2024 G9 To 10 Parent Transition Presentation - Course Selection

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Transitioning to Grade 10

Parent Information Meeting

24. January 2024

Dr. Mary Mrad-Hage ([email protected]) Dr. Dirk Lehmann ([email protected])
High School Coordinator (Grades 9 & 10) High School Coordinator (Grades 11 & 12)
Head of High School Chemistry IB Diploma Program Coordinator
AP Coordinator
ISF High School Diploma
– Grade 9 to 12 –
• Fully accredited US High School Diploma

• Awarded to all qualified students at Graduation Ceremony

• Students “collect“ credits from grades 9 through 12

- General rule: 1 credit = 1 completed course/academic year
- 22 credits required to graduate
- Recognized worldwide
General Requirements
for the High School Diploma
All ISF students must meet certain High School Diploma Graduation
Requirements in Grades 9 - 12. In order to qualify for graduation they must
successfully pass 22 courses with at least 60%:

4 Courses in Mathematics*
4 Courses in English*
3 Courses in Languages other than English (multiple languages accepted)**
3 Courses in Social Sciences**
3 Courses in Natural Sciences**
5 Additional Courses (electives)

*only one course per year possible

** more than one course per year possible
School Leaving Qualifications &
Curriculum Options offered at ISF

All students in G 9 to 12 follow the SABIS® curriculum High School Diploma

In G 11 and 12 have the option of two pathways

Advanced Placement® (AP®)

IB Diploma Program courses set by The College Board

- Offers a holistic, globally focused - Provides subject-specific courses with

curriculum, including six subject standardized exams. Students can
areas, TOK, EE, and CAS. choose individual AP courses based on
their interests.
- Emphasizes a well-rounded education,
intercultural understanding, and critical - Focuses on in-depth study of
thinking skills. specific subjects, allowing students to
demonstrate mastery in particular
Choosing Courses - Making the right choices

➢ University aspirations?

➢ Career aspirations?

➢ For which courses are

you suitable?

➢ Choose the right

number of courses
Choosing Courses -
Requirements and Guidelines
Choosing Courses -
Requirements and Guidelines

• Minimum number of courses: 7 + PE

• Maximum number of courses: 9 + PE
- Mandatory: English, German, Mathematics, one Science, one Humanity
(Social Science) & PE
- It is recommended to take 2 humanities and 2 Sciences.

In general, courses not chosen for Grade 10 are not an option for Grade 11.
* Exceptions – Geography, Business Management and Ab Initio Languages
International General Certificate of
Secondary Education
• The SABIS and some IGCSE offered cources, lead to IGCSE
exams, externally operated and marked, offered to our grade 10
& 11 students.
• IGCSE is an internationally recognised secondary school
qualification which is useful for university applications especially
to the UK.
• Excellent as an opportunity for students to experience the
reality of external examinations, preparing them for future APs
and IBs.
• It offers academically regorous courses that introduces detailed
subject specific content and skills necessary for AP and IB
• Students can chose how many exams they want to sit.
Next Steps

• Start brief discussion at home: countries of interest, areas of study,…

• Advising in school and Individual meeting between students, the AQC and
a specialist team of university counsellors (March)
• UK – Mr. Gibney
• Japan – Mrs. Holzhausen-Handa
• Korea – Mrs. Seong
• Germany, Austria & Switzerland – Dr. Lehmann
• USA, Canada & all other countries – Mr. Warne

• Follow-up meeting(s) if required

• Course selection confirmation sent home for confirmation

signature and returned to school

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