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K Academy Social Studies Practice Test 4 (KEYS)

(1) A. They built their settlement outside the area they were granted in their charter. In
modern terms, a squatter is someone who illegally occupies a property. The text states
very specifically that the Pilgrims landed outside the borders of the territory laid out by
their charter.
(2) C. four fewer people. One passenger and four crew members died, but one child was born.
The net decrease is four.
(3) None of the above. The Mayflower Compact was a set of rules to live by, a simple
constitution to which all the colonists agreed. It wasn’t a tenancy agreement or a treaty
with the local Native Americans, and it had nothing to do with the company charter.
(4) A. The court most likely thought that a law prohibiting free expression (in this case cross-
burning) is contrary to the First Amendment right to free speech.
(5) A Too much specialization leaves a country vulnerable to a loss of demand or to price
(6) C. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 is the act which gives the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) authority to sue in federal courts when it
finds reasonable cause to believe that there has been employment discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
(7) C. Like the United States, Mexico is a republic, with the president as head of the
government and chief of state.
(8) D Saudi Arabia is a monarchy in which the king holds the most power.
(9) B A theocratic state has a religious leader as its head. Iran has such a leader as chief of
(10) C. In a plutocracy, the leaders are chosen because they are the wealthiest citizens. This
means that there is no vote.
(11) B A toll road is a place where the seller of a service meets with buyers.
(12) C. rivers. Rivers not only provide fresh drinking water but also lead to the sea, thereby
giving easy access by ship.
(13) D This took place during the War of 1812. It is the only conflict listed that took place
between the British and Americans when Washington was the nation’s capital.
(14) New citizens promise to support the laws of the United States, serve in the armed forces
if called upon, and renounce allegiance to any foreign country.
(15) B Government can enact workplace health and safety laws to protect workers when a
market may not do so on its own.
(16) Segregation: Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson, Ku Klux Klan; Desegregation: Brown
v. Board of Education, Civil Rights Act of 1964, NAACP
(17) D Each country has largely different imports and exports, which shows that their
economies are specialized and that they depend upon each other.
(18) B Japan exports no energy products and imports petroleum, coal, and natural gas.
(19) C. a $3,000 contribution to a party fund for TV ads on political issues Of all the choices,
this is the only donation that is going to a political party fund rather than to a specific
candidate, so it is a “soft money” contribution.
(20) A. People were less aware of soft money because disclosure was not required at that
time. During the 1980s, political parties did not have to reveal the amount and sources of
their soft money contributions, so the extent of this type of campaign financing was not
generally known. Only when a law was passed requiring disclosure did people become
aware of the scale of soft money donations and so began to raise their concerns about the
(21) C. filling jobs that were needed for the war effort because so many men were away
fighting the war. More than 16 million men were sent off to fight the war. Women helped
the war effort by taking over the absent men’s jobs in both the private and government
(22) A. White settlers wanted to steal the lands in the eastern states that belonged to the Indians
for their own use. As horrific as it may appear today, in the 1830s, the U.S. government
decided that it wanted to take over the lands in the eastern states that had belonged to
Native Americans for generations.
(23) C. Profit. A profit is a financial gain.
(24) B. The main idea of this cartoon is that money plays too important a role in American
elections. The donkey (a symbol of the Democratic Party) and the elephant (a symbol of
the Republican Party) are both bowing down in homage, not to President Lincoln, but to
the money his image appears on.
(25) B. It will increase the risk of drought. The passage states that if temperatures had been
cooler, a larger snowpack would’ve been available for spring and summer runoff and
therefore reduced the risk of drought.
(26) C. It reduced winter snowpack, decreasing spring-summer runoff. Higher temperatures
cause the winter snowpack to melt earlier, making less water available during the summer.
(27) A. an office building. An office building is a capital resource. Choice (B) is a natural
resource, choice (C) is labor, and choice (D) is an entrepreneur.
(28) B. the migration of people from farms to industrial cities in the 1800s Like the migration
to the cities in the 1800s, the migration from manors to towns in the late Middle Ages
resulted from economic causes. In both migrations, people were seeking better economic
opportunities than farming offered.
(29) B. carpool to work and school Carpooling saves gas, a nonrenewable resource.
(30) B. The correct answer is (B), which says that the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments
of the Constitution) can’t be denied by any arm of the government.
(31) A. Lowering the speed limit, limiting senators to two terms, reducing pollution, or
creating town zoning—none of these deprives people of their constitutional rights.
However, prohibiting protests by a union takes away a fundamental right guaranteed by
the Constitution: the right to free speech.
(32) B. The right to vote is also guaranteed to citizens by the Constitution—even if they don’t
speak English, people can be citizens.
(33) C. All of these natural resources are negatively affected by acid rain except coal reserves.
The passage identifies coal burning as a source of acid rain. It does not say that coal
reserves are harmed by acid rain.
(34) D. Lakes and streams are affected by acid rain but do not cause it.
(35) D. Only choice d is an opinion; it draws a comparison that can be reasonably argued. In
fact, the passage notes that choice d is the subject of some debate. According to the final
sentence of the passage, many people believe that greenhouse gas emissions, not acid rain,
are the greatest source of concern.
(36) D. The last two sentences in the passage suggest that laissez-faire economics can lead to
problems such as unfair monopolies that hinder competition.
(37) D. The only choice that correctly states the difference between the Physiocrats’ and
Mercantilists’ views is choice d. Mercantilists favored government regulation in trade;
Physiocrats favored government noninterference.
(38) A. Dallas falls in the Central time zone, which is two hours ahead of Sacramento, located
in the Pacific time zone.
(39) D. As illustrated on the map, a traveler would enter an earlier time zone as he or she
moves west. According to the caption, each time zone “equals 15 degrees of longitude.”
(40) D. Some voters in the Pacific time zone have not yet cast their votes when the polls close
in the east. Critics feel that early predictions can affect elections in this time zone.

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