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Cultural Inglesa de Villa NAME AND SURNAME:………………………….........................

Martelli .....…………………………………………………….
English Wave - School of English

1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences with words for school subjects.
1 On Mondays, we have maths / ICT / citizenship. The topic this week is the National Constitution.
2 I feel great after a dance / English / science class because we get a lot of exercise.
3 My brother loves PE / dance / ICT. They do lots of different sports in one class.
4 Maths / Science / Citizenship is very hard for me because I am not good with numbers!
5 Your ICT / PE / English teacher is great. She teaches you lots of new expressions.
6 I love doing experiments, so dance / science / maths classes are my favourite.
7 My best friend has ICT / science / English classes at school and he gets a laptop to use.

2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences with expressions for everyday activities.
1 Please, Tom, ____________. It’s a mess! (a) get up (b) have a shower (c) tidy your room
2 We always ____________ in the morning. We eat toast and drink tea. (a) go to bed (b) have breakfast
(c) have lunch
3 I ____________ with my family at 9 pm. We eat together in the kitchen. (a) have lunch (b) have dinner
(c) have breakfast
4 Sara and Tim ____________ at 11 pm every night during the week. (a) go to bed (b) have breakfast (c)
get up
5 I don’t ____________ early on Sundays! (a) get up (b) tidy my room (c) watch TV
6 Do you ____________ at school? The food at my school is really healthy! (a) go to bed (b) have a shower
(c) have lunch
7 We always ____________ after football. (a) tidy my room (b) get up (c) have a shower
8 Do you ____________ before school? I always do it in the evening. (a) have lunch (b) do your homework
(c) get up

3 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative present simple
form of the verbs.
1 We has / have / don’t have PE at 2 pm every Wednesday. It’s the best!
2 My sister and her friends doesn’t have / don’t have / have lunch at school, so she has lunch with me at
3 I gets up / don’t get up / get up early at weekends because I don’t go to school.
4 I tidy / don’t tidy / tidies my room, so my father is angry with me!
5 My mother works a lot every day, so she goes / doesn’t go / don’t go to bed late.
6 Citizenship is a great subject because we learns / learn / don’t learn about everyday life.
7 Julian don’t understand / understand / doesn’t understand maths, so his best friends usually helps him.

4 Complete the conversation with the correct present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Claire: (1) _______________________ (tidy) your room every day, Simon?
Simon: Haha, no, I (2) ___________! I do it every weekend. What about you?
Claire: Yes, I (3) ___________. I like it to be clean. But my brother doesn’t. He’s messy!
Simon: (4) _______________________ (your brother / do) his homework after school?
Claire: Yes, he (5) ___________. He gets very good grades at school. What about your brother? (6)
_______________________ (he / get) good grades at school?
Simon: Well, no, he (7) ___________. He spends all day playing computer games!
(8) _______________________ (your friends / like) computer games?
Claire: No, they (9) ___________. They all play sports.

5 Reading

My life at boarding school!

Sol Acosta
Do you like your school? What time do you come home after school? At my school, we never go home! Why?
Because I go to a boarding school! My classmates and I study, sleep, eat and live at the school! Does is sound
horrible? Read on and decide!
We get up every day at 7.00 am and we always have a shower and tidy our rooms. This is important because
we all have got big bedrooms. They are called dorms. In a dorm, there are about six students together. After
this we have breakfast at 8.00 am and then we go to school. We don’t go to school by bus because we live in
the building next to the school!
We have classes until 1.00 pm. The obligatory subjects are science, maths, history, citizenship and English. I
also take German and drama classes. I love drama. I am in a play this year! At 1.00 pm, we have lunch. The
food at my school is great! After lunch, we have time to do homework and then we can play sports or go to a
club. I am a member of the chess club but I am not very good!
The afternoon activities finish at 4.30 pm and then we go to our dorms. But we don’t go to bed! We have
dinner and socialize. We always cook together at 7.00 pm. It’s my turn to cook this evening. I want to make a
traditional dish from Argentina called locro. It’s delicious! I love my school because I now have friends from all
over the world.

Read and write True or False next to the sentences.

1 Sol does everything at school except sleep. _________
2 There are six students in a dorm. _________
3 Sol tidies her room before 8.00 am. _________
4 Sol plays an instrument at a concert this year. _________
5 Sol thinks she is a bad chess player. _________
6 Sol and her friends do not sleep at 7.00 pm. _________
7 Sol has got friends from many different countries. _________

6 Listening

1 Listen and write True or False next to the sentences.

1 Students in Britain start secondary school in Year 11. _________
2 There are nine classes every day. _________
3 Students have nine subjects at school. _________
4 At 11.25, students have a break of half an hour. _________
5 Lunch is at five minutes to one. _________
6 Students can go to assembly before lunch. _________
7 The majority of the students go home at 3.10 pm. _________

7 Writing
A report

Write a report on your daily routine. Write between 100 and 120 words. Remember to use appropriate
grammar and vocabulary for a report.

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