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Advanced Excel Session By:

Anand Kumar Thakur

Phone : 9711698036
Email : [email protected]

Institute Name : InteliGenes Technologies

Email : [email protected]
Phone : 9871580777
A spreadsheet is a special way of
Excel is an electronic spreadsheet organizing data
which is used to into rows and columns to make it
organize,format,calculate and simpler to read and manipulate.
analyse the data.

Excel is the world’s most popular data analysis tool. Companies and
institutions worldwide use it to transform mountains of raw data into clear
insights. Strong Excel skills can open new career paths, make you more
employable in various industries, and save hours in your daily tasks

Columns : The vertical portion of the Excel worksheet is known as

columns.Columns are identified by letters (A, B, C)

Rows : The horizontal portion is known as rows. Rows are identified by

numbers (1, 2, 3)
Cell : A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. In other words, it's
where a row and column meet.Each cell has its own name—or cell
address—based on its column and row

Workbook : A workbook is a file that contains one or more worksheets to

help you organize data.

Rows 1,048,576.00 o
Total Cells
17,179,869,184.00 w
7 84
22 29
57 26
45 67
62 26
56 96
24 75

Expenses January February March

Cosmetics 1,059 1,462 1,095
Electrical Bill 1,722 1,297 1,665
Water Bill 1,783 1,049 1,306
Telephone Bill 1,770 1,608 1,639
Gas 1,783 1,527 1,604
Food 1,484 1,155 1,193

2 Highest
3 Lowest

10% Of Sales
Sales Person Total Sales Incentive
Anand 65,000
Sonu 98,800
Radhe 25,000
Shyam 36,000
Hari 45,000
Siya 87,000

Sales Person Total Sales

Anand 3,147,434
Sonu 9,803,639
Radhe 7,559,363 Display
Shyam 4,902,634 symbols
Hari 2,407,133
Siya 3,766,021

Sales Person Total Sales

Anand 6,034,433
Sonu 6,095,409
Radhe 3,094,398
Shyam 1,724,815 Display
Hari 8,714,548 as
Siya 6,504,692 percentages

Sales Person Total Sales

Anand 754,716
Sonu 1,963,628
Radhe 6,520,434 Display
Shyam 9,475,616 symbols
Hari 4,179,424
Siya 3,252,826
Subtract Multiply
98 51 31 12
85 19 37 10
61 20 45 58
57 6 72 91
45 17 1 37
86 28 98 99
89 76 44 55

April May June Total Average Max Min

1,281 1,227 1,102
1,311 1,635 1,771
1,345 1,794 1,592
1,146 1,588 1,113
1,107 1,700 1,438
1,435 1,387 1,239
98 41
54 31
54 32
59 53
37 13
69 50
85 55
Expenses January February
Cosmetics 1,059 1,462
Electrical Bill 1,722 1,297
Water Bill 1,783 1,049
Telephone Bill 1,770 1,608
Gas 1,783 1,527
Food 1,484 1,155

Total Expenses

Income January February

Rent Received 2,498 2,872
Salary 11,088 12,539

Total Income

Department Expected Expenditure Actual Expenditure

Sale 5,000.00 4,000.00
Account 13,519.00 38,344.00
Admin 23,374.00 39,531.00
Purchase 40,327.00 37,522.00
Hr 28,688.00 20,652.00
Advertisment 28,808.00 22,483.00
22,449.00 18,725.00
Year Estimated Expenses Actual Expenses
2,015.00 9,800.00 4,500.00
2,016.00 5,600.00 9,800.00
2,017.00 4,800.00 8,700.00
2,018.00 3,200.00 1,000.00
2,019.00 7,800.00 5,600.00
2,020.00 6,500.00 8,700.00
Budget 2022
March April May June July
1,095 1,281 1,227 1,102 1,510
1,665 1,311 1,635 1,771 1,018
1,306 1,345 1,794 1,592 1,363
1,639 1,146 1,588 1,113 1,941
1,604 1,107 1,700 1,438 1,721
1,193 1,435 1,387 1,239 1,427

March April May June July

2,560 2,943 2,022 2,018 2,473
14,599 10,264 14,434 10,831 12,350

Difference Variance
August September October November December Totals
1,017 1,188 1,884 1,657 1,196
1,524 1,452 1,707 1,493 1,683
1,134 1,148 1,616 1,125 1,848
1,206 1,116 1,916 1,914 1,978
1,323 1,168 1,672 1,946 1,955
1,978 1,018 1,872 1,823 1,295

August September October November December Totals

2,061 2,566 2,240 2,073 2,234
10,862 12,350 12,114 14,667 14,039
Value of Discount Value
Items Qty Price Goods 5% of Goods
Ac 15 54000
Refrigerator 18 25000
Washing Machine 16 15000
Led Tv 11 36000
Desert Cooler 15 14000
Table Fan 17 5000
Ceiling Fan 17 3600

Cost Selling
Items Price Price Profit

Ac 1113 1288
Refrigerator 1096 1251
Washing Machine 1121 1295
Led Tv 1510 1688
Desert Cooler 1235 1412
Table Fan 882 962
Ceiling Fan 1076 1143

Employee Basic Working Net

Name Gender Salary Days Salary
Raju M 25000 21
Ram M 36000 17
Kunal M 12000 28
Aarti F 45000 17
Sonu M 24000 30
Komal F 18000 16
Asha F 35000 17
Riya F 47000 16
Anuj M 24000 22

Employee Basic Working Net

Name Gender Salary Days Advance Salary
Raju M 25000 21 2000
Ram M 36000 17
Kunal M 12000 28 5000
Aarti F 45000 17
Sonu M 24000 30 1000
Komal F 18000 16 2000
Asha F 35000 17
Riya F 47000 16
Anuj M 24000 22 4000

Monday Tuesday Wednesd Thursday Friday

Revenue 1000 1100 1210 1331 1464
Expense 1 291 228 140 268 217
Expense 2 200 124 270 140 164
Expense 3 235 225 103 233 257
Total Expenses
Net Income

Expense Breakup Amount

Salaries Paid 15000
Advertising Expense 10000
Rent Paid 20000
Commission Paid 8000
Travelling Expense 20000
Repairs 15000
Damages 18000
Material Charges 44000
Total Expense
Invoice Value
Cgst-14% Sgst-14%

Profit % Income Expenses Profit Profit %

8122087 1937101
8841308 3463227
8318099 2397145
8183970 4832389
8860337 3266257
8830577 3714817
8482372 1286408
5% 20%
Employee Basic Transport
Gender Designation HRA
Name Salary Allowance
Raju M Seller 25000
Ram M Hr.Head 36000
Kunal M Sr.Accountant 12000
Aarti F Manager 45000
Sonu M Delivery Boy 24000
Komal F Graphic Designer 18000
Asha F Admin Head 35000
Riya F Developer 47000
Anuj M Seller 24000

DA Incentive
Employee (20% Special Pay Double of PF
Basic Salary 1/2*(basic+ Gross Salary (12% OF
Name of da) (Basic + Basic+DA)
Basic) Special)

Raju 50000
Ram 40000
Kunal 10000
Aarti 90000
Sonu 8000
Total 198000
15% 12% 0.75%
Medical Gross Net
Pf Esi Advance Deductions
Allowance Salary Salary




Net Salary
(Gross Salary-
Id Name Gender
K45 Rajesh Male
K12 Sonu Male
K78 Aarti Femal

1. Rename sheet by Employee Data

2.Save the file by the file name Employee Data under your folder
3.Insert a column between name and gender and Label it by Age and insert the following val
4.Insert a new row between B5 and B6 and add the following value Id-K85,Name - Ansh, Age
5.Delete the column age & Delete the Row B5
6.Format the whole text font (Times New Roman) and the size 18
7.Change the row heights of the heading 54 Pixels
8.Change the column width of the heading id (50) Name (150) and gender (60) pixels
9.Insert 7 rows between the titles and first row of data.
10.Add a new Label at the end of the column by the Salary and add the value 2500, 4000 and
11.Format the " Salary" to show the £ sign and 2 decimal places
12.Line up the salary column titles with the numbers on the left alignment
13.Add all borders, gridlines and shading for the Label!
t the following value 25,20 and 19
Name - Ansh, Age-25 and Gender-Female

(60) pixels

ue 2500, 4000 and 3500

Numeric Value #
other than numeric value @

Required Output
8636456471 08636456471 Raju
9177094905 09177094905 Ram
9827263687 09827263687 Kunal
9716338105 09716338105 Aarti
9554611156 09554611156 Sonu
8630686993 08630686993 Komal
9149398262 09149398262 Asha
9043873273 09043873273 Riya
8316371675 08316371675 Anuj

Required Output
23 23 32
65 65 3265
125 125 985
500 500 6565
12 12 23
2100 2100 323
360 360 32
as as 365
ds ds 645


22 22 KG
33 33 KG
44 44 KG
55 55 KG
66 66 KG
77 77 KG
44 44 KG
33 33 KG
44 44 KG
5 5 KG
66 66 KG
77 77 KG
44 44 KG
2 2 KG
Required Output Required Output
Mr. Raju 32 -32 -32
Mr. Ram 65 -65 -98
Mr. Kunal 98 -98 -65
Mr. Aarti 54 -54 -231
Mr. Sonu 32 -32 -32
Mr. Komal 65 -65 -65
Mr. Asha 2 -2 -54
Mr. Riya 32 -32 -125
Mr. Anuj 65 -65 -35

Required Output
Required Output Required Output
(-32) 32 32
(-98) 65 65
(-65) 98 98
(-231) -54 Enter Only Positive Value
(-32) -32 Enter Only Positive Value
(-65) 65 65
(-54) 2 2
(-125) -32 Enter Only Positive Value
(-35) 65 65
Required Output
32 32
65 65
98 98
65 65
2 2
65 65
CTRL Shortcuts
CTRL + A :Select All
CTRL + B :Bold
CTRL + I :Italic
CTRL + F :Find
CTRL + G :Go to
CTRL + H :Replace
CTRL + K :Insert Hyperlink
CTRL + R :Fill right
CTRL + S :Save workbook
CTRL + T :Create Table
CTRL + U :Underline
CTRL + 1 :Format Box
CTRL + 5 :Strike-through
CTRL + 9 :Hide row
SHIFT + CTRL + 9 :Unhide row
CTRL + 0 :Hide column
SHIFT + CTRL + 0 :Unhide column
CTRL + ~ :Show formulas/values
CTRL + ‘ :Copy above formula
CTRL + [ :Precedents
CTRL + ] :Dependents
CTRL + ; :Display date
SHIFT + CTRL + : :Display time
CTRL + Space :Select column
CTRL + Enter :Fill selection w/ entry
ALT + ‘ :Display style
ALT + H + 0 :Increase decimal
ALT + H + 9 :Decrease decimal
CTRL + 1 :Format Box
SHIFT + CTRL + ~ :General format
SHIFT + CTRL + ! :Number format
SHIFT + CTRL + @ :Time format
SHIFT + CTRL + # :Date format
SHIFT + CTRL + $ :Currency format
SHIFT + CTRL + % :Percentage format
SHIFT + CTRL + ^ :Exponential format
SHIFT + CTRL + & :Outline border
SHIFT + CTRL + _ :Remove border
SHIFT + CTRL + * :Select region
SHIFT + CTRL + :Enter Enter array formula
Arrow keys :Move to new cells
ALT + Down Arrow :Display a drop-down list
ALT + Tab :Switch programs
CTRL + Pg Up/Down :Switch worksheets
CTRL + Tab :Switch workbooks
CTRL + Arrow keys :Go to end of contiguous range
SHIFT + Arrow keys :Select a cell range
SHIFT + CTRL + Arrow keys :Highlight contiguous range
Home :Move to beginning of line
CTRL + Home :Move to cell “A1”
F5 :“Go to”
ENTER :Move to cell below
SHIFT + ENTER :Move to cell above
TAB :Move to cell to the right
SHIFT + TAB :Move to cell to the left
BACKSPACE :Delete cell and get inside
DELETE :Delete cell/selection
F2 :Edit/ highlight dependent cells
ALT + ENTER :Start new line in same cell
SHIFT + Arrow keys :Highlight within cells
SHIFT + CTRL + Arrow keys :Highlight contiguous items
BACKSPACE :Delete preceding character
DELETE :Delete character to the right
F4 :Anchor “Fix” Cells
ESC :Cancel a cell entry
F7 :Spell check
SHIFT + F2 :Insert a comment
CTRL + F3 :Name a cell
ALT + N + V :Pivot table
ALT + N + K :Insert charts
ALT + P + S + P :Page setup
ALT + A + S :Sort options
ALT + A + F + W :Data from web
ALT + Tab :Switch program
ALT + ‘ :Display style
CTRL + ALT + V :Paste special box
CTRL + ALT + V + T :Paste format only
ALT + W + S :(Un)split panes
ALT + W + F :(Un)freeze windows
ALT + H + O + M :Move/ Copy a sheet
ALT + H + D + S :Delete worksheet
ALT + W + Q :Change view sizing
ALT + H + O + I :Fit column width
ALT + H + O + R :Change tab name
ALT + H + E + A :Clear cell
ALT + H + H + L :Conditional format
ALT + H + A :Align
ALT + H + F + P :Format painter
ALT + H + F :Formatting
ALT + F + W + V :Print preview
ALT + F4 :Close program
ALT + F8 :Macro box
ALT + F11 :Visual basic editor
SHIFT + Spacebar :Highlight row
CTRL + Spacebar :Highlight column
SHIFT + ALT + Right Arrow :Group rows/columns
SHIFT + ALT + Left Arrow :Ungroup rows/columns
CTRL + Minus sign :Delete selected cells
SHIFT + CTRL + Plus Sign :Insert blank cells
ALT + P + V + G :View gridlines
ALT + P + V + H :View headings
Equal"=" Sign :To Start Formula
SHIFT + F3 :Display “Insert Function” box
ALT + “=“ :Insert AutoSum formula
CTRL + ‘ (apostrophe) :Copy formula from above cell
SHIFT + CTRL + “ (quote) :Copy value from above cell
CTRL + ~ :Show formulas/values
F9 :Recalculate all workbooks
ALT + M + P :Trace immediate precedents
ALT + M + D :Trace immediate dependents
ALT + M + A + A :Remove tracing arrows
ALT + M + V :Evaluate formula
ALT + R + G :Track changes
ALT + W + G :Zoom to selection
CTRL + [ Go to :precedent cells
CTRL + ] Go to :dependent cells
SHIFT + CTRL + { :Trace all precedents (indirect)
SHIFT + CTRL + } :Trace all dependents (indirect)
F5 + Enter :Go back to original cell
F1 :Excel Help Menu
F2 :Edit cells
F3 :Paste Name
F4 :Repeat or anchor cells
F5 :“Go to”
F6 :Zoom, task, sheet, split
F7 :Spell check
F8 :Anchor to highlight
F9 :Recalculate workbooks
F10 :Activate menu bar
F11 :New chart
F12 :Save as
SHIFT + F2 :Insert a comment
SHIFT + F3 :“Insert Function” Box
SHIFT + F4 :Find Next
SHIFT + F5 :Find
SHIFT + F6 :Zoom, task, sheet
SHIFT + F8 :Add to selection
SHIFT + F9 :Calculate active sheet
SHIFT + F10 :Display shortcut menu
SHIFT + F11 :New worksheet
CTRL + F1 :Min / Restore Ribbon
CTRL + F3 :Name a cell
CTRL + F4 :Close window
CTRL + F9 :Minimize workbook
CTRL + F10 :Maximize window
CTRL + F12 :Open File
Windows Flag + D :Minimize program
Windows Flag +E :Windows explorer
Daily Use Shortcuts
CTRL + O Open File
CTRL + N New Workbook
Shift+F11 New Worksheet
CTRL + W Close Window
Ctrl + F4 Close Excel
CTRL + S Save workbook
F12 Save As
CTRL + P Print
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + X Cut
CTRL + V Paste
CTRL + ALT + V Paste Special
CTRL + Y Repeat
CTRL + Z Undo
CTRL + D Fill Down
CTRL + R Fill Right
Esc Cancel an entry in a cell or the formula bar
Enter Complete an entry in a cell or the formula bar
F2 Edit Cell
Shift + Left arrow Extend cell selection to the left
Shift + Right arrow Extend cell selection to the right
Shift + Up arrow Extend cell selection to the up
Shift + Down arrow Extend cell selection to the down
CTRL + Space Select Entire Column
Shift + Space Select Entire Row
Ctrl + Shift + Space Select the entire worksheet
Tab Next Cell
Shift +Tab Go to the previous cell
Left arrow Move one cell to the left
Right arrow Move one cell to the right
Up arrow Move one cell up
Down arrow Move one cell down
Ctrl + Left arrow Move to the farthest cell left in the row
Ctrl + Right arrow Move to the farthest cell right in the row
Ctrl + Up arrow Move to the top cell in the column
Ctrl + Down arrow Move to the bottom cell in the column
Home Go to the leftmost cell in the current row
Ctrl+Home Move to the beginning of a worksheet
Ctrl +End Go to the most bottom right used cell
Page Up Move one screen up in a worksheet
Page Down Move one screen down in a worksheet
Alt +PageUp Move one screen to the right in a worksheet
Alt +PageDown Move one screen to the left in a worksheet
Alt +PageUp Move to the previous worksheet
Alt +PageDown Move to the next worksheet
CTRL+F9 Minimize a workbook window to an icon
CTRL+F10 Maximize or restore the selected workbook window
Alt + H + B Add a border
Alt + H + H Select a fill color
Ctrl + B Add or remove bold to the contents of a cell, selected data, or selected cell range
Ctrl + I Add or remove italics to the contents of a cell, selected data, or selected cell range
Ctrl + Shift + $ Apply currency format
Ctrl + Shift + % Apply percent format
Ctrl + Shift + & Apply outline border
Ctrl + Shift + _ Remove outline border
Ctrl + U Add or remove underline to the contents of a cell, selected data, or selected cell ra
Ctrl + 0 Hide the selected columns
Ctrl + 1 Open the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl + 5 Apply or remove strikethrough
Ctrl + 9 Hide the selected rows
Ctrl + F1 Show or hide the ribbon
Ctrl + F2 Switch to Print Preview
Ctrl + Shift + U Expand or collapse the formula bar
Ctrl + Tab Switch between open workbooks
Shift + F9 Calculate active worksheets
Shift + F3 Insert a function
Alt + F1 Create an embedded bar chart based on select data (same sheet)
Alt + F8 Create, run, edit, or delete a macro
Alt + F11 Open the Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Editor
Alt + A Go to the Data tab
Alt + F Open the File tab menu
Alt + H Go to the Home tab
Alt + M Go to the Formulas tab
Alt + N Open the Insert tab
Alt + P Go to the Page Layout tab
Alt + Q Go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box
Alt + R Go to the Review tab
Alt + W Go to the View tab
Alt + X Go to the Add-ins tab
Alt + Y Go to the Help tab
F1 Open the Help pane
F4 Repeat the last command or action.
F7 Check the spelling
F9 Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks
F10 Turnkey tips on or off
F11 Create a bar chart based on selected data (on a separate sheet)
d data, or selected cell range
ted data, or selected cell range

elected data, or selected cell range

same sheet)

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