12 Mole Concept Jee Main Based Test With Ans

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1. A protein ‘A’ contains 0.30% of glycine (molecular weight 75).

The minimum
molar mass of the protein ‘A’ is________ × 103 g mol–1 [nearest integer]
[JEE Main, June 2022]

Ans. by NTA (25)

Sol. 0.30 % glycine is equal to 75
1% ¾®
100% ¾® ´100
=25000 g

2. 5 moles of AB2 weigh 125 × 10–3 kg and 10 moles of A2B2 weigh 300 × 10–3 kg. The
molar mass of A (MA) and molar mass of B (MB) in kg mol–1 are:
(1) MA = 5 × 10–3 and MB = 10 × 10–3 (2) MA = 50 × 10–3 and MB = 25 × 10–3

(3) MA = 25 × 10–3 and MB = 50 × 10–3 (4) MA = 10 × 10–3 and MB = 5 × 10–3

[Jee Main, April 2019]

Ans. (1)
Sol. Let molar mass of A be x
& molar mass of B be y
5(x + 2y) = 125 ...(1)
10(2x + 2y) = 300 ...(2)
Solving (1) & (2), we get
x = 5 & y = 10
Þ MA = 5 × 10–3 kg mol–1 & MB= 10 × 10–3 kg mol–1

3. 1 mol of an octahedral metal complex with formula MCl3 · 2L on reaction with excess
of AgNO3 gives 1 mol of AgCl. The denticity of Ligand L is ________ . (Integer
[JEE Main, August 2021]

Ans. NTA (2)

Sol. MCl3.2L octahedral
MCl3 × 2L ¾¾¾¾
Ex. AgNO3
®1mole of AgCl
Its means that one Cl– ion present in ionization sphere.
\ formula = [MCl2L2]Cl
For octahedral complex coordination no. is 6
\ L act as bidentate ligand.

4. NaClO3 is used, even in space crafts, to produce O2. The daily consumption of pure O2
by a person is 492 L at 1 atm, 300 K. How much amount of NaClO3, in grams is required
to produce O2 for the daily consumption of a person at 1 atm, 300 K ? _________.
NaClO3(s) + Fe(s) ® O2(g) + NaCl(s) + FeO(s)
R = 0.082 L atm mol–1 K–1
[Jee Main, 2020]

Ans. (2120 to 2140)

1´ 492
Sol. Mole of O2 = = 20
300 ´ 0.08
NaClO3 + Fe ¾® O2 + NaCl + FeO
Moles of O2 = moles of NaClO3 = 20
mass of NaClO3 = 20 × 106.5 = 2130 g

5. For a reaction,
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ¾® 2NH3(g); identify dihydrogen (H2) as a limiting reagent in the
following reaction mixtures.
(Mole Concept)
(1) 28 g of N2 + 6 g of H2 (2) 56 g of N2 + 10 g of H2
(3) 14 g of N2 + 4 g of H2 (4) 35 g of N2 + 8 g of H2
[Jee Main, April 2019]

Ans. (2)
Sol. N2(g) + 3H2(g) ¾® 2NH3
For completion of reaction N2 and H2 must be taken in 1 : 3 molar ratio
N2 : H2 N2 : H2
28 6
(1) =1 =3 1 : 3 NO LR
12 2
56 10
(2) =2 =5 2 : 5 So, H2 is LR
28 2

6. CNG is an important transportation fuel. When 100 g CNG is mixed with 208 oxygen
in vehicles, it leads to the formation of CO2 and H2O and produces large quantity of heat
during this combustion, then the amount of carbon dioxide, produced in grams is________.
[nearest integer] [Assume CNG to be methane]
1. [JEE Main, June 2022]

Ans. by NTA (143)

Sol. CH4 + 2O2 ¾® CO2 + 2H2O
100 208
16 32
= 6.25 = 6.5
Mole 6.25 6.5
= 3.25
Stoi. Coeff 1 2
So, O2 is limiting reagent
Mole – Mole analysis
n O2 n CO2
2 1
= n CO2
Mass of CO2 = ´ 44 = 143 gm


Consider the above reaction where 6.1 g of benzoic acid is used to get 7.8 g of m-
benzoic acid. The percentage yield of the product is_____.
(Round off to the Nearest integer)
[Given : Atomic masses : C = 12.0u, H : 1.0u, O : 16.0u, Br = 80.0 u]
[JEE Main, March 2021]

Ans. (78)

8. 116 g of a substance upon dissociation reaction, yields 7.5 g of hydrogen, 60g of oxygen
and 48.5 g of carbon. Given that the atomic masses of H, O and C are 1, 16 and 12
respectively. The data agrees with how many formulae of the following?
[JEE Main, June 2022]

Ans. by NTA (2)

Sol. %H = ´100 = 6.5
%O = ´100 = 51.7
%C = ´100 = 41.8
Relative atomicities = H Þ 6.5
OÞ = 3.25
CÞ = 3.5
Empirical formula is approx.. CH2O
(A) C2H4O2 (B) CH2O relate to this formula.

9. On complete combustion 0.30 g of an organic compound gave 0.20 g of carbon dioxide

and 0.10 g of water. The percentage of carbon in the given organic compound is
________ (Nearest integer).
[JEE Main, June 2022]

Ans. by NTA (18)

CxHyOz + æç x + - ö÷ O2 ¾® xCO2 + H2O
y z
è 4 2ø 2
0.3g 0.2g 0.1g
n CO2 x 0.2 / 44
= =
n H2O y / 2 0.1/18
2x 36 9
= =
y 44 11
n Cx H y Oz 1
n CO2 x
0.3 44 1
´ =
12x + y + 16z 0.2 x
66x = 12 x + y + 16 z
54x = y + 16 z
54 ´ 9y
- y = 16z
= 16z
CxHyOz = CxHyOz
C 9y H y O 29y
22 22
12 ´ 9 108
% of C = ´100 = ´100
(12 ´ 9 + 22 + 29 ´16) 594

10. At 300 K and 1 atmospheric pressure, 10 mL of a hydrocarbon required 55 mL of O2

for complete combustion, and 40 mL of CO2 is formed. The formula of the hydrocarbon

(1) C4H7Cl (2) C4H10 (3) C4H8 (4) C4H6

[Jee Main, April 2019]

Ans. (4)
æ yö y
Sol. CxHy + ç x + ÷ O 2 ¾® xCO2 + 2 H2O
è 4ø
Vol. of CO2 = x × vol. of CxHy
4.0 = x × 10
æ yö
Vol. of O2 = ç x +÷ × vol. of CxHy
è 4ø
æ yö
55 = ç x + ÷ × 10
è 4ø
Hence hydrocarbon is C4H6

11. 100 mL of Na3PO4 solution contains 3.45 g of sodium. The molarity of the solution is
_____×10–2 mol L–1. (Nearest integer)
[Atomic Masses - Na : 23.0 u, O : 16.0 u, P : 31.0 u]
[JEE Main, August 2021]

Ans. by NTA (50)


n Na3PO4
therefore molarity of Na3PO4 Solution =
Volume of solution in L
1 3.45
´ mol
= 3 23
= 0.5 = 50 × 10–2
12. 8g of NaOH is dissolved in 18g of H2O. Mole fraction of NaOH in solution and molality
(in mol kg–1) of the solutions respectively are :
[Concentration Terms]
(1) 0.2, 22.20 (2) 0.167,22.20 (3) 0.167, 11.11 (4) 0.2, 11.11
[Jee Main, Jan 2019]

Ans. (3)
Sol. X NaOH = 40 = 0.167
8 18
40 18
´ 1000
Molality = 40 = 11.11

13. Chlorophyll extracted from the crushed green leaves was dissolved in water to make 2
L solution of Mg of concentration 48 ppm. The number of atoms of Mg in this solution
is x × 1020 atoms. The value of x is ___ . (Nearest Integer)
(Given: Atomic mass of Mg is 24 g mol–1, NA= 6.02 × 1023 mol–1)
[JEE Main, July 2022]

Ans. (24)
Sol. ppm = ´106 = 48
48 ´ 2 ´1000
Þ WMg =
= 48×2×10–3g
WMg 48 ´ 2 ´10-3
n Mg = =
24 24
= 4×10–3
Number of Mg atoms = 4×10–3 × 6.02×1023
= 4 × 6.02 × 1020
= 24.08 × 1020
\ x = 24.08

14. The mole fraction of a solute in a 100 molal aqueous solution _______ × 10–2.
(Round off to the Nearest Integer).
[Given : Atomic masses : H : 1.0 u, O : 16.0 u]
[JEE Main, March 2021]
Ans. (64)

15. A solution of two components containing n1 moles of the 1st component and n2 moles
of the 2nd component is prepared. M1 and M2 are the molecular weights of component
1 and 2 respectively. If d is the density of the solution in g mL–1, C2 is the molarity and
x2 is the mole fraction of the 2nd component, then C2 can be expressed as :

dx1 1000x 2
(1) C2 = (2) C2 =
M 2 + x 2 (M 2 - M1 ) M1 + x 2 (M 2 - M1 )
1000dx 2 dx 2
(3) C2 = (4) C2 =
M1 + x 2 (M 2 - M1 ) M 2 + x 2 (M 2 - M1 )
[Jee Main, 2020]

Ans. (3)
mole of component 2
Sol. C2 =
Volume of solution (in lit)
C2 = ´ 1000
n1M1 + n 2 M2
1000n 2 d
C2 =
n1M1 + n 2 M2
Divide both numerator & denominator
By n1 + n2
1000 x 2 d
C2 =
x1M1 + x 2 M 2
1000 x 2 d
C2 =
M1 + x 2 (M 2 - M1 )

16. The molarity of HNO3 in a sample which has density 1.4g/mL and mass percentage of
63% is ______. (Molecular weight of HNO3 = 63)
[Jee Main, 2020]

Ans. (14)
Sol. 100gm solution contains 63 gm HNO3

NTA ans 14.00

17. The volume strength of 1M H2O2 is: [Concentration

(Molar mass of H2O2 = 34 g mol–1)
(1) 16.8 (2) 11.35 (3) 22.4 (4) 5.6
[Jee Main, Jan 2019]

Ans. (2)
Sol. Volume strength = M × 11.35
= 1 × 11.35
= 11.35

18. The number of moles of CuO, that will be utilized in Dumas method for estimation
nitrogen in a sample of 57.5g of N, N-dimethylaminopentane is ________ × 10–2.
(Nearest integer)
[JEE Main, August 2021]

Ans. by NTA (1125)

Sol. Moles of N in N,N – dimethylaminopentane
æ 57.5 ö
=ç ÷ = 0.5 mol
è 115 ø
45 17 1 45
Þ C7H17N + CuO ¾®7CO2 + H2 O + N2 + Cu
2 2 2 2
n CuO reacted n C7 H17 NB reacted
æ 45 ö 1
ç ÷
è 2 ø
æ 45 ö
Þ nCuO reacted = ç ÷ ´ 0.5 = 11.25
è 2ø

19. In Duma's method of estimation of nitrogen, 0.1840 g of an organic compound gave 30

mL of nitrogen collected at 287 K and 758 mm of Hg pressure. The percentage
composition of nitrogen in the compound is ______. (Round off to the Nearest Integer).
[Given : Aqueous tension at 287 K = 14 mm of Hg]
[JEE Main, March 2021]
Ans. (19)


So compound is

20. In an estimation of bromine by Carius method, 1.6 g of an organic compound gave 1.88
g of AgBr. The mass percentage of bromine in the compound is …………
(Atomic mass, Ag= 108, Br = 80 g mol–1) [Jee Main, 2020]
Ans. (50.00)
Sol. if molar mass of compound is M
1.6/M = 1.88/188 = 0.01
so m = 160 gram/mole
Now %of bromine = 80/160 × 100 % = 50%

21. In Carius method, halogen containing organic compound is heated with fuming nitric
acid in the presence of:
(1) HNO3 (2) AgNO3 (3) CuSO4 (4) BaSO4
[JEE Main, July 2021]

Ans. by NTA (2)

22. In the sulphur estimation, 0.471 g of an organic compound gave 1.44 g of barium
sulphate. The percentage of sulphur in the compound is _____%. (Nearest integer)
(Atomic Mass of Ba = 137 u)
[JEE Main, August 2021]

Ans. by NTA (42)

Sol. Molecular mass of BaSO4 = 233 g
 233 BaSO4 contain ¾® 32 g sulphur
\ 1.44 g BaSO4 contain ® × × 1.44 g sulphur given : 0.471 g of organic compound
32 ´1.44
% of S = = ´100 = 41.98% » 42%
233 ´ 0.471

23. 0.8 g of an organic compound was analysed by Kjeldahl's method for the estimation of
nitrogen. If the percentage of nitrogen in the compound was found to be 42%,
then_________ mL of 1 M H2SO4 would have been neutralized by the ammonia
evolved during the analysis.
[JEE Main, July 2021]

Ans. (12)
24. A 0.166 g sample of an organic compound was digested with cone. H2SO4 and then
distilled with NaOH. The ammonia gas evolved was passed through 50.0 mL of 0.5 N
H2SO4. The used acid required 30.0 mL of 0.25 N NaOH for complete neutralization.
The mass percentage of nitrogen in the organic compound is____.
[JEE Main, June 2022]

Ans. by NTA ( 63)

Sol. meq of NaOH used = 30 ×0.25
meq of H2SO4 taken = 50 × 0.5
\ meq of H2SO4 used
= 50 × 0.25 ×30 ×0.25 = 17.5 m mol of NH3
17.5 ´10-3 ´14
\%N= ´100 = 147.59% (Not Possible)

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