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Science 10

Quarter 2 – Module 1: WEEK 1-2

Different Forms of EM Waves

MELC: Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of electromagnetic

waves (S10FE-IIa-b-47)

Before you start in this module, kindly assess your understanding of
the lesson by answering the Pre-test.
Directions: Choose the best letter answer in each item. Write your answer in
a separate sheet of paper.
1. These are waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an
electric field and magnetic field.
a. electromagnetic spectrum
b. electromagnetic wave
c. microwave
d. radio wave
2. Electromagnetic waves are produced by ___________.
a. any disturbance
b. currents
c. vibrating charge
d.voltage source
3. Which two colors of light lie at the beginning and end of the visible
a. red and violet
b. red and yellow
c. yellow and violet
d. yellow and green
4. This type of EM wave has a wavelength similar to the size of PBA basketball
court (28 meters).
a. microwave
b. radio wave
c. ultraviolet
d. visible light

5. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the LEAST wavelength
a. infrared
b. ultraviolet
c. visible light
d. x-ray
6. What happens to the frequency of electromagnetic wave if its wavelength
a. It decreases.
b. It doubles.
c. It. increases as well.
d. It remains the same.
7. Which of the following forms of electromagnetic wave has the WIDEST
wavelength range?
a. microwave
b. radio wave
c. ultraviolet
d. x-ray
8. In the visible spectrum, which color has the LONGEST wavelength?
a. blue
b. green
c. red
d. violet
9. Which property spells the difference between infrared and ultraviolet
a. amplitude
b. color
c. speed in vacuum
d. wavelength
10. Which electromagnetic wave can travel the FARTHEST distances because it
has a wavelength range of greater than 1x10-1 meters?
a. gamma ray
b. radio wave
c. microwave
d. x-ray
11. Which among the following electromagnetic waves has the LOWEST
a. gamma ray
b. infrared
c. ultraviolet
d. visible light
12. Which among the following electromagnetic waves has the SHORTEST
a. infrared
b. microwave
c. radio wave
d. x-ray
13. Among the given EM waves below, which carries the MOST energy?
a. microwave
b. radio wave
c. ultraviolet ray
d. visible lights
14.Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
a. Gamma ray has the highest frequency and the highest energy.
b. Gamma ray has the highest frequency but has the least energy.
c. Radio wave has the highest frequency and the highest energy.
d. Radio wave has the lowest frequency but has the highest energy.
15. Which of the following is correctly arranged from HIGHEST to LOWEST
a. Gamma ray, radio wave, infrared
b. Microwave, x-ray, gamma ray
c. Ultraviolet, visible light, radio wave
d. X-ray, gamma ray, ultraviolet

Lesson 1
Different Forms of EM Waves
Electromagnetic wave (EM wave) or electromagnetic radiation is a wave
that is created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and magnetic
field, hence known as ‘electromagnetic wave’. Recall Oersted’s discovery: A
changing electric field produces magnetic field. A changing magnetic field is
therefore produced around a vibrating charge. And according to Michael
Faraday, the changing magnetic field will produce electric field. A wave carries
energy as it propagates, EM wave does the same, too. EM waves can travel
through anything even on vacuum, meaning they do not need any medium to
travel. They travel in a vacuum at a speed of 3x108 m/s.
There are seven different types of EM waves. They are arranged in a gradual
progression from the waves of lowest frequency to highest frequency. This
arrangement of EM waves is called electromagnetic spectrum. In order of
increasing frequency, the EM spectrum includes radio waves, microwaves,
infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma ray.
Now let’s strengthen your concepts regarding the different EM waves by
comparing their relative wavelengths and frequencies. And as you move along,
discover some characteristics of EM waves. So if you’re ready to ride the
waves, answer the following enrichment activities and dive into the world of
EM waves. Have fun!
Activity 1
Wavelength is the distance between crest to crest or trough to trough. EM
waves are bounded at different ranges. Meaning each type of EM waves has
upper and lower limits on the spectrum.

Using Figure 1, determine the wavelength ranges of each of the forms of
electromagnetic waves. On a separate sheet of paper, copy and answer the
given table on page 4. Afterwards answer the questions that follow

Electromagnetic Wave Wavelength Range (meters)

Radio Wave



Visible Light








Gamma Ray

Q1. Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength?

Q2. Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength?
Q3. Observe what happens to the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves as
they progress (goes rightward from the figure). Does the wavelength of the
EM waves increase or decrease as we go from radio wave to gamma ray?

Assessment 1

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of your choice. Use
a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. This type of wave was discovered by famous astronomer Sir Frederick

William Herschel and has a range of 7x10-7 m – 1x10-3 m.
a. infrared
b. microwave
c. radio wave
d. visible light

2. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the least wavelength

a. infrared (7x10-7 m – 1x10-3 m)
b. x-ray (1 x10-11 m – 1 x10-8 m)
c. visible light (6.22 x10-7 m – 4.55 x10-7 m)
d. ultraviolet (1x10-8 m – 4x10-7 m)

3. Which among the following EM waves has the longest wavelength?

a. infrared
b. ultraviolet
c. visible light
d. x-ray

4. Which electromagnetic wave can travel the farthest distances because it

has a wavelength range of greater than 1x10-1 m?
a. gamma ray
b. microwave
c. radio wave
d. x-ray

5. The wavelength of microwaves ranges from 1x10-1 m to 1x10-3 m. Which of
the following has size comparable to the wavelength of microwave?
a. Bacteria
b. Coin
c. Human
d. Pin

Activity 2
Next up, let us compare the frequencies of different EM waves. Copy and
answer the table on page 6, refer to Figure 2, then answer the questions that
follow. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

Electromagnetic Wave Frequency (meters)

Radio Wave



Visible Light








Gamma Ray

Q1. Which among the EM waves has the highest frequency?

Q2. Which among the EM waves has the lowest frequency?
Q3. The energy of an EM wave also depends on its frequency, which means
waves with higher frequency has higher energy too. Which among the EM
waves has the highest energy?
Q4. Which among the EM waves has the lowest energy?
Q5. What happens to the frequency of the electromagnetic waves as it
progresses? Does the frequency of the EM waves increase or decrease as
we go from radio wave to gamma ray?
Assessment 2
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of your choice. Use
a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
1. What is the frequency range of infrared radiation?
a. 3x109 Hz – 3x1011 Hz c. 3 x1014 Hz – 3 x1015 Hz
b. 3x1011 Hz – 4x1014 Hz d. 3 x1016 Hz – 3 x1019 Hz

2. A visible light has a frequency of 6.3 x1014 Hz. What is the color of light?
a. blue c. red
b. green d. yellow

3. Which among the following EM waves has the HIGHEST frequency

among others?
a. infrared c. ultraviolet
b. microwave d. x-ray

4. Which of the following EM waves has the LEAST amount of energy?
a. gamma ray c. radio wave
b. microwave d. x-ray

5. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

a. Gamma ray has the highest frequency and the highest energy.
b. Gamma ray has the highest frequency but has the least energy.
c. Radio wave has the highest frequency and the highest energy.
d. Radio wave has the lowest frequency but has the highest energy.

Now that you are already familiar with the wavelength and frequency of
EM waves, on a separate sheet of paper, copy and complete the table
below. Identify what happens to the wavelength, frequency and energy of
the EM waves following the direction of the arrows. You may answer
INCREASING or DECREASING inside the arrows.

Electromagnetic Wave Wavelength Frequency Energy

Radio Wave



Visible Light



Gamma Ray

Assessment 3
Directions: Read each item carefully. Pick out the correct answer. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answers.
1. Which has shorter wavelength?
X-Rays or Gamma rays
2. Which has higher frequency?
Visible light or Ultraviolet
3. Which has more energy?
Radio waves or Infrared
4.Which has longer wavelength on visible light?
Green Light or Blue
5. Which has lesser Light
Microwave or ray


At this point, let’s sum up what you have learned. Pick out the word
that will make the statements correct. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

The electromagnetic spectrum is the arrangement of 1.

(electromagnetic waves, ultraviolet radiation), which are waves that are
created with changing electric field and 2. (electric charge, magnetic field).
EM waves travel on 3. (air, vacuum) at a constant speed of 4. (3 x108
m/s, 8 x103 m/s).

The electromagnetic spectrum is arranged in a manner of 5.

(decreasing, increasing) wavelength, 6. (decreasing, increasing) frequency
and 7. (decreasing, increasing) energy. 8. (Gamma ray, Radio wave) has
the longest wavelength, lowest frequency and lowest energy among all
EM waves. The 9. (radio wave, visible light) is the only EM wave that can
be seen by our naked eye, whereas 10. (red, violet) has the longest
wavelength and 11. (red, violet) has the greatest frequency. On the other
hand, 12. (gamma ray, radio wave) has the shortest wavelength and
highest frequency; which carries the highest 13. (energy, wavelength)
among all EM waves. Therefore 14. (gamma ray, radio wave) has the
lowest ionizing radiation, while 15. (gamma ray, radio wave) has the
highest ionizing radiation.

For sure you are now acquainted with the different electromagnetic
waves. It’s your turn to make your own chart about electromagnetic

Make a chart of electromagnetic waves showing the comparison of

its size. Cut out pictures of objects or look for things that may
represent the size of each electromagnetic wave. On a separate sheet of
paper, paste the pictures you have found and arrange them according
to the arrangement of EM waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Standard Rubric
You will be rated by your teacher according to the following criteria:

Accuracy of Information 5 points

Neatness of Work 5 points
Appropriateness of Materials 5 points

TOTAL 15 points


I. Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. He theorized that changing magnetic field will produce electric field.

a. Faraday c. Maxwell
b. Hertz d. Oersted
2. Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. What is the speed of
an electromagnetic wave in a vacuum?
a. 3 x 108 m/s c. 3 x 109 m/s
b. 3 x 108 m/s2 d. 3 x 109 m/s2
3. Which property spells the difference between radio wave and
microwave radiation?
a. amplitude c. speed in vacuum
b. color d. wavelength
4. Which two waves lie at the beginning and end of the electromagnetic
a. gamma ray and X-ray
b. microwave and ultraviolet rays
c. radio wave and gamma ray
d. radio waves and microwaves
5. What is the frequency range of ultraviolet radiation?
a. 3.5x109 – 3x1011 Hz
b. 3.5x1011 – 3x1014 Hz
c. 7.5x1014 – 3x1016 Hz
d. 7.5x1016 – 3x1019 Hz
6. Visible light is the only EM wave that can be seen by our naked eye.
What is the color of light if it has a frequency of 4.5 x1014 Hz?
a. blue
b. green
c. red
d. yellow

7. Which of the following is correctly arranged from longest to shortest
a. gamma ray, radio wave, infrared
b. microwave, x-ray, gamma ray
c. ultraviolet, visible light, radio wave
d. x-ray, gamma ray, ultraviolet
8. Which type of EM wave has wavelength similar to the size of a 1 Peso coin?
a. infrared
b. microwave
c. ultraviolet
d. visible light
9. Which electromagnetic wave can travel the least distances because it has a
wavelength range of less than 1x10-11 meters but has the highest energy?
a. gamma ray
b. microwave
c. radio wave
d. x-ray
10. In the electromagnetic spectrum, which has the longest wavelength?
a. gamma ray
b. radio wave
c. ultraviolet
d. visible light
11. What happens to the frequency of electromagnetic wave if its wavelength
a. decreases
b. doubles
c. increases as well
d. remains the same
12. In the visible spectrum, which color has the shortest wavelength?
a. blue b. red c. green d. violet
13. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. As the frequency of a wave increases, the wavelength also increases.
b. As the frequency of a wave decreases, the energy increases.
c. As the wavelength of a wave increases, the energy also increases.
d. As the wavelength of a wave decreases, the frequency increases.
14. Among the given EM waves below, which carries the most energy?
a. microwave
b. radio wave
c. ultraviolet ray
d. visible light
15. Which of the following is correctly arranged from lowest to highest energy?
a. microwave, visible light, radio wave
b. ultraviolet, radio wave, infrared
c. visible light, ultraviolet, gamma ray
d. x-ray, gamma ray, ultraviolet

Answer Key
What I Know (Pretest)
What’s In

Enrichment Activity 1
Enrichment Activity 2

nt 1

Assessment 2


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