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CUT frequently asked Questions

The CUT ICT Helpdesk personnel are an amiable team of multi-skilled experts who
are dedicated to availing a spectrum of technical support services that enable users
to configure their ICT equipment so that it connects safely, effectively and efficiently
to the CUT network. The CUT Helpdesk consultants assist students, staff; and third
parties; alike in a variety of support related aspects like managing password
changes, providing basic Windows support, as well as hardware troubleshooting.
The CUT ICT Helpdesk Office is conveniently located right at the centre of the ICT
Building block.

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 08h00 - 16h30 and Fridays 08h00 - 15h30.
Table of Contents
1.0 Before you apply 4
1.2 How do I increase my chances of being accepted at CUT? 4
1.2.1 Normal 4
1.2.2 Mature 4
1.2.3 Special 5
1.3 Can I apply to CUT while completing A level? 5
1.4 Where would I find undergraduate programs and criteria for admission to CUT? 6
1.5 Where can I find information about the undergraduate degree programmes? 9
1.6 How do I apply to CUT? 9
2.0 Application Process 11
2.1 Where can I obtain an application form? 11
2.2 Where can I get help in completing my application form? 12
2.3 How many programmes can I apply for? 12
2.4 Where can I find more information about what I can study at CUT? 13
2.5 Once I have completed my application, can I still make changes to my programme selection?13
2.6 How do I know if my application is complete? 14
2.7 I have submitted my application, but my application status has not changed. Why is that? 14
2.8 Do I need to send my final school-leaving results to CUT? 14
2.9 How do I pay the application fee? 15
2.10 How do I track my application? 15
2.11 How do I know my application was successful? 16
2.12 I am an applicant for admission in 2021, but I have decided to take a gap year in 2021. What
do I do now? 16
2.13 Where can I find out about the cost of study at CUT? 17
2.14 Am I able to cancel my application? 17
2.15 I can’t view my offer letter. The system tells me that it is not ready for printing. Why? 17
2.16 The status reads ACCEPTED, my registration number does not appear and if I try to accept
and reset my password a message reading 18
2.17 Where can I find out about the cost of study at CUT? 20
2.18 Am I able to cancel my application? 20
3.0 Admissions 21
3.1What is a conditional offer and for how long is it valid? 21
3.2 When will I receive a final decision from CUT? 21
3.3 Do I receive a housing offer with a CUT acceptance letter? 21
3.4 How is my offer valid? 21
Table of Figures
Figure 1.1: Online Application 4
Figure 1.2: Click Here 5
Figure 1.3: Click Undergraduate 6
Figure 1.4: Click Schools 7
Figure 1.5: Click Departments 7
Figure 1.6: Choose Department 8
Figure 1.7: Entry requirements, duration and degree code. 9
Figure 1.8: Click Now 9
Figure 1.9: Click Create Account 10
Figure 1.9: Click Create Account 10
Figure 2.1: Admissions (for application forms) 11
Figure 2.2: Application forms 12
Figure 2.3 Five year period program 13
Figure 2.4 Programs 14
Figure 2.5: Application Progress Bar 15
Figure 2.6: Payment Format 16
Figure 2.7 Track application 16
Figure 2.8 Track your application 17
Figure 2.9: Applicant not viewing offer letter 18
Figure 2.10: Application Status 20
1.0 Before you apply

1.2 How do I increase my chances of being accepted at CUT?

You should satisfy the following requirements for admission:

Figure 1.1: Online Application

1.2.1 Normal Entry

● You should basically be in possession of 5 Ordinary Level passes, including

Mathematics and English (or equivalents).
● You should have relevant subject passes at Advanced level as required by the
programme you desire to enrol for.
1.2.2 Mature Entry

● Mature entry is considered for persons who are at least 25 years for males and 23
years for females
● Should have completed their full-time or college education at least five years prior to
the first academic year at CUT
● Be in possession of 5 Ordinary Level passes, including Mathematics and English (or
● Should have relevant work experience or relevant attainments.
● If tested, you should impress to gain acceptance
● Interviews will increase your chances of selection if your performance satisfies the
1.2.3 Special Entry

● 5 Ordinary Level passes, including Mathematics and English (or equivalents).

● A holder of at least a National Diploma or equivalent qualifications, depending on the
discipline applied for
● If tested, you should impress to gain acceptance
● Interviews will increase your chances of selection if your performance satisfies the

1.3 Can I apply to CUT while completing A level?

Figure 1.2: Click Here

Pre-application shows that the prospective candidate loves our institution and this is
greatly appreciated. All the same, admission into the desired programme is
determined by submission of the student results after successful completion of the
qualifying studies being undertaken. Upon application, the system requests you to
submit your qualification which, if not sent in full, will have you being rejected. As
such, for the avoidance of regrets and the discomforts the cause, pre-application is
generally not encouraged.

1.4 Where would I find undergraduate programmes and criteria for admission to CUT?
Figure 1.3: Click Undergraduate

On the Home page, under Browse Programs, click on undergraduate to go to
the next page, where you will view a drop down menu of all the undergraduate
programmes, then select a programme of your choice. You can as well click on
any school of your choice under Schools for further checks. This will take you to
the next page, as demonstrated below:-

Figure 1.4: Click Schools

After clicking on Schools, the window appears. Click on DEPARTMENTS to view the
programmes under a particular department.

Figure 1.5: Click Departments

After clicking on DEPARTMENTS, click on any department of your choice,

programmes for that department will be listed as shown in figure 1.6. See highlight
in green. Note: this applies to any department that you click on.

Figure 1.6: Choose Department

Click on the programme of your choice and you will be taken to the next page that
will inform you of the entry requirements for that particular programme. See
highlighted area in the diagram below. Choose your mode of entry to view specific
requirements, depending on your qualifications and preferred discipline.
Figure 1.7: Entry requirements, duration and degree code.

1.5 Where can I find information about the undergraduate degree programmes?
As explained above.

1.6 How do I apply to CUT?

Figure 1.8: Click Now

On the Home page, click either of the two highlighted blue buttons to go to the next
page shown below.
Figure 1.9: Click Create Account

On the far right hand corner of the top menu bar, click on the Create Account icon
highlighted on Figure 1.9 to go to the next page as shown below.

Figure 1.9: Click Create Account

Fill in the form as shown above, following the prompts and instructions. Note that all
fields marked with asterisks (*) should not be left blank. The application check bar
indicates the progress of your application. On completion of your application (that is
on the tenth notch); you are required to submit your application.
2.0 Application Process
2.1 Where can I obtain an application form?


On the home page, click on Admissions ( ) to get to the next page, where
you will get the application forms for your desired programme.

Figure 2.1: Admissions (for application forms)

On the window below, the red highlighted box shows various application forms for
all programmes; Click on the desired programme, and the respective form will be

Figure 2.2: Application forms

2.2 Where can I get help in completing my application form?

The admissions department is there to help all our students with issues pertaining to
applications for entry into the university’s learning programmes. They can be
contacted on (+263) 067 22203-5 and 29435.

067 – 22203-5 and 22203-5 and 29435

2.3 How many programmes can I apply for?

A student is obliged to apply for one programme of his/her choice which runs for
either four or five years, depending on respective programme duration. See example

Some Engineering programmes are five years long.

Figure 2.3 An example of a Five year programme

2.4 Where can I find more information about what I can study at CUT?

On the home page, click on admissions and view all programmes offered under each

Figure 2.4 Programmes

2.5 Once I have completed my application, can I still make changes to my programme

For as long as your qualifications meet the specified entry requirements for any
desired programme, you are allowed to change to a preferred alternative choice.

2.6 How do I know if my application is complete?

During an online application, each stage that you complete gets marked and upon
completion of all stages, you are prompted to submit your application. See the
application progress check bar below.

Figure 2.5: Application Progress Bar

2.7 I have submitted my application, but my application status has not changed. Why
is that so?”

You might be in the waiting period of your application, pending approval of your
programme of choice. Otherwise, you can get in touch with the admissions office to
enquire on progress.

2.8 Do I need to send my final school-leaving results to CUT?

After scanning your certified school results or certificate copies, send them to
admissions for programme offering consideration.

2.9 How do I pay the application fee?

The application fee is payable to the bank by whatever payment mode agreeable
with the bank, as long as it suffices the amount required by CUT, and as long as
clearly referenced and traceable proof of payment is availed. You can pay using the
following account numbers:

ZB Bank A/c number 4565386395-200 For ZWL$ and 4565386395-410 For US$
(Chinhoyi branch).

CBZ Bank A/c number 098214660210054 For ZWL$ and 09821460210084 For US$
(Chinhoyi branch).

Figure 2.6: Payment Format

These are the bank accounts for application fees payment.

2.10 How do I track my application?

You track your application through the CUT website by clicking on the blinking blue
button captioned “click here”. See figure below:-

Figure 2.7 Track application

After clicking the above button the application tracking window appears, where you
are required to enter your ID Number.

Figure 2.8 Track your application

2.11 How do I know my application was successful?

After you have completed your application, you are given an applicant number that
appears as the first filed on your application form. When you make a follow up using
your ID number (tracking), you will observe that you are requested to accept the
offer and to also view how you would pay your fees.

2.12 I am an applicant for admission in 2021, but I have decided to take a gap year in
2021. What do I do now?

In this case you should inform the registry about your waiver, for as long as you
have registered and been given a student number. You inform them in writing for
reference purposes.

2.13 Where can I find out about the cost of study at CUT?

We encourage students to phone bursary for fee structures.

2.14 Am I able to cancel my application?

Yes, but the application fee is non-refundable.

2.15 I can’t view my offer letter. The system tells me that it is not ready for printing.

The applicant number shows, but it cannot access the offer letter, as shown below. This
problem is ordinarily caused by the applicant having captured a programme’s code and
narration wrongly, hence failing to sync with the new Education 5.0 compliant programme
specifications. All new applicants should make sure that they appropriately capture their
programme code and narration.
Figure 2.9: Applicant not viewing offer letter


The applicant should phone registry for assistance.

2.16 The status reads ACCEPTED, my registration number does not appear and if I try
to accept and reset my password, I get a message reading
Applicant not found, please verify if the national ID is correct and try again. What do I do?

Figure 2.10: Application Status

1. You might be using a password different from the one you used during application.
2. The problem is caused by having done two applications, with the other left
incomplete, hence confusing the system.
3. The applicant might have wrongly captured his/her identity numbers, such that when
tracking the application there will be a mismatch, hence the problem.


Check with the registry if your details were captured correctly. If your date of birth or
identity number (ID) were incorrectly captured, the system will not locate your
application due to data mismatch.
2.17 Where can I find out about the cost of study at CUT?


You can phone the bursary for full information on fees and other modalities with
financial implications, for example accommodation.

3.0 Admissions
3.1What is a conditional offer and for how long is it valid?


Conditional offer implies that the university will have offered you a place such that you
can enrol and pay your fees within the stipulated period, failure of which the offer will
lapse. Precisely, the offer is valid until the day lectures start.

3.2 When will I receive a final decision from CUT?


If your qualifications meet the requirements of your desired programme, the maximum
period of time within which you should get a response is two weeks.

3.3 Do I receive a housing offer with a CUT acceptance letter?


A CUT acceptance letter signifies that you have been offered a place to study
and ordinarily, accommodation preference is given to all 1.1 students.

3.4 For how long is my offer valid?


The offer is valid for two consecutive semesters.

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