th level) Seer lives as an outcast on the
be construed as "children of an ancient darkness" is based outskirts ofDale in a ramshackle cottage. Some accuse her
on their need to hide their own allegiance to the Dark of being mad, for she wanders into the wilderness for long
Lord. Perhaps unfortunately, Eoder's powerful Krytheod periods of time and has the tendency to prophesy. Her
clan (an Adan group) seems to favor the Daletheod claims that a tremendous Dragon will one day destroy
rumors. Dale are treated as proof of her insanity.

campaigns. Merchandise shipped up the Celduin from
Rhun and the Carnen Valley, Dwarven items from the
Iron Hills, Elven work from Mirkwood, and goods
brought from the Anduin on the Men-i-Naugrim all find
their way into the warehouses of Esgaroth.


The main authority in Lake-town resides in a Master
elected by the Umanathrain (Rh. "Council of Men")
ostensibly composed of all the " citizens in good stand­
ing." Merchants, warriors, and landowners all belong to
this class, for even the common men of Esgaroth are
shrewd in the ways of politics. Real power, however, is
often concentrated in the hands of a select few. The
current Master, Odagavia ( 1 2th level), is probably the
strongest figure in town.
The Edfreaharan (Rh. "Associations") are a major part
of commercial life in Lake-town. Unlike traditional
guilds, they require no universal membership; instead,
they are voluntary organizations ofmerchants and crafts­
men, and a number of them may serve the same segment
of society (e.g., four coopers' Edfreaharan compete in the
barrel-making market). They act to allow folk to group
themselves for commercial and social purposes-giving
them training, business leverage, and a means for having
parties. Some wealthy folk join more than one, but this
is generally frowned upon. Others belong to none,
jiifelien Dale's oldest seer (67) is not mad; quite the contrary: apparently hoping to protect secrets and avoid dues. The
she knows a great deal about Erebor and the surrounding competitive atmosphere of Esgaroth is intense, so a wise
region. As a young girl, she and her brother Thealif merchant or craftsman must choose his/her course care­
explored the cavern complex of the Lonely Mountain, fully. While women do not normally sit with the
delving deep into its lower reaches. When Thealif was Umanathrain, they are free to join an Edfreahar. These
killed going into the mountain alone, Beawyn attributed groups often set their own prices on goods and services,
his demise to a group of demonic "Cave-drakes." Her but the free market plays an important role. Commerce
parents and the townsfolk thought otherwise, believing it in Lake-town, unlike that found in "guild cities," is hardly
to be a fall. Entries into the cave without permission of a rigid matter.
the Thyn were banned, and Beawyn's reputation was
permanently scarred.
A permissive air also permeates Esgaroth's social life.
Cast out by the people of Dale, Beawyn took to
Rowdiness is the order of the night, when life in the
wandering through Rhovanion. It was on one such a
narrow streets is given to song and drink. As the shops and
journey that she met the Elf-seer Thorontir (S. "Eagle's
stalls around the central harbors close each dusk, the
Watch"), who took pity upon her. Thorontir trained her
taverns, pleasure-halls, and fest-halls lining the outer
in his art, making her his heir and teaching her much the
fringes of town open their doors to townsfolk and
ways of fate.
Adventurers in Esgaroth will usually stay in one of the
1 3.3 LAKE-TOWN town's six inns. Most are small affairs attached to, but not
Lake-town, or "Esgaroth", is a bustling, wooden, trade incorporating, a tavern. They are two stories high, with a
settlement built on pilings and set out over the waters of high-roofed attic/loft area. The innkeepers generally
the Long Lake. It is located just off the western shore, keep their famili·es in a set of rooms on the second floor.
within sight of the mouth of the Forest River. A port and Stores are kept up above, and rooms for travelers and
major commercial center, Lake-town is a town where an long-staying guests are maintained on the first and part of
adventurer can barter for or purchase the majority of the second floor. The going rate for lodging is about
goods and equipment necessary for extended wilderness copper piece per night.
Purchases of goods in Esgaroth usually occur in the
The Vodagarazun is the largest inn in Esgaroth. Lo­ central squares which the locals call the Thorbivaga (Rh.
cated in the southwestern portion oftown, just to the right "Bay Towns"), the areas surrounding two the Woetsala
(Rh. "Market Pools"). Here most of the items indig­
of the bridge entry, it accommodates a relatively wealthy
enous to Rhovanion find their way into the stalls and
clientele. Room rates are 2 cp a night, 3 cp with meals, and
shops of the wily merchants. Bartering is extremely
the guest is given complete privacy. The founder Vodaga
common here, but a wide variety of "high quality" coins
was Master during the period T.A. 1 59 I -98, and Kyrn of
are also accepted. On the rare occasions that the town
the city's largest woodcraft Edfreahar; thus, he was able to
mints its own small silver piece (actually a half-silver
acquire the location and manpower necessary for such an
equivalent to ten "Great Coppers"), coinage is much more
ambitious project. While most buildings in town are one
common. Generally, prices in Esgaroth are modest for
or two stories with a high roof, the Vodagarazun is a
food and lodging, high for certain raw materials, and low
three-story main building adjoined by a four story tower.
for most "finished" items.
The tower serves as quarters for the family of the
Shops are open from a little after dawn to just before
current innkeeper (5th level) Odavacer; his two daughters
dusk, but merchants will open or close on a whim,
(16 and 1 8) live in the upper chambers, while he and his
particularly when demand dictates. Market days are held
wife stay on the third level. (Odavacer's 4th level son
each month on the day of the full moon and are charac­
Eodoric lives and serves with the town guard.) Elaborate
terized by an influx of rural folk bringing in cheap goods
woodcarving is used to embellish the interior and exterior
for sale or trade. All this is accompanied by entertain­
of the building. This is a common practice in Esgaroth,
ment; musicians, bards, magicians, jugglers, and play­
although most craftsmen use a combination of carving
actors hold shop on the Huwaerkyn (Rh. "Great Wharf').
and painting to achieve a sometimes elaborate (albeit
usually crude) effect. Vodaga used a number of different THE ERANNUN INN
woods shipped in from Mirkwood and had them stained A good deal of illicit trade occurs in Lake-town, more
in varying shades. As in all town structures, wood is the a result of the high tariffs than any insidious plots. Much
principle building material; the Umanathrain voted long is controlled by one Kynoden, the ( I I th level) head of the
ago to restrict stonework to modest chimneys. After all, town's only boat-building Edfreahar, the Boed-bylgas.
wooden piers, even those driven into a substantial lake Many of the boats designed for trade on the Annen (S.
bottom, can only support so much weight. "Long Marshes") and Celduin are "specially" designed by
The Vodagarazun has its own spacious tavern which Kynoden's men, and the grateful recipients find the Boed­
occupies one quarter of the first and second floors bylgas to be effective allies in the cause ofprofit. Kynoden
overlooking the lake. Twenty-five oak tables are scat­ and his Edfreahar receive twenty-five to fifty percent of
tered about the lower common room, and more private the take in town.
booths line a narrow balcony above. The balcony opens These operations are run out of the Erannun (S. "Lone
onto an exterior second-story porch which is used for Sunset") inn on the wild western side of Esgaroth.
guests in warmer months and acts as a food-cooling spot Located right on the water and beside the smal!, protected
on windy summer days. boat-building inlet utilized by the Boed-bylgas, this de­
The hallmark of the tavern, however, is the great mure one-story tavern is ideal as a shipping area for the
circular bar which surrounds the fireplace in the first level illegal furs, gems, and rare Elven wines that are favorites
common area. Forty feet in diameter and built of cedar of the smugglers. The goods are moved down one of the
and hickory, this assemblage is used for serving both two movable refuse ramps (the clean one) located in the
drinks and victuals. Beers, mead, and watered or spiced kitchen of the inn and are emptied directly onto boats in
wines are prepared both warm and cool. Fish, fow! and the inlet. Incoming merchandise arrives as part ofthe inn's
spiced lentil porridge are the house specialties. regular food shipments and is inserted into the bags o f
The friends of Odavacer are legion, and impromptu ground grain while en route from the mill down the lake.
music (mostly woodwinds and stringed instruments) is The Erannun itself contains but three rooms set aside
common most evenings. In addition, Waggaeorn and for guests: one with threebed shelves of fur and straw able
Freaga, two of the town's finest warriors (7th and 6th level to sleep six, one with two resting shelves and suitable for
respectively) spend most of their nights entertaining four, and a third "single" which is designed for one or two
ladies and poor gamblers in their special balcony booth. travellers. Each faces directly onto the tavern room and
Order in the Vodagarazun is rarely a problem, although has a single window with bars which can be opened from
Waggaeorn's rude son Breagla (a 2nd level fighter) causes the inside. The tavern room itself has four finished-pine
his share of fights. Usually, the altercations stem from tables, and is often used as a meeting spot for the eight men
Breagla's infatuation with Shagelda, one of the five bar­ who control both the smuggling and the Boed-bylgas.
maids and Odavacer's eldest daughter. Like the (5th One of them, the (6th level) thiefVogir, stays at the inn
level) Dorwinadan thief Dudannis, the (4th level) nearly every night.
Northman bard Raendoric, and the Nuriag mage Urdrath
(a 3rd level from Nurad), Breagla is a semi-permanent
resident of the inn and resides in a third floor suite.
Odagavia was selected as Master two years ago, and the As the Sairtheod clan of Woodmen in western
council is pleased with its choice. Charismatic, firm, Mirkwood have banded together, growing closer through
intelligent, and perceptive, Odagavia has had much to do ties of kinship and fear of common enemies, they have
with Egaroth's newfound stability. It was Odagavia who built a remarkable edifice: an interlocking network of
managed to hold the demoralized townspeople together houses high among the trees. Called Woodmen-town,
in the aftermath of the Plague, obtaining precious food this arboreal community is tucked inside Mirkwood
from the Elves of Mirkwood. Through his unceasing about ten miles from the west edge of the forest and
efforts, Esgaroth is once again beginning to prosper as approximately fifty-five miles north of Rhosgobel. A
trade returns to the region. His tactful diplomacy has well-kept trail named the Woodmen's Walk runs south­
enabled his village to establish good relationships with all ward from the settlement and connects the town with the
the other Northmen groups in Rhovanion. Rad Angalaladh, the area's chief road.
He is equally skillful with a sword. Odagavia is a
redoubtable warrior, who is rumored to have slain a giant 1 3.4. 1 THE NATURE OF THE SITE
in his younger years. When pressed for the truth of this The area began with individual tree-houses, a much
story, the Master will simply smile and shrug. His more elaborate version of the kind that every child loves
appearance, however, lends credence to the tale, for to build. Given the fact that nails are scarce among the
Odagavia stands 6'6" and weighs 270 lbs., and often Woodmen, though, they would sometimes . trade fine
wears a large two-handed sword. His looks belie his woodcarvings for a handful of Dwarven nails. But few
manner, for the Master is well-liked for his pleasant, nails went into the construction of the Woodmen-Town.
Beom's Hall friendly temperament. Odagavia is 46, and unmarried. Instead, the skills of whittling, joining, and dovetailing
serve these Woodmen very well.
One reaches the height ofthe houses, ten or twelve feet
above ground, by ladders of wood or Bog-land Grass
rope that hang from above. Each family unit has its own
ladder entrance, which can be pulled up into the home in
time of siege. Horizontal walkways made of similar
material now connect one family unit to another, and
sometimes a hanging ladder can be pulled up and stretched
out to form a walkway as well.
Since the trees of Mirkwood grow straight and close
together, each Woodman home stretches across the
limbs of several trees. The upswept limbs all around
form a foundation onto which the Woodmen lash hewn
logs up to eight inches wide, creating a log-frame wall
structure. The Woodman-wives, when a new home is
being built, travel to the banks of the Anduin and
sometimes as far south as North Undeeps to gather tbe
mud from the river bottom, which packs in and dries up
for chinking in their walls. Logs of a similar size lie
crosswise across the top of the walls, which always stand
at least ten feet above the polished floorboards.
Woodmen homes would be cold and windy were it
not for the talent ofWoodmen's Wives in weaving wool.
They are far from a pastoral community, living high
above the ground and in the forest. But trade has
continued over many years between the Plains N orthmen
and the Woodman-wives, who annually offer large
quantities of tasty woodland nuts they can easily gather
in exchange for large bags ofwool sheared from the sheep
that graze in the Talath Harroch. Numerous thick,
warm, woolen tapestries decorate the walls and warm the
floors ofWoodmen's houses in the wintertime, although
this trade has declined somewhat since the Plague.
<0 1 9.17, (1)5 1 . 1966.( 978 by Gl'urgl' Allen & Unwin (Pubnlishl'rs) Ltd.
13.4.2 LAYOUT OF WOODMEN-TOWN i. Ulfhis the rope and hide maker. Woodmen-Town
The platforms shaded in deeper brown are set 1 5-20' j. Thasulf the jewelry-maker.
above the ground; those shaded lighter (see a, f, n) are built k. Sylvaric the cloth-maker.
higher. Unmarked buildings are solely extended-family 1. Uthila the healer.
residences, although extensive craft activity occurs in m. Sylbrand the carver.

every dwelling. Roofs are of hewn logs secured to the tree n. Southern watch platform.

trunks. For purposes of clarity the trees themselves have A. Waulfa, Althyn of the Sairtheod.
been omitted from the picture, so holes in the roofs and B. Great meeting place of the clan.
platforms show the pattern of the trunk and branch e. Witihis the herb master.
structure. Unless otherwise stated, the other structures D. Training place: both platforms.
also provide shelter for extended families; but these also E. Great kitchen and village hearth.
serve as informal places of "business." F. Odagia the tracker and envoy.
a. Northern watch platform.

b. Athaulf the bow-maker. 1 3.5 BEIJABAR SITES

c. Hechila the box-maker. The Beijabarreside along the western edge ofMirkwood
d. Atahis the rug-weaver. and in scattered sites throughout the Anduin Valley. The
e. Thuidihis the astrologer's watch. characteristic home of the Beijabar is the long-house, or
f. The central place. (See A-F below.) "Laenganhuida." These stout structures serve as the
g. Authanand the weapon-maker. center points of secluded and well-tended manors.
h. Waccho the master carpenter.
Typically, a long-house is a long, narrow hall made of The Carrock is sacred to the Beijabar. It is, perhaps, for
logs, dirt, and stone. Its design emphasizes right angles: this reason that the manor of the High Shape Changer is
I S to 20-foot posts stand straight up to form its walls; 1 0- traditionally located nearby. The rock itself lies in the
to 1 2- foot beams lie across the posts, to form a roof. At middle of the Anduin, a little closer to the eastern shore,
roof center, a hole in the ceiling provides a vent for smoke by the 1ach or Athrad Carrock (S. "Carrock Ford"), The
from the great fireplace within, which sits in a pit at the Old Ford and the Meni-Naugrim lie twenty-five miles to
house's center. At one end of the long-house is the the south.
entryway, often served by a baffled door to prevent cold The Carrock is a huge (65' high)granite boulder,
winds from entering. Near the other end stands the oaken surmounted by a carved stone throne which faces upriver.
table and stools around which Beijabar family members sit Stairs cut in the side of the rock lead down to the water's
to work, tended by animals who stoke the fire and cook edge and a ford which takes one to the eastern bank. A
the food. fissure which knifes into the Carrock's east side has been
NOTE: The Beijabar are craftsmen. They do not eat their cleverly widened into a hall which leads into the interior
animalfriends, but rely onfish, reptiles, andfowlforfood. chambers. From the outside, the cleft appears as no more
than a small cave. It is deliberately innocuous. While the
The inner hall of a Beijabar home measures at least
Holy Carrock is often watched by the lords of the
twenty feet in length and eight to twelve feet in width, and
Beijabar, and they are quite capable of dealing with
always has a rectangular floor-plan. Separate rooms mean
intruders, the Beijabar realize that secrecy is the site's best
nothing to the Beijabar, who mingle with family members,
animal and human, and would consider it ungainly to
sequester one's self behind a wall apart from one's family LAYOUT OF THE CARROCK
and friends. Lighting is dim inside, but every Beijabar 1 . Stairs. These wind up the outside of the rock to the
homestead is surrounded by bright and colorful gardens open throne area above. They are cut directly into the rock
that grow right up to the home, with walkways and patios and permit no more than single-file passage.
where family members gather when the sunshine and 2. Entry Cave. A twenty-foot wide natural chamber,
The Carrock temperature allow them to enjoy the outdoor air. never exceeding ten feet in height. At the back of the cave
is a flat basalt wall. Runes and paintings
cover the wall's surface and tell the tale of
an ancient saga involving a Great Bear. A
real metal-shafted arrow sticks into one of
the figures. When the arrow is rotated, the
wall slides five feet to the left and partially
reveals an ascending stair behind. It is sheer
folly (-50) to perceive the nature of the
arrow at a mere glance, and even a careful
examination makes this discovery very hard
3. Hall of Claws. This winding passage
was cut out of a gas channel which pierced
the boulder when it was first formed. The
iron tools used to shape the ceiling and
walls bore claw-like serrated edges and left
jumbled marks in the rock which look akin
to those left by bear scratches; hence the
name. The passage is ten feet by ten feet in
most places, and has notches for the place­
ment of torches. Small air holes are cut in
the ceiling at intervals of thirty feet.
4. Sleeping Chamber. This room has been
cut out of the rock in order to provide a
resting place for a family of seven. Bowl­
like rock shelves line the walls and can be
filled with straw in order to provide a
semblance of comfort. Fine runes (modi­
fied Cirth) circle the walls near the twleve­
foot ceiling and tell the tale of the Beijabar's
ancestors, relatives of the Edain who settled in the passes with a 1 0th level bee venom which destroys one or both
of the northern Misty Mountains in the late First Age. of its victim's eyes (those failing a RR) by converting the
5. Water Chamber. Here lies a well, cut fourteen feet optic juices to honey. The tomb holds 1 00 mp, three +20
deep to reach a catch pool in the river. A small fire pit is battle axes, four +20 two-hand swords, one +30 club, ten
set into to the western wall; a smoke hole is set above it in + 1 5 short swords, seven + I 0 hand axes, one + I 5 long
the nine-foot ceiling. Watch positions are placed in the bow, two + I 0 helms, a Horn ofBear Summoning, a Stave
northern wall. ofWater Waiking, six + I 0 shields, and 2,000 gp in gems.
6. Store Room. Rectangular stone receptacles cover the Another treasure chamber once existed below; but
floor. Each is carved in such a way as to appear to be of unlike the rest of the room, it was not of carved rock, and
wood. The lids mimic roofs, and the receptacles represent caved in centuries ago. It is extremely hard (-30) to
Beijabar long-houses. perceive this rebuilt burial chamber. Entry into the room
7. Chamber of the Dancers. This room is akin to the is afforded through secret stone doors which can be
main room ofa long-house, except for the 28-foot ceiling, moved to the side by 2-3 strong men. Both openings lie
and contains a large fire pit and a raised stone platform above stone stairways. Every otherstair is of an enchanted
which acts as both an eating table and a "stage". The walls resin which is very hard (-20) to perceive and will will
are covered with bizarre cave paintings which depict instantly harden around things immersed in it. The resin
countless battles. A huge block ofresin is set into the nook is grey and appears as rock.
in the southeast wall; within it is a perfectly preserved
Great Bear. Normally the nook is concealed by a counter­ 1 3.6 BUHR AILGRA
weighted stone which can only be raised by pulling up on Buhr Ail,gra is the capital of the Ailgarthas, the oldest
its raised surface; the lift involves some 300 pounds. This of the six Eothraim, or Horse-lord, tribes. A powerful
preserved beast may be some ancient leader whose pres­ force in Northman affairs, the Ailgarthas control territory
ence inspires the dancers when they are properly frenzied. stretching from the Waildung lands of the East Bight
Huge mead jars are set in wall niches around the room. eastward as far as the confluence ofthe rivers Ardruiga and
The floor of the room is seven feet above the river's Celduin. They are the northernmost of the Eothraim.
waterline, and seven feet below the norm for the rest of the Buhr Ailgra's position at the junction of the Men
complex. Celduin and the northern branch of the Men-in-Araw
8. Burial Chamber. This round room has a floor set �ccentuates its status as one of the three most important
fourteen feet below the water surface, and a 56' ceiling (42 Eothraim communities (the others being Buhr Mahrling
feet above the waterline). At the river level, fourteen feet and Warfinger). Nearly everyone traveling north or east
above the room's base, is another floor surface, a circular out the East Bight passes by the town on one of the plank
walkway which surrounds the central pit. The fourteen­ highways of the region. Mirkwood looms thirty-five
foot deep pit holds a large, beehive-shaped tomb ofloose miles to the west, while Buhr Wail dung is forty miles to
rock. The top of the curved roof of the tomb is twenty­ the southwest. The river Celduin is less than ninety miles
eight feet above the base floor and fourteen above the to the north.
surrounding ledge. This "hive" can only be entered seven Situated where the wide prairie escarpment called High
feet above the base, through an aperture (7' dia.) blocked Hand begins to descend to the fertile plain of Aur
by a round discus-like stone. This stone can be rolled to Esgalabar, Buhr Ailgra is also a major stop for horse­
the side in its crude track, but it requires the strength of herders. Ailgartha herders keep their horses out on the
two normal men. The rock moves up the runners which High Hand during the warmer months, but as chilly
wind around the tomb some ten feet, and can be locked in weather arrives they drive the beasts northward into the
place by moving the obvious block-stone underneath its lowlands. Those in the western part of A ilgarth a territory
curve. invariably rest their herds, and their bodies at Buhr
Should one enter the tomb without pulling on a bear Ailgra-albeit in their own tents.
claw-like iron stave to the left of the entry, the block stone
will be pulled aside and the stone allowed to slide back 1 3.6.1 THE NATURE OF THE TOWN
down the runners. The stave mechanism is very hard (- Buhr Ailgra's buildings are constructed using the typi­
20) to perceive. Within the tomb lie the remains of the cal Eothraim "Lainghud" (Rh. "long-house") style: floors
eight Beijabar lords, each buried in a hive-shaped clay jar. set 2-4 feet below the ground with access by ramp and/
The chute into the tomb slopes down at a 45 degree angle or steps, wood-reinforced thatch roofs, occasional " smoke
and drops seven feet. It is lined with mud which conceal holes," and smoothed earthen floors. Unless otherwise
hidden spikes. The razor-sharp iron spikes are covered stated, the structures serve as both extended family resi­
dences and work places.
Burb Ailgra 1 3 .6.2 LAYOUT OF BUHR AILGRA well. She serves as an herbalist and tends the village
I. Garnbaswinth the Smith. This house contains one I S' gardens. Her wooden residence houses one 30' x 9' room,
x 7' room with a 6' x 7' loft. a 1 0' x 9' loft, and a 6' x 9' "drying rack" for herbs.
2. Main Gate. 1 3' x 1 3' break in earthen wall lined with I I. Smoke house and meat stores. 8' x 8' room serves as
mortared stone. "Murder-holes" and firing slits allow repository for smoked, dried, and salted meats.
defenders in parapet above to discourage entry. 1 2. Village gardens. This area also doubles as an
3. Stable, smithy, and iron works. 35' x 8' area can emergency pen for horses and the few cattle the tribe
comfortably house seven horses. 1 0' x 8' work area possesses.
contains two forges, three anvils, and a wide assortment of 1 3. Village well. 80' deep
tools. A 4' deep loft runs the interior length of the 1 4. Parapet over rear gate. A two man watch is on duty
structure, and a larger fair-weather forge is built into at all times. (There are eight shifts of three hours each.)
exterior wall. Thatch is soaked in mud to resist flames. Firing slits and
4. Guard house. Built of spruce and oak, it contains one a viewing port aid defense and provide view of locality.
1 7' x 7' room. Watch commander and his runners use Murder-holes CMachicolations") in floor allow guard to
these quarters while on duty. A small assortment of pour hot oil on invaders who enter gate breach below. An
weapons which serves as a "ready arsenal" is stored along iron bar is lowered from this position and serves to
the walls. supplement the main wooden gate lock.
5. Hall ofthe Kuzdrauhtan. (Rh. "House-guard"). Here I S. Rear gate. Like the main gate, it is reached by way of
the Thyn's fifteen-man guard resides, ready for battle. a wood-lined roadway which gently dips across the dry
One 40' x 8' room contains sleeping shelves, a hearth, a moat. A heavy cured-oak log is used to prevent entry, and
table and benches, and assorted chests. The guards' arms a guard is constantly on duty. (Each one comes on one
are stored in a great iron-reinforced bin. One to fifteen hour after the parapet guard.)
+ 1 0 spears, five to forty-five +5 daggers, one to thirty 1 6. Dry moat. Becomes muddy after a storm. It is 6' to
+ 1 0 shields, one to five +5 horse/short bows, and one to 1 0' wide and 2' to 4' deep.
fifteen +5 long swords and/or hand axes can be found 1 7. Uthari the Tracker. As is typical, Uthari's residence
here together with one to twenty + 5 chain shirts (all non­ contains one 6' x 8' room.
magic). 1 8. EothauIfthe Saddle and Harness-maker. One 35' x
6. Aduila the Leatherworker. Containing one 40' x 9' 8' room houses most of the family and acts as the living
room with two 9' x 9' lofts (akin to houses 7-9), this house and work area. The 1 4' x 8' rear room is used for stores
is built of oak, cedar, and birch. and serves as Eothaulf s bedding place.
7. Vodoacer the Carpenter. 1 9. Windaswinth the Fletcher and Bow-maker. One 6'
8. Eovigald the Iron-worker. x 8' room with a 3' x 8' loft.
9. MarhgiIuIf the Weaponsmith. Marhgilulf is the 20. Olboin the Mason. One 6' x I I ' room.
strongest individual in town, yet is a renowned artisan. 2 1 . Swinthala the metalworker. Contains one 37' x 1 0'
10. Wamalsuntha the Seer. Wamalsuntha lost her room (like houses #22-23).
husband to the Asdriags, but has maintained her family
22. Rindaswinth the Horse-master. Rindaswinth is the 35. House ofMahrcared. This is the home of the Thyn
community's chief trainer and animal healer. of the Ailgharas (Rh. "Friends of the Stag"). Contains
23. Witigis the Carpenter. Witigis occasionally serves as five rooms: a central 1 4' x 22' living area; a 1 4' x 1 0'
village cooper. cooking and storage space; a 1 4' x 1 4' bedchamber; a 1 4'
24. Chisebuth the Leather-wright. Chisebuth is a rein­ x 46' family storage and sleeping chamber above the main

, whip-, and rope-maker. His house contains a single 37' floor; and, off the living room and to the rear of the main
x 7' room with three 7' x 7' lofts and a 9' x 7' storage cellar structure, a 9' x 1 4' meeting and planning room.
built beneath the rear floor. Unlike the usual earthen­ 36. Luidariks the Learned One. Luidariks is a scholar,
floored long-house, this floor is covered with wood. Mage, embroiderer, bone worker, and counselor. His
25. Village center. A grass-covered common crossed by house contains a single 2 I ' x 10' room with a 10' x 4' loft.
numerous dirt paths. Most assemblies, drills, markets, 37. Armory. A single 38' x 9' room.
and ceremonies are held here. The main cistern located by
the armory serves the whole village, and is frequently 1 3.7 BUHR WIDU
replenished with well water. The center of Waildung culture, Buhr Widu (Rh.
26. Ularic the Healer. One 1 8' x 8' room serves as his "Forest Hold") is the capital of the most powerful of the
healing place, while another 1 8' x 8' area is his sleeping and Northman tribes. Tucked in the East Bight, between
living chamber. Mirkwood the escarpment called High Hand, it is a well­
27. Wumba the Miller. In keeping with his job as the protected settlement. The town is ideally suited for its
miller, Wumba is also the town's beer maker. His house role as a refuge for Waildung princes. Here, a trio of
contains one 32' x 8' room and a 20' deep 10' x 8' cooling fortified hills linked by earthworks overlooks the deep
and storage cellar. lake called the Mere of Roots.
28. Thuidamer the Miller. Thuidamer is also the bread The Men-in-Araw ends at the eastern gate into Buhr
maker. His home is built like Wumba's home, above Widu. On the western side of town, another trail begins:
(#27), but also contains two baking hearths set into the the ancient Rad Angalaladh. A third major path leads
floor and rear wall. northward to the ruins of the Old Forest Hold, a solitary
29. Eolaric the Weaver. One 4 1 ' x 1 0' room with a 1 0' hillsite halfway between the Mere of Roots and Wood
x 1 0' loft. Mere. This track is called Mere Walk, and runs deep into
30. Ruidariks the Carver. A single 1 6' x 8' room. Mirkwood. Bubr Widu
3 1. Botila the Priest. Botila is the Keeper of the Uerdakyn
(Rh. "Cult of the Earth"). One 26' x 1 0' room, with a
secret 4' x 1 0' area housed behind the "drying wall"
(where the family hangs everything from meats and fish to
wet wool). The latter can be reached by turning a false
spigot in the red cask set up and into the wall.
32. Thuidalindaf the Priest. Thuidalindaf is the Keeper
of the Ailgrakyn (Rh. "Cult of the Stag")' His house is
built like Botila's.
3 3. Vuric the Huntsman. Vuric is a skinner, tanner,
hideworker, and the Master of the Hunt. (He serves as the
Thyn's "right hand.") His home contains a single 34' x
12' room with two 1 .2' x 6' lofts adjoining an I I ' x 1 2'
sleeping area.
34. The SaicghuiI. (Rh. "Ceremonial Hall"). A 47' x 1 2'
holy place which serves as the sacred center of the outpost.
Elaborate wood-carvings, brilliant inlaid animal motifs,
and numerous horns adorn the walls. The stone floor
with a raised stage at one end has an elaborate iron and
garnet inlay. (See Sec. I I for notes on Northman
Thorontir (S. " Eagle's Watch") is a
Gondorian border outpost erected to keep watch
on the Asdriag Easterlings. It is situated just off
the Men Romen, about ten miles east of the
town of the same name and some sixty miles
southwest of Warfinger.
1 . Gate. The portalway is fifteen feet high and
ten wide, protected on the outer side by a set of
four-inch thick ironbound wood doors, which
can be reinforced by two huge wooden beams
Tbe Bailey
laid across them. A few feet further, a portcullis
can be dropped to seal the passage. The grate is
made of oak and reinforced with iron straps.
The portcullis is operated by a counterbalance
in the left ( inner) tower.
2. Tower. All of Thorontir's towers are of
The Kup
similar construction, having a spiral stair in the
center, with landings at each of THE KEEP
Level l
the three stories. There are no 7. Main Hall. The Main Hall acts as a meeting place,
windows on the first floor and dining hall, and staging area.
arrow slits on the second and
8. Kitchen/pantry.
third. The roof walls are
crenellated. All are 35 feet 9. Stairs.
high. The walls connecting 1 0. Storage.
uvel 2
the towers are also crenellated
to provide protection for bow­ I I. Armory.
uvtl One men and are accessed via nar- 1 2. Firing hall. Here, arrow slits are placed every ten feet.
row doors on flanking towers 1 3. Guardpost. Access to adjacent wall.
on the third floor. The walls 1 4. Meeting room. The large windows of this room
are 25 feet high. Shifts change overlook the courtyard, though there are heavy wood
every 8 hours, one man is sta­ shutters which can be closed over them. Here, the officers
tioned on each tower, and one of the outpost meet to discuss various issues. Maps and
patrols each wall-section. charts of all the lands nearby are kept in this chamber.
3. Well. Rolled and/or bound, they are stored in a wall rack.
Level 3
4. Stables. The stable's main
Level Two
room houses over seventy I S. Quarters. These rooms house the five Ohtarrina:
steeds: sixty for the cavalry and three cavalry leaders and two who supervise the garrison
ten for couriers and the offic­ troops.
Level 4
ers. Additional horses and
1 6. Office. This is the office of Aegnor, the Commander
feed-stores occupy the west­
(S. Thengyn) of the outpost. It is simply furnished, but
ern third of the building.
the existing furniture is of high quality.
S. Barracks. The barracks shel­
1 7. Quarters. Aegnor's quarters include a suite of rooms.
ter r oo warriors (Q. Ohtari):
The windows are tall and narrow, and all have thick
uvel Tbru forty infantry (garrison) and
wooden outside shutters. The furnishings here are of fine
sixty cavalry.
workmanship, reflecting the height of Gondor's glory by
6. Postern gate. Deeply inset their very presence in a military outpost.
in the wall, the gate is set at an
angle to make battering rams
unusable. The door is 3 " thick
oak bound with iron straps
and reinforced by an iron bar.
Level Four
Located about fifty miles south of the point
where the Men Romen passes Thorontir, Ursh
Lanna (As. "Defiant Hill") is the westernmost
ofthe Asdraig Easterling outposts. The Asdriags'
fortification design bears some resemblance to
Dunnish works. Where possible, these
Easterlings utilize a nawral hill and, by terracing
the sides, they create a series of walls, reinforced
by wooden buttressing.
In addition, many of the strucWres in the
confines of the fort are actually built against the
inner sides of the wall, to add further to its
strength. Access to the fortress is gained via a
narrow, winding footpath, easily defended by a
handful of warriors.
I. Entrance. Cut into the uppermost wall, the
entryway is essentially a wooden portalway,
closed by a thick door of chestnut planks.
2. Guard quarters. The quarters house 80
warriors CHuka").
3. Smithy.
4. Stables. The stables shelter 50 horses-all
���fI:;.cavalry steeds well suited for long journeys or

5. Cistern. Despite their opposing culwres, both Elves and Dwarves

6. Quarters. These chambers serve as the abode of the create grand underground halls ofgrace and beauty. They
Lord CHudria") of Ursh Lanna, who in this case is approach their work differently, though, for the Elves
Cherechyana. prefer to work with the land rather than against it. Elven
7. Mess hall/kitchens. craftsmen cut chambers from natural cavern formations,
8. Storage. altering the rock as little as possible and designing their
homes purely within nature's framework. The
Firstborn make use ofthe sloping, uneven floors,
the towering stalagmites, and the smooth pillars
-,' of granite and basalt that protrude through
. softer stone. Their tapestries hang amidst cham­
" bers with natural vaults and tapering limestone
,. .,'
" columns, rooms decorated with delicate carv­
ings and subtle lamps that complement rather
, than overwhelm the surrounding setting.


The Halls of Thranduil, the Elven-king of
Mirkwood, are no exception. These palatial
: chambers in northeastern Mirkwood recall the

design of Menegroth and Nargothrond, the
" :-
.' superb Noldo cities of the Elder Days. Like
: those virtually impregnable citadels, the Halls
. ..:
� are cut deep into the side of a hill. The main
Ursh Lanna
doors into this spectacular delving open south­
ward onto a stone bridge that spans the cool,
swiftly-flowly Forest River. This strategic crossing serves
as the principal overland entry into the Woodland Realm.
All of the northern forest is controlled by Thranduil, but Mirkwood. Here, the Elven-king greets the travellers who
south of the river, his influence is weak and sporadic. journey westward up the Taurduin valley, visitors who
Thus the bridge essentially marks the point where the rarely sojourn further into the Woodland Realm.
forest becomes safe. NOTE: For more iriformation on the Aradhrynd, see ICE's
The Forest-folk refer the palace complex as the Halls oj the Elven-king.
Aradhryand, the "Halls of the Elven-king." It is also
called Amon Thranduil (S. ''Thranduil's Hill"), or "Mardo
Edhetaro" in the Quenya tongue. Built between T.A. 14.2 CELEBANNON
I 050 and I I 00, Thranduil's hold replace� Caras Amarth Adventurers entering the Woodland Realm by a boat
as the preeminent Elf-hold in northern Mirkwood. Soon bound upriver on the Taurduin find the going slow; the
after it was completed, the court moved there and, with current is swift west of the Long Marshes. This may
the drying of the Avar Stream, the Aradhrynd quickly account for the fact that nearly everyone disembarks at
ecltpsed the old capital to the west at Caras Amarth. Celebannon (S. "Silver Gate"), the principal trade center
(Eventually, of course, Oropher's Halls were abandoned of the Wood-elves. Here the so-called "Raft-elves"
altogether.) prepare goods for shipment downriver to the communi­
The Aradhrynd serves many roles. The citadel guards ties along the Annen, Celduin, and Carnen, as well as
the bridge, and acts both as the capital of the Wood-elves points further east ( e.g., Dorwinion)' Some stores are sent
(S. T awarwaith) and as a refuge for the Elves. Located in large floating casks, while others are collected on finely
only ten miles from the point where the Forest River crafted rafts of cedar and hardwood. Goods received from
Gates of the
surges out of the woods and into the Long Marshes of downriver come in a wide variety of forms, but are
Halls Wilderland, it also stands as the gateway into northern generally repacked in barrels while in Lake-town.

. :. . .

---- � RIVER - --
- -
- -


The Elven-king's
Caras Amarth All ofthis modest commercial bustle makes Celebannon A small Elven village composed entirely of wooden
a relatively cosmopolitan village, at least as far as the Silvan cabin-like structures with thatched roofs, Celebannon is
Elves are concerned. Travelers seeking excitement can yet a town of some elegance, as are all places graced by the
become involved in trade, hiring on as guards or acting as Immortals. All of the structures are extremely well made,
inexpensive transporters of finer merchandise; they can with subtle decoration, and a modest grace which whis­
also frequent the Dindraug (S. "Silent Wolf' ), pers ofcomfort and veiled beauty within. There is but one
Celebannon's only inn. All should beware, however, of inn in the village, implying perhaps that there is not much
the fact that Thranduil is well-informed of any goings-on in the way of revelry done here. Travelers and visitors
involving outsiders, particularly non-elves. should not be deceived, however, for often there is
Twenty-seven warriors of the elite Tirduin (S. "River feasting in Ohtar's Hall nestled within the trees, open only
Watch") fighters keep order. In addition, further scrutiny to residents and their guests.
is offered; the watchful eye of Camthalion (S. "Steadfast LAYOUT OF CELEBANNON
Hand") is ever-present. Being second in command to the Residences. (a,b,d,e,i,j,k) Each ofthese single-story build­
Master ofCelebannon, Ohtar (S. "Warrior"), Camthalion ings houses one or more extended family units, depending
wields considerable local power. His daughter Narmire on the size of the structure.
(S. "Fire Flower") was abducted by a Hildo raiding party
Storage Halls. (c,f,h) These are holding areas for the
while gathering fruit only a year ago, and the elven ranger
various goods traded by the Elves. Many barrels are also
is hungry for information regarding her fate.
stored here, as well as the lighter boats during bad weather.
NOTE: For more iriformation on Narmirl's captor, see
Section Z 2. 8. 7.
Inn (Dindraug, "Silent Wolf" ). (g) The only inn in 14.3 CARAS AMARTH
Celebannon, it is quiet but comfortable, the prices are After Oropher, the founder of the Woodland Realm,
reasonable, and the food is excellent. removed himselffrom Galadhrynd to northern Mirkwood,
Trading Hall. (1) A relatively large, circular structure, the he built a marvelous subterranean palace. Constructed
trading hall is just that. The walls of the building are during the late Second Age, the complex was called Caras
movable, so that a great precentage of its circumference Amarth, or the "City of Doom." These halls comprised
can be opened to the outdoors during fair weather. This the second capital of the Forest-folk.
is the general marketplace for the villagers, as well as a The well-preserved ruins ofthe palace are situated three
trading post for travellers. miles north of the Rad Annon (S. "Gate Path") and only
Ohtar's Hall. (m) A two-story building which encloses a fifty miles east ofthe western edge of the wood. Here, the
feast hall and kitchens on the first floor, as well as the rising land dividing the Anduin Valley from the Valley of
quarters of Ohtar and his guards on the second floor, the Forest River reaches its highest point. A stream
accessed by a balcony extending around the perimeter of linking Caras Amarth to the Avar Tombs (40 miles) to
the interior. the northeast at one time ran by the citadel and eventually
flowed into the Forest River. Caras Amarth
Caras Amarth Like the Aradhrynd, Caras Amarth is literally a maze of are rare in the Halls; the Elves prifer hangings to cover entries.
interconnected rooms and tunnels which wind, spiral, and Thefew doors are made ojstrong wood bound with iron, and bar
turn back on themselves. Floors and corridors slope and the cells, storerooms, cellars, and Oropher's vaults.
bend, and the footing is often uncertain. For those I . Great Gates. Across a long stone bridge spanning the
unacquainted with the plan of the palace, the way is rocky riverbed ofthe old Avar Stream, up a steep stair, and
dangerous. across a grassy court are the stone doors which guard the
Although these halls are cold and damp, they were once entry to OroRher's halls. The gates themselves are fifteen
warm and filled with light. Bright lamps and tapestries feet high and thirty wide, sliding apart on cunningly
hung all about, and there were soft carpets spread about designed tracks in the floor and ceiling. They are very
many of the rooms. Countless cushions and other fur­ hard (-20) to open. A foot thick, and wrought with many
nishings adorned the passages chambers, appointments as enchantments, they provide a formidable defense.
fine as those found in most any king's hall. 2. Guardroom. Once manned at all times by two Elven
LAYOUT OF CARAS AMARTH guards, this chamber accommodated Oropher's soldiers,
NOTE: The contour lines in the caverns slope downfrom the who served on four-hour shifts.
walls and columns (columns are designated by the shaded areas 3. Stable. These chambers once housed the light steeds of
bordered by heavy black line) toward the open areas oj the room. the King and his warriors. The three dozen fine horses
Thus, the lowest area in Oropher's Hall is the "Y" shaped region were used for hunting trips and to bear couriers.
in the center oj the room. Thefloor then slopes up in gentle steps 4. Oropher's Hall. The main feast-hall and grandest
to the perimeter and around thegracifully tapering columns. The chamber in all the complex, this is where Oropher held
contours in the corridors usually indicate a continuous slope court. Sitting in his throne carved and wood-inlaid, he
rather than steps except where there are spiral stairs. "Real" doors wore a crown of leaves reflecting the season and bore a
staff of carved oak. The walls were hung with lamps and 14. Oropher's Vaults. These rooms once guarded
tapestries depicting rich forest scenes; additional lamps Oropher's treasury. While hardly large by the standards
hung from the ceiling or flickered from the natural of the Elf-lords of Beleriand long ago, this hoard was still
limestone pillars. one of considerable wealth, including much gold, as well
S. Feast Halls. These rooms were multi-purpose in as many gems and items magical in nature. Great Elven
nature. In addition to serving as drinking and dining blades forged in the Undying Lands in ages past, long
rooms, these chambers were natural gathering places for bows of superior quality, and magical items of all kinds
the residents to sing, and play musical instruments (the were once kept here.
harp and lute were favorites). Here they created beautiful 1 5. Cellar. The many barrels of food and drink used by
items of cloth and wood, or told tales during the Wood­ the populace of the Halls were stored in these rooms.
elves' frequent revels. Contents included apples, butter, and of course fine
6. Kitchens. wmes.
7. Spiral Stair. These are smooth, evenly-stepped stair­ 1 6. Underground Stream. This narrow watercourse
ways curving around under themselves, usually in several flows to meet the Forest River eight miles to the northeast.
turns. 1 7. Exit Chamber. A trapdoor dominates the floor of
8. Living Quarters. These areas are still subdivided by this chamber. This aperture gave the Wood-elves access
heavy tapestries and wooden screens for added privacy. to the underground stream below.
The Elves utilized the floor-level changes and myriad 1 8. Portcullis. An open wood grating, it allows water to
stalactites and stalagmites as natural room dividers. The pass freely while protecting the underside of Caras Amarth
clever Quendi worked around them to create individual­ from attack. The rope to raise the portcullis is at I 8a.
ized spaces.
9. Storage. Caras Amarth
10. Oropher's Quarters. The most
elegant quarters in the complex, the
King's chambers were filled with the
most beautiful rugs and tapestries, as
well as many gold and crystal lamps,
flooding the area with warm light.
1 I. Library. The main records area of
the caverns, this chamber once con­
tained shelves ofboth wood and carved
stone holding dozens of books and
scrolls telling of Elven history, as well
as many songs and other lore. These
tomes have since been moved east­
ward to the Aradhrynd.
1 2. Council Chamber. Within this
secure room Oropher once consulted
with his closest advisors regarding
matters of import to the Woodland
Realm. Here, the Wood-elves planned
their campaign prior to the assault on
Mordor at the end of the Second Age.
13. Cell. These are "holding areas" to
confine prisoners of the King. All are
closed with heavy oaken doors with
strong steel locks.
1 5.0 DWARVEN SITES a block of stone 30' long and the width of the corridor
(1 6') to drop from the ceiling, mashing to a ribbon-like
Although the Dwarves have spent a great deal of time pulp anyone or anything below it (2- 1 2 Fall-Crush +60
in northern Wilderland, they have settled in very few attacks; Extremely Hard to avoid) and effectively block­
areas. They seek solitude in the remote, mineral-rich ing the corridor.
highlands ofthe Iron Hills and the Grey Mountains. Two
6. Guard Room. Four guards are on duty here at all times
of their holds, however, have had a great deal of impact on
in rotating four-hour shifts.
events in Rhovanion.
7. Murder Holes. These are accessible from the guard
room (#6) by an iron ladder set into the wall, which leads
1 5. 1 AZANULINBAR-DOM up to a small chamber atop the main passageway.
The Dwarves of the Iron Hills have spent centuries
8. Crossbow and Ballistae Slits.
perfecting Azanulinbar-dum, their mansion near the head­
waters of the river Carnen (S. "Redwater")' Though it 9. Storeroom. These chambers hold most of the stores
cannot of course compare with Khazad-dum, "Azan" is for the complex, and are stacked with casks of water and
nevertheless quite beautiful. The walls and floors are wine, sacks of grain, and barrels of dried meats and
either of smoothly dressed or beautifully carved stone and vegetables.
crystal. Most ceilings are high and carved so that they 10. Loading area. Four carts can unload here.
appear vaulted. Magical Dwarven lamps fill the city with I I. Mines.
a soft radiance, and there are many beautiful fountains; 1 2. Forge.
wherever one goes in Azan, one can always here the sound 1 3. Workshop.
. of running water. 14. Crafthall.
Like all traditional Dwarven doors, the doors of Azan I S Armor Stores. This large, circular chamber (1 30'
are virtually impossible to detect when shut. All of the diameter) holds the majority of the weapons and armor of
doors and portculli ofthe city have been enchanted so that the Dwarves of Azan, carefully stored in shelves, racks,
it is impossible to affect them with an undoor or a portal and chests.
spell. In addition, it is impossible to teleport through one 1 6. Residential c�mplex. The typical Dwarf-lodging
of the doors or portculli. consists of a 10' x 1 0' living area with a smaller adjoining
In addition to the usual defenses, the Dwarves of Azan 1 7. Hall of columns. This room contains a large cistern
have constructed seven watch chambers which look out holding an emergency water supply.
onto the surrounding countryside. Each is manned by a 1 8. Recreation.
single Dwarf in seven-hour shifts. In case of an attack, the 1 9. Small chapel ofAule. This sacred chamber is vaulted
guard can raise the alarm (by means of speaking tube) in glittering obsidian, and illuminated by torches on the
without leaving his post. The stairs leading to these watch wall below.
chambers are trapped, and can be collapsed at a moments 20. Main chapel of Aule. Even more beautiful and sacred
notice. than the adjoining smaller chapel, this chamber's vaulted
LAYOUT OF AzAN roof is laced with gold filigree, and supported by rows of
white marble columns. Hundreds of bright torches flood
NOTE: There are seven residential areas within the city, one the huge room with glowing light
for each if the seven clans. Each area on the layout marked as a
2 I. Hall ofWriting. Walls are inscribed with the history
residence is therifore a group if residences rather than a single
of the Tribe of Balli Stonehand.
Dwarven home.
22. Chamber ofRecords. Legal documents and record of
I . Main Entrance. · business transactions are kept here.
2. Cart Road. 23. Library. This vast chamber contains fourteen alcoves;
3. Portcullis. seven are devoted to Dwarven craft, and seven to Dwarven
4. Pit Trap. This trap covers the entire 70' diameter of history.
the circular chamber. When the trap is "set" (unlocked), 24. Scriptorium.
anyone or anything weighing over 84 lbs. will cause the 25. Assembly Hall. Here the Dwarves gather to trade or
counterweighted floor block to rotate down into a wall discuss issues.
space. Anyone in the circular chamber will fall 40' onto 26. Hall of Balli. (Council Chamber)
a floor covered with three-foot iron spikes; the pit is
27. Durin's Chamber. The deeds of Durin the Deathless
tapered to a forty-foot diameter at the bottom. This trap,
are inscribed upon the wall here.
controlled by a lever concealed in the wall to the south, is
Very Hard to detect; Hard to disarm; and Hard to avoid. 28. Great Armor Stores. This room contains a large
assortment of extraordinary magical arms and armor.
S. Ceiling Trap. When sprung (either by 84 lbs. of
weight on the floor or manually from a concealed lever in 29. Watch Chamber. In each of these rooms, three
Azanulinbar-dum the wall, Very Hard to perceive or disarm), this trap causes Dwarves keep watch for trouble in the main entry corri­
dor; more may be summoned when necessary.
. '.

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1. Clan tomb. Similar to the Royal Tomb (#39), this

Erebor, Level I 30. Guest Quarters. These rooms are large and comfort­ 40. Side chamber. Reserved for relatives of the royal

4adjacent room houses the burial cairns of the King's clan.

ably furnished. Each has a large hearth set into one wall. family.
3 1 . Hall of Feasting.
32. Kitchens.
33. Reception Room. Here visitors await the audience of 42. Secret Exit. This narrow corridor leads half a mile to
the King. a 2' x 3' hidden door in an east-facing slope (Very Hard
34. Throne Room. The grandiose ceremonial chambers to detect from the outside).
of the King, where official business is conducted.
35. Treasury. This room is lined with huge stone chests 1 5.2 THE LONELY MOUNTAIN
carved from the same rock as the walls and therefore The design of the Dwarf-city in Erebor is unquestion­
absolutely immovable. These chests hold the bulk of ably very different from that of the Halls of the Elven­
Azan's most precious wealth, a vast store of precious king. The chambers in Erebor are carved out of solid
metals, gems, and finely-worked objects. granite and basalt, their faces smooth and unbroken.
36. Royal apartments. The King's sumptuously fur­ Many areas, in fact, have fine walls and a floor ofset stone.
nished bedroom, lounge, and library. These often elaborate inlays vary the color and texture of
37. Dungeon. This room holds twenty small (6' square) the surfaces in the complexes' larger or more sacred
cells. quarters. The doors and gates within the city are either of
3 8. Antechamber. wood bound with steel bands or are themselves made of
39. Royal Tomb. This low, unlit chamber holds the steel, and all swing back on superbly made h inges.
stone sarcophagi of past Kings.
Erebor is a maze of halls and corridors, tunnels and CHAMBERS OF NOTE
cavernous chambers. The following maps depict the basic Walk of Carts. This is the passage along which carts
overall layout of the Lonely Mountain interior. are drawn loaded with ore to be smelted and made
The rooms in Erebor are aligned on two levels, al­ into ingots, or forged into items. There are tracks
though there are small variations in altitude between set in the floor to guide the transports.
various rooms on a given level. Walk of Slow Waters. There is a trough running
NOTE: Two grand, long and wide stairways join the two along the side of this corridor, filled with slowly
main levels, and they are marked as "A" and "B" on the map. flowing water which runs down to Thrain's Hall
Only afragment is shown in the plans belowJor each bends back below. The source of'the water is probably a
on itself at a landing bifore arriving at the other level. branch of the river which spills over a 21 I waterfall
In addition, there is a stair up to the King's Halls, above near the exit above.
the upper level. Of course, there is the long ramp from the Way of Crystal. The northern wall of this corridor is
Bottommost Hall to the secret entry on the side of the almost completely covered by beautifully sparkling
mountain. natural quartz formations.
Several halls in the complex are given specific names Hall of Writings. Upon the walls of this passage are
(almost like roads)' Most are self-explanatory, or merely inscribed, in the runes of Daeron, the general history
poetic; however, a few are worthy of specific mention: of Erebor, constantly updated.
Hall of Shields. Hung on the sides of this hallway are
dozens of ornamental shields, representing the
families living under the Mountain. Erebor .Level 2


Tluor's Walk .
• 0° · •
'��_'"'i!" "
a standard design. Each is 30 feet long and blocks the full
35 foot width of the corridor. They are normally set so
that they are " off' and the floor of the hall is safe. Pulling
the lever sets the trap, and the next person who treads on
the area must make an extremely hard (-35) maneuver to
avoid falling seventy feet onto a bed of vicious spikes.
Victims receive a +70 Fall/Crush attack in to 1 -6 "S"
Puncture criticals.
37. Ceiling Trap. Very similar in setup to the pit traps,
except that a section of the ceiling of the same size is
37 ' .

rigged to fall. The lever can be made to set the trap to go

- 39
QOWN (C) . . off w:' : n someone steps on the designated area; or it can
be lIS � " 0 trigger the trap immediately. It is very hard (-
20) to perceive or disarm. Those caught in the path of
destruction are treated to two to twelve +60 Fall-Crush
attacks. The corridor is blocked in any case.
38. Smelters and forging area.
- _ � --- ---I
I ----
39. Guardroom.
I400' .·
. , .
:� . 40. Residence.
4 1 . Storeroom.
Erebor Level 3 LAYOUT OF THE CHAMBERS OF EREBOR 42. Recreation.
1 -35.These large rooms have no specific name but are 43. Cell.
identified by numbers. Naturally, each of these halls is 44. Crafthall.
somewhat different from the next in layout or decoration. 45. Shop.
36. Pit Trap. These pit traps are controlled by a lever
Chamber of concealed in the wall nearby which is very hard (-20) to
Tbror perceive. Extremely hard (-30) to disarm, the traps are of

46. Secret Entry. The tunnel to the exit in a vale on the 1 6.0 RHOSGOBEL
side of the Mountain is two miles long and slopes down
gently to meet the Bottommost Chamber. Rhosgobel is the home ofthe Wizard (S. Istar) Radagast
the Brown. Located at the western edge of the Narrows
NOTE: This entry is used by Bilbo & TA. ofMirkwood, near the confluence of the Woodman Trail
294 1 . and the Riid Angalaladh, this enchanted refuge is a
47. Bottommost Chamber. (Smaug's home after T.A. celebration of the abundant forms of Endorean life.
2770). Nothing in the home has been created by the human hand,
48. Thdin's Hall. A vaulted chamber with many wells, save the hundreds of bird houses that Radagast himself
this is the backup water supply for the Mountain, after the has made. Everything else in the house is just as nature
river on the upper level. made it, with perhaps a touch of human ingenuity, down
49. Mines. Each of these three rooms has several tunnels, to the massive furry oak tree that twists its way up through
much more crude in construction than the rest of the city, the middle of Radagast's home.
running out from it and down. These are the access-ways When Radagast found his way from Aman into Middle­
to the mines far below. earth and started wandering with his friend Gandalf, he
50. Chamber of Nain. A great hall in the center of the found enchantment with the forms of trees that grew
Lower Halls of Erebor, this room is one of the record­ beneath the western eaves of Greenwood. He roamed the
keeping areas. Many scrolls and books are held here, woods from one end to another, until he finally found the
recounting the history of the Dwarven race, as well as place he wished to call home. There, not far from the
histories ofErebor: financial records, mining tallies, offi­ - deepening Shadow of Dol Guldur, he met an ancient tree
cial information and accounts of the King's policies, etc. whose spirit was akin to his own, one of the Olvar he
51. Lower Vaults. Holding the majority of Erebor's favored most. This tree pledged friendship until they
treasure in terms ofsheer mass ofgold and silver, and more sought a parting. Named "Rhosgobel," it became the
common items. Unquestionably there are millions of heart of the house by the same name.
gold and gems hoarded here, a treasure too vast to detail
on these pages. 1 6. 1 LEGEND OF RHOSGOBEL
52. Armor stores. These areas hold most of the armor Many legends surround Rhosgobel. Some say it was
and weapons of the Army of the Mountain. created in an instant, in a time beyond memory. Others
53. Great Armor Stores. Truly marvelous items of talk ofElven craft. A few spin yarns ofa house which grew
warcraft-+20 or greater armor and weaponry-is housed out of the land like a tree. One tale, however, is a favorite
here. These vaults are secured by three locked steel doors, among the Northmen:
each very hard (-20) to open, and of course guarded at all "During his wanderings he charmed into his service the
times. birds and beasts who knew how to make a tree a home. He
54. Chamber of Thror. Near the main entry, the first had to convince the birds that he did not wish to fly
Chamber ofThr6r is a vast hall used for feasting, and large into the branches of his favorite tree and roost there, but
councils. It is in decor one of the grandest rooms under rather to create four walls around it. But once they
the Mountain. There are several rooms adjacent to the understood his desires, they set about his business.
Chamber: (see detailed layout) a. kitchen; b. pantry; c. ''The bright-winged orioles set about weaving walls out
caucus room; d.-lounge; e. guardroom; f. secret passage to of feathers and reeds, twigs and grasses. The squirrels
King's Library. brought leaves and twigs for building materials, and the
mud daubers set about cementing those walls with mud
55. Durin's Hall. A very holy place in the cluster of
rooms which are the King's private apartments (see lay­ that they mixed with the waters of the Great River. The
out), it is his own chapel to the Valar. bare shell of a building, a rather irregular curving set of
walls that surrounded the central furry oak trunk, was
56. King's Bedroom.
completed in a magical seven days. But ever since then,
57. King's Library. Radagast and his troupes of friendly animals have been
58. King's Lounge. fussing and rebuilding-adding windows here and shelv­
ing there-over the past six hundred years, until now to
a visitor's eye the place looks like an astonishing mu­


The inner dimensions ofRhosgobel measure 30 feet by
20 feet, and the ceiling hangs rises 1 2 feet above the floor.
The south- and west- facing windows are hung with
gossamer curtains woven by well-meaning spiders, now all
but extinct among the trees of Mirkwood. A step-ladder
winds around the gnarled trunk ofthe furry oak tree at the his extensive collection of roots and herbs. Bears brought
center of Rhos go bel. By climbing the ladder one ascends a large hollow log, thinking that Radagast needed a pot to
up into the lookout, a room that looks uncannily like a brew in. But all the while Radagast had his mind on
wasp's nest (it was built for Radagast by paper wasps) and renovations other than those for the sake of his own ease.
sits atop the highest bough of the massive furry oak tree, For Radagast's passion is building houses for his birds.
50 feet above ground level. From that lookout one can He spent the first century of his life at Rhosgobel
glimpse the glimmer of the River Anduin to the west, and wandering the forest, learning every method of construc­
the long, dark expanse of dense forest to the north and tion and suspension, every kind of material used naturally
east. Ever-present and always merciless, the gleaming jet­ by birds to build nests. Then he saw to it that he put into
black spire of Dol Guldur lies in hills to the south. There, action every trick he had learned from the birds about how
amidst the wretched gloom, it carves a haunting scar in the to build and hang a birdnest at his home of Rhosgobel.
sky above southern Wilderland. The outer walls of his sylvan home, over the years, have
Radagast keeps watch on the Hill of Sorcery. The become an intricate collection of bird houses and bird
barren hillsides of the Necromancer's lair are usually feeders of every sort of description. And once Radagast
shrouded in dark clouds, but the Istar's gaze is subtle and had built every bird nest he had seen in the forest of
penetrating. He monitors any strange movements, and Mirkwood, he began using his Wizardly powers to devise
provides the forest with whatever aid he can offer. The bird houses on his own.
Brown Wizard works to stay the Evil, despite the impres­ Needless to say, none of these bird houses go uninhab­
sion that other matters have taken his mind off the ited. For Rhosgobel is a haven for birds throughout all
neighboring threat. After all, there are always things to Middle-earth.
tend to at Rhosgobel. ({Ask any bird about it-a raven]rom the Northlands, a Pelican
The concern of the animals over the years ofrenovation from the shores oj the southern sea, a duckfrom the Ettendales. They
has been for Radagast's convenience. Great Hawks will all say the same thing: at least once in their lives, they try to visit
brought river-rocks with which to create a lovely fireplace Radagast. The seasons would not turn, I like to say, if the birds did
hearth. Chipmunks brought scraps of bark and smooth not come home to roost at Rhosgobel. JJ

stone and installed shelves on which Radagast could store -Beigavon the Beoming

Indeed the birds and Radagast both follow

the seasons. Many of Middle-earth's birds
fly north to Rhosgobel, stopping for a time
N during the annual spring migrations; some
stay throughout summer, but in the winter
they return to their homes across the land.
Radagast would find their departure all too
saddening if it did not signal the time of year
that he begins his wanderings. He pulls the
curtains shut and blocks up all the doors and
windows of Rhosgo bel with woven mats and
rugs. He checks to make sure that the hatch
opening up to the lookout tower is securely
locked from within, and with nothing but his
long brown robes and a satchel full of herbs
and roots he sets upon his yearly journey out
into the world. Were it not for the Snow
Lions who agree to guard the door and
grounds of Rhosgobel during the months
when Radagast is wandering, he would never
leave at all. But the big cats keep the queer
place well-protected, and Radagast can an­
swer his wanderlust without worry of danger
to his home.

- -
- -

0' 8'
1 7.0 DOL GULDUR The Naked Valley is situated near the southern end of
the Hills ofSorcery. From the feet of Dol Guldur the vale
NOTE: Please see ICE's Dol Guldurjrom the Citadels oj runs eastward for many miles, fenced in by rocky crags. It
Middle-earth series jor complete iriformation on the jortress, has always been a stark, treeless glen. Even though many
including detailed layouts. other plants and animals flourished here before the com­
Deep in the shadows of southern Mirkwood, at the ing of the Shadow, this stone-strewn region naturally
southwestern end of the Emyn Guldur, lies the barren resisted the advance of the forest. Now, as the Dark
valley of Nan Lane. From the west end of the desolate Lord's evil spawns black clouds over Amon Lanc and
vale, perpetually cloaked in thunder-riven storm clouds pervades the surrounding lowlands, the native species are
and black fogs, the ancient volcano, called Amon Lanc, in retreat, recoiling from the horrible presence beneath
towers over the nearby hills. Delved within its threatening Dol Guldur. The naked grounds expand with each
heights is the vast and terrible stronghold of Dol Guldur, passing year. The birds and beasts of the forest-save
the sanctuary of the Necromancer. those that serve the Necromancer-no longer visit the
The Necromancer's shrouded delving lacks the black valley, and few make their homes anywhere within the
majesty of Barad-dur and Angmar's indomitable strength nearby woodlands.
of numbers. Nonetheless, Dol Guldur represents an Here in this shadowy domain, the brightest sunlight is
overwhelming evil that haunts Endor like a silent rumor no more than a dull grey luminescence and the air hangs
of terrible power. heavy and thick with evil oppression. The minions of
The great cone of Amon Lanc stood dormant for Sauron prowl the lands, while his winged servants ride the
unnumbered millennia and most chroniclers considered it swirling storm clouds and watch the region from on high.
extinct. In its current incarnation as Dol Guldur, however, For those unfortunate enough to find themselves in this
the mountain emits foul steam clouds and noxious mists horrid place, even the jagged hills seem to stare down with
that shroud the peak and threaten the rich forest canopy a threatening scowl, and wayfarers who do not serve the
of southern Mirkwood. Rumblings from deep in the Lord of the Rings should be loath to stay here longer than
earth suggest a reawakening of the hill's long-slumbering necessary.
power-and serve as a warning of the coming fury borne PATROLS
from the Dark Lord's pitiless ire. Prowling beasts present one of the greatest threats to
The power and influence of Dol Guldur reaches far any adventurers brave enough to enter t;his accursed
beyond the shrouded realm in southern Mirkwood. Not domain. Numerous patrols of Orcs, War-wolves, and
only is the Hill of Sorcery a great stronghold, it is the pre­ Wargs guard the Nan Lanc and the southern Emyn
eminent (albeit surreptitious) seat of Sauronic author­ Guldur. They are watched, in turn, by the winged servants
ity-at times for all the varied Shadow-servants across the of the Necromancer, creatures assigned to a skyborne vigil
vast reaches of Middle-earth. In addition to holding sway that stretches as far north as the Men-i-Naugrim (S.
over many minor outposts throughout Rhovanion, secret "Way of Dwarves")'
directives are sent out from Dol Guldur to such distant Because the comings and goings of the Necromancer's
and varied strongholds as Carn Dum in the realm of minions are many, adventurers who disguise themselves to
Angmar and Ny Chennacatt in the Farthest South beyond appear as followers of Sauron may be able to pass these
Harad. Many other bastions of evil, such as Mount patrols and watches unhindered. This is no mean feat,
Gundabad and Goblin-town, are watched and furtively however, for the nature of the daytime and nighttime
influenced by agents and spies of the Necromancer. In watches is very different, and a disguise that fools Orcs or
addition, other peoples (such as the Asdriags, Sagath, and Men might fail to dupe Wargs or Crebain. More than one
Logath) are unwittingly coerced into carrying out the guise may be necessary.
designs of the Dark Lord. But the most important of
Sauron's holdings is without question Mordor, which he ENCOUNTERS ON THE ORC WAY
watches intently as it is prepared for his inevitable return. AND OTHER NEARBY TRAILS
Should a party of adventurers be traveling on the Men
17. 1 THE NAN LANe Uruk or one of the others trails that cross the area, they
will see a patrol of Orcs, Wargs, and/or War-wolves
AND EMYN GULDUR about once every two hours. Encounters with Orcs often
ENVIRONS occur during the day, for the dim sunlight hardly hinders
The Nan Lanc (S. "Naked Valley") and the Emyn the Yrch (especially the Uruk-hai). Ore bands of 6- I 2
Guldur (S. "Hills of Sorcery") form the very core of the warriors led by an Ujak blanket the area. Wargs and War­
Shadow over Mirkwood. Here, the Necromancer's reach wolves patrol the same region after sunset. Some bear
is strongest, for his curse is deeply sown into the soul of Ore-riders, but most consist of small packs of hungry and
the surrounding Rhovanion landscape. It is the darkest tireless beasts. Using their acute sense of smell and
quarter of Mirkwood. attuned to the darkness, they are peerless natural trackers.
Should a group of adventurers travel overland through The first to occupy the Naked Hill were the Dwarves
the Nan Lane, they might encounter the same sort of of the Sixth House: Druin the Proud and his descendants.
patrols that watch the area's trails. It is unlikely, though,
In S.A. 20, Druin led his people from the eastern vales of
that any patrol will pass a given off-road area more than the Misty Mountains, where they had resided throughout
once every four hours, and it is rare to see groups pass the First Age, across the Anduin to the ancient heights of
closer than at a distance of 1 00-300 yards. Amon Lane. He named the new underground stronghold
If a party of sojourners crosses the barren lands within Tumun-gabil (Kh. "The Great Hollow"), and claimed all
three miles of Dol Guldur, they risk discovery by the of Nan Lane for his people. In those days, Oropher had
Necromancer's prized Winged Watch, comprised of not yet taken up his Lordship of the Elves of Greenwood,
giant bats, Crebain (evil crows) and Fell Beasts. The and without a strong leader the Wood-elves offered no
Winged Watch, unlike the other specialized forces of the resistance to the Dwarves' immigration. But even as he
citadel, is used for scouting and locating the enemies oftheestablished his new home, Druin knew in his heart that
Necromancer, rather than engaging in combat. These this place would not be the permanent abode of his
airborne guardians sweep the area once every hour. Their people. He foresaw that one day he would desire to move
patrols augment the usual complement ofroving warders, on to a more hospitable land, a place where the peaks were
making the region especially hazardous for unwanted high and the subterranean reaches less confined.
guests. For over a thousand years, the Dwarves mined the depths
NOTE: The GM should make an extra encounter roll (See of Amon Lane for the precious red laen and other gems,
carving new passageways and chambers, often enlarging
Section 23.0) whenever agroup ventures into this area. The base
ancient pits or lava vents. In S.A. 1 67 1 , the fallen Noldo
chance oj being sighted is 50%, but the GM shouldfeelfree to
jewel-smith Celedhring arrived at the Naked Hill, offering
make applicable adjustments depending on what precautions are
his knowledge of jewel-craft to the Dwarves. Druin's Folk,
employed by the party. For instance, if the PCs walk boldly up
unfortunately, failed to suspect the awful truth: Celedhring
to the volcano--arriving in plain sight-the chance oj being
was an instrument ofSauron, and he was hoping to corrupt
spotted should probably be at least 90%. Should theparty sneak
and destroy the Dwarves of Tumun-gabil.
through the shadows and rocky terrain, slowly working their way
forward, the chance oj being seen should be greatly reduced- It was the Dwarves' all-consuming love for fine smith­
work that proved to be their downfall. Dworin, the Lord
especially if the PCs are talented at concealing themselves.
of Tumun-gabiI, was quickly seduced by the evil Noldo,
and forged his greatest work, a light-stone ofpure red laen
1 7.2 HISTORY whose radiance and power would endure throughout the
Though from the outside Sauron's intricate plans seem ages. Soon after the completion of Khazad-khezed (Kh.
to come together like the pieces of a black and dreadful "The Dwarf-stone"), Celedhring returned to Mordor,
puzzle, from the inside of Dol Guldur events did not and his dark poison began its terrible work. Dworin
always proceed so smoothly. While the Dark Lord became mesmerized by Khazad-khezed and would sit for
gradually recovered his lost strength, his minions and hours gazing into its red beams, unable to hear the voices
vassals vied for positions of power and formed conspira­ of those around him. The other Dwarves secretly desired
cies among themselves to serve their own advancement. the stone for themselves, and set to work to equal Dworin's
Treachery and deceit were commonplace, and within the achievement, mining the red laen at an ever-increasing
lower ranks, assassination typically went unpunished. rate. Greed and strife grew, and in the years after S.A.
Sauron remained aware of these inner power struggles, 1 847, when the red laen was depleted, many Dwarves
and occasionally needed to subdue his servants. But even abandoned the evil mines of Tumun-gabil, leaving the
amidst the worst conflicts, the Evil One remained some­ quarrelsome and increasingly insane Craft-lords to their
what aloof. Most of his concentration was spent on far own mad fate. Fighting broke out among the seventy
more important and overarching concerns, such as locat­ Dwarves remaining in S.A. 1 857, until only the crazed
ing the One Ring and destroying the Realms in Exile. Dworin and six of his kinsmen survived. They lived in the
The history of Dol Guldur is to a large degree the dark and empty halls until the Dwarf-lord became con­
history ofSauron in the Third Age; it became well known vinced that the others desired his stone. One dark night
throughout much of Middle-earth after the Dark Lord's he slew the last ofhis followers in their sleep. Taking his
final defeat. Still, the Hill Of Sorcery was also a citadel Khazad-khezed, he wandered deep into the labyrinthine
of great mystery and little-known events, being the mines, where he perished in the darkness in S.A. 1 896.
Necromancer's sanctuary while he slowly regained his Neither Dwarfnor Elfwould tread near Amon Lane in the
might. years following Dworin's death, for it was said that the spirit
ofthe fallen Dwarf-lord wandered Tumun-gabil's dark halls.
When Sauron was overthrown by the Last Alliance in S.A.
344 1, Celedhring fled Mordor and took Amon Lane for his
home. There he lived hidden in its miasmic depths for many
years, awaiting the return of his Dark Master.
After his downfall at the end of the Third Age, Sauron
remained formless outside of the bounds of Arda for ten
centuries. When at last he regained enough of his spirit,
the Dark Lord again took shape in Middle-earth, but he
remained hidden for fifty years, patiently awaiting his
gradually returning strength. In T.A. 1050, Sauron
emerged from the shadows of Greenwood and, with the
Witch-king and Khamul at his side, secretly entered
Amon Lane to found his new stronghold ofDol Guldur.
He took on the guise of "the Necromancer," so that none
would suspect his true identity before he was ready to
reveal himself. A dark shadow fell upon Greenwood the
Great, thereafter called Mirkwood.
Sauron then began a long and secretive campaign to
restore himself to power. Realizing that the normal Orcs
and Trolls had been no match for his enemies in past
campaigns, he set about creating new hideous sub-races.
In the breeding pits of Dol Guldur, the first Urug-hai
(Great-orcs) and Olog-hai (Black Trolls) were spawned
after a harsh and terrible process preceded by years of
failure and death in the spawning pits. These Uruk- and
Olog-hai proved to be Sauron's most formidable military
tool, but he waited patiently for the proper time to
unleash the new horrors, fearing to reveal his true nature
Meanwhile, the Dark Lord's minions terrorized south­
ern Mirkwood, and the Naked Hill soon became known PLAGUE AND WAR K],amul, LJrd �
as a place of great and mysterious evil. Both the Istari and Sauron began sent many Orcs and Trolls south to Dol Guldur
their Eldar allies realized that a terrible presence had Mordor, to repopulate his ancient kingdom, while simul­ under the
occupied and fortified the stronghold within Amon Lane, taneously ordering his Ringwraiths to travel the lands of Necromancer
but none suspected that it might be the returned Lord of Middle-earth, spreading evil outward from the Hill of
the Rings. Sorcery. The Dark Lord practiced great restraint, how­
Sauron's dark thoughts focused on two great endeavors ever, so that none would discover his true identity before
during the next few centuries. He needed to destroy the he came to full power.
three Dunadan successor kingdoms of Arnor in the north; In keeping with this dark strategy to reclaim the Black
to this end he sent the Witch-king north in T.A. 1 300 to Land, Sauron unleashed a silent horror in T.A. 1 635,
found the evil kingdom of Angmar. For the next seven using his black arts to call forth a death-laden wind out of
centuries, the Witch-king assailed the heirs of Isildur. the East: the Great Plague. This disease devastated the
The second of Sauron's designs involved the enlarge­ realms of the Secondborn and crippled the might of the
ment of his stronghold beneath the Naked Hill. This Dunedain. Countless folk perished before the storm
extensive construction, completed in T.A. 1 382, involved subsided in T.A. 1 636. The Dark Lord then sent his
the excavation of three Precipices as well as five lower remaining eight Nazgul south to Mordor to prepare for
Strata. Additionally, Sauron ordered each of the original his coming. He saw that, although severely reduced in
levels to be greatly expanded and a network of Ore dens numbers, Gondor remained strong, so he sent his minions
to be delved beneath Nan Lane to house his now numer­ to the East to stir up hatred for the Gondorians. In 1 85 I ,
ous troops. All of this allowed for further expansion of war erupted in Rhovanion as the Easterlings assailed the
the Dark Lord's army. Gondorian frontier. By T.A. 1 944, the Easterlings had
been defeated, but at a great cost: Gondor held less than
half of its former territory, and Sauron, unbeknownst to
the Free Peoples, was one step closer to completing his
designs to retake Mordor.
Thirty years later (T.A. 1 974), the forces of Angmar THE SHADOW IN THE HITHAEGUR
overwhelmed the remaining armies of Arthedain, com­ Twenty years after his return, Sauron began sending his
pleting the destruction of Arnor. The following year, the Orcs and Trolls to establish new strongholds in the Misty
Witch-king's host was destroyed by a combined force of Mountains (S. Hithaeglir), with the main force concen­
Elves and Men. With Arnor decimated, however, the trated in Moria, where he maintained an uneasy alliance
damage had already been done. The Witch-king trium­ with the terrible Balrog. The Dark Lord renewed his
phantly returned to Dol Guldur, where Sauron ordered campaign throughout Mirkwood, and skirmishes and
him to Mordor to begin final preparations for the Dark small battles became ever more common as the years wore
Lord's return. on. The might of Dol Guldur spread out through the
In the depths of Dol Guldur, Sauron watched from his forest like a slow and ever-growing storm that threatened
dark throne as Minas Ithil fell to the Witch-king in T.A. to consume everything in its shadow. Still Sauron would
2002 and was renamed Minas MorguI. Because the not allow his full strength to be unleashed, and all-out war
Witch-king led the two-year siege, many came to believe remained forbidden. The Dark Lord's true objective
that the this lieutenant was indeed the Master of the continued to be the reopening of Mordor, and at his
Shadow. The Gondorians were dealt another heavy blow command the Orcs of Dol Guldur renewed their migra­
in T.A. 2050, when the last King of the line of Anarion tion to the Black Land.
went to meet the Nazgfrl-lord in single combat and was In T.A. 2845, Sauron's minions succeeded in capturing
never seen again; Gondor would not crown another king Thrain II and the last of the Seven Dwarven Rings of
until the end of the Third Age. Power. It was not discovered, however, that Thrain also
Despite these successes, Sauron could not achieve the had a magic key and a map ofErebor. This mistake later
ultimate power he desired without the One Ring, cut from proved to bear grievous consequences for the designs of
his finger by Isildur at the end ofthe Second Age, but then Sauron; five years later Gandalf again slipped into the Hill
lost when Isildur was slain by Orcs. The search for his lost of Sorcery. There he was given the map and key by the
treasure became a burning obsession for the Dark Lord, dying Dwarfbefore penetrating deeper into the fortress to
and much of his concentration focused on it, although discover that which he had feared: the Necromancer was
many years would pass before he learned of its fate. indeed Sauron.
Feeling ever more secure in his sanctuary in Dol The Dark Lord searched feverishly for the One Ring,
Guldur, Sauron ordered his minions to raid the lands of having learned of Isildur's fate in the Gladden Fields.
southern Rhovanion with increased intensity. Gandalf Meanwhile, the White Council made plans to attack Dol
and the rest of the Istari soon realized that this new Guldur, but Sauron was by this time fully prepared for this
offensive strategy revealed that whatever power was in assault and escaped with much of his army before the
Dol Guldur rivalled-or even surpassed-that of the Council struck in T.A. 294 1 . The White Council easily
Witch-king, then ruling from Minas MorguI. The Istari defeated those that opposed them, and for a short time
began to suspect that the Necromancer was in fact Sauron. believed that Sauron had again retreated East. Their
In T.A. 2063, the Grey Wanderer (S. Mithrandir), using ignorance allowed the Evil One to secretly enter Mordor
his ancient wizardry and his formidable wisdom, secretly (T.A. 2942) and reclaim his ancient throne in Barad-dfrr.
infiltrated Dol Guldur. But Sauron could see that all Sauron's plan to retake Mordor had endured for over
might be lost, if his true nature were revealed too soon. a thousand years. When the Dark Lord openly declared
With great reluctance, the Dark Lord withdrew from the himself King of Middle-earth nine years later, the White
Hill of Sorcery and vanished into the East, where he hid Council knew that they had failed.
for many years. Sauron appointed Khamfrl as Lord of Dol Guldur, and
The following period became known as the "Watchful he and two other Ringwraiths returned to the fortress to
Peace." The forces of the Evil One dispersed from Dol reopen Sauron's former seat of power. Khamfrl gathered
Guldur throughout Rhovanion, with only a small garri­ a large and fearsome army, and again, ravaged Mirkwood,
son remaining to hold the Hill of Sorcery until Sauron's scattering his foes and awaiting Sauron's command for
return. After four centuries (in T.A. 2460), Sauron felt full-scale war. When Sauron learned that Gollum had
that his strength and his army were now powerful enough been captured and was held by ThranduiI's Folk, Khamfrl
to allow him to leave the East, and he secretly reentered was ordered to attack the Elves and capture Gollum for
Dol Guldur, once again as the Necromancer. In response, information concerning the One Ring. The battle went
the Istari and the chief Eldar formed the White Council, poorly, however, and Gollum escaped. Later that year
becoming Sauron's greatest foe. (T.A. 301 8), Sauron commanded the three Nazgfrl to
begin the northern campaign of the War of the Ring.
THE WAR OF THE RING Located high on the side of the Naked Hill, the Front
After three unsuccessful assaults on L6rien near the end Gate looms over the Nan Lane. The valley floor lies nearly
of the war, the forces of Dol Guldur were ambushed and 4,000 feet below. The stone-paved road built long ago by
set upon by the Ents after their final retreat. The two the Dwarves to reach the caldera now leads to this
Nazgul, Khamul and Adunaphel, ordered their few re­ impressive portal. Re-named the Men Uruk (S. "Ore
maining troops to defend Dol Guldur, and flew to Way"), this is the principal road of the region and winds
Mordor, where they fought in the Battle of the Morannon its way up the northern flank of the volcano. The Front
and met their doom. Gate itself is an imposing fortress-like structure, bristling
Three days later, Celeborn led the host ofL6rien under with high guard-towers and fang-like crenelations, and its
the eaves of Mirkwood and attacked Dol Guldur, which strategic placement makes besieging Dol Guldur a daunt­
fell after a briefbut fierce struggle. For the next eight days, ing task. Any attacking army would be forced to string its
Galadriel used her Elda powers to smote the walls of Dol forces out along the narrow road to ascend the mountain,
Guldur and destroy the ancient stronghold. Blasting away and then to assault the mighty Front Gate with little space
the central shaft of the citadel, she laid the black halls open in which to organize the attacking troops or to make use
to the sun. Elven magic cleansed the surrounding forest of siege engines.
of evil and corruption, and rid the Mirkwood of its The interior of Dol Guldur is a startling mixture of
Shadow. Although the forest was renamed Eryn Lasgalen extremes. Noisome smells and mounds offilth character­
(S. "Greenwood the Great"), Amon Lane remained a dark ize its dungeons and Ore warrens, while polished marble
place, and the Elves rarely tread near its heights, although floors and majestic columns adorn the great halls and
their ever-vigilant watch guards against the return of evil. residences of the citadel's Lords. Ingenious steam-driven
devices aid messengers and victualers, hinting at the awe­
17.3 THE CITADEL inspiring depths ofthe Fifth Stratum, where geysers dance
NOTE: If the PCs wish to enter Dol Guldur, the GM should in the darkness.
see ICE's Dol Guldurfrom the Citadels oj Middle-earth series Amon Lane's central lava vent, empty of molten rock
for complete iriformation on the fortress, including detailed for most of its history, measures nearly 8,000 feet from its
layouts. Thefollowing is merely a summary to aid GMs whose upper lip to its water depths in the Fifth Stratum. On the
players wisely avoid the citadel itse!t while roaming the surround­ tongues of the inhabitants of the Naked Hill, this circular
ing lands. chasm is known as Marlat (Or. "Black Pit")' At the top
of the mountain, surrounded by three Precipices, the
Amon Lane is the highest point in Mirkwood. It
Marlat forms a steep-sided basin which quickly narrows
reaches an elevation of 5579 feet (roughly 4500 feet
in its lower reaches. The sides grow sheer as the shaft
above the surrounding terrain), dwarfing the nearby hills
plunges into the darkness of the volcano. The Black Stair
of Emyn Guldur and even surpassing the tallest peaks of
(Or. "Marshakal") is cut into the sides ofthis central vent,
the Emyn-nu-Fuin, the Mountains of Mirkwood. Dol
and winds its way down through the many tiers of the
Guldur is by any standard a huge citadel, stretching from
citadel, suffering a break between the First and Second
the heights of the volcano to its darkest roots-far below
Strata. Its final flight reaches the Fourth Strata, and few
the floor of the Nan Lane. The central and primary
know the means of descending further.
section of the stronghold ("the Middle Halls") consists
One of the main routes between the various levels of
of seven levels. The highest portion of the fortress ("the
Dol Guldur, the Marlat also serves as an exhaust vent for
Upper Halls") is comprised of three "Precipices." The
the fires and torches burning within the fortress. Addi­
lowest and most heinous areas of Dol Guldur, or "the
tionally, the boiling sulfur spring on the Fifth Stratum
Lower Halls," consist of five "Strata." Together the
releases its heat and fumes through the central pit. The
fifteen tiers of the citadel hold hundreds of tunnels and
Necromancer's minions have develped resistance to nox­
corridors and well over a thousand chambers. Very few
ious gases due to their passage through soot-filled smoke,
individuals, even among the underlings of the Necroman­
sulfur-laden fumes, and poisonous steam when treading
cer, are familiar with the entire stronghold.
the Mashakal.
NOTE: Refuse and waste are deposited in shafts set into the
Rhovanion contains a host of evil strongholds besides
exterior walls on every level but three. The material is washed
Dol Guldur, virtually all of which receive the attention of
downstream by waterfrom thefalls which clears the receiving
the Necromancer or his high minions.
pool, andfresh water is brought infrom the lake level. Below the
black pinnacle the water becomes strangely enchanted and is
1 8. 1 SARN GORIWING dangerous to drink. This is perhaps due to the Sam Goriwing
The great black spire called Sarn Goriwing (S. "Abhor­ itself, and it is said that "so long as the tower remains, the waters
rent Spray's Stone") rises out of the center of a waterfall will be sorrowful. "
called the Goriwing, near the headwaters of the En­
chanted River (S. Gulduin)' It is tucked into a ring of 1. Main Gate. Black iron doors inlaid with alternating
soaring rock cliffs at the spiral designs ofgold and silver mark
northern edge of the this opening. Each door is but three
Mountains of feet wide and only six feet in height.
Mirkwood. The home They slide sideways into the rock
ofLachglin the Animist, along metal tracks. There are two
one of the locks: ( I ) two great metal "arms"
Necromancer' s most which look like the limbs ofa Dragon
powerful servants, this are affixed to the back of each door.
solitary, n inety foot These pivot and slide into holes in
tower is formed ofglassy the opposing panel, enabling the
igneous rock. It is "claws" to lock the doors together.
reached only by air or (2) two huge metal bars which slide
across the violent waters down into the floor slots on either
just above the Goriwing. side of the doors, precluding any
The main gate faces opening. The arms are manually
southward, and is set into operated by the guard, while the
a notch in the sloping bars are lowered by levers beside
"back" of the rock, only Lhachglin's bed and throne or by
five feet above the water rapid movement across the stone
level. slab set into the entry hall just inside
Lachglin is closely the door.
protected by one of the 2. Entry Hall. This oval chamber is
demonic Dindae (S. "Si­ thirty feet long and spans fifteen feet
lent Shadows") and at its widest point. The domed
maintains a guard of ceiling, eighteen feet above, is cov­
thirty Uruk-hai (six 5th, ered with glittering shards of black
twelve 3rd, and twelve obsidian. A large, red ruby and
2nd levels) in the rocky corundum mosaic of the Lidless Eye
crags surrounding his dominates the dome's center (the
hold. These Orcs also mosaic is worth approximately 2000
maintain a vigil over the gp). The floor is made of interlock­
Sam Goriwing numerous trails which ing red marble octagons and black
connect Sarn Goriwing marble squares, edged with an
to the dark hollows to the south and west. In addition to enruned black marble trim. The
these minions, Lachglin has encircled the area (a 2 mile small gold runes are 6th level Symbols ojFear which will not
radius) with hundreds of Yavin Girith (S. "Shuddering affect Lhachglin's household guard, but cause all others
Fruits"), beautiful vines which hang like fine curtains failing to resist to flee for 1 - 1 0 rounds. The octagonal
from the noble trees of the forest. Their tasty golden slab inside the gate is also dangerous, for it can control the
fruits are insidiously alluring; their bluish leaves produce bars which block the exit; should more than one cross the
a fine, almost imperceptible mist which acts to send stone, or if someone moves across its surface at a rate faster
nearby fools into a deep sleep. Unwary travelers feasting than 3 mph, the lock bars will fall. Two 6' x 6' x 6' guard
on these cruel plants invariably awake in the hands of the chambers open directly onto the entry hall. Each is
Uruk-hai. occupied by a Fug-lurg (Or. "Lesser Group" ) of Orcs: one
3rd and two 2nd level Uruk-hai. The entry hall is called
the lant Umarthen (S. "Bridge of the Ill-fated"). It opens
onto the tower's third level.
3. Level One. Located just above the water-level at the level). Another exit, behind the throne, opens onto a
base ofthe Goriwing, this level serves as the keep's primary narrow stairwell which winds up to the sixth level. The
living area. Great windows look out northward at the tree (and its master) control access to the stairwell, so this
cascading Enchanted River (Gulduin), while smaller, course may only be taken if the tree is in its "shield
magical, transparent stones afford a southward view ofthe mode"-i.e., has its branches closed, concealing the exit
bottom of the lake upstream from the falls. to an outside viewer.
The kitchens and store rooms are located on the south 5. Level Three (Entry level). This level is a large greeting
side of the level and occupy half the tower's base. A Great chamber of black and grey marble with an eighteen-foot
Hall with paneled walls of finely-worked wood fills the ceiling. It has three accompanying guard rooms, each set
north side. The light entering the vast north windows into the exterior tower walls and occupied by two third­
illuminates this twenty-foot high chamber. Rich carpet­ level Uruk-hai. Three other doors grace the south side of
ing made from the fur of bears covers most of the silvery the level; facing them, the center door opens onto the
stone floor. The coats-of-arms of the Northman groups entry hall; the right-hand door leads to a stair ascending
Lhachglin has destroyed cover the upper portions of the to level four; and the one on the left enters a stairway to
walls. Wrought-iron fire-pots provide any necessary the levels below. These three doors are all iron and are
heating, but generally the Master of the Falls enjoys the kept super-heated (4000 F) by way of internal steam
cold drafts. Passage to level two is accomplished by way shafts leading down to the kitchen. The Uruk guards must
of stairs set into the outer wall on the tower's east side. don quilted mitts to open and shut these portals.
The kitchens and store rooms are crude in appearance, 6. Level Four. Guard halls cover this level. Here live the
being nothing but unembellished chambers hewn out of remaining Orcs of the garrison: five 5th-, four 3rd-, and
the Sam. Nonetheless, the three wondrous "viewing eight 2nd-level Uruk-hai. There are no fine furnishings;
ports" which gaze northward through ninety feet of the Orcs live in the usual Goblin-squalor, amid fetid
enchanted rock to reveal the watery world of Lhachglin's refuse. The walls, ceiling and floors are of the uncovered
Lake more than make up for the lack of decor. stone ofthe citadel. Wet straw covers the floor, and water
4. Level Two. This level is occupied by the Throne Hall, troughs abound. The ceiling is fifteen feet high.
the tower's ceremonial chamber. Here Lhachglin sits in 7. Level Five. This area houses the library, study and
his "Living Throne" made from a bizarre live tree ofsome laboratory of Lhachglin. The entry is from the exterior
terrible nature. The tree itself will grab (Large Grapple wall stairwell through a door on the west side ofthe tower,
+ I 00) and strangle (Huge Crush + I 00) anyone but the in the study. When this door opens the stone floor of the
Master unless given specific orders to the contrary. Only study " disappears," but this is only an illusion which will
Lhachglin seems to be its friend. The tree can also move fade when the door is closed. To stay on the stair
its stangely truncated branches to shield the foul Animist, contemplating the nature of the floor is unwise, however,
adding +50 to his combat defense and +20 to his RR. for two portculli set in the ceiling above and below the
Before the throne sits the Forest Orb, a green viewing stairwell landing drop with amazing speed if the door is
stone three feet in diameter and set into the blue marble held open more than five seconds. Immediately after the
floor. It can rotate, allowing the user to view any part of portculli drop, the landing will swing downward on a
Mirkwood, with the exception ofThranduil's kingdom. hinge attached to the interior side of a shaft. Anyone atop
Unfortunately for most, the stone can only be used by one the landing at this point will fall eighty-five feet into the
who sits in the throne. The Forest Orb operates by mental well of boiling water which provides steam for the Sam.
command and can present scenes only as one would view (The fall results in a +40 Large Fall/Crush attack. The
them from a nearby vantage point. It cannot see spaces victim takes one A-E Heat critical each round immersed,
fully illuminated by the natural light of day, and works depending on clothing.) Note that the landing is actually
best at night or in intense shadow. The user can also focus a metal-backed slab of relatively thin stone and is warm to
power and make a mental attack on any sighted trespasser the touch.
who is within 300 yards of the Sam (usable only three The study occupies a small area on the northwest side
times per day at user's level). The attack is akin to a Word of the level. It is graced with a small hearth and filled with
oj Death, or optionally, a Word oj Sleep. great chairs of wood upholstered in wool as well as a fine
The Throne Hall has a twenty-four foot ceiling which oak table. The table is actually a receptacle for items of
is criss-crossed with arches ofsilvery wood. The walls and interest, and the top lifts as a lid; beneath lies a Book of
floors are of blue marble; the latter are hung with tapes­ Water Law, a Staff of Lightning (MERP/RM: +3 spell
tries depicting hideous scenes of swamps and rotting adder), and a Ring of Fell Creature Control (x2 PP that
forests. A door in the north wall leads to steps which wind allows wielder to control one subdued Fell Creature
down to level one or up to level three (the main entry completely, so long as it is within 30 feet)' Like the rest
of the level. the ceiling is nineteen feet high.
The library occupies the northeast side of the level,
while the laboratory is to the south. To reach the sixth
level one must ( I ) go up the stairs by way of the stairwell
off the study, or (2) shimmy up a red-hot (400 degree)
iron pole set into the exterior wall, behind a panel in the
laboratory. The pole goes up into the wall ten feet, where
it reaches the secret stair which connects Lhachglin's
chambers to the Throne Room.
8. Level Six (Lhachglin's Chambers). A door in the east

o 0
wall leads onto the main stairwell and to levels five, four,
and three below. A door behind the headboard of the bed
leads to secret stairway connecting these chambers to both
the laboratory and the Throne Hall. A third door, in the
northwest wall, opens onto a balcony with a fine downriver
view, and a stair winding up through the exterior wall to
the roof level and observatory pinnacle.
This latter door is fashioned out of iron and fully a foot
thick. Nonetheless it is light, for it is hollow. When the
door is open one can see a small, raised rune above the bolt
mechanism on the door's inside edge; by turning the rune
the inside panel of the door opens to reveal Lhachglin's
real treasure hold. Here he keeps the following treasures:
- 500 gp, 2,500 gp in gems, and 1 00 mp,
- a 1 5th level Spell-storing Ring,
- a +4 Staff of Dark Summons,
- a 20th level Ring of Demon Mastery,
- a 20th level Book of Path Mastery,
- a pair of Boots of Invisibility,
- a pair of Mace Gauntlets (hands strike as maces),
- a Pouch of Water Summoning (gathers up to I
gallon per day out of the air).
The great bed pivots to reveal the secret passage, either
by hand or by Lhachglin's command. Anyone beside the
bed when it moves could well be knocked down as it
quickly swings. Beside the bed are a number of tomes on
the history of Darkness and evil clericism, as well as a pair
of chests filled with the Animist's clothes. A small Chest
of Curses sits behind a stone panel set into the wall in back
of the larger clothing chest. The wall panel opens
Anyone opening the Chest ofCurses will be attacked by
a 1 0th level Sleep spell; all within the room (aside from the
household guard and Lhachglin) will be beset by the 1 2th
level Wind Curse-they will be forever unable to move
against the wind, regardless of their mode of transport.
Should someone wish to defy the curse (RR vs. 1 2th level
Essence attack), they will become "part of the wind,"
moving with the capricious currents for 1 - 10 days, and
then deposited upon the ground at random (with a fall
from 0- I 00 feet).

25 '
-- - - -

o· so·
Sarn Goriwing
9. Level Seven. This open area lies 1 65 feet above the base
of the waterfall. Rimmed by a thick, four foot high wall
and covered with smooth black marble, it provides a
beautiful vantage point. Small bits of inlaid silver dot the
floor mapping the primary constellations of the heavens.
A large malevolent Huorn stands guard (LvI 1 5 ; Hits 200;
AT P1/20; DB 1 0; OB 60Hgr/30HCr; Crush takes pake
after a successful Grapple in the previous move), often
taking root in one of the two " rooting bowls" set into the
balustrade's surface. Entry to th is level is ach ieved by way
of the stairwell which connects Lhachglin's room to the
Observation Pinnacle.
10. Observation Pinnacle. Here one can gaze upon the
stars through the Animist's fine telescope. The enchanted
device was devised in Arthedain and stolen in one of the
Witch-king's early campaigns. It can cast a lightning bolt
300' feet at a fully-sighted target or simply act to magnify
one s vIsion.


The Nahald K6dan (Rh. "Secret Holes") is a grouping connected to the interior wall joins the two floors. The Nahald Kudan
of cliff-hives, large beehive-shaped, stone dwellings set on entry opens onto the upper floor, where a single room,
a pair of ledges located in the northwesternmost part of thirteen feet in diameter and fifteen feet at its highest
the Iron Hills (5. Emyn Engrin)' The site is situated in the point, covers the entire level. A stone fireplace is built into
foul vale called the Nan Morsereg (5. Black-blood Val­ the only interior support, a stone column at the the center
ley), an area long associated with dark cults and strange of the room. An interior wood frame covered with spruce
nocturnal terrors. About 1 00 miles east of Erebor and a panelling reinforces the structure. The upper floor is of
little under thirty miles northwest of the headwaters ofthe a deep wood covered with carpets, while t�e lower level's
Carnen, Nahald K6dan is strategically located and serves surface is flat white stone. The grey walls are thickest at
as a significant danger to Dwarven interests in northern the base where the stone is fitted to a depth of eight feet.
Rhovanion. Near the peak ofthe roofthe ceiling is but three feet thick.
A winding path works its way up the steep reddish cliffs The doors are hewn from oak.
overlooking the Black-blood Valley. The circle of cairns Upper Ledge. The lower and upper ledges are connected
beside the stream's spring-pool marks the beginning of by another winding path which cuts its way into a cleft in
the climb. White pebbles cover the trail as it ascends in the cliffside. A substantial, flat field covers the upper
switch-backs toward the top of an 1 800' hill. Deep green ledge; this area is considerably larger than the lower area.
grass covers the hill's peak and carpets the valley, but on Seven residence structures, each the usual twenty-five feet
the cliff-side the terrain is nearly vertical and uniformly in diameter at the surface level, dot the cliffs edge. Two
rusty in coloration. greater buildings are set further back in the vale. These are
sixty feet in diameter, and are nothing more than a larger
Lower Ledge. As the path finishes its twenty-first switch­ variation on the same architectural theme. They have four
back. a red-stone stairway begins; it rises to the lower ledge floors instead of two, the walls vary from twelve to five
ofthe Nahald K6dan. Here reside three ofthe Maeghirrim: feet in thickness, and a stronger wood frame is employed.
As one looks at the Nahald K6dan from below, the
Brego, Edwodyn, and Thraear. Their stone homes reflect
the Northmen's ancestral preference for the rugged hive­ storage building is located at the far left ofthe upper ledge,
nestled beneath the hill's overhang. The Place of the Ten,
shaped design. Like the abodes of the other lords, these
an assembly and study area, is in the large structure at the
are built on two levels; the lower portion is reserved for
far right. The small residences are occupied (from left to
stores and has a small, deep well, while the upper area
right) by Freahar, Haed, Broehir, Breor, Freowyn, Orduclax,
affords comfortable living quarters. A steep wooden stair
and Daeg-udra.
- 3,000 gp, I SO mp, 30 gems worth 1 00 gp each,
50,000 sp,
- ten x3 Staves,
- a Wand of Fear,
- three ( I -Ib) silver lions which come to life upon
the command of the last possessor, a shield which
reflects up to one spell per round,
- Gloves of Arrow Deflection (+50 DB bonus vs
missile attacks), and
- an Orb of Seeing which allows the user to observe
any known vantage point within 1 /2 mile as if hel
she were there.
The Place of the Ten. There are four levels. Each is
connected by a ladder which is affixed to the central pillar.
The bottom floor, level one, is the study and laboratory.
A well of fresh water surrounds the central support pillar,
wherein lies a fireplace.
Level two is flush with the ground and houses the
entryway. Here an assembly hall has been constructed.
Pillows made from large, stuffed dogs litter the room.
Level three is the library which houses various tomes of
Darkness. The books are all covered with black goatskin
covers and have no markings. Only the Ten know of the
contents, and every third book is inscribed with nothing
but alternating 9th level Runes oj Death and Sleep. The
Maeghirrim always open a book to its second page-this
is prudent, for the first page of their own tomes normally
bears a Rune oj Sleep (RR vs. Essence attack of 2-20 Ivls).
Level four is an austere, dark area reserved for daily
Nahald Kttdan The Caves. Two great caves are set into the cliff under the
giant overhang. The one on the left is no more than a 1 8.3 CEBER FANUIN
winding twenty-foot wide passage ( 1 0' high) which cuts Ceber Fanuin (S. "Spike of the Cloudy Night") is the
in 1 00'. There ten prison cells are kept, each a 4' x 4' x 4' home and stronghold ofHuinen the Seer, a former servant
rock inset barred by an iron grate. This area is guarded by ofthe late King Oropher. Situated atop a rocky crag in the
seven 3rd level Northman fighters-one 3-man and two easternmost spur ofthe Emyn Guldur (S. "Sorcety Hills"),
2-man shifts. The other cave is reached by a 3' round shaft the highland retreat is about I I 5 miles due east of the
which slopes up into the cliff at a 30 degree angle. The Naked Hill. It commands a wide view of southern
shaft is sixty feet long and can be blocked by portculli set Mirkwood.
at 6' intervals. These portculli are controlled by levers on Long believed to be dead, Huinen retreated from sight
the interior, or by an overriding, immovable " controlling" after becoming quite insane. Save for the Necromancer,
stone in Orduclax's chambers, which operates by touch­ few are even aware of his existence. The Seer is a Noldo
ing the surface and concentrating for 1 -2 rounds. Lord of considerable power and is ostensibly indepen­
In addition, a jagged quartz sphere covered WIth the dent, but his presence in Mirkwood pleases the Evil One.
poison Brithagurth is suspended above the upper opening Sauron dominates Huinen through his servants.
to the shaft. It is released automatically whenever some­ Huinen's house is actually quite beautiful, with its
one touches a portcullis in the "up" position, or manually several gracefully curving balconies jutting horizontally
by a lever in the upper reaches of the cave. from the jagged peak. The sheer-sided hill is capped by
The shaft leads to a dome-shaped chamber 90' in three towers, their bases fused with the natural rock; and
diameter and 55' in height. Dominating the center is a 1 2' the towers and balconies are all interconnected by corri­
deep pool, 30' feet in diameter, which surrounds a single dors carved out of the heart of the pillar. All of the doors
throne of black glass (with a seat ofHildo hair). Here the are of two-inch thick oak bound with iron strips, and
Maeghirrim meet in secret to discuss strategies or high fastened with sophisticated steel slide bars, operated by
Rituals of Darkness. Symbolic executions are also per­ twisting a handle on either side of the door. Each has a
formed in this chamber. Lining the bottom of the pool is lock which is identical to the others but is rarely used
the Cult's treasure: (except where specifically designated otherwise)'
Light is usually provided by lamps mounted on wall 9. Guard mess and kitchen. (See Tower B, below, for
brackets-in the corridors spaced at ten-foot intervals on details of upper levels.) This is the informal gathering
alternating sides (closer over stairs), and at varying density place of the garrison.
in the rooms. There is a stairway from each balcony down 1 0. Drawing room. Carpeted and curtained in dark red.
into one of the rooms below; the stair may be closed by a I 1. Trap. The last ten feet of floor is a pit trap, triggered
heavy oaken trapdoor securely bound with iron strips, and when more than fifty pounds of weight is exerted on it.
bolted shut from the inside with three iron deadbolts. The trap is a chute, dumping any who fall through out the
The deadbolts are inaccessible from the outside, making cliffside to plummet down the I OO-foot drop.
the lock Absurd (-75) to open. 1 2. Dining room. Elegantly furnished; seating for twelve.
I. Lounge. The largest single room in the complex, this 14. Pantry.
chamber has three large windows offering a panoramic 1 5. Balcony.
view of the surrounding forest. The furniture is all low 1 6. Servant quarters. Three servants reside in this
couches and cushions in somber reds, browns, and greys. chamber, which is subdivided. They are "on call" at all
2. Guard station. (See Tower A layout for plans of the times to answer to the needs of their masters. There is a
upper levels of this tower.) Three Elven guards/servants pulley system so that a rope pulled in either room # 1 8 or
are always on duty here. # 1 9 will ring a bell here.
3. Guard lounge. 1 7. Guest quarters. Richly furnished guest bedroom.
4. Breezeway. This section ofhallway is completely open 1 8. Ringlin's quarters. Huinen's mystic assistant Ringlin
on one side, except for a railing, to the air and a 30 foot lives here amongst simple but expensive furnishings.
sheer drop. Ringlin is a Noldo Elf, loyal to Huinen, but basically
5. Library. This is the main library of the house, neutral in nature. He is at odds with Arien (see # 1 9), as
containing many histories as well as anthropological, he believes that her suggestions are contrary to Huinen's
astronomical, and physics-related texts. The room is health and the long-term survival of the house. Ringlin,
furnished only with several tables, and the walls are totally of course, has little inkling of the true source of her ideas.
covered with bookshelves. There is an entire section He has black curly hair, is slender ofbuild, and stands 6'7"
devoted to the journals ofHuinen, including his past and tall. His eyes are perhaps his most unusual feature, and
future visions; most ofthese are incomprehensible gibber­ earned him his name (which means "chilling glance" in
ish. There is also an extensive literature collection. As a Sindarin): they are a brilliant violet. It is said that his eeber Fanuin,
rule, Huinen's library is open for his servants' and guests' glance alone can cause paralysis (RR vs. 1 6th lvi. Mental­ Overhead
use. ist attack).
6. Reading room. Comfortably furnished and well lit by
a southern exposure, this is the preferred room in which
to peruse material from the library.
7. Huinen's office. Furnished with a huge oak desk and
several plush chairs, this is a dim room, cluttered with the
stacks ofliterally hundreds of papers strewn about, as well
as the unfinished journals and notebooks piled haphaz­
ardly. There are also countless knicknacks scattered
around the room, none of them very valuable. However,
there is a secret compartment in the stone wall next to the
window, and inside it is the headband Rimalagon (S:
"Sound of Many Wings") in a small box of fine wood.
The lock on Huinen's office is different, is extremely hard
(-30) to pick, and only Huinen has the key. He occasion­
ally will lock himself in his office, open the window and
use the Rimalagon to spy out the lands about his home.
He rarely goes out except at night.
8. Laboratory. A large alchemist's workshop, this cham­
ber contains a variety of chemicals. Huinen, however,
knows little of chemistry and dabbles without purpose.
There is nothing here of particular use. The door to this
room is kept locked; the mechanism is Hard (- I 0) to pick
and Huinen has the only key.
skillfully-made secret, even though
it is large enough to allow a horse
and rider to enter and exit easily.
It can be securely locked from the
23. Armory. The stores here
include three + I 5 longbows, five
+ I 0 short swords, ten +5 dag­
gers, one +20 dagger, two + I 0
shields, and one + I 5 ge (killing
Level 2. Guard quarters. These
barracks house 20 guards in sub­
divided rooms.
Level 3. Practice hall. This is an
unfurnished chamber in which
Huinen's solddiers brush up on
their fighting skills.
Level 4. Observation lounge. A
comfortably furnished room
where the guards spend many of
their off-hours.
Level 2. Guard quarters. Hous­
ing 32 guards in subdivided
Level 3. Prisoner quarters. Sub­
Ceber Fanuin 1 9. Arien's quarters. The stark bedroom of Huinen's divided into five cells, this area accomodates any tempo­
Seer assistant. She is a Silvan Elf, seduced to evil by rary uninvited visitors. Even these rooms are fairly
Sauron himself long ago, whom she had tried to spy upon comfortable, although they are equipped with shackles
with her Seeing abilities. The Necromancer easily de­ mounted to the wall on chains long enough for the
tected Arien's fumbling attempts and took control of her. prisoner to move about. Each cell is closed by an iron door
She has been instructed to manipulate Huinen, but his with a small barred window. The locks are extremely hard
actions are so erratic that there is practically no danger of (-30) to pick, and Huinen and his bodyguards have keys.
him presenting any organized threat to anyone. The Level 4. Museum. This room is filled with a variety of
entire garrison is completely loyal to Huinen, so there is bizarre objects: stuffed rare animals, fish and birds, statu­
little chance that Arien could arrange a coup. Arien has ary in bronze, marble and glass. These items are scattered
long chestnut hair and green eyes; she is 6'2" tall and about the room on pedestals of varying height and
carries herself with feline grace. She is a rare beauty even circumference, creating a veritable maze.
among the Firstborn. Level S. Observation deck. The walls of this level are
20. Workroom. A general operations area where upkeep made almost entirely of glass, the roof supported by steel
of clothes, furniture, etc. goes on. bars. The floor of this room is very unusual in that a ring­
2 1 . Guardroom. (See Tower C for details of the upper shaped floor area extending ten feet in from the outer wall
levels.) Four garrison guards are on duty here at all times. rotates slowly. Four chairs are set evenly about the
22. Stairway. The main stairway in the house, it is the perimeter, occupied at all times by garrison guards whose
only conventional (non-magic) method of reaching the instructions are to survey the surrounding landscape for
forest floor. The stair spirals down 1 00 feet, opening intruders or any unusual activity. Shifts change every two
onto a winding, rough-hewn tunnel, and finally a small hours. Each chair makes a complete turn about the room
stable where six horses are kept. Two guards are posted every 5 minutes.
at the lower entrance. The door at the bottom is a
CARCARING (TOWER C) Second right: triggers a magical fog. This
Level 2. Anteroom. The spiral stairway ends at this level. mist is created at the perimeter of
The door from the stairway to this level appears identical the room along the ceiling, and
to all the others but in fact is only wood veneer over a steel floats in a grey, opaque sheet to the
core. The lock on the door is sheer folly (-50) to pick, and floor, where it rolls about and
its mechanism causes six deadbolts to shoot from the door eventually dissipates. Huinen uses
into reinforced sockets in the surrounding doorframe. this mist as a projection screen upon Level Two
For additional security, two solid iron bars can be swung which he can magically cause various
down into brackets on the door for additional bracing. images and scenes to appear,
These bars are inaccesible from the stairwell. In short, the including scenes from his memory.
door is practically unbreachable by normal means. Third right: after pressing this button
This level consists entirely of a large anteroom, filled (and after having summoned the
with an incredible collection of the gaudy and the beau­ fog), anyone sitting in the chair can
tiful, the common and the bizarre. Dozens of carpets Level Three
see anywhere in the house.
overlap on the floor and tapestries cover the stone walls. Fourth right: (trap) causes a magical fog
The furniture which packs the room is from at least ten similar to the screen fog, but this has
different styles and time periods, and all of it is covered a slight green tinge-and is deadly
with strange knicknacks and devices. Mixed in with the to breathe. It fills the room, and all
refuse are perhaps twenty small items of true value, must resist or fall asleep and
totaling approximately I O,OOOgp. eventually die. It is a derivative of Level Four
Level 3. Lesser Seeing-hall. The only furnishing in this the poison Hith-i-Girith but much
room is a large, thronelike chair mounted onto a two step stronger.
pedestal. The chair is massive in design Pressing the first and second left but­ Ceber Fanuin,
and made ofoak with red velvet uphol­ tons simultaneously cause the throne and
stery. The tops of both arms of the dais to raise into the ceiling through a
chair flip up, revealing four buttons on secret door which opens as the chair rises.
each, the pressing of which results in This is the only 'normal' mode of access
the following: into Huinen's bedroom. .
Front left: rotate the chair and dais Level Four. Huinen's bedroom. A large
cuonterclockwise. curtained bed rests against the wall.
Second left: rotate the chair clockwise. Level Two Where unpunctuated by large windows,
Third left: causes steel panels to slide the walls are lined with wardrobes set
down over allthe windows in the against them. These armoires are filled
room, protecting them from with an eclectic assortment of clothes of
outside attack and cutting off all various styles and types as well as some
light in the chamber. Pressing the odd padded items. An astute intruder
button again raises them. may realize that Huinen uses pads and
Level Three other costuming tricks to alter his form.
Fourth left: causes a steel panel to slide
across the opening in the floor The back of one of these wardrobes
through which goes the stair to serves as a secret door, which opens onto
the anteroom. a full length mirror. The mirror is, as one
may suspect, magical in nature: it is a
Front right: (trap) causes a spring
short range teleport, the only access way
loaded needle to fire out of the
to the Seeing Room above. One simply
back-rest of the chair into the
Level Four steps through the mirror and appears in
back of whomever is sitting in it.
the room above in front of another such
Treat as a + I 00 rapier, no
device. There is also a huge dresser with
quickness bonus for target. The
three flanking mirrors. The top of the

needle is tipped with the poison
dresser is covered with countless jars and
Ondohithui. Anyone receiving a
cans of various makeups-an extremely
critical must resist the poison or
sophisticated and complete collection.
suffer the effects.
Level Five
There are also a number of freestanding Ceber Fanuin,
full-length mirrors set about. Angtar
Level Five. Greater Seeing-Hall. Here is the center of 1 9.0 PEOPLE OF NOTE
Huinen's power. The windows in the room are oflaen and
unbreakable; the walls would fall first, and they are The following individuals figure prominently In
reinforced with steel bars. The only furnishings in this Wilderland's affairs.
room are a slab of glass, a chair, and a table. The glass is
eight feet high, three wide, and one inch thick, standing 1 9. 1 THE NECROMANCER
without any visible support but immovable and virtually It has been over five hundred years since Sauron lost his
indestructible. It is the other end of the teleport from the Ring, cut from his hand by Isildur with a shard ofNarsil.
level below. The chair nearby is of ornate and detailed His power is, without a doubt, a shadow of what it was;
design, and is made of oak with a padded red velour seat. however he has since been gathering strength. The Evil
The table has a polished black marble top, three inches One is now far more potent than he was at the end of the
thick and four feet in diameter, supported by an ornate Elder Days.
Ceher Fanuin, golden pedestal shaped to resemble a tree with spreading NOTE: To define the limits oj Sauron is a d!fficult task.
Carcaring roots. The base and radiating branches hold the top. Set Indeed, being one oj the Maiar, he is not by nature oj Endor.
upon the table is an orb of crys­ However, someguidelines can be drawn which describe-at least
tal, one foot in diameter, resting ingeneral terms-the powers ojthe Lord ojthe Rings at this time.
on a delicate base of finely­ The stats and powers listed below are applicable when he is in his
wrought mithril. The orb is a physicalform.
truly powerful device of Seeing,
and with it, Huinen is able to THE NECROMANCER
utilize his Seer's powers as if he Level: 1 80 (240).
were a much higher level. To be Race: Maia (Fallen Servant of Aule)
more precise, it is a x6 PP en­
hancer and allows any Seer to
cast any spell lists (already known Hits: 600 Melee OB: 250 Missile OB: 200
to him) up to twenty levels above AT: Plate (200) MovM: 60.
his own while using the orb. MERP Profession: Mage.
This is heavily draining, and MERP Stats: ST 1 1 0, CO 1 10, AG 1 0 1 , IT 1 00, IG
Huinen is only capable of doing 1 02, PR 1 20.
it a few times per week without
MERP Spells: T.A. 1 -2459: 1 200 PP; T.A. 2460
Level Three permanent damage to his stats.
onward 4800 PP. The Necromancer can use all
Huinen is able to tap the PP
spell lists up to his level. In addition he can simulta­
multiplying aids ofthe orb with­
neously concentrate on a number of targets or spells
out being in its presence. He has
equal to his level.
learned much of events in the
world, which perhaps contrib­ Special Ability: When in combat, the Necromancer
uted greatly to his current state should be trteated as a "Large Creature," and critical
Level Four of insanity, realizing as he does results delivered to him should be resolved on the
the peril of the enemies of appropriate table.
Sauron. Much does he know, THE NECROMANCER IN ROLEMASTER
but little will he communicate to Hits: 600 Melee OB: 250 Missile OB: 200
anyone, even his trusted adher- AT: 20 (200) MovM: 60.
ents. RM Profession: Sorcerer/Alchemist.
Level Five RM Stats: St I 1 0, Qu 1 00, Em 90, In 1 00, Pr 200,
Ag 1 0 1 , Co 1 1 0, Me 1 02, Re 1 0 1 , SD 99.
RM Spells: T.A. 1 -2459: 1 200 PP; T.A. 2460 onward
4800 PP. The Necromancer can use all spell lists up
to his level. In addition he can simultaneously
concentrate on a number of targets or spells equal to
his level.
Appearance: 02.
Special Ability: When in combat, the Necromancer
should be titeated as a "Large Creature," and critical
results delivered to him should be resolved on the
appropriate table.
19. 1 . 1 THE NECROMANCER'S twentieth level. (Let it be said that, in the unlikely event
POWERS that they would ever meet, a true Lord or Lady of the
Sauron is able to wield any spell on any list under any Eldar, such as Galadriel or Elrond, would require Sauron's
profession with equal ease. He possess no power point full exertion of his evil will to control. Of course, in the
enhancer; none could begin to replace his Ring. He stands case of those two there is also the factor of their rings,
eight feet tall, with black and mottled skin. Part of his which protect themselves and their wearer from the Dark
defensive bonus is due to the nebulous character of his Lord's searching Eye, diverting it and distorting its sight.)
being and the distorting nature of his appearance. On the
1 9. 1 2 THE ONE RING
rare occasion that he goes into combat, he wears
Should Sauron ever recover the One Ring, all of End or
unencumbering full plate armor hewn from black
would be in grave danger. As terrifying in his power as he
dragonskin and reinforced with black ithilnaur scales. He
was, he has grown in might since he lost his Ring, and its
wields two weapons with equal skill. The first is Mormegil,
function is to augment his own abilities. Just to provide
a great broadsword of the same material as his armor,
a taste of the unbridled horror which would be unleashed
+45, unbreakable, and "Of Slaying" Elves. It is flaming
upon all ofMiddle-earth, some of the Ring's approximate
or cold at his will. (The blade will deliver a heat or cold
powers are mentioned. These powers are for the Dark
critical in addition to any regular critical when it strikes.)
Lord alone. (Any other who somehow gained possession
Sauron's other weapon is the Gauntlet of Slaying. This
of the ring would first have to be a mighty lord in his own
absolutely terrifying item is a large glove of metal plates
right to wield it and would also require time to learn its
and black Dragonskin. Sauron is able to use it to attack.
powers, which would still be a function of the wielder.)
or as a full shield, parrying any attacks. If he chooses to
The spells include: preventing any of the wearer's spells,
parry, he may decide to grasp his opponent's weapon, and
maneuvers, and combat attacks from failing; augmenting
in doing so destroy it. The item must make a resistance
spell power x I 8; allowing the range and scope of all spells
roll versus a 50th level attack or shatter into a shower of
to be virtually unlimited; and making the wearer nearly
fragments. Weapons with a plus receive one additional
invincible to any manner of attack.
level ( above first) for each + 5. Magical weapons are given
a base level of twenty, with an additional level added for
each +5. Weapons with special powers may be granted 1 9.2 KHAMOL
extra 'levels'. It was this glove which was the doom of THE EASTERLING
Narsil, sword of Elendil. If Sauron opts to attack, all he Born at Laeg Goak in easternmost Endor in 1 744,
must do is touch his foe or even his armor. (For combat Second Age, Komul was the eldest son ofMul Tanul, the
purposes, assume he has "touched" when one or more hits High-lord (Wm. Hionvor) of the W omaw. His mother,
is delivered on the mace table, in which case the target Klea-shay, was popular despite her Shay heritage, but died
receives an "E" impact critical hit, as well as any hit and/ while the young heir was only seven. TanuJ's Elven
or critical indicated in the "mace" attack. In addition, the consort Dardarian reared Komul and served as his princi­
target, if touched, is the recipient of a point-blank Dark pal advisor until he assumed the throne of W omawas
Absolution 50th level in power, as opposed to the Dark Drus in S.A. 1 844. KomuJ's relationship with the ma­
Lord's own Dark Absolution, which would be considered nipulative Dardarian corrupted his outlook and led to his
240th level.) incessant longing for immortality.
As can be seen, Sauron is immensely powerful but As Hionvor and Mul (Wm. "King") of the Womaw
immensly restrained, for he must not reveal the true kingdom, Komul I presided over the strongest realm in
grandeur of his might yet. His scope is limited without his eastern Middle-earth. His people had descended from the
ring: he is able to use his powers, as defined by his spells, remants of the First Tribe of Cui vi enen (Q. "Awakening
only within regions overcome already by Darkness. While Water"), the same lineage that produced the Edain of
in the Halls of Travel of Dol Guldur, he is able to cast his western Endor. Elven blood coursed through the veins of
gaze across his domain and affect any within his vision Womaw Hiona (Wm. "Lords;" sing. Hion), and their
through the room. These spells are only at 60th level mastery over other Men was spurred in part by their
effectiveness, however, as some power is lost in the longevity. Heavily influenced by the Avari, the Womaw
channeling. of KomuJ's day practiced both Wood- and Word-magic
The Dark Lord is also able to use his dreadful presence and enjoyed the benefit of a rich and technologically
to control those about him. All within his sight are advanced cultural tradition. Their political and military
potential targets, and he can control a total number of sophistication enabled them to dominate the eastern
levels equal to his own, e.g., the Necromancer could hold coasts of Middle-earth for thousands of years.
in thrall the souls of 240 first level beings as long as he
bent his formidable will upon them, or twelve lords of
The distant Numen6rean cousins of the Womaw KHAMOL THE RlNGWRAITH
comprised the only group of Men who could challenge Komul I disappeared from Laeg Goak in the spring of
the supremacy of Womawas Drus, and as early as S.A. S.A. I 997, after nearly seven months of virtual isolation
900, the Dunedain established trade embassies in Womaw­ from his people and his court. He appeared at Barad-dur
influenced territories. During the next 650 years, the in Mordor around S.A. 2000. Komul was known there­
Numen6reans swayed many of the Womaw's southern after as Khamul, in accordance with the Black Speech
neighbors and built fortified colonies in the isles of pronunciation of his given name. While at the Dark
southeastern Middle-earth. The Men of Westernesse Tower, he served Sauron as the Master of the Hold, and
forced Womaw concessions and threatened the stability his responsibilities included administering the mainte­
of the eastern kingdom. By the one hundred and fiftieth nance of the citadel and . its garrison. This wardship
year of Komul I's stormy, militaristic reign (S.A. I 994), remained in his capable hands until S.A. 3350, when
Womawas Drus appeared resigned to outside domina­ Orzahil of Umbar became the Mouth of Sauron and the
tion and many of the Womaw Lieutenant of the Tower.
Hiona had disclaimed their alle­ Khamul fled Mordor when
giance to the High-lord. Desper­ Sauron was captured by the
ate yet proud, Komul sought help Numen6reans in S.A. 3262. Re­
elsewhere and turned to his age­ treating into the East, he first
old ally Dardarian. went to Nurad and, after a brief
Dardarian met Komul at the stay, he proceeded into the Shay
Isle ofSunrises, at the easternmost lands of his mother's people. He
point in the Middle Land. There, remained among the Shay until
the Elf-queen seduced her step­ S.A. 33 I 9, cultivating a network
son, using her exceptional beauty ofservants whose greed fomented
and charm and, most importantly, a sundering of the Five Tribes.
an offer of immortality. Komul This corruption continued after
agreed to an alliance between the Khamul returned to the Black
Womaw and Dardarien's Avar Land, and by S.A. 3400 Khamul's
kingdom ofHelkanen. This union agent Monarlan brought three of
led to Numen-rean concessions the tribes under the Shadow.
(under the First The Easterling remained in
Acknowledgement) in the follow­ Mordor during the War of the
ing year, preventing any outright Last Alliance (S.A. 3429-3441 ),
conquest and relegating Dunadan sallying forth only during the cam­
interests to centers of commercial paign in Ithilien that opened the
rather than strategic value. conflict. During the first four
Unfortunately for the Womaw, and a half years, he resided at Lug
Dardarien's pact led to the down­ Ghurzun (BS. " D arkland
fall of their Hionvor. Unbe­ Tower") in eastern Nurn (BS.
knownst to Komul I, Dardarien Ghurzun)' In S.A. 3434 the army
served Sauron ofMordor. In S.A. of the Last Alliance of Elves and
I 996, only a year after the First Men forced its way through Udun,
Acknowledgement, Komul ac­ so Khamul returned to his
cepted the instrument that con­ Master's side. The Ringwraith
ferred the gift promised by his stole into Barad-dur during the
lover. Taking one of the Nine night before outset of the long
Rings of Men, Komul became the selge.
immortal slave of the Lord of the When the Dark Tower fell in
Rings. His reign over Womawas S.A. 344 1 , the Nazgul met the
Drus ended abruptly. vangard of the Elven host and
fought a long, brutal melee. Un­
protected, Sauron was forced to
engage his foes in personal combat. This proved to be his
undoing for, although he slew both Elendil the Tall and
Gil-galad, the Evil One lost his One Ring (and his ring
finger) in the fray, and his spirit passed into the Shadow
With the departure of the Lord of the Rings, the Nine Like all of the Ringwraiths, Khamul fears common
lost the ability to maintain corporeal form. They fol­ water, knowing that the spirit of Ulmo resides in its
lowed the Dark Lord into Shadow as the Second Age sparkling depths. The Easterling's aversion, however,
ended. Their exile coincided with Sauron's and lasted exceeds the trepidations of his brethren, for both the
over a thousand years. The first to return reassumed form memories of his early life, and his original fear of water,
in Endor around T.A. 1 050, some fifty years after the are magnified by the magic of his Ring of Power.
reappearance of the Evil One. Khamul also suffers in daylight more than his compan­
Unlike his fellow Ringwraiths, Khamul briefly took up ions. This weakness, however, is offset by his accute
residence with Sauron at the citadel of Dol Guldur in senses of smell and hearing.
southern Mirkwood. The Dark Lord hid behind the guise
of the Necromancer and slowly rebuilt his strength. KHAMUL THE EASTERLING
Then, in T.A. 1 300, he renewed his struggle against the Level: 40; 50 after T.A. 2460.
Free Peoples, sending the Witch-king to Angmar in the Race: Womaw (Avaradan)'
northwest Misty Mountains in hopes of crushing the Home: the four capitals of Womawus Drus; later Dol
successor states of Arnor. Guldur in Rhovanion; later still Barad-dur.
Khamul left his command of Dol Guldur's garrison
upon the departure of the Witch-king, and for the next KHAMOl IN MERP
three hundred and forty years the Easterling lived at Sart Hits: 240 Melee OB: 2 T O Missile OB: 1 80
and Mang in the Mountains of the Wind. From these two AT: Plate (90) MovM: T O.
rocky strongholds, he sought to gain sway over the MERP Profession: Ranger.
peoples of southeastern Middle-earth. Often working in MERP Stats: ST 90, CO 99, AG 9 1 , IT T OO, IG 82,
unison with Dwar ofWaw, Khamul fought the influences PR T OO.
of the Istari Alatar and Pallando and vied with the Blue MERP Spells: T.A. I -2459: 1 20 PP; T.A. 2460
Wizards for control of the region. His success was only onward 1 50 PP. Khamul knows knows the Path
partial, but by T.A. 1 635, the Dark Lord was satisfied and Mastery list to TOth level, the Moving Ways list to
ordered the Second of the Ulairi back to Dol Guldur. 1 0th level, all other base Ranger lists to 1 0th level,
KhamuI's arrival coincided with the advent ofthe Great and four open Channeling lists to I Ot� level.
Plague that ravaged northwest Endor, so for the next four
years he stayed in Rhovanion as Sauron's chief servant. Special Ability: Smell: Khanul can distinguish the exact
He became Keeper of the Hill of Sorcery and remains in location of any source of a given odor within 100' if
residence there. the source fails a RR versus a 25th level attack.
Hearing: Khantll can distinguish the exact location of
FEATURES AND FAMIlY any source of a given noise (also within T OO').
Khamul stands 6'3"-average by Womaw standards.
Originally, he weighed 1 95 pounds and had fair, beardless KHAMOl IN ROlEMASTER
skin, grey-blue eyes, and long, straight black hair. These Hits: 240 Melee OB: 2TO Missile OB: 1 80
features denoted a Womaw of high lineage. He wore a AT: 20 (90) MovM: T O.
deep blue Dragonhelm and equally deep blue and black RM Profession: Ranger.
Dragon-skin, half-hide plate armor. RM Stats: St I 1 0, Qu 1 00, Em 90, In 1 00, Pr 200,
No one among the Womaw was a better hunter or Ag T O I , Co 1 1 0, Me T 02, Re T O I , SO 99.
tracker than Komul 1. Even as a child, he could run like RM Spells: T.A. 1 -2459: 1 20 PP; T.A. 2460 onward
a weasel, remaining quiet as he passed through the dark 1 50 PP. Khamul knows knows the Path Mastery list
woods of his cool homeland. His sense of smell was to 30th level (50th after T.A. 2460), the Moving
exceptional, and half-joking Bards spoke of his "hound Ways list to 25th level, all other base Ranger lists to
heritage." Somber, solitary, and clever, he excelled in 20th level, three open Channeling lists to 5th level,
contests of stealth and duplicity. These qualities served and five closed Channeling lists to TOth level.
him well in the face of the complex problems that Appearance: (93).
confronted him as Hionvor, and they made him an
Special Ability: Smell: Khanul can distinguish the exact
admirable choice as the Dark Lord's chief tracker and as
location of any source of a given odor within 1 00' if
the caretaker of Sauron's citadel at Dol Guldur.
the source fails a RR versus a 25th level attack.
KhamuI's Womaw wife Komiis gave birth to three
Hearing: Khanul can distinguish the exact location of
children: a daughter, Womiis, and two sons, Womul and
any source of a given noise (also within 1 00').
Komon. Of his three offspring, only Womiis remem­
bered her father.
Annor: Deep blue and black Dragon-skin, half-hide
plate armor that is unencumbering to the wearer, yet
protects like full plate armor (AT 20).
Morgul-knife: ("Sorcery Knife") +30 dagger which
strikes as a short sword. Its long, thin enchanted
blade gleams with a cold glint. It dissolves when
exposed to sunlight and breaks off whenever the
knife yields a critical strike. Once the blade is
embedded in a victim, the victim must roll a RR
versus the wielder's level. Failure results in the blade
finding its way to the victim's heart within a number
of days equal to 50 minus the RR failure number
(e.g., RR failure by 26 means 24 days)' Should the
shard reach the victim's heart, the victim becomes a
wraith-servant (i.e., an undead slave) of the knife­
wielder, operating thereafter at -50. Failure also
results in a debilitating poisoning, and the victim
operates with a penalty equal to twice the RR
failure number (until he becomes Undead).

1 9.3 VAGAIG
Vagaig, the current legate or Regent of Dor Rhunen,
arrived in T.A. 1 639. He is the third man to hold the
"Eastern Appointment" since the accession of the current
King Tarondor ( I 636). His two immediate predecessors,
Huanring (d. 1 635) and Talathir (d. 1 63 8), succumbed
to the Plague and Asdriag arrows, leaving the administra­
tion of this shattered frontier province in shambles.
Hundreds of important sertlers and soldiers died due to
the recent waves of disease, so the political sway Gondor
has enjoyed east of the Anduin since the late seventh
century is now threatened. The task of rebuilding is just
beginning, for the new Regent has been in the area for less
than a year.
Vaga,g KHAMOL'S PRlNCIPAL ITEMS T arondor made a wise choice when he picked Vagaig
(S. "Sharp Sword") to reorder the eastern frontier. The
Bola: ("Water-Skimmer") +25 magic Elven Killing­
new Regent is a veteran of the Harad Wars against the
bola ("Ge" ) made of bluish Cuivac wood from the
Corsairs of Urnbar and their Haradrim allies, campaigned
land of Helcar Sael. In addition to any normal under King MinardiI's nephew in the Mountains ofRhun
critical strike of "B" or greater severity, it yields a
in T.A. 1 625, and served in the Watch on Mordor while
Crush critical of one less degree in severity (e.g., in
living at Minas Ithil. Now only 6 L he is strong, but his
addition to a "B" Unbalancing critical, it delivers an youth should not be confused with inexperience. His
"A" Crush critical). When cast over water, its decisive manner and occasional ruthlessness have paved
projectiles can be skimmed, giving the bola a bonus
the way for more than a few of Gondor's victories.
equal to +40, enabling strikes around corners with
Unfortunately, he is first and foremost a leader ofRequain
angles of 45 or less degrees, and eliminating normal (S. "Knights") and has little administrative experience.
range penalties.
Tarondor is not bothered, however, for the depopulation
Blowgun: ("Stinging Tongue") + I 5 mallorn-inlaid and renewed threat from the East and Southeast, has led
composite Blowgun, an Elf-slaying weapon. When him to believe that Gondor's problems in Dor Rhunen are
poisoned darts are used and yield a critical strike, primarily military.
the victim must make a RR versus an attack equal to
firer's level + poison's level.
Dragonhelm: + I 0 deep blue full helmet shaped like
the head of a Fire-drake. Adds + 1 0 to all of
wearer's RRs and enables him to cast spells as if he
were 60th level.
Vagaig stands 6'7" and is strong of build. His black Kingdom and House: on top sits the deep blue field
hair, fair complexion, angular but graceful features, and backing the White Tree, symbol of Gondor; beneath it,
cool grey-green eyes have led many to call him the green field and White Fist of Spathlin, sign of
handsome... and he has always agreed. Wars have taken Vagaig's line and fief from Lamedon.
their toll, of course-he has a scar on his right cheek and
is missing the lobe of his right ear-but Vagaig remains 1 9.4 PRINCES OF THE PLAINS
a pleasantly imposing character. This image is bolstered There are a number of Thynas, but a few have of late
by a dry wit and dedicated sense ofhumor. He is generally corne into greater prominence.
gregarious and given to befriending respected compan­
ions in a remarkably short time. The men who serve him 1 9.4.1 MAHRCARED
find him likable, although none mistake his exuberance Mahrcared is the powerful lord of Burh Ailgra, the
for weakness. largest single Northman settlement on the Talath Harroch.
Vagaig's private moments are quite different from his In recent years his clan has gathered together their Eothraim
public ones. While his reputation is not based on any brethren and reforged the Tribe ofthe Ailgarthas, "friends
fa�ade, a good deal ofdiplomacy is involved when he deals of the sacred stag." Since T.A. 1 627 Mahrcared has been
with his soldiers and in political circles. When alone with Thyn ofBuhr Ailgra and "Huithyn" of his tribe. Despite
his wife Lomamir or close friends he is given to quiet a devastating loss during the Plague Years, this huge
periods of grief and longing which sometimes last for a Northman warrior held the clans together; only an infre­
number of days; Vagaig has seen three sons die in the last quent use of flame and sword was necessary to maintain
six years, and only one-Gydda (32rremains. (Gydda the union. This is largely due to his personal reputation
lives at the ancestral horne in the Ringl- Valley of as an unyielding slayer of his enemies, for Mahrcared takes
Lamedon.) His sister Quesse perished during the same few prisoners, and those who have submitted once may
Asdriag raid that claimed the Regent Talathir in T.A. not renege.
l 638. Although Vagaig is generally considered just with Mahrcared is an old member (83) of an ancient house,
foes who surrender, he has vowed to exterminate the and stands by the emblem of the three interlocking horse
Asdriag tribes-and all those related to them. heads-one red, one orange, and one blue. He is a superb
This spirited hatred has caused Vagaig to deploy an horseman, the nearest of a long line of mobile warlords
inordinate amount of Gondor's thin eastern force in the who have always placed a high premium on swift battle
central and southeastern hill area of the Talath Harroch. and horse-raiding. His cavalry have created a fine herd of
It has also led him to make rash excursions against real and steeds, but still enjoy the thrill of striking an Easterling
supposed Asdriag foes. He does not favor Orcs, but his camp and carrying away the mounts of their foes. Like
neglect of the Men Morannon (road from Dol Guldur to many of the eastern Eothraim, they have adopted the
the gates of Mordor) and Men Uruk has contributed to practice of" counting coup" (Rh. cunnian bearn), an age­
revitalized evil activity during the dark hours in and old Rhovanion ritual which involves touching an armed
around Southern Mirkwood. foe without inflicting harm. This ritual serves as a rite of
The pressure has also contributed to an estrangement passage required of true warriors and is considered as a
with the wife he loves so dearly. Lomamir's already humiliating insult by Northmen and Easterlings alike.
limited patience has been strained over the years of her Mahrcared has counted coup often, and one such act
husband's service, and she has been increasingly interested prompted a Sagath chieftain to take his own life. For this
in the noble Northman prince Augimund, the envoy from reason, there has been a special emnity between the Sagath
the Mahrcared (Thyn of the Ailgarhas). This bodes and Ailgarthas.
poorly for Vagaig, for Augimund is a philosophical Mahrcared stands 6'4" and weighs 265 Ibs. Burly,
dreamer whose passions run deep, so much so that his blond, and gruff, he credited with breaking the neck of an
mission and loyalties are in increasing jeopardy. The Easterling warhorse with his bare hands while on cam­
young Northman is beginning to realize Lomamir's charms. paign as a youth. He has lost little with age, and still stands
Vagaig favors clothing of a deep green hue, and ( on rare as a champion wrestler and rider. Each spring he spends
days) wears a greenish chain mail on the rare instances he a month riding to each site in the circle of encampments
feels a need for armor. The Regent normally carries his that will serve as the year's set of seasonal pastures. Like
round target shield and green steel sword, but scoffs at too most of the Horse Lords, Mahrcared lives among men
frequent a use of a warrior's protective covering, for he is who spend a considerable portion of the year away from
bothered by the heat and his heavy martial burden. His the main settlement. The Ailgarthas differ from most of
neglect of his own responsibility disturbs his lieutenants, their brethren, however, in that they maintain a strong
but their respect outweighs their worry. This apparent village structure throughout the year. Only portions of
lack of concern may also contribute to his disdain for the the men travel with the herd; their families remain behind,
bow, an item he uses exclusively when hunting or compet­ but the riders are gone for shorter periods than most
ing at fairs. Upon his shield is the traditional dual coat­ Eothraim.
of-arms of the Eastern Regent, the "halved emblem" of
Mahrcared is also expert with both a hand- and battle­ The Withras are a unique lot in more ways than one.
axe, as well as his beloved inlaid broadsword. Clothes of Few Northmen would follow a book-bound scholar
deeply tanned, finely worked leather and bright plaid whose body is racked with deformity. Fewer still tolerate
wools are his favorites. Light, scale armor, a great round­ the open use magic. This clan, however, claims to be the
shield, and a tooled gold and steel helm add an air of remnant of an ancient Eriadoran tribe which once served
martial grace. When mounted on his red warhorse as masters of the ancestral Northman heritage. Their
Mohrig, he presents a formidable presence. forefathers, Edain who closely aligned themselves with
Despite the fact that Mahrcared's wife Brytta is only the Elves, were guardians of the lessons and works given
5'3" in height, their family is tall. Their sons-Iseren to the proto-North men by the Firstborn. One sacred
( 1 6), Felardan ( 1 4), and Mahacaed (9)-are big even by book, the magic tome called the Suimbalmynas (Rh.
Northman standards, and their 1 0 year old daughter "Everthoughts"), is evidence of their prudent use of
Eoraca has already reached 5'. The household is closely­ magic; credited to one of the last Thynas of the Eriadoran
knit and Mahrcared is fiercely proud of both his young Withras, it is both a history and tale of conjuring,
wife and his strong offspring. His strong streak ofloyalty complete with great spells of power. Unfortunately it was
is reinforced by the fact that this is his second family. The lost during the "Waagath War," just after the migration
first perished during an Orc raid in T.A. 1 6 1 5 while to Rhovanion. The heritage and outlook left as a result
visiting friends in the East Bight; thus the 44-year differ­ of this work explains in large part the clan that remains.
ence between he and his beloved Brytta. Uirdriks wears loose wool robes which help to conceal
his plight. Due to the rugged nature of the village-and
1 9.4.2 U1RD1KS the fact that the Thyn enjoys long, solitary walks in the
Uirdiks is the leader and most learned of the Gramuz surrounding meadows-he bears a twisted, six foot walk­
clan known as the "Withras" (Rh. "Opposers"). These ing stick of deep grey wood, a staff inlaid with bone and
sedentary Plains-Northmen, farmers all, were given their garnets. As a seer, he wields it as a focus of power; as a
name because of their independent fervor; they have never leader of his clan, he holds it as the symbol of the Thyn.
submitted to other men, be they Northman or "enemies" This quiet, learned man is lonely and succumbs to a
of another sort. Once there were but a handful remaining pronounced shyness when among women, particularly
after an overwhelming force of Waagath Easterlings attractive ones. Often he isolates himself from everyone;
assailed their modest fortified manors (ca. T.A. 665) and but, like any good Northman, he still enjoys the celebra­
slaughtered those that had not taken proper refuge. tions that mark the seasons, and is quick to partake of
Nonetheless, the core of the future line survived, and drink. (Most feel, with good cause, that he drinks too
today their descendants remain entrenched in the hills of much; as a youth, he wrecked a total of ten wagons.)
the east-central Talath Harroch. Always, he seeks the word ofstrangers who appear to have
The Thyn Uirdriks is a cripple who once stood 6'3," some wits about them. Uirdriks is a gracious host to those
but is now deformed and bent in such a way as to give the who can teach him something new.
impression ofa much shorter man (perhaps 5'4"). He was
struck by a strange curse while a young man, and a 1 9.4.3 ATAGAV1A
contorted frame has been his prison ever since. Oddly, he Atagavia (40) is master of the venerated clan of the
does not suspect and fear users of enchantments the same Waildungs, "urban" Northmen who live at Buhr Widu in
way other Northmen do; instead, he reads works from far­ the East Bight. A direct descendant of King Vidugavia, he
away sources and scans the skies for knowledge. commands respect throughout Rhovanion. More than a
He is known to enjoy the rare company of Elves, and has few high-ranking visitors from Gondor have bedded
occasionally traded with Dwarves. Of all the Northmen, beside his hearth, and of all the lords of the hilly East
he is the closest to Radagast the Brown. Much of this Bight, he is the most powerful. Due to his dominance in
thirst for wisdom and insight is no doubt due to his both political and economic circles, he has gained control
inability to work with his own body, although the foun­ of the town and the surrounding clans. His power base is
dations were laid in his early childhood. Uirdriks' father considerably less than that of his forefathers-men who
Skulif, the Elf-friend, was a Northman seer of great loosely ruled most of the Rhovanion Northmen- but
reknown. Atagavia remains the Huithyn or Prince of the Waildungs.
Skulif had two sons and a daughter. Uirdriks was the Although his stature is only average for a Northman
eldest and has never married, so he has adopted his sister's (6' 1 " and 1 80 Ibs.), Atagavia has been blessed with an
son Gartila (22) as his heir. Skulifs youngest son aggressive manner and piercing blue eyes. He sways men
Wuilaric left the home settlement at Leovidukas ten years with his gifted tongue and unwavering glance. Imagery is
ago, and was disowned because his fascination with Dark important to him, for he seeks to dominate all men, and
Rites led him to betray more than one friend. Village carefully seeks leverage wherever it may lie. His thick
rumors place him to the east, or in the west with the velvet tunics and embroidered cloaks have always set him
curious Necromancer of Dol Guldur. apart from the common Northman of the town, while his
brilliant burgundy-colored chain mail has marked him
well in battle. (His matching helm, shaped and tusked as BEORN
a real boar head, covers the whole of his head, including Level: 28.
his short beard.) For whatever reason, perhaps because of Race: Northman (Beijabar).
his heritage or his shock ofbright red hair, Atagavia enjoys
Home: Muidwe Beom, near the Carrock.
being the center of attention.
The Thyn of the Waildungs is also a colorful warrior. BEORN IN MERP
This is largely due to his grandiose horsemanship, the Hits: 1 65 Melee OB: 1 70 Missile OB: I SS
blaze ofburgundy, and the awful flail called Totila. A rare AT: None (30) MovM: 30.
weapon, the flail was named for the lord's great-grandfa­ MERP Profession: Ranger.
ther; it is difficult to use, but exceedingly deadly, and both MERP Stats: ST 1 0 1 , CO 1 00, AG 99, IT 1 00, IG
Atagavia and his black warhorse Eorg are trained in its 73, PR 9 I .
peculiar ways. Often, the mere appearance of this assem­
blage drives a foe from the field. In other cases, the near MERP Spells: 60 PP (300 PP with x5 collar); base
insanity of his rash charges simply stuns the enemy. spell OB 20; directed spell OB I S. Beorn knows all
In every instance, Atagavia tends toward impetuous­ base Animist lists to 10th level and all open
ness. He has a beautiful, blond, fiery-tempered wife Channeling lists to 10th level.
Haithwyn (age 20) whom he married an hour after Special Ability: Shadow-sight: Beom can see ghost,
meeting. She proved to be a sorceress; this fascinated him, wraiths, ans other denizens of the Shadow-world as
although the secret is well kept. During their four-year if they were normally visible. Maneuvering Without Sight:
marriage Haithwyn has borne two children: a girl Lusuntha Beom can maneuver normally in even utter darkness. Bearn
(2), and a boy Ugilulf ( I ). They are a pampered pair, and
Atagavia plans to give them the whole of Rho van ion some


1 9.5.1 BEORN
A Northman Lord of the Beijabar (Beomings), Beom
is the first of the three enchanted Frathagaman (Chief­
tains) of the great Cult of the Bear (Rh. Bairakyn). He is
a powerful Shape-changer (Rh. Skuiftlaikar) who trans­
forms into a Great bear during rituals, battle, or other
times offrenzy or need. A true beserker, Beom hates Orcs
and goes into a vengeful rage when he enco'unters them.
NOTE: Beam slew the Orc-lord Bo� and helped turn the tide
at the Battle 0/ Five Armies in TA. 294 1 .
Fiery and suspicious of strangers, Beom is difficult to
approach. He never forgets a kindness, however, and
cherishes the few folk he actually befriends. Like the
other Beijabar, he prefers the company of wild beasts and
stays in his secluded home during times of repose. Beom's
kinsmen protects the trade routes between Eriador and
northern Rhovanion and keep watch over the Misty
Mountain passes and the crossings over the upper Anduin
(exacting only modest tolls). Beom himself lives in a
comfortable wood Long-house at his modest manor,
Muidwe Beorn, in the eastern Anduin Valley. His fenced
yard accommodates a host of animal friends, many of
whom reside with the warm Northman, performing
chores on behalf of his peculiar community. The manor
lays in a strategic nook between the western edge of
Mirkwood and the Carrock.
BEORN IN ROLEMASTER Beoraborn's homestead is located atop a hillock, in a
Hits: 1 65 Melee OB: 1 70 Missile OB: I SS small grove of trees overlooking the Anduin below the
AT: I (30) MovM: 30. Gladden Fields. There-among the furry oaks, silvery
RM Profession: Ranger. maples, and gleaming larch-he has built a fine long­
house for his family of five: his wife Geilsyn (46), his sons
RM Stats: St 1 0 1 , Qu 96, Em 99, In 1 00, Pr 9 1 , Ag
Bork (24) and Braiga (21 ), and his daughter Resuntha
99, Co 1 00, Me 79, Re 67, SO 90.
( 1 9). Animals of all sorts abound within their carefully
RM Spells: 60 PP (300 PP with x5 collar); base spell tended yard. Each performs a cooperative task, and all
OB 20; directed spell OB I S. Beorn knows all base have a home somewhere in or beside the entwined rose­
Animist lists to 20th level and all closed Channeling trees that serve as the fence and protective wall of the
lists to 20th level. manor.
Appearance: 74. Beijabar prize their women and protect them with
Special Ability: Shadow-sight: Beorn can see ghost, exttaordinary zeal. This is largely a result of their
wraiths, ans other denizens of the Shadow-world as insulated heritage; they have always feared a dilution of
if they were normally visible. Maneuvering Without Sight: their sacred line. So although the Beijabar woman is
Beorn can maneuver normally in even utter darkness. treated as an equal and an artist in her own right, her
BEORN'S PRINCIPAL ITEMS contact with those outside the clan is much more limited
than that of her male counterparts. This is also true of
Staff ("Ghostbane") This intricately carved, gnarled
young males, for the Beijabar are few, and their children
white staff is made of enchanted bleached chestnut.
are their future.
It serves as a +7 (Channeling) spell-adder, and
When he is not wandering in Wilderland as a fearsome
enables the wielder to control any Ghosts within Great Bear, Beoraborn wears the clothes that denote one
1 00' who fail their RR (versus wielder's lvl).
of the Waetan: a tunic, vest, and cape created out of black
Ghostbane is traditionally used by the High
"Warg" fur (not the lycanthropic variety), pants of red
Priestess of Tulach Boghain and serves as a +25
wool, grey leather shoes and leggings, and no hat or helm.
Ghost-slaying quarterstaff when wielded as a His carved white Dragon-horn and peculiar silver beard
weapon. set him apart from the other Beijabar lords. (Each Waetan
Dagger: ("Bloodrunner") +30 long-knife which carries a distinct horn.) To an outsider, he may seem to be
strikes as a short sword. When thrown, it is merely simply another barbaric hunter; to his kind, he is a noble
a + I 0 weapon. master.
Robes: ("Mountain Robes") These unencumbering At least one night in seven Beoraborn leaves his abode
robes protect the wearer as if he were wearing soft for the wilds. There, outside the enchanted boundaries of
leather armor (AT 8). The wearer receives a +20 his manor, he takes the form of a Great Bear. This change
bonus for any climbing or balance maneuvers. is said to bring the Beijabar closer to their beloved Bema
(Orome), for the great Vala is a hunter of foul beasts and
1 9.5.2 BEORABORN a master of changing ways. (All Valar, of course, possess
There are three great lords (Rh. Waetan) among the the latter trait.) In elder days the Great Bears accompanied
Beijabar ofSouthern Rhovanion. Of these, one, Beoracer, Bema into battle against the armies and servants of the
is rarely seen except at the times ofthe Great Dances. The Black Enemy. Now they gather at one of their traditional
two others, Beoraborn and Bornbeneor live in the Anduin glades to dance and commune with their Fathers. Then
Valley along the western fringe of Mirkwood and rarely they go forth in search of the creatures of Darkness,
retreat into seclusion. Their families are the noblest ofthe hunting and killing with brutal determination. This
Bear Clan, "guardians of the old roads." instinctive slaughter runs deep in their blood, and in times
Beoraborn is the oldest of the ones who possess the gift of war, or at the sighting ofone they call a "monster" (e.g.,
of Shape-changing. He has become the most revered of an Orc or Troll), the Beijabar lord might see fit to revert
his kind south of the Old Forest Road. Only the to the ways of his venerated Bear-cousins.
Waildanbair who lives in the North beside the Carrock
holds sway over this kind patriarch. From his Haiman (R. 1 9.5.3 WAULFA
"Manor") at Sarn Lothduin he roams the river valley and Since the vast majority of Mirkwood Woodmen are
forest paths, taking care to visit the isolated Beijabar scattered over wide stretches of the western forest, the
families. For many, he is a sort of grandfather; he has no political importance ofWoodmen-town far surpasses its
power over the individual Frathagaman (Rh. "Wise population share. It is the sole center of commerce and
Ones"), but his authority is unsurpassed. Of the dozen intellectual activity among a group of rude, unlettered
Southern Beijabar who can Shape-change (Rh. Skuifclaik), hunters and gatherers. Accordingly, its residents, the
he is the only one considered to be the religious and Sairtheod clan, are politically and culturally dominant
political leader of all the southern families. among the Woodmen. Their leader, the 60-year-old
Waulfa, is an accomplished tracker and healer who has
assumed considerable authority over the whole of his 1 9.6.1 BARD 1
people. Many ofthe other Woodman Thyns come to him Bard the Bowman, the Dragon-shooter, is a grim and
for aid and advice. In return for his gems ofcommon sense quiet Northman warrior born and raised in Lake-town.
and Elven lore, these clan lords bring whatever gifts they When the Dragon Smaug attacked his port-settlement in
can muster. Regardless of their worth, Waulfa accepts TA. 294 I he rallied the townsmen and slew the Fire­
them with kind words. He knows the plight of desperate drake with a well-placed bows hot. He subsequently led
men. the Northmen of the Long Lake area in the Battle of Five
Waulfa is the father of ten offspring, all children by his Armies outside the Lonely Mountain. After the victory,
wife Sisewyn. Although the eldest (the lovely Dainwyn, he used his portion of the Dragon's hoard to rebuild the
aged 38) is thirty years older than her young brother ruined town of Dale, the home of his ancestor Girion.
Thuinand-and despite the fact that all but two of the Thus, Bard became the first King of the Second Line.
brood have left the fold-the family is close: Odagis (27)
is his father's envoy and serves as the town tracker; his 1 9 .6.2 BAIN
sister Osantha (25) oversees the town's stores. The second King of Dale, Bain is the son of Bard I and
A tall, robust man (6'2" and 270 lbs.), Waulfa is rarely the father of Brand. He assumed the throne after his
ignored. He is quite wise, and often introspective, but has father's death in TA. 2977. Bain is a wily trader known
somehow cultivated a talent for festive partying and for his links with the Dwarves and Elves of northern
games. After all, Waulfa throws his whole soul into any Rhovanion. His commercial influence is considerable,
endeavor. No one in Woodmen-town has ever remem­ and he has a number of close friends in the mercantile
bered a better axe-hurler, and, in his prime, no warrior circles of I1anin and Riavod.
could best him in "tree-wrestling" (a contest involving 2-
16 contenders who try to cross over or under a fallen tree)' 1 9.6.3 BRAND
A few can outdrink the man, but not one can claim a better When Bain died in TA. 3007, Brand assumed the
flair. throne of Dale. He is a tough warrior who, unlike his
This taste for color does not extend to W aulfa' s garb, father Bain, cares little for the niceties of commerce and
however; rough furs, scratched leather, and torn wool tradecraft. He prefers to campaign, hoping to rid his
make his wardrobe no better than a,:erage. He does own Kingdom of Orcs, Easterlings, and fell creatures from the
a fine set of chain mail which the Elf-king Thranduil North.
awarded him some years ago, but he is usually content The father of Bard II, Brand is a caring family man. He
with a simple tunic and some coarse pants and/or leg­ is a proud, private person, although he appears gruff when
gings. Personalities and problems concern him, not the around outsiders-even his Elven allies. In this way, he
frivolous trappings ofvain Men. Waulfa has always loved is like a Dwarf-lord, which is hardly surprising in light of
the Elves and hated all their enemies with real passion, but his respect for the tough Naugrim.
he has never understood their wondrous clothes. As for
1 9.6.4 BARD II
Elven wine, Elven lore, and Elven song."that is a different
Known as the Dwarf-friend, or simply Bard of Dale,
Bard II is the fourth monarch in Dale's Second Line. He
became King when his father Brand died in the three-day
19.6 LORDS OF DALE Battle of Dale in TA. 30 1 9. There, the Easterlings routed
The first monarchs in the Second Line of the Kings of the allied army of Dwarves and Men slaying both Brand
Dale, the follo\¥ing figures rule the upper Celduin Valley and the Dwarf-king Dain II. Bard II was forced to lead the
during the last years of the Third Age and the early part survivors into the Dwarf-hold at Erebor (S. "Lonely
of the Fourth Age. Their domain encompasses all the Mountain")' After withstanding a briefsiege which lasted
territory north of the lower bounds of Long Lake (at until the destruction of the One Ring, they struck back
Lindal) and south of the Grey Mountains. However, in against the demoralized Easterling attackers, many of
keeping with Northman tradition, Lake-town and the whom knew little of siege warfare.
communities surrounding the Long Lake and the Long Bard II led the Dalemen into the Fourth Age and
Marshes remain semi-autonomous. remains a far-sighted and compassionate King. His love
NOTE: The following iriformation should be rrgarded as for the Naugrim is legendary, and under his watch, the
supplemental; the events described take place cifter TA. l 640. Men of Dale have grown closer to the Dwarves ofErebor
GMs wishing to run a detailed adventure in this region should and the Emyn Engrin.
see ICE's Laketown. For more iriformation regarding items and
stats associated with the Lords ojDale, see the Master NPC Table
in section 23.2.
1 9.7 HUINEN THE SEER On the other hand, Huinen is always scanning the sur­
In appearance, Huinen (when not disguised, as he rounding wood, and members of his household guard are
almost invariably is when he leaves his home) is a tall, always out patrolling. Travellers who are (truly) in
slender man, 6' 1 0" in height, weighing 200 pounds. The trouble are frequently taken in and aided, then helped on
typical Noldo black hair is in this case very curly, and shot their way-far away. Huinen values his home's secret
with streaks of white; he wears it short in an unkempt location very highly.
mop. He has a long face with large hazel eyes which are
sometimes emerald, sometimes deep brown, depending HUINEN
on the light; a small nose above a mouth which usually Level: 33.
hangs open. Race: Noldo.
The overall impression, when one is given the rare Home: Ceber Fanuin.
opportunity to meet Huinen, is that he is either very
stupid or mentally incomplete ("not eating with both HUINEN IN MERP
hands," as the Hobbits say). His voice is very low, and he Hits: 1 1 2 Melee OB: 1 00 Missile OB: ­
speaks with a stutter (the fact that this is a deliberate AT: None ( 1 00) MovM: 60.
affectation is a secret he shares with no one), further MERP Profession: Mage.
adding to the overall appearance of total ineptitude. He MERP Stats: ST I I O, CO 1 1 0, AG 1 0 1 , IT 1 00, IG
has been known to drool. On the other hand, when 102, PR 1 20.
playing a role, Huinen can be the epitome ofthe truly regal MERP Spells: 99 PP (300 PP with x6 orb); base spell
Elven lord, or any other guise which he may choose. OB 20; directed spell OB 80. Huinen knows three
Huinen does not confide completely in anyone. If there base Mage lists to 1 0th level, three base Bard lists to
is another person he trusts at all, it is Ringlin, his protege. 1 0th level, and three open Essence lists to 1 0th
He would trust Arien but suspects her real loyalty may be level.
The Seer's attitude toward "guests" varies, and could be HUINEN IN ROLEMASTER
considered truly random. Uninvited intruders in the Hits: 1 1 2 Melee OB: 1 00 Missile OB: ­
house are not often treated with great kindness. Usually AT: I ( 1 00) MovM: 60.
all memory of the location of Ceber Faunin is removed RM Profession: Bard/Seer.
Huinen from their mind, and they are left in the forest far away. RM Stats: St 76, Qu 100, Em 87, In 89, Pr 1 0 1 , Ag
1 00, Co 89, Me 79, Re 97, SO 96.
RM Spells: 99 PP (300 PP with x6 orb); base spell
OB 20; directed spell OB 80. Huinen knows three
base Seer lists to 30th level, three base Seer lists to
20th level, and ten base Mentalist lists to 1 5th level.
Appearance: 84.
Cloak of Invisibility: full length; confers Invisibility at
will as often as once per round.
Ring of Waterbolts: range 300'; usable 6x per day;
delivers 3x hits; recharges daily and cannot be
permanently exhausted.
Headband: protects as a metal helm.
Stud Earring: emerald set in mithril; highly intelligent;
speaks 1 00 languages (almost any that would be
Leather Wrist Bracers: create a misty aura around
wearer at will; add +60 to wearer's DB.

. Lhe
. E n�'s G a.t e .
0 19.17. 1 95 1 . 1966. 11)78 by Gl'Orgc Altm & Unwin (Publishers) Lrd.

1 9.8 ELF-LORDS of Doom"), a great network of halls to the west which The Elven-king's
served as his capital. Mobilizing his people, the vast Gate
The Elves of the Woodland Realm count a host of
capable leaders and powerful personalities. Three, how­ majority of whom were Avari (Silvan Elves), he readied
ever, have had the greatest impact on the course of the Woodland Realm for the great struggle against the
Wilderland's history. Evil One which ended the Second Age.
War finally erupted in S.A. 3429 and the Elves and
1 9.8. 1 OROPHER Men formed the Last Alliance in order to combat the
A fiery and prideful Sinda Lord from L6rien, Oropher Lord of the Rings. Oropher refused to submit to the
broke with Galadriel and his kinsman Celeborn during supreme command of the Noldo High-king Gil-galad,
the middle of the Second Age. He resided near Amon however, preferring to keep his modestly-equipped but
Lanc at the time and, as a result ofthe dispute, severed ties numerous and independent-minded Silvan warriors apart
with the Elves of the Golden Wood. Oropher gathered from the chain of authority. This proved to be his
a group of Sin dar and joined with the neighboring Silvan undoing. In S.A. 3434, during the Dagorlad campaign,
Elves, forming a new kingdom in Greenwood the Great. the Elven-king prematurely ordered an assault on the
Thus, he became the Elven-king of the Forest-folk. Mordorean lines. His host was routed and Oropher
Although rash and hot-tempered, Oropher quickly perished in the struggle, fighting brilliantly but without
recognized the danger Sauron presented and advised his hope of relief.
brethren to prepare for the impending war. The Elven­ NOTE: For more iriformation regarding Oropher's items, see
king moved three times, each time further northward and the inset material covering his son Thranduil. Thranduil carried
away from Mordor. Eventually, he established a major hisjather's treasured weapons and later passed them on to his heir,
stronghold in the western vales of the Emyn Duir (Moun­ Legolas.
tains ofMirkwood). He also built Caras Amarth (S. "City
Like his father Oropher, Thranduil journeyed eastward Hits: 1 75 Melee OB: 242 Missile OB: 247
out of Lindon with Celeborn during the early years of the AT: 1 7 (95) MovM: 45.
Second Age. He helped found Eregion (Hollin) but, like RM Profession: Fighter.
many of the other Sindar, had little use for the animosity RM Stats: St 98, Qu 99, Em 97, In 95, Pr 96, Ag
of the Dwarves of nearby Moria. The Naugrim held 1 00, Co 96, Me 93, Re 9 1 , SO 84.
strong feelings about the Sindar, and Thranduil was
RM Spells: 66 PP ( 1 98 PP with x3 multiplier); base
happy to migrate further east to avoid conflict. He
accompanied Oropher over the Misty Mountains and spell OB 25; directed spell OB 25. Thranduil knows
into the southern reaches ofGreenwood the Great. There, three base Animist lists Nature's Protection, Plant
the House of Oropher bound itself to the Silvan Elves, Mastery, and Nature's Movement to 1 0th level, base
eventually breaking with their Sinda kinsmen and creating Illusionist lists Guises, Illusion Mastery, and Light
the Woodland Realm. Molding to 1 0th level, and open Essence lists Lofty
Thranduil inherited his father's throne in S.A. 3434. Bridge and Invisible Ways to 1 0th level.
His army was decimated, though, so he spent the early Appearance: 98.
months of his reign restoring order. Even then it was seven THRANDUIL'S PRINCIPAL ITEMS
years before he sat on Oropher's throne. After the fall of Sword: +45 Broadsword of Troll- and Spider-slaying.
Sauron and the end of the Second Age, he moved back to Only fumbles on unmodified roll of 0 1 .
his father's hold in the highlands of Greenwood to begin
Bow: +45 Elven Longbow o f Ore-slaying. I t fires at
the task of ruling the Forest-folk.
twice normal rate of speed.
When Sauron arose again in T.A. 1 050, he setrled in
Greenwood as the "Necromancer." Thranduil failed to Ring: A x3 PP multiplier, the mithril-inlaid silver ring
immediately identify the new threat or recognize the confers a +20 bonus to wearer's bow attacks and
Necromancer's true nature, but he sensed danger. This reduces his chance of fumbling by 2.
prompted the delving ofthe Aradhrynd, the "Halls of the Boots: Dark grey, they are Boots of Limbrunning.
Elven-king," which were completed around T.A. 1 100. Helm: Creates shadows, giving wearer a +50 bonus all
From there, Thranduil presided over an ever-shrinking hiding maneuvers.
Woodland Realm. Despite the growth of the Shadow
over Mirkwood, Thranduil succeeded in resisting con­ 1 9.8.3 LEGOLAS
quest. He remained resilient, tenacious, and ever-vigilant Legolas is the eldest son and heir of King Thranduil.
throughout the often insidious struggle. Exceptionally personable and skilled in the arts of diplo­
macy, he is at ease in the company of Men and is
THRANDU1L astoundingly tolerant of Dwarven interests. He is also
Level: 33. inquisitive and exceptionally astute, not unlike a Noldo,
Race: Sinda. although he is not prideful. Unlike his father and
grandfather, Legolas is acutely aware of the concerns of
Home: Aradhrynd, Halls of the Elven-king.
others and the need to cooperate and occasionally com­
Hits: 1 75 Melee OB: 242 Missile OB: 247 Besides being a fine young statesman, Legolas is a
AT: Plate (95) MovM: 45. superb bowmen and able forester. He is well-travelled and
MERP Profession: Warrior. feels confident about meeting virtually any challenge in
MERP Stats: ST 98, CO 96, AG 100, IT 95, IG 92, the wilds or on the battlefield.
PR 96.
MERP Spells: 66 PP ( 1 98 PP with x3 multiplier);
base spell OB 25; directed spell OB 25. Thranduil
knows one base Animist list Plant Mastery to 1 0th
level, two base Ranger lists Path Mastery and
Nature's Guises to 1 0th level, two open Channeling
lists Nature's Movement and Protections one open
Essence list Illusions to 1 0th level, and one base
Mage list Lofty Bridge to 1 0th level.
LEGOLAS Dain's host marched to Thorin's aid at the Battle of
Level: 8 before the Ringquest; 28 after T.A. 301 8. Five Armies (T.A. 2941), where they distinguished their
Race: Sinda. Dwarf-king as a superb warlord. Once again, Dain proved
himself to be the bane of the Orc-race, slaying dozens of
Home: Aradhrynd, Halls of the Elven-king.
the foul goblins in the pitched melee at the base of the
LEGOLAS IN MERP Lonely Mountain.
Hits: 94/ 1 48 Melee OB: 90/205 Missile OB:
1 25/240 DAIN n
AT: Chain (50/70) MovM: 35/45. Level: 28.
MERP Profession: Warrior. Race: Dwarf (of the House of Durin).
MERP Stats: ST 98, CO 9 1 , AG I OO, IT 94, IG 90, Home: Azanulinbar, in the upper Redwater Valley of
PR 8 1 . the Iron Hills.
MERP Spells: none. DAIN IT IN MERP
LEGOLAS IN ROLEMASTER Hits: 1 49 Melee OB: 1 80 Missile OB: I 1 0
Hits: 94/ 1 48 Melee OB: 90/205 Missile OB: AT: Plate (65) MovM: 5.
1 25/240 MERP Profession: Warrior.
AT: 1 3 (50/70) MovM: 35/45. MERP Stats: ST I OI, CO IOO, AG 96, IT 84, IG 87,
RM Profession: Fighter. PR 77.
RM Stats: St 98, Qu 99, Em 92, In 94, Pr 8 1 , Ag MERP Spells: none.
I OO, Co 9 1 , Me 92, Re 95, SO 72. DAIN IT IN ROLEMASTER
RM Spells: none. Hits: 1 49 Melee OB: 1 80 Missile OB: 1 1 0
Appearance: 93. AT: 20 (65) MovM: 5.
LEGOLAs' PRINCIPAL ITEMS RM Profession: Fighter.
Bow: A Bow of Quickness, it fires 3x every two rounds RM Stats: St I O I , Qu 96, Em 64, In 84, Pr 77, Ag
and gives wielder a +30 bonus. 96, Co IOO, Me 9 1 , Re 84, SO 90.
Shield: A +25 Shield of Concealment, it gives of a RM Spells: none.
shadowy aura that aids in hiding maneuvers. Appearance: 78.
Boots: Dark grey, they are Boots of Silence. DArN's PRINOPAL ITEMS
Long-knife: +20, strikes as a short sword. Axe: +35 Axe of Orc-slaying fashioned in Nogrod in
the Blue Mountains during the late First Age.
1 9.9 DWARF-LORDS Shield: A +25 oval Ithilnaur Warder's Shield, bears a
The Lords of the Dwarves in Wilderland are too Sudden Light symbol on the front, permitting the
numerous to properly recount here. Two Dwarven wearer to command the shield (3x/ day) to glow
figures, though, deserve mention. with a blazing light causing all within 1 4' diameter
NOTE: For more on the Dwaif-lords oj Rhovanion, see (who are gazing in the direction of the shield) to
ICE's Dwarves. make a RR versus Essence. RR failure results in
victim being stunned for 1 round/I O RR failure
1 9.9. 1 oAIN II (e.g., RR failure of 26 = victim stunned 3rds).
Dain Ironfoot was born in T.A. 2767 at Azanulinbar Hammer: +30 Hammer of Troll-slaying fashioned in
in the Iron Hills of northern Rhovanion. The son ofNain Khazad-dum (Moria).
(T.A. 2665-2799), he was a cousin of both GI6in and Boots: Dark brown, they are Boots of Iron, enabling
King Thorin II (Oakenshield). Dain first won fame when the wearer to kick a foe as if wielding a mace.
he killed the Orc-Iord Azog in the Battle of Azanilbizar
Cape: + I 0 Cape of Protection. Water and
(Dimrill Dale) in T.A. 2799. His father Nain perished in
windproof. it provides the wearer with + IO RR and
the fray, but his grandfather, King Gr6r, survived. So,
AT bonuses.
when Gr6r died six years later (T.A. 2805), Dain suc­
ceeded him as King of the Iron Hills.
Gimli of Erebor, the eldest son of Lord Gl6in of
Azanulinbar, was born in the Blue Mountains (S. Ered Adventurous souls will find no lack of excitement in
Luin) in T.A. 2879 and journeyed eastward to Erebor in Rhovanion. Most will find simple travel through the
T.A. 294 1 -42. It was only after he settled in the Lonely region challenging enough. For the ambitious, however,
Mountain that he visited his father's ancestral residence in a variety of suggested adventures are outlined below.
the Iron Hills. He spent the next seventy-six years in
northern Rhovanion, at Erebor and in the highlands 20. 1 GREY MOUNTAIN
around the headwaters of the Carnen. ADVENTURES
Although seemingly unprepared for statecraft by Man­ The foothill region to the south ofthe Ered Mithrin are
nish standards, Gimli is considered worldly by his fellow relatively tame compared to the rest of the range. The
Naugrim. He is relatively well-traveled, tolerant, and animals common to the scattered woodlands and rolling
enjoys the counsel of his father Gl6in-a Dwarf whose hills of Rhovanion are all in abundance here. However,
experiences during the Ereboran Quest and the subse­ addition to the pleasant and mundane, one can also find
quent Battle of Five Armies provided him with keen greater challenges.
insight into the ways of Elves and Men.
NOTE: Cimli, oj course, accompanied his father to the
Perhaps the worst danger are the two organized Ore
Council ojElrond in Rivendell in TA. 30 1 8. He later became
tribes which reside in the passes of Cirith Mithlin (S.
a part oj the Fellowship oj the Ring.
"Greymere Pass") to the west and Cirith Himninond
further east (S. "Cool Water-rock Pass").
Level: 8 before the Ringquest; 2 1 after F.A. 1 . URUK-ERAG
The western group, known as the Uruk-erag, is led by
Race: Dwarf (of the House of Durin)'
the ( 1 3th level) War-lord Shagrath and numbers 240
Home: Erebor, the Lonely Mountain. warriors. They live in an underground complex with three
GIMU IN MERP cavern entries (set at 3500, 3800, and 3900 feet) over­
Hits: 1 25 Melee OB: 1 30 Missile OB: 85 looking the eastern slopes of the pass which is the core of
AT: Chain (60) MovM: 5. their domain. Shagrath occasionally pays homage or
MERP Profession: Warrior. tribute to the Ore-lord of Gundabad; his forces serve in
the Forurukhoth (S. "Northern Host") when forcefully
MERP Stats: ST 98, CO 96, AG 1 00, IT 95, 1G 92, called, and will later be at the "Battle of Five Armies." The
PR 96. Uruk-erag mine iron and small portions of silver, and
MERP Spells: none. hunt men, elk, and other large game in the upper vales of
GIMU IN ROLEMASTER the Mithlin to the south. Patrols of twelve or eighteen
Hits: 1 25 Melee OB: 1 30 Missile OB: 85 Orcs (one 6th level, three 3rd or 4th levels, and the balance
AT: 1 3 (60) MovM: 5. I st and 2nd levels) scout the territory within ten miles of
the pass during night or dark hours of winter days. Nine
RM Profession: Fighter.
parties operate from the caves called Udrabax (Or. "Val_
RM Stats: St 99, Qu 94, Em 77, In 98, Pr 74, Ag 92, ley Hold"?) in three shifts.
Co 1 00, Me 98, Re 9 1 , SO 83.
RM Spells: none. LOR-URUK-SHAB
The eastern tribe, the Lor-uruk-shab, is led by ( 1 4th
Appearance: 84. level) Cro (Girishag). His warriors number nearly 300
GIMU'S PRINCIPAL hEMS and live among the ruins ofthe First Age Ore-hold known
Axe: +25 Axe of Shield- and Ore-slaying fashioned in as Tuwurdrog. Their citadel consists of a rude tower and
Erebor before T.A. 1 977 and refined in the Blue two granite cave fissures surrounded by a semi-circular,
Mountains. If it strikes a shield, the shield-bearer loose stone wall; the complex is perched on a granite
must make a RR (at his lvl), failure resulting in the outcropping on the south side of a small lake, two miles
shield being cleaved in half. northeast of the entry to the Cirith Himninond. Cro is
Shield: A +30 Shield of Delving, enables bearer to more independent than Shagrath but still remains sensi­
ascertain nature of any weapon striking the surface. tive to the master ofGundabad. Thus the Lor-uruk-shab
generally have free rein along the northeastern Ered
Hammer: +20, strikes as a flail.
Mithrin. Watches manned by groups ("Lurgs" ) of six
Boots: Dark brown, they are Boots of Stone-running. Orcs (one 3rd level, three 2nd level, and two 1 st level
Cape: + 1 5 Cape of Hiding. Water- and windproof, it warriors) are set 500- I 000 feet below the rim of moun­
provides wearer with + I 5 bonus for Hiding and tains for thirty miles to either side of the pass. Each site
Stalking maneuvers. consists of a two-room, twenty-four foot oval tower
Orcs can mount a defense. This position is further
protected by positions set some sixty feet up into the
cliffside. Two cave chambers, each accessible by
winding passages from the cleft below, overlook their
respective sides of the wall below. The only way up
to the stronghold from the the valley below is by way
of a severely sloped, 9' wide switchback road. Stores
for three months can be kept in the cool, ice-lined
ware chambers, and a fortune of nearly 3,000 gp in
precious metals, coins, and jewels is locked in the
treasure hold.
A small gold mine is reputedly nearby. Continual
income is a necessity, for like all the local Orc tribes
in the region, some tribute is always bound for the
chambers beneath Mt. Gundabad.
The principal reason for journey in this area
revolve around the abandoned Orc mines of the First Tuwurdrog,
Age, and the considerable caches which can be found The Caverns
among the three tribes or in the Troll holes of the
surmounted by a torch signal stand, and is situated to foothills. The Trolls, even in this desolate region, often
command a clear view to the north and east or west. hoard gold and a few jewels and/or magic weaponry
Patrols are about only in times of extreme need. This is (typically 300 gp total) and live alone or (less frequently)
perhaps due to the relative lack of discipline among the in bands of two to five. The Orcs maintain the wealth of
tribe, being so far from a centralized power. many centuries of mining activity in the region; their Tuwurdrog,
Like the Uruk-erag, the Lor-uruk-shab are lesser Orcs citadel storerooms generally contain upwards of 2-3000 The Tower
and favor curved swords and bizarre pikes; they are gp and assorted high-qual-
occasionally adept with the short-bow. Cro, Shagrath, ity weaponry. In addition,

and a handful of the inner circle, however, are Uruk-hai. tribute caravans bearing
Neither Orc tribe enjoys the company of the other and loot for the treasure-holds
trade is quite modest; each speaks its own related dialect ofGundabad and Angmar
and respects little but power. occasionally cross the low­
land trails during the
warmer nights ofsummer.
During the late spring, summer, and early fall, Rhunnish
The heavy iron-reinforced
supply trains bound for Angmar skirt the southern moun­
carts (usually 4-6, each car­
tain face along protected but rugged tracks (the Men
rying around 1 00 gp) are
Rhunen). The wagons, carts, and Men from the East are
guarded by two "lurgs,"
guarded, particularly at night, by the Orcs of the Asharag
or twelve Orcs, and are
tribe. Ukog the Lame is the ( 1 5th level) lord of this force
accompanied by Orc drive
ofsome 420 lesser Orcs and nearly I 00 War-wolves. Ten
teams (two Orcs per cart)
Asharag bands, each numbering about twenty Orcs (one Level Two
and a sixth-level com-
6th level, one 5th level, six 3rd or 4th levels, six 2nd levels)
and six War-wolves, patrol the foothill region between
the Cirith Mithlin and a point twenty miles east of the
Cirith Feadin (S. "Pass of the Silent Spirit") during the

lightless hours throughout the year.

The remaining portion of the tribe remains at Ukog's
stronghold Surgax Ukog, in the hills east of the Cirith Level Three
Auris (S. "Hot-cleft Pass").This site is a fortified moun­
tain cleft, with tunnels cut into both sides of the precipi­
tous basalt cliffs. A twenty-foot high wall spans the
opening into the crag; the only entry is through a 9' x 9'
iron door which opens inwardly and can be reinforced by
a thirty-ton stone. (This enormous rock can be moved on
great oak rollers in a remarkably short time.) Along the Level Four
inner face of the guard wall are ramparts from which the
20. 1 .2 TUWURDROG 1 0. First Floor. This room is basically a meeting and
Actually the ruin of a First Age Orc-hold, Tuwurdrog feasting chamber for the Orc warriors. There is a hole in
is composed of a ruined tower and a small cave complex. the center of the ceiling, where a ladder provides access to
The hold is situated along the northern edge of the Grey the second level (the wooden spiral stair once there
Mountains, twenty miles northwest of the source of the disintegrated over the centuries).
Taurduin. It is surrounded by an unmortared wall and I I. Second Floor. There are four arrow slits spaced
perched on a granite outcrop along the southern edge of evenly about the perimeter of the room. This area serves
a small lake. as Cro's office".

I . The Tower. See numbers 9- 1 6 for details. 1 2. Ladder. Leads to the third level.
2. Wall. Of unmortared rough stones, about four feet 1 3. Outer room. Two guards are always on duty in six­
high. hour shifts. A heavy curtain hangs across the door to Cro's
3. Cave entries. Very narrow on the outside, they quarters (#1 4).
gradually widen as one proceeds inward. 14. Cro's quarters. A stinking hole by most standards,
4. Guardposts. One Orc on duty at each at all times. Cro's room is superior to any others at Tuwurdrog.
Shifts are every six hours. IS. Secret door. Good construction, hard +20 to locate.
5. Armory. Basically spare scimitars, a few short bows, It holds Cro's treasury: 1 20 gp, 287 sp, 500 bp; a + 1 5
and eight sets of poorly-made reinforced leather armor. sword, a + 1 0 shield, and a bracelet which allows the
6. Living quarters. Very crude, dirty and smelly. wearer to see under water, even in the murkiest lakes, to
7. Secret door. Not very well made, +20 to detection 1 00' clearly.
attempts. A long winding passage leads to an exit (#8). 1 6. Ladder. To the roof.
8. Exit. Hidden from the enclosed area and leading away 1 7. Roof. Ringed by a three foot high wall, the roof is
from the lake. otherwise an unbroken slate surface.
9. Door to the Tower. Crudely made, as it was a recent
addition ( the original having rotted to dust long ago), the 20. 1 .3 UDRABAX
door is still strong, with a heavy wood beam that can be The Orc-hold at Udrabax consists or rough caverns
Urdabax secured across it on the inside. tunneled into the mountain by the Orcs. There is little
sense or logic to the layout, and the Orcs use any chamber
that comes in handy for living and sleeping.
I, 2, 3. Entrances. At 3500, 3800, and 3900 feet,
respectively. Each is barred by an iron-bound door and
guarded by two Orcs at all times.
4. Storeroom. These contain foodstuffs, some weapons,
leather, iron ingots, tools, etc.
5. Living/sleeping quarters.
6. Treasury. This room contains about 2,000 gp worth
of gold, silver, jewelry, and gems. In addition, there are
three + I 5 Numen-rean longswords (magic), and one
+20 magic breastplate.
7. Main hall.
8. Prison. Each cave-like cell is enclosed by iron bars.
Currently empty.
9. Iron mines.
1 0. Forge/Workshop. Here the Orcs work the iron they
' .
. . .. mine, making tools, weapons, etc.
"' •.
. ' ' ,-
. ',.
I. Iron bound door.
2. Stable. Each of these caverns houses 25 Wolves.
3. Living quarters.
4. Storerooms.
5. Prison. Two Orcs are always on guard here. Prisoners
are chained to the wall and the prison area is secured with
iron bars.
6. Treasury. Protected by a large iron-reinforced door
which is kept !ocked. The lock is extremely hard (-30) to
pICk. In addition to a large quantity of gold and silver
(GM's discretion), this room contains several magic
Items; + I 5 quarterstaff which can be thrown as a javelin,
an amulet which is a +3 essence device; +20 Sword of
Troll-slaying, and a Cloak of Wind-running 3x per day.
7. Armory.
8. Main Hall.


High up in the Ered Mithrin lies the mysterious valley
of Uthrael Beoac, reputedly haunted by Wights and
Werewolves. Long ago, in the First Age, the valley was
sacred to an ancient tribe of Men now long forgotten.
Here they buried their dead in barrows or in cliff tombs,
recorded the movements of the sun and the seasons in
stone circles, and watched the motions of the stars from
the Thyrn SuI (Rh. "Wind Thrones")'
Although the Men who once occupied the valley were
not eVIl, the Uthrael Beoac has become a haven for Wights large chamber and three small rooms, is haunted by a Ciritb Auris

and Werewolves. Virtually all of the tombs are haunted Greater-wight, who will sometimes leave the door to the
by minor or Lesser-wights, and to increase the danger, tomb ajar. This massive iron-bound door is still intact,
these Wights often leave the their tombs during the hours unlike those of most of the other tombs and barrows of
of darkness and go in search of prey. The Werewolves the valley. The tomb also contains an unusual amount of
too, jealously guard their territory, and hunt all who enter treasure; there are three thousand gold pieces worth of
the vale. gold and jewelry on the skeleton of the King and in
I. Thyrn Sui. Built on rocky outcroppings on cliff sides, moldering chests in the chamber. Most valuable of all,
a Thyrn SuI consist of a large, rough-hewn stone seat however, are the weapons and armor of Uthinac; +20
which resembles a crude throne. Once there were narrow magic chainmail helm, and shield, +30 sword of slaying
trails leading to the thrones, but these have been washed lesser drakes.
away with the passing ages. 4. Cliff tomb. These are natural caverns which have been
2. Stone circle. These can vary dramatically from large converted into tombs by the addition of sturdy doors,
Circles marked by huge boulders or earthen rings to long since collapsed. They are haunted by Lesser-wights
smaller rings marked by flat stones which have become and contain between 100-500 gp, worth of gold and
nearly overgrown. The larger circles are the favorite gems. All weapons and armor have long since rusted away.
gathering places of Werewolves. S. Barrows. These consist of a single stone chamber,
3. Tomb of Uthinac. This cliffside tomb holds the either square or round, which has been covered with earth.
remains of the most powerful of the ancient Kings of the Like the cliff tombs, they are haunted by lesser or minor
valley and his family. The tomb, which consists of one Wights and contain between 1 00-500 gp worth of
20.2 ADVENTURES IN The Nan Gt1Iduin (S. "Valley ofthe Enchanted River")
MIRKWOOD is a more dangerous setting for adventurers. Those who
The "wildest" sections of northern Mirkwood are are foolish enough to partake of the cool, bewitched
those outside the sway of Thranduil's folk. These areas waters fall into a deep coma-like sleep, within which
surround and include the central highlands and Moun­ nightmares abound. Too great a sampling results in either
tains ofMirkwood and extend northward nearly as far as a perpetual sleep or an agonizing death (at the discretion
the Taurduin (aka "Taurh" r") valley. In the farthest of the GM). Since feeder streams and other sources of
western sections of the wood the murky wilds cover the freshwater are scarce in this area, the temptation to drink
whole of the forested territory, all the way to the clearing the "Waters of Sorrow" is great, and one should take care
that separates the trees from the Ered Mithrin. Through­ to bring his/her own full waterskins. A journey to the
out these shadowy stretches the undergrowth is dense and upper vales of the Emyn-nu-Fuin or the Nan Taurduin
often nearly impenetrable. Dank mists permeate the (and its northern tributaries) is necessary in order to find
darkened depths, giant spiders abound, and good water is good water in the north of Mirkwood.
uniformly scarce. Giant Spiders are exceedingly co·mmon in the Nan
Adventurers in this section of Mirkwood are traveling Gulduin, and this may account for the relative scarcity of
through what was once called Greenwood the Great, and Orc incursions. Orcs, Trolls, wolves, Wargs and bats are
there are a number of abandoned Mannish and Elvish quite common as one reaches the upper Gulduin, how­
sites. The lack of stone construction, murky mists, deep ever, for the tribe Shirkag makes its home in the wooded
shadows, and rampant undergrowth make these spots rare canyon about twenty miles downstream from the Goriwing.
finds, but some folk might find them worth huntingfor, This grouping of about sixty lesser Orcs (two 1 0th, six
since Mirkwood has claimed much in the way of riches. 6th, nine 5th, thirteen 3rd and thirty 2nd levels) is led by
Occasional hostile or overly-suspicious Woodmen or the Uruk Drurgangra (B.s. "Wolf Jaws"?) and pays
Beijabar groups travel some of the more guarded trails, homage to the "Master of the Falls." (Actually Lhachglin
and unfriendly beasts are commonplace. Giant Spiders never sees these minions, preferring instead to send his
and various other unsavory fauna populate the landscape. Dindae- the heinous Demon Slyardach.) The other
An adventurer in this area is hard-pressed to find a servants of Darkness found in the area are disorganized
Uthrael Beoac sanctuary from danger; action is the norm. scavengers; they are about because of the atmosphere, not
out of strategic need.
Perhaps the most dangerous part of Mirkwood, how­
ever, is in the southern part of the forest. Soon after his
. .
rise at Dol Guldur around T.A. 1 050, Sauron ofMordor
marked it as a base for future operations. In T.A. 1 276
three Ringwraiths (Khamul, Adunaphel, and Ovatha)
entered these highlands through what are now locally
called the Emyn-i-Thang (S. "Hills of Oppression"), the
western foothills. The Emyn-i-Thang section of the
Emyn-nu-Fuin now serves as a sanctuary for those forces
of Darkness journeying from Dol Guldur to Angmar; it
also harbors Orcs assigned to guard this crucial Sauronic
artery. The ( 1 8th level) Olog-hai (Black Troll) warrior
Wodurishak (B.S. "Horse-slayer"?) is lord of the area and
commands a host of some 1 80 lesser Orcs, 30 Uruk-hai,
30 Wolves, countless Cave-bats, and 5 other Olog-hai.
Their main hold is built in the caves above the Northman
ruin at Tumsarna (S. "Vale of Scree")' Lurgs of 24 lesser
Orcs (six 3rd, twelve 2nd, and six 1 st levels), accompanied
by 3 Wolves and commanded by an "Uruk," patrol the
" dark forest to the north and west of the hills; at night, the

-" ." ..-
open glens fall under watch. In order to assure themselves
of a relatively low profile, the foul creatures do not
regularly trespass upon the Men-i-Naugrim. Nonethe­
less, nighttime travelers are often "lost" to the mysteries
of Mirkwood.
20.3 ADVENTURES IN THE involving the counting of coup rather than any killing.
OPEN COUNTRY Among the Northmen, however, since counting coup was
This region encompasses the whole of the plains and often worse than actually killing the victim, the penalty for
hill-land lying between the Celduin and Carnen; it also such a raid is usually death, especially when it involves a
includes the Nan Celduin, Nan Annen, and Nan Carnen. frightening and dangerous nighttime incursion.
The area is predominately scattered woodland and grass­
lands, although the river valleys can be relatively lush in
The adventurer will find the Nan Annen (S. "Long
Lake Valley") to be generally placid. Most of the
Adventurers traveling along the narrow dirt roads of
Northmen in the region live in Esgaroth or along the
this territory might be surprised by the amount of traffic.
western shore of the lake. Another large concentration
The Plains Northmen (Rh. Gramuz) use these routes to
lives near the two great mills below the Lindal (S. "Mere's
bring their wares westward to Esgaroth and the Men-i­
End"), the great eighty-foot fall which marks the south
Naugrim, and southward to the river settlements. Occa­
boundary ofthe Annen. On the east side ofthe lake hearty
sional groups of well-guarded Dwarves from the Iron
fishermen and a handful of farmers, hunters, and herders
Hills or points north also bear goods to market. Most
live in relative isolation. No real towns lie in this area·
travelers along these routes camp in traditional hollows
instead, seasonal gatherings provide for unity and trade:
where well-defined and well-used fire pits and grassy
Some make occasional pilgrimages to Esgaroth by boat or
bedding spots allow for a small amount ofcomfort. There
foot, particularly around the time of the market days.
are very few real inns in this part of Rhovan ion. Nonethe­
Gramuz (Rh. Plainsmen = Plains Northmen) from east
less, some seek better accommodations among the Gramuz,
of the Nan Annen use the hills as summer pastures for
and the Northmen are usually willing to provide a paying
their fine steeds.
guest with a spot in the stable, loft, or common room.
Trade on the lake and along the western road is fairly
Larger taverns regularly allow visitors to stay in outbuild­
constant, although the Great Plague has made folk a bit
ings with the beasts and/or stores. Since the Gramuz are
more suspicious than before. Adventurers uninterested in
traditionally protective of their own and often suspicious
trade, however, will find their greatest challenges among
of travelers, access to their villages or homesteads, particu­
the rums of the numerous settlements which once dotted
larly for non-Northmen, is quite limited. Some villages
the shores of the Annen or sstood alongside the Celduin
(Rh. Maedwe-dukas) which were decimated by the Plague
below the Linda!. Ancient Londaroth by the Lindal was
will refuse (or in isolated cases, kill) those perceived as
once the main town in the region and began to be replaced
by Esgaroth around T.A. I 450. The latter was better
20.3. 1 RAIDING protected and offered a better location for water-borne
The Gramuz have fewer horses than their brethren the trade. Londaroth had been built because the falls inter­
Eothraim. Both groups, however, suffer from the horse rupted travel up and down the Celduin, but most sojourn­
and cattle raiding that has characterized the area for the ers felt the additional time to Esgaroth was tolerable. In
last few years. Easterlings and renegade groups of addition, Lake-town was more accessible to those bring­
Northmen operate from the local highland valleys and ing goods from the North or overland from the East,
prey on poorly protected herds. Occasionally, these especially materials bound for Thranduil's Kingdom.
mounted brigands will strike travelers on the roads as well, About two hundred people lived in Londaroth as late
but these occurrences are generally restricted to folk who as T.A. I 635, but the Plague reduced the town to a little
are both wealthy and weak. Both the local lords and the over fifty, most of whom have just begun to resettle after
King � fGondor have offered rewards for aid in their quest fleeing the accursed, unseen enemy. The stone founda­
to bnng peace to this land; 1 0 gp is the standard reward tions of the old town still exist, however, and some of the
for useful information, and between 3 and 200 gp has be buildings (e.g., the old citadel ofthe Masters) are still very
offered for the head of a proven raider. Due to the much mtact. Current residents live in new or restored
remoteness of the culprits' lairs, no great military action houses designed in the traditional Northman style and
has been taken against them. In addition, local rumors built of granite and/or limestone.
claim that the strongest of these renegades, one Dieraglir The miller Viloric (a 5th level Scout/Thief) and his
sister Woedwyn (a 7th level Mage/Alchemist) are the
of Relmether (reputedly a 1 4th level Scout/Rogue), has
a force of nearly a hundred warriors which operates out of richest inhabitants ofLondaroth. This is primarily due to
a mysterious and impregnable cave complex in the central Viloric's connection to the smuggler Kynoden. Despite
hills. the value of their mill to Esgaroth and the other lake
The days when the Eothraim raided each other's herds communities, its income pales before that derived from
and encampments have passed, but a few groups of the brisk illegal trade. (See the Master NPC Table for
outcasts occasionally attempt the old practice, attacks more on W oedwyn.)
20.4 PC POSSIBILITIES - A child of Beawyn the Seer. This PC seeks proof
Since player characters, like the GM, will generally give of Beawyn's claim of evil in the Lonely Mountain
as much as they receive, it is usually wise to give them a past and hopes to restore the old woman's reputation.
they can relate to and a foundation with which to build. Suspicious activities by the Daletheod have long
The following suggested PC backgrounds will enable the made Beawyn believe that her credibility was a
GM to start characters with less research than is normally danger to some. In addition, the remains of Thealaf
required. An adventurer could be: have never been found.
- Camthalion's young son or daughter, a Silvan Elf - A young Dwarf seeking knowledge of the "strange
who longs for his/her sister Namire. lights" he saw in a valley northwest of Barak­
- A wood-elf, child of Ohtar of Celebannon. He/she shathur. Tales of a foul curse which has claimed the
seeks the lost jewel Sam Amarth (see 21 .0), and has lives of three other young Dwarves in recent years
a clue that it may be among the ancient ruins of are unsettling, but will not stay curiosity.
Caras Amarth (see 1 4.3). The jewel is probably evil - A young Woodman wishes to purge the Western
and may be an aid to the power in Dol Eaves of any invaders, who currently number many
Guldur. since refugees from the Plague have fled into the
- A Wood-elf, younger brother or Forest. He attempts to develop a partnership with
sister of Heladil the warrior. the Beijabar just north of the Tree-city.
This young Elf seeks knowl­ - An Elf from L6rien who, learning of the
edge of the nature of the dissolution of the Northmen's society in the
Gulduin, and why it is Eastern Eaves, brings a troop of Elves
enchanted. back into Mirkwood Forest hoping to
- A Mannish traveler, discover the ancient Elven Ring of Cor
perhaps from Gondor Angalaladh, Ostoher's first refuge.
proper, who seeks adven­ - A direct descendant of Vidugavia
ture along the Kingdom's who summons the help of scattered
old frontier. He is staying Northmen and attempts to push all
in the Vodagarzun and has fugitives from Gondor back across the
( I ) learned of the rich booty Anduin, returning the lands east of the
to be found in the Ered great river to his kind.
Mithrin, and (2), become - A Dwarf from northern Rhovanion
infatuated with one of who comes to Dol Guldur, following a
Odovacer's daughters. dream-vision in which he learned that a wise
- A young adventurous resident and ancient Dwarf was still entrapped by
of Londaroth by Lindal Orcs within the mountain.
whose family was abused by - A bird-woman, attendant to Radagast,
the Miller Viloric. (No proof who stays behind at Rhosgobel after he
exists, but Viloric may have begins his yearly wandering and fends off
murdered the PC's sister in an Orcs who had been waiting in the shadows
act of passion.) Strange to besiege his home.
encounters between Viloric - The leader of a band of Northmen
and some shady folk from from the Plains who wish to explore Dol
Woodman Esgaroth have given rise to suspicion, and rumors Guldur and determine whether any living things
persist concerning the cruel Woedwyn' s mysterious inhabit it.
trips to the east. - A Hobbit from across the River Anduin who
- A child of a Gramuz family which was murdered by wanders into the forest seeking to learn which forest
the mounted raiders of Dieraglir. The entire village herbs have magical powers and whether any might
(Rh. Maedwe-dukas) was burned to the ground, but be made to grow in riverside Stoorharbor.
the young PC had been away with his old uncle, - A leader of the Northmen who, in concert with
fishing in the Celduin. rulers from Gondor, musters Northmen forces
- A young brother or sister of Jirfelien. Attacks by against invasions from the East but quickly learns
the Thyn's wife Sulwyn, and her overbearing that the Nazgul are the more serious common
Daletheod clan have long irritated the Aldurlingas. enemies and begins plotting their destruction.
In addition, Jirfelien herself appears in danger. - Any character wishing recovery of one the items
described in Section 2 1 .2.
20.5 SUGGESTED STORYLINES - Plunge into the depths of the forest, looking for
- Acquire 5 crates of Dwarven nails for renovation of new food and medicinal herbs to bring home.
Tree-town, now crumbling under the weight of - A shadowy man claiming kinship with Vidugavia
fugitives from the South. but more likely one of the NazgUl has been roaming
- Gather enough materials to create a second-story from Northmen house to house asking suspicious
walkway from one Tree-house to another, making it questions. Find him and discover his intentions.
unassailable by Orcs. - Join a company bound to investigate the source of
- Trade whatever goods are available for I SO pounds all shadows in Dol Guldur.
of grain, to be found among the Northmen of the - Having heard from Radagast that a potentially
Plains of Talath Harroch. friendly Spider dwells deep in Dol Guldur, with
- Visit Radagast and secure from him medicinal powers useful in a concerted effort to overthrow the
herbs to prevent any more children from dying of Evil therein, construct a plan to find and solicit that
the post-plague fever. Spider.
- Trap and cure, or kill as need be, a trained moun­ - Radagast has given you an ancient book of
tain lion which has gone wild after eating plague­ Northmen wisdom which may translate the grave­
infested food. stones in the midst of Mirkwood, thus revealing
important secrets about the powers still at work
- Fend off invading Men from the East who wish to
kidnap animals and enslave them in a newly formed
village northeast of the Old Forest Road. - Radagast has invited you for dinner, but the
celebration is invaded by roaming Orcs. You think
- Needing more netting for curtains and rugs,
you spy a Nazgul in the distance.
attempt to befriend white Spiders of southern
Mirkwood and introduce them to animal commu­ - Cleanse the Mountains of Mirkwood of Fell Beasts.
nity of Western Eaves. - Sojourn into the Ered Mithrin in pursuit of a
- Search forest heights for wild bears to bring home marauding Dragon or Drake.
and supplement now dwindling supply of Beijabar - Destroy the Cult of the Long Night.
house servants.
- Defend homestead against Orcs, looting for
weapons and goods.
- Search out underground (
treasures left behind by
the Entwives underneath
the Brown-lands.
Investigate rumors that
the Entwives still live
- Seek provisions
stored in Dol
Guldur to round
out the meager .
harvest of this
- With the aid of
Radagast, call
upon Eagles to
investigate the
principal powers
alive in the depths
of Dol Guldur.

Area Exports Imports Currency
GUIDELINES Esgaroth* Cloth. barrels. fish. gram. Ra w and finished goods Mietan= I sp
The following data will help GMs candles. wide variety o f of all kinds. Mael= I/2 cp
goods. principal market­
add flavor to their campaigns.
DaIe* Grains. cut stone. finished Meat, wine, raw metals, Fdadoel=I/2 sp
2 1 . 1 ECONOMIC metal-work. weaponry. salt. non-wool cloth, paper, Moel=I cp
TABLES jewelry. beer. dairy goods. spices, candles. (6 ip= I Airen= I ip
glass. woo!. ap)
Trade in Rhovanion is largely based
Woodelves* Wood-craft. raw wood. fish. Wine, metals, wool. pe­ Mostly barter.
on barter. Nonetheless, a silver stan­
salted foods, long bows, fine culiar goods. Rare coin.
dard of sorts exists and operates in cloth (e.g. spidersilk), jew­ Celeban= 5sp
more settled locales, particularly Dale elry, herbs, fruit.
and Esgaroth. The Wood-elves of Woodmen Wood-craft, hides, beeswax, Beer, wine, cloth, weap­ None.
Thranduil's Kingdom respect currency herbs, furs, salted meat. ons, various finished
and even mint a small amount of their goods.

own on commemorative occasions, Beijabar Honey, beeswax. furs, hides, Raw metal. cloth, weap­ None.
but they still prefer to deal in refined oak-craft, mead.
Mead, beer, hea vy wines,
goods and precious substances. The Dwarves* Raw metals, metal-work, Mazuldar=I gp
gems, stone-work, weapons. salted meat, cloth, oils. Ziguldar= 5 sp
material below summarizes the chief
Ghaladar= I bp
exports, imports, and monetary units Ghuladar=1/2 cp
of the principal trade centers of the Gramuz Grain, horses, salted meat, None.
W o ol, meta l - w o rk,
regIOn. linen, beer, pottery. weapons. salt.
No[c: Based em mic[;ln :1." STandard sp. rhe cxchangy r:l.t.c is: I b"P- 2S sp; I sp - 5 hI'; I bp- 2ep; I cp - 6 ip. Variarinlls due to time.
2 1 . 1 . 1 TRADE IN An •
pcJliric.... a c{lin's purity. and basic circumst.'lnCl' c}ccUrfrc'lUl'mly. This an'a hascilnsidl'rablc' rradl'. bur a highly f}ucu:ltingncmn elfexchange.
indicates that cnim arc mintl'd. at !c;Uit tlcca.�ional1y.
The Mietan (Rh. "Measure"),
5) The seasons play a major part in some pricing. For
Esgaroth's silver piece, sets the standard for evaluating the
example, since harvest time is in the fall, grain is
worth of coins in Rhovanion. Consistent purity and most expensive during the period between late
widespread circulation account for its tremendous re­
winter and mid-summer. Fish and meats are rare
spect. and expensive during the mid- to late winter. (See
For purposes of the chart above, I sp = I mietan.
section 5.0 for weather chart.)
2 1 . 1 .2 COST VARIABLES 6) Suggested cost multipliers might be:
The following guidelines may help the GM to deter­ Native commodity - I /2x
mine a commodity's price, regardless of locale. Commonly available or usual import - I x
I ) Goods are cheaper in the rural areas of origin or in Periodic import o r off season - 2x
towns. Rare commodity - 3x
Banned commodity - 5x
2) Basic services are cheaper in rural areas.
7) Steady trade occurs along Rhovanion's main
3) Exotic or refined services, if available, are cheaper in
thoroughfares, particularly the rivers and the early­
to mid-Third Age Men-i-Naugrim. Prices are often
4) Enchanted items are cheaper and more prevalent in lower, and availability of goods and services higher,
towns or among the Wood-elves and Dwarves. among folk living by these routes.

Need Esgaroth Dale Gramuz Dwarves Wood-elves Beijabar Wood-men
Light Meal 1/2 cp Y2 cp B2 ip I cp* BI cp n/a B2cp
Normal Meal I cp I cp B1/2 cp 2 cp B2 cp free* B3 cp
Heavy Meal P /2 cp 2 cp B I cp 4 cp B3 cp free* B5 cp
Week's Rations 5 cp 6 cp B4 cp I sp* B8 cp free* BI 5 cp
Week's Preserved Rations I sp I S cp B7 cp 2 sp* B9 cp free* B2 cp
Poor Lodging 1/2 cp Y2 cp B I ip 2 cp* n/a n/a B3 cp
Average Lodging I cp I cp Bl/z cp 6cp* B1 Y2 cp free* B8 cp
Fine Lodging 3 cp 4 cp B5 cp n/a B3 cp free* n/a
Note: Costs preceded by a ((B" indicate that barter is the norm. Currency may be used in certain cases. An \l< means that ther is extremely limited access to the commodity
or service;friendship, kindness, or connections must be relied on.
2 1 .2 ENCHANTED ITEMS effectiveness of the blocking is subject to the
MOST POTENT amount of plant life in the vicinity. Ideally, this
staff is used in the forest or where there is ample
Sarn Feanaur: (S. "Fire-spirit Stone") Mid S.A. flora. The path in these cases is completely closed,
Haudh-en-Aiganaur. Clear sphere; 6" diameter. and in fact hidden, even if a cleared way had existed
The holder of this orb can capture the soul of a before. The staff will also part most plant-growth
target within 1 00'; attack level = 20 + user's level. before the holder if he/ she is moving through dense
The user can then control the soul-less body within underbrush.
300', or employ a 1 00' flame bolt of the same level
which burns away the soul and kills the target's POTENT
hollow body. If the orb is separated from the user's Miramarth: (S. "Doom Jewel") Late EA. Caras
physical person, the target's soul returns to its body. Amarth. 1 /2" black stone encased in 2"-diameter
The orb, constructed by Dark-elves and weighing 2 clear blue jewel. When "at rest" (not held) and
Ibs., holds one soul and is usable once a day. uncovered, it creates a 30' x 30' x 30' area of
Arkenstone: (Passim) Post T.A. 1 999 Erebor. This impenetrable darkness. When held and exposed,
priceless jewel is clear with a inner glow of white darkness ensues, but the wielder can see as if the
flame. It is the Dwarven symbol of lordship over jewel was not present. The effect is immediate and
the "Kingdom Under the Mountain," and bestows constant, and the enchantment is 30th level.
the holder with strength of body and purpose Possibly a legacy of Morgoth, the jewel weighs 2
(allowing +20 for OB, DB, RR, and maneuvers). Ibs.
Mothras: (S. "Dusk Horn") Late S.A. Gondmaeglom. SUlthol: (S. "Wind Helm") Mid S.A. Uthrael Beoac,
Dragon horn; 1 8 " curved instrument with 1 oz. now in Itangast's hoard. Blue leather, unmasked
mithril mouthpiece. When the horn is blown, the helm, inlaid with silver and reinforced with steel
user can summon 1 -20 beasts of any one type trimming. This helm allows the wearer to "wind­
desired below his/her own level. Creatures arrive in run," or move up to 1 0 mph as much as I 00 feet
the same number of rounds as the number sum­ above the ground on a level plane; vertical move­
moned and will stay with the user until the battle is ment is via levitation at 5 mph. The wearer can use
over or 30 minutes pass, whichever is longer. The this power but once a day, and for no more than 1 0
user must concentrate to direct the creatures. This minutes. The helm weighs 2 Ibs. and was created by
3-lb. tool was created by "Middle Men," possibly Adan-related lords who once occupied the region
the ancestors of the Northmen. northwest of Dale.
Rimalagon: (S. "Sound Of Many Wings") Of tooled Sarnini: (S. "Little Stone") Late S.A. Emyn-nu-Fuin,
leather, it is a headband just over an inch wide, with now in the ruins of Barad Fuin (S. "Gloom
four bird feathers secured in bronze clasps dangling Tower"). This one-pound grey-green stone will
about the perimeter. The headband allows the glow upon the spoken command "Galgalen" (S.
wearer to physically transform instantly into one of "Shine Green"). This brightness is controllable, and
up to four different bird types (as represented by can vary from a dim aura to a brilliant, yet non­
the four feathers: 0 1 -25 = sparrow;' 26-50 = crow, blinding shimmer. The principal power of the
5 1 -75 = small hawk, 76- 1 00 = eagle). He/she can stone, however, is its ability to delve into the mind.
become each type once per day. Each shape-change When directed at a target within 1 0', it can read
lasts up to three hours. his/her thoughts for up to 3 minutes. Alternatively,
NOTE: The Rimalagon is in the possession oj Huinen. the stone can be used to reduce a target to a
childlike state for I - 1 0 rounds. This Wood-elf
Fonhrad: (Rh. "Quick Fang") A spear of rare Dyr­ device attacks at 1 0th level; only one power and one
wood (a very hard, black wood) tipped with a attack can be used in any 24 hour period.
golden head, it can be hurled at targets as far as 1 00' Angbor: (S. "Iron Fist") A gauntlet of fine steel mesh
away with no distance subtraction. The spear also and overlapping plates, it allows the wearer's fist to
has a +20 bonus, and the head glows with a yellow have the effect of a + I 0 mace. It does not aid or
light when it is within 1 00' of Orcs. In addition, it impede him/her when using other weapons.
returns to the hand of its wielder after traveling 1 00'
Collowesta: (Q. "Cloak Of Breezes") Grey, and of
or strikiHg an object (whichever occurs first).
Elven quality to aid in hiding (+80 while immobile;
Hollenilon: (S. "Closer Of Paths") To all appearances + 20 moving), this cloak also casts Wind Drifting
merely an unadorned 5' long staff of oak, the instantly if the wearer should fall (or jump) from
Hollenilon is activated by tapping the lower end any height. He/she will then float slowly to the
(the bottom is tapered) on the ground. Thereafter ground below. The wearer is subject to any winds
the path behind the carrier of the staff (until it is present, and so could be blown quite a distance
struck to the earth again) is blocked for 24 hours by (determined by the GM) if he/she drifts from a
whatever vegetation is nearby. Naturally the considerable height.
Galathilin: (S. "Tree Of Hiding") This
collar is fashioned of twelve rectangular,
curved pieces of fine oak, approximately
I " by 2" long, bound and linked together
with bands of silver. It allows the wearer
to Merge True with a living tree once per
day. This means that he/she can enter the
tree and be hidden, as well as see out of
the tree and cast spells (that he would
normally be able to cast) on himself. He/
she can remain in the tree as long as they
desire, but once they depart, they cannot
re-enter until after having rested for a full
sleep cycle.
Mithram: (S. "Grey Wall") Early T.A.
A Northman oj
Amon Thranduil, now located in the ruin
where the Men-i-Naugrim crosses the
Celduin (old Iach Celduin). This is a 1 0'
x 1 0' grey cloth spun of spider-silk by Wood-elves.
It is kept folded and rolled in a 5' sheath made of Suimbalmynas: (Rh. "Everthoughts") A large tome
carved chestnut. The sheath weighs 2 lbs, and the with inlaid wood covers, it contains a rune of every
cloth 5 lbs; but when stored together, they weigh spell within the realm of Essence. The runes are
only 3 lbs. The bearer of sheath can control the permanent (reusable), and may be conjured by
unfolded cloth to move at up to 5 mph, and to anyone aligned to Essence. However, it was lost just
distances as far as 200 feet away. The cloth cannot after the migration of the Withras into Rhovanion.
move on its own while supporting more than I NOTE: For background irifonl1atiol1 on this book, see Section
pound of "dead weight." 1 9. 4.2.
Cu-i-Thang: (S. "Bow of Oppression") Mid S.A. Yulmita: (Q. "Sparkling Cup") A small goblet of
Easterling, now in the bandit lair at Dyn Odoric skillfully wrought yet undecorated pewter, the
(Rh. "Odoric's Hill"). This +25 composite bow is yulmita will completely purify any water placed into
made of deep reddish wood, white bone, and black it, up to three times per day. It holds one cup.
sinew, inlaid and trimmed in golden steel. The user
will always fire at the nearest target he/she per­ Angol: (S. "Iron Cloak") A suit of magical lightweight
ceives, be it friend or foe. Four and one half feet in black leather, it will snugly fit any human or Elvish
length, the bow weighs two and one-half pounds. wearer. The suit is composed of a jacket, pants,
boots, gloves and a headband (which protects as a
Carnecoimas: (Q. "Red Life-bread") Late F.A. full metal helm), all of which must be worn for the
Eregion, now in spiders' lair in Mirkwood. Six suit to be effective. The wearer is protected as if he
white I " round wafers in a white birch box inlaid is wearirig Half-plate armor (or RM AT 4 [-20]).
with cedar and mithril. It is worth 3 m.p. and
The wearer's attacks are handled normally, but he/
weighs one-half pound. It allows the ingestor of a she takes 1 - 1 0 hits of damage each time he/she
wafer to cast 3rd level word "Serkemando" (Q. strikes a foe. It is said that this suit was made by a
"Blood Prison") at one target within 1 0 feet, once guilt-ridden Elf-lord who wished to feel the pain of
per day. Failure to resist results in the target's entire his victims.
circulatory system instantly hardening into a thick
paste; the target dies in I -2 rounds. Dalrim: (S. "Many Feet") Boots of soft leather which,
at a thought, can be made to leave any manner of
animal tracks desired by the wearer. His/her stride
can be altered so that even an experienced tracker
will have difficulty discerning these tracks from
genuine animal prints.
Dalicor: (S. "Feet of Circles") Boots which appear
identical to those above, except that these either ( I )
create footprints facing whatever direction desired
(so that it appears that the wearer has walked in the
direction opposite to that actually taken), or (2)
create no footprints whatsoever, even in soft soil.
The following material relates to the Rhovanion NOTE: "Ie" probably transultedfrom "IKS"
Northman language spoken by the Eothraim, the Horse­ Agilulf Odoacer
lords of the Wilderland plains. GMs can use the proper Alaric Odovacer
names, or some variation therof, for any Northman NPCs Alboin Ratahis
they need to create. Amalsuntha (f) Reccared
COMMON WORDS Athanagild Recceswinth
Afta - behind Athaulf Rechila
Alan - to nourish, grow Attila Sisebuth
And-haitjan - to challenge, calling against Authari Sisenand
Anthar - other Baduila Sonnica
Ariv - eternal, always Chindaswinth Swinthila
Airiz - earlier Euric Theudelindaf
Attila - father Gisulf Thuidariks
Baidjan - to compel, oppress Goti Thuidimer
Bairan - tocarry Hermenegild Totila
Batis - better Leovigild Ulfilas
Bidjan - to request, bid, exhort, pray Livra Waccho
Brothar - brother Luitprand Wamba
Buhr - fortified town, hold Witigis
Driugan - to do military service
Fadar - father 21.4 EORLING GLOSSARY
Fill - hide, skin The following material relates to the Eorling (and later,
Firas - human beings the Rohirric) tongue. Rohirric evolved from the
Frathi - understanding Rhovanion Northman language spoken by the Eothraim.
Gadrauhts - soldier This evolution accelerated during the period T.A. 1 854-
Galaubjan - to believe 25 1 0.
Gasts - guest
NOTE: Italicized words are Rhovanion Northman
Giban - to give
Haurn - horn
Ibai - if, give, given COMMON WORDS
Itan - to eat Aldor - prince
Kausjan - choice Arod - swift,quick
Kuisan - to choose (keusan) Baedan - compel, oppress (baidjan)
Kuzon - chose Bema - trumpet
Lond - Iand Biddan - request, bid, exhort, pray
Maithms - treasure Burg - fortified town, hold
Moths - anger, emotion Ceosan - choose (kuisan)
Paida - cloak, coat Cram - traveling bread
Reiks - realm, kingdom Dern - secret
Saljan - to give Dingle - dell
Skula - debt Druigan - to do military service (archaic)
Swaleiks - so, such as Dryhten, Dreogan - to do military service (recent)
Thata - that Dwimmor - spell, illusion
Twalif - twelve (lit. "two left" as over from ten) Dwimmerberg - Haunted Mountain
Waila - desire, delight Dwimmerdene - Haunted Valley
Widu - forest Dwimmerlaik - the work of the undead
Wiljan - to wish, be willing Ece - eternal, always
Withra - against, opposite, toward Edoras - The Courts
Emnet - plain
Ent - giant
Eored - cavalry
Eorlingas - Children of Eorl
Eothain - higher knight
Fadar - father (archaic)
Faeder - father (recent)
Firienfeld - mountain field Hasufel Sunlending
Folde - land (as in earth) Helm Theoden
Frod - understanding (frathi) Herefara Theodred
Geard - enclosure Herubrand Theodwyn
Geliefan - to believe (galaubjan) Hild (f) Thengel
Giefan - to give (giban) Holdwine Thrihyrna
Gif - if, spoken as "give" or "given" (ibai, jabai) Horn Walda
Harg - temple (archaic) Leod Widfara
Harrow - temple (recent) Leo fa Windfola
Hatan, haitjan - to challenge, "calling against" Saruman Wold
Isen - iron (recent) Sauruman Wulf
Isern, iren - iron (archaic) Stybba
Kud-Dukan - Rh. hole dweller RULES OF TRANSLATION
Land - land (lond) I ) Undefined words above are proper names;
Leod - citizen
Leof - Love, belief in 2) The older Rhovanion language employs "K"
Mearas - blessed steeds instead of the hard "C" of the Rohirric;
Mod - anger, emotion (moths) 3) Both voiced and unvoiced "TH" sounds are shown
Mund - hand as "TH" above;
Nahald - secret 4) The R. "AN" sound often becomes a Rh. "JAN;"
Onettan - challenge 5) The R. "E" or "AE" often becomes a Rh. "A" or
Orald - old "AI" respectively;
Other - other (anthar) 6) The R. "OE" or "U" often becomes a Rh. " UI;"
Rice - kingdom, realm (reiks) 7) The R. "D" often becomes a Rh. ''TH' (notable
Sculan - debt (skula) .
exceptIons: b elore
£ "ER" or "AR" or "AN");
Simbelmyne - evermind
Swe - so, such as (swaleiks) 8) The R. "F" often becomes a Rh. "B;"
Trahald - burrowing, worming in 9) The "E" is unusually rare in Rh., except where
Twa-lif - twelve (archaic) shown preceding "I" to form a long ''1'' sound. But
Twegen - twelve (recent) note the plethora of "E" s in the proper names.
Wil lan wish, be willing (wilj an),
OR desire, delight (waila)
With - against, opposite, toward (withra)
Aldor Folcred
Bard Folcwine
Brand Fram
Brego Framgar
Brytta Fn�a
Ceorl Freal6f
Dene Freal6f
Deor Freawine
Deorwine Freca
Dunhere Frumgar
Elfhelm Galmod
Elfhild Garulf
Elfwine Gleowine
Emnet Goldwine
Eomer Grima
Eomund Gram
Eorl Grimbeorn
Eowyn Grimbald
Erkenbrand Guthlaf
Fastred Guthwine
Felar6f Haleth
Fengel Hama
Folca Harding
22.0 APPENDICES Hob ........................... .............. " ... The Hobbit (Ballantine ed.)
Space does not permit us to spell out every thought or
LotR ............................. The Lord oj the Rings (Ballantine ed.)
include statistics for every major role playing game sys­
tem, so we include the following abbreviations, defini­ LotRI .................... The Fellowship oj the Ring (Ballantine ed.)
tions, citation guidelines, etc. LotRI!.. .. " ........ " "" ...... " .. ". The Two Towers (Ballantine ed.)
Section 22. I covers abbreviations. Section 22.2 enables LotRII!.. .......... "" ..... The Return oj the King (Ballantine ed.)
readers to translate citation references. Definitions of Sil ......................... The Silmarillion (Houghton Mifflin ed.)
frequently employed terms are set out in Section 22.3. UT.. ......... " ... " .... Unfinished Tales (Houghton Mifflin ed.)


The most commonly used abbreviations are listed here A&U ............................... Allen & Unwin, Ltd (London)
alphabetically according to sub-categories. Bal .................................... Ballantine Books (New York)
LANGUAGES GA&U ............. George Allen & Unwin, Ltd (London)
A. ......................................................... Avarin (East-elvish) GB ............................................. Grafton Books (London)
Ad. ............................................................................ Adunaic HC ........................................... Harper Collins (London)
B.s. .................................................................. Black Speech HM ................... Houghton Mifflin Company (Boston)
E. ........................................................ Eldarin (Old-elvish) UH ........................................... Unwin Hyman (London)
Kh. ..................................................... Khuzdul (Dwarvish)
K. .......................................... Kuduk (Ancient Hobbitish) 22.2 CITATIONS
Since this is a game supplement, the descriptions in the
Lo . ........................................................................... Logathig character glossaries have been confined to material perti­
M. ................................ Melkorin (Ancient Dark-speech) nent to fantasy role playing. In order to provide the reader
No . .................... Northmanish (Foradanin, Rhovanion) with access to more information, we provide citations to
Or. ................................................................. Orkish dialect selected sections of the works; however, generally only
Q. .................................................... Quenya (High-elvish) one significant section is indicated.
S. ..................................................... Sindarin (Grey-elvish) All citations are italicized. Bold italic print citations
V. .............................................................................. Valarin denote the a reference to one ofTolkien's works or, when
W. ....................................... Westron (Common Speech) specified, to one or more ICE products: ICE's publica­
tions contain extrapolated material and do not contain
GAME SYSTEMS text attributable to J .R.R. Tolkien.
loR ....................... Lord of the Rings Adventure Game (ICE) Example: A citation states "Read LotRllI 1 22. See ICE's
MERP .................................. Middle-earth Rol� Playing (ICE) MERP 7 1 . This meansyou canjind more information in The

RM . .... . . . .. .. .. . .... .. . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. .. ... .. ... . ... . . .. ... . .. . Rolemaster (ICE)
. Lord oj the Rings Part III, The Return of the King. The
CHARACTER STATS material is at page 1 22 in the Ballantine (U.s. paperback)
Ag Agility
................................ ................................................
version. More data is in ICE's Middle-earth Role Playing at
page 7 1 .
Ap ....................................................................... Appearance
Co ..................................................................... Constitution
Em ........................................................................... Empathy
Ig ........................................................................ Intelligence
It ............................................................................... Intution
Me ........................................................................... Memory
Pr ............................................................................. Presence
Qu ........................................................................ Quickness
Re ......................................................................... Reasoning
SD ................................................................ Self Discipline
St ............................................................ : ................. Strength
AT .................................................................... Armor Type
DB ............................................................. Defensive Bonus
MB ........................................................... Maneuver Bonus
OB ............................................................. Offensive Bonus
PP ........ , ........................................................... Power Points
RR .............................................................. Resistance Roll
22.3 GLOSSARY DUnedain: (S. "Edain of the West" sing. Dunadan)
The following glossary provides translations and ex­ These High Men are descendants of the Edain who
planations of terms sprinkled through this supplement. settled the western island continent of Numenor
You should refer to the sources, especially The Hobbit and around S.A. 32. The Dunedain returned to explore,
The Lord ofthe Rings, for more detailed information about trade with, colonize, and later conquer many areas
these and other Endorian names and concepts. along the western, southern, and eastern coasts of
Angmar: (S. "Iron Home") Angmar was founded Endor during the Second Age. Unfortunately, their
around T.A. 1 300 by the Witch-king, the Lord of hubris and desire for power led them to attempt an
the Nazgul. An evil realm, it lay nestled in and along invasion of the Valar's Undying Lands. As a result,
the icy flanks of the northern Misty Mountains (S. Eru (the One) destroyed their home island in S.A.
"Hithaeglir"), in the high plateau of northeastern 33 1 9. Those called the Faithful opposed the
Eriador. The Gundalok shelf above the northwest­ policies and jealous Elf-hatred that prompted this
ern Anduin vales, and a network of underground Downfall. The Faithful were saved when Numenor
strongholds (notably beneath Mount Gundabad) sank, sailing east to northwestern Middle-earth.
cut beneath the Misty Mountains, formed the There they found the Realms in Exile, the kingdoms
eastern boundary of Angmar. Armies mustered of Arnor and Gondor. Although sparsely populated,
along this line of defense constantly threatened the Arthedain (in Arnor) contains the highest propor­
peoples of Rhovanion to the east. tion of the Faithful and the most purely Dunadan
Arnor: (S. "Land of the King" or "Royal Land") culture in all of Endor. Many unfaithful (or Black
Encompassing most of Eriador, Arnor was the Numen6rean) groups survive as well, living in
northernmost of the two Realms in Exile. It colonies and independent states such as Umbar.
constituted the North Kingdom, while Gondor-its Adunaic is their native language.
sister land-was the South Kingdom. Founded by Dunlendings: (On. Daen Lintis) A rugged race of
Elendil the Tall in S.A. 3320, Arnor was settled by Common Men who, for the most part, migrated out
the Faithful Numen6reans who fled the Downfall of of the White Mountains in the Second Age. Most
Numenor. These Dunedain dominated the indig­ settled in Eriador, with the heaviest concentration in
enous Eriadoran groups until the collapse of the Dunland.
realm. In T.A. 86 I, Arnor split into three successor Eldar: (Q. "Elves"; "People of the Stars"; sing. Elda)
states: Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur. The Calaquendi (Q. "High Elves") who made the
Beijabar: (aka Beornings) A dispersed collection of Great Journey to the Undying Lands. The Vanya,
Northman bands associated with the ancient Bear­ Noldo, and Teler kindreds comprise the Eldar.
cult of Eriador and western Rhovanion. Related to Eotheod: (R. "Horse-folk") The descendants of the
the Woodmen and (to a lesser degree) the other Northman refugees who migrated out of Rhovanion
Northmen of Wilderland, they became a distinct, between T.A. 1 856 and T.A. 1 899. Heirs of the
mysterious, and highly revered group in elder times. horse-loving Eothraim, they first settled in the
They reside in the Anduin Vales, the western eaves western vales of the Anduin (near the Gladden
of Mirkwood, and along the eastern flanks of the Fields) after being forced out of their homeland by
Misty Mountains. Some, like Beorn, enjoy the the Wainriders. In T.A. 1 977, they migrated
power of shape-changing. northward, this time to the upper vales of the
Corsairs: Originally descendants of Castamir ("the Anduin. There, they became known as the Eotheod.
Usurper") of Gondor and his followers, the Later, in T.A. 25 I 0, they moved south to
Captains fled Gondor in the larter days of the Kin­ Calenardhon in Gondor, where they founded the
strife (T.A. 1 432-47). This group seized control of Kingdom of Rohan and became known as the
Umbar in T.A. 1 448. Thereafter, they became Rohirrim.
associated with maritime raiding and were labeled Eothraim: (Rh. app. "Glorious Horsemen") The six
"Corsairs." The term later became associated with tribes of Northman horsemen who occupied the
any pirates based in Umbar or along the coasts of southern Rhovanion plains until T.A. 1 856-99.
Harad. Actually called the Gimuteothraim, or "Gathering of
Dalemen: The Northmen of Dale. the Glorious Horses," they are the ancestral culture
Dike: An artificial embankment such as a man-made of the Eotheod and the Rohirrim.
earthen wall; also an excavation.
Erebor: (S. 'The Lonely Mountain") An isolated peak, Harad: (S. "South") The vast region located below the
Erebor is located in north central Rhovanion. It is river Harnen, south of Gondor and Mordor.
just east of Mirkwood and due north of Long Lake. Although (periodically) autonomous, Umbar is in
The River Running (S. Celduin) begins beneath the Harad. (See Umbar, below.)
mountain, spilling out onto the plains of northern Khazad-dfun: (Kh. "Dwarf-mansion"; S. Hadhodrond;
Wilderland by way of a waterfall issuing out of W. Dwarrowdelf) It is also known as Moria (S.
Erebor's southern flank. "Black Chasm"), the Black Pit, and the Mines of
Eriador: All of the territory north of the river Isen and Moria. Khazad-dum stands as a citadel, mansion,
between the Blue Mountains (S. Ered Luin) and the and city-hold of Durin's Folk, the noblest of the
Misty Mountains (S. Hithaeglir). Its northern Seven Tribes of the Dwarves. Founded in the early
boundary lies along the highland ridge that runs First Age in caves beneath the Misty Mountains, it
northwestward from Carn Dum and reaches to the overlooks and incorporates the holy vale called
Ice Bay of Forochel. Some accounts place the Azanulbizar, and extends beneath the three moun­
southern border along the line bounded by the rivers tains Fanuidhol, Caradhras, and Celebdil. Early in
Greyflood (S. Gwathl6) and Swanfleet (S. the Second Age, the Dwarves discovered mithril
Glanduin). Most hold it to be that area north of here, and many from the Blue Mountains migrated
Gondor's traditional western border. Eriador loosely to Durin's home. Khazad-dum was abandoned in
translates as the "Empty Lands" and includes the T.A. 1 982, two years after the release of the Balrog.
regions of Minhiriath, Eregion, Cardolan, Rhudaur, Kin-strife: The Gondorian civil war. The Kin-strife
Arthedain, and, according to most, Dunland, and took place between T.A. 1 432 and T.A. 1 447 and
Enedhwaith. pitted the forces of Castamir "the Usurper" against
Esgaroth: (S. "Veiled Foam"?) Lake-town. A great King Eldacar.
commercial town and freshwater port, Esgaroth is NOTE: See ICE's The Kin-strife sourcebookfor more
located on massive wooden piers and wharves in the iriformation regarding these turbulent years,
midst of Long Lake. It is the chief center of trade
for goods passing between the Wood-elves of Lakemen: The Northmen of Lake-town (Esgaroth)
Mirkwood and the Northmen of Wilderland. and of the settlements surrounding Long Lake.
Gondor: (S. "Stone-land") Also known as the South Lindal: (S. "Mere's End") The waterfalls at the
Kingdom, Gondor is the great Dunadan realm that southern end of Long Lake. Lindal marks the exit of
lies west of Mordor and north of the Bay of the lakewaters, as they spill over a eighty-foot
Belfalas. It includes a number of regions--(clock­ cataract and resume their course as the River
wise from the north) Calenardhon (Rohan after Running (S. Celduin).
T.A. 25 I 0); An6rien; Ithilien; Lossarnach, Londaroth: The ruined Northman town standing
Lebennin; Belfalas; Lamedon; Anfalas (including below the Long Lake by Lindal.
Pinnath Gelin); and Andrast. Osgiliath on the Long Lake: (S. Annen) A long, deep lake located on
Anduin served as the Gondorian capital until T.A. the River Running, Long Lake is situated just east
1 640, when the throne is moved to Minas Anor of Mirkwood and south of the Lonely Mountain.
(Minas Tirith). The Taurduin, or "Forest River," meets the River
Gramuz: (Rh. "Plainsmen") The sedentary Northman Running at Long Lake. Lake-town rises out of the
farmers and herders of the Rhovanion prairie. lakewaters near this confluence.
Great Plague: the awful plague that struck Rhovanion Long Marshes: (S. Aelinann) The wetlands surround­
in T.A. 1 635 and swept through Gondor in T.A. ing that lower portion of the Forest River (S.
1 636-37. Taurduin), east of Mirkwood and west of the Long
Ithilien: (S. "Land of the Moon"; R. "Moonlending") Lake.
Although technically a province, 1thilien is essen­ L6rien: (S. "- Dream") Also known at various times
tially a royal fief in northern Gondor. Founded by as Lothl6rien (S. "Dreamflower"), Laurelindorenan
Isildur, its capital is located at Minas Ithil (later (S. "Land of the Valley of Singing Gold"),
called Minas Morgul). Ithilien encompasses all the Lorinand, Lind6rinand (N. "Land of the Singers"),
lands north of the river Poros, south of the Dead and Dwimordene (R. "Haunted Valley"). The
Marshes (Nindalf), east of the Anduin, and west of Golden Wood was formally established by Galadriel
Mordor. The river Ithilduin flows through the in T.A. 1 375, although a number of Nan do Elves
center of the province, dividing it into two parts: preceded her there.
Forithilien (North Ithilien) and Harithilien (South
Ithilien ).
Misty Mountains: (S. Hithaeglir) Snow- and mist­ Portcullis: A vertical, sliding grill with spiked tips that
capped mountains which run southward from the serves as a barrier gate.
upper Anduin Vales to the Isen Gap (Gap of Rhovanion: (S. "Wilderland;" lit. "Wild Place")
Rohan). The daunting Misty Mountains form the Traditionally, a vast region encompassing all the
western boundary of both the Anduin Valley (S. land south of the Grey Mountains (S. Ered
Nan Anduin) and (according to some) Rhovanion. Mithrin), north of Mordor, east of the Misty
Moat: A defensive ditch. Mountains, and west of the river Redwater (S.
Mount Gundabad: The greatest massif in the north­ Carnen). This area includes Mirkwood and the
eastern Misty Mountains, Mount Gundabad northern Anduin river valley. Some scribes count the
commands the narrow gap between the Misty and whole of the area between Mirkwood and the Sea of
Grey Mountain ranges. Thus, it is the most strategic Rhun, save Dorwinion, as part of Rhovanion.
height overlooking the northern Anduin Vales. A Rohan: (S. "Horse-land") Calenardhon after T.A.
huge Ore-hold is situated beneath the mountain, an 25 I 0. Called The Mark or Riddermark, it is a
Orc-kingdom that pays tribute to the Witch-king of fertile, grassy region granted to the Rohirrim (a
Angmar. Orcs issued forth from this stronghold to semi-nomadic Northman race) in return for their
assail Erebor in the Battle of Five Armies. Azog and, aid against the Balchoth and their oath of loyalty to
later, his son Bolg are the two most famous Lords of the Kings and Stewards of Gondor. Rohan's chief
Gundabad. town is Edoras.
Noldor: (Q. "The Wise"; alt. "The Deep Elves") The Silvan Elves: Also called Avari (Q. "Refusers"), the
Second Kindred of the Eldar. Silvan Elves include all of the Quendi who are not
NUmenor: (S. "West-land" or "Western esse") The Eldar.
large, fertile island continent located in the middle Sindar: (S. "Grey Elves", alt. "Elves of Twilight") The
of the Great Sea (S. Belegaer) from its creation at Sindar are neither Moriquendi nor Eldar.
the beginning of the Second Age until its destruc­ Woodland Realm: The Elven kingdom in Greenwood
tion in S.A. 33 I 9. From S.A. 32 until its Downfall the Great. Founded by King Oropher, the father of
(A. Akallabeth), Numenor was occupied by the Thranduil, it is ruled by Sinda Lords who left
High Men (Edain) of the West, who became Eregion or L6rien and settled amongst the Silvan
known as the Dunedain (Numen6reans). These (Avar) Elves in the forest east of the Anduin. The
proud Men were the ancestors of the Dunadan race majority of the realm's people, however, are Avari or
that later dominated western Endor. Silvan Elves, and it is their culture that predomi­
Osgiliath: (S. "Fortress [or 'Citader] of the Stars") nates.
Originally founded as the capital of Gondor, The Forest-folk of the Woodland Realm
Osgiliath is situated on both the east and west banks retreated northward soon after the founding of their
of the Anduin, just north of the confluence of the domain. Even though Sauron was overthrown at the
Great River and the Ithilduin and a short distance end of the Second Age and they enjoyed over a
northeast of Minas Tirith. millenium of peace, the Wood-elves failed to
Ost-in-Edhil: (S. "Fortress of the Eldar") Capital city reclaim the southern part of the forest. After T.A.
and citadel of the Elf-kingdom of Eregion. It was r o50 and the arrival of the Necromancer in Dol
inhabited until S.A. I 697, when it was overrun and Guldur, their realm shrank further. By T.A. 2900,
sacked by Sauron's armies. Oropher and Thranduil the Woodland Realm was confined to northwestern
briefly resided there during the Second Age. Mirkwood.
Pelargir: (S. "Garth of Royal Ships") Great port city Woodmen: A distinct group of Northman,dans who
on the Anduin. Founded by the Faithful of reside in the depths of Mirkwood. They are a loose
Numenor in S.A. 2350, it is the oldest city in tribe of hunter-gatherers who live in or below the
Gondor. Pelargir is the capital of Lebennin and trees as extended families. Their chief settlement is
serves as the home for the Royal Fleet. at Woodmen-town in southwestern Mirkwood.
23.0 TABLES 1 29


Name/# LvI Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee OB Missile OB MovM Notes
Necromancer 240 600 PI/20 200 (Y) (A/L) 250bs/ma 2501b 60 Sauron. Maia (Great Enemy).
Can use all spells at any level. Considered a "Large Creature" for purposes of defense. (See text for more info.)

Khamul 40 240 PI/20 90 N (A/L) 2 l Obs 1 80ge 10 Easterling (Womaw/Avaradan)

NazgCtI. Undead warrior. Second of the Nine. Warden (later Lord) of Dol Guldur. 5D98.C o l OO. Ag99. Me86. 5t I O I . Qu98. PrI 02. In96. Em89.
Considered a " Large Creature" for purposes of defense.

Khamul 50 240 PI/20 90 N (A/L) 2 l Obs I 80ge 10 After T.A. 2460.

Adunaphel 32 1 60 PI/ I 9 75 N (A/L) I 60bs I 25cp IS Black Numen6rean Nazgui.
Undead warrior. Seventh of the Nine (and sole female). 5D77.C 035. Ag96. Me9 I . 5t62. Qu99. PrI OO. I n l OO. Em99. Considered a "Large C reature"
for purposes of defense.
Ovatha 31 240 PI/20 90 N (A/L) 210bs I 80ge 0 Variag Nazgui.
Undead warrior. Best tracker of the Nine. Messenger of the Shadow. 5D33.C 098. AgI OO. Me89, 5tI OO. Qu99. Pr97. In94, Em 1 O. Considered a
" Large C reature" for purposes of defense.

The Mouth 20 1 20 Noll 90 N N 80da -25 40 Numen6rean Magician.

x5 ring/300PP. 6/Mage I S; 8/Essence 1 0. 5D95. Co96. Ag1 00. Me98. Re99.5t84. Qu97, Pr98. In89, Em I O I .
Celedhring 40 1 20 Nol l 50 N N 75ma -25 25 Naldo Mage/Alchemist.
6/ Alchemist 30; 1 3/Essence 20. x6 staff 720 PP. +20 Forging tools. 5D90. C08? AgI OO. Me99. Re95. 5t86. Qu99. Pr97. In94, Em 1 O I .

Duran 40 200 RL/ I 2 80 N (A/L) 200(ma) - 40 Demon Warrior.

Wing-fists strike as maces. 5D80, C o l O l . Ag1 00, MeSO, Re80. 5tI 02, Qul OO. PrI OO, In80. Em40.
Gorovod 20 1 00 No/ I 90 N N 90da -25 IS Variag Mage/Sorcerer.
Defensive robes -30DB; x6 headband/360PP. 6/50rcerer I S ; 6/Essence 1 0; 4/Channeling 1 0. 5D96. C086. AgI OO. Me96. Re95. 5t87. Qu99.
Pr89. In l OO. EmI OO.
Carlon 20 1 48 PI/ I 7 20 Y N 1 90sc I SOsb 0 Haradan/Warrior.
+20 nonmagical sc imitar; + 1 5 silver breastplate. 5D64. C090. Ag96. Me88. Re92. 5t97. Qu89. Pr70. In9 I . Em46.

Froedhir 15 90 RL/ I I 40 N (A) 60da -25 15 Northman Mage/Alchemist.

Assistant to Celedhring. 6/Alchemist 1 0; 5/Essence 1 0. x4 ring. 1 20 PP. 5D87. C079. Agl OO. Me96 Re96. 5t87. Qu92. Pr85. In89. Em99.

Grashukh 20 1 80 Ch/ 1 5 60 YI5 (A/L) 1 80ss 1 60cp 5 Uruk Warrior.

Guard Captain of Dol Guldur. 5D89. C o l bo. Ag99, Me78 Re89. 5tI O I . Qul OO. Pr98. In78. Em37.

Radagast (60) 2I0 RL/ I 2 90 N (AIL) 1 50qs/bs 1 00da 45 Istar Animist.
Radagast the Brown. 40th Ivl on attack. 240PP. Robes AT RL/ I 2 (-30) and un encumbering. Staff, a x8 PP enhancer. is +20 to all spells. +30
"Holy" sword of Orc- and Man-slaying. Rarely uses offensive spells. Knows all Ranger. Animist. Open Channeling. and Cleric lists to 50th level.
5D80. C o I 03 . Ag1 00. Me97. Re96. 5tI OO. Qu I OO. Pr I O l o I n I 04. Em 1 02.

Huinen 33 1 12 No/I 1 00 N N I OObs -25 25 Naldo Bard/Seer.
Ring of waterbolts +60. x6 orb. 594 PP. 3/5eer 30; 3/5eer 20; I O/Mentalist I S. 5D96. C089. AgI OO. Me98. Re97. 5t76. Qu98. Pr I 0 1 . In89.
Ringlin 20 1 20 No/I 90 N N I OOda 40da 25 Naldo Mystic.
Assistant to Huinen. x4 amulet. 240 PP. I /Mystic I S; 4/Essence; 2/Mentalism. 5D97, C089. Agl OO. Me97. Re99. 5t96. Qu 1 00. PrI O l o Tn78.

Arien 17 80 No/ I 70 N N 80da -25 20 Silvan Bard/Seer.

Assistant to Huinen. slave and spy of 5auron. x3 earring. l O2PP. 3/5eer T 5 ; 6/Mentalism T O. 5D89. C078. Ag99. Me98. Re96. 5t78. Qu99. Pr99.
In87. Em85.
Name/# LvI Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee OB Missile OB MovM Notes
Vagaig IS I SO Ch/ I 5 50 YIO (AIL) I 60bs ( I 20cp) 10 Dunadan warrior.
Eastern Regent of Gondor. S086, Co 1 00, Ag98, Me87, Re89, Se I OO, Qu99, Pr99, In86, Em89.

Augimund 12 1 45 RL/ I O 40 Y AIL 1 50ha 120cp 10 Northman Prince.

S089, Co l OO, Ag99, Me67, Re75, St98, Qu96, Pr98, In86, Em95.

Mahrcared 18 1 60 Chi I 3 45 Y IO N 1 70ha I I Olb 0 Northman/Eothraim.

Thyn of the Ailgarthas; lord of Buhr Ailgra. + 10 Hand axe. S094, C089, Ag93, Me78, Re88, Se I O I . Qu95, Pr96, In9 1 . Em85.

Uirdriks 22 1 00 Nol l 20 N N 80da -25 0 Northman/Gramuz.

Thyn of the Withras. S097, C076, Ag45, Me89, Re90, St68, Qu65, Pr88, In97, Em98.

Gartila 8 1 10 RL/ l O 30 Y AIL I I Obs 80cp 10 Northman/Gramuz.

Heir-thyn of the Withras. S090, Co96, Ag96, Me88, Re75, St98, Qu 1 00, Pr89, In76, Em82.

Wuilaric 14 80 Nol l 40 N N 60da -25 5 Northman/Gramuz

Animist/Evil Cleric. x3 staff. 72 PP. 2/Evil Channeling 5. S073, Co78, Ag87, Me??, Re80, St79, Qu94, Pr87, In97, Em78.

Atagavia 16 1 20 Ch/ I 5 20 N (AIL) I 50fl 1 00cp 20 Northman/Urban.

Thyn of the Waildungs. + 1 0 flail. S075, C097, Ag98, Me88, Re72, St98, Qu96, Pr94, In78, Em69.
Waulfa 18 1 25 PI/ I 7 30 N N 1 40bs 1 201b 0 Woodman.
Althyn of the Sairtheod. S086, C084, Ag89, Me85, Re83, St95, Qu9 1 , Pr88 " In93, Em85.
Beoraborn 24 1 60 Nol l 30 N N I 30bs I l Olb 20 Beijabar.
First of the three Frathagaman. Also fights as a huge Bear (Bear-form). S090, Co 1 00, Ag98, Me87, Re86, StI O I . Qu97, Pr96, In87, Em9 I .

Celedhring 40 1 20 Nol l 50 N N 75ma -25 25 Noldo Magel Alchemist.
6/Alchemist 30; 1 3/Essence 20. x6 staff. 720 PP. +20 Forging tools. S090, C087, Ag1 00, Me99, Re95, St86, Qu99, Pr97, In94, Em1 O I .

Shagrath 13 1 37 PI/ I 9 30 YlO (AIL) I 35ha 90sb 0 Uruk warrior.

Uses Asgurash on weapons. S055, Co I OO, Ag92, Me??, Re89, St 1 00, Qu84, Pr92, In83, Em20.
Cro 14 141 ch/I 6 10 N (AIL) I 45ba 85sb 0 Uruk warrior.
Uses Brithagurth on arrow. S076, C097, Ag93, Me45, Re66, St99, Qu59, Pr88, In38, Em22.

Ukog IS 1 54 Ch/ I 6 40 YlO (AIL) I 55bs 1 00sb -IS Uruk warrior.

Ukog the Lame. Peculiar walk. Savors brains. S086, Col OO, Ag40, Me97, Re79, St98, Qu42, Pr55, I n l OO, Em36.

Thranduil 33 1 75 PI/ I 7 95 Y20 (A/L) 242bs 2471b 45 Sinda Warrior.
Spells: 3/ Animist 1 0, 3/Illusionist 1 0, 2/ Gen Essence! 0. x3 Ring. 66PP. Boots of Limb-running. Bow of Ore-slaying. Helm of Shadows/Hiding.
Sword of Troll-slaying. S084, Co96, Agl OO, Me93, Re9 1 . St98, Qu99, Pr96, In95, Em97.
Legolas 8 94 Ch/ I 3 50 YlO N 90bs 1 251b 35 Sinda Warrior.
Bow of Quickness (3 shots/2rds). Shield of Concealment, +25 hiding. Boots of Silence. A072, C09 I . Ag I OO, Me92, Rc95,
St98, Qu99, Pr8 1 , In94, Em92.
Legolas 28 1 48 Ch/ 1 3 70 YlO N 20Sbs 240lb 45 Sinda Warrior. After T.A. 301 8.
Ohtar 21 1 30 PI/ I 7 65 YlO N 1 45bs 1 60lb 10 Sinda Warrior.
Spells: I /Gcn Essence 1 0. S064, C094, AgI OO, Me88, Re87, St97, Qu I OO, Pr9 1 . In96, Em90.
Camthalion 17 1 20 PI/ I 7 60 YlO N I 40bs I 551b 5 Silvan (Avar) Warrior.
Stone of Water Walking. +25da. S052, C09 1 . Ag99, Me89, Re76, St98, Qu99, Pr87, In93, Em9 I .

Heladil 8 91 Ch/ I 3 50 YlO N 95bs I 20lb 25 Sinda Warrior.

Shield of Concealment +25 hiding. S047, C090, AgI OO, Me90, Re94, St98, Qu99, Pr79, In93, Em92.

Lhachglin 27 1 27 Nol l 40 N N 60ss 65da 20 Dunadan Animist.
+20 Cloak. Dagger of Elf-slaying. +6 Ring. 8 I PP. Orb of Plant Control. Ring of Invisibility Spells: 1 /Animist25, 5/ Animist20, 1 O/Gen Channel­
ing1O, 2/Gen Channeling20, 2/Evil Animist/CleridO. S083, C076, Ag99, Me97, Re98, St84, Qu96, PdO, In I OO, Em97.
Wodurishak 18 181 RL/ I I 30 N (AIL) 1 85ba - 30 Olog Warrior.
Helm of Rear-sight. + I Oss. S047, C09 1 , Ag88, Me5 1 . Re55, St I OO, Qu98, Pr40, In73, Em29.

Drurgandra 14 1 54 Ch/ I 3 10 N N I 50th 35sb o Uruk Warrior.
Helm of Rear-sight. + 1 Oss. S047, C09 1 . Ag88, Me5 1 . Re55, St l OO, Qu98, Pr40, In73, Em29.

Name/# LvI Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee OB Missile OB MovM Notes

Odagavia 12 96 RL/ l 0 25 Y A/L 80bs 95cp -5 Northman Warrior/merchant.
Master of Esgaroth. 5093, C076, Ag73, Me88, Re92, 5t79, Qu77, Pr9 I , In94, Em90.

Odavacer 5 48 SL/6 25 Y A/L 55ma 65cp o Northman Warrior/innkeeper.

Bow ofOrc-slaying. 5096, C088, Ag87, Me79, Re68, 5t8 I , Qu78, Pr44, In95, Em93.
Eodoric 4 63 Ch/ I 3 25 Y N 75bs 75cp o Northman Warrior.
Often on lake with boat patrol. 5067, C093, Ag90, Me73, Re64, 5t90, Qu86, Pr54, In70, Em62.
Waggeorn 7 97 Ch/ I 3 35 Y5 N 95bs 1 00cp o Northman Warrior.
"Retired" from Elite Guard. 503 1 , C090, Ag93, Me6 I , Re73, 5t94, Qu92, Pr59, In68, Em26.

Freaga 6 92 Ch/ I 3 25 Y N 90ma 90cp o Northman Warrior.

Uses 90da coated with Ondokamba. 5045, C092, Ag90, Me55, Re6 1 , St92, Qu89, Pr62, n44, Em29.

Braegla 2 41 Ch/ I 3 25 Y N 55wh 40cp 5 Northman Warrior.

Son of Waggacorn. Guard levy-man. 5023, C090, Ag94, Me4 1 , Re47, St95, Qu90, Pr83, In5 1 , Em23.

Shagelda 3 17 No/ I 25 N N 5da 5da 10 Northman Mage/Sorceress.

x2 Earring. 6PP. Spells: 4/SorcererIO. Cloak ofOispeliing (5th Ivl). 5050, C05 ! , Ag90, Me73, Re89, St90, Qu98, Pr99, In98, EmI OO.

Raendoric 4 34 No/ I 30 W5 N 40ss 35lb IS Northman Bard.

+2 Staff. Lute of Sleep(V). 1 2PP. Main gauche +5. Boots of Silence. Flute of Projection. Spells: 5/Bard 1O, l iGen Essence5, I /Gen Mentalism5.
5049, C079, Ag97, Me99, Re84, St9 I , Qu96, Pr67, In60, EmI OO.
Dudannis 5 37 No/I 40 W N 65ss 65d 20 Dorwinadan Scout/Thief.
Main gauche. Ring of Perception +20. Hood of Facades. Belt of Levitation ( I mph). 5077, C045, Ag99, Me85, Re95, St73, Qu I OO, Pr37, In86,
Urdrath 3 28 No/ I IS N N 1 00da 5da 5 Nuriag Mage.
x2 Staff. 9PP. Spells: 3/Evil Magician I O, I /Gen Esscnce I O. Book of Charming Kind. 5076, C043, Ag82, Me77, Re89,
St78, Qu96, Pr67, In90, EmI OO.

Kynoden II 66 No/ I 40 WlO N 90bs 90da 20 Northman Scout/Thief.
Boat builder. Invisible Oagger of Returning. Boots of Landing/Silence. 5hadow Cloak. + I Ring of evasions. Spells: I /Gen Mage/Mentalist5. 5065,
C069, Ag99, Me78, Rc83, St94, Qu97, PR88, IN89, Em55.
Vogir 6 45 No/I 20 N N 75ss 60cp 20 Northman Scout/Thief.
Ring of Water-breathing. 5068, C056, Ag98, Me8 1 , Re87, 5t89, Qu99, Pr40, In76, Em43.


Woedwyn 7 28 No/ I IS N N 1 5da 5da 20 Northman Mage/Alchemist.
Female. x3 Crucible. 2 I PP. Spells: 5/Alchemy 1 0, l /Evil Magician 1 0. 5034, Co64, Ag98, Me98, Re96, St88, Qu96, Pr63, In72, Em I OO

ViIoric 5 39 No/ I 20 N N 85ha 90ha 25 Northman Scout/Thief/miller.

+ 1 5 Throwing-axe (returns). 5060, C053, Agl OO, Me70, Re72, ST86, Qu98, Pr5 1 , In67, Em8 I .


Dieraglir 14 424 No/I SS YlO N 1 30wh 1 30cp 20 Northman Scout/Rogue.
Bow of Man-slaying. Helm +25RR. 5033, C06 1 , Ag98, Me67, Re69, 5t98, Qu 1 00, Pr80, In56, Em40.
Jyganoth 8 1 05 Ch/ I 5 30 YlO (L) 1 00ha 1 00sb 0 Easterling Warrior.
Coats arrows with Azgurash. 5065, Cm92, Ag90, Me45, Re97, St97, Qu69, Pr88, In59, Em34.


Eoder IS 1 57 Pl/ I 9 10 N (L) 1 45ba 1 40sp 0 Northman/Dunadan Warrior.
Thyn or Oale. Spear of Oragon-slaying. Horse Mastery Helm (+25 Control). 5082, Co77, Ag98, Me7 1 , Re86, ST99, Qu90, Pr9 1 , In83, Em80.
Jirfelien 7 28 No/ I 25 N N 25da 5da IS Northman Bard/Mystic.
Female. Clan leader. +3 Ring. 1 4PP. Spells: 6/Mystic 1 0, 3/Gen Mentalism 1 0. Orb of Confusing Ways. Cloak o f I nvisibility/Leaping. 5078,
C054, Ag98, Me78, Re99, St90, Qu l OO,m Pr99, In80, Em99.
Sulwyn 5 26 No/ I IS N (A/L) 20ss 5cp 5 Northman Animist/Lay Healer.
Female. Wife of Eoder. x2 Wand. 1 OPP. Spells: 5/Lay Animist/Healer 1 0, I /Evil Mental 1 0. 5080, C050, Ag82, Me79, Re90,
St83, Qu96, Pr96, In83, Em92.

Beawyn 10 42 No/ I 10 N N 40sp I Osp 20 Northman Bard/Seer.

Female. Spear of Troll-slaying. x2 Necklace. 20PP. Spells: 6/Seer 1 0, (/Mentalism 1 0. 5099, C062, Ag98, Me88, Re90, St94, Qu90, Pr99, In87,
Name/# LvI Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee OB Missile OB MovM Notes

Fulla III 18 1 45 PI/20 25 N (A/L) 1 65ba I 30hcb 5 Dwarf Warrior. Lord.
Armor wears as AT Ch/ I 5, + I ORR and DB. Battle-axe of Shield-slaying (halves foes' sheilds). Horn of Fear (20th Ivl). Heavy crossbow reloads 1 /2
rds. Hammer of Returning ( 1 00', OB90). S08 I , C098, Ag96, Me98, Re82, St I OO, Qu92, Pr83, In77, Em69.

Dain II 28 1 49 PI/20 65 Y25 (A/L) 1 80ha l l Osp 5 Dwarf Warrior.

DwarF King of the Iron Hills. Armor wears as AT 7. S090, Co I OO, Ag96, Me9 I , Re84, StI O I , Qu96, Pr79, In84, Em64.
Gimli 8 1 25 Ch/ I 3 60 Y30 N I 30ha 85cp 5 Dwarf Warrior.
Lesser lord. Armor wears as AT I S. S083, Co l OO, Ag92, Me98, Re9 I , St98, Qu94, Pr74, In98, Em77.
Azaghal II 1 25 PI/20 55 YlO (A/L) 1 35wh 1 00hcb 5 Dwarf Warrior.
Lesser lord. Armor wears as AT I S . Sd77, Co92, Ag78, Me94, Re89, St98, Qu90, Pr84, In79, Em70.

Huz 12 1 24 Ch/ I 5 45 YI5 (A/L) 1 25sp 1 20sb 5 Huz of Amov. Sagath Warrior.
Great Headman. Spear of Man-slaying. S09 I , C09 I , Ag99, Me56, Re79, St99, Qu97, Pr66, In84, Em96.

Orduclax 17 53 No/ I 20 N N 40ss 1 5da 20 Northman Mage/Sorcerer.
Orb of Dark Summons. Returning Dagger of Dwarf-slaying. Boots of Leaving. x3 Staff of Lightning. 5 I PP. Spell: 2/Gen Essences5, I I /Gen
Channeling I O, 6/Sorcerer I O, I /Evil Magician I O. S050, C04 I , Ag95, Me96, Re95, St60, Qu98, Pr90, I n I OO, Em I OO
Daef-Udra 13 1 44 PI/ I 8 30 YlO A/L 1 45bs 1 25cp 0 Northman Warrior.
+20 invisible broadsword. 5086, C090, Ag8 I , Me3 I , Re78, StI OO, Qu75, Pr30, In55, Em62.
Haed 10 91 Ch/ I 3 40 YlO N 1 20ss 1 30da 10 Northman Scout/Rogue.
+ I ° Dagger of Returning. Coats short sword with Ondokamba. Helm of facades. Boots of Horse-mastery (+ 50 to control and ride). Uses raven called
HKryda" as spy and messenger. Spells: I /Gen Mentalism5. + 1 Spell-storing Ring. S076, Co7 I , AgI OO, Me56, Re89, St99, Qu9 I , Pr90, In74, Em92.

Thraear II 38 No/ I IS N N 20da 20da 10 Northman Bard/Mystic

Female. x3 ORb of Mind Domination. + I Wand of Fear. 22PP. Spells: 6/Mystic I O, 6/Gen Mentalism I O, I /Evil Mage/MentalistS. Cloak of
Hiding. S034, Co37, Ag90, Me98, Re99, St72, Qu97, PrI OO, In56, Em97.
Broehir 12 35 No/ I 20 N N 25da l Oda 5 Northman Animist/Astrologer.
x2 Cube of Starsense (20th I vi). +2 Nose Ring. 24PP. Spells: 3/ Astrologer20, 3/ AstrologerI 0, 5/ Gen Channeling I 0, I /Evil Animist/ClericS.
5045, Co22, Ag80, Me88, Re86, St76, Qu90, Pr97, In I OO, Em45.

Freahar 10 33 No/l IO N N 1 5ss l Oda 5 Northman Mage.

x3 Staff oF Fire Bolts. Boots of /eaving (2x/day). Spells: 5/Evil Magician I O, 9/Gen Essence I O, I /Magician I O. 20PP. Book of Fire Law (20th Ivl).
+5 Returning Dagger of Man-slaying. S045, Co49, Ag76, Me95, Re97, St45, Qu9 I , Pr44, In66, Em98.

Edwodyn 9 56 No/ I IS N N 45ha 20cp 5 Northman Animist.

+4 Ring of Animal Mastery. 27PP. Spells: 6/ Animist I O, 7/Gen ChannelingIO. S034, Co99, Ag77, Me98, Re85, St50, Qu96, Pr87, I n I OO, Em97.
Freowyn 9 59 RL/9 40 YlO N SOma 251b 5 Northman Animist/Cleric.
Female. +3 Ring of Sound's Way. 9PP. Spells: 5/Evil Animist/Cleriel 0, 8/Gen ChannelingIO. Book of Necromancy (25th Ivl). Shield of Shadows.
5069, C078, Ag87, Me94, Re93, St98, Qu96, Pr96, In94, Em80.
Breor 8 26 No/ I IS N N l Oda l Oda IS Northman Mage/Sorcerer.
x2 Staff of Mind Destruction. I 6PP. Hood acts as helm. Spells: 5/SorcererIO, I /Evil Magiciam5, 6/Gen ChannelingI O. Pain Rune. S070, Co65,
Ag78, Me89, Re99, St59, Qu96, Pr45, In97, Em97.

Brego 7 66 No/ I 60 Y20 N 65ha 60lb 15 Northman Ranger.

+20 Invisible shield. Helm of Dark-sight. Boots of Landing. +3 Ring. 7PP. Spells: 3/Ranger I O. Horn of Wolf Summoning ( I /5th lvI/day). S077,
C099, Ag98, Me67, Re86, St94, Qu99, Pr70, In93, Em86.

Namire 2 18 No/ l IO N N l Obs 1 0ib 10 Silvan Animist/Healer (female).
Unarmed. 4PP. Spells: 3/Healer5. 5056, C07 I , Ag9 I , Me97, Re93, St64,Qu92, Pr95, In97, Em66.

NOTE: Weapon and shield codes are same as those found with Table 23.2 below. PP = power points. H+" and "x" symbols preceding
magic item descriptions additional spells of any level capable of being cast/day OR PP multiplier. A power point multiplier will allow

the spell user to increase his/her daily PP usage by the given multiple (for instance, 12 PP with a x3 device could result in an adjusted
figure of 36 PP). Listed PPs are unmodified. Spell summaries: preceding " / " = number of lists of given type = following list type =
level of known spells on given lists. Some stat and spell descriptions omitted when in main text.

Name/# LvI Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee OB Missile OB MovM Notes

Uruk-torg (South-central Mirkwood)
Uruk Command/6 8 I 05 Ch/ 1 4 35 YIO A/L I 05bs 65sb 0 Uruk. Use poison Asgurash.
Lurg Leaders/ 1 6 6 70 Ch/ 1 3 30 Y N 80sc 50sb 0 Lesser Ore.
Cut 1 ear each prisoner.
Warriors/48 3 45 SL/8 20 Y (Y) 50sc 20sb 0 Lesser Ore. Can ride wolves.
Young Warriors/1 I O 2 35 SL/7 0 N N 40pa 1 0sb 0 Lesser Ore.
Some use axes or scimitars.
- - -
War W olves/70 4 I OO No/3 30 LBi75 30 Great Wolf
Very fast; fast if ridden.
Uruk-harnak (Southern Mirkwood)
Uruk Command/9 9 1 10 Ch/ 1 4 25 Y L 1 20ba 60sb 5 Uruk. Use posion Asgurash.
Lurg Leaders/36 3 50 SL/7 20 Y N 55sc I Osb 0 Lesser Ore. Some use hand axes.
Warriors/96 2 40 SL/7 20 Y N 40sc 5sb 0 Lesser Ore. Some use pole arms.
Young Warriors/72 I 30 SL/5 0 N N 25pa -25 0 Lesser Ore.
Some use scimitar and shield.
Uruk-hai (Dol Guldur)
Uruk Command/ 1 2 1 8 1 45 Ch/ 1 6 35 Y15 (A/L) 1 60bs 1 35sb 0 Uruk.
Remove fallen foe's eyelids.
Guard Band/30 10 1 20 Ch/ 1 4 30 YIO L 90th 60sb 0 Uruk. Can use bs & shield.
Warriors/30 8 60 SL/8 20 Y (A/L) 70sc 30sb 0 Uruk. Some use sc & shield.
Patrol Band/60 6 40 SL/7 0 N (A/L) 50sc 5sb 0 Uruk. Some use sc & shield.
Young Warriors/48 3 35 SL/7 0 N (L) 40pa -25 0 Uruk. Some use spears.
Uruk-thang (Dol Guldur)
Troll Guard/ I O IS 200 RL/1 1 25 N (A/L) I 90ba 95we 20 Olog. Use large creature crit.
Uruk-erag (Cirith Mithlin in Grey Mountains)
Uruk Command/6 9 I I5 Ch/ I 4 40 YIO L 1 1 5bs 75sb IO Uruk. Use poison Asgurash.
Lurg Leaders/ I 6 6 70 Ch/ 1 3 30 Y N 80sc 50sb 5 Lesser Orc. Take noses.
Warriors/48 3 45 SL/8 20 Y (A/L) 50sc 20sb 0 Lesser Orc. Some use pole arms.
Young Warriors/1 70 2 35 SL/7 0 N (L) 40pa I Osb 0 Lesser Ore.
Some use axes, scimitars.
Lor-uruk-shab (Cirith Himnienor in Grey Mountains)
Uruk Command/9 9 l IO Ch/ 1 6 N (A/L) 1 20ba 60sb 0 Use poison Asgurash.
High Lurg Guard/6 7 90 Ch/ I 3 35 Y5 85ha 45sb 0 Lesser Ore. Guard Cro closely.
Lurg Leaders/46 3 50 SL/7 20 Y (L) 55sc I Osb 0 Lesser Ore. Some use hand axes.
Warriors/ 1 42 2 40 SL/7 20 Y (L) 40sc 5sb 0 Lesser Ore. Some use pole arms.
Young Warriors/90 I 30 SL/5 0 N N 25pa 25 0 Lesser Ore.
Some use scimitar and shield.
Asharag (Southern foothills of Grey Mountains)
Uruk Command/ 1 2 I O 1 20 Ch/ 1 6 30 YIO (A/L) 1 20bs 90sb 0 Uruk. Bchead fallen enemies.
Guard Band/20 6 75 Ch/ 1 4 0 N N 90th 60sb 0 Uruk. Can use bs and shield.
Band Leaders/20 6 70 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 80ha 45sb 0 Lesser Ore.
Ride wolvcs. Have spears.
Good Warriors/20 5 60 SL/8 20 Y (A/L) 70sc 30sb 0 Lesser Ore. Can ride wolves.
Warriors/ I 30 3 40 SL/7 5 N (L) 50sp 5sb 0 Lesser Ore.
Some use scimitar and shield.
Young Warriors/ I 20 2 35 SL/7 0 N (L) 40pa -25 0 Lesser Ore. Some use spears.
- - -
War-wolves/ I OO 4 I I5 No/3 30 LBi75 30 Very fast; fast if ridden.
Name/# Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee OB Missile OB MovM Notes
Uruk-thang (Emyn-i-Thang in Mirkwood)
Troll Guard/5 10 1 65 RL/ I I 25 N (A/L) 1 65ba - 25 Olog. Use large creature crit.
Lurg Commanders/30 6 75 Ch/ I 6 30 Y5 (A/L) 85ma 50sb 0 Uruk. Can ride War-wolves.
Exp. Warriors/45 3 45 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 55sc 25sb 0 Lesser Ore. Some use hand axes.
Warriors/90 2 35 SL/8 20 Y (A/L) 40sc 5sb 0 Lesser Ore. Some carry spears.
Young Warriors/45 I 25 SL/7 0 N (L) 30sp -25 0 Lesser Orc.
Some use sc and shield.
War-wolves/30 4 l IS No/3 30 - - LBi75 - 30 Great Wolf.
Very fast; fast if ridden.
Shirkag (Nan Gi'tlduin in northern Mirkwood)
Tribe Lords/2 IO I OO SL/6 40 YIO L 95sc 45sp IO Lesser Ore. Eat prisoners.
Exp. Warriors/ I S 5 65 SL/5 25 Y N 70sc 35sp 5 L:sser Ore. Carry short garrotes.
Warriors/I 3 3 40 No/ I 25 Y N 50sc 25sp 0 Le.3ser Ore. 2 throwing spears.
Garrison (Sarn Goriwing in Mountains of Mirkwood)
Dindae/ I 17 1 70 No/ I I OO N N 1 80da 1 50da 50 Lesser Maia (Spirit of Silence)
Hides + SO. Uses poison "Ondohithui". + I a Ambush.
Exp. Uruks/5 6 95 PI/ I 9 25 Y (A/L) 95ha 30sb 0 Uruk. Also 85ba (slung).
Uruk Warriors/I 2 3 55 PI/ I 8 20 Y L 65bs I Osb 0 Uruk. Also 55th (slung).
Young Uruks / I 2 2 40 Ch/ I 6 0 N (A/L) 50ba 5sb Uruk. Also carry bs and shield.
Fathashar (Eastern Talath Harroch)
Headmen/I 8 95 Ch/ I 5 40 YIO (A/L) I 05sp I OOsb 5 Easterling. 2 javelins (95ja).
(Medium Horses)/- 3 1 40 No/3 IS - - MTr50 - IS Very fast. Headsmens' mounts.
Spearmen/25 3 45 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 65ja 65ja 0 Easterling. Use short spears (ja).
(Light Horses)/- 2 l IO No/3 25 - - MTr35 25 Very fast. Normal mounts.
Swordsmen/5 2 40 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 50ss I 5sb 0 Easterling. Footsoldiers.
Slingers/5 2 35 No/ I IO N N 20ss 55s1 IO Easterling. Footsoldiers.
Sashag (Eastern Talath Harroch)
Headmen/2 IO l IO Ch/ I 5 40 YIO (A/L) 1 20sp 0 1 20ja Easterling. Also use sb (90 sb).
(Medium Horses)/- 3 1 40 No/3 IS - - MTr50 MBa25 IS Very fast. Headmens' mounts.
Trackers / I O 6 60 No/ I 40 YIO N 70ss 60cp 0 Easterling. Rangers. 3 spell lists.
Horse Archers / I O 3 45 No/I IO N N 55sp 70sb 0 Easterling. Can fire riding away.
Spearmen/30 3 45 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 70ja 65ja 0 Easterling. Use short spears (ja).
(Light Horses)/- 2 I IO No/3 25 - - MTr35 - 25 Very fast. Normal mounts.
Swordsmen/8 2 40 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 45ss 1 5sb 0 Easterling. Footsoldiers.
Sagath (Emyn Engrin)
Headmen/2 8 95 Ch/ I 5 40 YIO (A/L) I 05sp I OOsb 5 Easterling. 2 javelins (95ja).
(Medium Horses)/- 3 1 40 No/3 25 - - MTr50 - 25 Very fast.
Trackers/ I S 4 45 No/ I 40 YIO N 55ss 55cp IO Easterling. Rangers. 2 spell lists.
Horse Archers/ I S 3 45 No/ I IO N N 50sp 70sb IO Easterling. Can fire riding away.
Spearmen/45 3 45 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 65ja 65ja 0 Easterling. Use short spears (ja).
(LightHorses)/- 2 I IO No/3 25 - - MTr35 - 25 Very fast. Normal mounts.
Swordsmen/ I 0 2 40 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 50ss 1 5sb 0 Easterling. Footsoldiers.
Slingers / I O 2 35 No/ I IO N N 20ss 55s1 IO Easterling. Footsoldiers.
Brigands (Talath Harroch)
Use mix of Easterling and Rural (Common) Man types.

Name/# LvI Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee OB Missile OB MovM Notes

Gondorian Forces (Gondor's Eastern Army)
Targaen/2 20 1 80 Pl/ 1 9 60 Y35 (A/L) 1 80bs 1 80cp 5 Dunadan.
Command 500 infantry each.
Targaen (mtd)/2 20 1 80 Pl/ 1 9 10 N (A/L) 1 80th 1 80ml 5 Dunadan (Lesser).
Command 500 cavalry each.
(Heavy Horses)/- 8 1 80 No/4 30 - (A/ L) MTr70 - 30 Trained war horses.
Thengyn/ l 0 12 I SO Pl/ 1 9 55 Y30 (A/L) 1 55bs 1 55cp 5 Lesser. Dunadan.
Command 1 00 infantry each.
Thengyn (mtd)/ 1 0 12 I SO Pl/ I 9 45 Y15 (A/ L) I 55bs I 45ml 5 Lesser. Dunadan.
Command 1 00 cavalry each.
(Heavy Horses)/- 6 1 60 No/4 25 - - MTr50 - 25 Trained war horses.
Ohtarrina/50 8 1 10 Ch/ I 5 35 Y5 (A/L) I l Obs l l Ocp 5 Lesser. Dunadan.
Command 20 infantry each.
Ohtarrina (mtd)/50 8 1 10 Ch/ 1 5 25 Y5 (A/L) 1 00bs I I 5ml 0 Lesser. Dunadan.
Command 20 cavalry each.
(Heavy Horses)/- 4 1 40 No/4 20 - - MTr45 - 20 Trained war horses.
Requain/200 5 75 Ch/ I 5 45 Y20 (A/L) 85bs 80cp 5 Lesser. Dunadan. Trained
(Heavy Horses)/- 3 1 30 No/4 20 - - MTr45 - 20 Trained war horses.
o h tari/ 1000 3 35 Ch/ I 5 30 Y (A/L) 75bs 70cp 5 Lesser. Dunadan. Garrison
Ohtari (mtd)/ l OOO 3 35 Ch/ I 5 IS Y (A/L) 75bs 70sp 0 Lesser. Dunadan.
Cavalry troops. Also use ml.
Beijabar (Highly dispersed throughout western Wilderland)
Lords (Man-form)/8 20 1 65 RL/ I O 30 N A/L I 60ba 1 60lb 20 Northman.
Some can shape-change.
(Bcar-form)/3 20 240 SL/8 50 N (A/ L) I 20LBa 1 00LCI 50 Northman.
Use Large Creature crit table.
Warriors/200 4 75 RL/9 20 N N 80ba 75lb IS Northman.
Some use ha and shield.
Woodmen (Woodmen-town)
Lords/ I O 13 1 40 SL/5 50 YI5 N I 45ha I 30lb 10 Northman. Some use battle-axes.
Exp. Warriors/ I OO 5 70 SL/5 30 Y N 80ha 80lb 5 Northman. All are fine trackers.
Warriors/250 3 50 No/I 30 Y N 50ha 40lb 10 Northman. Some use maces.
Young Warriors/ I SO 2 30 No/ I 25 Y N 40ha 30lb 5 Northman.
Some use clubs or maces.
Woodmen (Scattered through Mirkwood)
Lords/5 10 1 20 SL/5 50 Y15 N I 25ha 1 20lb 10 Northman. Some use battle-axes.
Exp.Warriors/SO 5 70 SL/5 30 Y N 80ha 80lb 0 Northman. All are fine trackers.
Warriors/ I 20 3 50 No/ I 30 Y N 50ha 40lb 0 Northman. Some use maces.
Young Warriors/70 2 30 No/ I 25 Y N 40ha 30lb 0 Northman.
Some use clubs or maces.
Gramuz Plainsmen (Rhovanion Plain)
War Lords/5 II 1 25 Ch/ I 6 30 YlO (A/L) I 20ml 1 00sp 0 Northman. Heavy cavalry.
(War Horses)/- 4 1 65 No/3 30 - - LTr60 - 30 Unarmored. Very fast.
Warriors/75 3 50 Ch/ 1 6 20 Y (A/L) 65ml 50sp 0 Northman. Heavy cavalry.
(Heavy Horses)/- 3 I SO No/3 25 - - LTr50 - 25 Unarmored. Fast.
Warrior Levy/ I 50 2 40 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 50sp 45sp 0 Northman. Medium cavalry.
(Medium Horses)/- 3 1 30 No/3 20 - - MTr50 - 20 Unarmored. Fast.
Eothraim (Horse-lords of the Rhovanion Plain)
War Lords/60 IS I SO Ch/ I 6 30 Y I0 (A/ L) I 40ml I 20sp 0 Northman. Heavy cavalry.
(War Horses)/- 4 1 65 No/3 30 - - LTr60 MBa50 30 Unarmored. Very fast.
Warriors/800 6 80 Ch/ I 6 20 Y (A/L) I OOml 70sp 0 Northman. Heavy cavalry.
(Heavy Horses)/- 3 I SO No/3 20 - - LTr50 MBa45 20 Fast.
Warrior Levy/ I 200 4 65 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N 80sp 60sp 0 Northman. Medium cavalry.
(Medium Horses)/- 3 1 30 No/3 10 - - MTr50 - 30 Unarmored. Fast.
Name/# LvI Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee OB Missle OB MovM Notes
Lakemen (Esgaroth Upon Long Lake)
Guard Lord/l 13 1 39 Ch/ 1 5 35 YIO (A/L) 1 25ma I 05cp 0 Northman.
Commands town guard.
War Lord/ l 14 1 42 Ch/ I 5 40 YIO (A/L) 1 30bs 1 35cp 5 Northman.
Commands army outside town.
Elite Guard/ I S 7 95 Ch/ 1 5 25 Y (A/L) 1 00bs I OOsp 5 Northman.
Mounted outside town.
Guard/45 4 65 Ch/1 3 25 Y N 75bs 70cp 5 Northman.
Standing town guard.
Guard Levy/90 2 30 Ch/ 1 3 20 Y N 40bs 45sp 0 Northman.
Train monthly for 2 days.
Dalemen (Dale)
Clan Lords/5 12 1 30 PI/ 1 9 10 N (A/L) 1 25ba l I Osp 0 High Northman.
Fight mounted or on foot.
(War Horses)/- 4 1 70 No/3 40 - - 65LTr - 20 Lightly armored. Fast.
Elite Warriors/25 5 70 Ch/ I 5 25 Y (A/L) 90bs 85cp 0 High Northman.
Fight mounted or on foot.
(Medium Horses)/- 3 I SO No/3 IS - - 55MTr - IS Unarmored. Fast.
Warriors/60 3 50 Ch/ I 4 25 Y L 70bs 65cp 0 High Northman.
Experienced levy. 5 5sp.
Warrior Levy/ I OO 2 45 Ch/ I 3 25 Y N 55bs 50cp 0 High Northman.
Well-trained. 40sp.
Wood-elves (Aradhrynd)
Lords/3 20 1 33 PI/ I 8 60 Y15 A/L I 55bs I 80lb 25 Sinda Warriors.
Thranduil's inner circle. 2 spdl lisrs to 5th Iv!. 20PP.

Lords/3 20 66 Ch/ I 3 50 YIO N 85bs 65lb 20 Sinda Bards.

Thranduil's inner circle. 1 spell list to 5th lvI, 2 to 1 0th Iv!' 5 to 20th Iv!. 40PP.
High Captain/l 12 121 Ch/ I 5 55 YIO (A/L) I 40bs I 25sp 20 Mixed Elf Warrior.
Leads Guard.
Guard-captains/6 10 III Ch/ I 5 45 Y5 (A/L) 1 30bs 1 1 5sp IS Mixed Elf Warriors.
Guard Horsemen/27 6 72 Ch/ 1 4 45 YIO L I 05ml 85sp IS Mixed Elf Warriors.
(Medium Horses)/- 3 151 No/3 20 - - 60MTr - 20 Unarmored. Fast.
Guardsmen/27 6 74 Ch/ 1 5 45 YIO N 90bs 80sp 10 Mixed Elf Warriors.
Appren. Guard/ 1 8 4 55 Ch/ 1 3 40 Y5 N 90bs 80sp 10 Mixed Elf Warriors.
Hall-captains/6 10 1 17 Ch/ I 5 45 Y5 (A/L) I 35bs I 25lb IS Avar (Silvan) Warriors.
Watchmen 5 74 Ch/ 1 3 40 Y5 N I OObs 90sp 10 Avar (Silvan) Warriors.
Hall Garrison 4 58 Ch/ I 3 40 Y5 N 90bs 80sp 10 Avar (Silvan) Warriors.
Army of the WoodIand-reaIm (Northeastern Mirkwood)
Captains/45 8 90 Ch/ 1 3 30 YIO N 90bs I OOlb 0 Avar (Silvan Elf) Warriors.
Fine Trackers.
Bowmen/600 5 80 Ch/ 1 3 20 N N 75bs 95lb 10 Avar (SilVan Elf) Warriors.
Peng wador.
Axcmen/300 5 75 Ch/ 1 3 30 Y N 95ha 80cp 10 Avar (Silvan Elf) Warriors.
Spearmen/600 5 78 Ch/ I 3 IS N N I OOsp 85sp 10 Avar (Silvan Elf) Warriors.
Swordsmen/300 6 99 Ch/ I 4 45 Y5 L I l Obs 80cp 10 Avar (Silvan Elf) Warriors.
Warriors/2 I OO 3 63 Ch/ I 3 10 Y N 75sp 50sp 10 Avar (Silvan Elf) Warriors.
Wood-elves (WoodIand Warders)
Ward-captains/9 9 89 SL/3 55 YIO N 80sp 65lb 25 Avar (Silvan Elf) Rangers.
Fine Trackers. 4 spell lisrs to 1 0th Iv!. 1 8PP.
Warders/8 1 4 47 RL/9 45 Y5 N 55sp 45lb 20 Avar (Silvan Elf) Rangers.
Fine Trackers. 2 spell lists to 1 0th Iv!. 8PP.

Name/# LvI Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee OB Missle OB MovM Notes

Wood-elves (Scattered in southwestern Mirkwood)
Warders/6 8 90 Ch/ I 3 30 YIO N 90bs I OOlb 0 Avar (Silvan Elf). Fine Trackers.
Tauranca/36 4 45 Ch/ I 3 25 Y N 60bs 65lb 0 Avar (Silvan Elf).
Recon/battle troops.
Young Tauranca/ I 8 2 35 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N SObs 50lb 0 Avar (Silvan Elf). Green troops.
Raft-elves (Celebannon Area)
Cururim/9 10 90 No/ I 50 YIO N 60bs SIb 20 Mixed Elf Rangers. 4 spell lists.
Tirduin Lords/ I 2 9 1 00 Ch/ I 3 50 YIO N I l Obs 1 I 3lb 10 Mixed Elf.
Act as unit commanders.
Tirduin/96 6 85 Ch/ I 3 40 Y5 N 90bs 95lb 10 Mixed Elf. Elite warriors.
Ciuvetpel Lords / I O 5 70 No/I 40 Y5 N 80bs 85lb IS Mixed Elf. Lead forest patrols.
Exper. Cuiv./30 3 45 No/ I 35 Y N 60bs 75lb IS Avar (Silvan Elf) Warriors.
Expert trackers/stalkers.
Cuiv. Warriors/50 2 35 No/ I 30 Y N 45bs 60lb 20 Avar (Silvan Elf).
Serve as couriers.
Tauranca Lords/I I 4 60 Ch/ I 3 30 Y N 75bs 75lb 10 Avar (Silvan Elf).
Main battle-troop leaders.
Tauranca War./ 66 3 45 Ch/ I 3 25 Y N 60bs 65lb 5 Avar (Silvan Elf).
Main battle-troops.
Young Tauranca/22 2 35 Ch/ I 3 20 Y N SObs 50lb 0 Avar (Silvan Elf). Green troops.
Huinen's Garrison (Ceber Fanuin in southern Mirkwood)
Aldaron/ I 13 1 30 PI/ I 7 60 Y20 N I SObs 1 60lb 10 Noldo.
Huinen's bodyguard (mithril).
Randae/ I 12 1 20 No/ I 1 00 N N 1 20(ma) 1 20lb 25 Sinda. Warrior Monk.
Guard Captains/6 10 1 10 Ch/ I 3 35 YIO N 1 20bs I 351b 5 Sinda. Supervise the garrison.
Warriors/42 4 45 RL/9 25 Y N 60bs 65lb 5 Avar (Silvan Elf).
Typical garrison troops.
Servants/ I 2 2 35 No/ I 10 N N 30bs 40lb 10 Avar (Silvan Elf).
Usually noncombatants.
Host of the Iron Hills
Lords/2 14 1 49 PI/20 77 Y25 (A/L) 1 50wh 80ha 10 Khazad.
Mithril plate & equipment.
Captains/7 II 1 25 PI/ I 9 55 YIO (A/L) 1 3 5wh I OOhcb 5 Khazad.
Mithril chain + overhshirt.
Dwarven Guard/28 7 95 PI/ I 7 50 Y5 N I OOwh 85hcb 10 Khazad. 4 x 7 . Mithril shirts.
Warriors/I 40 4 65 Ch/ I 6 35 Y (A/L) 80ha 60lcb 5 Khazad. 70 active at any time.
Dwarven Levy/280 2 40 Ch/ I 6 25 Y (A/L) 55ha 40sb 0 Khazad.
Each serves indiv warrior.
NOTE: Profession is Warrior/Fighter unless otherwise stated.
The .statistics givC'1l describe each NPC; a more derailed description of some of the more important NPC's call be obtained from rhe main [ext. Some of the code!' an." self-explanatory: LvI (level),
Hits, Sh (Shield). and Mov M (Movement and Manucvcr bOllus), The more complex stsrisric$ afC described below. A parenthetical refefence indicatC's ch;n the NPC posscscs an cll uivalcm
device O( spell.

LvI (Level): If two levels arc given, the second is l1!'icd dcfcnsivcly; that is, when the character is resisting magic, poison, and disease.

AT (Annor Type): The two lener codes correspond to the MERP armor rype (No=no amlOr, SL=slow, RL=rigid leather, Ch=chain, and PI=pbte). The number is clJlIivalent to the RoltmasU,.
armor type.

DB (Defensive Bonus): Note defensive bonllses includc stars and shield. SheiJd refemces include qualiry bonus (e.g.,"Y5" means "yes, a +5 shield").

Gr (Greaves): "A" and "L" arc used to indicate ann and leg greaves respectively.

08's (Offensive Bonuses): Abbreviations follow OB's; weapons arc in small letters, while body attacks begin with capitals: ba=batde axe, bo=bola, bs=broadsword, cI=club, cp=composite bow,
da=daggcr, fa= falchion, ha=hand axe, hb=halbard, hcb=heavy crossbow, ja=javclin, Ib=long bow, Icb=light cross bow, ma=mace, MAst=martial arts strike, with rank, MAsw=martial arts
sweep and throws, with rank, mg=main-gauchc, ml=mounted lance, pa=polc arm, l]s=l]Uarter staff, ro=rock, sb=short or horse bow, sc=scimitar, sl=sling, sp=sopcar, ss=shoct sword, th=two
hand sword, ts-throwing star, wh=war hammer, wm=war mattock, wp=whip, animal and unanned atracks arc abbreviated using code from the Master Beast Table,

Combatants untrained in a rype of weaponry (e .g., Orcs untrained in missile combat) suffer a penalty of -25 when attacking. Melee and missile offensive bonuses include the bonus for the
combatant's best weapon in that category.

Race/Cultural grouping: Dt'madan characters arc described as Nt'lmenbrean, if they were born in the island realm; those born in Middle-earth arc described as either DlUladan or Black Nt'lmcnbrean,
depending on which of the two Nt'lmellbrean colonial cultures they belong to. Charactccs of mixed Dl1l1adan and common descent arc defined as either Hacnedan (Rhlldauran) or Tergil
(CardoI:lI1i). The common folk of Eriador arc here classified as Arthadan, Cardolani, or Gondorian; if they fit none of these distinctive cultures, they arc described as Eriadoran. Norrhmen arc
classified either Eriedall (of Eriadoran srock) Of Norrhmcn (of Rhovanic mercenary descent). The Anbrmarean and Rhlldauran populations arc culntrally and racially distinct from ocher
common folk, having, respecrively, Easterling and Dunilish/Hilllman compollents.

Professions: In each cas(', the MERP profession is given first, and if l1('eded, a separate RM profession is added after the slash. Two notes: first, the MERP "Warrioe' profession is elluivaIcnr to the
RM "Fighter"; second, the MERP "Bard" professioll is lIsed for generic "jack of all trades" characters, and che skills of these characters vary widely throughout the table.

Additional Statistics: Any character whose stats, skills, and spells arc nm given can be assumed to have average characteristics for his or her profession and race. Note that a "bonus" such as the +20
to Sralk/Hide for Hobbit scours, is +20 to the average for a Scout, while a skill such as "Stalk/Hide 100" is substituted for chat average skill.
# Size/ Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Type LvI Enc Crit Speed Hits AT DB Attacks

Active Tree 25 I H/La VS/VS 400 PI/20 0 20HGr/ I OHGr/90Both

Bat 0 1 - 1 00 S VF/VF 4 No/ I 60 25TBi
Black Bear 5 1 -5 M F/F 1 50 No/4 20 50LGr/ 50LCl/ 30MBa/25MBi
Cave Drake 24 I M M/M 275 H/ I 9 30 I 20HCI/I OOHGr/90HBi
Cold-drake (See specific beast in Section 23.4 below)
Culcarnix I 1 -6 S M/M 12 No/3 0 l OSBi/ I 5SCI/-
Fire-drake (See specific beast in Secrion 23.4 below)

Eagle '3 1 -4 S FA/FA 30 No/ I 30 45MCI/35SPi/-

Egil's Viper 8 1 -2 L VF/VF 1 00 No/4 60 75MBi/Special/-
Fell Beast 20 1 -2 L F/F 240 L/ I 2 50 90HCI/90LGr/90LBa/60LBi
Giant 20 1 -3 VL SiS 350 L/ I I 30 I 75HBa/I OOHCr/-/1 50Club
Giant Spider 18 1 -20 L F/F 60 L/3 60 75MBi/ 60MCI/-
Great Bat 5 1 -20 M VF/VF 60 No/3 60 75MBi/ 60MCI/-

Great Bear 10 1 -4 L F/F 200 L/8 40 90LBa/75LC1/75 /LGr/ 50LBi

Great Eagle 30 1-10 H VF/VF 300 L/ I I 90 I 20HCI/ I OOLPi/ I OOLBa
Great Falcon 15 1-10 L VF/VF 1 00 No/4 8 90LCI/60MPi/-/ 50MBa
Lesser Cave Drake 16 1 -3 M F/F 200 L/ I 2 30 I 00LC1/90LGr/ 60LBi/ 50LCr
Lesser Giant 14 1 -5 L SiS 250 L/ I I 20 90LBa/ 65LCr/-/75Club
Mountain Lion 5 1 -5 M VF/VF 1 00 No/3 440 40MCL/ 60MBi/ 60MBa

Raven 4 1 -30 S VF/VF 20 No/3 50 50SCI/ 80HGr/ 80LBi

Spider 3 1 -1 0 S F/F 10 No/ I 30 OTSt/ l O/Tt/-
Stone Troll 15 1 -5 L SiS 1 75 L/ I I 25 1 20HBa/ I 20LCI/90LCr/80LBi
Uindarlaif 3 1 -20 M F/F 90 No/3 40 75MBi/-/-
Warg* 8 4-20 L VF/VF 1 80 No/4 60 75LBi/ 60LCI50Both/-

Wight* 7 1-10 M M/M 1 00 No/ I 75 I OObs/ 55MBa/-/25MBi

Wild Goat 2 1 -20 M F/F 70 No/3 IS 60MHo/ 50MBa/20STS/-
Wild Horse 3 I -50 L F/F 1 50 No/3 20 50LBa/35LTS/-
Wild Kine 5 1-10 L M/M 1 10 No/3 30 I 00LHo/90LTS/80LBa
Wolf 3 2-40 M VF/VF 1 10 No/3 30 60LBi/-/30MCI
*Undead or otherwise unusual (see section 9.5).

The statistics describe a typical creature of that type. Most of the codes are self-explanatory:
LvI (Level).
# Enc (number encountered).
Size/Crit: The creature's size (T = Tiny, S = Small, M = Medium, L = Large, H = Huge)
and the type of critical table that is used to resolve critical strikes against this creature:
If no code is given, use the normal tables
La = use Large Creature Critical Tables; SL = for RM use Super-Large Creature Critical Tables; for MERP: use Large Creature Critical Tables with
a - 1 0 modification; I = use normal critical tables, but reduce critical severities by one step (i.e., 'E' becomes a '0', '0' becomes a 'C',
'C' becomes a 'B', 'B' becomes an 'A', and ignore 'A's); II = use normal critical tables, but reduce critical severities by two step (i.e., 'E' becomes a 'C',
'0' becomes a 'B', 'C' becomes an 'A', and ignore 'B's and 'A's); t = Stun results do not affect these creatures; t = Stun results and hits/rnd do not
affect these creatures.
Speed: A creature's speed is given in terms of 'Movement Speed/Attack quickness'. So CR = creeping, VS very slow,=

SL = slow, MD = medium, MF = moderately fast, FA = fast, VF = very fast, and BF blindingly fast.

AT (Armor Type): The two letter codes correspond to the MERP armor type (No = no armor, SL = soft leather, RL = rigid leather, Ch = chain,
and PI = plate). The number is the equivalent to the Rolemaster armor type.
Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Attack: Each creature usually initiates combat using its "Primary" attack. Depending on the situation and the success of
the "Primary" attack, it may later use its "Secondary" or "Tertiary" attacks (all in the same round if previous attacks are very successful). Each attack
code starts with the attacker's Offensive bonus. The first letter indicates the size of the attack: T = tiny, S = small, M = medium, L = large,
H = huge. The last two letters indicate the type of attack:
Pi = Pincher/Beak Bi = Bite CI = Claw/Talon Gr = Grapple/Grasp/Envelop/Swallow
Ho = Horn/Tusk Ti = Tiny Ts = Trample/Stomp Ba = Bash/Ram/Butt/Slug
Cr = Crush/Fall St = Stinger Fi or Ki = Fist/Kick Wr = Wrestling/Tackles We = Weapon.

Speed Melee OB Breath OB

Name Type LvI Size MSjAQ Hits AT DB HBi HCI HBa Ball Bolt Color

Agburanar CD(L) 31 M YF/YF 463 Pl/20 50 1 20 1 30 l IO - - Black

Ando-Anca CD(L) 49 M F/F 540 Pl/20 40 I SO 1 20 115 - - Red
Angurth FD(F) 36 L F/F 47 1 Ch/ I 6 60 1 10 1 25 1 15 60 I OO Black/gold
Bairanax CD(F) 34 L F/F 447 Ch/ I 6 50 1 40 1 20 I OO - - Brown/red
Culgor CD(L) 30 M YF/YF 401 Ch/ I 6 40 1 20 1 30 I 05 - - Red/gold
Daelomin CD(F) 33 L F/F 428 Ch/ I 6 45 1 00 1 20 I IO - - Black
Dynca CD(F) 35 L YF/YF 422 Rl/ I 2 70 1 25 1 35 95 - - Black/grey
Haurnfile CD(L) 33 L YF/YF 456 Pl/20 55 l IS 1 25 1 30 - -- Red
Hyarleuca CD(L) 28 S YF/YF 329 Rl/ I 2 60 90 r oo 85 - - Brown
Itangast FD(L) 55 H F/F 590 Pl/20 60 1 60 l IO 135 50 90 Black/blue
Klyaxar CD(L) 29 S YF/YF 365 Rl/ I 2 65 95 I 05 95 - - Brown/red
Khuzadrepa CD(F) 37 L M/M 460 Ch/ I 6 60 1 30 I OO 1 60 - - Black
Leucamth FD(L) 34 L F/F 435 Ch/ I 6 50 1 25 1 35 1 00 50 90 Red
Lomaw CD(L) 35 L YF/YF 467 Pl/20 50 1 20 1 25 90 40 I OO Grey
Nimanuar CD(L) 33 M F/F 450 Ch/ I 6 60 90 1 00 85 45 95 Black/grey
Ruingurth FD(L) 36 L SIS 495 Pl/20 30 I OO 95 95 50 I OO Red/brown
Scatha CD(L) 52 YL YF/YF 555 Pl/20 65 I SO 1 40 1 20 - - Red
Smaug FD(F) 66 L YF/YF 636 Pl/20 75 1 25 1 30 I SO 60 1 20 Red/gold
Throkmaw FD(F) 46 L F/F 523 Ch/ I 6 60 I IO 1 20 1 25 50 1 00 Black
Umial FD(L) 30 M M/M 439 Ch/ 1 6 55 I 05 1 15 I OO 50 90 Red
TYPE- 1 st symbol: CD=Cold-drake; FD=Fire-drake. 2nd symbol: L=Land-bound (wingless); F=Flyer (winged).
Agburanar-Relatively shy beast who favors Goat and Bear meat. Resides at Caves of Ulund in spur of Grey Mountains ten miles north of
the Withered Heath.
Ando-Anca- Aggressive but sleepy creature who, even when stirred, sleeps 95% of the time (0 1 -95). Hunts Losrandir and Trolls. Resides
at Mount UdCmanca on the northeastern side of the Withered Heath
Angurth-Known for his extremely strong jaws and the intense heat of his fiery breath, Angurth reputedly relishes duels and enjoys slaying
heavily amored foes. He resides at Long Peak.
Bairanax-A Bear-hunter, Bairanax lives in caves at Ovir Hollow in the southern Grey Mountains.
Clligor-The fastest and most inquisitive of the Grey Mountain Dragons, he lives at Bat Dome.
Daelomin- A highly mystical and enchanted Drake, she is often referred to in First Age legend as the Ghost-wing of the Ered Engrin.
Her lair is situated at the Dancing Spire, a little over 40 miles from the Heath and halfway between Gondmaeglom and Anvilmount.
Dynca-Ugly yet compassionate, he is the most forgiving of Ithe ocal Drakes. Lives at Sorrowdrop.
Hallrnfile-The older (and meaner) sister of Culgor, Haurnfile lives in the Underdeeps below Bat Dome.
Hyarlellca- Astoundingly lazy and given to foul habits, this young Cold-drake is the least subtle of the Grey Mountain Dragons. He lives
southeast of Gondmaeglom, ten miles north of the Men Rhunen.
Itangast- Deadliest and smartest of the region's Land Drakes. Name means "Guest-eater" in Rhov. Keeps its abode at Gold Hill in the
middle of a dry lake in the Heath's southeastern lowlands.
Klyaxar-Young and small but quick, he roams the hill country north of the Ered Mithrin.
Khllzadrepa-Legend states that this vile, sable beast is a Sorcerer. He lives at Thunder Cleft.
Leucaruth- Exceptionally fierce, she is perpetually angry and constantly hunting. She is rarely (0 1 -20) at her lair in Irerock above Wolf
Flat ( 1 0 miles north of the rim above the center of the Heath).
Lomaw- One of the only two Cold-drakes with a breath weapon, he is extremely agile, clever, and capable of freezing foes within 600
feet. He lives in a snow-cave just south of the Dying Glacier.
Nimanallr- Like Lomaw, Nimanaur has an icy breath. He is less deadly than his older kin, though, and prefers to feed on the Losrandir
who wander near h is abode at the northwestern edge of the Heath.
Ruingarth-The oldest and the slowest of Wilderland's Great Worms, he reputedly fought in the Great Battle. Virtually in perpetual sleep
(01 -92), he is uncaring, fatalistic, and will not stir unless struck. Ruingarth lives at Goat Mountain, along the southern rim of the
Withered Heath.
Scatha- Extremely aggressive and greedy Drake that actively hunts for civilized strongholds containing loot and frequently raids caravans
traveling on the Men Rhunen. Eats Losrandir, Goats, Orcs, and Giants. Resides at Gondmaeglom in the central Grey Mountains.
Smallg- Greatest and most cunning of the Grey Mountain Dragons. Slow to anger but exceptionally pitiless, spiteful, . and proud. Lives
(before T.A. 1 977) at Anvilmount, northwest of the Withered Heath.
Throkmaw-Bane of the Northern Waste. Most dangerous winged Drake. save his rival Smaug. Confines himself to flights north of the
Grey Mountains. Lives at Shab Arch in the northern foothills of the range, about 20 miles northeast of Gondmaeglom.
Uruial- Extremely old but stunted Dragon who was crippled during the Elder Days by a Noldo archer. He resides at Steel Fell in the
middle of the southwestern spur of the Ered Mithrin.
1 40 23.5 LOR NPC TABLE ,

EP End Str Ag 1nt Mov Def Mel Mis Gen Sub Perc Mag Spells Notes

Necromancer 7 1 ,700 600 II 10 16 7 13 16 13 II 13 18 19 all Maia
Khamul I I ,700 62 I 1 2 -I 1 I -1 3 0 5 10 all Nazgul
Khamul 1 4,700 71 I 1 2 -I 1 1 -1 4 0 5 10 all After T.A. 2460
Adunaphel 9,300 62 0 1 2 -1 1 -2 -1 3 0 5 10 all Nazgul
Ovatha 9,000 62 0 1 2 -1 1 -2 -1 3 0 5 10 all Nazgul
The Mouth 5,700 62 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 2 -I 4 10 all Human Bard

Celedhring 1 1 ,700 66 0 2 2 I 1 0 I I 1 6 10 all Elf Bard

Duran 1 1 ,700 1 22 3 1 0 -1 3 9 8 2 1 2 -5 2 Maia Warrior
Gorovod 5,700 62 0 0 2 -I 1 -2 -4 2 -I 4 10 all Human Bard
Carlon 5,700 1 04 2 1 0 -1 3 7 7 2 1 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Froedhir 4,200 53 0 0 2 -1 1 -2 -4 2 -1 4 10 14 Human Bard
Grashukh 5,700 99 0 2 0 I 3 6 8 I 2 2 -2 0 Ore Warrior

Radagast 1 7,700 71 I I 2 -I I I -I 4 1 6 10 all Istar Bard

Huinen 9,600 66 0 2 2 I I 0 I I I 5 10 14 Elf Bard
Ringlin 5,700 66 -I 1 2 I I 0 I I I 5 8 12 Elf Bard
Arien 4,800 66 -1 1 2 1 1 -3 1 1 0 5 8 12 Elf Bard


Vagaig 4,200 95 2 1 0 -I 3 7 7 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Augimund 3,300 95 2 1 0 -1 3 6 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Mahrcared 5, 1 00 1 04 2 1 0 -I 3 7 7 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Uirdriks 6,300 1 04 2 1 0 -1 3 8 7 2 1 2 -5 0 Human Warrior

Gartila 2, 1 00 86 2 1 0 -I 3 6 5 2 0 1 -5 0 Human Warrior

Wuilaric 3,900 53 0 0 2 -1 1 -2 -4 2 -1 4 9 14 Human Bard
Atagavia 4,500 95 2 1 0 -1 3 7 7 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Waulfa 5, 1 00 1 04 2 1 0 -1 3 7 7 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Beoraborn 6,900 1 04 3 1 0 -1 3 8 7 2 I 2 -5 0 Human Warrior

Celedhring 1 1 ,700 66 0 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 6 10 all Elf Bard
Shagrath 3,600 90 0 2 0 1 3 5 8 1 -1 2 -2 0 Ore Warrior
Cro 3,900 90 0 2 0 1 3 5 8 1 -1 2 -2 0 Ore Warrior
Ukog 3,900 90 0 2 0 1 3 5 8 1 -I 2 -2 0 Ore Warrior
� 23.5 LOR NPC TABLE 141

EP End Str Ag Int Mov Def Mel Mis Gen Sub Perc Mag Spells Notes

Thranduil 9,600 99 0 3 0 1 3 7 IO 2 2 2 -2 2 Elf Warrior
Legolas 2, I OO 81 0 2 0 1 3 4 7 I -I 1 -2 2 Elf Warrior
Legolas 8, I OO 99 0 3 0 I 3 7 9 I 2 2 -2 2 After T.A. 30 1 8
Ohtar 6,000 99 0 2 0 I 3 6 9 I 2 2 -2 2 Elf Warrior
Camthalion 4,800 99 0 2 0 I 3 6 8 I -I 2 -2 2 Elf Warrior
Heladil 2, 1 00 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 7 I -I I -2 2 Elf Warrior

Lhachglin 7,800 62 0 0 2 -1 I -2 -4 3 0 5 IO all Human Bard
Wodurishak 3,900 90 0 2 0 I 3 5 8 I -I 2 -2 0 Orc Warrior

Drurgandra 3,900 90 0 2 0 I 3 5 8 I -I 2 -2 0 Orc Warrior

Odagavia 3,300 95 2 I 0 -I 3 6 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Odavacer 1 ,200 77 2 I 0 -I 3 5 5 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warrior
Eodoric 900 77 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warrior
Waggeorn 1 ,800 86 2 I 0 -I 3 5 5 2 0 I -5 0 Human Warrior
Freaga 1 ,500 86 2 I 0 -I 3 5 5 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warrior

Braegla 300 68 2 I 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warrior

Shagelda 600 44 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 I -4 3 6 6 Human Bard
Raendoric 900 53 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 I -4 3 6 8 Human Bard
Dudannis 1 ,200 49 I I 0 I I 2 2 2 4 4 -I 2 Human Scout
Urdrath 600 44 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 I -4 3 6 6 Human Bard

Kynoden 3,000 58 I I 0 I I 3 3 2 5 5 -I 2 Human Scout
Vogir 1 ,500 49 1 1 0 1 1 3 2 2 4 4 -I 2 Human Scout


Woedwyn 1 ,800 53 0 0 2 -1 I -2 -4 2 -4 3 8 IO Human Bard
Viloric 1 ,200 49 I I 0 I I 2 2 2 4 4 -1 2 Human Scout


Dieraglir 3,900 58 1 I 0 I I 3 3 3 5 6 -I 2 Human Scout
Jyganoth 3,900 58 I I 0 1 I 3 3 3 5 6 -I 2 Human Scout


Eoder 4,200 95 2 I 0 -1 3 7 7 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Jirfelien 1 ,800 53 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 2 -4 3 8 IO Human Bard
Sulwyn 1 ,200 53 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 I -4 3 7 IO Human Bard
Beawyn 2,700 53 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 2 -4 4 8 12 Human Bard
1 42 23.5 LOR NPC TABLE f
EP End Str Ag Int Moy Def Mel Mis Gen Sub Perc Mag Spells Notes

Fulla III 5 , 1 00 I I4 2 -1 0 -2 2 8 3 4 I 2 -7 0 Dwarf Warrior
Diin II 8 , 1 00 I I4 3 -I 0 -2 2 9 3 5 1 3 -7 0 Dwarf Warrior
Gimli 2, 1 00 96 2 -1 0 -2 2 7 2 4 0 I -7 0 Dwarf Warrior
Azaghal 3,000 1 05 2 -I 0 -2 2 7 2 4 0 2 -7 0 Dwarf Warrior

Huz 3,300 95 2 I 0 -I 3 6 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior

Orduciax 4,800 53 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 2 -I 4 10 all Human Bard
Daef-Udra 3,600 95 2 1 0 -1 3 7 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Haed 2,700 86 2 I 0 -1 3 6 6 2 0 1 -5 0 Human Warrior
Thraear 2,700 86 2 I 0 -1 3 6 6 2 0 1 -5 0 Human Warrior
Broehir 3,300 53 0 0 2 -1 1 -2 -4 2 -4 4 9 14 Human Bard

Freahir 2,700 53 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 2 -4 4 8 12 Human Bard

Edwodyn 2,400 53 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 2 -4 4 8 12 Human Bard
Fn:owyn 2,400 53 0 0 2 -I 1 -2 -4 2 -4 4 8 12 Human Bard
Breor 2, 1 00 53 0 0 2 -I I -2 -4 2 -4 3 8 12 Human Bard
Brego 1 ,800 67 I 0 I -I 2 4 -I 6 0 4 -2 0 Human Ranger

Namire 300 48 -I 1 2 I I -3 -2 -2 -3 3 4 4 Elf Bard

Normal Charge Flee Melee Melee Missile Missile

Name Movement Defense Defense Endurance OB Damage OB Damage
Active Tree -I 3 3 3 200 6 6 - -
Bat I 5 3 7 2 0 -3 - -
Black Bear 2 2 I 3 75* 4 3 - -

- -
Cave Drake 9 7 5 8 I 25t 6 6
Cold-drake 9 8 6 9 250t 8 6 - -
- -
Culcarnix -I -I -2 -I 6 -I -3
Fire-drake IS 7 5 9 225t 7 6 - -
Eagle 9 2 0 3 IS 2 0 - -
Egil's Viper -I 6 4 8 50 4 3 - -
Fell Beast 28 6 4 7 I 20t 5 3 - -
Giant 8 3 3 3 I 25t 5 3 -2 (rock) x2
Giant Spider 6 7 5 8 I 75t 7 3 - -
Great Bear 3 4 2 5 1 20** 4 3 - -
Great Eagle II 10 8 12 I 50t 8 6 - -
Great Falcon 16 6 4 8 50* 5 3 - -
Lesser Cave Drake 8 6 4 8 l OOt 5 6 - -
Lesser Giant 5 2 2 2 75* 3 0 - I (rock) x2
Mountain Lion 6 2 0 3 70 4 0 - -
Raven 6 4 2 6 10 I -3 - -
Stone Troll 2 2 2 2 75** 5 3 o (rock) 2
- -
Undarlaif 2 3 I 4 45 3 0
- -
Warg 4 6 4 8 90* 4 3
Wight 4 4 4 4 sot 3 0 - -
Wild Goat 7 I -I 2 30 2 0 - -

Wild Horse 6 3 I 4 60 3 3 - -
Wild Kine 3 2 I 2 67 6 3 - -
Wolf 7 3 I 4 55 2 0 - -

*- For these creatures treat "U" results as "25 damage" and for "K" results roll one die: on a 3-6 the result is a "K", otherwise the
result is "30 damage."
**- For these creatures treat "U" results as "20 damage" and for "K" results roll one die: on a 4-6 the result is a "K", otherwise the
result is "25 damage."
t- For these creatures treat "U" results as " I S damage" and for "K" results roll one die: on a 5-6 the result is a "K", otherwise the
result is "20 damage."
t- For these creatures treat "U" results as " 1 0 damage" and for "K" results roll one die: on a 6 the result is a "K", otherwise the result
is " I 5 damage."
Name EP End Str Ag Int Mov Oef Mel Mis Gen Sub Perc Mag Spells Notes
Uruk-torg (South-central Mirkwood)
Uruk Command/6 2, 1 00 81 0 2 0 1 3 4 7 1 -1 1 -2 0 Ore Warriors
Lurg Leaders/ 1 6 1 ,500 81 0 2 0 1 3 4 6 -2 -1 1 -2 0 Ore Warriors
Warriors/48 600 72 0 2 0 1 3 2 5 -2 -1 1 -2 0 Ore Warriors
Young Warriors/ I I O 300 63 0 2 0 1 3 2 4 -2 -I 1 -2 0 Ore Warriors

Uruk-harnak (Southern Mirkwood)

Uruk Command/9 2,400 90 0 2 0 I 3 4 7 I -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Lurg Leaders/36 600 72 0 2 0 I 3 2 5 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Warriors/96 300 63 0 2 0 I 3 2 4 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Young Warriors/72 0 63 0 2 0 I 3 I 4 -2 -I I -5 0 Ore Warriors

Uruk-hai (Dol Guldur)

Uruk Command/ I 2 5,100 99 0 2 0 I 3 6 8 I -I 2 -2 0 Ore Warriors
Guard Band/30 2,700 90 0 2 0 1 3 4 7 I -I 1 -2 0 Ore Warriors
Warriors/30 2, 100 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 7 I -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Patrol Band/60 1 ,500 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 6 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Young Warriors/48 600 72 0 2 0 1 3 2 5 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors

Uruk-thang (Dol Guldur)

Troll Guard/ 1 O 4,200 99 4 -I -I I 3 6 3 3 0 0 -4 0 Troll Warriors

Uruk-erag (Cirith MithIin in Grey Mountains)

Uruk Command/6 2,400 90 0 2 0 I 3 4 7 I -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Lurg Leaders/ l 6 1 ,500 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 6 -2 . -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Warriors/48 600 72 0 2 0 1 3 2 5 .-2 -1 I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Young Warriors/ I 70 300 63 0 2 0 I 3 2 4 -2 -1 I -2 0 Ore Warriors

Lor-uruk-shab (Cirith Himnienor in Grey Mountains)

Uruk Command/9 2,400 90 0 2 0 1 3 4 7 1 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
High Lurg Guard/6 1 ,800 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 6 I -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Lurg Leaders/46 600 72 0 2 0 I 3 2 5 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Warriors/ I 42 300 63 0 2 0 I 3 2 4 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Young Warriors/90 0 63 0 2 0 I 3 I 4 -2 -I I -5 0 Ore Warriors

Asharag (Southern foothills of the Grey Mountains)

Uruk Command/ I 2 2,700 90 0 2 0 I 3 4 7 1 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Guard Band/20 1 ,500 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 6 -2 -1 I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Band Leaders/20 1 ,500 81 0 2 0 1 3 4 6 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Good Warriors/20 1 ,200 81 0 2 0 I 3 3 6 -2 -1 I -2 0 Ore Warrior
Warriors/I 30 600 72 0 2 0 I 3 2 5 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Young Warriors/ I 20 300 63 0 2 0 I 3 2 4 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors

Uruk-thang (Emyn-i-Thang in Mirkwood)

Troll Guard/5 2,700 90 4 -I -I I 3 6 3 3 0 0 -5 0 Troll Warriors
Lurg Commanders/30 1 ,500 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 6 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Exp. Warriors/45 600 72 0 2 0 I 3 2 5 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Warriors/90 300 63 0 2 0 I 3 2 4 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Young Warriors/45 0 63 0 2 0 1 3 I 4 -2 -I I -5 0 Ore Warriors

Name EP End Str Ag Int Mov Def Mel Mis Gen Sub Perc Mag Spells Notes
Shirkag (Nan Gftlduin in Northern Mirkwood)
Tribe Lords/2 2,700 90 0 2 0 I 3 4 7 I -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Expo Warriors/ I 5 1 ,200 81 0 2 0 I 3 3 6 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Warriors/ I 3 600 72 0 2 0 I 3 2 5 -2 -I 1 -2 0 Ore Warriors

Garrison (Sarn Goriwing in Mountains of Mirkwood)

Expo Uruks/5 1 ,500 81 0 2 0 1 3 4 6 -2 -I I -2 2 Ore Warriors
Uruk Warriors/ I 2 600 72 0 2 0 I 3 2 5 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors
Young Uruks/ I 2 300 63 0 2 0 I 3 2 4 -2 -I I -2 0 Ore Warriors

Fathashar (Eastern Taleth Harroeh)
Headmen/I 2, 1 00 86 2 I 0 -I 3 6 5 2 0 I -5 0 Human Warrior
Spearmen/25 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Swordsmen/5 300 68 2 1 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Slingers/5 300 68 2 I 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors

Sashag (Eastern Talath Harroch)

Headmen/ I 2,700 86 2 I 0 -I 3 6 6 2 0 I -5 0 Human Warrior
Traekers / I O 1 ,500 86 2 I 0 -I 3 5 5 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Horse Archers / I O 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Spearmen/30 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 1 -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Swordsmen/8 300 68 2 I 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors

Sagath (Emyn Engrin)

Hcadmen/2 2, 1 00 86 2 I 0 -I 3 6 5 2 0 I 0 -5 0 Human Warriors
Trackers/ I S 900 77 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Horse Archers/ I S 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Spearmen/45 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Swordsmen/ I 0 300 68 2 I 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Slingers/ I O 300 68 2 I 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors

Gondorian Forces (Gonder's Eastern Army)
Targacn (foot)/2 5,700 I 04 2 I 0 -I 3 7 7 2 I 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Targaen (mtd)/2 5,700 I 04 2 I 0 -I 3 7 7 2 I 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Thengyn (foot)/ I O 3,300 95 2 I 0 -I 3 6 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Thengyn (mtd)/ I 0 3,300 95 2 I 0 -I 3 6 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Ohtarrina (foot)/50 3,300 95 2 I 0 -I 3 6 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Ohtarrina (mtd)/50 3,300 95 2 I 0 -1 3 6 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Requain/200 1 ,200 77 2 I 0 -I 3 5 5 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Ohtari (foot)/ I OOO 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Ohtari (mtd)/ I OOO 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors

Beijabar (Highly dispersed throughout western Wilderland)
Lords/8 5,700 I 04 2 I 0 -I 3 7 7 2 I 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Warriors/200 900 77 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors

Woodmen (Woodmen-town)
Lords / I O 3,600 95 2 I 0 -I 3 7 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Expo Warriors/ I OO 1 ,200 77 2 I 0 -I 3 5 5 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Warriors/250 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Young Warriors/I SO 300 68 2 I 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Name EP End Str Ag Int Mov Def Mel Mis Gen Sub Perc Mag Spells Notes
Woodmen (Scattered through Mirkwood)
Lords/5 2,700 86 2 I 0 -1 3 6 6 2 0 1 -5 0 Human Warriors
Exp. Warriors/ 50 1 .200 77 2 I 0 -I 3 5 5 I 0 1 -5 0 Human Warriors
Warriors / I 20 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I -3 1 -5 0 Human Warriors
Young Warriors/70 300 68 2 I 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Gramuz Plainsmen (Rhovanion Plain)
War Lords/5 3,000 95 2 I 0 -I 3 6 6 2 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Warriors/75 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 1 -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Warrior Levy/ I 50 300 68 2 I 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors

Eothraim (Horse-lords of the Rhovanion Plain)

War Lords/60 4,200 95 2 1 0 -I 3 7 7 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Warriors/800 1 ,500 86 2 I 0 -I 3 5 5 1 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Warrior Levy/ 1 200 900 77 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 1 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors

Lakemen (Esgaroth Upon Long Lake)

Guard Lord/I 3,600 95 2 1 0 -I 3 7 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
War Lord/I 3,900 95 2 I 0 -1 3 7 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warrior
Elite Guard/ I S 1 ,800 86 2 I 0 -1 3 5 5 2 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Guard/45 900 77 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Guard Levy/90 300 68 2 I 0 -I 3 3 3 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors

Dalemen (Dale)
Clan Lords/5 3,300 95 2 I 0 -I 3 6 6 2 0 2 -5 0 Human Warriors
Elite Warriors/25 1 ,200 77 2 I 0 -1 3 5 5 I 0 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Warriors/60 600 68 2 I 0 -I 3 4 4 I -3 I -5 0 Human Warriors
Warrior Levy / 1 00 300 68 2 1 0 -1 3 3 3 1 -3 1 -5 0 Human Warriors

Wood-elves (Aradhrynd)
Lords/3 5,700 99 0 2 0 I 3 6 8 1 2 2 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Lords/3 5,700 66 -I I 2 I 1 0 1 1 I 5 8 12 Elf Bards
High Captain/ I 3,300 90 0 2 0 I 3 5 7 1 -1 2 -2 2 Elf Warrior
Guard-captains/6 2,700 90 0 2 0 I 3 4 7 1 -1 I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Guard Horsemen/27 1 ,500 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 6 -2 -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Guardsmen/27 1 , 500 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 6 -2 -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Appren. Guard/I 8 900 72 0 2 0 I 3 3 5 -2 -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Hall-captains/6 2,700 90 0 2 0 I 3 4 7 I -1 I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Watchmen 1 ,200 81 0 2 0 I 3 3 6 -2 -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Hall Garrison 900 72 0 2 0 I 3 3 5 -2 -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors

Army of the Woodland-realm (Northeastern Mirkwood)

Captains/45 2, 1 00 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 7 I -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Bowmen/600 1 ,200 81 0 2 0 I 3 3 6 -2 -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Axemen/300 I .200 81 0 2 0 I 3 3 6 -2 -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Spearmen/600 1 ,200 81 0 2 0 I 3 3 6 -2 -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Swordsmen/300 1 , 500 81 0 2 0 I 3 4 6 -2 -I I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Warriors/21 00 600 72 0 2 0 I 3 2 5 -2 -I I -2 0 Elf Warriors

Name EP End Str Ag Int Mov Def Mel Mis Gen Sub Perc Mag Spells Notes
Wood-elves (WoodIand Warders)
Ward-captains/9 2,400 90 0 2 0 1 3 4 7 1 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Warders/8 1 900 72 0 2 0 1 3 3 5 -2 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors

Wood-elves (Scattered in southwestern Mirkwood)

Warders/6 2, 1 00 81 0 2 0 1 3 4 7 1 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Tauranca/36 900 72 0 2 0 1 3 3 5 -2 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Young T auranca/ 1 8 300 63 0 2 0 1 3 2 4 -2 -1 I -2 0 Elf Warriors
Raft-elves (Celebannon Area)
Cururim/9 2,700 90 0 2 0 1 3 4 7 1 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Tirduin Lords/ 1 2 2,400 90 0 2 0 1 3 4 7 1 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Tirduin/96 1 ,500 81 0 2 0 1 3 4 6 -2 -1 I -2 2 Elf Warriors
Ciuvetpel Lords / l 0 1 ,200 81 0 2 0 1 3 3 6 -2 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Exper. Cuiv./30 600 72 0 2 0 1 3 2 5 -2 -1 1 -2 0 Elf Warriors
Cuiv. Warriors/50 300 63 0 2 0 1 3 2 4 -2 -1 1 -2 0 Elf Warriors
T auranca Lords / I 1 900 72 0 2 0 1 3 3 5 -2 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Tauranca W ar./ 66 600 72 0 2 0 I 3 2 5 -2 -1 1 -2 0 Elf Warriors
Young Tauranca/22 300 63 0 2 0 1 3 2 4 -2 -1 1 -2 0 Elf Warriors

Huinen's Garrison (Ceber Fanuin in southern Mirkwood)

Aldaron/ 1 3,600 90 0 2 0 1 3 5 8 1 -1 2 -2 2 Elf Warrior
Randae/ 1 3,300 90 0 2 0 1 3 5 7 1 -1 2 -2 2 Elf Warrior
Guard Captains/6 2,700 90 0 2 0 1 3 4 7 1 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Warriors/42 900 72 0 2 0 1 3 3 5 -2 -1 1 -2 2 Elf Warriors
Scrvants/ 1 2 300 63 0 2 0 1 3 2 4 -2 -1 1 -2 0 Elf Warriors

Host of the Iron Hills
Lords/2 3,900 1 05 2 -1 0 -2 2 8 3 4 0 2 -7 0 Dwarf Warriors
Captains/7 3,000 1 05 2 -1 0 -2 2 7 2 4 0 2 -7 0 Dwarf Warriors
Dwarven Guard/28 1 ,800 96 2 -1 0 -2 2 6 2 4 0 1 -7 0 Dwarf Warriors
Warriors/ I 40 900 87 2 -1 0 -2 2 5 1 3 0 1 -7 0 Dwarf Warriors
Dwarven Levy /280 300 78 2 -1 0 -2 2 4 1 2 -3 1 -7 0 Dwarf Warriors
Normal Charge Flee Melee Melee Missile Missile
Name Movement Defense Defense Endurance OB Damage OB Damage
Uruk-thang (Emyn-i-Thang in Mirkwood)
War Wolves/30 7 5 3 7 85* 5 3 - -
Garrison (Sarn Goriwing in Mountains of Mirkwood)
Dindae 6 9 7 10 85t 5 0 6 -I

Fathashar (Eastern Talath Harroch)
Medium Horse (Headman)/ I 5 3 2 4 60 3 3 - -
Light Horses (Spearmen)/2 6 3 2 5 57 3 3 - -
Sashag (Eastern Talath Harroch)
Medium Horses (Headmen)/2 5 3 2 4 60 3 3 - -
Light Horses (Spearmen)/30 6 3 2 5 57 3 3 - -
Sagath (Emyn Engrin)
Medium Horses (Headmen)/2 5 3 2 4 60 3 3 - -
Light Horses (Spearmen)/ 45 6 3 2 5 57 3 3 - -
Gondorian Forces (Gondor's Eastern Army)
Heavy Horses (Targaen)/2 4 4 3 3 80 4 3 - -
Heavy Horses (Thengyn)/ I O 4 4 3 3 80 4 3 - -
Heavy Horses (Ohtarrina)/50 4 4 3 3 80 4 3 - -
Heavy Horses (Requain)/200 4 4 3 3 80 4 3 - -
Beijabar (Highly dispersed throughout weatern Wilderland)
Lords (bear-form)/3 3 4 3 5 1 00 5 3 - -
Gramuz Plainsmen (Rhovanion Plain)
War Horses (War Lords)/5 5 4 2 5 75 4 3 - -
Heavy Horses (Warriors)/75 4 4 3 3 80 4 3 - -
Medium Horses
(Warrior Levy)/ I 50 5 3 2 4 60 3 3 - -
Eothraim (Horse-lords of the Rhovanion Plain)
War Horses (War Lords)/ 60 5 4 2 5 75 4 3 - -
Heavy Horses (Warriors)/800 4 4 3 3 80 4 3 - -
Medium Horses
(Warrior Levy)/ I 200 5 3 2 4 60 3 3 - -
Dalemen (Dale)
War Horses (Clan Lords)/5 5 4 2 5 75 4 3 - -
Medium Horses
(Elite Warriors)/25 5 3 2 4 60 3 3 - -
Wood-elves (Aradhrynd)
Medium Horses
(Guard Horsemen)/27 5 3 2 4 60 3 3 - -
23.9 LOR CONVERSION NOTES Ifthe trap triggers a weapon attack, the MERP attack is
The LOR tables in Sections 23.5, 23.6, 23.7 and 23.8 described by weapon type and an offensive bonus. To
provide you with all the statistical info you need on non­ covert the MERP OB to a LOR offensive bonus, simply
player characters, beasts, and military forces. However, divide the modifier by 5. Then use the result on the LOR
the adventures in Mirkwood also contain stats for locks, Combat Table (page 1 7 of The GUidelines) as usual.
traps, and magical items. The conversion instructions If the trap triggers a spell, then the name of the MERP
below will enable you to translate MERP locks into LOR spell and the MERP spell list where that spell appears are
locks, MERP traps into LOR traps, and MERP items into given. To convert the MERP spell into a LOR spell, look
LOR items. up the MERP spell list on the chart below which gives the
corresponding LOR spell. (Rarely, the trap triggers a
23.9. 1 LOCKS custom spell that exists in neither MERP nor LOR; in such
MERP locks are described using the difficulty level of cases, a specific description of its effects, independent of
the maneuver required to pick the lock together with a any system, is given in the text to provide all you need to
numerical modifier. The -terms used are the same as those know to GM the play.)
that describe LOR maneuvers. To convert a MERP lock to OPEN EsSENCE SPELLS
a LOR lock, simply ignore the numerical MERP modifier MERP List LOR Spell
and use the LOR numbers assigned to the difficulty level Physical Enhancement .................................. Balance
on page 5 of the The Guidelines. This information is Essence's Ways . . . . . .. Concentration ......... ..... .... ... .. ... ...

reproduced below: Unbarring Ways .. . . . . . . . . . Speed ...... .... .. . .. .... ....... .... . ..... .

Difficulty Minimum Essence Hand ... ..... . .. .. . . . . .... . . Shield

. .... .... . . ... .......... .. . . .

Level for Success Spell Ways . . . . . . Protection from Magic

........ ..... ..... ..... . . .

Routine . . . .. . 4
............. ................
Essence Perceptions ............................ Concentration
. .. . .

Illusions . . . ... .. . ... .... .. . . .. . . CamoJiflage

.. . . .. . . .. ....... . ......... . .
Very Easy ...................................... 5
Easy ........................................... 6 Spirit Mastery .... .... .. . .. .... . . . . . . .. Calm
. ... .. . . .. ...... .. . . ... . . .

Light .......................................... 7 MAGE SPELLS

Medium .. . . . .. ...... .... .. .
.. .... .. .. .. ... .. . . . 8 MERP List LOR Spell
Hard .. . . ... .. . ... . .
... ... ..... .. ... ... . . . . . . .. 9 Fire Law ....... ........ .. ... . .. . .. .. . . .. .. Fire Bolt
. . . .. . . . . ... .. .... ... .

Very Hard ..................................... II Ice Law . . . . . ...... .. ... .. . .. .. . .. . Fire Bolt

.... .. .... . . . . .. .. . . . . .. ... ....

Extremely Hard ................................. 13 Earth Law . . .. ........ . . . Item Analysis

.... .................... . .... . .

Sheer Folly ..................................... IS Light Law .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .

.... .. . . .. . Fire Bolt
.. . . . ....... .. ......... . . .

Absurd ......................................... 18 Wind Law . . . .. . . .. . Protectionfrom Magic

. ..... .. . .. .. .... .. ....

Water Law .. ... .. . . .. . .

................ Luck ....... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .

23.9.2 TRAPS Lofty Bridge .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .... . . Speed

.. . .. ..... . .. ....... . . . . . .. . ....

Traps have two components best summarized by two Living Change .. . . . . . . . ... . . . Strength
..... .......... ... . ..... .. .. .. . ..

questions: I ) how difficult is it to detect and disarm the BARD SPELLS

trap? and 2) what are the results of triggering the trap? MERP List LOR Spell
MERP traps are partially described using the difficulty
Lore .............................................................. Concentration
level of the maneuver required to detect or disarm the trap Controlling Songs . .. . .... . ............. . Calm ... . .. .... . . . ...... ....... .....

(two separate maneuvers) together with a numerical modi­ Sound Control ... ... . .. . .. . . . . . Luck
....................... .. ... . . .. ... .... . .....

fier. The terms used are the same as those that describe Item Lore . . . . ... ...... . . . .. .. . .. . .
. .. ........ Item Analysis .. . . . .. ... .. .........

LOR maneuvers. To convert a MERP trap to a LOR trap,

ignore the numerical MERP modifier and use the LOR OPEN CHANNEUNG SPELLS
number assigned to the difficulty level (shown above). MERP List LOR Spell
What happens if a trap is triggered by the adventurers? Nature's Lore .. . ... . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . Concentration
. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . . . . .

Sometimes the result can be described without game Nature's Movement . .. .... .. . ... . ... ... . . ... Speed .. . . . ... ..... .. ... . .. .... ..

system stats-for example, perhaps the trap simply sounds Spell Defense . . ... .. ... ..... . . . .. Protectionfrom Magic
.. . . . . ... . .. . . . . ..

an alarm in an adjacent guard hall, in which case the guards Surface Ways . .. . .. ... .. .. ... . .. ... . Healing
.... .. ..... .... . .. ... .. ... ... .. .. ...

are alerted to the presence of intruders. More often, the Protections Shield
. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

trap triggers an automated weapon attack (such as that Detection Mastery . .. ... . . .. .. . . . Concentration .... .. ... . .. .... .. . . . . . . ..

delivered by a spring-loaded crossbow) or a spell. Sound/Light Ways .............................................. Fire Bolt

Calm Spirits . .. . . . .. . . . . . . ..
...... Calm
.. .... ............... .... .. . ... .... .. ......
ANIMIST SPELLS Grappling criticals: Upon a U or K result, when
MERP List LOR Spell hit by a weapon that does grappling criticals,
Direct Channeling .................. ... .................... Clairvoyance . . the target must roll the dice (2D6) and add
Blood W ays .. . .. .. . . . . . . . ... . .. . .... .. .. Healing
....... .... . .. ... . . . ..... . . .. . . .. his Agility bonus; if the result is equal to or
Bone/Muscle Ways . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .... .. .. Healing
. . .. . . . . . .. .... . . . higher than the total attack roll, the target is
Organ Ways .................... .................... .... ........ .. . Healing
. .. . . . not entangled and may act normally; if the
Animal Mastery .......... ...... .... . ........ ... ..... Charm Animal
. . . . . . result is lower than the total attack roll, the
Plant Mastery .. . ..... ...... . ..... .... .. .. .. .. ... Camo1iflage
. . . .. . . . .. .... . . . . target is entangled and may take no action for
Purifications ...................................................... ........... Luck . the number of rounds equal to the difference
Creations .... ... .. . ..... .......... .. ... ..... . . ... .. Sustenance
. ... .. . . . . . . .. . . ..... between the attacker's total attack roll and the
RANGER SPELLS target's Agility maneuver.
MERP List LOR Spell For example, los Haurl the Easterling throws his
Path Mastery .................... .. ... ....... ..... .... . . Concentration
. . . . .. . .
enchanted bola at U!tilas the Northman who isfleeing.
Moving Ways . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . ... ... . .... . . .. ... . . ... Speed
.. .. ... . .. . . . .. . . . ... . .
Haurl's Missile OB is +3. His bola has an OB oj + 2
Nature's Guises .................................................. Camo1iflage and delivers grappling criticals. Haurl's player rolls the
Nature's Ways ..... ............ .. . ... .... . . . ... Charm Animal
. . . . . . ... . . .
dicefor a result oj 6. His total attack roll is 3 + 2 +
6 = I I.
23.9.3 MAGIC ITEMS U!tilas' difense bonus is +2. Additionally, he wears
Most of the treasure found in Middle-earth falls into a helmet (see below), which means that U results on the
three broad catagories: weapons, armor, or spell casting Combat Table do not knock him out.
enhancement. MERP describes the capabilities of such Checking the Table, we see that Haurl has achieved
items with terms having specific game system definitions. a U result. This means we must also check the result oj
Below, we present these terms with definitions adapted the grappling ability oj the bola.
for the LOR system. U!tilas' player rolls the dice andgets a 9. The
Northman has an Agility bonus oj + I, so his total is
WEAPONS I O, which is less than Haurl's I I . Thus U!tilas is
Additional Criticals: In MERP combat, serious entangled and has taken I I points oj damage, but is not
wounds are represented by critical damage. Normal unconscious.
weapons wielded skillfully can deliver critical Unbalancing criticals: Upon a U or K result,
damage. Magical weapons sometimes deliver an when hit by a weapon that does unbalancing
additional critical: a cold critical, an electrical criticals, the target must roll the dice (2D6)
critical, a grappling critical, a heat critical, an impact and add his Agility bonus; if the result is equal
critical, a slashing critical, or an unbalancing critical. to or higher than the total attack roll, the
In LOR, normal criticals are represented by the U target remains on his or her feet and may act
and K results on the LOR Combat Table. The GM normally; if the result is lower than the total
need only referee normal LOR combat. attack roll, the target is knocked to the ground
Additional criticals-excepting grappling, and takes damage equal to one die roll.
slashing, and unbalancing-are handled thusly in
LOR combat: upon a U or K result, for each
Slashing criticals: Upon a U or K result, when
additional critical a weapon is capable of delivering, hit by a weapon that does slashing criticals,
roll one D6 die and apply the result to the damage the target must roll one die ( I D6); the result
delivered to the target. If the additional critical is is the number of points of damage the target
labeled as being " equal in severity," roll one die­ receives at the end of each round due to
the result is the number of dice that are rolled to bleeding.
determine the extra damage delivered. Of Slaying creatures: Some weapons are described as
being Of Slaying Orcs or Of Slaying Dragons or OJ
Slaying Trolls, etc. Whenever such a weapon is used
to attack the creature designated by this description,
add +2 to the attack roll on the Combat Table. This
bonus is cumulative with any bonus present due to
Holy virtues (see below). The maximum result is
1 2.
Of Slaying items: Some weapons are described as
being Of Slaying swords or OJ Slaying weapons or Of
Slaying armor or Of Slaying shields, etc. Such weapons
perform this destruction under conditions such as
"targeting an opponent's weapon" or "if opponent
parries" or some other parameters which are
explicitly presented. Whenever such a weapon is
used to attack the item designated by its description,
the attacker should roll on the +6 column of the
Combat Table. The GM should move the column used
to the right for every + l OB/DB possessed by the
target item. If the result of the roll is a U or a K, the
target item is destroyed immediately. Any number
results are ignored.
HolyjUnholy weapons: These are weapons possessing
the special favor of a Vala or a Maia (pure or
fallen). Most have a reputation and are known on
sight by their wielders' enemies. Holy weapons act
as weapons Of Slaying versus all beings aligned with
Sauron or Morgoth. Unholy weapons act as
weapons Of Slaying versus all beings in emnity to
Sauron or his evil master. (This bonus is cumulative
with any more specific slaying abilities, such as Of
Slaying undead.)
MERP armor is usually described as possessing a spe­
cific defensive bonus. To convert this MERP DB into a
LOR defense bonus, simply divide it by S. Sometimes
armor has special capabilities, such as protecting its wearer
from specific criticals. Such abilities are usually detailed in
words rather than numbers and can be readily applied to
any game system.
Helmets: In LOR, combatants who wear helms have an
advantage over those who don't. Roll the dice
(206) when a character wearing a helm receives a U
result on the Combat Table. If the roll is 8 or higher, Spell multipliers: Spell multipliers are normally
the character receives damage equal to the attack described as x2, x3, x4, etc. Characters with a
roll, but remains conscious, unless the damage puts multiplier may reduce the damage taken due to
his or her damage total higher than Endurance. Any casting a spell as follows: divide the damage taken
bonus from a magical helm should be added to the by the multiplier value. (A character must always
determining dice roll. take at least I point of damage when casting a
Many items that enhance spell casting do so by granting For example, Fire Bolt results normally in 6
their user specific spells. To convert the spells of such points of damage taken. Eun the Ounnish Bard has
items from MERP spells to LOR spells, use the procedure a x3 multiplier. When she casts a Fire Bolt, she
outlined under Traps above. Two special types of spell takes only 2 points of damage (6 -'- 3 = 2).
enhancing items are presented below.
Spell adders: Spell adders are normally described as + I
adders or +2 adders or +3 adders. Characters with
an adder may cast any one learned spell once a day
for every + I possessed by the adder. (A +2 adder
bestows 2 spells; a +3 adder 3 spells.) The caster
takes no damage for spells cast using an adder. The
caster may not carry more than one adder on his or
her person.
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mechanics ofweapon attacks, animal attacks, martial arts atttacks, fumbles,
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manageable procedure for resolving combat between individuals and small This first companion for Rolemaster Standard System explores the oldest
groups. of all magical powers: Arcane magic! It includes spell lists, arcane profes­
ST#5520 $ 1 6.00 sions, and many new optional rules . .
ST#5600 $ 1 6.00
Spell Law™
This product deals with the integration of spells and magic into a fantsy
role playing environment. Real skill in play is emphasized, since the
choice of a spell and its application to a given situation become the key
New to Rolemaster?
elements of success. To this end, Spell Law describes over 2000 spells,
organized into three "realms of power" and keyed to 15 different profes- Look for
ST#5522 $25.00 Rolemaster: The Basics™
Rolemaster: The Basics� provides:
Rolemaster Standard Ruies™ • The core subset of Rolemaster's wide range of flexible character
This is the book to pull the entire Rolemaster Standard System together! creation choices-5 races, 9 professions, and 20 training
This "must have" product provides all the guidelines and rules needed to packages. This allows GMs and players to learn the basics of
play Rolemaster. Its primary parts are concerned with character defini­ Rolemaster without having to immediately deal with the myriad
tion, character design, performing actions, and outlining the Gamemaster's of choices provided in the Standard System.
tasks. • The core subset of spell lists from Spell La w-all of the spells for
ST# 5500 $30.00 the 9 professions included in RM: The Basics.

• The core subset of attack and critical tables from Arms Law­
Gamemaster Law™ this is all you need to resolve weapon and animal attacks.
GM Law provides a wealth of guidelines and details that a Gamemaster
• Detailed material for unique character backgrounds.
needs to run a RMSS role playing game, or any other FRP game. This
product will greatly enhance the enjoyment of any gaming session! • A system of temporary and potential stats determined by using a
ST#5521 combination of assigned and random elements.
• A skill development system that allows a character to develop his
ability in any skill without absolute restrictions.

Game Aids: • Complete, consolidated guidelines for resolving all actions.

• Action sequencing based on an initiative roll and how fast a

Rolemaster GM Screen™ . character attempts to perform the action.
A sturdy GM screen with a summary booklet of some of the most
ST# 5501 $30.00 (Boxed)
commonly accessed tables and charts.
ST#5502 $1 2.00
Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc
RolemasterPlayer Guide™ P.O. Box 1 605
Charlottesville, VA 22902
This guide covers all the basic information a player needs to know. GMs

will love not having to give the same instructions over & over again-now
1 -800-325-0479
eMail: [email protected]

they can say: "Read the book!"
ST#5503 $ 1 0.00
J.R.R. Tolkien's classic works, The Lord ofthe RingsTM and The Hobbit", have stimulated and inspired fantasy role players and fantasy readers for
the past 50 years. Now, experience this epic setting in full detail with Middle-earth Role Playing (MERP), an exciting, intermediate-level fantasy
role playing system that is perfect for Tolkien enthusiasts as well as experienced garners!

2000 MERP"" 2nd Edition! Hardbound $30.00 2004 MERPTM 2nd Edition Combat Screen™ $8.00
A useful play aid for both players and gamemasters and for use with
2001 MERPTM 2nd Edition! Softbound $20.00 Middle-earth Role Playing� 2nd Edition, this sturdy combat screen in­
ICE's best-selling fanatasy role playing rules set in J.R.R. Tolkien's cludes all the MERP tables needed for battles, maneuvering, and action.
Middle-earth are back. The book includes new material, but remains the Speed up your role playing campaign with these tables at your fingertips!
same rules system and is fully compatible with the first edition of MERP The screen measures 34" x I I " and the two 17" x I I " reference sheets can
and its dozens of supplements. MERP 2nd Edition provides expanded be used as screen extenders. Most ofthis material was previously published
Middle-earth peoples editions with new specific backgrounds. There are in the combat screen for the previous edition ofMERP. The Combat Screen
now predesigned Character Templates that enable both novices and Lord will include some changes in tables corresponding to MERP 2nd Edition,
of the Ring Adventure Games� aficionados to start playing quickly! New but is usable for all editions of MERP.
artwork and layout make the presentation and organization of MERP II
just what todays players want- an accessible, user-friendly rules system. 2006 Valar and Maiar™ (Peoples of M-e) $ 1 5.00
Gamemaster Guidelines and a complete sample adventure set in the Valar and Maiar is the first book in ICE's new "Peoples ofMiddle-earth "
Trollshas are valuable aids to those new to MERP. Merp II will bring the series, for use with Middle-earth Role Playing� 2nd Edition. This lavishly­
most popular fantasy trilogy, Lord of the Rings, to life as never before. illustrated", 96-page character compendium documents the Holy Ones,
the guardians of Middle-earth. Here you'll find detailed descriptions of all
2002 MERPTM 2nd Ed. Accessory Pack"" Boxed $ 15 .00 the exalted Valar, including Manwe ( Lord of the Powers), Elbereth
This boxed play aid for use with Middle-earth Role Playing� 2nd (Queen of the Stars), Aule (Father of the Dwarves) , and the Black Enemy
Edition rulesbook gives players everything they need for a deluxe set-u p of Morgoth (Father of Evil) . You'll also find complete summaries of the
their role playing events! An ideal accessory for newcomers and veterans Valar's immortal servants, the Maiar: including the noble Wizards like
alike! Contents are: one 16 page B&W book of displays & floorplans for Gandalf and Saruman and awful overlords like the fiery Balrog of Moria
adventure material in the MERP� 2nd Edition rulesbook, one 32 page and Sauron, the Lord of the Rings. Covering everything from enchanted
B&W book with an additional introductory adventure, one new 16 page powers to mystical magic items, Valar & Maiar should delight any fan of
color book of displays for use with the 32 page adventure, color cardboard Tolkien's wondrous world. "Illustrations are black & white. Perfect bound.
characters (with some new characters added) & stands, dice and plastic
hex sheet overlays. Bring your MERP campaign to life! (Note: some of 20 1 3 Elves (Peoples of Middle-earth)TM $20.00
these materials were previously published as contents of ST#8 100, MERP Elves presents the Firstborn, the Quendi, the "Speakers." They awoke
Boxed Set). This is not a complete game-MERP rules required. under the stars before the asension of the Moon and the Sun and loved ever
after the twilight when Varda's lamps shone forth. The stories oftheir most
2003 Middle-earth Campaign Guide M $20.00 illustrious figures-Feanor, creator of the Silmarils, Earendil, voyager of
The must-have background sourcebook for Middle-earth Role Play­ the skies, Galadriel, Queen of L6rien, Celebrimbor, forger ofthe Rings of
ing� 2nd Edition rules, the Campaign Guidebook gives you 1 1 2 packed Power-are recounted here.
pages + a full 24" x 36" color map insert of Middle-earth. This sourcebook
is a compilation of material originally published as two separate titles, 2008 Middle-earth Role Playing Poster Maps'" $ 1 5.00
Middle-earth Campaign & Adventure Guidebook , Volumes I & II (#2200 Finally, ICE's original map of Middle-earth is available again in poster
& #22 10). Thewell-documented reaches of northwestern Endor, as well as format! This 2' x 3' poster map includes the wild lands-north, south, and
the shadowy lands that comprise the rest of the continent are included in east-and does not have a grid overlay. This map will also be on heavier
the in-depth coverage of the entire history of the West. Theme maps paper than the gridded map included in ICE's Middle-earth Campaign
detailing topography, climate, trade routes & population centers will help Guide (ST#2003). Also included in this finely packaged tubc;:d set is ICE's
any Middle-earth campaign. There are also guidelines for incorporating second major map, Northwestern Middle-earth, that first appeared in the
the Middle-earth setting into other major role playing systems, such as second guidebook and is currently available in ICE's Northwestern Middle­
ICE's advanced level Rolemaster�. Also included is a comprehensive earth Gazetteer (ST#4002). This map focuses on the most well known
gl<;>ssary of terms for the u nique names Tolkien created for the people, areas of Middle-earth where the action really is-from Arnor to Mordor
cultures, and places of Middle-earth. The Elvish dictionary provides notes and from Angmar to Gondor-this map presents a more close up view of
on pronunciation and grammar. All in all this is a stellar publication for the settings for many of ICE's campaign supplements than the original
Middle-earth garners and collectors! Middle-earth map. The Northwestern Middle-earth map is 22" x 34" and
will also be on heavier paper without a grid overlay. These two acclaimed
2012 Creatures of Middle-earth™ Sourcebook $18.00 maps in poster format-NO CREASES!-are sure to be a must for any
This product details the significant beasts and monsters of Tolkien's Middle-earth gamer or enthusiast.
world-the kelvar, living things that move, born of the Great Song, such
as ravens, ulmodili (dolphins), mearas (descendants of Orome's steed), 20 1 4 Dol GuldurTM Citadel of Middle-earth $25.00
oliphants, great eagles, crebain, and black swans; as well as twisted things Dol Guldurdocuments the history, design, layout, garrison, and inhab­
"of horn and ivory" that "dye the earth with blood" at Morgoth's behest. itants of the Hill of Sorcery, the volcanic stronghold in Mirkwood. The
cinder cone looms over a vale strangely quiet an barren amidst the forests.
No birds fly across the Nan Lanc, the Naked Valley, and thistles and briars
These fme products are sold at better retail outlets worldwide. Available comprise its vegitation. Within the mountains, intricate pits and cham­
at better game stores-or order from ICE, Inc. P.O. Box 1605 Charlottes­ bers tunnel deep into the earth, and a miasma of evil coils amidst the
ville Va 22902, USA. Prices are subject to alteration without prior notice. shadows. This all-new volume of the Citadels of Middle-earth series
VISA & MASTERCARD orders (and catalog requests) call (800) 325-0479. presents over 20 pages of maps and floorplans detailing the Necromancer's
Va residents, Canadians and overseas customers call (804) 295-3917. Please
awful lair. It includes complete stats for MERP"', the Lord of the Rings
make phone orders during business hours: 9am-5pm, Eastern Standard
Adventure Game�, and Rolemaster�.
Time, Mon-FrL Call or write for a free catalog!

J.R.R. Tolkien's classic works, The Lord of the RingsTM and The Hobbif, have stimulated and inspired fantasy role players and fantasy readers for
the past 50 years. Now, experience this epic setting in full detail with Middle-earth Role Playing (MERP), an exciting, intermediate-level fantasy
role playing system that is perfect for Tolkien enthusiasts as well as experienced garners!

20 1 1 Moria™ Citadels of Middle-earth $25.00 20 1 8 AngmarTM (Realm of Middle-earth) $25.00

Come explore Moria, the storied "Black Chasm" of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Iron-home, domain ofthe Witch-king, is a cold, bleakland roamed
Lord of the Rings·, in your MERP"campaign. Deep in the bowels of the by dark-robed Warrior Priests. These sinister wanderers oversee the
central Misty Mountains, the Dwarves created their greatest kingdom, a slaves, soldiery, and Orcish tribes who serve the master of Cam D!lm. Fear
vast, subterranean complex of gaping mines, fiery pits, myriad mazes, is their whip-handle and shadow their wake. The sunshine of Angmar is
elaborate chambers, dizzying stairwells, and countless passages (charted thin: the bitterness of the climate lodges deep in both the land and its
and uncharted) . They roused from sleep the end of the Elder Days: a fiery inhabitants. The Iron-horne's chill darkness threatens not only neighbor­
Balrog ofMorgoth. Unleashed, this awful Demon rules Moria and its eerie ing Arthedain, but all the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. This printing of
Underdeeps, slaying those adventurers who dare challenge his deadly Angmar is a reprint of the 1 989 ICE module titled Empire of the Witch­
traps & cruel minions in search of the priceless & legendary Dwarven king. Angmar is now re-packaged and considered a M-e Realm piece for
treasures. Moria is back-and bigger and better than ever! This revised MERP 2nd Ed. Rules. Many exquisite new interior illustrations are
printing features new adventures, layouts, and source material. It is the featured and there is a full color insert. .
ultimate dungeon, the original Dwarf-citadel, and the home of some ofthe
richest treasures and nastiest traps you'll ever encounter. 20 1 6 Lake-town™ Citadel of Middle-earth $25.00
Explore the Northron settlement where Bilbo and the Dwarves were
2009 Palantir QuesC Adventures $ 1 8.00 feasted and supplied bring their journey toward Smaug the Dragon! Moor
Strange portents in the great Seeing-stone of the Minas Tirith give your boat at the town's quays, search for exotic goods from the East in the
promise that one of the lost Palantiri of the North has returned to the lands stalls of its Great Wharf, or witness the changing of its formidable Bridge
of Men. Can your adventurers find this legendary treasure and bring it to Guard accompanied by the retrieval of the hlaestingas, the collected trade
King Elassar? Rogues ofthe wilds, blizzards out ofthe Forodwaith, and the tiffs. Lake-town presents this merchantile center in all its vivid bustle,
greed in Men's hearts all conspire against you in this 144 page supplement including craft associations, the burgs coiner, drihten who collect the tolls,
for use with MERP". Meet the challenges posed in this extended series of and smugglers. An introductory adventure followed by a two-part mini­
adventures-a campaign that culminates in the successful recovery of a campaign draws player characters into the watery labyrinth amidst the
Palantir. Palantir Quest is suitable for players moving up from the Lord of piles below the town's wooden streets and out into the wide lands
the Rings Adventure Game� to MERP or for those discovering fantasy role surrounding the Long Lake. In the aftermath ofthe Plague, Orcs and Trolls
playing for the first time with MERP 2nd Edition rules. The quest is also and Undeqad have the upper hand in the Wilds. Keep your hand on your
suitable for the experienced GM who wants exciting, detailed, linked sword hilt, if you venture far from Esgaroth!
scenarios that require no extra set-up work. Palantir Quest is also usable
with Rolemaster�, ICE's advanced FRPG. 20 1 7 The ShireTM (Realm of M-e) $30.00
Hobbits are "a little people, about halfour height, and smaller than the
201 0 Treasures ofMiddle-earth™ Sourcebook $20.00 bearded Dwarves. Hobbits have no beards. There is little or no magic
This 200 + page sourcebook details the most powerful artifacts of about them ...they dress in bright colors ... wear no shoes ...have long clever
Tolkien's world, including Aragorn's sword Anduril, the palantiri saved brown fingers, good-natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs (espe­
from drowned Numenor, and Sauron's One Ring. This compendium is cially after dinner, which theyhave twice a day when they can get it) ." [JRR
a revised version of the sourcebook previously released in 1989 (now out Tolkienl Come visit the Shire-a place "in the quiet of the world," where
of print). This new printing will feature the same Angus McBride cover there is "less noise and more green"-and enjoy the hospitality of the
art, but with the MERP� 2nd Ed. trade dress. The new Treasures of M- e Hobbits who dwell there. In addition to a warm welcome, and six meals
features twice as many illustrations and includes complete stats for the a day, you'll discover that adventure remains not so far at bay as the Shire's
Lord of the Rings Adventure Game� in addition to MERP & Rolemaster� inhabitants desire. Even in the days of their prosperity, the dangers of the
stats. If, like Bilbo, you've ever felt "the love of beautiful things, made by Wild impinge upon the settled life of farmer, crafter, and gentlehobbit.
hands and by cunning and by magic," then Treasures of Middle-earth� While during the turbulent years of the Shire's founding, ruffians and
belongs in your fantasy role playing campaign. squatters and jealous Dunadan nobles stir up a brew of violence that
troubles the peace of every hill and dale where Hobbits dwell!
2007 Minas Tirith™ Citadels of Middle-earth $25.00
The first city-book previously published for Middle-earth Role Play­
ingTM, returns as the first in a series of Citadels for MERP� 2nd. Edition. LRO Lord of the Rings Adventure Game"" $ 18.00
This new printing of Minas TiritW, will feature a brand new, expanded You thought The Hobbit was a great read, and The Lord of the Rings
and improved 2 ft. x 3 ft. full color city map insert! A new lay-out with unsurpassable. And now your hoping to find more of Tolkien's magic in
some new interior art will make this a 224 page perfect bound book full of a game. Playing Lord of the Rings Adventure Game� (LOR�), you'll expe­
all the information you need to take your campaign to the famous rience that magic in a new way. LOR is our first truly introductory role
Guarded City ofMinas Tirth. No other city in western Middle-earth offers playing game system. Open the first book, and you start playing right away.
greater hope for the defense of the Free Peoples. This printing of Minas LOR introduces novices to role playing in Middle-earth. It's easy and
Tirth will also include stats for the Lord ofRings Adventure Game� fun-there's no weighty tome of rules that must be read before entertain­
ment begins. Instead, the first pages of the adventure, Dawn Comes Early,
20 1 5 Kin-strife™ Sourcebook $25.00 explain the most basic concepts. Then the players choose characters and
This product presents the people, politics, and armies ofGondor under you're playing before you know it.
the repressive rule of Castimir the Usurper. The six largest cities of the
South-kingdom-Pelargir, Umbar, Lond Ernil, Osgiliath, Minas Arnor, LRI Darker than the Darkness™ $12.00
and Minas Ithil-are described along with their administrative structures,
military organization, and legal systems. Adventures tied to each me­ LR2 Over the Misty Mountains Cold™ $10.00
tropolis bring the civil war to life. Strange conspiracies and webs of deceit
await the bold and loyal!
1t200 1 10/95
.- Dec.
1 995

The Collectible Card Game Based on J. R. R. Tolkien's Epic Tales of

The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings-
The Wizards
"They first appeared in Middle-earth about the year 1 000 ofthe Third Age, but for long they went about in
simple guise, as it were ofMen already old in years but hale in body, travellers and wanderers, gaining knowledge of
Middle-earth and all that dwelt therein, but revealing to none their powers and purposes."
-"The Istari'
Unfinished Tales, p. 405

Middle-earth: The Wizards™ is ICE's simple, elegant, and intriguing card game for one to five players set in Tolkien's
epic fantasy world. Players design their own unique decks and comp ete in a fierce struggle against Sauron, the Evil
One. Each plays one of the five "Istari" sent by the Valar to right the Balance of Things in Middle-earth:

• Gandalf the Grey, servant of Manwe, the Lord of the Sky and King of the Valar;
•Saruman the White, servant of Aule the Smith and Father of the Dwarves;
•Radagast the Brown, servant of Yavanna, the Mistress of Growing Things;
Alatar the Blue, servant of Orome, the Hunter; and

Pallando the Deep-blue Istar, servant of Mandos, the Lord of Doom.

Each Wizard influences characters, who form companies and fellowships and journey afar to gather "resources"­
including allies, factions, artifacts, and lore-all in an effort to strengthen the cause against D arkness. Their daunt­
ing mission involves avoiding a host of "hazards;' including strange enchantments and environments, foul beasts,
terrible monsters, and the fell minions of the Lord of the Rings. The struggle requires a constant balance of p ower
and secrecy, strength and stealth, and speed and restraint. After all, the lure of the land and the senses and the
danger of "self- corruption" present powerful dangers to the Wizards' noble crusade. Middle-earth: The Wizards is
easy to play and challenging to fully master. It offers countless strategies and exceptional replay value. Best of all,
it's tremendous fun.

The Cards
Middle-earth: The Wizards contains five distinct types of cards, including:

Characters-Yo ur Wizard can encounter Hazards-While your characters travel or

and influence a wide array of important visit sites, dangerous creatures, enemies,
characters, which form companies and fel­ environments, and events slow their quest.
lowships in the service of the Istar's noble
Resources-Your characters develop power
cause and journey to Havens and Sites.
and further their cause by creating events
Sites-Traveling everywhere from the Grey and accumulating valuable allies, factions,
Havens to Mount D oom, your characters items, and lore, m any of which invite
and companies visit key places, where they corruption.
gather resources.
Regions-By holding a map to a region,
characters can visit consecutive sites with­
out first having to return a haven.
The Fello sh ip ofthe Ring-Copyright © 1955, 1965 by J.R.R. Tolkien. Copyright © renewed 1982 by Christopher R. Tolkien, Michael H.R. Tolkien, John P.R. Tolkien
and Priscilla M. A R. Tolkien. Unfinish ed Tales-Copyright © 1980 by George Allen & Unwin (publishers) Ltd. Middle-earth: The Wizards is made for ICE in Belgium
by Carta Mundi.

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