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Inter-College Sporting Competition

28 February 2024

College Sport Manual

1.1 Introduction .......................................................................... 3
1.2 ICC College Sport Communication Structure ................... 10
1.3 College Sport Key Contacts .............................................. 11
2.0 Training Allocations & UQ Fields .................................. 12
2.1 Facility Hire – Terms & Conditions .................................... 12
2.2 Facility Prices .................................................................... 15
2.3 College Terms and Conditions of Hire .............................. 16
3.0 College Sport Online Nomination Procedure ............... 19
4.0 Policies and Procedures ................................................ 21
4.1 Overview ........................................................................... 21
4.2 Booking Policy ........................................................................... 22
4.3 College Sport Alcohol Policy ............................................. 23
4.4 Forfeit and Schedule Change Policy ................................. 26
4.5 ICC Penalties .................................................................... 30
4.6 Conditions of Entry ............................................................ 38
4.7 UQ Sport Code of Conduct ............................................... 41
4.8 Insurance ........................................................................... 44
4.9 Interrupted Competition Guidelines ................................... 45
5.0 ICC Sport Teams ............................................................. 47
6.0 End of Year ICC Awards ................................................. 55
6.1 ICC Sport Male & Female Athlete Of The Year ................ 55
6.2 Spirit of ICC Sport Award .......................................................... 56
6.3 ICC Cultural Student of the Year Award .................................... 56
6.4 Award Nomination and Selection Process ................................ 56
7.0 Sport Rules & Emergency Clause ................................. 57
7.1 Athletics ............................................................................. 60
7.2 AFL .................................................................................... 63
7.3 Badminton ......................................................................... 65
7.4 Basketball .......................................................................... 67
7.5 Cricket ............................................................................... 69
7.6 Hockey .............................................................................. 72
7.7 Netball ............................................................................... 74
7.8 Rowing .............................................................................. 76
7.9 Rugby Union ...................................................................... 82
7.10 Ruby Union 7s ................................................................... 84
7.11 Soccer ............................................................................... 86
7.12 Swimming Carnival............................................................ 88
7.13 Tennis ................................................................................ 91
7.14 Table Tennis ...................................................................... 94
7.15 Touch Football ................................................................... 96
7.16 Volleyball ........................................................................... 98
8.0 Appendices ............................................................................. 100
8.1 Customer Incident Reports ....................................................... 100
8.2 Weighted Shields ...................................................................... 102
8.3 Sports Rotations: 2024-2026 .................................................... 103

1.0 About the Program

1.1 Introduction
This manual has been developed to ensure that as the College Sport
Representative, you have all of the available information at your
fingertips at all times. This document is designed to encourage you to
contact the UQ Sport competitions team for clarification if there is
something that is not in this manual. If you are unsure of a particular
matter, please contact UQ Sport
([email protected]) to ensure clarification on any

UQ Sport is committed to ensuring that the ICC College Sport

Competition continues to grow in stature and to ensure the delivery of
a high quality, professionally administered and safe program. A heavy
reliance on the program’s success lies with each of you as the College
Sport Representative.

Due to the varying sports contested within the College Sport

Competition, this manual has been produced to clearly outline the
requirements for each sport. All sports require a varying number of
players to be nominated and are officiated under different guidelines.
For the most part, these guidelines are set by the
internationals/national/state sporting organisation. There are some
variations added for differing reasons, including safety, game times
and draw issues.

UQ Sport and the Heads of College have also developed policies to

aid in the professional conduct and administration of the College Sport
Program. Policies relate to alcohol at events, game forfeitures, safety
guidelines for each sport, and student behaviour.

This manual outlines each sport and the subsequent requirements for
those sports. These requirements include the number of players to be
nominated, rules governing the sport, events to be competed in, first
aid standards, volunteer requirements and any exceptions to the sport
specific rules.

The Forfeit, Game Change and Failure to Attend policies, along with
the Alcohol Policy, and ICC Code of Conduct Breaches and Penalties
policy are also clearly outlined. Breaches of these policies can result
in a loss of points, financial penalty, and/or suspension from attending
College events.
All the relevant sporting information needed for College Sport
Representatives is contained within this document.

Men’s Sports Women’s Sports

Swimming Swimming
Athletics Athletics
Basketball Basketball
Hockey Hockey
Football Football
Touch Football Touch Football
Rugby Union Rugby 7s
Rowing Rowing
Cricket Netball
Volleyball Volleyball
Badminton* Badminton*
Table Tennis* Table Tennis*
Tennis* Tennis*

The above sports represent the agreed sports that may be played in
any year. Those sports denoted with an asterisk * currently represent
sports that are played on a rotational basis, pending the year. For a
complete list of the 2024 sports to be contested, please refer to
appendix 8.3, page 103.

All parties to the ICC competitions understand that gender diversity

refers to a diverse range of gender expressions and identities. Anyone
can compete in ICC events in a manner which best reflects their
gender identity. Whilst we acknowledge that we have work to do in this
space and will consult with applicable organisations (e.g. National
Sporting Organisations, Pride in Sport etc) to improve our
understandings, systems and processes, at this time participants who
identify as non-binary are able to compete in the gender competition
they feel aligns best with their status.
The point’s allocations for both competitions are shown in the table

Men Women
1st 8 9
2nd 7 8
3rd 6 7
4th 5 6
5th 4 5
6th 3 4
7th 2 3
8th 1 2
9th N/A 1

Game Format

The ICC sports are played in a round robin format, with fixtures
resulting in a 3-2-1 system (3 points for a win; 2 for a draw; 0 for a loss
/ Bye). If there is a forfeit, the winning team will be allocated 3 points
and the losing team will be allocated 0 points.

The exceptions being Athletics, Rowing and Swimming; for which

points are recorded based on individual positions. Once the points are
compiled within an event, competition points are allocated to each
College based on their position in that event.

Extra Time for Draws

No extra time will be played in any fixtures, so if at the end of the

allocated time of play, the score is a draw, then this will be the result
recorded, and points applied accordingly.
Allocation of Points

After the completion of all fixtures / events for each sport, the College’s
overall position on the ladder will determine their allocation of ICC

Finalising Positions on the Ladder

If there is a tie in points on the competition ladder for that sport after
all games in a sport have been played, the following procedures will
be used to rank the Colleges:
1. The team with the higher score difference (For/Against) will
be awarded the higher position.
2. If the score difference is tied, the result of the game between
the two (2) tied Colleges will determine positioning.
3. If the result of the game was a draw, the Colleges shall tie
for the respective position.
If there is a tie between 3 or more Colleges, the for/against in the
games involving the Colleges that tied will be used as a tie breaker
(See example below). If there is still a tie after calculating the score
difference the Colleges shall tie for the respective position.


Grace College, Union College, and Duchesne College all finished on

15 points in the Badminton Competition. Grace beat Union 3-0; Union
beat Duchesne 2-1; Duchesne beat Grace 2-1. Grace has a score
difference of +2; Union has a score difference of -2; Duchesne have a
score difference of 0. In this scenario, Grace finish higher on the ladder
than Duchesne and Union as they have the highest score difference,
Duchesne would take the next position, followed by Union.
In the event that after all the above considerations have taken place
there is still a tie on the final competition ladder, then the positions’
points the Colleges would ordinarily occupy are averaged out and
each College is allocated accordingly.


After taking into consideration points 1-3 above to determine

finishing positions on the sports competition ladder, Duchesne
and Grace are still tied for 2nd place. Therefore, they occupy
the 2nd and 3rd position points. 2nd place is worth 8 points and
3rd place is worth 7 points.
To work out the average it is simply (8 + 7) / 2 = 7.5.

Therefore, both Colleges would receive 7.5 points for

coming equal second.

In the event of Swimming, Athletics, Rowing the above example is

used to allocate final ICC points.

Eg: If at the end of the Swimming competition that King’s and Leo’s
both finished the event with 18 points, taking out 1 st and 2nd place on
the ladder, they will share the overall ICC points for their placings
equally (ie. each College will each receive 7.5 ICC points [(8+7)/2])
with the next highest College taking third place, and 6 ICC points.

All sports are counted towards ICC points, however only the top 10
sports for each college will contribute points towards the Overall ICC

If there is a tie after the top 10 Sports have been calculated, these
two colleges will share the overall cup. For example, in 2018, both
King’s College and St John’s College finished the overall ICC
sporting competition on 79 points each, so the Overall Cup was
shared that year.
If a College doesn’t participate in a sport, they will be allocated 0

If a College combines a team (eg. Grace and IH combine to create

one female soccer team) then those Colleges equally each get the
allocation of the final ICC points allocation for that sport. The
number of players per College to comprise the combined team is not


Grace and IH combine to form one women’s soccer team

that comprises women from both Colleges. At the end of the
women’s soccer competition, the combined team finishes in
4th position on the ladder. Fourth position on the ladder
equates to 6 ICC points, so both Grace and IH receive 6
points each. If IH have more players in the team than Grace,
both Colleges still each get the allocation of the final ICC
points equally.
1.2 ICC College Sport Communication
1.3 College Sport Key Contacts

Position Name Phone E-mail / Web Link

UQ Sport Competitions Logan McLean 3365 6612 [email protected]


UQ Sport Student Phil Tonkin 3365 6612 [email protected]

Experience Manager

UQ Sport Reception 3365 6612

College Competitions
Facebook Page

College Competitions
Facebook Page

College Competitions
Facebook Page
2.0 Training Allocations & UQ Fields
2.1 Facility Hire – Terms & Conditions

Designated College training times have been identified and allocated

for College teams participating in the College Sport competition. The
Terms and Conditions of Hire apply to College booking allocations and
by utilising these allocations Colleges agree to the Conditions of Hire.

Teams competing in the College Sport competition are entitled to

utilise the allocated booking times as part of the College Sport fee.
Use of these booking times is the responsibility of the College Sport
Representative to collectively negotiate. An electronic copy of the
training times can be found at

College Sport Representatives are responsible for communicating

available booking times to individual teams. Please note, facility
allocations are sport specific and only those sports allocated are
permitted to train at the designated venues. Please note that once a
sport is finished, the allocated training sessions will be removed from
UQ Sport system. Teams requiring training times outside of the
complimentary allocations need to book directly with the applicable
UQ Sport Venue. The College fee rate will apply for these additional
booking requests and payment is required prior to the booking.
Receipts for payments are available at the point of purchase.

If Colleges are looking to swap training sessions with other

Colleges, this can be organised between the Colleges

College Teams requiring additional booking times should direct

their bookings as follows:
UQ Sport Aquatic Centre – 3365 6047
UQ Sport Fitness Centre – 3365 6612
UQ Sport Tennis Centre – 3365 6027

Field booking enquires must be directed to the UQ Sport Oval

bookings team who can be contacted via phone on 3365 6612 or via
the email address [email protected]

i. All booking details must be confirmed in writing;

ii. All Booking/Event activities must be outlined on the
Booking Registry Form and agreed to by UQ Sport;
iii. A risk assessment for the event must be conducted and
bookings approved only where the hirer follows UQ Sport
recommendations; and
iv. Booking confirmation will be made when the Terms and
Conditions of Hire are agreed upon and final payment is

All booking fees will be made as per UQ Sport’s current pricing list.

1. Payment Terms:
i. All bookings must be paid for prior to usage;
ii. For bookings made within one month prior to usage,
full payment is required immediately;
iii. Payment can be made:
a) In person at the UQ Sport and Fitness
Centre Reception;
b) By EFT as per invoice instructions.

2. Cancellations:
i. UQ Sport reserves the right to cancel any booking;
ii. UQ Sport reserves the right to suspend/alter bookings
when facilities are required for other purposes.
Advance notice will be given where possible and a full
refund payable;
iii. Cancellations should be submitted to the Booking
Officer in writing no less than 48 hours prior to the
booking, otherwise the full fee will be charged; and
iv. In the event that a booking is cancelled due to bad
weather, a 100% refund will be available.

3. Wet Weather:
i. UQ Sport, under the direction of UQ Property &
Facilities (P&F) reserves the right to close the fields
at any time. Should this situation occur, you will be
advised as early as possible;
ii. For advice on grounds availability during wet weather
use the UQ Sport main line on 3365 6612.
iii. This is updated with changes as they occur. Where
possible, information on Field closures will also be
posted on the College Sport Facebook page and
emailed to the Sport Reps and College Heads.

4. Lights:
i. All Oval, Netball, Cricket Net and Beach Volleyball
lights are programmed via computer.
ii. Times vary depending on daylight and the booking
iii. Lights are typically turned on 15 minutes prior to
usage and turned off 15 minutes after.
iv. If there is a problem with the lights or they fail to
come on, the lights can be switched on manually.
v. Any problems should be reported to UQ Sport
Fitness Centre Reception Staff on 3365 6612.
2.2 Facility Prices
Public UQ Community College
Please note, prices are correct at time of print, but UQ Sport reserves the right to
update at any time.
Sports Hall
Full $99 $89 $69
1/2 $49 $44 $34
1 Badminton Court
$18 $16 $13
(30 minutes)
Other Facilities
Squash (30 minutes) $18 $16 $13
Tennis Centre
Peak Times $32 $26 $20
Off-Peak Times $22 $17 $18
Casual Pool Entry $7.50 $7 $5.25
Field 1 $265 $206 $73
Field 2 $265 $206 $73
Field 3 $265 $206 $67
Field 4 Synthetic Turf $265 $73 $73
Field 5 Synthetic Turf $265 $73 $73
Field 6 $120 $95 $39
Field 7 $265 $206 $73
Field 8 $265 $206 $70
Field 9 Half $180 $140 $50
Field 9 Full $265 $206 $73
Netball / Multi-
$43 $33 $15
Purpose Courts
Beach Volleyball
Beach Volleyball $43 $33 $15
2.3 College Terms and Conditions of Hire
In addition to the Conditions of Entry as posted in each facility:
1. Indemnity:
The Hshall be responsible for any accidents, loss, damage or
injury sustained by any person using the facilities during the
time the Hire period, notwithstanding that such injury arose from
or by reason of any defect with the facilities and the hirer agrees
to indemnify UQ Sport against all claims and demands made or
costs incurred in connection with such actions.

2. Liability
UQ Sport cannot accept liability for loss or damage to any item
of personal property, goods or articles unless caused by the
wilful default or negligence of UQ Sport, its servants or agents.
The Hirer on his/her behalf and as agent for any invitees agrees
that UQ Sport shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage
suffered by any such invitees by reason of use of the hired

3. State Of Premise:
Before using a sportsground the Hirer shall ensure that the
facility is in a proper and safe condition for use. Any safety
concerns must be reported to the UQ Sport Bookings Officer
immediately. The Hirer agrees that if the facility is not left in a
similar state to that which it was found in terms of tidiness, an
additional cleaning fee will be charged. Where possible this
shall be agreed prior to the hirer departing the facility.

4. Damage of Premise:
UQ Sport reserves the right to charge any person, department
or company for any damage (wilful or otherwise) to UQ Sport
property. After an assessment of the damage the decision on
the action to be taken remains with UQ Sport at their sole
5. Consumption of Alcohol:
The consumption of alcohol at any UQ Sport facility is not
permitted without prior written consent, not less than 14 days
prior to the event.

6. Unacceptable Behaviour on Campus:

Should unacceptable behaviour of a particular person, group or
organisation be reported, UQ Security shall be notified. UQ
Security will take appropriate action should repeat incidences

7. Advertising Material & Tents:

Display of advertising material is not permitted on campus
without prior written approval. UQ Sport and UQ branded
material may not be produced or disseminated by the hirer,
without prior written approval. All tents or marquees must be
free standing and no other materials (e.g. Pegs, stakes) are
permitted without prior approval.

8. Security:
UQ Sport reserves the right to insist on professional security
guards or crowd controllers subject to the size and nature of the
booking. Only University approved Security Firms are

9. Food:
UQ Sport reserves the right to all food, beverage and
merchandising sales unless otherwise agreed to in writing in
advance. A Temporary Food Stall Licence from the Brisbane
City Council is required to supply food on campus where-
• A mobile food vehicle or Mobile Food Cart is operating.
• Cooking, storing, transporting, handling or preparing
unpackaged food and drinks occurs.
10. Safety Equipment:
The Hirer is responsible for supplying all safety equipment
including post pads. Arrangements for equipment hire can be
made through the Bookings Officer.

11. First Aid:

Hire groups are responsible for providing their own First Aid
For medical emergencies contact security on Ph. 3365 3333.
Groups are required to provide details of their Emergency
Contingency Plan for events.

12. Compliance:
Failure to comply with any of the ‘Terms and Conditions of Hire’
may result in the cancellation of your booking or future
3.0 College Sport Online
Nomination Procedure
All College Sport nominations are done online. As such, it is important
to outline the procedures through which you may nominate students
from your College.

The nomination procedure requires a few important factors to be

confirmed by a number of parties.
1. All nominated students must be members of your College –
associates or past college students are not permitted to play.
2. Ensure that you nominate the required number of students
and no more, unless this has been approved by the
Competitions Coordinator, in consultation with the ICC SSC.

If any of the aforementioned requirements have been breached by a

College during a game, said College shall forfeit the game in question
and will be issued a fine.

All the above requirements must be met in order for the nominations
to be approved. The nominations are then forwarded to your Head of
College for final approval.

Throughout the year, you may receive emails from the Competitions
Coordinator in regards to nominations and deadlines. It is up to the
College Sport Representative to make sure these are entered on time.

Failure to submit nominations within the required time are grounds for:

• Financial Penalty
• Game Forfeiture
• Deduction of competition or ICC points

Nominations for all sports are due seven (7) days prior to a given
event, though earlier submissions greatly assist in the competition
organisation. The only exception to this is for Rowing where
nominations are required nine (9) days prior. All nomination periods
are stated within this manual, however College Sport Representative’s
should also consult the ICC Calendar when coordinating training times
and be prepared to nominate a few weeks in advance.

The link for all online nominations can be found at the following link -
There is also a link to the UQ Sport College sport website which can
be found here - To
complete a nomination for a sport, several important details must be

• Enter your College name, gender, which sport you’re

nominating a team for, as well as your full name, phone
number, and email. Refer to this manual for the min / max
squad size numbers.

• Enter ALL of the details requested on the nomination page.

This is required to verify that all students that you nominate
are students at your College.

• Finally, if you are approved extra nominations by the

Competitions Coordinator, due to injury, illness or extenuating
circumstances, please email the students details (Full name,
date of birth, and student number) to
[email protected]. DO NOT email for
normal nominations and without prior consultation with the
Competitions Coordinator.

Once the details of all team members are on the nomination form,
scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Submit Team” button.

When you submit your nomination, an email will automatically be sent

to UQ Sport. You should also receive an automated email with the
team that you have nominated. Please check this and ensure all
details are correct. If you need to make any changes to your team
nomination, please email [email protected] as
soon as possible with the changes.

4.0 Policies and Procedures

4.1 Overview
UQ Sport in conjunction with the Heads of College has devised several
policies to aid in the conduct and administration of the program. The
College Sport Code of Conduct must be adhered to at all times. This
policy relates to the behaviour of College Sport participants,
spectators, coaches and officials. Breaches of this and any other
policies can result in disciplinary action.

The Alcohol Policy is designed to meet the following objectives:

• To ensure the safe and professional conduct of all ICC events
• To ensure the UQ Alcohol Policy is adhered to
• To minimise alcohol related incidents and harm to the
individual participants
• To minimise alcohol related incidents and harm to spectators
and general community
• To minimise alcohol related damage to property
• To improve and preserve the reputation of Colleges, College
Sport and the University of Queensland to people in the
general community.

The Forfeit, Failure to Attend and Game Change Policy is designed to

meet the following objectives:
• To ensure that College teams attend games that have been
• To ensure that any changes to draws are carried out so ample
notice can be given to opponents and officials
• To minimise forfeits of organised games
• To ensure that bookings can be cancelled in the event of
• To improve the reputation of Colleges, College Sport and the
University of Queensland to people in the general community.

The Interrupted Play Guidelines are designed to clarify how points

may be allocated in the event when games may be interrupted due to
weather or other unforeseen/unavoidable circumstances.

All policies and guidelines are included within this manual and must
be read and adhered to. It is your job as College Sport
Representatives to ensure that these policies and procedures are
adhered to, or the outlined disciplinary action will be enforced. Please
ensure that you make each sports convenor aware of the policy and
subsequent disciplinary actions.

4.2 Booking Policy

Colleges may use facilities managed by UQ Sport but must be in
accordance with the guidelines listed below.

• Hire as part of your Training Allocations is included in the

College Sport Fee. Additional bookings outside the training
allocation schedule are charged out at a significantly
discounted rate for UQ Colleges. Refer to Item 2.1 for Facility
Terms and prices etc. For night trainings, lights will not go on
unless you have booked the oval.
• All other UQ Sport Venues that are “Centre Managed”
(Fitness, Aquatic, Athletics and Tennis Centre) will need to be
booked and hired at the College rate.
4.3 College Sport Alcohol Policy

A. Objectives

This policy is designed to meet the following objectives:

• to ensure the safe and professional conduct of all ICC Sport,

Cultural, and Community events
• to ensure the UQ Alcohol Policy is adhered to
• to minimise alcohol related incidents and harm to the
individual participants
• to minimise alcohol related incidents and harm to spectators
and general community
• to minimise alcohol related damage to property
• to improve and preserve the reputation of Colleges, ICC
events and the University of Queensland to people in the
general community.

B. Introduction

To assist in the achievement of the above objectives, UQ Sport and

the Heads of Colleges have established a number of specific
guidelines relating to the use or consumption of alcohol by any
member involved in an ICC event. It is vital that strict guidelines are
put in place to ensure that any ICC event is not marred by impaired
and/or unsafe performances, or negatively affected from unruly
behavior related to the consumption of liquor.

C. Guidelines on the Use of Alcohol

{i} Participant involvement

No participants will be permitted to compete in any ICC event if he/she

is consuming alcohol or is suffering the effects of alcohol. Any such
person/s will be asked to leave the venue through the captain,
convenor, or relevant student or staff representative of that college.
Refusal to cooperate by either the captain, convenor, student
representative or participant will result in immediate expulsion of that
College from the game / event and may also result in disciplinary
action against the individual.

Further disciplinary action may be taken if deemed appropriate by the

relevant committee. Should such an incident occur, an official written
complaint from the convenor employed by UQ Sport for that event
must be forwarded to the relevant committee. The submissions and
complaints will then be reviewed for further disciplinary action. This
may include but is not limited to:

• expulsion of that participant from the remainder of the

• expulsion of the team / performance from that sport / event
• deduction of points from the College for that game
• deduction of points from the College from the overall
standings of that event
The relevant ICC committee will hand down this decision and that
particular decision is final.
{ii} Spectator involvement

No spectators within the immediate “playing / performing arena” will

be permitted to consume alcohol while an ICC event is under
progress. Should a spectator be suspected of consuming alcohol or
suffering the obvious effects of alcohol in this area, the person/s will
be asked to leave through the relevant college representative.

Refusal to cooperate by either party will result in immediate expulsion

of that team from the game and possible disciplinary action against
the individual. It is the responsibility of each Colleges
representatives to ensure that all competitors, performers, and
spectators are made aware of the standard of behaviour expected at
ICC events.

Further disciplinary action may be taken if so desired by the relevant

ICC Sub Committee upon receipt of an official written complaint from
either the convenor employed by UQ Sport for that event,
referees/umpires, or competing Colleges. The submissions and
complaints will then be reviewed by the relevant Committee for further
disciplinary action. This may include, but is not limited to:

• Banning of that spectator from other ICC events

• Expulsion of the College from that particular event
• Deduction of points from the College for that particular game
/ performance
• Deduction of points from the College from the overall
standings of that event
Any College failing to comply with the ICC Alcohol Policy will be
investigated and disciplined by the relevant committee as it sees
fit. These decisions will be determined by the relevant committee
and are final.
*The playing / performing arena is the area including the playing /
performing surface as well as any areas in which spectators could
view the event.
4.4 Forfeit and Schedule Change Policy

This policy is designed to meet the following objectives:

• To ensure that College teams attend their scheduled games /

• To minimise forfeits of organised events
• To ensure bookings can be amended / cancelled in the event
of forfeits
• To improve the reputation of Colleges, The ICC Competitions,
and the University of Queensland to people in the general

To assist in the achievement of these objectives, UQ Sport and the

Heads of Colleges have established a number of specific guidelines
relating to forfeiting, failing to attend or changing specific
game/performance times by Colleges. It is vital that strict guidelines
are put in place to ensure that any events are not interrupted due to
forfeits or failure to attend.

The following guidelines outline procedures for changing

game/performance times, forfeiting and failing to attend and outline
disciplinary action for any breach of these guidelines. This applies to
all ICC events.


Prior to the beginning of the College Sport and Cultural competitions,
UQ Sport will create draws and schedules, and publish them on the
UQ Sport website. Once the schedules have been published, no
changes will be made to the draws and no time changes will be
The only exception to this will be if a College was scheduled to play a
game/perform on the date of their Ball or Recovery in error. Should a
College be scheduled to play a game/perform on the day of their ball
or Recovery, UQ Sport will make changes to the relevant schedule/s
and update all Colleges ASAP. Note: the College affected can only
select one day (ie. Ball date or Recovery Date) where fixtures may be
amended. Pending facility availability, every effort will be made to
accommodate the request, but UQ Sport reserves the right to
reasonably refuse.


If a College fails to arrive at a scheduled game/performance after 10
minutes of the scheduled start time, a forfeit will be called.

Should a College need to forfeit or not be able to attend a scheduled

match/performance, UQ Sport must be informed as soon as possible
prior to the scheduled event. Depending on the notice provided, the
following disciplinary actions may be applied.

• The forfeiting College will be invoiced for costs associated

with the competition as per the 3-tier policy
• Deduction of points from that particular competition and/or
from overall ICC Sport or Cultural standings

The following 3 tier policy will be in place for any forfeitures in the 2024
College Sport and Cultural competitions:

• Tier 1: The offending College will be issued a fine of $50 plus

any charges already incurred after notifying UQ Sport that
they will be forfeiting their game/performance within 72 hours
of the scheduled starting time.

• Tier 2: The offending College will be issued a fine of $100 plus

any charges already incurred after notifying UQ Sport that
they will be forfeiting their game/performance within 24 hours
of the scheduled starting time.

• Tier 3: The offending College will be issued a fine of $150 plus

any charges already incurred after:

o Notifying UQ Sport that they will be forfeiting the day

of the game/performance OR;
o Failing to notify UQ Sport that they will be forfeiting
their game/performance

If UQ Sport is provided with more than 72 hours’ notice of a forfeit, the

offending College will not be issued with a fine.

Example 1 – Women’s College contact UQ Sport within 72

hours of their scheduled soccer match, indicating that they will
have to forfeit their match. In this situation a Tier 1 forfeit
breach may be imposed.

Example 2 – Union College have advised UQ Sport within 24

hours of their scheduled debating match, indicating that they
will have to forfeit their match. In this situation a Tier 2 forfeit
breach may be imposed.

Example 3 – International House have not shown up for their

scheduled netball match, with all officials and the opposition
team present, and have not contacted UQ Sport indicating
they will not be attending the match. In this situation a Tier 3
forfeit breach may be imposed.

The money from each forfeit fine, less the charges already incurred
shall be put towards the end of year presentation night.

The Competitions Coordinator will review each situation and liaise with
the relevant committee on a suitable penalty for any infringement. The
decision made by that committee will be final and any invoices will be
binding and must be paid by Colleges.

Any College failing to comply with this policy will be investigated

and disciplined by the Competitions Coordinator and the relevant
committee as deemed appropriate. These decisions will be
determined by the Competitions Coordinator and the relevant
committee and are FINAL.

The scores when a forfeit occurs are as follows:

Sport Forfeit Score

AFL incl. 12s 30-0

Badminton 21-0

Basketball 20-0

Cricket 10-0

Hockey 5-0

Netball 20-0

Rugby Union / 7s 20-0

Soccer 5-0

Table Tennis 3-0

Tennis 20-0

Touch Football 5-0

Volleyball 2-0
4.5 ICC Penalties
The College Sport Agreement will outline several obligations from all
parties involved. The following pages will outline instances where a
party does not meet its obligations.


a) Breaches the ICC Code of Conduct


The Inter-college Council (ICC) is an association incorporated

pursuant to the Associations Incorporations Act (1981). The ICC’s
membership consists of students who reside at each of the ten
residential colleges at The University of Queensland (UQ). Each of the
UQ residential college’s Students’ Club, excepting Union College
whose Head of College appoints a representative, annually
contributes one elected office-bearer to administer an ICC portfolio. In
collaboration with the Heads of Colleges who have ICC constitutional
visitors’ rights, elected ICC representatives exercise ICC rights and
responsibilities in their year of election.

At all times, the ICC’s Aims and Objectives complement those of The
University of Queensland’s Students’ Union (UQU) and of University
of Queensland Sport (UQ Sport),and are informed by the ICC Values

ICC Values are:

• Respect: encourage diversity through ideas, individuality and

culture. This creates a vibrant and inclusive environment
where respect is granted to the individual, college property
and leadership across all levels;
• Community – Through teamwork and communication,
members are committed to fostering a forward thinking
community where all opinions and ideas are shared freely;
• Integrity – Act with a sincere moral conscience to ensure
transparency and accountability of actions.


The Inter College Council, UQ Sport and the ten residential colleges
at UQ are committed to ensuring that the ICC Competition
environment is safe, respectful and free from all forms of harassment,
and that students acknowledge their understanding that they and/or
their team and /or their Student Club will face disciplinary
action/penalties for any breaches noted in the ICC Code of Conduct
Breaches and Penalties Table and/or within:

• Individual College’s Code of Conduct Policy

• UQ Sport Code of Conduct Policy
• ICC Cultural Code of Conduct Policy
• ICC Community Code of Conduct Policy


This policy outlines the overarching principles governing the approach

to addressing any breaches of behaviour by a participant or spectator
- who is a member of a UQ residential college’s Student Club or a
resident of Union College - at any ICC Sport, ICC Culture or ICC
Community activity, which is inconsistent with the values of the ICC
Values Statement.

Reporting of Breach / Handling of Complaints

Reporting of any breach/complaint must be reported to UQ Sport

following the ICC Competitions Grievance & Complaint Handling Flow
Note: matters may also be referred to UQ Security, The
University of Queensland or the Police, and would be subject to
their processes and consequences.

Note: Should the consequence of a breach involve the issue of

any monetary fines, the residual amount after UQ Sport covers
any direct costs involved will be allocated towards the End of
Year presentation night.

While fines remain unpaid, no further ICC points can be

accumulated by that College.
ICC Code of Conduct Breaches and Penalties

Breach Individual Penalty Student Club Penalty

All actions & behaviour are Fines of up to $250 Fines of up to $500
subject to both UQ and
individual College fair Level 2 Level 2
treatment, bullying, Forfeiture of up to 4 ICC Forfeiture of up to 4 ICC
harassment or similar points points
policies. Any form of
harassment, whether it be Level 3 Level 3
sexual, racial, religious, or Temporary or permanent Temporary or permanent
otherwise will not be ban from all ICC sporting, ban from all ICC sporting,
tolerated. cultural and community cultural and community
events events
Support in sporting
competitions should focus on The above Penalty levels The above Penalty levels
positive encouragement, not may be applied across any may be applied across any
negative criticism, or types of Breach listed. types of Breach listed.
sledging. The vilification or
abuse of other Colleges by
spectators is not acceptable

Alcohol may only be
consumed as per the UQ
Alcohol and Other Drugs -
Policy which is referred to in
each of the College Sport
Manual, College Cultural
Manual, and College
Community Manual

Any person caught
vandalising, damaging or
stealing from another
College; any person
gatecrashing another
College’s function or
behaving inappropriately in
relation to any ICC Sport,
ICC Cultural or ICC
Community activity.

All ICC competitors, in any
form of ICC competition,
should be familiar with the
rules governing the eligibility
to compete and understand
the penalties covering
unlawful participation. All
sports are carried out under
the ruleset by the governing
state or national authority
and may also be subject to
special provisions under the
ICC Constitution.
Competitors should ensure
they have a full knowledge of
the relevant regulations
before starting the
Other Breach/Penalties Individual Student Club
Late Nominations Failure to submit
nominations within the
required time may incur:

Financial Penalty

Game Forfeiture until

nominations are received.
Forfeit fines will also apply.

Deduction of competition
Forfeits Refer to the Forfeiting /
Failing to Attend fine

Failure to Provide Volunteers Fine of $50 per outstanding Fine of $50 per outstanding
/ Required Personnel offence (plus GST) may be offence (plus GST) may be
issued. issued

Reduction of ICC points Reduction of ICC points

Late or Failure to Nominate College forfeits their
for an Award / ICC Team opportunity to nominate their

Dissemination of Policy
UQ Sport, will ensure that this policy is included in the ICC Reps
Manuals which is for dissemination to residents, staff, and other key
stakeholders, including spectators, and is made accessible on the
UQ Sport website via the College Sport and College Cultural
manuals. Colleges will;
• inform new residents and associate members about this
policy prior to commencement, and/or at
Welcome/Orientation Weeks as part of their induction to
• inform returning residents each year about the Policy at
relevant student information sessions including at the
commencement of each academic year prior to the
commencement of ICC Competitions.
Prior to participating in ICC activities, each College’s Students’ Club
Executive and the Head of College, Union College, is to ensure that
all members are aware of, and have read, understood and agreed to
abide by this policy and the;
1. ICC Values Statement
2. UQ Sport Code of Conduct Policy
3. ICC Cultural Code of Conduct Policy
4. ICC Community Code of Conduct Policy
Related Documents

Inter-College Sporting Available on UQ Sport website here

Competition Manual
Inter-College Cultural Competition Available on UQ Sport website here
UQ Policy UQ Alcohol and Other Drugs –
UQ Prevention of Discrimination and
Harassment Policy
UQ Student Code of Conduct
UQ Student Integrity and
Misconduct - Policy
UQ Residential College’s Code of Cromwell College King’s College
Duchesne St John’s College
St Leo’s College
Grace College
The Women’s
Emmanuel College
Union College

Approvals and Review Details

Approval and Review Details

Policy Approval Authority Heads of Colleges
Last Updated January 2024
Review Date November 2024
Policy Administrator Heads of Colleges
4.6 Conditions of Entry
1. You must comply with these conditions of entry and follow
instructions displayed within the Facilities of given by Us (and any
person appointed by Us to manage the Facility) from time to time
2. You must use the Facilities in accordance with Your membership
or booking and, if applicable, strictly only between the times and
dates specified in Your booking.
3. You must not allow any person to use Your membership or
student card to gain access to the Facility. Failure to observe this
condition may result in eviction from the Facility and Your access
rights being immediately cancelled.
4. You are responsible for the conduct of anyone participating with
5. Smoking is not permitted in this Facility, or on any University of
Queensland campus or recognised site.
6. You must not litter or cause damage to the Facilities. We reserve
the right to on-charge for any damage to the Facilities.
7. No alcohol, illegal or offensive substances or items, weapons,
glass or sharp objects or oversized items of any kind are
permitted in the Facilities.
8. The use of cameras, drones, audio or video recorders and other
recording devices within the Facilities is strictly prohibited, unless
We specifically advise otherwise.
9. It is a condition of entry that You consent to bag searches and
We may confiscate prohibited items and items which in Our
opinion may cause injury or a nuisance to other patrons using the
10. Protect your valuables as thieves operate on campus despite
security patrols and surveillance throughout the campus.
11. Surveillance cameras may be in use at this Facility.
12. Persons under 16 years of age must always be accompanied by
and supervised by a responsible adult (aged 18 years and older).
13. You must not obstruct entry, exit or general movement of any
person using any of the Facilities.
14. Animals are not permitted at any of the Facilities with the
exception of assistance animals unless We specifically advise
15. We may refuse entry to, or require a person to leave the Facility
if the person is abusive, uses offensive language or inappropriate
behaviour, is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or the
person’s behaviour is threatening or offensive to others.
16. We may evict or refuse entry to any person if such eviction or
refusal is reasonably necessary to ensure the safety or comfort
of other patrons of the Facilities.
17. We reserve the right to close the Facilities at any time without
notice for, but not limited to, an emergency, due to current or
potential extreme and/or inclement weather, or for maintenance
and construction works.
18. You must promptly report to Us any health or safety concerns
You become aware of while in the Facilities.
19. Report any incidents, injuries or near misses to Us.
20. You must wear appropriate attire for the activity and non-marking
footwear at all times (footwear excepted in the pool).
21. You must not use Our equipment of the Facilities for any other
purpose than the relevant sporting activity.
22. Unless otherwise approved by Us, only We are permitted to
coach in this Facility.
23. You must carry your student card, membership card or have a
valid casual pass or proof of booking when using the Facility.
24. Patrons assume all risk of any damage or loss (including property
damage, personal injury, economic and consequential loss)
however it arises at this Facility. Patrons bring their personal
effects into the Facilities at their own risk. We will not be
responsible for any damage or loss or theft of a patron’s personal
25. Observe and follow any other rules and signage in the Facility.

“We”, “Our”, and “Us” means UQ Sport Ltd CAN 135 537 183, it’s
employees, agents and contractors, and where the context requires,
includes the University of Queensland.

“You” and “Your” means the person who enters or uses the Facilities.

*All team members and spectators must abide by these

4.7 UQ Sport Code of Conduct

The UQ Sport (UQS) Code of Conduct is a framework that outlines the

standards of behaviours and ethical conduct expected by all people involved
in sport at the University of Queensland (UQ). UQ Sport has adopted the
principles of Sport Australia.

Further to the principles, any person: athlete, coach, official, parent, spectator,
or administrator involved in sport and recreation must aim to meet the following
minimum standards in regards to their conduct:

• adhere to the principles of fair play and always play by the rules,
respecting the traditions of the game and the spirit of competition;
• respect the rights and dignity of every person regardless of gender,
race, ethnicity or sexual orientation;
• encourage and support opportunities for people to learn appropriate
behaviours and skills;
• support opportunities for participation in all aspects of the sport;
• be a positive role model - display control and courtesy to all involved
with the sport;
• respect the decisions of officials, coaches and administrators in the
conduct of the sport;
• wherever practical, avoid unaccompanied and unobserved one-on-
one activity (when in a supervisory capacity or where a power
imbalance will exist) with people under the age of 18 years;
• adopt appropriate and responsible behaviour in all interactions;
• adopt responsible behaviour in relation to alcohol and other drugs;
• act with integrity, objectivity, and accept responsibility for your
decisions and actions;
• ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a safe environment;
• be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others; and
• promote a safe and inclusive environment, in which every person is
protected and free from discrimination, harassment and abuse.
In addition to the principles and general code of conduct, any person involved
in any of the following capacities must aim to meet the following minimum
standards in regard to their conduct:

• always play to the best of your abilities and participate for enjoyment,
not results;
• never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive
language and gestures that are demeaning to others;
• care for the equipment and facilities made available during training
and competition;
• always consider the safety and wellbeing of other participants before
performance and results;
• adhere to anti-doping policies and never engage in match fixing or
betting; and
• never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive
language, drinking or smoking whilst in the presence of junior
participants or spectators.

• ensure that all equipment and activities meet safety standards and are
appropriate to the age and abilities of every person;
• promote the principles of fair play and discourage foul play and/or
unsporting behaviour;
• always consider the safety and wellbeing of participants before
performance and results and follow the advice of a physician/medical
officer in determining when an injured participant may return to training
and competition;
• maintain respectful and appropriate relationships with every person,
especially to participants to which you owe a duty of care;
• never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive
language, drinking or smoking, whilst in an official capacity;
• ensure coaching qualifications are up to date and accredited by the
appropriate sporting body;
• follow the guidelines and rules set down by the organisation and
governing body;
• call out and refer to organisation authorities all acts of unethical
behavior, whether from players, officials, parents or spectators; and
• at all times act as a role model for others, displaying high standards of
good sporting behaviour.

• always ensure the safety and wellbeing of players above all else;
• maintain respectful and appropriate relationships with every person,
especially to the players;
• be impartial, consistent and transparent in your conduct and decision-
making. Accept responsibility for your actions;
• avoid situations that may lead to or call into question conflict of
• avoid engaging in verbal communication with coaches, officials,
parents and spectators during play except in instances of medical
emergencies or to call out acts of unethical behaviour;
• at all times act as a role model for others, displaying high standards of
good sporting behaviour;
• never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive
language whilst in an official capacity; and
• adhere to the laws of the game and the principles of fair play, ensuring
that the spirit of competition is respected by all players, coaches and

• never engage in inappropriate conduct including the use of offensive
language, drinking or smoking whilst in the presence of junior
participants or spectators;
• encourage players to play by the rules and to show respect to
coaches, officials and opponents at all times;
• respect the rights and dignity of every person including players,
coaches, officials, parents and spectators; and never engage in
behaviour that abuses, demeans, provokes or harasses others;
• understand that sport is designed to be fun and that participating for
enjoyment and wellbeing should always come before performance
and results;
• at all times act as a role model for others, displaying high standards of
good sporting behaviour;
• call out and refer to organisation authorities all acts of unethical
behavior, whether from players, coaches, officials, parents or
spectators; and
• participate in positive cheering that reinforces and encourages
participant efforts.

4.8 Insurance

Claims Procedure

To make a re-imbursement claim for medical expenses, please

contact the UQ Sport Competitions Coordinator
([email protected]) as soon as possible.
Students who have been injured at a College Sport or Cultural
Competition must have filled out an Incident Report Form at the time
they were injured to make an insurance claim. Students who did not
fill out an Incident Report Form can fill one out after-the-fact, however,
all details must be written as if the injury just occurred.
From 2024, all Incident Report Forms are electronic. Contact the
Convenor to complete one on the day or the Competitions Coordinator
for any reports after the date of the injury.
Please note that the Health Insurance Act (Cth) 1973 does not permit
the Insurer to contribute to any Medical Expenses covered (whether
fully or partly) by Medicare (“the Medicare Gap”).

Correct completion of these forms will assist us to make accurate and

faster decisions regarding our customers’ claim for benefits and
ensure that where benefits are payable, they reach our customers in
a timely manner. Incomplete claim forms will be returned for
completion, leading to assessment delays.

To enquire further please email [email protected]

4.9 Interrupted Competition Guidelines

The Interrupted Competitions Guidelines are designed to inform you
of the process and outcomes in the event a fixture(s) or event cannot
be commenced or completed.

Competition may be interrupted in a number of ways that may include,

but is not limited to:
• Weather events or potential weather events;
• Serious injury to a participant, official or spectator and it is
deemed unsafe to continue;
• Operational issue (fault with lights, other venue issues,
ambulance not in attendance at applicable events, on site risk
assessment deems the environment is not suitable for
• Inappropriate behaviour by a participant(s), official(s) or
spectator(s) and it is deemed unsafe to continue.
Interrupted sporting fixtures are not to be replayed. No spare dates
have been allocated in the 2024 calendar with the exception of two
standalone events: swimming and athletics.

In the case of interrupted sporting fixtures, all teams scheduled to play

a fixture across the same round will be allocated the same points as
allocated to a drawn result (0-0) . No points will be allocated to a team
which has been scheduled a bye in the ‘interrupted’ round.

Interrupted cultural events may be re-scheduled pending a decision

from the ICC Cultural Committee and/or Heads of College, however
no spare dates have been allocated in the 2024 calendar, and re-
scheduling may be subject to venue/adjudicator availability. Decisions
on re-scheduling Cultural events will be made if and when required.

A Netball game between Cromwell and Grace College has been
cancelled due to the rain, all other games that round were played
in full, and King’s were allocated a bye. King’s will get 0 points
for the bye and all other teams in the round will receive the
competition points allocated for a draw and the scores recorded
as 0-0 draw. This competition will count towards the ICC Points

In the unlikely event that multiple rounds are interrupted, a decision on

whether the sport will count for ICC points will be made by the ICC
Sports Committee/Heads of College.

Last approval date: 19 January 2024

Approved by: Heads of College
5.0 ICC Sport Teams
For each sport contested throughout the year, an Inter-College
Council (ICC) Team will be selected. The number of players selected
from each College will be dependent on where each College places
overall. For Individual events such as Athletics, all participants who
finish first in each event will be selected for the ICC Team.

Some of these teams may participate in selected matches against

other university sporting teams. These may include games against UQ
University Nationals Teams.

The following table outlines how many players are to be nominated for
the ICC Teams based on where they finished.

All ICC Team nominations must be submitted no later than seven (7)
Days after the completion of that sport. Any College that submits
nominations after seven (7) days may be voided.


All athletes who finish first in each event will be selected for the ICC
Team. All members of the winning relay team will be selected in the
ICC Team.

Overall Number of Overall Number of
Finishing people Finishing people
Position Selected Position Selected
1st Place 3 1st Place 5
2nd Place 2 2nd Place 4
3rd Place 1 3rd Place 4
4th Place 1 4th Place 3
5th Place 1 5th Place 2
6th Place 1 6th Place 2
7th Place 1 7th Place 1
8th Place 1 8th Place 1
9th Place 1 9th Place N/A


Overall Number of Overall Number of
Finishing people Finishing people
Position Selected Position Selected
1st Place 3 1st Place 3
2nd Place 2 2nd Place 2
3rd Place 2 3rd Place 1
4th Place 1 4th Place 1
5th Place 1 5th Place 1
6th Place 1 6th Place 1
7th Place 1 7th Place 1
8th Place 1 8th Place 1
- - 9th Place 1
12 12

Overall Number of Overall Number of
Finishing people Finishing people
Position Selected Position Selected
1st Place 2 1st Place 2
2nd Place 2 2nd Place 2
3rd Place 1 3rd Place 1
4th Place - 4th Place -
5th Place - 5th Place -
6th Place - 6th Place -
7th Place - 7th Place -
8th Place - 8th Place -
- - 9th Place -
5 5


Overall Finishing Number of people
Position Selected
1st Place 3
2nd Place 3
3rd Place 2
4th Place 2
5th Place 1
6th Place 1
7th Place 1
8th Place 1

Overall Number of Overall Number of
Finishing people Finishing people
Position Selected Position Selected
1st Place 4 1st Place 4
2nd Place 3 2nd Place 3
3rd Place 3 3rd Place 2
4th Place 2 4th Place 2
5th Place 1 5th Place 1
6th Place 1 6th Place 1
7th Place 1 7th Place 1
8th Place 1 8th Place 1
- - 9th Place 1


Overall Finishing Number of people
Position Selected
1st Place 3
2nd Place 2
3rd Place 1
4th Place 1
5th Place 1
6th Place 1
7th Place 1
8th Place 1
9th Place 1

All members of crews who finish first in the Men’s and Women’s 8
crews will be selected for the ICC Team.

Rugby Union

Overall Finishing Number of people
Position Selected
1st Place 6
2nd Place 5
3rd Place 4
4th Place 4
5th Place 3
6th Place 2
7th Place 1
8th Place 1

Women’s Rugby Union 7s

Overall Finishing Number of people
Position Selected
1st Place 3
2nd Place 2
3rd Place 1
4th Place 1
5th Place 1
6th Place 1
7th Place 1
8th Place 1
9th Place 1

Overall Number of Overall Number of
Finishing people Finishing people
Position Selected Position Selected
1st Place 4 1st Place 4
2nd Place 3 2nd Place 3
3rd Place 3 3rd Place 2
4th Place 2 4th Place 2
5th Place 1 5th Place 1
6th Place 1 6th Place 1
7th Place 1 7th Place 1
8th Place 1 8th Place 1
- - 9th Place 1


All athletes who finish first in each event will be selected for the ICC
Team. All members of the winning freestyle relay team will be
selected in the ICC Team.
Table Tennis

Overall Number of Overall Number of
Finishing people Finishing people
Position Selected Position Selected
1st Place 2 1st Place 2
2nd Place 2 2nd Place 2
3rd Place 1 3rd Place 1
4th Place - 4th Place -
5th Place - 5th Place -
6th Place - 6th Place -
7th Place - 7th Place -
8th Place - 8th Place -
- 9th Place -


Overall Number of Overall Number of

Finishing people Finishing people
Position Selected Position Selected
1st Place 2 1st Place 2
2nd Place 2 2nd Place 2
3rd Place 1 3rd Place 1
4th Place - 4th Place -
5th Place - 5th Place -
6th Place - 6th Place -
7th Place - 7th Place -
8th Place - 8th Place -
- 9th Place -
Touch Football

Overall Number of Overall Number of
Finishing people Finishing people
Position Selected Position Selected
1st Place 4 1st Place 3
2nd Place 3 2nd Place 3
3rd Place 2 3rd Place 2
4th Place 1 4th Place 1
5th Place 1 5th Place 1
6th Place 1 6th Place 1
7th Place 1 7th Place 1
8th Place 1 8th Place 1
- - 9th Place 1


Overall Number of Overall Number of
Finishing people Finishing people
Position Selected Position Selected
1st Place 3 1st Place 3
2nd Place 2 2nd Place 2
3rd Place 2 3rd Place 1
4th Place 1 4th Place 1
5th Place 1 5th Place 1
6th Place 1 6th Place 1
7th Place 1 7th Place 1
8th Place 1 8th Place 1
- - 9th Place 1
6.0 End of Year ICC Awards
6.1 ICC Sport Male & Female Athlete Of
The Year

All parties to the ICC competitions understand that gender diversity

refers to a diverse range of gender expressions and identities. Anyone
can compete in ICC events in a manner which best reflects their
gender identity. Whilst we acknowledge that we have work to do in this
space and will consult with applicable organisations (eg National
Sporting Organisations, Pride in Sport etc) to improve our
understandings, systems and processes, at this time participants who
identify as non-binary are able to compete in the gender competition
they feel aligns best with their status, and as such are eligible for
nomination in the Athlete of the Year category that best aligns with the
gender competition they participate in throughout the year.

Male Athlete of the Year and Female Athlete of the Year will be the
person who has attained a level of excellence greater than that
achieved by their peers or whose performance has been so
exceptional that their achievements have identified them as being
clearly outstanding from their peers in connection with the selection

Selection Criteria
• To be reviewed and updated in 2024. The aim is to have this
completed by mid 2024 to include both qualitative and
quantitative selection criteria.

Nominations for Male and Female Athlete of the Year are to be

completed on the College Sport ICC Award nomination form. Microsoft
form to be sent out closer to date. This will also be loaded on the UQ
Sport website closer to the date.
6.2 Spirit of ICC Sport Award
This award will be the person that has demonstrated exceptional spirit
or support during the ICC Sporting year.

Selection Criteria
• To be reviewed and updated in 2024. The aim is to have this
completed by mid 2024 to include both qualitative and
quantitative selection criteria.

6.3 ICC Cultural Student of the Year Award

This award will be the person that has demonstrated exceptional spirit
or support during the ICC Sporting year.

Selection Criteria
• To be reviewed and updated in 2024. The aim is to have this
completed by mid 2024 to include both qualitative and
quantitative selection criteria.

6.4 Award Nomination and Selection Process

At the conclusion of the ICC competitions, UQ Sport will circulate an

award nomination form to Sports / Cultural Reps (CC HoC &

The award nomination form will outline the closing date for
• Each College can only nominate one person per award
category and the nomination must be approved by the
applicable Head of College.
• Reps (College / ICC) may be nominated
• Nominations may be received by a College staff member or
elected Student Rep.
• After the closing date of nominations, UQ Sport will compile
all award nominees and circulate to the judging panel
including the closing date for votes.
• Judging panels include the UQ Sport, HoC, Deputy HoC and
ICC reps that sit in the applicable ICC Competition sub-
o Athlete of the Year (male and female): Up to 8
persons from the ICC Sports Committee (2 x Heads
of College; 2 x Deputies; 2 x ICC Reps; 2 x UQ
Sport reps).
o Cultural Student of the Year: Up to 8 persons from
the ICC Cultural Committee (2 x Heads of College; 2
x Deputies; 2 x ICC Reps; 2 x UQ Sport reps).
o Spirit of ICC: Up to 8 persons from the ICC
Community Committee (2 x Heads of College; 2 x
Deputies; 2 x ICC Reps; 2 x UQ Sport reps).
• Each Committee member gets one voting right for each
award category panel they are a part of. In the event of a
tied vote, the perpetual trophies will be jointly awarded.

7.0 Sport Rules & Emergency

Emergency Clause

As seen in 2020 and 2021 with the COVID-19 pandemic, the formats
of how College Sport is played may be forced to change to align with
government restrictions and regulations.
In the case of a local, national, or international pandemic (such as
COVID-19), or in case of a general emergency where any number of
sports may be impacted, UQ Sport, all Colleges, and the College Sport
Competition will be guided by any and all restrictions put in place by
the Queensland Government, as well as The University of

In the event where any number of sports are forced to be suspended

for any reason, UQ Sport will contact all Heads of College for their
feedback and preference on the resumption of the competition. UQ
Sport may also provide options or examples for how the competition
can be resumed.

Once the Colleges have provided feedback to UQ Sport, any

necessary changes to schedules and calendar dates will be made and
communicated to College Heads and Sport Representatives as soon
as possible.

Due to venue availability, sports may be required to be sorted into a

pools format. In the event of a pools format, Colleges will be sorted
into pools depending on where they placed in the year prior. For
example, Colleges placed 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th in 2021 will be placed
in Pool A for 2022 and Colleges placed 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th in 2021 will
be placed in Pool B for 2022.

The above pool allocations are subject to change. If a competition

starts in a round robin format and is interrupted due to an emergency
which forces a format change, the allocations may differ slightly.

In a pools format, each College will play everyone in their pool once.
After the pool games are completed, each College will play 1 finals /
crossover game to finish the competition.

The finals round for any sports played in pools shall be as follows:

1st/2nd – 1st Pool A vs. 1st Pool B

3rd/4th – 2nd Pool A vs. 2nd Pool B
5th/6th – 3rd Pool A vs. 3rd Pool B
7th/8th – 4th Pool A vs. 4th Pool B

In the case of pools having an uneven amount of teams, whichever

team places last in the pool with more teams will not play a final game.

If there is a draw at the end of any finals games, an overtime period

shall be played to determine a winner.

In the event the Emergency Clause is invoked and we move to a Pools

format, the overtime periods for each sport are:

Athletics, Rowing, Swimming – N/A

AFL – 2 x 5-minute periods with teams swapping ends at the end of
each period
Badminton – Play continues until a College wins by 2 points
Basketball – 1 x 5-minute period
Cricket – 1 x super over for each College
Hockey – Penalty shootout
Netball – 2 x 3-minute periods with teams swapping ends at the end
of each period
Men’s Rugby Union – 1 x 10-minute golden point period
Women’s Rugby 7s – 1 x 5-minute golden point period
Soccer – Penalty shootout
Tennis – Reverse doubles as outlined in Tennis rules
Table Tennis – Play continues until a College wins by 2 points
Touch Football – 1 x 2-minute period, followed by the Drop-Off
Volleyball – Play continues until a College wins by 2 points
7.1 Athletics
Genders Competing:
Male and Female College’s will compete in all Athletics events.

Minimum and Maximum Squad Numbers:

Each College may nominate 1 athlete per event. An athlete may
compete in a maximum of three individual events and any number of
relay events (5 events total).

Sports Rules:
Events shall be run according to the rules accepted by Queensland
Athletics. These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule Changes:

Not applicable

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the event.

Officials for the event:

One starter, one track judge and two field judges to be present
throughout the day.
These officials are sourced from Brisbane Athletics Officials Club.

First Aid Requirements:

Qualified First Aid attendant (Sports Trainer) to be present
throughout the carnival.

College Volunteers required:

Two volunteers per College.

They are to report to the Athletics Centre one hour prior to the first
event. Sports Representatives must ensure volunteers are present at
the appropriate time. Two people will be required throughout the
carnival but do not have to be the same people for the whole

Points system:

Men’s Individual Relays Women’s Individual Relays

Place Place
1st 8 16 1st 9 18
2nd 7 14 2nd 8 16
3rd 6 12 3rd 7 14
4th 5 10 4th 6 12
5th 4 8 5th 5 10
6th 3 6 6th 4 8
7th 2 4 7th 3 6
8th 1 2 8th 2 4
- - - 9th 1 2
Athletics Events:

100 Metres 100 Metres

200 Metres 200 Metres

400 Metres 400 Metres

800 Metres 800 Metres

1500 Metres 1500 Metres

5000 Metres 5000 Metres

4 X 100 Metres Relay 4 X 100 Metres Relay

4 X 400 Metres Relay 4 X 400 Metres Relay

Long Jump Long Jump

High Jump (start height – 1.5m) High Jump (start height – 1.2m)

Triple Jump Triple Jump

Shot Put (7.26kg) Shot Put (4kg)

Javelin (800g) Javelin (600g)

Discus (2kg) Discus (1kg)

7.2 AFL
Genders Competing:
Male and Female Colleges will compete in AFL.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

For Male Colleges, teams shall nominate a maximum squad size of
30 and a minimum squad size of 18. The minimum number of players
for teams that can be fielded at the start of play without incurring a
forfeit is 14.

For Female Colleges, teams shall nominate a maximum squad size of

20 players and a minimum squad size of 12 players. The minimum
number of players for teams that can be fielded at the start of play
without incurring a forfeit is 9.

Sport Rules:
Women’s AFL shall be run in accordance with the rules of AFL
Queensland. These rules can be found here -

Whilst Women’s AFL will be played with regular AFL rules, the
competition shall be played as 12-a-side.

Sport Specific Rule Changes:

Men’s games will be played with Men’s games will be played with 4 x
10 minute quarters with 3 minute quarter time breaks and a 10 minute
half time break.

Women’s games will be played with 4 x 8-minute quarters with 3

minute quarter time breaks and a 10 minute half time break.

No extra time playable if any match ends in a draw.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.
Officials for the Event:
To be sourced, where possible, from the UQ AFL Club and/or AFL

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.

A qualified Physiotherapist will also be onsite at all matches.

College Volunteers Required:

Each College will need to supply a boundary/goal umpire for each
game they play.

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in fixtures format, with each College playing
each other once.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.
7.3 Badminton
Genders Competing:
Male Colleges will compete in Badminton.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Two individuals from each College to be nominated to play doubles.
Minimum squad size is 2 and the maximum squad size is 4 players.
All players nominated in each team are eligible to play.

Sports Rules:
The tournament will be conducted in accordance with the Laws of
Badminton adopted by the International Badminton Federation and
the Queensland Badminton Association. These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

• Warm up time will be limited to three minutes per match.
• Local conditions: It will be a fault if, in play, the shuttle hits the
roof or other part of the hall structure
No extra time/games playable if any match ends in a draw.
Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

Players will officiate games themselves. Each captain needs to sign
off on the score sheet at the end of the match.

First Aid Requirements:

First Aid can be sought from the UQ Sport Fitness Centre Reception
Desk or from Convenor.

College Volunteers Required:

Players are required to assist in the setting up and cleaning up
process as well as scoring.
Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in Fixtures format, with each College playing
each other once.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.
7.4 Basketball
Genders Competing:
Male and Female Colleges will compete in Basketball.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College may nominate a maximum squad of 12 players and
minimum of 7 players, with five 5 on the court at any time.

The minimum number of players that can take the court at the start
of play without incurring a forfeit is 4.

Sports Rules:
Basketball shall be played according to the rules accepted by
Basketball Australia. These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

Clock will only stop for timeouts in the last minute of the 2 nd quarter
and last 2 minutes of 4th quarter.
1 minute quarter time break
3 minute half time break
If a game ends with a tie score, it will be called a draw (There will be
no overtime period).

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

Two Referees will be assigned to each game where possible.
Officials will be sourced from the state’s governing body (Basketball
Queensland), UQ Sport social sport competition; and/or the UQ
Basketball Club.

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.
College Volunteers Required:
Each College is required to provide one scorer for each game.

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Other Important Items:

Players and spectators must abide by the rules of the host venues.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in Fixtures format, with each College playing
each other once.
7.5 Cricket
Genders Competing:
Male Colleges will compete in Cricket.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College may nominate a maximum squad of 17 players and a
minimum squad of 13 players, with 11 used for each match.

The minimum number of players that can be fielded at the start of play
without incurring a forfeit is 7.

Sports Rules:
Cricket will be played in accordance with the International Cricket
Council Regulations and Guidelines. These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

• College Cricket is to be played in a Twenty20 format.
• Each team will have a maximum of 20 x 6 ball overs with no
bowler bowling more than 4 overs. Time allowed for each
match is three hours.
• No time extensions permitted.
• When a game is commenced late, the number of overs
bowled will be reduced by an amount decided between the
two captains and the umpires, using the formula of one over
per four minutes lost.
• If bad light interrupts or ends play (decided by the umpire only)
and a minimum of 16 overs have been bowled by both sides,
the match will be decided on net run rate.
• Each team shall consist of 11 players for the match. A player
may only be substituted during that match in the event of an
injury. The replacement player is not permitted to bat or bowl
(only field).
• Bowling shall be from both ends for the match. There will be
2 new balls per match - one for each team bowling.
• At all times during the match there shall be no more than 5
fielders outside the circle.
• One day rules apply to wides and bouncers - shoulder height
for bouncers and anything down leg side and out of reach for

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

Two Umpires will be assigned to each game where possible.
Officials will be sourced from the state’s governing body or the UQ
Cricket Club.

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.

College Volunteers Required:

Square leg umpires may need to be supplied from each batting

Points system:
After all games have been played, in the event of a tie, final points
shall be determined by net run rate.

If there is still a tie after sorting teams by net run rate, the game
between the Colleges that have tied shall be the tie breaker (See
example i below). If there is a tie between more than 2 Colleges, the
net run rate between the games involving the Colleges that tied will
be used as a tie breaker (See example ii below).

i. Cromwell College and St John’s College both finished on

19 points. However, Cromwell beat St John’s by 4
wickets in their game. Therefore, the winner of the
competition was Cromwell College.

ii. Cromwell College, International House, and St Leo’s

College all finished on 15 points. Cromwell scored 342
runs off 40 overs while conceding 300 runs off 38 overs;
International House scored 285 runs off 39.3 overs while
conceding 290 runs off 35 overs; St Leo’s scored 367
runs off 40 overs while conceding 301 runs off 38.5
overs. Cromwell has a net run rate of +0.7; International
House has a net run rate of -1.0; St Leo’s has a net run
rate of +1.4. In this scenario, St Leo’s finish first as they
have the highest net run rate, Cromwell would finish 2nd,
and International House would finish 3rd.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in Fixtures format, with each College playing
each other once.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.
7.6 Hockey

Genders Competing:
Male and Female Colleges will compete in Hockey.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College may nominate a maximum squad of 16 players and
minimum squad of 14 players with a maximum of 11 players on the

The minimum number of players that can be fielded without incurring

a forfeit is 7.

Sports Rules:
Hockey shall be played according to the rules accepted by Hockey
Australia. These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

The time for each half shall be 20 minutes with 5 minutes between
each half.

No Tomahawks – If the stick is flat on the ground and the range of

motion is in contact with the ground in a low sweeping motion of less
than 90 degrees turn, it will be allowed as a reverse stick tackle or
pass or shot at goal. However, if the range of motion is greater than
90 degrees, more significant speed and force will be gained and
therefore increasing the danger. If the stick starts around waist height
or above and is swung downwards to the ground to make contact with
the ball, this is counted as a tomahawk and is not allowed.

No extra time/games playable if any match ends in a draw.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.
Officials for the event:
Two Umpires will be assigned to each game where possible.
Officials will be sourced from the state’s governing body (Hockey
Queensland) and/or the UQ Hockey Club.

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.

College Volunteers Required:

Not Applicable.

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in Fixtures format with each College playing
each other once.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.
7.7 Netball
Genders Competing:
Female Colleges will compete in Netball.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College may nominate a maximum squad of 12 players and a
minimum squad of 10 players.

If a team fields 5 or 6 players, 1 player must assume the Centre

position. A team may make any number of substitutions at the quarter;
half or three-quarter time breaks as well as during stoppage due to
injury or illness. If a substitution or position change is made due to
injury or illness, the injured or ill player must be involved in the change.

Sports Rules:
Netball shall be played according to the rules of Netball Australia.
These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

4 x 10-minute quarters
1 minute quarter time break
2-minute half time break
If a game ends with a tie score, it will be called a draw (There will be
no overtime period).

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

Two Umpires are assigned to each game and will be sourced
through UQ Sport’s Social Sport Netball Competition.

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.
College Volunteers Required:
One scorer from each college to score the game.

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in Fixtures format with each College playing
each other once.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.
7.8 Rowing

Genders Competing:
Male and Female Colleges will compete in all Rowing events.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Colleges are able to nominate one crew per event.

Sports Rules:
Events shall be run according to the ICC Rules and Regulations and
those of Rowing Queensland. These can be found at

The University of Queensland Boat Club (UQBC) will oversee the

coordination and running of the rowing program.

Sport Specific Rule changes:

1. A rower who has rowed in a particular class of oars below First
Fours in any ICC Regatta in any year, and won:
a. Cannot row in a lower class in a proceeding year;
b. Cannot row in the same division if a space is available
in a crew of a higher division.

2. Any member of the VIII (eight) can row in any IV (four) as long
as this complies with rules 1.a and b above. At the ICC
Regatta, the coxswain of a crew must reside in the College of
that crew – they must not be an associate or a past College

3. A College shall only be represented by one crew in each event

awarded point in the ICC Regatta.

4. In the fifth IV event in any regatta, other than the ICC Regatta,
run under the direction of the College Rowing Committee
(CRC), or any of the Colleges, the number of the crews that
may be entered is unlimited.

5. Coxswains shall not be restricted as to weight.

6. The distances of the races shall be as follows

Men Women
Eights 2000m Eights 2000m
First Four 1500m First Four 1500m
Second Four 1250m Second Four 1250m
Third Four 1000m Third Four 1000m
Fourth Four 750m Fourth Four 750m
Fifth Four 750m Fifth Four 750m

Regatta Regulations
• All races shall be under the direction of the UQ Boat Club
(UQBC) and are subject to these regulations. All matters in
connection with the running of races shall be subject to the
approval and control of the UQBC. All doubts, questions and
disputes that may arise shall be subject to their decisions,
which shall be based on the regulations following, as far as
they will apply.
• Boat races shall be under the control of the starters, judges
and umpires appointed by the UQBC, and any matters that
they shall decide upon will be binding.
• Protests other than those concerning the first 100 metres shall
be lodged by the protesting coxswain raising his/her hand
immediately after his/her crew completes the course. The
officials on the water will consider the protest as long as the
protesting crew remains on the water.
• The UQBC may disqualify any crew who, in the opinion of the
umpire, was interfering with crews in the race.
• Boat race officials shall be appointed by the UQBC College
Rowing Coordinator. These shall consist of a starter, an
umpire and two (2) judges.
• The starter shall have crews in his/her charge from the time
five (5) minutes before the specified starting time of the race,
and he/she may disqualify any crew failing to comply with this
• The signal for the start and finish of the race shall be given by
a gun, or other equally effective signal, as may be arranged
by the strokes of the competing crews.
• The signal to stop a race shall be two (2) shots from the
Umpire/s or Starter’s gun.
• The signal that a crew is not ready to start, or has suffered an
accident, has suffered a breakage, or is making an appeal
concerning the start, shall be by a member holding his/her
hand above his/her head, within 100 metres of the start, where
the Umpire is obliged to stop the race.
• No alcohol is to be permitted in officials’ boats.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 9 days prior to the event.

Officials for the event:

UQBC will source appropriate officials through the UQBC Head
Coach of Rowing.

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.

College Volunteers Required:

The ICC Committee will be required to assist in the running of the
Points system:

MEN VIII 1st IV 2nd IV 3rd IV 4th IV 5th IV

1st 28 26 24 22 20 18
2nd 26 24 22 20 18 16
3rd 24 22 20 18 16 14
4th 22 20 18 16 14 12
5th 20 18 16 14 12 10
6th 18 16 14 12 10 8
7th 16 14 12 10 8 6
8th 14 12 10 8 6 4

WOMEN VIII 1st IV 2nd IV 3rd IV 4th IV 5th IV

1st 28 26 24 22 20 18
2nd 26 24 22 20 18 16
3rd 24 22 20 18 16 14
4th 22 20 18 16 14 12
5th 20 18 16 14 12 10
6th 18 16 14 12 10 8
7th 16 14 12 10 8 6
8th 14 12 10 8 6 4
9th 12 10 8 6 4 2

Other Important Items:

UQ Sport DOES NOT organise or administer each Colleges individual

1. The Inter-College Rowing competition shall comprise of Lead-Up

regattas and an ICC Regatta, as approved annually by the
Heads of College.
2. For the ICC Regatta, the ICC must provide the following oars,
and it will be the ICC’s responsibility to bring them to the regatta:
o Overall Men’s Oar
o Overall Women’s Oar
o Men’s VIII Oar
o Women’s First IV/VIII Oar
3. For Lead-Up Regattas, each hosting College must provide the
following oars for each gender applicable to their College, and it
will be the hosting Colleges responsibility to bring them to the
o Overall Men’s Oar
o Overall Women’s Oar
o Men’s VIII Oar
o Women’s First IV/VIII Oar

For example:
St. John’s College, which has both male and female residents, will be
required to provide all four oars as outlined above. St Leo’s College,
which only has male residents, will only be required to provide the
Overall Men’s and Men’s VIII Oars.

4. For both Lead-Up and ICC Regattas, the Men’s and Women’s
Overall Oars will be awarded to the College with the highest point
score in the Men’s and Women’s competitions respectively. In the
case of a draw (if two or more Colleges have the same number of
points overall) the College that receives the Overall Oars will be
the College which received the highest placing in the Men’s First
VIII race and the Women’s First IV/VIII race.
For example:
If King’s College and St. Leo’s College tie for Men’s first place at the
conclusion of a regatta, but St. Leo’s came 2nd and King’s came 3rd in
the Men’s First VIII race, the Overall Oar will be awarded to St. Leo’s
College. If Duchesne College and Union College tie for Women’s first
place at the conclusion of a regatta, but Duchesne came 4th and Union
came 5th in the Women’s First IV race, the Overall Oar will be awarded
to Duchesne College.
5. For both Lead-Up and ICC Regattas, the Men’s VIII Oar and
Women’s First IV/VIII Oar will be awarded to the College that wins
the Men’s VIII and Women’s IV/VIII races – i.e. the fastest time in
the race. In the case of a draw (one or more crews finish in exactly
the same time), each oar will be awarded to the College with the
best result in the Men’s First IV and Women’s Second IV race. If
there was a draw in this race, the result of the Men’s Second IV
and Women’s Third IV race will be used, and so on until a winner
is determined.

6. Any College that has not hosted a regatta for two consecutive
years will have their Oars returned at the completion of the college
rowing season in that second year.
For example:
If Emmanuel College hosted a Lead-Up Regatta in 2011 but did not
host Lead-Up Regattas in 2012 & 2013, the Colleges that won the
Emmanuel College Oars in 2011 must return them to Emmanuel
College by 30 June 2013.
7.9 Rugby Union
Genders Competing:
Male Colleges will compete in Rugby Union.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College may nominate a maximum squad of up to 30 players
and a minimum squad of 25 players. Only 23 players can be used in
any given game. Unlimited substitutes are allowed.

Sports Rules:
Rugby shall be played according to the rules of the Australia Rugby
Union (ARU). These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

The time for each half shall be 35 minutes with 5 minutes between
each half.

No extra time is playable in the event of a draw at the end of a fixture.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

One Referee will be assigned to each game. Referees will be sourced
through the Queensland Rugby Union via sanctioning of the

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.

An Ambulance from the Queensland Ambulance Service will also be

onsite at all matches. The applicable Colleges will be charged the
costs of having the ambulance onsite.
College Volunteers Required:
Each College is required to provide 1 volunteer to act as a linesman
on the sidelines.

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in Fixtures format with each College playing each
other once.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.
7.10 Ruby Union 7s
Genders Competing:
Female Colleges will compete in Rugby Union 7s.

Minimum and Maximum Squad Sizes

Each College may nominate a maximum squad size of 14 players and
a minimum squad size of 10. Only 12 players can be used in any given
game. Unlimited substitutes are allowed.

Sports Rules:
Rugby shall be played according to the rules of the Australia Rugby
Union (ARU). These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule Changes

No extra time is playable in the event of a draw at the end of a fixture.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

One Referee will be assigned to each game. Referees will be sourced
through the Queensland Rugby Union via sanctioning of the

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.

An Ambulance from the Queensland Ambulance Service will also be

onsite at all matches. The applicable Colleges will be charged the
costs of having the ambulance onsite.

College Volunteers Required:

Each College is required to provide 1 volunteer to act as a linesman
on the sidelines.
Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in Fixtures format with each College playing each
other once.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.
7.11 Soccer

Genders Competing:
Male and Female Colleges will compete in Soccer.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College shall nominate a maximum squad not exceeding 18
players and minimum squad of 14 players.

Sports Rules:
Football (Soccer) shall be played according to the rules accepted by
Football Federation Queensland. These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

The time for each half shall be 20 minutes with 5 minutes at half time.

No extra time is playable in the event of a draw at the end of a fixture.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

One Referee will be assigned to each game. Where possible, officials
will be sourced from the state’s governing body or the UQ Football

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.

College Volunteers Required:

1 linesman may be required from each College.

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.
Competition Format:
This sport will be run in Fixtures format with each College playing each
other once.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.
7.12 Swimming Carnival

Genders Competing:
Male and Female Colleges will compete in the Swimming carnival.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College can nominate one athlete per event. An athlete may only
compete in a maximum of 3 individual events and any number of relay

Sports Rules:
Events shall be run according to the rules accepted by Swimming
Australia. These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

UQ Sport will devise a program for the carnival and forward it one
week prior to the event.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the event.

Officials for the event:

Where applicable, officials will be sought from the state’s governing

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) and lifeguard must be
present during the event duration.

College Volunteers Required:

Each College is to nominate up to 3 volunteers for the night for
marshalling, timekeeping, and results.
Points system:

Men’s Individual Relays Women’s Individual Relays

Place Place
1st 8 16 1st 9 18
2nd 7 14 2nd 8 16
3rd 6 12 3rd 7 14
4th 5 10 4th 6 12
5th 4 8 5th 5 10
6th 3 6 6th 4 8
7th 2 4 7th 3 6
8th 1 2 8th 2 4
- - - 9th 1 2

Other Important Items:

• Competitors must be ready in the marshalling area 2 races

prior to their race or they will be disqualified.
• Any changes to the nominations for a race must be given to
the scoring table and Marshall at least 2 races in advance.
• Each College is responsible for cleaning their area before
leaving the pool on conclusion of the carnival.
• Queensland Swimming rules will apply (i.e. after two false
starts by anyone, the third will be informed of the
disqualification at the end of the race).
• No body paint is allowed.
Swimming Events:


50m freestyle 50m freestyle

50m backstroke 50m backstroke

50m butterfly 50m butterfly

50m breaststroke 50m breaststroke

100m freestyle 100m freestyle

200m freestyle 200m freestyle

200m individual medley 200m individual medley

4 x 50m medley relay 4 x 50m medley relay

4 x 50m freestyle relay (A) 4 x 50m freestyle relay (A)

4 x 50m freestyle relay (B) 4 x 50m freestyle relay (B)

7.13 Tennis

Genders Competing:
Female Colleges will compete in Tennis.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College can nominate a maximum squad size of 6 players and
a minimum squad of 4 players. Each team will be represented by 4
players, which shall constitute 2 doubles pairs.

Sports Rules:
Tennis shall be played according to the rules set by Tennis Australia.
These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule Changes:

Each College shall be represented by 4 players who shall constitute 2
doubles pairs. Each player shall play one set of singles against an
opposing player and each doubles pair shall play one set against the
opposing doubles pair. Sets where necessary are to be decided with
a tie breaker.

Players are ranked 1 – 4. If you are player 1 or 2 you must play doubles
in the 1/2 doubles game and if you are player 3 or 4 you must play in
the 3/4 doubles match unless agreed by both colleges to mix numbers.

Victory shall be decided first on games and then on sets

If there is a tie in sets and games after 4 singles games and 2 doubles
games have been played (3 games each, 36 sets each), reverse
doubles shall be played. Note that both games and sets must be
tied for reverse doubles to be played.
In the case of a tie break:
A player who first wins 7 points shall win the game and set provided
they lead by a margin of 2 points. If the score reaches 6 points all, the
game shall be extended until this margin has been achieved.
Numerical scoring shall be used throughout the tie break game.

In singles, the player whose turn it is to serve shall be the server for
the first point. Their opponent shall be the server for the second and
third points, and thereafter each player shall serve alternatively for two
consecutive points, until the winner of the game and set has been

In doubles the player whose turn it is to serve shall be the server for
the first point. Thereafter each player shall serve in rotation for two
points in the same order as previously in that set until the winners of
the game and set have been decided.

From the first serve, each point shall be delivered alternatively from
the right and left courts beginning from the right court.

Players shall change ends after every 6 games and at the conclusion
of the tie break game.

The player (or pair in the case of doubles) who served first in the tie
break game shall receive service in the first game of the following set.

One can of new balls will be given PRIOR to EACH FIXTURE. No new
balls will be given during the games.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

Players will officiate games themselves. Each captain needs to sign
off on the score sheet at the end of the match.
First Aid Requirements:
First Aid can be sought from the UQ Sport Tennis Centre Reception
Desk or UQ Sport convenor.

College Volunteers Required:

None required

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Other Important Items:

Players and spectators must abide by the rules of the Tennis Centre.
Balls will be provided by UQ Sport and must be returned upon match

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in Fixtures format with each College playing each
other once.
7.14 Table Tennis

Genders Competing:
Female Colleges will compete in Table Tennis.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College can nominate a maximum squad size of 4 players and
minimum squad size of 3 players. Each team shall be represented by
4 players, however only 3 players will play in each fixture.

Sports Rules:
Table Tennis shall be played according to the rules accepted by Table
Tennis Australia. These can be found at

There will be 3 singles matches, played by 3 individual players, in a

fixture during the pools phase of the competition. Matches are played
in a best of 5 set format, with each set going to 11 points. Players must
win each set by 2 points.

Sport Specific Rule changes:

1. Matches are best of 5 games, played to 11 points.
2. After deciding the serve, each player will serve 2 points each.
3. If a player serves a net ball (let serve), the point is replayed.
(There are no limits to the number of let serves)
4. The server in singles can serve anywhere
5. You will lose the point if; you volley the ball while it’s above
the table surface; you move the table or touch it with your free
hand during a rally; you touch the net or post (including
clothing); you hit the ball twice in succession; your shot hits
the wall, ceiling or misses your opponent’s side of the table
6. Change ends of the table after each game.
7. The player who serves at the beginning of a game is the
receiver at the beginning of the next game.
8. After the first player scores the 5th point in the final game of
the match, change ends. If you forget to change at 5, then
change as soon as you realize it.
9. If your opponent distracts you by talking or yelling while the
ball is in play, play a let.
10. At 10-10, the score is called "Deuce". A player must then win
by 2 points. Alternate serves until one player has a 2-point

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

The UQ Table Tennis Club will provide assistance for matches.

First Aid Requirements:

First Aid can be sought from the UQ Sport Fitness Centre Reception
Desk or UQ Sport Convenor.

College Volunteers Required:

Each College will be required to provide a scorer for the games.

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in fixtures format with each College playing each
other once.

Other Important Items:

Players and spectators must abide by the rules of the host venue.
Balls and table tennis paddles will be provided by UQ Sport.
7.15 Touch Football

Genders Competing:
Male and Female Colleges will compete in Touch Football.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College shall nominate a maximum squad of 20 players and a
minimum squad of 8 players. For each day of the competition, each
College may only play a maximum of 14 players, with 6 players on the
field at any one time.

Sports Rules:
Touch Football shall be played according to the rules of Touch
Football Australia. These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

The game shall consist of 2 x 15-minute halves, with a 5 minute break
at half time.

No extra time/drops offs are playable in the event of a draw at the end
of a fixture.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.

Officials for the event:

Two Referees will be assigned to each game. Where possible, officials
will be sourced from the state’s governing body or the UQ Touch
Football Club.

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.
College Volunteers Required:
Not Applicable.

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run as a fixture format over one weekend, with each
College playing each other once.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.
7.16 Volleyball

Genders Competing:
Male and Female Colleges will compete in Volleyball.

Minimum and Maximum Squad sizes:

Each College shall nominate a maximum squad of 12 players and a
minimum squad of 7 players, with 6 players on the court at any one

Sports Rules:
Volleyball shall be run according to the rules of Volleyball Australia.
These can be found at

Sport Specific Rule changes:

1. Matches will be the best of 3 sets, the first 2 sets to 25 and
the 3rd to 15.

2. Each match shall have a time limit of 50 minutes. If a game

is incomplete at the end of time it is ruled as follows:

a. The game will be awarded to the team which is:

i. At least 2 points in front, and
ii. Greater than or equal to 8 points.

b. If these two conditions are not met, the game shall

continue until both conditions are met.

Nominations Due:
No later than 5pm, 7 days prior to the first week of fixtures.
Officials for the event:
One Referee will be assigned to each game. Where possible, officials
will be sourced from the state’s governing body or the UQ Volleyball

First Aid Requirements:

An accredited First Aid person (Sports Trainer) must be present
during all matches.

College Volunteers Required:

Not Applicable.

Points system:
See aforementioned points system outlined in clause 1.1.

Other Important Items:

Not Applicable.

Competition Format:
This sport will be run in a fixtures format, with each College playing
each other once.
8.0 Appendices
8.1 Customer Incident Reports
This Customer Incident Report form is used to report any injury,
illness, incident or near miss which occurs in a UQ Sport venue, or
which arises as a result of UQ Sport activities.
The form is designed to be used in any situation where an injury,
illness, incident or near miss has occurred.
In the case of fatalities, serious bodily injury, illness or a
dangerous event, after completing any emergency action
required, details of the accident must be provided without delay
to the Director of Occupational Health & Safety (Ext. 52365) and
the Chief Executive Officer of UQ Sport (3365 6612).
All Customer Incident Report Forms MUST be completed at game
time or at the time of the injury or incident.
All forms then need to be handed to the Competitions Coordinator
within 24 hours of the incident.
From 2024, Incident Report forms are digital and can be found here or
via the QR code on the following page.
8.2 Weighted Shields
The Weighted shields are currently calculated by the ICC points a
College earned divided by the total number of students at the College.
E.g. In 2019, St John’s Women ICC Points equalled 83 and they had
138 females at College. To calculate their percentage, the sum
would be as follows:
83 𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠
= 0.601
138 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠

Please note that the awarding of the Weighted Shield may change in
2024 so that the overall ICC Cup winner cannot also win the Weighted
Shield. Once confirmed, update info will be circulated.
8.3 Sports Rotations: 2024-2026
2024 2025 2026
Swimming Swimming Swimming
Athletics Athletics Athletics
Basketball Basketball Basketball
Hockey Hockey Hockey
Football Football Football
Touch Football Touch Football Touch Football
Rugby Union Rugby Union Rugby Union
Rowing Rowing Rowing
Cricket Cricket Cricket
Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball
Badminton* Table Tennis* Tennis*
Table Tennis* Tennis* Badminton*
2024 2025 2026
Swimming Swimming Swimming
Athletics Athletics Athletics
Basketball Basketball Basketball
Hockey Hockey Hockey
Football Football Football
Touch Football Touch Football Touch Football
Rugby 7s Rugby 7s Rugby 7s
Rowing Rowing Rowing
Netball Netball Netball
AFL 12s AFL 12s AFL 12s
Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball
Tennis* Badminton* Table Tennis*
Table Tennis* Tennis* Badminton*
*Rotation sports

Thirteen sports contested each year.

As at January 2024 –Number of sports to count for points = Top 10

from each College.
UQ Sport
ABN 135 537 183

The University of Queensland

Building 25, Union Road,
St Lucia QLD 4067

T (07) 3365 6612

[email protected]

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