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Amplifier tube MV2 / VA1

Prepared by: Andrzej Żółtowski „ ZoltAn ”, Gliwice, contact [email protected].

Around 1960, in some of the richer Polish cultural and educational institutions and large
urban cultural centers, a small-scale tube amplifier with a rather surprising appearance and
equally surprisingly perfect electroacoustic parameters began to appear sporadically. His
relatively small power output (12W) proved to be sufficient to publicize relatively large
rooms and open space.

It was a two-input, microphone and instrument amplifier MV2 / VA1 – then the latest
development of the Enerd company VEB Blechblass und Signal-Instrumenten Fabrik in

The amplifier has been specially designed to work with the first full-tube power (! )
electronic organs Ionika EMP1 - also the latest work of this factory.
Fig. 1.

Until 1965, the amplifier was completed with Ionika EMP1 tube organs, from 1965, in
connection with the production of the Claviset electronic piano ( Rys.2.) small, basically
cosmetic modifications were introduced.
Fig. 2.

The – speaker column has changed significantly, which is clearly seen in the factory

An old, open-ended loudspeaker with a great broadband RFT L3453 PBK – speaker, which is
also used for convenient storage and transfer of the amplifier -
Fig. 3.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.

- a closed vertical column was replaced, similar in size to the MV3 column, so probably with
the bass-reflex system (temporary lack of data).
Fig. 6.
Fig. 7.

Mechanical and electronic construction

The amplifier housing is extremely solid and extremely compact in mechanical terms: two
pressure-cast leather sides are screwed on two - also cast - brackets, to which four
potentiometers and a power switch are attached from the front of the amplifier, and from
the back two input sockets, a loudspeaker socket (all DIN type), two fuse sockets, a
laboratory grounding socket and a lead one power cord. Both sides and brackets are
covered with very mechanically resistant – hammer varnish in typical blue or light green

From the bottom and top, the inside of the amplifier is protected by two perforated tin
covers ensuring a very good circulation of air cooling the device. The upper cover is
equipped with a solid leather ear that greatly facilitates the transport of the amplifier. Long
aluminum plates with four-language potentiometers, sockets, fuses, etc. are riveted to its
sides. The amplifier's nameplate is located at the bottom of the lower gust.

Fig. 8.
Fig. 9

Figures 10 to 13 show the MV2 / VA1 amplifier before modification.

Fig. 10.

Fig. 11.
Fig. 12.
Fig. 13.

Figures 14 to 18 show the MV2 / VA1 amplifier after modification.

Fig. 14.
Fig. 15.
Fig. 16.
Fig. 17.

Fig. 18.

Actually, only the knobs have changed...

There was also the MV2 / VA1 version made exclusively for the internal market of the GDR -
with designations in German (non-original knobs).
Fig. 19.

From the inside, a steel framed sheet was screwed to the brackets - a support plate on
which (in the upper housing space) two – network and speaker transformers and five noval
tube stands are located. The network transformer separates from the directly adjacent
tubes a solid tin cover (to reduce the impact of the distributed magnetic field from the core)
– also and its shape depends on the amplifier version.
Fig. 20.
Fig. 21.
MV2 electronics are assembled in the lower housing space using a bakelite plate with rippled
connectors. Depending on the period from which the amplifier originates, the plate with
resistors and capacitors is located parallel or perpendicular to the support plate.

The assembly is extremely compact with the maximum use of element leads as wires, but
the few necessary connection cables are also relatively short and arranged in a way that
limits the possibility of parasitic couplings.

Fig. 22.
Fig. 23.

Despite the not very aesthetic and impressive amateur assembly and uncomplicated power
supply, the MV2 amplifier is characterized by an extremely low level of network hum and a
total lack of unwanted couplings between adjacent separate input, correction and output
circuits. At „ open ” inputs with maximum gain potentiometers and any positions of the
sound equalizers from the speaker, only slight noise comes

Amplifier electronic system

It is an acoustic amplifier with a classic opposite power stage realized on popular (and
therefore widely available!) pentodes EL84. An interesting fact is the use of separate RC
members for each of the cathodes of power lamps, in addition, they are connected to the
ground by a wire adjustable resistor (potentiometer) which allows symmetry of the
operating point of the opposite stage and thus allows the use of unparalleled power tubes in
the amplifier.

The EL84 tube control grids are powered by a split-load phase inverter, preceded by a
single-stage amplifier on the second triode of the same ECC83 lamp. The input stages are
two, connected in series – in so enabling simultaneous amplification of signals with different
amplitudes - classic resistance amplifiers implemented on ECC83 duotriode. The amplified
signal is given from the second stage anode to the tone corrector in the Baxandall system
and then to the triode grid preceding the phase inverter.

The EZ81 rectifier lamp was used in the full-term anode power supply. In the first MV2
models, the anode voltage filter was equipped with a – choke, it was eliminated after 1965
due to structural changes.
Fig. 24.

Fig. 25.

Basic technical data of the amplifier

 lampy: 2x ECC83, 2x EL84, 1x EZ81.moc wyjściowa - 12 W,
 zniekształcenia niel. - 5% dla 1 kHz ,
 impedancja wyjściowa - 6 Omów,
 pasmo przenoszenia - 50 Hz - 15 kHz +/-3dB,
 wejście instrumentowe - 75 mV/100 kOmów,
 wejście mikrofonowe – 1,50 mV/500 kOmów,
 korekcja barwy tonu – wspólna dla obydwóch kanałów,
 waga – 5,7 kg,
 wymiary - 235x165x130 (mm).


MV2 jest typowym wzmacniaczem wokalno - instrumentowym, przeznaczonym zgodnie z

założeniem producenta do współpracy z instrumentami klawiszowymi, gitarą solową lub
akompaniującą oraz z mikrofonem dynamicznym. Niemniej, z uwagi na dobre przenoszenie
najniższych częstotliwości z powodzeniem może także współpracować z gitarą basową.

Due to the relatively small distortion of the output signal at the maximum (limited to 12.5W
and thus within the lowest distortion range) output power, the MV2 amplifier is definitely
not suitable for playing with a "blow" - this phenomenon simply does not occur in it.

By design, the MV2 set was intended for playing in rooms of at most medium size: clubs,
cafes, school halls or intimate concert halls.
With (still current) operational and service experience

 Electrolytic capacitors
The relatively low quality of "energy" high-voltage electrolytes causes frequent
failure rate. A typical two-section nut-mounted Frolyt capacitor can be replaced by
better Polish or Czechoslovakian counterparts.
 potentiometers
The rapid appearance of clicks, breaks or volume jumps in the original „ werdowskie
” potentiometers required their replacement with Telpod, Tesla or western
potentiometers - of better quality and dimensionally similar. With low wear of
resistance paths, Contact 60, Kontox or Cleaner PR preparations effectively help.
 DIN sockets - input and speaker
It is advisable to replace all original „ power ” DIN sockets with Polish, much more
durable and providing better contact with plugins. Alternative replacement with
6.3mm jack sockets will definitely improve the functionality of the amplifier, but will
somehow damage its originality.
 Cooperation with other loudspeakers
The amplifier works well with modern loudspeakers with 4 or 8 ohms impedance. In
the first case, there is a slight increase in power, but also distortion, while in the
second case a minimal reduction in the efficiency of the sound system.
 It is recommended to replace the original two-core power cord with a three-core plug
with a zero plug: this will radically reduce the possibility of appearing - threatening
musicians with paralysis - potential differences between provisionally grounded
amplifiers and will reduce the hums resulting from the use of long cables connecting
instruments with the amplifier. The zeroing vein should be attached to the grounding
socket terminal.


The MV2 amplifier was extremely difficult to access on the Polish market: it was imported
from East Germany in sets with key instruments Ionika or Claviset and only for the orders of
rich workplaces, educational, political or social institutions. In free sale - in music stores –
was completely unreachable.
Today it is also strongly sought after by supporters of the clean sound of instruments and
belonging to the "classisc vintage amplifiers" - rarity.

All its varieties are absolute unique (and especially in their original form, i.e. without any
defects, mechanical damage or alterations) - also on today's European market.


 ,
 ,
 aukcje internetowe eBay i Allegro,
 zbiór własny.

(opracowanie: Andrzej Żółtowski „ZoltAn”, Gliwice ([email protected])

[powrót do galerii lampowych eksponatów]

© 2009 TRIODA - Grzegorz Makarewicz (,,

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