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Inglés – I Semestre


2024 Teacher: Estefanie Cuturrufo

Infography evaluation guideline

Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade: ______


General instructions: Create an infography about the use of the Present Perfect tense.
Work in pairs.
You must include:
Affirmative form, negative and interrogative form.
Never, ever, been, gone; already, just, for and since.
Paper size: Legal (two pages).
Your work must include the use and at least one example for each grammatical aspect.
Deadline: May 3rd
Total score: 18 points

Category Fully achieved Moderately To achieve Points

3 achieved 2 1
Writing and There are not There are one or There are more than three
spelling any grammar or two grammar or grammar or spelling
spelling spelling mistakes.
mistakes. mistakes.
The content is The content is The content is not well
explained explained explained.
Content explicity and explicity but not
clearly. clearly.
Organization Student makes Student makes a Student does not use the
good use of the moderately use spaces in a good form. Is
spaces, of space. not order.
Use of visuals Use 2 or more Use less than 2 The student does not use
and colors visual resources visual resources visual resources to explain
(images, graphs, to explain the the content.
tables) to explain content. The combination of colors
the content. The The combination does not allow a clear
combination of of colors allows visualization of the
colors allows a a clear information.
clear visualization of
visualization of the information.
the information.
The infography The infography The infography does not
References or contains the contains the have the references.
bibliographical references references
sources (small print) in a (small print) in a
place that does place that
not interfere with interfere with the
the visualization visualization of
of the the information.
Presentation The work is The work is The work is not delivered
and deadline delivered on delivered on on time. The infographic
time. The time, but the does not contain the author
inphographic infographic does ´s name, teacher´s name,
contains the not contain the grade and school logo.
author´s name, author´s name,
teacher´s name, teacher´s name,
grade and grade and logo.
school logo

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