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Professional Practice Management Plan

APEGA permit holders are required to develop and follow a Professional Practice Management Plan (PPMP) that is appropriate to their
professional practice. This resource is a quick-reference guide to the required components of a PPMP. The practice standard Professional Practice
Management Plan outlines the detailed requirements for permit holders, Responsible Members, and licensed professionals to meet the intent of
the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act and the General Regulation to protect the public.

What is a PPMP? Who is responsible for a PPMP?

A PPMP describes the corporate policies, A permit holder must assign a senior officer to be accountable
procedures, and systems used to ensure for its compliance to APEGA’s Permit to Practice requirements.
organizations and licensed professionals practising The senior officer assigns Responsible Members who have a
engineering, geoscience, or both maintain responsibility to maintain and implement a current PPMP. A full
appropriate standards of professional practice.
PPMP description of the responsibilities and obligations of permit holders, RM RM

It is a management and communication tool that Responsible Members, and licensed professionals is outlined in
helps permit holders effectively plan, execute, and the practice standard Professional Practice Management Plan,
manage the quality control and assurance of their available at
professional engineering or geoscience practices.
Policies PPMP Quick Reference Guide
PPMP Overview
Each PPMP must contain nine parts. PPMPs This reference guide summarizes the key content required for each PPMP section. It does
must be clearly written and describe the Procedures not replace the standard, which describes in full the information required in a PPMP. These
processes designed to support the permit symbols flag areas where it may be helpful to review details, minimum requirements, or full
holder’s professional practice. PPMPs may vary lists outlined in sections from one of the following practice standards or guideline:
considerably in complexity, detail, and content
depending on the size of the permit holder Systems PPMP Professional Practice Management Plan
and the nature and scope of its professional
APWP Authenticating Professional Work Products
practice. PPMPs do not need to duplicate existing
documentation and may refer to or link to Relying on the Work of Others and Outsourcing
supporting documentation.
EP Ethical Practice

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Professional Practice Management Plan Requirements
Part one Part two Part three
General Information Ethical Practice Professional Business Practice


Must include the following components: Must include or reference: Must include or reference policies or procedures to
demonstrate or define:
PPMP declaration, signed annually by the senior Permit holder’s code of ethics, which must be
officer and the Responsible Member(s), to certify a consistent with the Code of Ethics Quality control and assurance systems related to
PPMP’s approval and acceptance its professional practice
Other policies or procedures that ensure ethical
PPMP revision history practice in the professions PPMP includes minimum requirements

Permit holder information EP includes APEGA Code of Ethics How the permit holder executes engineering- or
geoscience-related projects
PPMP objective that demonstrates commitment to
responsible and ethical practice PPMP includes minimum requirements

Definitions for terms, acronyms, and abbreviations

List of internal and external documents and references
Processes specific to how PPMP annual reviews are
conducted and documented

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Professional Practice Management Plan Requirements
Part four Part five Part six
Authentication and Validation Relying on the Work of Others Organization and Roles
and Outsourcing

Name Name
P.Geo. P.Eng.
Name Name
P.Geo. P.Eng.
Student Student

Must include or reference policies or procedures to Must include or reference policies or procedures to Must include or reference the following that
demonstrate or define: demonstrate or define: demonstrate or define:
The nature of the permit holder’s professional work products How PWPs created by individuals not licensed by How reserved titles are managed
(PWPs), including format (physical, electronic, or digital) APEGA are authenticated
The organizational structure, including supervision,
The types of PWPs created and used The process for managing the outsourcing decision-making authority, and professional oversight
Outputs produced but not authenticated of professional services to APEGA licensed PPMP provides detailed information
The authentication and validation process professionals or permit holders
A list, database, or organizational chart with all
The process for creating an outsourcing plan when individuals involved in the practice of engineering
How revisions to previously authenticated PWPs are or geoscience
managed outsourcing professional services to entities not
The authentication and validation of changes made licensed by APEGA PPMP lists required data fields
during continuous operations ROWOO provides detailed information
The process to control and secure APEGA stamps
APWP provides detailed information

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Professional Practice Management Plan Requirements
Part seven Part eight Part nine
Management of Professional Resources Management of Technical Resources Professional Services Output

Must include or reference policies or procedures Must include or reference policies or procedures to Must include or reference policies or procedures to
to ensure: demonstrate or define how: demonstrate or define how:
Qualified and competent individuals are Licensed professionals access current reference Original PWPs and copies are marked,
selected during recruitment resources controlled, and retained
Continued competence and qualifications of PPMP provides minimum requirements Revisions and transmittals of documents and
licensed professionals PWPs are handled
Risks associated with information technology and
Members-in-training and others are security are mitigated PWPs are managed, shared, retained, and
supervised and trained appropriately safely stored and disposed of
Equipment and tools used to provide professional
services are operated, maintained, and calibrated APWP provides detailed information
PPMP lists equipment and tools

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